NIMA chats with Larry C. Johnson, a veteran of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism, on the actual situation in Ukraine and Palestine, a version of events diametrically at variance with the mainstream media narrative.
Default Editor Patrice de Bergeracpas
CAITLIN JOHNSTONE—One of the advantages the empire propagandists have over normal people is that these things are all we’ve ever known. We’ve never experienced a healthy world, so we don’t experience the shock and outrage we’d otherwise experience at what these pricks are stealing from us by keeping that healthy world from us.
NORMAN FENTON—So, suppose the laptop statement is one of those used to train the algorithm and the vaccine statement is one of those used to test the algorithm. Then, because the laptop statement is classified as misinformation, the algorithm learns that people who repost or like a tweet with the laptop statement are ‘misinformation spreaders’. Based on other posts these people make, the algorithm might additionally classify them as, for example, ‘far right’. The algorithm is likely to find that some people already classified as ‘far right’ or ‘misinformation spreader’ – or people they are connected to – also post a statement like “The COVID vaccines can cause serious injury and death”. In that case the algorithm will have ‘learnt’ that this statement is most likely misinformation. And, hey presto, since it gives the ‘correct’ classification to the ‘test’ statement, the algorithm is ‘validated’.
EDITORS—Aug 31, 2024
Massive, maybe even wilful, ignorance underlies the attitudes of many colonialist setters, suggests this interview with a true believer in the cause of Israel. -
Roger Waters denounces Britain as a fascist state
6 minutes readEDITOR—Here’s Roger Waters’ impassioned denunciation of rapidly creeping fascism in Britain, where free speech is being criminalised to suppress, among other things, criticism of Israel’s depraved extermination of Palestinians. In that regard, Britain is no different or worse than the rest of Europe’s vassal states, all in the cusp of US power, and led by similar, morally rotten Ziocon elites. The crackdown on free speech throughout the collective West may shake some out of the complacent illusion of living in a “democracy” instead of in a cynical, certifiably sociopathic and fully dystopic global oligarchy, much as Orwell described it in his classic 1984 (although, as an anti-communist, he aimed his arrows at the USSR instead of the capitalist regimes).