Obama Won’t Veto the Defense Authorization Act: Welcome to Fascism with a Presidential Façade


Current TV’s host Cenk Uygur is one of the few (perhaps the only) major media figures denouncing in no uncertain terms the abomination bound to be signed into law by Obama, but the latest betrayal of the Constitution brought to the floor of the Senate at his behest. (Watch Carl Levin (D) admit this much). The rest of the media herd, as usual, is reporting this truly historical news without much comment, as a “bipartisan” measure. Which I suppose in their sellout, manure-filled brains, makes this sneak attack on American liberties alright. 

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In this edition, Cenk starts off the show hammering the Defense Authorization Act, which — if signed by Barack Obama — will allow the military broad powers to act within the U.S. against American citizens, and wipe out the protections of the posse comitatus precisely forbidding such abuses. “Where’s everybody outraged about this, that they’re gutting the Constitution before our eyes?” Cenk asks. “Where is that legendary tea party that claims that they care so much about the Constitution? Where are you?”  With their brains ever more addled by the thick fog of idiotic trivia, the multiple layers of lies dished out by the corporate media, and the endless struggle to make ends meet, the American people are in no position to respond—yet. But time will come when these outrages will be recognized for what they are and at that moment we’ll finally see if this nation’s mettle lives up to its billing.

Incidentally, in a prior post evaluating Cenk’s performance as an outspoken critic of the system we said he showed plenty of promise and sincerity, but remained trapped in the confusion that characterizes the bourgeois mind.  We see no reason to substantially alter that assessment, but we do note, with some relief, that he seems to be moving steadily left, as the system continues to insult his sense of fairness and truth with a multitude of offences every single day. —Patrice Greanville


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