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Of course they knew what they were doing. They were dumb, but they were not stupid… if you know what I mean. They surely did know what they were doing. They knew precisely and in great detail the trap they were laying. All it would take to bring Russia down was to just keep on poking the Russian bear and lure it into the trap they had prepared for it.
The goal they set for themselves was clear. Eliminate Russia as a nation that could seriously oppose their desire for global hegemony, to weaken it and to unbalance it to the point where the present leadership and government would be so undermined they could be easily ousted and replaced. Once done they could set about carving Russia up into manageable pieces.
The US Empire: An evil and pathologically dishonorable entity, still drunk on its power, managed by morons and ethical pygmies, does not deserve the fraternity and respect of other sovereign nations.
All the elements with which to do the above they believed were in place. There was no way, they thought, that Russia could withstand what they had poised ready for it. All they needed in order to bring most of the rest of the world along with them was ‘just cause’. Was the 2014 coup in Ukraine part of that plan? Was it meant to neatly dovetail into all that was to come as a consequence? I suspect it was, and that the resistance to that coup in the Russian-speaking east of the country would rise up as a consequence.
Whether the Maidan coup in 2014 and its inevitable consequences were all part of the plan or whether it was merely a launch point that was spotted eagerly by the neoconservatives who needed such a moment is unknown as yet. If it was all part of the plan to ‘get Russia’ the first hiccup came with the success of the self-defence forces of eastern Ukraine against the Kiev regime’s rather lackluster army. By 2015 it was clear that things were going very wrong for the West on that front.
The Minsk process, initiated by Angela Merkel through a plaintive plea to Vladimir Putin asking for diplomacy to take centre stage, began and continued until it finally foundered in 2021. Upon its demise Ms Merkel, along with Petro Poroshenko confessed that they had never had any intention of seeking peace but had simply used Minsk as a means to building up the Ukrainian army to NATO standards. The plan was back on track.
This was when the poking of the Russian bear began in earnest. Up to this point there had been the (unreported in the West) shelling of the civilian populations of the Russian-speaking regions of Donetsk and Lugansk. This continues right up to the present day but by 2021 had been occurring daily and nightly since 2014. Though Petroshenko, Ukrainian president through most of this period continually said Russia had invaded Ukraine it was in fact predominantly the male and female populations of Donetsk and Lugansk who were defending these regions with the help of a few hundred Russian volunteers. The plan required that the ‘Russian Invasion’ meme stick and the evidence for such an invasion simply was not there.
So, start poking the Russian bear harder and if possible get it into a corner from which it would have to break out sooner or later. Russia’s efforts over the best part of a decade through Minsk to reach peace and reconciliation in Ukraine had been fruitless by design. Now, with no pathway to peace available and both Merkel and Poroshenko basically laughing at how Russia had been tricked, Russia turned to another possibility, inviting both NATO and the U.S. state to negotiate on a new security architecture for Europe that would ensure peace and also include Russia within it. This was rejected more or less out of hand by both Western powers. Russia was being remorselessly placed in the corner designed for it and inevitably it exploded out from the place it had been pushed into.
Zelensky was talking of regaining Ukraine’s nuclear status. The shelling of Donetsk and Lugansk during the first two months of 2022 reached a new peak of intensity. It became clear that unless Russia acted now the Kiev regime intended to launch an all-out attack on them. Indeed documents were apparently found to this effect.
Finally, all the pressure, all the relentless poking paid off for the Western planners, a cornered Russia, looking at NATO soon to be squatting on its borders and a nation upping its hate campaign against Russia into the distant future, with the knowledge that every means would be used to destabilise the Russian nation, the bear burst from the corner long prepared for her.
The Western planners must have been cock-a-hoop on February 24th 2022 when the first Russian troops crossed the border into Ukraine. They had done it, they had tormented the bear into doing exactly what they had long planned for. Now would come the barrage of financial and economic weapons that would bring Russia down in combination with the uprising, the Moscow Maidan that would come as a result.
The heinous, unprovoked attack upon poor, innocent, democratic Ukraine by the dictator-led Russia would bring every nation large or small together in condemnation and unify them as one against this unconscionable Russian aggression.
Putin would fall. The Russian government would fall. The collapse of the Russian economy would bring with it a banking collapse, anarchy and rioting in the streets and a retreat of the nation back to the terrible Nineties. All ripe for regime change, the elimination and replacement of all those the West had long targeted.
Only none of the above rosy scenarios envisaged by the Western planners came to be. Their ‘Afghanistan Solution’ of enticing Russia into Ukraine and then laying it low by expensiture of massive amounts of blood and treasure failed. Russia obstinately refused to collapse. The Russian economy began to grow. The Ruble wavered then strengthened. The nations expected to join with the West in condemning Russia failed to do so and instead expanded their trade with it. Public opinion, even in the West was split. As time went on and more people became informed of the entire timeline of events Russia began to receive much more support among them than condemnation.
The plan had gone horribly wrong. Russia was not weakened, but strengthened. Russia’s reputation in the world had improved, not been destroyed. The collective West was being abandoned by more and more nations it had previously considered its compliant proxies. The reputation for probity the Western leaders still retained to some degree even in spite of their disastrous regime change wars approached its nadir. Humiliation awaited for the debacle of Ukraine that they had foisted on the world. Half a million Ukrainians were dead as a result of their convincing Zelensky not to seek peace but to fight on. The plan was as good as dead. But still they kept poking the Russian bear, and we know by now what to expect from that idiocy… don’t we?
First posted 9th June 2022.
You may have heard of the fact that there is a strong loyalty to certain mythologies concerning the Nazis in Ukraine and this may have surprised you. This is in connection with the beliefs of Ukrainian nationalists during world war two that the Nazis would be useful in driving Russian influence from Ukraine and furthering the cause of Ukraine’s hoped for sovereignty.
By whatever means and for whatever purpose the devotion to the memory of the Nazis and those Ukrainians who fought for them is still extremely strong in Ukraine. Indeed it is so strong that it has been harnessed even, surprising as it may seem, by Jewish oligarchs to shore up and increase their power and political leverage.
The violence which this mythology breeds cannot be reflected by mere words. It encompasses and surpasses any concepts of torture and sadistic acts that any reasonably normal person can imagine. It was seen in very recent times in the treatment meted out to Russian prisoners of war who were subjected to being shot in the groin and knees, though this was the least of it, gouging out their eyes with knives appears to have been the favoured act of violence. Subsequently a bag was placed over their heads and they were kicked to death.
Though deeply shocking such incidents do not surprise those who have observed the acts of violence perpetrated by the Ukrainian regime since an insurrection removed the democratically elected president and government of Ukraine in 2014. These acts of violence, against the civilian population of the eastern region of Ukraine known as the Donbass, were not publicised in the West. It was not seen as convenient or expedient to do so.
The years 2014 and 2015 were the worst where the shelling of the civilian population was at its worst by the Ukrainian army and the many Nazi-legacy extremists who couldn’t wait to rain devastation down on those they called ‘Moskals’ (Russians). They were fellow Ukrainians but considered sub-human traitors to Ukraine because they spoke Russian and considered Russia to be a friend. They were targeted for extinction in a genocide only prevented by the Russian intervention on February 24th of this year.
But the level of hatred does not end with the attacks upon the men, women, and children of the Donbass through the relentless mortar shelling they have endured from the Spring of 2014 until today (the Ukrainian army shell them each day, today being no exception). The malaise of sadistic behaviour exists right across Ukraine in respect of those that violent minorities, often figures of authority in the security services, feel for fellow Ukrainians.
In 2014 members of the Ukrainian parliament who voiced opinions not conducive to the views of the mob outside were regularly taken by them when they attempted to exit the parliament building were verbally abused while being dumped bodily into large dumpster bins. Assassination threats were made using burning car tyres to intimidate after the style of immolation carried out by mobs in South Africa in recent years.
Those who carry out such acts are very commonly found to sport swastika tattoos and representations of various other items of Nazi regalia or symbolism. The prisoners that Russia is taking now are inspected for these as they indicate clearly the slavish devotion to the memory of the Nazis who form an integral part of the mythology of Ukraine. The nationalist leaders who worked with the Nazis are heralded as state heroes with monuments erected to them and street names bear their names.
The latest form the deep hatreds within Ukrainian society show themselves is in vigilantism which has become rife there. If you speak Russian, if you have Romany Gypsy blood or if you have perpetrated some petty crime such as stealing a loaf of bread you risk being tied to the nearest pole, post or tree, then part stripped and beaten. Law has all but disappeared in the locations where this is taking place and the practice has become widespread. On many of the occasions a uniformed person is seen perpetrating these acts.
This is only the tip of the iceberg concerning the deep-seated hatreds and acts of unimaginable violence that infest Ukraine. Those like I who watched from the winter of 2013-14 onward have seen many terrible and previously unimaginable things, stomach-churning acts of pure terror-inducing violence and merciless executions. Such things that should have become a black memory concerning those terrible days when the human demons known as the Nazis had their cruel and sadistic way across the continent of Europe.
None of this fits with the poor innocent Ukraine narrative, I know. That narrative was a necessary facade to generate support for its regime and loathing for Russia. It was a lie, and an extremely cynical lie. The Western powers made a deal with a very real devil in the winter of 2013-14. They conceived of a way to use the ultra-violence displayed on Kiev’s Maidan Square to achieve their geopolitical goal of wrenching Ukraine into the Western orbit. The praising of that violence, the lauding of its perpetrators as heroes reflected the same distorted belief system that those thugs used to justify the Nazis and their devotion to them.
And so we come to the present situation where the reckoning is upon those whose lives are predicated upon hatred and sadistic violence. They are now paying the highest possible cost for their modern day Nazism and ever-present sadism. The Western world too is paying the price of letting their elites get away with neglecting and indeed fostering the evil within Ukraine, using its as a tool for their own ends. Now a cleansing is taking place, a baptism of fire after which it is fervently to be hoped that a new and far better Ukraine emerges, one free of the unconscionable hatred that has festered at its heart for far too long now.
Recommend Aearnur’s Newsletter to the readers of Patrice’s Newsletter
The world in an era of Western liberal totalitarianism.
- In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
- Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
- Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.
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Here is a chat with a young Ukrainian friend of mine: **** Ivan [6/2/2024 1:39 PM] We have enough information about Soviet Union to understand, that it was much worse than present days. If not counting the war of course. But people remember times when they were young, that’s why the love it) Ivan [6/2/2024 1:40 PM] My parents and grandparents don’t think that during USSR was better Eric Arnow, [6/2/2024 1:41 PM] Oh, I see. Ivan [6/2/2024 1:42 PM] My great-grandmother is 90. She remembers the WW2 and “Holodomor” Ivan [6/2/2024 1:45 PM] After stories about Holodomor, I understood… Read more »
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