Pentagon’s Bot Army Banned From Facebook & Twitter!

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editors log bluePATRICE GREANVILLE

Jimmy Dore and his team discuss recent (rather confusing) revelations showing the US government, basically, the Pentagon, has been engaged in manufacturing disinformation via social media bots and other platforms, something we always assumed, considering the long history of news manipulation by the US and the grotesque overt and secret sums allocated to this enterprise. The object of this gigantic undertaking was the deployment of an army of bots to spread disinformation, and sow discord among perceived enemies, and promote US foreign policy. Jimmy seems to be a bit confused about the situation, and so are we. What we can't fully understand yet is why Facebook, Twitter, the New York Times, etc. have now blown the whistle and clamped down on this op, when by all measures they are still very much in bed with the government and its imperialist designs. The confusion deepens when we see Graphika, for example, a longstanding player in the sordid market of disinformation for hire, showing up here as a denouncer of such ops. Not to mention the New York Times, long a huge player in disinformation games for the Empire, also taking part in this exposé.
The Editor

The Jimmy Dore Show / Sep 30, 2022
For many years now the United States military has been developing and deploying an army of bots to spread disinformation, sow discord among perceived enemies and promote US foreign policy. The Pentagon has overdone it to such an extent that even traditionally compliant partners in US imperialism like Facebook and Twitter have banned the military’s bots from their platforms. Jimmy and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the U.S.’s use of disinformation tactics traditionally associated with “bad actors” like Russia and China.

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