Liberated Libya Rejects US Intervention {VIDEO}



The Real News Network (TRNN)


JIHAN HAFIZ, BENGHAZI, LIBYA: There is already talk of US military intervention in Libya. Here in Benghazi, Libyans overwhelmingly reject this possibility.

UNIDENTIFIED (SUBTITLED TRANSLATION): You need to understand there are political issues going on in Libya now. The entire Libyan population is insisting against US intervention or any involvement of foreign powers within Libya.

HAFIZ: The residents of Benghazi criticized leaders who have maintained good relations with Gaddafi even after the bloodshed, from Europe to Latin America.

TEXT ON SCREEN: Berlusconi, your friend is a tyrant dictator.

UNIDENTIFIED: South America actually know probably even more than the Middle East and North Africa what dictatorship is, so we advised them to really be cautious about what they hear from their leader.

HAFIZ: Meanwhile, the rebels celebrated a new-found unity with Arab nations. They raised the flags of Egypt, Tunisia, and Palestine.

TEXT ON SCREEN: We support the Libyan people and the 17th of February Revolution. Long live a free and independent Libya!

HAFIZ: This truck coming from Egypt is loaded with donated food, 16 tons of pasta, rice, oil, and sugar. Inspired by Arab revolts in neighboring Egypt and Tunisia, the Libyan people here are welcoming this food convoy from Egypt.

CROWD: The Egyptians have arrived!