Insults the US ruling class deserves, and then some. Add your on. And use them.

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n Glengarry Glen Ross (1983), a scathing David Mamet play about two days in the lives of four desperate Chicago real estate agents prepared to engage in any number of unethical, illegal acts—from lies and flattery to bribery, threats, intimidation and burglary—to sell undesirable real estate to unwitting prospective buyers, Mamet summed up the degrading Darwinian ethos and moral void at the core of capitalism.

None of the salesmen are likable, and that includes the "motivational hot shot sales ace" sent up by the "downtown office" to read this bunch of losers the riot act (Alec Baldwin, in the film version), and the office manager (Williamson, portrayed by Kevin Spacey).

In one of the (many) memorable scenes, the office's current sales lion, Ricky Roma (Al Pacino) loses a juicy commission when the office manager, Spacey, inadvertently —"not knowing what the shot is"—confirms to a Roma customer stricken with buyers' remorse that the sales contract has been sent to the bank, precisely right after Ricky Roma —with typical mendacity—has reassured the man the contract has not been processed.  Williamson's faux pas detonates a torrent of invective by Roma. The river of insults is so rich and so unrelenting that I thought it could be used as model for the things that the US citizen should be ready to use when dealing with American politicians and media figures shaping their pitiful reality, with extremely rare exceptions all whores and phonies working for the sociopathic plutocracy, and never representing their interest (as they are supposed to do). So, flex your oratorical muscles boys and girls, learn from Pacino, the natural master, no doubt, and add, if you can, your own twist. Action!

Al Pacino: Who ever told you that you could work with men!?

Glengarry Glen Ross (9/10) Movie CLIP - Where Did You Learn Your Trade? (1992) HD)

Vedran Noneofyourbusiness
"What you're hired for is to help us..." Somebody should send this video to every one of the politicians that "represents" them.


Read the transcript
Lingkt (Jonathan Price): The snookered client, gripped by buyer's remorse. Wants to cancel the deal with Roma.
Roma (Al Pacino): Ace salesman, just about the only "winner" in an office of losers.
Williamson (Kevin Spacey): Ofice manager.
Levene (Jack lemmon): Desperate, down on his luck pathetic salesman, but also ruthlessly tricky character, and the actual burglar.

Baylen (Jude Ciccolella): Detective questioning the salesmen because someone burgled the office and stole the pricey Glengarry leads the night before..

            What are the police doing?

            It's nothing.

            What are the police doing here...?

            We had a slight burglary last night.

            It was nothing...I was assuring Mr.

            Mr. Lingk.  James Lingk.  Your
            contract went out.  Nothing to...


            Your contract went out to the bank.

            You cashed the check?


            ...Mr. Williamson...

            Your check as cashed yesterday
            afternoon.  And we're completely
            insured, as you know, in any case.


                   (to Roma)
            You cashed the check?

            Not to my knowledge, no...

            I'm sure we can...


            Oh, Christ...
                   (starts out the door)
            Don't follow me...Oh, Christ.
                   (pause, to Roma)
            I know I've let you down.  I'm
            sorry.  For...Forgive...for...I
            don't know anymore.
            Forgive me.

Lingk exits.  Pause.

                   (to Williamson)
            You stupid fucking cunt.  You,
            Williamson...I'm talking to you,
            shithead...You just cost me six
            thousand dollars.
            Six thousand dollars.  And one
            Cadillac.  That's right.  What are
            you going to do about it?  What are
            you goin to do about it, asshole.
            You fucking shit.  Where did you
            learn your trade.  You stupid
            fucking cunt.  You idiot.  Whoever
            told you you could work with men?

            Could I...

            I'm going to have your job, shithead.
            I'm going downtown and talk to
            Mitch and Murrray, and I'm going to
            Lemkin.  I don't care whose nephew
            you are, who you know, whose dick
            you're sucking on.  You're going
            out, I swear to you, you're going...

            Hey, fella, let's get this done...

            Anyone in this office lives on
            their wits...
                   (to Baylen)
            I'm going to be with you in a
                   (to Williamson)
            What you're hired for is to help
            us--does that seem clear to you?


                         ROMA (CONT'D)
            To help us.  Not to fuck us
            help men who are going out there to
            try to earn a living.  You fairy.
            You company man...I'll tell you
            something else.  I hope you knocked
            the joint off, I can tell our
            friend here something might help
            him catch you.
                   (starts into the room)
            You want to learn the first rule
            you'd know if you ever spent a day
            in your never open your
            mouth till you know what the shot
            You fucking child...

Roma goes to the inner room.

            You are a shithead, Williamson...



            You can't think on your feet you
            should keep your mouth closed.
            You hear me?  I'm talking to you.
            Do you hear me...?

            I hear you.
This essay is part of a series on cultural, scientific and esoteric matters.

Patrice Greanville is The Greanville Post's founding editor.

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