Annals of the Putrid Corpomedia

D.C. Press Corps Sits on Hands as Actual Reporter Is Silenced
Labor reporter Mike Elk was physically assaulted when he asked union busters and Obama’s pal Honeywell CEO a question about radioactive releases at the Honeywell Metropolis nuclear processing plant which has locked out the USW workers to destroy the union. This intervention was also video taped. It show “democracy” in action in the USA.

Mike Elk

Posted on 06/01/2012 by Jim Naureckas, FAIR blog

For a dramatic presentation of what’s wrong with the D.C. press corps, watch as In These Times reporter Mike Elk is silenced by Honeywell goons as he tries to ask a question about a poison gas leak–and his colleagues sit quietly by, except for one who encourages the goons because Mike doesn’t have a credential from the Capitol Hill Press Club!

The two comments below sum up the situation well:

  • the woman snidely asking him to show his press credentials needs to be punched in the face. hard.

  • Once in a rare while, the facade called “freedom of the press” falls apart.

ACHTUNG! ACHTUNG! (Hmm…that got your attention, uh?)

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