ANTHONY MARR: The Methane Bomb Will Wipe Out All Life as We Know it

“Now everyone needs to be an activist!”

If you think the Hydrogen Bomb is bad, wait until you hear about the Methane Bomb


UNFETTERED INDUSTRIALISMPHOTO: Anthony Marr during his presentation in New Jersey, July 5th (2010) [CREDIT: Carol Davis].



The oil addiction is killing the world (but we know that, you say)

While global warming, per se, has already caused innumerable problems and victimized countless creatures in areas of the planet where their normal habitats have begun to disappear—notably the oceans and the arctic and antarctic zones, plus low-lying areas such as Bangla Desh—global heating, once triggered, is liable to be thousands if not millions of times worse, and proceed at a much faster pace.

was recently brought home to me by ANTHONY MARR, a physicist by training, and a  longtime environmental and animal defense activist, at a lecture I attended in New Jersey during Marr’s North American tour expressly undertaken to mobilize publics across the continent. The video (see above) is eloquent enough so I will not belabor its central points here. Suffice it to say that this is no Chicken Little exercise and the threat is all too real. In fact the “threat” to our civilization posed by retail terrorists such as Al-Qaida and their ilk, who supposedly soak up so much of our ruling elites’ time, national treasure, military lives, and mindspace, is ludicrous by comparison, with the only point of congruency being that both Al-Qaida and the Methane Bomb were created by the same plutocracy’s policies of constant war, criminal meddling in other nations’ affairs, and self-enrichment at all costs (literally).

The tipping points are subterranean, invisible, until it’s too late.

http:/, so we don’t need to spend time here analyzing that aspect of the problem. Just do a search with “media” or “corporate media” as your string, and a lot of articles will pop up. As well, visit Cyrano’s special section, THE CRIMINAL MEDIA (, for a quick start-up curriculum on the topic. What you need to know can be encapsulated in just a few points: