Sick and old, a stray cat becomes priceless mentor to generations of kittens


Thank you for visiting our animal defence section. Before reading our main essay, please join us in a moment of compassion and reflection.

The wheels of business and human food compulsions are implacable and totally lacking in compassion. This is a downed cow, badly hurt, but still being dragged to slaughter. Click on this image to fully appreciate this horror repeated millions of times every day around the world. With plentiful non-animal meat substitutes that fool the palate, there is no longer reason for this senseless suffering. Meat consumption is a serious ecoanimal crime. The tyranny of the palate must be broken. Please consider changing your habits in this regard.

Chronicles of the good, the bad and the ugly.
Patrice Greanville

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he peerless animal defenders—the DoDo people—have contributed this inspiring story.
Yes, it does nothing to erase the monumental crimes of speciesism, factory farming, depraved hunting "for sport", and similar outrages against animals in a planet already bathed in man-made violence and injustice, but it keeps the light of hope and activism alive for the many battles to come.

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hile the above is a beautiful story, this one is as ugly and depraved as they come, yet this is normal for these pathetic cowards—the "community of sports hunters", an international disgrace and a criminal anachronism in this age of massive anthropogenic dieoffs. Here, one of these moral imbeciles, using the privileges granted to him by a network of corrupt African officials who justify these outrages in the "name of conservancy" and as legitimate income to their perennially depleted coffers due to endless wars and endemic corruption, and relying on the services of an industry of "guides and outriggers", shoots a magnificent male elephant in the middle of his family group, causing an explosion of panic and anger in the animals. Thankfully these cowards quickly turn tail and don't attempt to kill more animals, but their act belongs in the annals of human vileness forever. (The video on YouTube allows for no comements, by the way, and you can easily figure why.)

Incidentally, the media, an assemby of ignoramuses and complacent mediocrities, always catering to the lowest common demoninator, and endorsing without criticism or commentary the most execrable "traditions" (largely to avoid controversy and complainst from advertisers), labels this story, "Game Hunting." "Game" is one of those "weasel" words that mask an atrocious reality.

About the Author
The author edits this publication. He ragrds justice and compassion as indivisible.

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