The Impact Of Iran’s Hits On ‘Israel’

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The point of Iran's hits on 'Israel' wasn't carnage. It was communication. They told the enemy they were going to hit them, let them get ready, and then hit them anyways. The point of these hits wasn't mayhem. It was to send a message. The message is that Iran can hit 'Israel'. 'Israel's' air defenses are not impregnable. This was all rumored and reported, but now Iran has proven it. 'Israel's' entire existence depends on deterrence and Iran was not deterred. This, for 'Israel', is an existential problem. The point is not that buildings were blown up. It's that the whole security architecture surrounding 'Israel' is gone.

Power Projection

What Iran has just done is project power. For decades 'Israel' has bombed whoever they want in the region and everybody had to just take it. Now Iran has bombed 'Israel' itself, in the first real instance of 'what goes around, comes around'. Iran has told 'Israel' that 'we can hit you wherever we want, whenever we want, and Daddy Yankee can't do anything about it.'  If the Al Aqsa Flood of October 7th lit the fire, April 14th was the 'gasolina'.

As Major General Salami (of Iran) said:

“Our information on all of the hits is not complete yet but on that part of the hits that we have accurate, documented and field-related reports show that this operation has been carried out with a success that exceeded the expectation,” said Salami.

He said that the IRGC was capable of carrying out a large operation against Israel but it opted for a more restricted and limited one to hit Israeli resources that had been used for an airstrike on an Iranian consulate in Syria earlier this month which killed senior Iranian military commanders.

Iran has shown that they could have destroyed the Nazi Knesset, they could have killed Netanyahu hiding in a billionaire's bunker, they could have blown up hospitals, if they were deranged enough to think of such things. They didn't do any of these things because they're disciplined and strategic, unlike 'Israel', which is following America's post-WWII strategy of carpet bombing, ie state terrorism. Iran did not blanket 'Israel' in bombs, but hit the very places that hit them on April 1st, proportionally, strategically, and telegraphed well in advance to avoid casualties. This is what deterrence actually looks like. It's a message, not a massacre.

As Iran's deputy foreign minister Ali Bagheri said, “Israel needs to know that in case of another mistake, they will not have 12 days, the response will be given in matter of seconds not in days or hours.” This is a fundamental change in the balance of power in the region. For decades Empire has been bombing everyone and saying “what the fuck are you going to do about it?” Iran has finally said “something.”

The New Balance Of Power

Empire has already lost the seas to the Yemenis and the land to Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. Air supremacy was all they had left, and now that bubble is rapidly deflating. All the kings horses and all the kings men cannot put Humpty together again. Of all the Empire's outposts, 'Israel' has the most air defenses, and even that plus the combined air forces of the US, UK, France, and Jordan couldn't overcome the world's largest drone swarm followed by missiles. And these weren't even Iran's best, newest weapons. Iran has gotten a lot of information about its enemy, while its enemy has got nothing. As A7 Mira puts it, “this was not the maximum offensive power of Iran, but this was the maximum defensive power of 'Israel'”.

Iran targeted the most protected locations in Empire—Nevatim and Ramon Air Bases and Air Force Intelligence HQ—and hit them directly. As Scott Ritter said, “Iran put five medium range ballistic missiles on target in Nevatim air base. Nevatim is the most heavily defended spot in the world from the threat of ballistic missiles. Defenses that were optimized to defeat Iranian missiles. And yet five got through.”

'Israel' claims '99% shot down' but they just spent over a billion dollars to shoot down a few million worth of decoys, that was just an L given a press release. The entire paradigm of imperial air superiority has been that they can shoot almost anything down, but what's been revealed in Yemen and now over 'Israel' is that their enemy has to send million dollar missiles to shoot down cheap drones. One way of winning a war is depleting your enemy's matériel, and expensive air missiles vs. cheap drones is just a rapid method of Pyrrhicizing yourself.

Adversaries are learning that they can simply inundate western defenses. Yemen, Iran, and Russia are proving it. They have lost naval supremacy in the Red Sea, land supremacy over rump Europe, and air supremacy over 'Israel'. The point of good defenses are that you don't have to use them, people are too scared. Now that illusion is shattered. As Master Sun said,

“winning a hundred victories in a hundred battles is not the best possible outcome. Best is to subdue the enemy’s troops without ever engaging them on the battlefield.”

What the White Empire is doing everywhere isn't the art of war, it's amateur hour. They're getting embarrassingly clobbered everywhere, and clobbering innocents. After six months of watching children being murdered, even their privatized propaganda can't contain the horseshit. And so the final air defense is collapsing, their command of the airwaves.

On top of air defense, the White Empire always ran media air cover, legitimizing their illegitimacy. They were able to explain that they were self-defending themselves against people thousands of miles away, and that their genocidal colony 'Israel' was just trying to survive amidst savage natives. This somehow worked for a while, but not anymore. Now 'Israel' is openly massacring hospitals, while the supposed Axis of Evil is being imminently reasonable and hitting military targets. People can see what's going on and—worst of all for Empire's privatized propaganda—they can see that the western media is lying to them. The Empire has no clothes and is obviously tooting its own horn.

Hence David Cameron—the unelected Foreign Minister of the unelected Prime Minister of an unelected head of State—just looks like a nonce when he says Iran is doing a 'reckless and dangerous thing' and then, in the next breath says the UK would take 'very strong action' if its own consulate was flattened. These are the people 'defending democracy', they can't even get their lies straight. Democracy™ was obviously a Trojan horse left by colonial oligarchs, and now everyone can see it's just a pile of colonizers under an even bigger pile of horseshit.

What happened on April 14th was that Iran responded to a clear attack with clear legitimacy, given that the rabid 'Israeli's' bombed a consulate on April 1st. The 'Israelis' violated a diplomatic convention that goes back thousands of years, and the world can see this. Furthermore, the whole world has seen 'Israel' and the whole White Empire relentlessly massacring civilians for six months now, and Iran honestly has a duty to protect, as do all (actually) free countries. The West is still throwing up propaganda about Iran's response being 'unprovoked' and 'destabilizing the region', but their media power is collapsing along with their air defenses. They're still launching million dollar morons into the airwaves, but everybody can see the reality on the ground.

The End

Land, naval, and air supremacy were how White Empire enforced white supremacy, how they made it seem like a fait accompli. But all of those supremacies are shattered now, and all that's left is naked violence against innocent men, women, and children. All that's left is a lot of pointless killing on the way to their own funeral. The best Empire can hope for now is a nuclear murder-suicide. Their days of conquest are done.

What we are thus living through is the final denouement of White Empire, imploding at home and overextended abroad. We're lucky to 'live' through it, because thousands are still dying under the rubble, and millions if not billions more are fated to go. White supremacist empires sure go down ugly, and this is the ugliest of all. The comparatively short and tame Nazi Empire killed more people after WWII was obviously lost (in Stalingrad) than while they were winning. In the same way, the Germans' inspiration and heirs in America seem determined to go down the same way, rage, raging against the dying of the White (to massacre Dylan Thomas).

The legacy of the centuries-old totalitarian racist slave state of America has not been reconciliation or reparations, it has been exporting its genocidal violence across the globe while superficially diversifying its 1%. Now it is going out the way it came in, with genocidal violence and mass atrocities. Appealing to the conscience of this unconscionable abomination is pointless, the only language White Empire understands is resistance, including armed. That's the message that Iran has sent in a quite disciplined way, that it too can speak, and that Empire's days of disciplining the region are done. Coupled with body blows on multiple fronts, the impact of Iran on Empire is profound. Gone are the days of fucking around, raining death from above like gods. This is the age of finding out.

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Things to keep in mind...

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. Meanwhile, blatant lies also permeate the consciousness of most people in the West. Push back with the truth while you can.

AND...where the US Government is at:

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Iran’s True Promise Operation: Vanessa Beeley dissects the Iranian attack. (Must watch video)

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Vanessa Beeley

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The grotesque hypocrisy of the West, typified by the whining of Britain's "Gunga Din" Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, who has the gall to accuse Iran (!) of sowing discord in the region (Middle East), makes clear that the imperialist bloc is unwilling and unable to rectify its posture. 

What a beautiful sight, the image of long awaited justice: Iranian missiles passing over the Knesset in Occupied Palestine

I do thoroughly recommend watching this UK Column News special episode in full as 90% is in-depth analysis of the Iranian retaliation against Israel’s egregious attack on the Iranian Embassy in Damascus more than ten days ago:

Also just an extra - video footage of Iranian launch of cruise missiles just released by Press TV:

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Zionist Deterrence Myth Shattered: Rejoice!

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Karl Sanchez

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Zionist Deterrence Myth Shattered: Rejoice!

The most despicable regime on the planet that Occupies Palestine and is run by what some term Zionazis with plenty of reasons current and historic has now seen what they so proudly declared to be their Deterrence Weapon—overwhelming force to be visited onto any challenger to the Zionist Genocide Project—shattered by Iran’s well measured and legal retaliation for the Zionists' many crimes, the most recent being the utter destruction of International Law by bombing the Iranian diplomatic compound in Damascus to murder several Iranian Generals.

Unlike the Zionists who prefer to attack and murder civilians, Iran chose to attack the military assets responsible for the Zionist attacks, where Iran appears to be quite successful. On the technical military aspects, I defer to the excellent article Simplicius composed which shows some of the same videos I saw last night of multiple missile strikes in a very tight grouping. Just one note, many of the photos shown claiming to be downed Iranian missiles are merely the booster stages of Iran’s multistage missiles that often have a manoeuvrable warhead and possibly impact at hypersonic speeds. The informed word is Iran’s attack was very limited, and it issued a statement saying it was satisfied with the results and no further punishment would be required unless the Zionists retaliated.

Two very important geopolitical outcomes were quickly made. First, Russia announced that Iran was acting well within its rights under the UN Charter and that Russia has Iran’s back, something that was hinted at two years ago but is now 100% overt. The second item is Biden’s saying the Outlaw US Empire won’t aid the Zionists if they decide to retaliate. A third minor development was Jordan’s acting in the Zionist defence. Other items would be the Emirati and Saudi relief that they’d reached peaceful relations with Iran as it’s now very clear just how strong Iran really is.

In closing this short note, I must strenuously endorse this Michael Hudson interview with Ania K., “Gaza: The Strategic Imperative,” that provides some of the hidden context to this longstanding conflict. I’m so very tempted to provide an excerpt, but the choices are too many, and I do want readers to read or watch what Michael has to share.*

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Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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SCOTT RITTER: The Missiles of April

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Scott Ritter

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The Missiles of April

An Iranian missile is launched. Scores of these missiles were used to attack Israel.

I’ve been writing about Iran for more than two decades. In 2005, I made a trip to Iran to ascertain the “ground truth” about that nation, a truth which I then incorporated into a book, Target Iran, laying out the US-Israeli collaboration to craft a justification for a military attack on Iran designed to bring down its theocratic government. I followed this book up with another, Dealbreaker, in 2018, which brought this US-Israeli effort up to date.

Back in November 2006, in an address to Columbia University’s School of International Relations, I underscored that the United States would never abandon my “good friend” Israel until, of course, we did. What could precipitate such an action, I asked? I noted that Israel was a nation drunk of hubris and power, and unless the United States could find a way to remove the keys from the ignition of the bus Israel was navigating toward the abyss, we would not join Israel in its lemming-like suicidal journey.

The next year, in 2007, during an address to the American Jewish Committee, I pointed out that my criticism of Israel (which many in the audience took strong umbrage against) came from a place of concern for Israel’s future. I underscored the reality that I had spent the better part of a decade trying to protect Israel from Iraqi missiles, both during my service in Desert Storm, where I played a role in the counter-SCUD missile campaign, and as a United Nations weapons inspector, where I worked with Israeli intelligence to make sure Iraq’s SCUD missiles were eliminated.

Scott will discuss this article and answer audience questions on Ep. 151 of Ask the Inspector.

“The last thing I want to see,” I told the crowd, “is a scenario where Iranian missiles were impacting on the soil of Israel. But unless Israel changes course, this is the inevitable outcome of a policy driven more by arrogance than common sense.”

On the night of 13-14 April 2024, my concerns were played out live before an international audience—Iranian missiles rained down on Israel, and there was nothing Israel could do to stop them. As had been the case a little more than 33 years prior, when Iraqi SCUD missiles overcame US and Israeli Patriot missile defenses to strike Israel dozens of times over the course of a month and a half, Iranian missiles, integrated into a plan of attack which was designed to overwhelm Israeli missile defense systems, struck designated targets inside Israel with impunity.

Despite having employed an extensive integrated anti-missile defense system comprised of the so-called “Iron Dome” system, US-made Patriot missile batteries, and the Arrow and David’s Sling missile interceptors, along with US, British, and Israeli aircraft, and US and French shipborne anti-missile defenses, well over a dozen Iranian missiles struck heavily-protected Israeli airfields and air defense installations.

The Iranian missile attack on Israel did not come out of the blue, so to speak, but rather was retaliation for an April 1 Israeli attack on the Iranian consulate building, in Damascus, Syria, that killed several senior Iranian military commanders. While Israel has carried out attacks against Iranian personnel inside Syria in the past, the April 1 strike differed by not only killing very senior Iranian personnel, but by striking what was legally speaking sovereign Iranian territory—the Iranian consulate.

From an Iranian perspective, the attack on the consulate was a redline which, if not retaliated against, would erase any notion of deterrence, opening the door for even more brazen Israeli military action, up to and including direct attacks on Iran. Weighing against retaliation, however, were a complex web of interwoven policy objectives which would probably be mooted by the kind of large-scale conflict between Israel and Iran that could be precipitated by any meaningful Iranian retaliatory strike on Israel.

First and foremost, Iran has been engaged in a strategic policy premised on a pivot away from Europe and the United States, and toward Russia, China, and the Eurasian landmass. This shift has been driven by Iran’s frustration over the US-driven policy of economic sanctions, and the inability and/or unwillingness on the part of the collective West to find a path forward that would see these sanctions lifted. The failure of the Iranian nuclear deal (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA) to produce the kind of economic opportunities that had been promised at its signing has been a major driver behind this Iranian eastward pivot. In its stead, Iran has joined both the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the BRICS forum and has directed its diplomatic energies into seeing Iran thoroughly and productively integrated into both groups.

A general war with Israel would play havoc on these efforts.

Secondly, but no less important in the overall geopolitical equation for Iran, is the ongoing conflict in Gaza. This is a game-changing event, where Israel is facing strategic defeat at the hands of Hamas and its regional allies, including the Iranian-led axis of resistance. For the first time ever, the issue of Palestinian statehood has been taken up by a global audience. This cause is further facilitated by the fact that the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu, formed from a political coalition which is vehemently opposed to any notion of Palestinian statehood, finds itself in danger of collapse as a direct result of the consequences accrued from the Hamas attack of October 7, 2023, and the subsequent failure of Israel to defeat Hamas militarily or politically. Israel is likewise hampered by the actions of Hezbollah, which has held Israel in check along its northern border with Lebanon, and non-state actors such as the pro-Iranian Iraqi militias and the Houthi of Yemen which have attacked Israel directly and, in the case of the Houthi, indirectly, shutting down critical sea lines of communication which have the result of strangling the Israeli economy.

But it is Israel that has done the most damage to itself, carrying out a genocidal policy of retribution against the civilian population of Gaza. The Israeli actions in Gaza are the living manifestation of the very hubris and power-driven policies I warned about back in 2006-2007. Then, I said that the US would not be willing to be a passenger in a policy bus driven by Israel that would take us off the cliff of an unwinnable war with Iran.

Through its criminal behavior toward the Palestinian civilians in Gaza, Israel has lost the support of much of the world, putting the United States in a position where it will see its already-tarnished reputation irreparably damaged, at a time when the world is transitioning from a period of American-dominated singularity to a BRICS-driven multipolarity, and the US needs to retain as much clout in the so-called “global south” as possible.

The US has tried—unsuccessfully—to take the keys out of the ignition of Netanyahu’s suicide bus ride. Faced with extreme reticence on the part of the Israeli government when it comes to altering its policy on Hamas and Gaza, the administration of President Joe Biden has begun to distance itself from the policies of Netanyahu and has put Israel on notice that there would be consequences for its refusal to alter its actions in Gaza to take US concerns into account.  

Any Iranian retaliation against Israel would need to navigate these extremely complicated policy waters, enabling Iran to impose a viable deterrence posture designed to prevent future Israeli attacks while making sure that neither its policy objectives regarding a geopolitical pivot to the east, nor the elevation of the cause of Palestinian statehood on the global stage, were sidetracked.

The Iranian attack on Israel appears to have successfully maneuvered through these rocky policy shoals. It did so first and foremost by keeping the United States out of the fight. Yes, the United States participated in the defense of Israel, helping shoot down scores of Iranian drones and missiles. This engagement was to the benefit of Iran, since it only reinforced the fact that there was no combination of missile defense capability that could, in the end, prevent Iranian missiles from hitting their designated targets.

The targets Iran struck—two air bases in the Negev desert from which aircraft used in the April 1 attack on the Iranian consulate had been launched, along with several Israeli air defense sites—were directly related to the points Iran was trying to make in establishing the scope and scale of its deterrence policy. First, that the Iranian actions were justified under Article 51 of the UN Charter—Iran retaliated against those targets in Israel directly related to the Israeli attack on Iran, and second, that Israeli air defense sites were vulnerable to Iranian attack. The combined impact of these two factors is that all of Israel was vulnerable to being struck by Iran at any time, and that there was nothing Israel or its allies could do to stop such an attack.

This message resonated not only in the halls of power in Tel Aviv, but also in Washington, DC, where US policy makers were confronted with the uncomfortable truth that if the US were to act in concert with Israel to either participate in or facilitate an Israeli retaliation, then US military facilities throughout the Middle East would be subjected to Iranian attacks that the US would be powerless to stop.

This is why the Iranians placed so much emphasis on keeping the US out of the conflict, and why the Biden administration was so anxious to make sure that both Iran and Israel understood that the US would not participate in any Israeli retaliatory strike against Iran.

The “Missiles of April” represent a sea-change moment in Middle Eastern geopolitics—the establishment of Iranian deterrence that impacts both Israel and the United States. While emotions in Tel Aviv, especially among the more radical conservatives of the Israeli government, run high, and the threat of an Israeli retaliation against Iran cannot be completely discounted, the fact is the underlying policy objective of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the course of the past 30-plus years, namely to drag the US into a war with Iran, has been put into checkmate by Iran.

Moreover, Iran has been able to accomplish this without either disrupting its strategic pivot to the east or undermining the cause of Palestinian statehood. “Operation True Promise,” as Iran named its retaliatory attack on Israel, will go down in history as one of the most important military victories in the history of modern Iran, keeping in mind that war is but an extension of politics by other means. The fact that Iran has established a credible deterrence posture without disrupting major policy goals and objectives is the very definition of victory.

See Scott's bioblurb at the bottom of this page.

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Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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Iran Breaches Anglo-Zionist Defenses in Historic Attack: A Breakdown

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Iran made history yesterday by launching “Operation True Promise”. In our usual style here, let’s cut through all the noise currently clogging up social networks and incisively demonstrate the facts as thoroughly as possible, while also pointing out how this was a game-changing and historic event which has brought Iran onto the world stage in a big way.

Firstly, as establishment, Iran’s stated goal for the operation was to strike back at the bases from which the Israeli consular attack was launched on April 1:

IRGC has listed its objectives for last nights missile attack: Ramon and Nevatim airbases (where attack on Iran Consulate was conducted from). Israeli Air Force intelligence HQ in Tel Aviv (where attack on Iran Consulate was planned) and degrading of Israeli air defence radars and assets.

The footage is of the Intelligence HQ getting hit. I have yet to see evidence of 99% interception. Ramon has been badly hit. Nevatim was hit by more than 7 missiles. Air Force Intelligence HQ completely leveled. Other strikes on air defence installations obviously not close to population centres and out of view but I'm sure sat intel will show extent of damage.

And another:

Nevatim Airbase in the south of occupied Palestine

Ramon Airbase in the south of occupied Palestine

The Israeli top-secret intelligence-spy base in Jabal al-Sheikh (Mount Hermon) in the north of the occupied Golan

It should be noted that the rest of the explosions or hits in other areas of the occupied territories are related to the confrontation of the Israeli air defense systems with the projectiles in the sky or the falling of the wreckage of the interceptor missiles or the wreckage of Iranian missiles.

Now, let’s get down to the nuts and bolts.

This strike was unprecedented for several important reasons. Firstly, it was of course the first Iranian strike on Israeli soil directly from Iranian soil itself, rather than utilizing proxies from Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, etc. This alone was a big watershed milestone that has opened up all sorts of potentials for escalation.

Secondly, it was one of the most advanced and longest range peer-to-peer style exchanges in history. Even in Russia, where I have noted we’ve seen the first ever truly modern near-peer conflict, with unprecedented scenes never before witnessed like when highly advanced NATO Storm Shadow missiles flew to Crimea while literally in the same moments, advanced Russian Kalibrs flew past them in the opposite direction—such an exchange has never been witnessed before, as we’ve become accustomed to watching NATO pound on weaker, unarmed opponents over the last few decades. But no, last night Iran upped the ante even more. Because even in Russia, such exchanges at least happen directly over the Russian border onto its neighbor, where logistics and ISR is for obvious reasons much simpler.

But Iran did something unprecedented. They conducted the first ever modern, potentially hypersonic, assault on an enemy with SRBMs and MRBMs across a vast multi-domain space covering several countries and timezones, and potentially as much as 1200-2000km.

Additionally, Iran did all this with potentially hypersonic weapons, which peeled back another layer of sophistication that included such things as possible endoatmospheric interception attempts with Israeli Arrow-3 ABM missiles.

But let’s step back for a moment to state that Iran’s operation in general was modeled after the sophisticated paradigm set by Russia in Ukraine: it began with the launch of various types of drones, which included some Shahed-136s (Geran-2 in Russia) as well as others. We can see that from the Israeli-released footage of some of the drone interceptions:

At the 0:49 mark you can see what looks like a Shahed, though it appears similar to the jet-engine-equipped Shahed-238 variety.

After a certain pre-timed span, Iran then released cruise missiles so that they could strike roughly in a similar window as the drones. One video from last night confirmed the low-flying cruise missile presence:

It’s not known for certain, but it appears it could be the new Abu Mahdi missile which has the appropriate ~1000km range. Here’s some other possibilities:

Iran missile types

Iran missile types

Then, following the appropriate time interval, Iran launched the coup de grace, its vaunted ballistic missiles. Here’s Iran’s own released footage of the start of Operation True Promise, which includes the ballistic launches:

As stated, all three layers of the attack were timed to coincide, with the slowest (drones) going first, then next fastest (cruise missiles), followed by the fastest time-to-target, the ballistic missiles.

The U.S. scrambled a large coalition to shoot the threats down, which included the U.S. itself, UK flying from Cyprus, France, and, controversially, Jordan which allowed them all to also use its airspace and even partook in the shoot-downs.

Dozens of images proclaimed the “successful” shoot-downs of Iranian ballistic missiles, like the following:

Iran missile remains in Israel

The problem is, all of those are the ejected booster stages of two-stage rockets. There is no conclusive proof that any ballistic missiles were shot down, and in fact all the evidence points to the opposite: direct footage of the missiles penetrating the AD net and striking targets. But we’ll get to that.

Missile Types

First: what kinds of ballistic missiles did Iran use?

There are speculations and then there’s what can be dutifully confirmed.

As for the confirmed, with my own eyes from the actual longer released launch video we can see the following:

Iran launch

Which appears to match what is likely the Shahab-3 below:

Iran missile line-up

Here’s another photo from a Shahab-3 test:

In the launch photo, the very top warhead nose cone does appear slightly shorter and may match the Sejjil rocket better. The Sejjil is in fact a much newer evolution of and upgrade to the Shahab that has both a two-stage and three-stage variety for an extremely long range of 2500km+. And some also claim it might be the Ghadr-110, but this is also an evolution and similar ‘upgrade’ of the Shahab-3 system, which likewise looks almost identical.

There are some other launch videos that appear to show possible Zolfagher or the updated Dezful systems as well.

Then there is the closest shot of the launch video, which gives us the most accurate confirmation of one of the missile types:

Iran missile launch

On the fuselage you can see what appears to be EMA written, and the same can be seen on this photo from today of a “downed missile” somewhere in Iraq:

Iran missile remains

Iran missile marks

Iran EMAD ballistic missile

Iran missile stages Iran missile stage

This comes closest to confirming that missile to be an Emad from the chart above, which is one of Iran’s most advanced and can feature a MaRV (Maneuverable Re-entry Vehicle) warhead. This is where it starts getting interesting, because the hits we saw in Israel appeared to potentially utilize some form of MaRV or hypersonic glide vehicle, which would mean Iran could have made history even beyond what we thought.

So let’s get there by first mentioning the other controversial claim that Iran possibly used its most advanced new hypersonic Fattah-2 system:

In none of the launch videos was this visible, but that doesn’t necessarily preclude Iran having secretly launched and tested some of the above. An Iranian academic stated the following:

"Iran has not fired its hypersonic missiles. In fact, most of the drones and missiles that were fired were older drones and missiles. They were very inexpensive and were used as decoys. So Iran spent a couple of million dollars to force the Israelis to spend $1.3 billion in anti-missile missiles, which was itself a big achievement by the Iranians. And then a number of other missiles that the Iranians fired...cut through and struck their targets," the academic and geopolitical affairs commentator told Sputnik.

And lastly, there are some experts who believe Iran utilized its elusive hypersonic Kheybar Shekan missile, which also features a highly maneuverable MaRV.

These are two shots from last night’s launch video:

Iran's Kheybar Shekan missile?

And here is a stock photo of the Kheybar nosecone and warhead:

 Kheybar nosecone and warhead

This is where it gets most interesting, and why I’ve prefaced it so thoroughly.

In short: while Israel and the U.S. claim they shot down 100% of everything, and while it’s possible that the drone and cruise missile lures were mostly shot down—though we have no strong evidence one way or the other—we do have evidence that the ballistic missiles largely went unopposed, slicing through what’s claimed to be the densest air defense in the world. Not only Israel’s itself, comprised of a layered defense of David Slings, Arrow-3s, Patriots, and Iron Dome, but also the aforementioned allied airforces, as well as what’s now been reported to be a U.S. Arleigh Burke warship firing upwards of 70+ SM-3 missiles from the Mediterranean shore.

The hits that we saw were spectacular in one profound way: the terminal velocity of the Iranian ballistic missiles appeared stunningly fast. Let’s review some of the most exemplary videos.

Here’s by far the most revealing one, which totally refutes Israeli claims of 100% shoot downs. Note the massive swarm of air-defense missiles going up at the onset, then at the middle mark, watch as Iranian ballistics crash through the AD net totally unopposed at high speed, slamming into the ground:

As a quick aside, this next video was claimed by many to show Israeli Arrow-3 missiles shooting down Iranian ballistics in the exoatmosphere, i.e. in space:

But in reality, all it shows is the stage separation of the Arrow missiles as they climb toward the exoatmospheric zone. It does not show any actual successful interceptions, nor is there any evidence of a single ballistic missile being shot down.

But here’s where we get down to business. The next video is the most eye-opening in terms of the capabilities of these missiles. The two most important things to note are: 1) the terminal velocity right before impact and 2) note how some of the missiles strike very precisely onto the same location in groups.

First video, note the terminal speed here:

SIDEBAR (by TGP editor)
A video published by CNN —News 18 (Indian channel) confirms the sophistication of the Iranian attack. 

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