PRI Regains Mexican Presidency

by Stephen Lendman

 AP headlined “Mexican elections: PRI, former ruling party, voted back into office,” saying: 

Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) candidate Enrique Pena Nieto “promis(ed) a government that will be modern, responsible and open to criticism.”

New York Times editorial headlined “Mexico Elects a New President,” saying:

“Many voters clearly felt the need for change….Nieto has a chance to restore his party’s reputation and do a lot of good for Mexico if he can deliver on his promises to make belated reforms, increase accountability and end the bloodshed.”

The Times gave Nieto op-ed space. He headlined “Mexico’s Next Chapter,” saying: 

His campaign “was about….improv(ing) economic conditions for millions of struggling Mexicans” and ending political polarization and paralysis. 

He’s committed to democracy, he said. Change no longer can be postponed, he claimed.

Mexicans know better. PRI’s history reflects a shameful legacy of subordinating populist interests to predatory capitalism, the military, and bourgeoisie privilege.

Established in 1929, it emerged from the 1910 – 1917 Mexican Revolution. During the Great Depression, class harmony and nationalist slogans co-opted workers and campesinos. Class struggles were controlled.

Revolutionary change never came. Post-war strikes were brutally repressed. In the 1980s, greater integration into global markets occurred. A new billionaire class emerged. 

London Guardian expose headlined “Spotlight falls on Televisa, Mexico’s all-powerful TV station,” saying:

Historian Andrew Paxman called Televisa “like Murdoch on steroids in the sense (it) has operated under far fewer constraints….”

“The company’s alleged use – abuse, say critics – of programming for political and commercial ends has become an explosive issue in Sunday’s election.”

White House Office of the Press Secretary release said:

“Today the President called Enrique Peña Nieto, President-elect of Mexico, to congratulate him on his victory based on the initial results issued by Mexico’s electoral authorities.”  

“The two leaders reaffirmed the close bilateral partnership the United States and Mexico enjoy based on mutual respect, shared responsibility, and the deep connections between our people.”  

“The President reiterated his commitment to working in partnership with Mexico, and looks forward to advancing common goals, including promoting democracy, economic prosperity, and security in the region and around the globe, in the coming years.”   

“The President also congratulated the Mexican people who have once again demonstrated their commitment to democratic values through a free, fair, and transparent election process.”</blockquote>

Obama acknowledged that Mexico is safe in his hands. Money power keeps control. The worst of what harms ordinary Mexicans will continue. Dire economic conditions assures hard times getting harder.

Mexico’s history reflects revolutionary outbursts every 100 years or so. In 1810 and 1910 they erupted. Perhaps another is due any time.

In 1910, Francisco Madero triggered what Emiliano Zapata Salazar led. His supporters were called Zapatistas. 

Mexicans wondered if Subcommandante Marcos was his modern incarnation. Their hopes remain unfulfilled. Indigenous struggles continue. Beneficial social change is long overdue. 

The only solution is world revolution. The best way to beat organized money is with organized people. Famed Chicago community organizer Saul Alinsky (1909 – 1972) explained.

Change depends on taking to the streets, striking, boycotting, challenging authority, disrupting business, and sustaining grassroots efforts for change. 

There is no other way. Throwing the bums out for more of the same fails every time. 

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at   His new book is titled “How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War” 

Visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

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