By the constant administration of lies, the media puppeteers manufacture wars, protect the super-wealthy, and destroy democracy.
As part of their ongoing vilification of Russia, the disinformers in the corporate media are busy promoting every single lie they can get their hands on about the Syrian war. In this clip, broadcast on 12.15.16, CBS network anchor Scott Pelley is seen shamelessly promoting a Soros created entity, The White Helmets, which many credible witnesses have strongly denounced as intimately tied to the ISIS Takfiris, one more prop in the vast arsenal of propaganda used by the West in its unrelenting hybrid war against Russia and her allies.
But who are these much praised White Helmets? The truth is certainly a lot less flattering than the mass media will allow. In fact, the White Helmets are nothing more than a fraud, a cynical propaganda tool. In the Syrian war the White Helmets have been caught red-handed, staging rescues, and also using mannequins to provide photo ops and dramatic footage for the unquestioning Western tv film crews.
For his part, Pelley and his ilk don’t want to hear about the truth. So the White Helmets are relentlessly promoted by all the mainstream media and by other Soros tentacles, the most notorious being AVAAZ.
CBS is a leading engine of disinformation for the American imperial system, an empire that rules by massive deception and ruthless criminality wrapped in self-approving myths. Scott Pelley and his bosses—the people who g=faithfully implement these deceptions— should be tried for complicity in high crimes against humanity. But being a US “journalist”, that is an ignorant, overpaid and self-impressed presstitute, Pelley is probably too stupid to even know that what he is “reporting” is a complete and abject lie and that his seemingly innocent work causes the death of countless people.
“Assad regime,” “Assad dictatorship”, etc., Pelley uses such code words just in case the audience is too dumb to get it that CBS and the State Department don’t like Assad. That he’s “our enemy.” The quality of the video is poor because we had to rescue it since CBS decided for some reason to make it unavailable to third parties.
White Helmets give hope to Syrians seeking refuge from bombardment
The above is not the first time CBS praises and uses the White Helmets to sell the public an adulterated view of the Syrian conflict. Here’s a report filed in 2015. With disinformer Kelley doing his “authoritative” act. Observe:
The Real Story About The White Helmets
Vanessa Beeley
Published on Jun 24, 2016
So what does the machine create? It creates a power for good in its own image. It creates the Non Government Organisations, the Not for Profit Industrial Compex [NPIC] to give us the illusion, not only of this power for good, but of our own empowerment, our own stakeholding in reducing the misery being inflicted upon Humanity.
Dependent upon their donor support, NGOs cease to be the neutral, unbiased ‘humanitarian’ organisations they publicly purport to be, and instead become actual covert tools for foreign intervention and regime change. By default, they are assimilated into the Western modus vivendi of “waging war by way of deception” and their purpose is to alter public perception of a conflict via a multitude of media and “marketing” channels.
The problem reveals itself when we consider who does actually fund & create these flagships of philanthropy. The problem lies with the foundations and government think tanks who have their hands firmly on the helm and direct the ship where they want it to go. Do we really believe that these funders, donors and backers will sail the ship into waters where they risk capsizing their own objectives?
In this role and dependent upon their donor support, NGOs cease to be the neutral, unbiased ‘humanitarian’ organisations they publicly purport to be, and instead become actual covert tools for foreign intervention and regime change. By default, they are assimilated into the Western modus vivendi of “waging war by way of deception” and their purpose is to alter public perception of a conflict via a multitude of media and “marketing” channels.
I focus will on Syria to demonstrate the blueprint used by the Axis of Interventionism and “regime change” to create a two headed coin of destruction. On the one side is their own Frankenstein monster with its unique market branding: Al Nusra, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Khorasan and on the other side, supposedly pitted against all form of brutality and evil authoritarianism is the ubiquitous NGO, in situ despite all risk to themselves to “save all Humanity from the evil regime”.
I demonstrate that when the “soft power” missionary complex is in the same hands as the “hard power industrial/military” complex…they are two sides of the same coin..overtly opposing and covertly combining to achieve Imperialist aims in any given target region or nation. The NGO complex is THE most insidious tool of empire and arguably the most damaging.
“Syria is one of the biggest propaganda schemes of our time. When the dust settles, if it does, it will be revealed” – Professor AbuKhalil
About Vanessa Beeley:
Vanessa Beeley is a writer, photographer, peace activist and investigative journalist.
Daughter of Sir Harold Beeley K.C.M.G C.B.E. Middle Eastern Advisor to Ernest Bevin and Special Envoy to Cairo during both Suez Crises.…
Originally from a Corporate, Marketing background working predominantly in the Engineering and Plastics Recycling sector in UK and Central Europe.
Most of her time from 2012 onwards has been spent in the Middle East or working with the Middle East. Vanessa was in Gaza during the Israeli offensive Operation Pillar of Defence in 2012 and went back to live in Gaza in 2013, until I had to return to France.
Vanessa launched the Facebook page, The Wall Will Fall and my blog to publish her photographs and articles on life in the Gaza strip. The idea behind the page and The Wall Will Fall was to raise awareness but also to convey the idea that through education, awareness and the development of our own consciousness we can bring down all walls that keep us in ignorance and far from the Truth. The popularity of the page grew exponentially and leading to Vanessa and other contributors often being asked to participate in televised debates on the situation in Palestine, Syria and the Middle East.
Vanessa is a member of the steering committee of the Syria Solidarity Movement International
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