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Paul Edwards

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Mural of late archbishop of San Salvador, Oscar Romero, recently canonised. So CIA goons in that poor country also murdered a saint, but US Catholics —80 million Americans—hardly noticed.

You have to hand it to The Empire of Capitalism when it comes to the variety of tactics it has devised for breaking and destroying countries that attempt to refuse its arrogant overlordship.

Sure, military assault and destruction are the big item lately—in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Ukraine—and those disastrous, bungled pratfalls were big moneymakers for the War Machine.  Our Command and Control apparatus, laughingly referred to as our “democracy”, utterly contemptuous of its lobotomized, morally dead citizenry, does what the inner circle of its Capitalist owners require to maximize their profits, and losing “wars” is of no consequence since there is arguably more profit in that than in winning them, whatever that might mean.  Either way they cash in, and getting American boys killed is of no concern to them.

So, “war” heads its list of tactics but not to the exclusion of other effective means of destroying small nations for plunder.  It has subjected the whole of Central and South America forever with bullying and violence, empowering the sleaziest whores in their “elites” to run them as extraction zones and money brothels for The Empire’s banks and partner pirates.

GRUESOME WORK: Death squad victims in El Salvador. Thank you, CIA. Try to explain that on your evening news. The savagery is intentional for intimidation purposes.

It has used its CIA—its nasty corps of sick, bumbling psychos—to facilitate this calumny, and wherever thought necessary, to hire murderers to take out anyone who resisted in a roster of nations around the world.  It even tried this form of demolition, and nearly succeeded, in attempting to reduce giant Russia to beggary and ruin but that, as it turned out, was beyond its capability.

Lately, the amanuenses of The Empire, its “Free Press”, long reduced to sniveling bawdry, have been strident in advising us braindead readers and watchers, that Haiti is spiraling down into chaos because its legitimate government has been ousted by violent, predatory gangs.  Oh, my!

One of the true wonders of The Empire’s Propaganda Bureau— that “Free Press”—has been how it has learned to do what it pretends to be real reporting on an event while leaving out or eliminating anything that might convey the truth of the matter.  The major news outlets and print media are filled every day with the most transparent and egregious bullshit in the interest of keeping the great mass of American naifs from ever knowing anything true about anything that concerns them.

One of the true wonders of The Empire’s Propaganda Bureau— that “Free Press”—has been how it has learned to do what it pretends to be real reporting on an event while leaving out or eliminating anything that might convey the truth of the matter. 

The story of the corruption and decomposition of the American press into its stinking, deliquescent corpse is long and grim, having intensified after Vietnam where some young studs in the trade still insisted on telling the truth—Brown, Halberstam and Sheehan, notably.  This persistence put some truly stunning and devastating holes in the stonewalling of bald, cynical lies that the military and State Department used to defend the indefensible, much like what Nazi Zionist Israel is doing now to try to mask their race murder in Gaza, and showed it for what it was.

When young Sy Hersh broke the story of the maniacal horror of the My Lai murders, the fake face of this phony, lying empire was broken in the eyes of all the world.  Hersh, one of the true greats of the trade, has long since been banished from all mainstream outlets as a mind and voice that will not whore his integrity to the degraded and disgraced requirements of our ugly, contemptible, official PR dog and pony show.

William Shirer wrote revealingly of this rolling takeover of the American news biz, as far back as post-WWII years, and a comprehensive and temperate documentation of the sorry selbstmord of American journalism is now out in Patrick Lawrence’s biographical, “Journalists And Their Shadows”.

The rotting of our press has enabled the soft tactics of The Empire through its cosmetic work—similar to an undertaker’s sprucing up a stiff with paint and perfume—to decorate and render pleasing the vicious, inhuman evil with which The Empire has eviscerated and bled out whole peoples.  Cuba, belongs high in that catalog, and Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and on and on, but none has been more villainously manhandled and raped than Haiti about which The Empire now expresses old maidenish distress that it has come to such inexplicable failure.

As little as Americans know of how their country works today, they know less, nearly nothing, of their actual history, and that which is known they seek, in great numbers, to ban as a serious threat to their self-esteem.  In the early 20th century, America—pre-empire—bullied, beat up, and brutalized the whole Caribbean until it made all those islands and small nations into the money pits of Capitalist masters.  United Fruit owned whole countries, as did various oil and sugar barons and big banking hyenas.

Of all those ripped-off and looted states, none was more grossly violated than Haiti because its people were black, therefore meat for lynching by our sanctimonious racist hypocrites.  Marines made it into a whorehouse and grab-bag for our Capitalist brutes and blackjacked it into submission, ceding it to vicious, depraved Papa Doc and his Tonton Macoutes, as CEO for white financial pirates. When he finally ran to rot on the Riviera and efforts were made for independence by patriots, the banks and “free market” ghouls had their overlord—yours and mine, I’m talking about—crush them and reimpose the chaos and larceny of The Empire.

The Empire’s vile role, shameful and horrifying everywhere, was nowhere more nakedly malevolent than in Haiti to this day.  And now, this addled, stupid, senile collapsing empire’s panjandrums are clutching their pearls and clenching their sphincters over this sudden, unforeseen unpleasantness they just can’t understand.

This, of course, is no surprise.  They don’t understand anything but brutality and crime, in the hallucination of hegemony that they dream of and have lost forever.

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