Donald Trump grilled on CBS This Morning for leaning toward non-intervention in Syria


Rhetoric aside, Trump is likely to prove poison to the working class and vulnerable minorities everywhere, that much seems clear, at least if one is to believe the barrage of coverage of the Donald in the establishment media, and such facts—as much as we can ascertain (already being confirmed by his early appointments)—are no doubt reason for plenty of concern by every alert and decent person in the US, anyone who stands opposed to the rightwing plunder of America, nature and the world.

That said what is especially grating is that the media whores do not and did not persecute Trump for all the numerous and actually important and right reasons, preferring to concentrate on superficial if admittedly obnoxious sexist sins and xenophobic remarks, assigning no real discussion or coverage to how Trump is liable to decimate working class people in countless ways, do nothing to relieve the environment from capitalist assault, and many other longstanding political crimes of the GOP.

Of course, one of the problems of the mainstream media at this point is that, finally, due to their endless lies and abject, sociopathic performance, they too have lost much traction with a growing sector of the US population. The question before us then is, what is it in Trump that provokes such intense hatred in the establishment’s propaganda machine?

In a nutshell, as explained many times elsewhere on this site, Trump is hated because he is regarded as unpredictable and unreliable as a proper agent for the Deep State, crawling with Neocon, war-mongering vermin obsessed with the idea of securing American dominance all over the globe, at any cost, even if that means the very real risk of a nuclear war with Russia or China or both, a crime so hideous, that its very plotting should merit Nuremberg-class justice, plus the indefinite continuation and amplification of highly profitable (for the military industrial complex) of more  “conventional” wars in all latitudes.

Trump, due to relative ignorance about the professionally devious ways of the ruling elites, does not see the “logic” in this. He would rather negotiate with Russia than provoke Moscow to a nuclear confrontation. He does not quite understand why ISIS, which he sees as a ragtag assembly of  murderous fanatics, lacking a navy and air force not to mention the vast array of sophisticated weapons in the US arsenal, cannot be easily liquidated by the Pentagon, and even argues about the efficiency of joining forces with Russia and Assad, who are doing such a good job of liquidating this pestilence. All of this is naturally unwelcome talk among the architects of our supremacist foreign policy and anathema to the whores throughout the American media, charged with selling such repulsive policies to a completely benighted public.

O'Donnell pushing Trump to give the right answer.

O’Donnell browbeating Trump to give the right answer.

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]ll of this is rather transparent on this video segment of the CBS This Morning show (Nov. 12, 2016). It’s obvious in the way the two main anchors, Charlie Rose, himself a shameless shill for Hillary and the US imperial establishment, and Norah O’Donnell, a glorified cheerleader and chauvinist ignoramus in more ways than one, look positively dyspeptic hearing Trump question the sacred dogma of expanding the brutal US intervention in Syria for all the phony sanctimonious pretexts, or the giving of sophisticated weapons to anti-Assad fanatics, whose actual identity Trump asserts, no one knows. O’Donnell surpasses past performances here serving the warmongering crowd, as she literally cross examines Trump as to why he is so stubborn about his refusal to deepen the US meddling in the Middle East. Observe, too, Trump’s refreshingly simple answers, which, erratic and ignorant as he usually is, appear almost refreshing, because it happens to be true. “Russia is fighting and killing ISIS, we should be supporting that”, he affirms naively. Yea, as mentioned, that’s sacrilege to the ears of the imperial propaganda flacks.

The bottom line is that his antiwar stance may be just about the only thing that Trump can claim as good for humanity, and vastly superior to Hillary’s program, and, let’s be frank, since we are talking nuclear war, that is not a small thing at all. Because of that, the path for left activists should be clear: Resolutely oppose Trump in all his rightwing predatory, racist, proto-fascist and hyper-exploitative projects, but make sure, via constant activism, and without relying at all on the utterly treacherous and corrupt Democrats, that the criminals in the Western ruling elites do not make him walk back that notion, too.

—P. Greanville is The Greanville Post’s founding editor.