Blood-soaked US Has No Business Opposing Sovereignty Plebiscites

Look who’s calling voting ‘divisive’ and ‘illegal’


The rot at the core of US international affairs, domestic politics and the corporate media is evident in the American approach to the Ukraine crisis.

Just look at the freak-out from all quarters as the people of the eastern part of that country conduct, under conditions of attack and violence fomented by military units sent in by the Kiev putsch government, a peaceful plebiscite asking people to give their view as to whether they want some kind of sovereignty separating them from western Ukraine.

The official US State Department position on the balloting in Dohansk and Luhansk is that this voting effort was “illegal” and “an attempt to create further division and disorder.”

“The United States will not recognize the results of these illegal referenda,” said State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki.

The White House called the voting “illegitimate” and “illegal.”

The US has not once called the violent coup that overthrew Ukraine’s elected government illegitimate or illegal.

Indeed any violence during the voting, which appeared to actually be celebratory, came from Ukrainian troops. Even the Associated Press, which has largely been parroting the US line on separatists in eastern Ukraine, wrote:

“Although the voting in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions appeared mostly peaceful, armed men identified as members of the Ukrainian national guard opened fire on a crowd outside a town hall in Krasnoarmeisk, and an official with the region’s insurgents said people were killed. It was not clear how many.” (Actually the reporter on this story wrote that he saw the shooting, and witnessed two dead bodies as a result, so AP didn’t have to weaken the story’s authority by attributing it to “officials with the region’s insurgents+ — the latter an odd term to give to armed people working, clearly has the support of the communities, to defend them from attack by armed, uniformed thugs sent in from the Kiev regime to disrupt and kill people.)

The US corporate media have largely toed the official line, referring to the separatists in eastern Ukraine as violent when they have been in reality surprisingly restrained in the face of overt violence by military forces dispatched by Kiev. And they never mention the balloting in the east without also mentioning that the US believes that Russia is behind that effort, though in fact Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin actually angered and annoyed separatists by calling on them — unsuccessfully — to delay their voting plan. (Even that arch cold-warrior and war criminal Henry Kissinger has told CNN that it “makes no sense” to claim Putin is behind the unrest and the separatist movement in western Ukraine.)

But let’s analyze that position calling the voting “illegal.”

America has a bloody history of favoring guns over ballots when it comes to self-determination
How is a plebiscite ever illegal?

In Texas, politicians periodically call for secession from the US. Within days of President Obama’s election as president, several states, including Texas, saw petitions filed in Washington calling for secession. In 2012, there was a petition filed on the White House Website with over 119,000 signatures calling for Texas secession, according to a report on ABC news. No FBI agents or federal troops were dispatched to arrest the perps.

In fact, if I were to launch a petition drive to get a secession question on my town’s ballot, and it were placed there by the town government, it would not be illegal for the people of Upper Dublin to cast votes saying whether or not they wanted the town to secede from the union.

The same is true for a state like Texas, California, or New York City or New Hampshire — all places where there has been talk of secession at one time or another.

Of course, if a state actually tried to secede, like Scotland is now attempting to do from the United Kingdom, or like the province of Catalonia is attempting to do in Spain, it’s likely that the US would block the move, either with federal troops or, more likely, by economic threats–for example warning that secession would mean an end to transfer payments like welfare, Medicare, Social Security, education funding, etc., plus the assumption by the seceding jurisdiction of its share of the accumulated federal debt.

But it wouldn’t be “illegal” to vote on the idea.

Actually the idea of splitting up nations where there are geographically separated ethnicities that have been thrown together through geopolitics has a long history–some good, some bad. We have the division of India and Pakistan as the British abandoned colonial control of South Asia, we have the division of Czechoslovakia into two separate countries — the Czech Republic and Slovakia — and of course the fragmentation of Yugoslavia into a number of republics — Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Slovenia, Macedonia and Montenegro. And in Africa we have Sudan and Ethiopia and the breakaway province of Eritrea. We also, as I have mentioned, have votes scheduled for the possible independence of Scotland and Catalonia, we have the perennial campaign in Quebec to sever itself from English-speaking Canada, and even in the core of Western Europe, there is a strong campaign in Belgium to split into two nations, one Flemish-speaking and one French-speaking.

Clearly, it has proven to be much better when such divisions were accomplished by the ballot, as in Czechoslovakia, and as is being attempted in Scotland, Catalonia, Belgium and Quebec, rather than by force, as in India, Yugoslavia, Ethiopia or Sudan.

Judging by the historical record, the US appears to have generally favored the violent approach to separations, though–whether it has been promoting them or trying to prevent them. It is the US, after all, that imposed the post-war division of Korea into two parts that has left a legacy of over nine million dead. It is the US that also forced the post colonial division of Vietnam into two halves, and then fought a bloody war for a decade to try and keep it divided, killing over three million people in the process. The US also provided diplomatic support and over 90% of the arms that Indonesia used in brutally suppressing the independence movement in East Timor, a former Portuguese colony where a UN-sponsored plebiscite showed overwhelming support for independence from Indonesia.

Who, we should be asking ourselves and our violence-obsessed leaders in Washington, not to mention the craven editors and publishers of our leading “news” organizations, is the US to call sovereignty ballots by anyone “illegal” or “divisive”? (Who, for that matter, is the US to criticize Russia for “meddling” or creating “divisions” in Ukraine, when the US spent over $5 billion by its own admission meddiling and sowing such divisions, and ultimately supporting a coup that ousted the country’s elected goverment, turning it over to fascists dedicated to “killing Russians, Poles and Jews.”)

In a world riven by ethnic and racial strife, it would appear that letting people use the ballot to decide whether they should try and get along with their neighbors inside some often arbitrary polyglot national boundary, or as two separate nation states, is a much better approach than having them fight it out to the bitter end, usually with larger states like Russia and the US and China, all with their own selfish geopolitical and commercial interests, vying from the outside and sometimes with their own troops to influence the internal outcome of such struggles.

Voting can never be “illegal.” It is, simply put, the best way for people to express their opinions. As for being “divisive,” there’s no way that voting can be as divisive as sending in tanks, planes and drones to kill people whose opinions one particularly leader or political group doesn’t like.

Now that the bid to halt polar bear trade fails, what?

Canada joined by WWF in rebuffing efforts at Cites conference to stop hunting and commercial exploitation

Week in wildlife : Polar bears are shown in this undated photograph from UCLA

Canada argues the science does not support a ban on hunting and commercial exploitation of polar bears. Photograph: Ho/Reuters

The export of polar bear skins, teeth and paws from Canada will continue unabated after a bitter debate at the world’s biggest wildlife summit ended in defeat for a US proposal to outlaw the trade.

Using the same old morally bankrupt technique of casting doubt on the obvious, Canada, following the example of climate deniers, argues that there is no sufficient evidence to prove polar bears are in danger. 

The US, strongly supported by former cold war foe Russia, had argued that while climate change and the increasing loss of the Arctic sea ice on which polar bears hunt was the greatest threat to the 20,000 remaining in the wild, hunting was an intolerable additional pressure. The US delegation leader told the 178-nation meeting of the Convention on Trade in Endangered Species in Bangkok: “Science paints a stark future for the polar bear. An [export ban] will give the polar bear a better chance to persist in the world until we can deal with climate change.”

But Canada – home to two-thirds of the world’s polar bears and the only nation allowing exports – argued there is not enough scientific evidence to show they are in danger of population collapse. Canada says it already has strict rules to ensure hunting is sustainable, and the Canadian delegation leader has dismissed the US proposal as “based more on emotion than science”.

The result was that 38 countries voted in favour of the US proposal, with 42 against, and 46 abstaining. Some countries did not attend to vote.

Inuit delegates appealed to emotion in their own speeches. Terry Audla, president of the national organisation representing indigenous peoples of Arctic Canada, said: “A ban would affect our ability to buy the necessities of life, to clothe our children. We have to protect our means of putting food on the table and selling polar bear hides enables us to support ourselves.”

About 600 polar bears bears are killed each year in Canada, some in traditional hunts by Inuit people and some as trophies for foreign hunters. Half the bears are then exported as skins or other body parts.

The debate was acrimonious, with Audla accusing conservation groups of telling lies. Some nations complained that directly contradictory claims on how polar bear populations were faring had been put forward on each side.

The controversy also split conservation groups, with WWF supporting Canada, saying that making political decisions without enough scientific evidence would severely undermined the Cites system, which controls all wildlife trade. But others including IFAW and NRDC said the science was clear that two-thirds of the 20,000-25,000 existing polar bears would be extinct by 2050.

Most nations accept that the polar bear population is declining. But Cites rules require the projected decline to be more than 50% over three generations – 45 years in the polar bear case. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature, an official adviser on science to Cites, said it was most likely polar bear populations would decline by 30% in the next 45 years and noted other predictions were more extreme.

“The world has once again had a chance to take action to safeguard polar bears and failed,” said Jeffrey Flocken, North America director for the International Fund for Animal Welfare. “Each year that this iconic species is not protected to the fullest is another year closer to losing the polar bear forever.”

Some delegates, from both nations supporting and opposing the ban, suggested the US move had been to compensate for a perceived lack of action on climate change in other areas and to help raise awareness of global warming with a sceptical US public. Audla said: “The US is using the polar bear as a blunt tool to bring about climate change concerns – it is the perfect poster child.”

Sarah Uhlemann, an attorney with the Center for Biological Diversity, said the US should take unilateral action against Canada: “The world failed polar bears today. But the US has other avenues to pressure Canada to curtail its unsustainable hunt. We urge the Obama administration to act quickly to impose trade sanctions as required by US law.”

The UK, Germany and a significant number of other EU nations had supported the ban proposed by the US, but the Guardian understands that Denmark, with its historic links to Greenland, had not. This meant the EU, which votes as a bloc, abstained. Denmark broke ranks and voted no, as it is entitled to when also representing Greenland.

A spokeswoman for Greenland, which has had a voluntary ban on polar bear exports since 2008, said: “If we want to ensure the long term conservation of the polar bear, the focus should be directed to the countries which are emitters and polluters. Climate change is the real threat.”

An intended EU compromise, asking Canada to publish its export quotas and requesting Cites do an urgent review of polar bears, was opposed by both the US as being toothless and by Canada as casting doubt on its existing rules. The head of the EU delegation, Ireland’s Feargal O’Coigligh, denied the bloc’s move had caused confusion and blamed the fact that polar bears received no new protection on the “absolutist positions” take by Canada on one side and the US and Russia on the other.

Russia’s delegate, Nikita Ovsyanikov, who is a leading polar bear expert, said: “Polar bears are struggling for survival already and exposing them to hunting will drive them to extinction.”

Indian court Supreme Court bans Tamil Nadu’s traditional bullfights after animal welfare outcry

India continues to move forward, with more comprehensive legislation to protect animals because the right of an animal to remain free from harm trumps tradition.  Meanwhile in dominion nations, bullfighting and animal sacrifice are legal—protected under the guise of freedom of religion. In dominion nations religion trumps compassion, as they regress back to biblical values established in Genesis. By the way, to anticipate derisive comments: Of course there is animal abuse in India, but there is also legislation to combat it. The laws are on the side of the animals, whereas in Judeo-Christian nations the laws favor human exploiters and abusers.  India is moving forward in these regards, the USA is regressing steadily back to the values of primitive Genesis mythology.

The ban may signal the end of the jallikattu bull fighting festival in Tamil Nadu

Every year dozens of people are injured and some die during the festival in Tamil Nadu

The Indian Supreme Court has banned a version of bull fighting which has been popular for centuries in the southern state of Tamil Nadu.

Jallikattu is an annual festival in which thousands of men chase the bulls to grab prizes tied to their horns.
The court said that use of bulls in the sport “severely harmed” the animals and was an offence under the Prevention of Cruelty to the Animals Act.

Animals rights activists have described it as a “landmark” verdict.

“This is a landmark victory for animals in India. Year after year, court guidelines or laws were violated during jallikattu and bull races, and countless bulls and people have suffered and even painfully died,” a a spokesperson for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) told the Press Trust of India.

The Supreme Court had previously banned the practice in January 2008, but reversed its order four days later, saying the sport could be allowed if certain guidelines were followed.

The state government, which had appealed against the order, saying the ban hurt the sentiments of the people, assured the Supreme Court that it would follow the guidelines to make the sport safe.

In 2011, the state government introduced a law to regulate jallikattu to prevent deaths and injuries to spectators during the sport.

Every year, dozens of people are injured and some are killed during the festival. Organisers say bullfighting is a sacrosanct Indian tradition, mentioned in ancient scriptures.  They say the sport has existed for more than 2,000 years and is an integral part of Tamil culture.

‘Animals have the right to live peacefully’: Supreme Court bans Tamil Nadu’s traditional bullfights after animal welfare outcry

Harish V. Nair

Upholding animal rights and pointing out the “untold cruelty” the bovines are subjected to, the Supreme Court on Wednesday banned centuries-old Jallikattu-bullfights and bullock-cart racing- organised during festivals in Tamil Nadu and neighbouring states.

Significantly, the bench headed by Justice K.S. Radhakrishnan favoured elevating the rights of the animals to “constitutional rights”.

“The Parliament, it is expected, would elevate rights of animals to that of constitutional rights, as done by many other countries, to protect their dignity and honour,” the bench said.


Banned: Jallikattu, which includes bullfights and bullock-cart racing, is organised during festivals in Tamil Nadu and neighbouring states

The court order came on a petition filed by Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) against the judgment of Madras High Court, which allowed the sport to continue.

Besides referring to the cruelty the bullocks are made to endure, the bench also spoke about a large number of the animals getting injured and even dying during the event.

The court directed governments and AWBI to take steps to prevent the infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering on animals saying “all living creatures, including animals, have inherent dignity and a right to live peacefully and right to protect their well-being”.

Welcoming the SC order, animal rights association People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) said it is a landmark victory for animals in India.

“Year after year, court guidelines or laws were violated during Jallikattu and bull races, because of which countless bulls and people have painfully died,” Dr Manilal Valliyate, PETA India, said in a statement.

“Animal also has honour and dignity of which it cannot be arbitrarily deprived of. Its rights and privacy have to be respected and protected from unlawful attacks”, the bench said.

The apex court said organisers of Jallikattu are depriving the rights guaranteed to the bulls under Section 3 of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960.

“Sadism and perversity is writ large in the actions of the organisers of Jallikattu and the event is meant not for the wellbeing of the animal but for the pleasure and enjoyment of human beings, particularly the organisers and spectators”, the court said.

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A hallway dispute that could open up a real public debate


Obama Comes Clean as a Republican, in Both Foreign and Domestic Policies

By Eric Zuesse

It’s all-out now.
But it’s not just Obama that should come clean and be disavowed by the Democratic rank and file, but their entire leadership.  The fault is in the uniparty farce. 



Germany’s largest-circulation Sunday newspaper, Bild am Sonntag, reported, on May 11th, that 400 mercenaries from the former Blackwater private-security firm (the one that George W. Bush hired for Iraq and Afghanistan), which has now been renamed Academi, have arrived in the eastern part of Ukraine, to enforce control by the recently U.S.-installed central Ukrainian government, which is based in Kiev, in the western part of that country.

The Pakistan Defence website has the best summary, headlining “Turchynov regime apparently gets help from U.S. mercenaries” and reports: “What was first denied as irresponsible rumors and Russian propaganda by the U.S. military service turns out to be the real deal after investigation by German reporter. Der Spiegel quotes according to German newspaper ‘Bild am Sonntag,’ [saying that] Turchynov loyalist forces receive support from 400 Academi mercenaries. The German secret service has rejected to comment, but unlike its U.S. counterpart did not deny it. Washington fully recognizes the so called interim government as the new legitimate and representative ruling body of Ukraine. With armed U.S. boots on Ukrainian soil helping to crack down [against] the opposition [in the east], the conflict could escalate to international scale.”

They then say: “Widespread revolts in East Ukraine in response to the violent and controversial ursup[ation] of power by the the new self appointed Turchynov regime face a brutal crackdown by selected armed forces after the first attempt failed with many of the Ukrainian forces refusing orders to shoot at civilians, … deserting or even switching sides. Civilians went out to block the efforts and convinced the soldier with food and drinks to rest their arms. The second so called ‘anti terror’ offensive however shows signs of … zero tolerance against anyone opposing the new regime.”

The following is from the report in Der Spiegel, as auto-translated by google, under the headline “Ukrainian Army Apparently Gets Support of U.S. Mercenaries”: “400 U.S. mercenaries to fight in eastern Ukraine against the separatists. … ‘Bild am Sonntag’ [says]: The fighters come therefore from military service Academi, formerly known as Blackwater [which] … formerly passes under the name Blackwater infamous notoriety.”

Russian news report, which likewise is based upon the story in Bild, summarizes: “The acting president Alexander Turchinov shares this opinion [that Ukrainian nationals cannot be relied upon to carry out such a mission]. ‘Therefore it was decided to attract foreign mercenaries, who will serve as political police and state security protection,’ said the representative of the Security Service.”

However, this more aggressive foreign policy is not the only recent indication that President Obama is starting to pursue more overtly what are traditionally thought of as Republican Party policies.

On May 9th, Dave Jamieson at Huffington Post headlined, “Once a Walmart Boycotter, Obama Now on Cozier Terms with Retailer,” and he reported that despite the outrage from progressives, Obama is now openly on Walmart’s team, supporting the international race to the bottom in workers’ wages and benefits, for the benefit of stockholders throughout the world.

Many of the reader-comments there, were, basically, still in denial of this reality, simply because Obama continues his liberal rhetoric of “hope” and “change,” to serve as ongoing rhetorical target-practice for the more overt fascist Sarah Palin, who openly laughs at any hope and change at all, except of the fascist type: the type that says, just open the floodgates to corporate-government corruption, and “Drill, baby, drill!”

Liberals still don’t get it: they still refuse to recognize that they’ve been had, for over 5 years now, by this Manchurian Candidate, Republican Trojan Horse in the Democratic Party, conservative fox in the liberals’ chicken-coop, who pours forth liberal rhetoric (such as his favoring “equality”) while he pursues the international mega-corporate agenda, for the benefit of the aristocracy, who own practically all of the corporate stock (and that’s not even factoring in any of the estimated $21-$32 trillion of it that’s stashed away by them offshore and hidden entirely from the public but still accruing dividends and capital gains as those stock-values go up), and who serve on corporate boards and run the corporations and receive the enormous bonuses from their stock-values going up — and to hell with the workers, as their wages go down, in order to help make those stocks go up.

It took a gutsy Harry Reid in the U.S. Senate finally to say, on 29 January 2014, in effect: No more; you’re going too far; I’ve got to block you, even though you’re unfortunately now the head of our Party.

Here is one of the many reasons Reid couldn’t stomach these Obama trade deals.

But, since Obama won re-election in 2012, he no longer even needs to worry about what congressional Democrats, or any Democrats for that matter, think; and, when Republicans take over the U.S. Senate after November, as all of the polling suggests they will, Obama will have clear sailing, no longer with a leader in the U.S. Senate who was chosen by the Senate’s Democrats, but instead with a leader who will be chosen by the Senate’s Republicans. And, then, he’ll be able to do everything he wants to do, and has wanted to do all along.

Democratic voters have been taken for a ride with Obama. The end of it won’t be pretty.

After all: he’s clearly with the fascists in Ukraine, which shows (in the most raw fashion) where his heart lies. And lies. And lies.

And, even before Obama so much as first entered the White House, he was trying to wrangle John Boehner to agree to accept things he wanted to propose that Republicans had actually been fighting for under Bush when Democrats had power in Congress to block those things, but Boehner just responded, in effect: No dice, we now demand even more. Their unrelenting mantra was: We want you to be a one-term president.

And, now that Obama’s in his second term, and will soon no longer even need to pretend to be a Democrat any longer, will Democrats (whom he has merely snubbed ever since he won the White House in 2008) then be treated like the Russian-speakers in Ukraine already are, under the reign of his chosen stooges there?

Of course, that’s a rhetorical question: it’s intended only to make unequivocally clear where his heart really lies. And lies. And lies.

It’s clearly not with us. And it never actually was.

And, now, his anointed successor would be (that former member of the board of directors at Walmart) Hillary Clinton: who is even worse.

But, isn’t there a limit to how long liberals can be taken for suckers? (When they will say: “Enough — no more. No more!”)

The time has arrived for congressional Democrats to come out now publicly, while they are still in Congress, and to disown Obama, as not one of them.  Let Obama hang, by his own lies, so that their Party won’t continue to be hung, by his lies, any longer.



Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.