Meet the Texan Fighting for the DPR: Russian Roulette (Dispatch 107)

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  =   War Diary by Russell “Texac” Bentley  =  

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Meet the Texan Fighting for the DPR: Russian Roulette (Dispatch 107)

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Russell Bentley (aka “Texas”) joined the Vostok Battalion to fight what he (correctly) sees as the attacks on the Donbass people by an illegitimate fascist entity: the Kiev government installed and supported by the US after a thinly-veiled coup using color revolution technology. His example evokes the deeds of the Lincoln Battalion, the American volunteers who fought in the Spanish Civil War. Note how the interviewer —reflecting its affiliation with VICE, an outift attached to HBO, a huge American television producer, keeps pressing him with the official lies about the true nature of the Kiev regime. Sometimes “Texas” is almost appalled by the very audacity of such questions. 



 russellBentley2RUSSEL BONNER BENTLEY, Senior Contributing Editor, Novorossiya Correspondent, Donbass Chronicles Most of our editors and contributors are gifted in many areas, but few merit the label of “polymath” as richly as our Novorossiya correspondent, Russell Bentley, “Texac”. He has been called poet, musician, soldier, political activist, outlaw, smuggler, convict, fugitive, philosopher, lover, teacher and friend—and, indeed, he is all those things, but his course is always guided by an unswerving commitment to the construction of a better world in which peace, genuine freedom, and social justice reign supreme. A native of Texas, Russell joined—at the tender age of 54— the Novorossiyan Armed Forces (NAF) to fight what he sees as the attack on the Donbass people by an illegitimate fascist entity: the Kiev regime installed and supported by the US after a thinly-veiled coup. His example evokes the deeds of the Lincoln Battalion, the American volunteers who fought in the Spanish Civil War. As his writing gifts abundantly prove, he also channels John Reed and Hemingway in a rare, seamless, package. 


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