One Day Tomorrow Won’t Arrive


Editor's Note: Make no mistake—even though many people who see themselves on the left have accused us of being "pro-Trump"—an idiotic charge quickly dismissed after even a cursory review of our articles on Trump—this much we have maintained for some time: Trump's one and only saving grace, which made him preferable to Hillary Clinton, despite his long list of repulsive and dangerous characteristics, was his announced willingness to normalise relations with Russia and deflate the tensions making a clash between the world's two top nuclear powers almost inevitable. We thought and still think that such a position was eminently rational and worth supporting, especially by those who claim to speak as the moral vanguard of humanity.  Do the sanctimonious morons "on the left" who push for heightened tensions with Russia actually realise or, better, visualise the sheer horror of a nuclear war between these two nations? Obviously not. So, yes, we share Paul Craig Roberts' anger and frustration at the level of corruption, generalised imbecility and betrayal seen on what passes for the left in the United States. With Trump quickly beaten back by the Deep State (after all we knew he had few principles if any to begin with), we now stand at the edge of the same precipice that Hillary would have taken us, so the Democrats/CIA coup has in effect neutralised the results of the election in its most critical area: the desire of many people for a nuclear peace. That said, while admitting that Trump has always been a chauvinist of the coarsest kind,  it's clear that his despicable about face and current reckless warmongering stems from the unrelenting persecution he has been subjected to by the CIA and its new allies (in the open), the treacherous Democrats and their media gallery, the new War Party and foremost tool of Wall Street.

Glen Ford, Black Agenda Report's editor, dissected this transformation with his usual finesse:

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all.

The American nation sits now in a radioactive pickle. But impeaching Trump will solve nothing. If the Deep State got rid of Trump, the alternative is not much more palatable, as the reins of power would fall in the hands of Mike Pence, an abject servitor of the reigning plutocracy, the MIC, and religious zealot, to boot, who would probably be happy to implement whatever instructions his handlers gave him—albeit, granted—with a bit more decorum than the oafish buffoon currently occupying the White House. As things stand it's hard to envision something worse, but it can get much worse. Let's face it, Trump is merely a symptom of the system that is threatening us, a malignancy inevitably born of America's rotten political and socioeconomic DNA. Trump—let us remember— was made possible by the numerous and cynical betrayals of the Democrats, the Obama/Clinton cliques, particularly, who had decades to show some fealty to the American masses and invariably let them down. Thus, electing Democrats will hardly cure anything, but of course, idiocy runs deep in America, and probably a cataclysm will have to occur before things have any chance of getting better—but I'm not even betting on that. By then, if our luck finally gives out, we may all be dead, buried in the rubble of a planet done in by propaganda.—Patrice Greanville

See The Saker’s Comment:

Hypersonic Zircon missiles during recent test.

Before the idiots in Washington get us blown off of the face of the earth, the morons had better come to terms with the fact that the US military is now second class compared to the Russian military.

For example, the US Navy has been made obsolete by Russia’s hypersonic maneuvering Zircon missile.

For example, the speed and trajectory changes of the Russian Sarmat ICBM has nullified Washington’s ABM system. One Sarmet is sufficient to take out Great Britain, or France, or Germany, or Texas. It only takes a dozen to wipe out the United States.

Why don’t you know this?

For example, Washington’s enormously expensive F-35 jet fighter is no match whatsoever for Russian fighters.

For example, US tanks are no match for Russian tanks.

For example, Russian troops are superior in their combat readiness and training and are highly motivated and not worn out by 16 years of pointless and frustrating wars over no one knows what.

If the US ends up in a catastrophic war with a militarily superior power, it will be the fault of Hillary Clinton, the DNC, former CIA director John Brennan and the military/security complex, the presstitute media, and the American liberal/progressive/left, which, made completely stupid by Identity Politics, has allied with neoconservative warmongers against President Trump and prevented Trump from normalizing relations with Russia.

Without normal relations with Russia, nuclear Armageddon hangs over us like the sword of Damocles.

Do you not agree that it is outrageous, astounding, inexcusable, inexplicable, reckless and irresponsible that the Democratic Party, the print and TV media, the military/security complex that is supposed to protect us, and the liberal/progressive/left are working hand in glove to destroy the human race?

Why is there so much opposition to normalizing relations with a nuclear power? Why did even the Greens jump on the anti-Trump propaganda bandwagon. Don’t the Greens understand the consequences of nuclear war?

Why is there such a crazed, insane effort to eject a president who wants to normalize relations with Russia?

Why are these questions not part of the public discourse?

The failure of political leadership, of media, of the intellectual class in America is total.

The rest of the world must find some means of quarantining Washington before the evil destroys life on earth. 

About the Author
  Paul Craig Roberts is a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. Roberts’ How the Economy Was Lost is now available from CounterPunch in electronic format. His latest book is The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.

PAUL CRAIG ROBETS—If the US ends up in a catastrophic war with a militarily superior power, it will be the fault of Hillary Clinton, the DNC, former CIA director John Brennan and the military/security complex, the presstitute media, and the American liberal/progressive/left, which, made completely stupid by Identity Politics, has allied with neoconservative warmongers against President Trump and prevented Trump from normalizing relations with Russia.

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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report 
