A typhoon of lies: Obama’s Demagogic UN Address

Stephen Lendman


Last year, he ludicrously said “we come together to reaffirm the founding vision of this institution.”
[H]e didn’t surprise. His address lasted a mind-numbing 45 minutes. He made painful listening. All his speeches feature demagogic mumbo jumbo Big Lies. They drown out truth.

Two years ago, he lied about Libya. He claimed US-led NATO intervened to “cope with violent conflict, care for the wounded, and craft a vision for the future in which the rights of all Libyans would be respected.”
He “supported the birth of a new democracy…Libyans held elections…(They) built new institutions…(They) move(d) forward after decades of dictatorship.”
Truth is polar opposite Obama’s Big Lies. Libya was Africa’s most developed country. Most Libyans supported Gaddafi.
They did so for good reasons. Libya was a model social justice society.
Gaddafi used its oil wealth responsibly. He provided free healthcare, education and other vital benefits.
His Libya no longer exists. Obama transformed it. He made it a charnel house catastrophe. A dystopian wasteland. Tens of thousands were ruthlessly slaughtered. Many more were injured and/or displaced.
Libyans had benefits Americans can’t imagine. Obama replaced them with dystopian harshness. Mostly civilians were harmed. US-led NATO willfully targeted them. Obama destroyed Libyan sovereignty. He replaced it with instability, insecurity, and daily violence.
Last year, he ludicrously said “we come together to reaffirm the founding vision of this institution.”
“For most of recorded history, (the) idea that nations and peoples could come together in peace to solve their disputes and advance a common prosperity seemed unimaginable.”
It still does. America bears full responsibility. So does Obama. He deplores peace, stability and security. He wages permanent wars without end.
He abhors “common prosperity.” He spurns social justice. He serves monied interests only. He supports their divine rights.
He permits their grandest of grand theft larceny. He hands them America’s wealth. He gave bankers trillions of dollars. He lets war-profiteers benefit hugely. He supports government of, by, and for America’s privileged.
This year, he prioritized selling war. The New York Times shamelessly supports it.
It called Obama’s address “much-anticipated.” It made stomach-churning listening.
According to The Times, Obama “chartered a muscular new course.”   He “laid out a forceful new blueprint on Wednesday for deeper American engagement in the Middle East…”
He told UN members “that the Islamic State understood only ‘the language of force’ and that the United States would ‘work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death.’ “
He ignored America’s killing machine. His lawless aggression. His culpability for high crimes against peace.
So did The New York Times. It bashed Russia at the same time.  It did so irresponsibly.
It’s America’s lead disseminator of state/corporate Big Lies. It supports wealth, power and privilege.
It’s an unofficial propaganda ministry. It operates irresponsibly.
It features managed news misinformation garbage. It drowns out vital truths. It betrays its readers in the process.
Obama’s address featured beginning-to-end Big Lies. “(M)ore people live under governments they elected,” he claimed.
Most so-called elections are more shams than real. Entrenched power runs things. People have no say.
Obama lied suggesting otherwise. “Hundreds of millions of human beings have been freed from the prison of poverty,” he said.
Billions are ill-fed, ill-clothed, ill-housed and ill-cared for. Human misery is unprecedented.
Since economic crisis conditions erupted in late 2007, poverty increased exponentially. So did deep poverty. Obama lied claiming otherwise.
He ludicrously said world economic conditions strengthened. Millions of Americans endure protracted Depression conditions.
America isn’t fit to live in. It no longer has a functioning economy. Paul Craig Roberts calls it a “house of cards.”
US-style casino capitalism failed. Most of its citizens struggle daily to get by. Welcome to the age of inequality. Poverty is a growth industry.
Over 23% of Americans wanting work can’t find it. Most jobs are rotten ones.
They’re temp or part-time low pay/poor or no benefit service ones with no futures. Conditions are getting worse, not better.
Monied interests run things. Ordinary people suffer. More than ever in modern times. Obama ludicrously claimed otherwise.
He lied accusing Russia of aggression. “Here are the facts,” he said. “After the people of Ukraine mobilized popular protests and calls for reform, their corrupt president fled.”
“Against the will of the government in Kiev, Crimea was annexed.  Russia poured arms into eastern Ukraine, fueling violent separatists and a conflict that has killed thousands.”
“When a civilian airliner was shot down from areas that these proxies controlled, they refused to allow access to the crash for days.”
“When Ukraine started to reassert control over its territory, Russia gave up the pretense of merely supporting the separatists, and moved troops across the border.”
Washington bears full responsibility for Ukrainian crisis conditions. Rogue EU partners share it.
Crimea wasn’t annexed. Its people voted near unanimously to join Russia. They did so in a referendum independent international monitors judged open, free and fair.
Putin responsibly accommodated them. Obama lied claiming otherwise.
No evidence suggests Russia poured arms into Southeastern Ukraine. Washington, its rogue Western partners, and Kiev’s putschist government bear full responsibility for months of violence, instability and lawlessness.
Fascist regimes operate this way. Kiev’s rogue government shot down MH17. Clear evidence proves it.
Self-defense forces and Russia had nothing to do with it. Or refusing access to its crash site for days.
Russia didn’t invade Ukraine. Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov abhor war, violence and instability. They go all-out for peaceful conflict resolution.
Obama deplores it. He pursues permanent wars against humanity. He wants unchallenged worldwide control.
US policies cause unspeakable human misery. No nation in world history caused more harm to more people at home and abroad over a longer duration than America.
None exceed its lawlessness. Its disdain for core human and civil rights. None more threaten world peace.
America isn’t beautiful. It never was. For sure not now. It threatens humanity’s survival.
Obama represents the worst of rogue leadership. He belongs in prison, not high office.
America’s “choice is clear,” he hyped. “We choose hope over fear.” His hyperbole was polar opposite reality.
“…(W)e come together to reject the cancer of violent extremism,” he claimed. US global state terrorism exceeds the worst of all other rogue states in world history.
It’s responsible for more genocidal mass slaughter, destruction, and human misery over a longer duration than history’s worst dictatorships.
Their crimes pale by comparison to America’s. They do so in terms of:
  • bullying other nations to comply with its diktats; 
  • targeting them with regime change for refusing; 
  • making the world safe for monied interests; 
  • redrawing the world’s map to serve them; 
  • letting them operate lawlessly; 
  • handing them America’s wealth; 
  • trashing social justice; 
  • asserting might over right; 
  • waging permanent wars on sovereign nations; 
  • doing so for unchallenged global dominance; 
  • causing irreparable harm to billions worldwide for generations; 
  • violating core rule of law principles; 
  • institutionalizing state terror; 
  • spreading the scourge of fascism; and 
  • making societies unsafe to live in.
Obama lied claiming America supports “freedom of nations and (the right of) peoples (able) to make their own decisions.”
He deplores this notion and others related to it. He spurns diplomacy and peace. He prioritizes violence, belligerence and permanent wars of aggression.
He ludicrously claimed America supports “mutual interest and mutual respect.” A commitment to work responsibly to solve modern-day problems.
A pledge “to stop the spread of nuclear weapons and pursue the peace and security of a world without them.”
A dedication to “eradicat(ting extreme poverty by 2030.” A promise “to help people feed themselves, power their economies, and care for their sick.”
A guarantee to “reduc(e) our carbon emissions (and increase) our investments in clean energy.”
America deplores mutual interest and respect. It’s responsible for egregious world problems.
Its policies create extreme poverty. They exploit world economies. They cause starvation, homelessness, health problems and unspeakable human misery.
Practically nothing is done to develop clean energy. To work toward replacing polluting fossil fuels and dangerous nuclear energy.
Obama lied claiming America “is not and never will be at war with Islam. (T)here is no us and them,” he said.
No “clash of civilizations” exists, he claimed. “(H)umanity’s future depends on us uniting against those who would divide us along the fault lines of tribe or sect, race or religion.”
America won’t “send US troops to occupy foreign lands,” he claimed. He ludicrously said it military might is used responsibly.
America is committed to “tak(e) action against immediate threats, while pursuing a world in which the need for such action is diminished.”
It “will never shy away from defending (its) interests, but we will also not shy away from the promise of this institution and its Universal Declaration of Human Rights – the notion that peace is not merely the absence of war, but the presence of a better life.”
“…America is a country that has steadily worked to address our problems, to make our union more perfect, to bridge the divides that existed at the founding of this nation.”
“(W)e hold our leaders accountable,” he claimed. We “insist on a free press and independent judiciary.”
“…(W)e address our differences in the open space of democracy – with respect for the rule of law; with a place for people of every race and every religion; and with an unyielding belief in the ability of individual men and women to change their communities and their circumstances and their countries for the better.”
Its “can help light the world…We are heirs to a proud legacy of freedom, and we’re prepared to do what is necessary to secure that legacy for generations to come.”
Obama’s address was beginning-to-end brazen bald-faced Big Lies. He elevated them to a higher level.
His presidency gives rogue leadership new meaning. Madness defines it.
Neocon extremists infest Washington. They hugely influence policies. They do so destructively.
Obama promised hope and change. He delivered permanent wars, domestic ruthlessness and betrayal.
He’s ideologically over-the-top. He presides over a homeland police state apparatus.
He recklessly advances America’s imperium. His quest for global dominance risks the unthinkable.
Impeaching him is a national imperative. He violated public trust from day one in office.
He did so throughout his tenure. He broke every major promise made.
He wages permanent war on humanity. He risks heading America for WW III. He’s guilty of high crimes against peace.
He trashed America’s social contract. His policies caused unprecedented levels of poverty, unemployment, underemployment, hunger, homelessness and human misery.
He’s beholden to powerful monied interests. They own him. He spurns fundamental civil and human rights.
He ignores rule of law principles. He mocks democratic values. He’s contemptuous of essential needs.
He institutionalized tyranny. It’s a hair’s breadth from full-blown. It’s one major homeland false flag away.
Humanity’s survival is uncertain. It’s up for grabs. So are fundamental freedoms.
US state terror threatens them. So do America’s permanent wars.
They rage without end. They do so lawlessly. They cause mass slaughter and destruction.
America’s killing machine is the world’s most ruthless. Survival hangs in the balance if it’s not stopped.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.
Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.
It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.



Reactions to Obama’s UN Address

by Stephen Lendman
A separate article discussed it. He didn’t surprise. Demagogic mumbo jumbo Big Lies drowned out truth.
Not according to media scoundrels. The New York Timesfinds new ways to lie, distort and misreport.
It substitutes managed news misinformation rubbish for hard truths. It’s longstanding Times policy.
It ludicrously called Obama a “once-reluctant warrior…” It ignored his war on humanity throughout his tenure. His naked aggression.
His ravaging and destroying one nation after another. His latest Iraq and Syrian aggression. The Times turned truth on its head.
It highlighted Obama’s “muscular new course.” His vow to “dismantle the Islamic State’s ‘network of death.’ “
He created it. It’s a valued US ally. Pentagon special forces and CIA operatives train its fighters in Jordan and Turkey.
They deploy them cross-border to Syria. They do so to wage war on Assad.
Obama wants him ousted. He wants US-friendly stooge governance replacing him.
His latest aggression aims to do it. Don’t expect Times correspondents, contributors or editors to explain.
Or Washington Post ones. They headlined “President Obama embraces democracy promotion once again,” saying:
His UN address, a previous one in New York, his September 10 statement on IS, and his September 23 memorandum on “civil society(‘s) (commitment) to democratic governance” potentially “shift(s) the momentum.”
They called it “significant that (Obama) recognized that dictators are banding together to promote autocracy and checkmate democracy.”
“…(H)e left no doubt…pledg(ing) ‘to stand with the courageous citizens and brave civil society groups…”
He’s working for equality and opportunity, said WaPo editors. He pursues “justice and human dignity all over the world,’ ” they added.
“He saluted democracy activists.” He “ordered administration officials…to make (defending) freedom fighters a priority.”
He opposes “foreign governments (against) freedoms of expression, peaceful assembly, and association,” he said.
When Arab Spring failed to bloom in 2011, he ludicrously proclaimed a new chapter in American diplomacy.
Throughout his tenure, he waged war on humanity. It rages out-of-control. He calls it “American leadership. He’s “transition(ing) to democracy” worldwide, he said.
WaPo editors lied. They claim he’s “forced to confront an aggressive Russia and a rampaging Islamic State…”
“…(H)e may be remembering that the United States and its allies cannot defeat Islamist fundamentalism or Russian neo-fascism without a more hopeful ideology of their own.”
He lied claiming “(w)e are heirs to a proud legacy of freedom, and we are prepared to do what is necessary to secure that legacy for generations to come.”
WaPo editors ludicrously called his comments “a sound foundation for a reinvigorated, and more successful, foreign policy over the coming 28 months.”
The Wall Street Journal highlighted his “diplomatic pressure…to join an international coalition against Islamic extremism.
To do more to combat what he (called) the most pressing threat to global progress.”
“(T)he cancer of violent extremism.” Their “only language…is the language of force.”
WSJ editors ignored Obama’s latest aggression. His support for IS and other Islamic extremists.
Using them regionally for regime change. Ousting sovereign governments. Replacing them with rogue pro-Western ones.
Chicago Tribune editors twisted facts on “Why America is at war.”
They omitted explaining what’s most important. Washington’s hegemonic ambitions weren’t discussed. Or its longstanding war on humanity.
Obama’s war is not “a skirmish or a mop-up or a brief, sporadic mission,” they said. It’s “war…Hitting an enemy on foreign soil without an invitation is, unambiguously, war.”
Tribune editors support it. Rule of law principles don’t matter. It “mark(s) a new chapter in what promises to be a long, complicated war,” they said.
They urged more than airstrikes. “Islamic State (terrorists threaten) the entire Middle East,” they claimed. Defeating them “will take troops” on the ground.
“This battle against the Islamic State falls to this generation of Americans, just as the battle against some future threat will fall to the next.”
Obama asked world leaders to support his imperial adventurism. To join his coalition against Islamist extremism. He vowed to maintain military pressure against them.
Daily conflict claims scores of lives. Expect death and injury tolls to increase exponentially. Obama’s naked aggression assures it.
Syria’s Information Minister Omarn al-Zoubi discussed his country’s “drama.” Some Arab states “dealt with (it) to gain profits, with a clear distinction between th(is) goal, national and pan-Arab identity.”
Damascus’ UN envoy Bashar al-Jaafari said Syria helped pioneer fighting terrorism. It coped with Israeli state terrorism for decades.
It’s battled Western-supported Islamic extremists since conflict erupted in March 2011. It’s ongoing.
Damascus supports international efforts for a common cause. It prioritizes saving lives. It wants Syrian sovereignty respected.
It wants international laws, norms and standards conformed to. Al-Jaafari said “participation of Israel in the so-called ‘alliance against ISIS’ undermines” its credibility.
“Shooting down a Syrian warplane, which (performed) national duty in bombing terrorist organizations, by Israel practically affirms that there is an alliance between Israel and al-Qaeda-linked terrorist organizations and others.”
Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab-African Affairs Amir-Abdollahian accused Washington of attacking Syrian civilians and vital infrastructure.
He called doing it a clear violation of Syrian sovereignty. He reiterated Iran’s support for Syria’s fight against terrorism. Its people alone should decide its future, he added.
Addressing the UN’s 69th General Assembly session, Iranian President Hassan Rohani spoke forthrightly. He said extremism and violence threaten regional peace and security.
It’s a global phenomenon, he said. “All countries (involved) in creating these terrorist organizations should own up to their mistake and apoplexies.”
“Our world today is replete with fear and hope. Fear of war and hostile regional and global relations.”
“Fear of deadly confrontation of religious, ethnic and national identities. Fear of institutionalization of violence and extremism.”
“Fear of poverty and destructive discrimination. Fear of decay and destruction of life-sustaining resources.”
“Fear of disregard for human dignity and rights, and fear of neglect of morality.”
“Alongside these fears, however, there are new hopes. The hope of universal acceptance by the people and the elite all across the globe of ‘yes to peace and no to war.’ “
“And the hope of preference of dialogue over conflict, and moderation over extremism.”
Rohani called Iran’s recent elections “a clear, living example of the wise choice of hope, rationality and moderation by the great people of Iran.”
“The realization of democracy consistent with religion and the peaceful transfer of executive power manifested that Iran is the anchor of stability in an otherwise ocean of regional instabilities.”
It doesn’t matter. Washington targets its sovereign independence. It wants control of its vast oil and gas reserves.
It wants Israel’s main regional rival removed. Netanyahu gives rogue leadership new meaning.
He blasted Rohani’s address. He called it “full of hypocrisy.” He lied claiming Iran pursues nuclear weapons.
He ignored Israel’s longstanding nuclear, chemical and biological weapons arsenals. Its willingness to use them lawlessly. Preemptively.
Its mass slaughter and destruction agenda. Its longstanding terror war on Palestine.
Iranian policy is polar opposite. Rohani knows what he’s up against. It doesn’t matter how responsibly he governs.
Or his commitment to world peace, equity and justice. Or his forthright outreach to all nations responsibly. Iran remains regional enemy No. 1.
It’s a functioning democracy. It respects all religious beliefs. It treats its small Jewish population lawfully.
It’s polar opposite Israeli state terror. What despotic Gulf State dictatorships inflict on their people and regionally. Their alliance with US state terrorism.
Jordan and Turkey support it. So does Egypt’s junta. Libya’s sham government. Other regional monarchies.
Things go from bad to worse. Global nuclear war more than ever is possible. It’ll be war to end future ones.
There’s a choice. Either prevent it or it’ll end us. There’s no in between.
On Wednesday, Russia and China surprisingly embraced Security Council Resolution 2178. It calls for UN Charter Chapter VII using force against Foreign Terrorist Fighters.
At the same time, Moscow and Beijing said they’ll challenge US military operations in Syria without more explicit Security Council approval than already.
They’ll veto resolutions authorizing it. China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi said:
“Military actions must comply with the UN Charter and the relevant Security Council resolutions. No double standards should be adopted.”
Russia’s Foreign Ministry said:
“There is doubt over the legitimacy of the strikes as such actions can only be carried out with the approval of the United Nations and the unequivocal permission of the authorities of the country where they are taking place, which in this case is the government in Damascus.”
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Obama’s UN address “failed to deliver if one compares it to real facts.”
He presented worldviews polar opposite reality, equity and justice. America is “a country (usurping) right to use force arbitrarily regardless of UN Security Council’s resolutions or other international legal acts in its national defense doctrine,” Lavrov said.
His address was bizarre and then some. It was outrageously brazen. Obama ludicrously called Ebola the top international threat.
He ranked nonexistent Russian aggression second. At the same time, he nonsensically said world societies today are “freer and safer.”
“I didn’t understand whether he was serious or not and whether there was an Orwellian element in it,” said Lavrov.
“Because George Orwell invented the Ministry of Truth, and it looks like this philosophy is lingering.”
Obama’s hegemonic worldview reflects America asserting “its (unilateral) right to use force arbitrarily,” Lavrov explained.
It’s shockingly over-the-top. It’s mindless of core international laws, norms, standards and morality. Moscow wants conflicts resolved diplomatically, Lavrov stressed.
It opposes unilateral “shifting the blame,” he added. It’s peace, stability, equity and justice agenda is polar opposite America’s.
The Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) reports one-sidedly for Israel. It serves hundreds of Jewish community newspapers and media subscribers worldwide.
It said Obama’s UN address “hardly mentioned Iran’s nuclear program.” It was polar opposite last year’s focus.
He considered it then one of Washington’s two major issues. “On Wednesday, he devoted just four lines to” it.
His “thin coverage…drew immediate notice of Jewish groups.” An American Jewish Committee tweet lied saying he “devoted only 78 words (to the) greatest threat to world peace.”
By email, Francis Boyle said he’s “not going to refute (Obama’s litany of) lies, propaganda, half-truths and distortions.”
He called nonexistent Russian aggression in Europe “baloney!” He appointed himself “global sheriff.” He did so against international terrorism he created.
He’s building “an international coalition against Russia. Boyle called  it a “deliberate provocation. A deliberate insult to Russia.”
He’s using Ebola “as a pretext to invade West Africa…” He’s joining with Britain and France to stead its oil, gas,” and other resources.
America, Israel and other nations know Iran has no nuclear weapons. It has no program to develop them.
It wants them abolished worldwide. It wants potential nuclear armageddon avoided.
Obama is trying to “drive a wedge between” China and Russia. He’s playing a losing game.
“He shed crocodile tears for Islam while murdering Muslims” worldwide. He “takes out…leaders” like a Mafia hit man.
He’s “Godfather to the world.” He’s an unprecedented menace. World peace hangs by a thread at his discretion.
US stooges run so-called Afghan “transitional government.” They violate their own constitution.
Obama has no legal authority to wage war on Iraq or Syria. He ignores international, constitutional and US statute laws.
He pontificates. He lectures Muslims while murdering them. What about “violent Jewish fundamentalists?” What about Christian fascists?
What about “our clash against Muslim civilization? What about direct and proxy wars against Muslim societies? What about pitting Sunnis against Shias?
What about ousting independent sovereign governments? What about replacing them with convenient US-friendly stooge ones?
Puppets serving Washington’s interests. Exploiting their own people ruthlessly in the process.
What about supporting Israeli mass murder and destruction? What about endorsing its killing machine? What about Big Lies
substituting for hard truths?
What about decades of involvement in genocidal slaughter? What about official policy endorsing exterminating Muslim societies?
What about Zionism’s global scourge? What about destructive Israeli Lobby Power? What about trashing core human and civil rights?
What about mocking democratic ones? What about violating rule of law principles? What about waging war on humanity perhaps with intent to destroy it altogether?
Obama doesn’t give a damn about fundamental rights. An honors Harvard Law grad? “Give me a break,” said Boyle.
He reflects hypocrisy writ large. Why would populations anywhere look to America for leadership? People aren’t fools.
They know US policies threaten world peace and security. They know Obama represents imperial lawlessness and then some.
He exceeds the worst of history’s despots. He elevates rogue leadership to an unprecedented level.
His permanent war policy threatens humanity. Populations everywhere want peace, equity and justice. They want what Obama’s wars prevent.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.
Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.
It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.

Eric Holder didn’t send a single banker to jail for the mortgage crisis. Is that justice?

Holder’s legacy: Like boss, like subaltern. As expected, a do-nothing AT in an age of desperate need of government intervention.

US attorney general’s tenure has proven unhelpful to the five million victims of mortgage abuses in the US

Eric Holder

The Justice Department has reportedly collected only 25% of the fines it has imposed on banks. Photograph: Petros Giannakouris/AP


[T]he telling sentence in NPR’s report that US attorney general Eric Holder plans to step down once a successor is confirmed came near the end of the story.

“Friends and former colleagues say Holder has made no decisions about his next professional perch,” NPR writes, “but they say it would be no surprise if he returned to the law firm Covington & Burling, where he spent years representing corporate clients.”

A large chunk of Covington & Burling’s corporate clients are mega-banks like JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and Bank of America. Lanny Breuer, who ran the criminal division for Holder’s Justice Department, already returned to work there.

In March, Covington highlighted in marketing materials their award from the trade publication American Lawyer as “Litigation Department of the Year,” touting the law firm’s work in getting clients accused of financial fraud off with slap-on-the-wrist fines.

Covington, American Lawyer says, helps clients “get the best deal they can.”

Holder has a mixed legacy: excellent on civil and voting rights, bad on press freedom and transparency.

David Noyes 26 September 14:24
Everything Anyone Would Need To Know To INDICT Attorney General – Head of the Department of “Just-Us”; Traitor To the American People; and The Banksters’ Best Buddy…
— The *Cliff Notes* Version from the World’s *Premier Expert* in Control Accounting Fraud

Yeah, of course the DOJ won’t convict their own Boss – the Obama hand-picked nation’s “Top Cop” – but that doesn’t mean we need swallow the Bilge the US media shovels down out throats as they sing this back-stabber’s praises.
(And frankly, I’m tired [and more than a little Ticked Off] about the absolute BS from all of Holder’s supporters and cheerleaders out there. Judge for Yourselves…)

(I’ll likely explain myself better later, when I have some time)
— But just READ THIS: you’ll have all you need to know to ‘bitch-slap’ all those Obama administration sycophants out there who claim (whine) that such nonsense as ‘prosecuting the criminal banksters would be *Too Haaaard*; or ‘Obama and Holder were simply *Cluless* and just didn’t KNOW what the Thieves were doing to All of Us’; and ‘Darn it! – they just Didn’t Have The EVIDENCE to Pursue and Convict and JAIL’…

This blows all that pathetic, rancid BULLSH*T right out of the water and I’ll add further Documented Evidence here when I have the time…

But if you want to understand what he did for the perpetrators of a cascade of financial fraud that blew up the nation’s economy in 2008, you only have to read that line from his former employer: he helped them “get the best deal they can.”

As for homeowners, they received a raw deal, in the form of little or no compensation for some of the greatest consumer abuses in American history.

Before Holder became Attorney General, banks fueled the housing bubble with predatory and at times, allegedly fraudulent practices.

As far back as 2004, the FBI warned of an “epidemic” of mortgage fraud, which they said would have “as much impact as the Savings & Loan crisis.”

BofA Was Underprepared For WikiLeaks, Chief Moynihan Says

Brian T Moynihan, chief executive officer of Bank of America Corp, one of the banks accused of extensive mortgage abuses. Very little of the money from its settlements has gone to help homeowners. Photograph: Bloomberg via Getty Images

They were wrong; it was worse.

And banks and lenders carried through that fraud to every level of the mortgage process. They committed origination fraud through faulty appraisals and undisclosed trickery.

They committed servicing fraud through illegal fees and unnecessary foreclosures.

They committed securities fraud by failing to inform investors of the poor underwriting on loans they packaged into securities.

They committed mass document fraud when they failed to follow the steps to create mortgage-backed securities, covering up with fabrications and forgeries to prove the standing to foreclose.

By the time the bubble collapsed, the recession hit and Holder took over the Justice Department, Wall Street was a target-rich environment for any federal prosecutor. Physical evidence to an untold number of crimes was available in court filings and county recording offices.

Financial audits revealed large lapses in underwriting standards as early as 2005. Provisions in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, passed during the last set of financial scandals in 2002, could hold chief executives criminally responsible for misrepresenting their risk management controls to regulators.

Any prosecutor worth his salt could have gone up the chain of command and implicated top banking executives.

In 2009, Congress passed the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act, giving $165m to the Justice Department to staff the investigations necessary to bring those accountable for the financial crisis to justice.

Yet, despite the Justice Department’s claims to the contrary, not one major executive has been sent to jail for their role in the crisis.

The department has put real housewives in jail for mortgage fraud, but not real bankers, saving their firepower for people who manage to defraud banks, not for banks who manage to defraud people.

Most of the “investigations” of financial institutions over the past six years have swiftly moved to cash settlements, often without holding anyone responsible for admitting wrongdoing or providing a detailed description of what they did wrong.

The headline prices of these settlements usually bore no resemblance to the reality of what they cost the banks.

The National Mortgage Settlement, for example, was touted by Holder’s Justice Department as a $25bn deal. In reality, banks were able to pay one-quarter of that penalty with other people’s money, lowering principal balances on loans they didn’t even own.

Other penalties featured similarly inflated numbers that didn’t reflect the true cost. Banks could satisfy their obligations under the settlements through routine business practices (including some, like making loans to low-income homeowners, that make them money).

A recent series of securities fraud settlements with JP Morgan, Bank of America and Citigroup, which DoJ said cost the banks $36.65bn, actually cost them about $11.5bn. And shareholders, not executives, truly bear that cost.

Incidentally, the Wall Street Journal found last week that the Justice Department only collects around 25% of the fines they impose. So the banks may have gotten off even easier.

These settlements have actually perverted the notion of justice, turning accountability into a public relations vehicle. And Holder’s Justice Department has been guilty of cooking the books: they admitted last August to overstating the number of criminal financial fraud charges by over 80%.

The DoJ’s Inspector General criticized this in a March report, and also found that DoJ de-prioritized mortgage fraud, making it the “lowest-ranked criminal threat” from 2009-2011.

As for homeowners, the biggest victims of Wall Street misconduct, they received little relief. Victims who already lost their homes got checks in the National Mortgage Settlement for between $1,500-$2,000, compensating people wrongly foreclosed upon with barely enough money for two month’s rent.

Despite claims that 1m borrowers still in their homes would get principal reductions under the settlement, when the final numbers came in this March, just 83,000 families received such a benefit, an under-delivery of over 90%.

Considering that over five million families experienced foreclosures since the end of the crisis, that relief is a drop in the bucket.

For those still eligible for relief, thanks to the expiration of a law called the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act, any principal forgiveness will count as earned income for tax purposes, meaning that homeowners struggling to avoid foreclosure will subsequently get hit with a tax bill they cannot afford.

The Justice Department only recognized this belatedly, creating a fund in a recent Bank of America settlement to “partially” defray tax costs.

For others without that benefit, the help the Justice Department provided will look more like harm.

More important, the settlements didn’t end the misconduct.

Homeowners today continue to lose their homes based on false documents. Because the Justice Department just put a band-aid over the fraud, and didn’t convict any of the ringleaders, the problems went unaddressed, and the root causes never got fixed.

In fact, the entire banking sector’s get-out-of-jail free card gives them confidence that they could commit the same crimes again, with little if any legal implications.
The decision to protect banks instead of homeowners should be laid at the feet of the president and his administration, not one man in the Justice Department. But Holder certainly carried out the policy, even if he didn’t devise it.

We’ll soon find out if Holder merely presided over DoJ in a pause between helping corporate clients at Covington & Burling. But the failure to prosecute during his time in office certainly makes it look like Holder’s sympathies were with those clients even while serving as attorney general.

Syria, the Latest Crusade

They Are At it Again



 [T]he West is striking again; it is stabbing the very center, the heart of the Arab World.

This time it is targeting the group – ISIS – which it created itself, and which it had been arming, feeding and pampering until just very recently.

Airplanes and missiles are flying, and bombs are falling. The war has begun.

But is it really a war, or just a brutal game, a gigantic PlayStation operated by thousands of hooked-up maniacs in the Pentagon and all over Washington, Brussels and some servile capitals in the Middle East?

A war is, after all, when two sides are facing each other, when two sides fight, when two sides are risking their lives.

The main purpose of ISIS —a creature of the West—was to destabilize and destroy Bashar al-Assad’s Government in Damascus. Now ISIS itself has become the pretext.


In this surreal and post-modern ‘war’, the only victims will be the people of the Middle East, most likely civilians. Their lives will be risked by those who are sitting, in safety, on their destroyers and in control rooms, hundreds and thousands of miles away, drinking coffee and cracking jokes.


NATO fighter jet taking off on a sortie over Syrian targets. (Click to enlarge)

The Übermenschen of the West will not descend from the sky, in order to fight, – man to man – in order to minimize the casualties of a peaceful population. The killing will be done by Tomahawks and F22’s (at least those have real pilots), and by drones.

This is actually not a war but a massacre, a mass murder.

Another massacre. This one may last very long and take millions of human lives in the most brutal circumstances.

Western leaders are ready… to sacrifice the lives of the “others”; the regime is ready. You can read it on Obama’s face, and on the face of Cameron.




Click to enlarge.

I have covered those border camps for more than two years, often risking my life, occasionally being harassed and detained by Turkish intelligence.

In 2012 and 2013, I visited the areas around the Turkish city of Hatay, and camps like Apaydin, where various ISIS fighters were being trained by Western and Turkish intelligence. I investigated the situation at the border and also around Incirlik air-force base near Adana, which both the RAF and USAF use. And I worked in Jordan, at the camps that are openly utilized for the training of the ‘Syrian opposition’, a fact that is not concealed, even by the regional press.

I thought that my reports, and the reports by Serkan Koc, Huseyin Guler and others, dispersed the myth of a ‘spontaneous uprising against the President al-Assad’.

But obviously our efforts could not match the tremendous propaganda and brainwashing campaign unleashed by Western corporate media.

In a totally irrational, logically bizarre pirouette, the US accused Syria of not destroying Islamic State, that unsavory offspring of Western imperialist policy.

As reported by Reuters:

“In a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power wrote, “The Syrian regime has shown that it cannot and will not confront these safe-havens effectively itself.”

The strikes were needed to eliminate a threat to Iraq, the United States and its allies, she wrote, citing Article 51 of the U.N. Charter, which covers an individual or collective right to self-defense against armed attack.”

To interpret what was written above: ‘Bashar al-Assad, we helped to create ISIS in order to overthrow you… Now we hold you responsible for not managing to destroy our offspring… Therefore, we are going to bomb your country, kill thousands of your people, and possibly overthrow you in the process.’


Advanced-design ships with the highest lethality, capable of inflicting great damage on their remote targets constitute the NATO armada against Syria. A war by cowardly means. (Image: USS Zumwalt class destroyer firing missile. (Click t enlarge)

The Western public is fully ignorant; it is indoctrinated and brainwashed, otherwise hundreds of millions of European and North American citizens would be now rolling around all over the streets, many dying of laughter.

The statements made by Obama and Power are so absurd and philosophically foul, that they would make even Orwell and Huxley blush in embarrassment. Even the most brilliant of novelists could not invent such twists of logic!

The Middle East is well informed, it is aware of the game, but people in so many countries here are too scared to protest, or even to speak up. The West overthrew progressive and truly patriotic governments, and upheld the most oppressive tyrannies.

There is some commonsense left, of course. In Lebanon, Hezbollah snapped back, most likely expressing the feelings of a great number of the people living in the Middle East. In its televised address, the leader of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, clearly stated his position:

“The U.S. isn’t qualified morally to lead an anti-terrorist coalition. In our view, America is the mother of terrorism and the cause of terrorism in the world… Everyone knows that Hezbollah is against ISIS and Takfiri groups and is fighting them… However, that doesn’t mean we support U.S military intervention in the region. Hezbollah is against any US-led coalition that uses terrorism as an excuse for a military intervention in Syria and Iraq.”

And one could add: and most likely, one day, in Iran…

It is clear that in this region; almost nobody is fooled by empty clichés and the twisting of language. ISIS is a multi-purpose, flexible stick in the hands of the West. It is also ‘helpful’ when it operates on its own, when it ‘gets out of control’. It served as a weapon against Mr. al-Assad and now it is turning into a perfect scarecrow, a justification for the direct invasion of Syria, for redeployment, or more precisely for an increase of the Western military might in the region, for the creation of a pro-Western puppet Kurdish state, and quite likely, for deposing the government in Damascus.

The trigger-happy Turkish government is already making noises, promising to get involved, militarily, but only if the goal is defined concretely and openly: to overthrow Mr. al-Assad.

To overthrow the government in Damascus is, of course, the main goal of Washington, as well, but Mr. Obama is not as honest and open as his counterpart and ally in Ankara.


All this can be, of course, only the beginning of something truly horrendous. One should never forget that the Empire and its Saudi, Qatari and Israeli allies are always ‘thinking big’.

There is always more to destabilize, to ruin, and to conquer – there is Iran on the horizon, and much more.

To them – to the Empire – places like Syria or Iran do not constitute some of the oldest and greatest cultures on Earth, inhabited by gentle and peaceful people. To the Empire, these places are only booty, consisting of natural resources and strategic locations.

People mean nothing. If one million die, if two or three millions vanish, it makes absolutely no difference. Cultures mean nothing, as they are not Western, as they are not Christian ones, as they are not ‘white’.



In a pointed jab, Vladimir Putin made a plaintive plea for Obama to take more time to consider the full implications of a strike on Syria, appealing, he said, not to another world leader, but to a Nobel Peace laureate. (Reuters) [Click to enlarge]

Obama and Cameron are building on that grand old tradition of the deranged British colonial empire. It was, after all, only 80 years ago when then British Prime Minister Lloyd George commented on Britain’s success in undermining a disarmament conference— which would have barred the use of air-power against civilians, particularly those in the Middle East.
He pointed out that it was a success. His secretary and second wife Frances wrote:
Decades later, the Empire retains this and many other similar ‘rights’.
What is left, how much is left, of the Arab world?
And I don’t mean those few flashy airports, complemented by ‘6-star hotels’, shopping malls for the elites, and European limousines. I don’t only mean those oil wells and artificial islands with palm-tree-shaped villas.
This part of the world used to be a beacon, one of the lighthouses of humanity. This is where the first universities were erected, the first public hospitals, and this is where the very ideas of ‘social’, of ‘egalitarian’ and of ‘compassionate’ values, came to life.
The Arab world and Persia were where the greatest doctors, architects, astronomers, scientists and poets used to reside and create.
This is where many great men like the first Sultan of Egypt and Syria – Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn –defended the world against those brutal European hordes, invading in the name of the cross, while being obsessed with looting and rape.
After centuries of colonial wars, Western cruelty and militarism finally won. They conquered Arabia, as well as the rest of the planet.
The Arab world was reduced to subservient kingdoms and states, ruled by a few outrageously rich and ruthless families.
In Egypt and Iran, the heroic attempts to create egalitarian and socialist societies in the post-WWII era, were brutally crushed by the Western powers. Nihilism, cynicism, corruption and militarism were introduced and upheld.
In modern days, even those relatively socially-oriented states like Iraq and Libya, were annihilated, at the cost of hundreds of thousands, even millions of human lives. Oil had to belong to the international corporations, not to the state, not to the people.
Now what is here, are a few countries in total ruins, including Iraq, Libya and Syria. There are several staunch allies of the West, states like Qatar and Saudi Arabia, governed by secretive and oppressive monarchies that are spreading the most tyrannical form of Islam all over the region, and as far away as Southeast Asia, while enjoying the full support of the West, as well as impunity.
What else can be seen in this devastated part of the world? Egypt where pro-Western elites and the military managed to choke all hopes of what used to be called the ‘Arab Spring’, that strife for social justice and true freedom from foreign diktats.


There is Bahrain, where a Shia majority is immobilized by fear, Yemen once socialist but now repressive, ‘extremist’ and miserable. In places like UAE there are pockets of luxury for the rich and hell on earth plus humiliation for the migrant workers who built the place but are left with almost no rights.
Palestine is bleeding from its wounds, as it has been, for countless decades. Israel and its backers are blocking all solutions for full Palestinian independence. Almost the entire world votes in support of Palestinian state, almost the entire world condemns Israel. But it clearly shows, who are in charge of the planet and the region: the Empire determinedly vetoes all resolutions and blocks anything that could lead to justice for the Palestinian people.
Jordan has become something of a huge refugee camp for Palestinians, Syrians and Iraqis, as well as the service station for Western interests, from the military ones to those of the ‘development agencies’.
Lebanon, once the jewel of the region, is suffering from spillovers of various conflicts, as well as from Israeli incursions. It has basically no functioning government, and the socially-oriented and anti-Western Hezbollah has been placed on the “terrorist list” by the US and that of several European countries. This is of course consistent with the twisted logic of the Western regime: caring for the welfare of one’s people is seen as the worst imaginable crime, punishable by death.


This is all consistent with the legacy of colonialism, neo-colonialism and imperialism.

The Empire has entered its final gaga stage. In the youngest and the mightiest part of it – a nation that came to life through people like Jefferson and Lincoln (not saints, but at least giants), has now ended up by being controlled by the souk, by the market vendors. And it shows.

If one were detached, it all seems so comical, so grotesque.

It is also tremendously vulgar.

One feels like laughing, like cracking sarcastic jokes.

But then, laughter freezes in our thoughts. It does, when we suddenly realize that all this is actually for real! Missiles are flying towards Syria, and so are the bombers.

And children are howling in horror. And bodies are torn to pieces. Millions of refugees are on the move. Millions of men, women and children have lost their homes. Women are being raped. Entire communities have ceased to exist.

There used to be countries like Iraq, like Libya, like Syria. True, Iraq was shaped by British colonialism, and so was Kuwait, but it was there for decades. It is no more. Now Western imperialism is reshaping the region again, at a horrendous cost to the local population.

The Empire is ‘experimenting’. It uses ‘trial and error’ tactics. ‘We created the Syrian opposition and now let us see what will happen. The ‘opposition’ mutates into a militant regional force, which dares to cross our interests? Let’s bomb it and let’s also arm the Kurds so they can form their own, pro-Western state, in the middle of the region. Let’s see how it goes… Once we are on the move, we can also, perhaps, overthrow al-Assad… And who knows, maybe we can also find a reason to invade Iran.’

The Empire is using people as if they were guinea pigs. There is no consideration for the well being of the Arab population, there is no respect for human lives. All basic human rights chapters are being violated; most of the Geneva Convention clauses are spat on.

The world is so conditioned, so shackled, that this latest attack is being accepted without any major protests or debates.

If questions are being asked, publicly, then there are no essential questions. Entire debate is twisted. It is presumed that the West is doing right thing, that it is defending the world against terrorism.

It is also accepted by a great majority of people and countries, that the Empire enjoys absolute impunity, that it is above the law, that there is no international body that can challenge it, or to make it reverse its devastating and destructive course.

The West has finally reached the highest level of ‘freedom’. It is a freedom for itself – a terrible freedom to play with the world as if it were a ball, a cheap and insignificant thing.


As al-Qaeda is derived from the US-backed Mujahedin fighters in Afghanistan, so ISIS was a part of the anti-Assad ‘opposition’ supported by the West and its regional allies. The West played masterfully on local intolerances: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is generally secular, but belongs to the Alawite sect, which is considered to be heretical in some Sunni Muslim circles, especially in the most radical ones. That helped to mobilize and recruit extreme religious cadres. And religious cadres historically, are very determined fighters.

The Empire groomed both al-Qaeda (or more precisely, its predecessors) and ISIS as true ‘multi-purpose’ groups. One helped to destroy the Soviet Union and the other mortally wounded Syria and then, they became the justification for the ‘Global War on Terror’ and in the latest case, for an attack against Syria.

Both could be described as the 5th columns of the West in the Arab world. Just like the West, they care nothing about the welfare of the people in this region. The true socially-oriented groups here, like Hezbollah, are actually fighting against ISIS, but are designated by the West as ‘terrorist organizations’.

And so the Kafkaesque destruction of the region by Western lunatics continues.

Of course all this is nothing new. This is how, for centuries, the European and later North American colonial terror functioned: divide and rule, destroy all that stands on your way. Sacrifice millions of people for your economic and geopolitical goals, even if you are not yet fully certain exactly what your goals are.

Without the Western gaga/racist/PlayStation/genocidal realm, there would be no al-Qaedas and no ISISs. There would be, however, several authoritarian but rich and socially-balanced countries like Iraq and Libya, as well as well-educated and secular Syria. If the West had not battered the region with its invasions and coup d’états after WWII, there would have been at least two powerful and socialist countries here: Egypt and Iran. In fact, most likely, entire region would be by now socialist.

ISIS is an implant, which is now serving as the justification for an invasion.

It is so obvious. Not to see it requires great discipline. But the world, or at least both Europe and the United States, appears to be increasingly disciplined, obedient, even submissive.

And so the Western crusaders are again, as they had for centuries, riding their horses, spreading devastation and fear wherever they pass.

But now, there is no brave, enlightened and compassionate Sultan – no modern-day Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn – to stop them: in the name of life itself, in the name of justice and of our entire humanity.


Andre Vltchek is a novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. The result is his latest book: “Fighting Against Western Imperialism”. ‘Pluto’ published his discussion with Noam Chomsky: On Western Terrorism. His critically acclaimed political novel Point of No Return is re-edited and available. Oceania is his book on Western imperialism in the South Pacific. His provocative book about post-Suharto Indonesia and the market-fundamentalist model is called “Indonesia – The Archipelago of Fear”. His feature documentary, “Rwanda Gambit” is about Rwandan history and the plunder of DR Congo. After living for many years in Latin America and Oceania, Vltchek presently resides and works in East Asia and Africa. He can be reached through his website or his Twitter.