GuiEyes—Special Material-Limited Distribution

This is the edited version, with 11 + minutes of initial blank footage excised. Should have been done to begin with, but then the rest of the job is equally subpar: bad camera and sound work throughout.

STEVE JONAS: Ending the Drug War, The Public Health Approach (eBook download, by invitation)


Chap. 1. Introduction
A. The Drug Problem in the United States


At the time of writing it was not known whether he might lose his foot, or worse.

Then there are the vitamins and other food supplements. They, of course, are not strictly drugs. But they mainly come in pill or powder form. This they often look like pharmaceuticals and are often sold on the basis of: “take this pill or powder and you will feel better.” Their lightly regulated sale is so wide-spread that, since dosages can go way beyond any known useful purpose, as one wag has put it, one principal result of their use has been to create the world’s most expensive urine.

This book, however, is not about drug/pharmaceutical/supplement use in general. Rather it focuses on that group of drugs that, for the last quarter-century or so that I have been active in one branch of the drug policy reform movement (DPRM), I have called the “Recreational Mood-altering Drugs,” the “RMADs” (see chapter two). When I made up the term, I did not intend it to come out sounding angry. That just happened, because indeed we are talking just about the recreational, mood-altering, drugs.

Of the RMADs there are, first and foremost in terms of health harms done, the currently “licit drugs,” like nicotine in tobacco products and ethyl alcohol in alcoholic beverages. Then there are the currently “illicit drugs,” like marijuana, heroin, and cocaine. Although the casual observer wouldn’t know it, it is the former which are responsible for the overwhelming proportion of health harms to RMAD users. Yet, as is well-known, it is the latter group on which the “Drug War” has its sole focus, as does for the most part, unfortunately, the drug policy reform movement as well. A contradiction? Well, yes. It happens that neither the “Drug War” nor the drug problem will be resolved to the best level it can be until this contradiction is dealt with. It is a contradiction that we shall address on a recurrent basis throughout this book.


To download PDF version of the whole book, by invitation, just click the link below: the _Drug War”-Gp17h.pdf


Letter from the Publisher: Changes at Cyrano’s Journal, The Greanville Post

Be sure to distribute this article as widely as possible. Pushing back against the Big Lie is really up to you.

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Premier issue, print, Fall 1982. Cyrano made its debut as a radical media review. (2)

Dear colleagues, supporters, and readers,

As some of you know, the Cyrano family of publications(1) is approaching its 35th year anniversary.  To my esteemed colleagues who have made this long run possible, you have my warmest embrace and abiding gratitude.

From its inception, we have been an all-volunteer organization dedicated to the following goals:  expose the systemic flaws of capitalism that breed rampant and virulent injustice; illuminate the mainstream media's complicity for selling its soul to the highest bidder;  indict those who manipulate and obscenely profit from the inherent inequities with impunity; present a diversity of analytical and curative approaches to this malignancy; and embody the highest standards of journalism and scholarship.  We harbored no illusions from day one, knowing we were facing gale-force winds at every turn, but acquiescence to a predatory monster was never an option.


One of Cyrano's Journal earlier logobanners. The Greanville Post itself was founded only in 2006.


Much has changed in the intervening years, as pragmatic exigencies dictated that we operate lean and efficiently.  The advent of the Internet was of major benefit in opening the possibility of leveling the playing field, but we still faced myriad challenges given our refusal to prostitute core principles in growing our readership and eliciting financial support.  Any hardships incurred, however, were dwarfed by the rewards.  Indeed, thanks to our extraordinary family, TGP was named not too long ago among the top five leftist publications in the anglophone blogosphere--bolstering our spirits in learning that our compass remains well-calibrated.


CJT's mastlogo introduced in 1999.

To markedly strengthen our efforts, I am pleased to announce that our sister publication, CJT--itself honored as a leading leftist publication--is being integrated within TGP.  Our indispensable colleague and CJT's present Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Rowan Wolf, will assume the position of Managing Editor of TGP.  We're enthusiastic about this consolidation, as it increases our reach in the urgent struggle to extinguish the growing flames of exploitation and oppression.

Again, my heartfelt gratitude to one and all for enabling TGP to become, as Thoreau would say, a counter-friction to stop the machine.

With abiding appreciation,

Patrice Greanville
Founder & Publisher

(1) Currently Greanville Publishing.
(2) Its chief purpose was to systematically analyze and expose the multiple ways corporate media blocked left dissenting views. An in depth look at how this publication came into existence, its rationale and essential essays, can be found here.

Note to Commenters
Due to severe hacking attacks in the recent past that brought our site down for up to 11 days with considerable loss of circulation, we exercise extreme caution in the comments we publish, as the comment box has been one of the main arteries to inject malicious code. Because of that comments may not appear immediately, but rest assured that if you are a legitimate commenter your opinion will be published within 24 hours. If your comment fails to appear, and you wish to reach us directly, send us a mail at:

We apologize for this inconvenience. 

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Nauseated by the
vile corporate media?
Had enough of their lies, escapism,
omissions and relentless manipulation?

Send a donation to 

The Greanville Post–or
But be sure to support YOUR media.
If you don’t, who will?


Is Our Bulletin Mailed Too Frequently? Please respond.


The TGP Bulletin brings you news and analyses about this guy and his accomplices.

Please help us with this simple poll that will take just a few seconds of your time.

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Is The Greanville Post Bulletin mailed too often? – Vote

A case of justifiable nepotism :)

django“Journalists” in the mainstream media indulge in this all the time, talking incessantly about themselves.
  Their family achievements and milestones—paltry or nonexistent—are duly noted, from weddings to departures to the great beyond.  Well, it’s a minor peccadillo compared to the 24/7 misinforming they do at the behest of their employers. And I suppose it’s only human. In our case, this rarely happens, despite the fact that, yes, we’re also human, but when it does we’d like to think it is for a very good and valid reason.

So it is with our dear colleague and long suffering (and niggardly paid) European correspondent Gaither Stewart. It so happens that Gaither has a grandson and he is something of a 9-year old genius. His poetic ability is certainly precocious, to say the least. We are so impressed that we thought it would only be fair and just to let Django (the young bard’s name) see his first poems published on a friendly and appreciative site.

So here, without further eloquence, as the legendary Mr Dooley would say, the poem, by Django Stewart, on The Greanville Post:


Where do thoughts go?

Do they flow through the river of brain?
Do they go into the objects they made?
So I think we should just let it go.