OPPOSE HB 6654: Do not allow black bear hunting in Connecticut!

Fill out a very short form—2 minutes tops—and you’re done.
Also, consider writing your local media, and contacting the local television channel(s).

Black bear and cub. Harmless animals, once brought to the brink of extinction, but the depraved legions are clamoring again for their blood. Don't let it happen.

Black bears are vastly harmless animals, once brought to the brink of extinction by human excess but the depraved hunting lobby, a fungus that will not die, is  clamoring again for their blood, in conjunction with their pals in the supposedly impartial wildlife administration bureaucracy. Don’t let it happen this time, or any time again. Say enough! to this criminal nonsense..—PG

Multiply Your Impact

  • Petition by Rachel Gary

    Middletown, CT

    170 avg., 


    FRIENDS 10,000 approx.


Black bears are virtually harmless, non-agressive creatures by nature. With an increase in public education regarding bear safety and proper outdoor food and garbage storage, we can reduce the incidences of black bear sightings and keep the animals safe from harm. We must learn to peacefully co-exist with our wildlife populations, not resort to killing them when we feel uncomfortable or inconvenienced by their presence.

Allowing hunters to kill these harmless animals could place the species on the brink of extinction in Connecticut yet again. Similar hunts allowed in other states have led to disastrous results, including the abuse of hunting privileges, and resulting in the murder of bear mothers and cubs.

Please do not allow this travesty to occur in Connecticut. Join us in telling the Governor of Connecticut and the Connecticut DEEP that we do NOT want a black bear hunt!