Of course, those youths aren’t aware that this is what the war in Ukraine is actually about — they’ve instead been deceived to think that it’s an imperial war started by Putin in 2022, rather than an imperial war started by Obama in 2014 when Obama’s Administration engineered a very bloody coup which removed the democratically elected neutralist President there and replaced him with a rabidly anti-Russian U.S.-selected leader who immediately started an ethnic-cleansing campaign to get rid of enough of the former President’s voters so that when future elections would he held in Ukraine, only rabidly anti-Russian rulers would be elected, and that this ethnic-cleansing campaign to solidify Obama’s coup started the war in Ukraine — Putin did not. The goal of Obama (and of the billionaires who had funded his political campaigns) was to get Ukraine into NATO so that America could place a nuclear missile there only 317 miles, or five minutes of missile-flying time, away from The Kremlin — checkmate against Russia. Those French youths don’t know anything about any of that, because their nation’s ‘news’-media hide it from them.
Their nation’s ‘news’-media had similarly hidden from their parents the unassailable fact that in 2003 when the U.S. invaded and destroyed (that video had been quickly removed by youtube) Iraq, it was 100% on the basis of lies to the American people (just as the U.S.-and-allied war in Ukraine against Russia is), and that America is no democracy but instead a profoundly corrupt country whose Government is controlled by its billionaires, who are determined to extend their empire throughout the entire world. And these youngsters also don’t know that France’s billionaires, like the billionaires in all other U.S. colonies, are part of the American international gang and are likewise determined to take over Russia for the American empire.
any dictatorship, even today. This American dictatorship is a collective dictatorship, it’s an aristocracy instead of a monarchy, but it’s really no better than a one-person dictatorship, such as Hitler wanted to impose.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires.