The Democrats Are A Lost Cause

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There they go again. Hillary was a two time loser.

Weirdly, her people are still in charge of the Democratic Party. Clintonista militant moderates haven’t learned a thing from Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump — so they’re trying to sell Democratic voters on more of the same.

Remember what happened when Hillary ran on “never mind your crappy low wage job, vote for me because ‘first woman president'”? Now we’re supposed to get excited about center-right California Senator Kamala Harris because she ticks off two boxes on the identity politics hit parade.

Pelosi bloviating about the issue of the moment. Democrat misleadership at its callous best. The center is useless in a radical crisis, worse when it is a thinly-veiled imperialist mechanism to implement plutocratic policies at home and abroad.

Remember the ugly optics when Bill and Hillary took their excellent fundraising adventure to the Hamptons? Kamala 2020 is already doing the same thing.

Remember how it well worked out when Hillary snubbed Bernie and insulted his progressive supporters, then ran a tack-to-the-right general-election campaign that targeted Republicans who were never going to vote for her? Here comes Kamala with rhetoric that makes her sound like a Rand Paul Republican: “I agree we must be talking about wasteful spending in our country…we must be talking about tax reform.” Also lots o’ tasty “tough on crime” (since she’s black it can’t possible be the racist dog whistle it sounds like).

The DNC is still partying like it’s 1999: Third Way/DLC/center-right triangulation is king. Dick Morris, call Kamala.

Memo to the Dumocrats: Trump’s polls are in the toilet. Still, Trump (or, if Trump gets impeached, Pence) might beat the Dems again in 2020. “Double haters” — voters who hated Trump and Clinton — were a deciding factor in 2016, accounting for “3% to 5% of the 15 million voters across 17 battleground states,” according to political author Joshua Green. They broke for Trump.

They — and Bernie voters snubbed by Hillary who sat home on election day — cost Hillary the 2016 election.

To be fair, some establishment Democrats know how to count. “American families deserve a better deal so that this country works for everyone again, not just the elites and special interests. Today, Democrats will start presenting that better deal to the American people,” Chuck Schumer wrote in The New York Times yesterday.

Sounds great. So what exactly is in Chuck’s stillborn (Republican president, Republican House, Republican Senate) Better Deal?

“Rules to stop prescription drug price gouging… allow regulators to break up big companies if they’re hurting consumers… giving employers, particularly small businesses, a large tax credit to train workers for unfilled jobs.”

These are good ideas.

But they’re so small.

If enacted, the Dems’ Better Deal wouldn’t do a thing about the problems that afflict most voters.

The #1 problem is the economy. There aren’t enough jobs. The jobs there are don’t pay enough. Bosses have too much power over workers.

A massive new WPA-like program, in which the federal government hires millions of Americans to rebuild our crumbled infrastructure, would create jobs. A $25/hour minimum wage — that’s about what it would be if raises had kept up with inflation — would guarantee that a full-time job yields full-time pay. Abolishing America’s inhuman, archaic “at-will” employment, which gives employers the right to fire you without a good reason, would restore balance to labor-management relations. The U.S. is the only nation with at-will.

The #2 problem is healthcare. Attempts by Republicans to repeal Obamacare have made the ACA more popular than ever. Most Democrats want single-payer, where the government pays for healthcare — why doesn’t the Democratic Party?

The answer, of course, is that the party leadership is owned by Wall Street, the Fortune 500 and big-monied special interests in general. Figures like Harris and Schumer and Clinton will never give the people what we want and need because their masters will never allow it. The question for us is, when do we stop giving them our votes — and start organizing outside the dead-end of the electoral duopoly?  

About the Author
Ted Rall, syndicated writer and the cartoonist for, is the author of the book “Snowden,” the biography of the NSA whistleblower 

A massive new WPA-like program, in which the federal government hires millions of Americans to rebuild our crumbled infrastructure, would create jobs. A $25/hour minimum wage — that’s about what it would be if raises had kept up with inflation — would guarantee that a full-time job yields full-time pay. Abolishing America’s inhuman, archaic “at-will” employment, which gives employers the right to fire you without a good reason, would restore balance to labor-management relations. The U.S. is the only nation with at-will.

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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report 

Feminism Co-opted

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[dropcap]I[/dropcap] am a retired history professor and historian of women, a socialist, and a radical feminist.  I know what feminism is, and I know it’s being co-opted.  What is feminism?  How is it defined?  Feminism is the belief in equality for women.  But feminism is being used now for unrelated, or even opposite causes, like war, transgender bathrooms, anti-Russia hysteria and political opportunism.

Large crowds of women descended on Susan B. Anthony’s grave in Rochester, NY, on Election Day 2016.  Anthony’s grave, in what I saw as a desecration, became completely covered with “I Voted” stickers.  I was not surprised to see Mayor Lovely Warren (Democrat) and Congresswoman Louise Slaughter (Democrat) prominently present, nor was I astounded that all of the women interviewed were voting for Hillary Clinton (Democrat and not really a feminist).  So therefore I was also not shocked to learn that the whole long queue—at one point taking two hours to get through—was organized by local Democrats.  What would Susan B. Anthony’s reaction have been to this purported homage to her struggle for equal political rights for women?  As a self-proclaimed “revolutionary” for women’s rights, and a woman who always refused to support any “party not fully and unequivocally committed to equal rights for women,” I do not believe she would have welcomed a demonstration instigated in the service of a political party not fully committed to women’s equal rights, and definitely committed to endless war and global, capitalist-based inequality for women.

Anthony advocated egalitarian feminism (as opposed to so-called 19thcentury “domestic” feminism, limited to power growth within the family), as did her comrade Elizabeth Cady Stanton.  They fought for equal political rights for women first, believing that women’s social and economic rights would follow from women gaining political rights, not without a struggle of course.  They believed, like Alice Paul and the National Woman’s Party of the early 20th century, like the 1970s wave of feminists and (to a large extent) the weatherwomen of the 1980s and the Earth First! women of the 1990s and early 00s, that women are the same as men in intelligence and abilities (with exceptions in obvious physical strength, for some), but many also believed, paradoxically, that women are superior to men because of being inherently nonviolent and compassionate.  Seeking male-female equality through various political, social and cultural means, has never been easy:  it has always been met with, sometimes violent, resistance by the patriarchy.

As a self-proclaimed “revolutionary” for women’s rights, and a woman who always refused to support any “party not fully and unequivocally committed to equal rights for women,” I do not believe [Anthony] would have welcomed a demonstration instigated in the service of a political party not fully committed to women’s equal rights, and definitely committed to endless war and global, capitalist-based inequality for women.

Feminism has also been constantly thwarted by co-optation.  The champion co-opter of potentially radical social and political movements, is the Democratic Party.  In working on my present book on women political prisoners from the late 19th century to the present, I have seen it again and again.  The American political system has nearly always been dichotomous, and the Democratic Party, especially in the 20th century, with its image and brand as “liberal” and “progressive,” became the party which absorbed labor unrest, black civil rights, and feminism.  Once “feminists” are re-imagined as liberal Democrats, revolution (sorry Susan B.) and radicalism are done.  I remember being part of a Seneca Falls ERA Conference/Celebration in 1998, and witnessing Hillary Clinton’s triumphal entrance into the city.  My remark to the woman standing next to me about Bill Clinton’s questionable personal relations with women (not only affairs, but evidence of procurement, and possible assault and rape) was met with visible horror and a literal turning away from such sentiments.  Hillary Clinton is also not a feminist, if that means actually working to help women in the aggregate gain equal rights and a better life—not as a First Lady, Senator, or Secretary of State.  She definitely, as Barbara Ehrenreich has written, smashed the “myth of innate female superiority” when it came to advocating and wielding violence.  Ehrenreich also notes Clinton’s “racial innuendoes,” along with her “free-floating bellicosity.”  So plastering Susan B. Anthony’s grave with “I Voted” for Hillary stickers was not really appropriate.

According to Terry O'Neill, former NOW president, "electing 'good, progressive feminist [Democratic] candidates to office'  is going to be ruined because 'a hostile, foreign government has installed a puppet as president of the United States.'" Seriously, Terry?

I also had a lot of trouble reading that seven historians of women, some of whom I’ve always respected, signed on to a Boston Globe piece in February 2017, that equates the very early, and very brave, abolitionist/women’s rights advocate Angelina Grimke’s speech to the Massachusetts legislature in 1838, with Senator Elizabeth Warren’s (Democrat, MA) partisan attempts in the Senate to discredit President Trump’s choice for attorney general, Jeff Sessions.  Warren had every right to do that, but it hardly takes the same amount of courage as being the first ever woman to speak before a hostile male audience on the serious subject of abolition.  And, august women historians, Donald Trump (and the GOP) is hardly a picnic (although I personally think he perfectly represents what America is), but he defeated Clinton because she is very unpopular and apparently her campaign people bungled the PR/money necessary to win, not because (as the Democrats and the “deep state” and corporate media people who love them will tell you) “the Russians were targeting her campaign.” [!]  Dear fellow women historians, where is your (credible) evidence?  Your context?  Your rational explanations for this Russian targeting?  These are seven very good, very co-opted feminists.  As is Terry O’Neill, former president of NOW, who, in the euphoria of the (Democratic) March for Truth in Washington last summer, complained that her “entire mission” of electing “good, progressive feminist [Democratic] candidates to office “ is going to be ruined because “a hostile, foreign government has installed a puppet as president of the United States.”  Seriously?!  Seriously co-opted.

Feminism is also co-opted and mocked by popular culture, in so many ways.  You have ugly sexist humor at the Oscars in 2013 via host Seth MacFarlane singing “We Saw Your Boobs”—which, right now is all you will see of 99% of supposedly privileged female celebrities, the female body being objectified and reduced yet again to sex object, even though we 70s feminists fought so hard to change all that.  We have denials, in mass media magazines, of college rape culture, in spite of vast evidence to the contrary, with, in 2014, Rolling Stone throwing their investigative reporter Sabrina Rubin Erdely relentlessly under the bus for her (pro-women) story on the University of Virginia’s rape culture and (ironically) the denial of its existence by university authorities and ( surprise!) the police.  Women’s status/image/power in the culture have been rapidly sliding backwards since the 70s and 80s.  Even feminist pop icons like Wonder Woman, have been co-opted.

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n a way, Wonder Woman also represents the contradictions of radical, egalitarian feminism.  Her creator, William Moulton Marston, wanted to show female superiority, and so placed her origins in all-female Amazon society.  I’ve—as a feminist—always loved the idea of Amazon society, whether as historical reality (there is evidence) or Greek and Roman myth.  In both cases, Amazon society is a women-run matriarchy, led by strong, capable women warriors, warriors who did go to war for more than self-defense, although they apparently were always up against stronger armies.  Marston’s superior Amazon society was also, although featuring women warriors, a peace-loving society.  Hence Wonder Woman was tasked to bring her superpowers to the service of a peaceful world:  she would save the world from violence and evil.  She was also a female superhero, personifying Anthony and Paul’s feminism whose “ideal is strength,” as did the Amazons of history and myth.

So now we have Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman, the movie, and again, feminism is co-opted, this time in the service of what Glen Ford of black agenda report calls the War Party.  The New York Times’ review of “Wonder Woman” said the movie highlights Wonder Woman’s “sacred duty to bring peace to the world,” although admitting it took a lot of killing to do it.  There is, therefore, this Orwellian “war is peace” aspect to the film.  The Wonder Woman I knew and loved was never this bloodthirsty, seeming to revel in the violence and the fight.  She was always the strong character—female superhero!—she did not, as goddess and superhero, have an equal and/or romantic relationship with Captain Steve Trevor, always portrayed as weak and in need of rescue.  I also had a problem with the actress Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, a woman, in real life, very much in the service of Israeli aggressive military might, even when that might was turned against the children of Gaza in 2014.  Wonder Woman here, as Jonathan Cook recently wrote in an excellent piece on Mondoweiss, is disguised as someone practicing “humanitarian intervention,” à la neo-liberal imperialists like Hillary Clinton.  Wonder Woman, in this movie, is promoting aggressive western military domination.  Amazonian feminism, women warriors ruling their own world, or a superhero woman saving the world without bringing more violence to it, is co-opted.

Gal Gadot: Hollywood's Israeli pick for the latest Wonder Woman. The imperialist baggage does not fit the true backstory.

The ideal of feminism is being muddied on numerous fronts.  Jeremiad writer, and a hero of mine, Chris Hedges, recently wrote of transgender women accusing “radical feminists” of being “patriarchal” for defining women as someone born female, with the requisite equipment, and then unfairly excluding people who choose to changeover.  Well—why do you want to join an oppressed group?  (How many transgenders are we talking about?)  And women are an oppressed group.  Ask single mothers who cannot make ends meet.  Ask all working women who (according to NOW) make between 47 to 73 cents, based on class and race, to the male dollar?  Ask women who suffer catcalls, insults, workplace harassment, and an alarming rise in domestic and campus violence, and violence in the military and from police.  Ask women who remain out of the Constitution, with no Equal Rights Amendment in sight, without equal protection (Title IX is for federally funded schools and sports teams and see how equally that works), without equal political representation, without a decent, strong, respectful image in the culture.  We have a thoroughly militarized, patriarchal culture—discounts to servicemen, “thank you for your service” on entertainment talk shows, Air Force flyovers at football games, camouflage clothing everywhere—and huge military budgets for the huge imperial/global/capitalist enterprise that is America—bipartisan, backed by popular culture, and co-opting feminists in its service.  Oh, we need feminism, real, radical feminism, to fight a patriarchy that is alive, well and thriving.


About the Author
 Linda Ford is a retired history professor, living in Madison NY.  She is the author of Iron-Jawed Angels: The Suffrage Militancy of the National Woman’s Party, and is currently finishing her new book, ‘Women Politicals’:  From Mother Jones to Lynne Stewart.

We have a thoroughly militarized, patriarchal culture—discounts to servicemen, “thank you for your service” on entertainment talk shows, Air Force flyovers at football games, camouflage clothing everywhere—and huge military budgets for the huge imperial/global/capitalist enterprise that is America—bipartisan, backed by popular culture, and co-opting feminists in its service.  Oh, we need feminism, real, radical feminism, to fight a patriarchy that is alive, well and thriving.

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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report 

ONLINE GOLD: Overcoming the system’s false consciousness

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Edition No. 5
Dispatch first iteration 0002 2017-20-17 | Collated and edited by Patrice Greanville
MAIN COMMENTERS:  • Luciana Bohne • Chris Driscoll • Ian Chambers • Bill Dores  • Lee Burkett • Patrick Walker

The inevitable suckers listening to Democrats spell out their phony "bettter deal". The Dems are already trying various formulas for electoral rebirth in the next round of legitimating "elections". Faux populists like Liz Warren are being shopped all over the place, and a fresh spate of Obama wannabes like Corey Booker and Kamala Harris marketed widely to the perennially clueless.

What will trigger us to recognize our "false consciousness"--general global war or cataclysmic global warming (provided scientists are correct--and correct in ascribing the causes to capitalism)?

The old man was right, after all. Marx said it all, almost two centuries ago, but the system's apologists buried him.

" According to Marx every society in history organized its production according to its available means of production that determine relations of production (i.e. feudalism, capitalism, communism…) and its own concept of property.

This is what Marx calls the economic base. On top of the economic base Marx poses the "superstructure", all cultural structures that are the result of the economic base. An important part of the superstructure is, according to Marx, ideology. Ideology according to Marx is a veil pulled over the economic base in order to prevent people from seeing its inherit injustice (that is, until communism comes). Ideology convinces people that the current state of production is justified, warranted, "natural" or anything else which gets them to comply to it. Ideology has been famously referred to by Marx as "false consciousness". Revolutions come about when the fallacy of this consciousness is recognized. When Hegel and his followers saw a shift in human consciousness Marx saw a shift in human economical structures that results in changes to the ideology."

Yes. That had to be said, Bill Dores. 'It's not consciousness that determines the world, but the material world that determines consciousness." or something approximately like that.


The "petit bourgeois" is the class in between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, in classical Marxist analysis. It's considered "the dangerous class" because it is economically insecure from one moment to the next (shopkeepers, members of the lower echelons of industry, and state institutions). It fears slipping into the rank of the proletariat and identifies with the ruling bourgeoisie. When push comes to shove, the petite bourgeoisie sides with fascism, for protection against the advances of the working class in matters that could damage the petit-bourgeois' tenuous social status.

Lee Burkett 8 hrsForest City, PA

Single payer, Medicare for all, is not the panacea everyone seems to think it is. 
At best it's yet another baby step in the right direction. Yet, as with every other baby step given us, we will hail it as another "victory." 
Aren't you ready to run? Why do we accept that fumbling steps, begrudgingly bestowed, are the best we can hope for? 
What we expect, what we tolerate, what we settle for, is sickening and an indictment of our character as a nation.

As a post script: Medicare is still a "once removed" alternative to healthcare. It's just another sort of health insurance. It still allows for tremendous profit to be made by both the private insurers and the healthcare providers. Many illnesses and conditions are not covered. As a person who is now on Medicare I find it odd that I can receive "free" treatment for addiction, but that both eye care and dental care are not covered.
Pps: The healthcare providers are all private enterprise, and can decide if they will or will not accept Medicare. Many of them accept Medicare as a partial payment, sort of like a down payment, with additional fees being out of pocket. At the end of the day folks with Medicare are at the mercy of private enterprise. This is nowhere near the boon Medicare/Single Payer is made out to be.

Patrick Walker (first posted in June, 2017)


Or, as my favorite new slogan rhymingly puts it, "A McResistance Summer Is Climate's Ultimate Bummer."

I was delighted to see that Paul Street--a writer-activist I admire--has likewise recognized the extreme threat to climate posed by Democrats' McResistance Summer. This is from Street's opening paragraph: "Here are twelve blasphemous thoughts for the current Russo-phobic season, likely to be a real carbon- and (see below) capital-cooked scorcher."

Please share WIDELY--and help Progressive Or Bust organize the (anti-duopoly) "resistance to the McResistance."  (

 Online Gold is a new section being tested for possible regular deployment.  (Qebab)

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uza2-zombienationPatrick Walker says:Letting establishment Democrats’ get away with their shallow, Russia-obsessed “McResistance” to Trump is INTOLERABLE to progressives wishing to save the climate. Not only does it distract from the ultra-serious issue of runaway climate change; it’s intended purely to get a warmongering, neoliberal Democratic Party back into power without it reforming AT ALL. Among other things, this means Democrats recklessly continuing their fracking-heavy, “all of the above” energy policy–after Trumps’ anti-science barbarians have made the timetable for last-ditch climate action all that much shorter.Excerpt

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Dem Leaders Reiterate That They’ll Be Changing Absolutely Nothing

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For the first time in my life, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer got my hopes up. He then immediately dashed them to the floor and had Nancy Pelosi pee on them for good measure.

I know, I know — I should have known better. But what’s a girl to do? He pushed all my buttons, like a salsa dancer with a Communist Manifesto between his teeth.

“When you lose to somebody who has 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things — Comey, Russia — you blame yourself,” Schumer told the Washington Post in an interview yesterday.

Oh God. Melt. Maybe I’ve been wrong about this guy? Maybe this could work out? Maybe my whole life has been one big mistake up until this point! I’m sorry for all those times I called you “Amy Schumer’s creepy uncle,” Chuck!

But then he kept talking.

“So what did we do wrong?” Schumer continued. “People didn’t know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump. And still believe that.”


In the context of the article — wankily titled “Trump had ‘The Art of the Deal.’ Now Democrats say their economic agenda is ‘A Better Deal’” — Schumer was responding to a new poll which shows that most Americans believe his party stands for nothing other than opposing the current administration. Given that they just ran a presidential candidate whose entire campaign platform consisted of not being Donald Trump, and given that their current McResistance vanity politics parade has consisted of nothing other than resisting Trump, this is a highly understandable perception for Americans to have.

But according to Amy Schumer’s creepy uncle, the problem isn’t what the Democratic party did, it’s what you thought about what the Democratic party did. Their party isn’t in the worst shape it’s been in since the Civil Warbecause they’re the slightly more photogenic conjoined twin of the GOP, who promulgate the exact same soul-crushing neoliberal and neoconservative policies as the Republicans but slap a rainbow flag bumper sticker on it for appearance, who deliberately sabotage progressive candidates and who are now contesting the DNC fraud case on the grounds that they have no obligation to provide real party primaries. No, their party is in the worst shape it’s been in since the Civil War because you’re just not thinking the correct thoughts about them. You refused to support the Democratic party because you don’t know enough about them, not because you know so much about them that you hope they lose party legitimacy soon and get flushed down the toilet where they belong.

If that wasn’t clear enough, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi added that the change the Democratic party will be making “is not a course correction, but it’s a presentation correction.”

Are you getting this loud and clear, America? The undisputed leaders of the Democratic party are telling you with their own face holes that they are not changing course at all — they are only going to change the way that they have been speaking to you. Because the problem is in you, not them. They’re infallible; you have just failed to see this thus far, so the only adjustment they need to make is in their presentation. The WaPo article mentioned some speculation about possible shifts in policy, and there’s been some placating talk about single-payer being “on the table”, but when you ask the party’s leaders what they’re actually doing, they start babbling about presentation.

I think they’ve made themselves abundantly clear by now, don’t you? They’ve had nine months to admit they’ve been doing everything wrong and make the massive, sweeping changes they’d need to make to earn back support and trust, but they have not, and they will not. The trajectory of the Democratic party will not change at all. If you don’t like it, too bad, because Trumpy Trump Trump Trumpetty Trump Putin.

One of the most exciting developments in our society over the last couple of years has been a greatly expanded mainstream understanding of the concept of gaslighting. Plainly unaware of this, ol’ Chuck and Nancy are calmly holding your hand and telling you that you imagined the whole thing, that it was all that sweet, precious little imagination of yours getting you all confused again. They haven’t been fucking you over your entire life and deliberately obstructing all grassroots efforts to give you the same basic social safety nets accorded to everyone else in every other major country on the planet — you only thought that in your silly little mind.

But you know better than this. By now you’ve come to understand the textbook abuse tactic of gaslighting, and you can see through the fog of their manipulations. Something very drastic is going to have to happen on a grassroots level, America, and the Democratic party’s leaders have just told you in no uncertain terms that they’re going to fight you with every weapon in their arsenal if you try to do it anywhere near them.

Stop being polite about this. Stop being quiet. Stop worrying about offending your liberal friends. Start pushing in wildly different directions. Start making a ton of noise and creating lots of movement. If anything’s going to change, things are going to have to get loud, and we’re going to have to start shaking this machine from every possible angle. You will not be able to control the outcome of this upheaval, so it will be unpredictable and frightening, but the alternative is letting the Republicans control your country while the Democrats slyly subvert you as our species hurtles toward extinction by way of climate chaos or nuclear war with Russia. They’ll keep gaslighting, distracting and sedating us all until the US oligarchs have lost all hope of continuing their rule.

This cannot continue. Something’s got to give. Let’s make something happen right now.

I’m a 100 percent reader-funded journalist so if you enjoyed this, please consider helping me out by sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following me on Twitter, or throwing some money into my hat on Patreon.

About the Author
Caitlin Johnstone
is a brave journalist, political junkie, relentless feminist, champion of the 99 percent. And a powerful counter-propaganda tactician. 

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uza2-zombienationStop being polite about this. Stop being quiet. Stop worrying about offending your liberal friends. Start pushing in wildly different directions. Start making a ton of noise and creating lots of movement. If anything’s going to change, things are going to have to get loud, and we’re going to have to start shaking this machine from every possible angle. You will not be able to control the outcome of this upheaval, so it will be unpredictable and frightening, but the alternative is letting the Republicans control your country while the Democrats slyly subvert you as our species hurtles toward extinction by way of climate chaos or nuclear war with Russia. They’ll keep gaslighting, distracting and sedating us all until the US oligarchs have lost all hope of continuing their rule.

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Democrats Still Don’t Have ‘A Better Deal’ For Working People

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By Kevin Gosztola

The Democrats cannot and will not promise working people all that much of value so long as they remain wedded to the brand of destructive corporate politics.

Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries, Amy Klobuchar, Liz Warren, & Chuck Schumer of N.Y. speak in a park in Berryville, Va., July 24, 2017, where they unveiled the Democrats new agenda.

Crosspost with Shadowproof and MintPress News

(Opinion) —
Over the past eight months, the Democratic Party has floundered and sputtered around while trying to develop an agenda that can convince citizens they are a clear alternative to President Donald Trump. What Democrats have mostly done is unleash volleys of accusations as if this somehow beats back the danger of Trump. But now, Senator Chuck Schumer has announced the Democrats have “A Better Deal” for citizens that they plan to unveil.

In the New York Times, Schumer writes,

“Americans are clamoring for bold changes to our politics and our economy. They feel, rightfully, that both systems are rigged against them, and they made that clear in last year’s election. American families deserve a better deal so that this country works for everyone again, not just the elites and special interests. Today, Democrats will start presenting that better deal to the American people.”

The United States has never worked for everyone. Its government was founded on the slaughter of Native Americans and the enslavement of black people that helped create the sturdy foundation of capitalism, which brought prosperity to white property owners. The country also was not working for everyone before Trump, President Barack Obama, or President George W. Bush.

On top of that, why is the Democratic Party still not ready to unveil this deal? This major political party has had around eight months to come up with some kind of a plan, and all Schumer has to offer is a teaser.

The teaser admits Democrats too often hesitate to take on “misguided policies directly and unflinchingly.” Often, Americans “don’t know” what Democrats stand for.

“Not after today. Democrats will show the country that we’re the party on the side of working people—and that we stand for three simple things,” Schumer declares.

“First, we’re going to increase people’s pay. Second, we’re going to reduce their everyday expenses. And third, we’re going to provide workers with the tools they need for the 21st Century economy.”

What “tools” will make surviving everyday market-fueled oppression easier? Maybe Democrats plan to unveil tutorials that will help workers navigate capitalism, like in video games when one is just learning how to move a character. If only workers knew the game better, more would be able to win.


More of the same

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]ctually, what Democrats propose is “giving employers, particularly small businesses, a large tax credit to train workers for unfilled jobs.” Schumer contends this will resonate in “smaller cities and rural areas, which have experienced an exodus of young people who aren’t trained for the jobs in those areas.” That is what the Democrats hope so they can convince some of the rural citizens who voted for Trump to support them instead.

But this is no fresh idea. Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton offered such a proposal in June 2015, when she called for tax credits for businesses for “every apprentice hired as a way to boost employment among young adults.”

President Barack Obama proposed a $3,000 refundable tax credit for companies that added jobs. On March 18, 2010, he signed the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act.

As describes, it offered businesses savings for retaining workers for at least 52 consecutive weeks. Employers were to receive “a non-refundable tax credit of 6.2 percent of wages paid to the qualified employee over the 52 week period, for a maximum credit of $1,000.” It was a compromise since it was not refundable, but nonetheless, it was supposed to encourage the employment of workers.

Democrats should not be allowed to sell this as a new bargain for workers when it is what the party has tried to sell to working people before.

The other items that are supposedly part of this “Better Deal” include abstract statements about breaking up “big companies” that hurt consumers and possibly do something to address the failure of antitrust laws. Democrats also plan to address the issue of price gouging when it comes to life-saving prescription drugs.

However, Senators Amy Klobuchar and Bernie Sanders proposed an amendment in January to a budget resolution that would have gone a long way toward controlling the cost of prescription drugs. It would have allowed the importation of drugs from Canada.

The amendment actually garnered twelve Republican votes, but thirteen Democrats voted against the amendment, including Senators Cory Booker and Bob Menendez of New Jersey, Senator Chris Coons of Connecticut, and Senator Mark Warner of Virginia.

As Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone chronicled:

[On] May 11th, the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) committee met to consider the FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017. This little-known piece of legislation would reauthorize the FDA to collect “user fees” from the makers of pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Although controversial to some who believe these fees make the FDA clients of the industries they’re supposed to regulate – Sanders and Paul voted against it in committee – the overall bill is likely to sail through Congress, and in fact passed in committee, 21-2.

Sanders, along with co-sponsors Elizabeth Warren and Robert Casey, offered an amendment to the user-fee bill that would have allowed for importation of drugs from FDA-approved facilities in Canada. As Casey pointed out in committee, the amendment is laden with protections, requiring patients to have valid Canadian prescriptions, allowing the FDA to shut down bad actors, etc.

Once again, Democratic discipline broke down. The amendment this time was beaten in committee, 13-10. Two Democrats, Patty Murray and Michael Bennet, both of whom accept a lot of pharmaceutical money, voted no.

Why should working people believe the Democrats will perform any different when it comes time to vote on legislation proposed by politicians like Sanders? Are they going to stop taking money from major pharmaceutical companies?

Notably, this teaser from Schumer contains no words about raising the federal minimum wage to $15 or some level that would give Americans a living wage. It does not mention single-payer health care, even as a massive political battle over health care legislation continues in Congress. (Note: Schumer did mention Democrats “proposed” raising the minimum wage to $15 already, but it is difficult to see why that would not be a “better deal” than tax credits for businesses.)

There are no specific nods to a free college tuition plan or taxing Wall Street to pay for initiatives that could make a meaningful difference in the lives of working people.

It is not as if there is not a platform out there that the Democrats could adopt and achieve some level of success electorally. Sanders and several groups affiliated with him have developed an array of platform ideas that combine for an alternative vision to Trump.

Unfortunately, the Democrats are still the political party responsible for the decimation of welfare under the leadership of President Bill Clinton.

Clinton Democrats aligned with business forces in the early 1990s. They stood with conservative Democrats, who broke with labor, civil rights, and other liberal causes. They pushed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). They backed welfare repeal, bills which fueled the rise of mass incarceration, and signed a 1997 budget that slashed millions for social programs like Medicare and Medicaid. They encouraged the deregulation of industry, which greatly boosted Wall Street. Altogether, the Clintons enabled right-wing forces as they decimated the liberal class and expanded unfettered capitalism. (For more, read Lance Selfa’s book, “The Democrats: A Critical History.”)

Schumer and #TheResistance still do not want to completely abandon major parts of the neoliberal agenda they have advanced during the past decades. They didn’t want to when the party establishment refused to unify behind Representative Keith Ellison when he ran for Democratic National Committee chair. They didn’t want to when the party establishment aggressively worked to trash Senator Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign.

The Democrats cannot and will not promise working people all that much of value so long as they remain wedded to this brand of destructive corporate politics. 

About the Author
 Kevin Gosztola is an American journalist, author, and documentary filmmaker known for work on whistleblowers, Wikileaks, national security, secrecy, civil liberties, and digital freedom. Writing The Dissenterbeat for the blog Firedoglake (FDL), he is the only assigned journalist to cover the entire court martial of Chelsea Manning and also substantially covers the case of John Kiriakou.

Gosztola has written for The Nation,[1] Salon,[2] and OpEdNews.[3] He co-authored, with Greg Mitchell, Truth and Consequences: The US vs. Bradley Manning. Gosztola co-hosts, with Rania Khalek, [1]. Gosztola has interviewed on Democracy Now!, The Real News, CounterSpin, Frontline,[4] The Young Turks, and other shows and media outlets. He was one of few journalists to cover the Manning trial extensively, along with independent journalists Alexa O'Brien and Nathan Fuller, and a handful of reporters from The Guardian and the AP.[5] He worked as an intern and videographer at The Nation before joining Firedoglake.  

Clinton Democrats aligned with business forces in the early 1990s. They stood with conservative Democrats, who broke with labor, civil rights, and other liberal causes. They pushed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). They backed welfare repeal, bills which fueled the rise of mass incarceration, and signed a 1997 budget that slashed millions for social programs like Medicare and Medicaid. They encouraged the deregulation of industry, which greatly boosted Wall Street. Altogether, the Clintons enabled right-wing forces as they decimated the liberal class and expanded unfettered capitalism. (For more, read Lance Selfa’s book, “The Democrats: A Critical History.”)

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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report