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Above photo: Gazan street during Operation Swords of Iron. Yairfridman2003 / Wikimedia Commons.

Technological change, while it helps humanity meet the challenges nature imposes upon us, leads to a paradigm shift: It leaves us less capable, not more, of using our intellectual capacities. It diminishes our minds in the long run. We strive to improve ourselves while risking a regression to the Stone Age if our ever more complex, ever more fragile technological infrastructure collapses.

That is Hans Köchler, an eminent Viennese scholar and president of the International Progress Organization, a globally active think tank, addressing an audience here last Thursday evening, April 4. The date is significant: The day before Köchler spoke, +972 Magazine and Local Call, independent publications in Israel–Palestine, reported that as the Israel Defense Forces press their savage invasion of the Gaza Strip, they deploy an artificial intelligence program called Lavender that so far has marked some 37,000 Palestinians as kill targets. In the early weeks of the Israeli siege, according to the Israeli sources +972 cites, “the army gave sweeping approval for officers to adopt Lavender’s kill lists, with no requirement to thoroughly check why the machine made those choices or to examine the raw intelligence data on which they were based.”

Chilling it was to hear Köchler speak a couple of news cycles after +972 published these revelations, which are based on confidential interviews with six Israeli intelligence officers who have been directly involved in the use of AI to target Palestinians for assassination. “To use technologies to solve all our problems reduces our ability to make decisions,” Köchler asserted. “We’re no longer able to think through problems. They remove us from real life.”

And this is the country that our repugnant political class favors as exemplary.

Köchler titled his talk “The Trivialization of Public Space,” and his topic, broadly stated, was the impact of technologies such as digital communications and AI on our brains, our conduct, and altogether our humanity. It was sobering, to put the point mildly, to recognize that Israel’s siege of Gaza, bottomlessly depraved in itself, is an in-our-faces display of the dehumanizing effects these technologies have on all who depend on them.

Let us look on in horror, and let us see our future in it.

We see in the IDF, to make this point another way, a rupture in morality, human intelligence, and responsibility when human oversight is mediated by the algorithms that run AI systems. There is a break between causality and result, action and consequence. And this is exactly what advanced technologies have in store for the rest of humanity. Artificial intelligence, as Köchler put it, is not intelligence: “It is ‘simulated intelligence’ because it has no consciousness of itself.” It isn’t capable, he meant to say, of moral decision-making or ethical accountability.

Mind-numbing destruction everywhere you look. Sadists' work, for sure.

In the Lavender case, the data it produced were accepted and treated as if they had been generated by a human being without any actual human oversight or independent verification. A second AI system, sadistically named “Where’s Daddy?”—and how sick is this?—was then used to track Hamas suspects to their homes. The IDF intentionally targeted suspected militants while they were with their families, using unguided missiles or “dumb” bombs. This strategy had the advantage of enabling Israel to preserve its more expensive precision-guided weapons, or “smart” bombs.

As one of +972’s sources told the magazine:

We were not interested in killing [Hamas] operatives only when they were in a military building or engaged in a military activity… . On the contrary, the IDF bombed them in homes without hesitation, as a first option. It’s much easier to bomb a family’s home. The system is built to look for them in these situations.

Once Lavender identified a potential suspect, IDF operatives had about 20 seconds to verify that the target was a male before making the decision to strike. There was no other human analysis of the “raw intelligence data.” The information generated by Lavender was treated as if it was “an order,” sources told +972—an official order to kill. Given the strategy of targeting suspects in their homes, the IDF assigned acceptable kill ratios for its bombing campaigns: 20 to 30 civilians for each junior-level Hamas operative. For Hamas leaders with the rank of battalion or brigade commander, +972’s sources said, “the army on several occasions authorized the killing of more than 100 civilians in the assassination of a single commander.”

In other words, Israeli policy, guided and assisted by AI technology, made it inevitable that thousands of civilians, many of them women and children, would be killed.

There appears to be no record of any other military deploying AI programs such as Lavender and Where’s Daddy? But it is sheer naïveté to assume this diabolic use of advanced technologies will not spread elsewhere. Israel is already the world’s leading exporter of surveillance and digital forensic tools. Anadolu, Turkey’s state-run news agency, reported as far back as February that Israel is using Gaza as a weapons-testing site so that it can market these tools as battle-tested. Antony Lowenstein, an author Anadolu quotes, calls this the marketing of “automated murder.”

And here we find ourselves: Haaretz, the Israeli daily, reported on April 5 that “intelligent” weapons proven effective in Gaza were major attractions when Israel marketed them last month at the Singapore Airshow, East Asia’s biggest arms bazaar.

Hans Köchler, who has studied the impact of digital technologies for many years, did not seem to have read the +972 Magazine report before he spoke here last week. This made his remarks all the more disturbing. He was not describing—not specifically—the murderers operating Lavender and other such technologies in Gaza. We will all live and die by these Faustian technologies: This, our common fate, was Köchler’s topic. Over the past six months, this is to say, Israel has announced the dehumanization that awaits all of us in that AI systems are technologies against which we have little defense. “Self-determination gives way to digital competence,” Köchler said. “We can’t distinguish between virtual reality and reality.”

Along with the +972 report on the use of AI came others in a week notable for its stomach-churning news of Israeli depravity. In its April 3 editions The Guardian revealed that the IDF intentionally deploys snipers and quadcopters—remotely controlled sniper drones—to target children. The evidence of this comes from U.S. and Canadian doctors who, while serving in Gaza, treat many children with wounds consistent with and easily identified as caused by snipers’ bullets. These are larger than the ammunition generally used in combat because they are intended to kill rather than wound.

The Biden regime never addresses these barbaric developments, and our corporate media, with rare exceptions such as The Guardian piece just cited, tell us almost nothing of them. Official and media accounts of events in Gaza, their “narratives,” are utterly at odds with these realities. How, we are left to ask, do they get away with these day-in, day-out dishonesties? This was the obvious question last week, given the extremes to which the IDF’s criminality now extends.

If you Google “Lavender” and “The New York Times,” you get “Lavender Oil Might Help You Sleep” and similarly frivolous headlines.  Neither has The Times made any mention of the +972 investigation. If you read detailed accounts of the April 1 air attacks on the World Central Kitchen’s three food-delivery vehicles, which killed seven aid workers, it is inescapable that the Israeli military systematically targeted them, one truck to the next, until all three were destroyed—this after WCK had carefully coordinated its deployment of the vehicles with Israeli authorities. These killings are entirely in line with the directive Yoav Gallant, Israel’s repulsive defense minister, issued Oct. 9: “There will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel, everything will be closed.”

And what did we read of this incident in mainstream media?

Per usual, the Israeli military was authorized to investigate the Israeli military—an absurdity no U.S. official and no media account questioned. On April 5 the IDF announced that two officers were dismissed and three other reprimanded for “mishandling critical information.” President Biden declared he was “heartbroken.” The New York Times called the attack “a botched operation,” explaining that the IDF’s top officers “were forced to admit to a string of lethal mistakes and misjudgments.” Over and over we hear the refrain that Israel “is not doing enough to protect civilians.”

So it was a regrettable accident, we are led to conclude. Israel is doing its best. It has all along done its best. Put this against the raw statistic: The IDF has killed more than 220 humanitarian workers since it began its siege last October, to go by the U.N.’s count. How can one possibly believe that these were 220–plus accidents? “Let’s be very clear. This is not an anomaly,” an Oxfam official, Scott Paul, said after the WCK attack. “The killing of aid workers in Gaza has been systemic.”

There is reality and there is meta-reality, a term I have used previously in this space. How do the two stand side-by-side? How does the latter, the conjured “reality,” prove so efficacious? How do so many accept the 220–plus-accidents “narrative?” Why, more broadly, do so many accept propaganda and lies when they know, subliminally, they are constantly fed lies and propagandized?

I go back once again to Hans Köchler. In his speech and in various of his many books, he argues that electronic media—television chief among these—have conditioned people to rely for information on pictures and images instead of reading. “They lose the ability to analyze text, and so the ability to understand problems,” he said here. “People come to live in virtual worlds.”

We cannot think of a better description of the “narratives” advanced by the Biden regime and disseminated in corporate media: They present us with a virtual world—fully aware that, our minds habituated to pictures and images, most of us will mistake this virtual world for reality, just as Köchler warns. As a member of the audience here put it, “How is it possible to watch a genocide in real time and no one says anything? Knowledge no longer has any value. Anything goes, and if anything goes, nothing goes.”

The Biden regime supplies Israel with weaponry to prosecute its criminal siege of Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinians. It gives the apartheid state diplomatic cover at the United Nations and legal cover at the International Court of Justice. It distorts and obscures the IDF’s “Stone Age” conduct. All of this requires us to speak now not of Israel’s genocide but of the Israeli–U.S. genocide.

But the Biden regime is culpable in inflicting these multiple wounds on humanity in one other dimension we must not miss. With its incessant attempts to suspend us in a virtual reality of its making, distant from what it is doing in our names, it leads us into the dehumanized, grotesquely technologized future Köchler describes just as surely as the Israelis do as they murder human beings wholesale with AI weapons and kill innocent children with remotely controlled sniper drones.

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  • We must act together to smash the VILE Western disinformation machine.
  • This is the Lying Machine that protects the greatest evil humanity has ever seen.
  • YOU know what we are talking about.

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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The Power Of Blood Sacrifice

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By Indrajit


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I think of Jesus often. I think of how the Romans and their Jewish client state thought they defeated Jesus by killing him. Not just defeated him, but humiliated him, left him out there to be publicly tortured, mocked, and shamed. They crucified him like a slave. But look at the world now. Rome's dominion is gone and we live in Anno Domini. Allah turned the greatest L into the greatest W. Jesus triumphed over death and left that Empire in the dust. I think about that today.

Today, America and their Jewish client state think they can defeat Palestinians by genociding them. Not merely killing them, but starving them to death, making them suffer and die without food, water, medicine, or sanitation. As the cowardly Yoav Gallant said, announcing the whole thing, “No electricity, no food, no fuel, no water. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we act accordingly.” The concentration camp became an extermination camp after the inmates dared rebel.

Six months later, the 'Israeli's are still trying to genocide the entire civilian population of Gaza, burying masses under rubble, condemning them to a slow, painful death, and letting famine and disease take the rest. As Giora Eiland quite openly published, “severe epidemics in the south of the Gaza Strip will bring victory closer and reduce casualties among IDF soldiers.” 'Israel's' other goal, presented as a 'moderate' solution by casual colonizers like Yuval Noah Harari, is ethnic cleansing the women and children to the desert and slaughtering the men. The bloodlust is quite common across the 'Israeli' population, its 'left' and 'right' are really just left and right boots, stomping on a human face forever.

The point of it all is re-establishing the deterrence that was lost after the brave rebellion of October 7th, much like the Romans crucified allof a man's slaves if one dared slay their master. When Pedanius Secondus was slain (seemingly with good reason), all of his 400 slaves were publicly put to death, men, women, and children. Can you not hear the refrain, in the slavery of our times? It is, as my historical thesis goes, same shit, different day. The American Senate acts now as the Roman Senate did then. Just hear Tacitus explain:

While no one member ventured to controvert the opinion of Cassius, he was answered by a din of voices, expressing pity for the numbers, the age, or the sex of the victims, and for the undoubted innocence of the majority. In spite of all, the party advocating execution prevailed; but the decision could not be complied with, as a dense crowd gathered and threatened to resort to stones and firebrands. The Caesar then reprimanded the populace by edict, and lined the whole length of road, by which the condemned were being marched to punishment, with detachments of soldiers.

Today American Senators can't go anywhere without attracting angry constituents, but that's all so constitutionally corrupt that it doesn't matter. Fresh off paid tours of 'Israel', they reprimand the population as antisemitic while slaying Semites as collective punishment. They line the coast with aircraft carriers, open air bridges of deadly munitions, and station soldiers in and around 'Israel' as well. The torture of Gaza has been televised and live-streamed for six months now, like a drawn out crucifixion. The cruelty is the point. They want the upstart slaves to suffer, to stop any other slaves from upstarting. As Gaius Cassius argued in 61 AD (not knowing time would be dated via another Roman crucifixion):

Now that our households comprise nations — with customs the reverse of our own, with foreign cults or with none, you will never coerce such a medley of humanity except by terror. — 'But some innocent lives will be lost!' — Even so; for when every tenth man of the routed army drops beneath the club,​ the lot falls on the brave as well. All great examples carry with them something of injustice — injustice compensated, as against individual suffering, by the advantage of the community.

The Romans were at least an honest empire, whereas the American pretend like they don't have one at all.Aw shucks, just helping out”.To get truth from the Americans you have to hold a mirror up to their lies, because everything is inverted. Every accusation is, in fact, a confession. America's 'War On Terror' is in fact a genocidal Terror War, meant to 'coerce a medley of humanity by terror.' Most of the people they call terrorists are in fact just terroirists, defending their land from carbon crusaders. 'Israel' is just Terror Jr., a traumatized population that Europeans rejected and literally deported, given the copyright to colonization as reparations. And they have taken their master's policy to the point of historical absurdity. The contradictions are now too much, and in projecting such cruel power, they are in fact losing it all.

Like a public, drawn-out crucifixion—where the cruelty and humiliation is the point—'Israel' has drawn out its atrocities against the Palestinian public for so long that even the liberal imperial core is having indigestion now. People have watched the precious child Hind surviving amidst the slaughter of her family in a car, while 'Israel' attacked the rescue workers, before finally being murdered herself, terrifying hours later. People have watched the Al Shifa Hospital being attacked not once but twice, as part of 'Israel's' general policy of medical massacres.

All of these war crimes are not mere executions, they are public torture and a vile attempt at humiliation, like a crucifixion. Of course, the imperial core can watch crucifixions all day long, it's the main programming in the Cable-TV Colosseum. Every week a rotating cast of migrants, Muslims, Russians, and Chinese are trotted out to be hated and attacked, each episode going into reruns for decades now. But you can't show the same crucifixion for six months in a row. That gets boring and, after a point, embarrassing.

What finally changed things for this celebrity obsessed culture was a celebrity chef's crew being bombed not once but thrice, hunted through a supposedly safe zone like prey. You can bomb hospitals and refugee camps, but you can't fuck with the Washington elites dinner reservations! That's a red line for these people. Injustice was fine when it was against slaves and subhumans, but once it started messing with the “advantage of the community”, that's when it had to stop. And now the western media's tune has changed. The killers are losing the imperial core and, worst of all, even more 'slaves' are in open rebellion.

Rebellion has only spread across 'the unity of the fields', from Yemen to Lebanon to Iran to Iraq to Syria to even Jordan. Hamas and its allies like Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the PFLP, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, etc are still resisting bravely, and televising that too. It's as if the crucified had RPGs and were lighting up centurions. This is not the message they were trying to send at all! They meet their fate on the road they took to avoid it. Deterrence doesn't work if the people are undeterred. Then the cruelty just appears pointless, and the people executing it look weaker rather than stronger. Then, rather than humiliated slaves, there's imperial blood in the water and, indeed, 'Israel' and America have lost the whole Red Sea entirely.

At this point, the suffering of the Palestinian people has become what the Resistance frequently calls 'an epic'. As the PFLP said: “In response to all this, our people have decisively replied that resistance is the means to deter the occupation, restore our legitimate rights, and the Al-Aqsa Flood epic constitutes one of the advanced and shining stations of our people's struggle, which history will inscribe in golden letters. Or as Hamas leader Osama Hamdan said, “the Nazi enemy has failed to break the will and steadfastness of our great people rooted in their land and has been unable to diminish the strength and resolve of the Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, Saraya Al-Quds, and the Palestinian resistance, who have inscribed an epic of heroism, dignity, and pride for our people and nation.

Even as the children and grandchildren of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh were killed in another cowardly 'Israeli' airstrike, this is what he had to say:

I thank Allah for this honor that He bestowed upon us through the martyrdom of my three sons and grandchildren. With this pain and blood, we create hope, a future, and freedom for our people, our cause, and our nation. My martyred sons attained the honor of the time, the honor of the place, and the honor of the conclusion. My children stayed with our people in the Gaza Strip and did not leave the Strip.

All our people and all the families of Gaza residents have paid a heavy price with the blood of their children, and I am one of them. Nearly 60 members of my family ascended as martyrs, like all the Palestinian people, and there is no difference between them. The occupation believes that by targeting the sons of leaders, it will break the resolve of our people. We say to the occupation that this blood will only make us more steadfast in our principles and adherence to our land.

The enemy will not succeed in their goals and the castles will not fall. What the enemy failed to extract through killing, destruction, and genocide, they will not take in negotiations. The enemy is delusional if they think that by killing my sons we will change our positions. The blood of my sons is not more precious than the blood of our martyred people in Gaza, for they are all my sons.

The blood of my sons is a sacrifice on the path to liberating Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa. We will not hesitate and will not retreat, and we will continue on our way to liberate Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa...

How do you fight this? Morally, politically, militarily, the Empire has just lost. These people are righteous and the Empire is just wrong. The latest incarnation of White Empire has tried to impose power through blood, but all they have done here is unleash the greater power of blood sacrifice against themselves, and it cannot be contained now. As an Empire which nominally claims to follow Christ the lamb, they should know what an awesome power this is. Martyrs live forever and blood sacrifice can topple the greatest powers. And America isn't even great anymore. Their Navy has lost to Yemen, their Army has lost to Afghanistan, and while their Air Force is still winning against poor people without air defenses, this is a Pyrrhic victory and a moral abomination. Meanwhile, economically, they're begging China 'please Hammer, don't hurt 'em' and have sanctioned themselves into a corner. They're taking L after L and their only Ws come from beating up children. They're not projecting power at this point, they're just projecting.

Human sacrifice—blood sacrifice—is a terrible force, a powerful force since time immemorial. Empires can play with blood if they win (and thus write the history), but if they do it and lose, well then, those empires get written out of history entirely. That's where we are now. At the end of 'Israel', at the end of America, at the end of the continuous White Empire that has oppressed us for so long, in so many contiguous forms. The end will be a beggar's breakfast because they've ruined the entire planet, but the fever dream will break before too long, inshallah. History is being written as we speak, in the only ink that seems indelible. In the human sacrifice of innocents, in the murder of martyrs, in the red red ink of blood.

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  • We must act together to smash the VILE Western disinformation machine.
  • This is the Lying Machine that protects the greatest evil humanity has ever seen.
  • YOU know what we are talking about.

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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Since the overpaid media shills will never risk their careers to report the truth, the world must rely on citizen journalists to provide the facts that explain reality.

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The Politicized FBI Is Creating Terror Plots and Entrapping Americans | The Gov Whitmer Kidnapping Plot Kim Iversen

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Kim Iversen
Christina Urso

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Christina Urso is an independent journalist, currently directing and producing her first documentary film on the FBI's Gov. Whitmer "kidnap plot" called "Kidnap and Kill: an FBI Terror Plot." Visit: https://www.kandkfilm.com/


Note: We deeply admire Ms. Urso's brave investigative work on America's out-of control police agencies, something (for obvious class interest reasons) unlikely to be undertaken by the mainstream media. We differ only one respect, the sinister spin she uses to depict the STASI, an agency whose mandate was extremely difficult, to say the least, and which, even at its worst, never remotely approached the revolting depravity of repressive forces in almost ALL US-client states around the globe. It's easy today to heap abuse on the German Democratic Republic (GDR), as it is to deride the implosion of the Soviet Union, but their fall is the result of a long and complex process in which the West was not exactly an innocent bystander. What's more, as Ms Urso's own work demonstrates, the capitalist ruling cliques themselves, in country after country we care to examine, are scarcely champions of free speech and genuine democracy. 


An Interview with Investigative Journalist Christina Urso from Radix Verum


Europa Terra Nostra Vice-Chairman Sascha Rossmüller recently had the pleasure of sitting down for an extensive conversation with Christina Urso from Radix Verum. Christina Urso is an independent journalist and content creator, and her prior work in law further informs her research and analysis of news and current events, which is often at odds with the mainstream media and popular narratives. Christina Urso is currently working on a documentary regarding the dubious methodology of the FBI in the context of the alleged kidnapping of Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan. It seems that the FBI resembles more so a criminal organisation than a national secret service. In any case, Christina Urso’s upcoming documentary is proving to be very much a promising one.

Cristina Urso

Urso on the Kim Iversen show.

ETN: First of all, before we begin talking about the documentary that you are working on, could you please inform our European readers about your political engagements and media activity?

Christina Urso: I have a background working in law, so this gave me a unique perspective on politics. The legal community is often very small, so you learn quickly how politics works. You see the backroom deals, the donations to re-election campaigns, the preferential treatment some firms get, etc. You see how powerful and wealthy people can game the system, while the most vulnerable in society often fall victim to it. I believe that power corrupts, regardless of what side of the political spectrum you fall on. I am an Orthodox Christian, which informs my values and how I understand politics and the world in general. I have been working as an independent journalist for several years now. I usually find myself in opposition to the “mainstream media,” who act mainly as stenographers for the federal government and other special interests. I think it is important to have independent journalists out there, who are willing to challenge the blatant propaganda and lies broadcast by these media outlets 24/7. That is what I have been focused on prior to my work on the documentary.

ETN: You are producing a documentary regarding the alleged kidnapping plot of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, back in October 2020. However, you claim that instead of the official narrative of militia groups, we are confronted with an FBI “terror plot”, so to speak. Why did this particular issue become so important for you that you decided to make a documentary about it?

Christina Urso: The documentary will explain how the FBI essentially fabricated the “plot” to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. It is important for your readers to understand, the FBI is probably akin to the German BND. It is America’s domestic federal police force. The FBI prides itself on being the “world’s premier law enforcement agency,” but in the wake of 9/11 and the expansion of the national security state – thanks to legislation like the Patriot Act – the FBI has become corrupt to the core. The FBI and DOJ alleged [that] these men plotted to kidnap and possibly kill Governor Whitmer. The mainstream media repeated these unproven assertions about scary “militia” groups and “white supremacist domestic terrorists.” When the story broke and I saw this, I knew there was probably far more to the story. Sure enough, as the case went through the discovery process on the way to trial, we learned about how the FBI was the one doing the “plotting.” When I began to research the story and the defendants, it became clear to me that these men were innocent – albeit flawed – individuals. Moreover, the political and legal implications of the case deeply concerned me. We live in a very ambivalent and chaotic world – a world where, often, acts of kindness are punished and acts of cruelty rewarded. When an injustice occurs, there is usually a diffusion of responsibility, and no one does anything to fix it because they assume someone else will. This case is important to me because the FBI is an incredibly powerful institution. There is no real accountability or oversight of them. They have a monopoly on force and unlimited resources. They can hide behind the veil of “national security” and we have seen so many scandals in recent years about them flagrantly violating the constitution and doing so with impunity. I basically decided that someone had to try to hold them accountable, and if no one else was willing to do it, I would.

ETN: Let us delve deeper into the complex of infiltrating not just an accused group, but the developing plot itself by the FBI. What can you tell us regarding the questionable nature of paid informants? Were those people spearheading the plot? Isn’t there a vicious circle there in that the more that they push forward a plot, the more money they receive?

Christina Urso: The Michigan Whitmer case perfectly illustrates the problem of infiltration and the use of informants. Not only are there financial incentives for FBI informants, but we need to step back and look at the FBI itself for a moment, as an organization as well as the federal government. There is a level of corruption, and for this big national security apparatus, a self-serving agenda to either create “threats,” or inflate the appearance of “threats.” America has 17 different intelligence agencies, all competing for resources and prestige. I believe there are incentives both financially and professionally for these agencies and individual agents to kind of create fake terror threats that they can then “foil”.

One thing that might be helpful to your readers to consider is the East German Stasi and their informant program. The Stasi had a massive network of informants – not all willing informants – that they recruited and employed utilizing fear, blackmail and the desire for personal gain. The Stasi had a program for targeting and neutralizing dissent, and that was called Zersetzung, meaning “decomposition” or “disruption.” I am sure your readers are aware of the political repression the Stasi subjected East German citizens to. Just as the goal of Zersetzung was to “switch off” a group by rendering it ineffective, as well as hindering positive media or public exposure and discrediting the group or individual target, the FBI’s use of informants seems to have the same objective.

Not only did the FBI use informants to infiltrate the Wolverine Watchmen militia group, but they also created fake militia groups that the FBI controlled and operated themselves. They created Facebook pages that were run by FBI informants. We know the FBI used 12 “CHSs” – a.k.a. “Confidential Human Sources” – as well as two undercover FBI Agents, UCE Mark and UCE Red. Based on documentation from the trial that I have reviewed, it appears that the FBI had numerous targets across multiple states. The “Whitmer Plot” investigation may in fact be connected to a larger operation that involved the infiltration of the Midwest Militia Movement.

Not all the identities of the CHSs have been revealed to the public. We know the identities of some and we have speculation on the identities of some of them. Steve Robeson was one of the main CHSs and he was a 20-year career criminal, a felon and a convicted pedophile. Robeson, a Wisconsin native, played a major role in building the criminal case, which resulted in the October 7th 2020 arrest of six men charged federally with conspiring to kidnap Governor Whitmer and eight men being charged in separate state cases for “providing material support” for terrorism.

It was Robeson who called and chaired a “nationwide” meet-up of militia groups in June of 2020, where the FBI claims the first outline of the plan was hatched. In court documents filed in the case that show out-of-court statements, we can observe that Robeson, wearing a recording device at the meeting, is the one pushing for a plan. He is recorded on the listening device complaining about the lack of a plan. On a recording device, he is picked up encouraging and suggesting violence. He says, “You can’t just grab brick and mortar without a human to go with it. You’ve done nothing but grab brick and mortar.” Another FBI informant who was at the Dublin meeting then backs up Robeson, saying, “You take brick and mortar and you’ve locked yourself down and made yourself a target.” Robeson then says, in response to another potential FBI informant saying, “We did not leave that meeting with a plan.” “No, we didn’t and I’m a little frustrated about that, but what we do know that we have to communicate – this group right here.”

So, what can we glean from this interaction that was picked up by the FBI’s own recording devices? We can see that the government was lying when they said this Dublin June 2020 meeting is when the “plan” was first hatched. Here is the government’s own informant on a recording device telling another potential FBI informant they left the Dublin meeting with no plan. The evidence itself directly contradicts and refutes the government’s claims about that meeting.

This is not unique to this case. We see the same thing over and over. Steve Robeson, along with the second main CHS Dan “Big Dan” Chappel, basically orchestrated the entire plot. They were the ones who introduced some of the defendants to one another. Informant Dan Chappel became the second-in-command of the Wolverine Watchmen militia group, and he was recognized by the members as the de facto leader of the group. It was Dan, at the FBI’s behest, who ran the tactical FTXs (field training exercises) or defensive firearms training.

It absolutely creates a vicious cycle where the more they push and try to radicalize members of the group, they are rewarded by their FBI handlers. They are given more cash incentives and they are given praise by the government. I do feel a distinction should be made when discussing informants. For Americans, when they hear the word “informant,” they assume that means someone who is observing and informing back to law enforcement on a crime already in motion. That is not what happened here. The FBI informants were tasked with acting not as “informants,” but as agents provocateurs, to create a crime where none existed.

ETN: What is known about the in-group dynamic concerning the Whitmer case? How did the FBI manipulate group members? Were there particular psychological methods? Were even drugs put into play?

Christina Urso: From what I have been able to gather, from my own independent research into the case, is that the FBI took control of the Wolverine Watchmen militia. I believe they did so with the sole intention of manufacturing a fake “domestic terror plot”, with these guys set up to take the fall as patsies. They would employ a variety of disturbing tactics to achieve this goal. The FBI had their informants contact people the FBI had indicated they wanted to target. These informants would befriend the target, then introduce them to other targets and informants and begin a pressure campaign, trying to manipulate the targets on behalf of the FBI. For example, there are thousands of phone calls, text messages, etc. from FBI informant Dan Chappel to Adam Fox, the so-called “ringleader” of the group. FBI informant Dan presented himself as an Iraq War veteran and hero who was part of the elite unit that helped rescue American sniper Chris Kyle. Fox said that he saw Dan as a “father figure” and said Dan took an interest in him when his own father did not. He would say offensive, crazy things trying to impress Dan, talking rough, but with no real intent to do anything violent or illegal.

ETN: I have heard that there were also some impediments for the lawyers, including being barred from inquiring about misconduct by FBI agents and their informants. What can you tell us about the trial?

Christina Urso: There was so much corruption [that] it would be impossible to get into all the details here. For brevity’s sake, I will limit it to a few examples. The entire case really from start to finish involves corruption by FBI informants and agents. Let’s start with FBI Special Agent Jayson Chambers. Chambers was a lead handling agent of CHS Dan Chappel. 18 months before the Whitmer guys were arrested, Special Agent Chambers had incorporated his own private security firm, called ExeIntel. He had spent much of 2019 trying to drum up business, and his private company was seeking a multimillion-Dollar contract with the federal government to advise on cases of domestic terrorism. Moreover, text messages that came out show him telling another FBI agent that he was going to run the Whitmer case as a TEI – or Terrorism Enterprise Investigation – whether he got approval (from higher-ups at the FBI, as is required for TEI cases) or not. TEI is the highest threat level for a terrorism case and it requires approval. The FBI refused to disclose whether Chambers had gotten permission to set up a private for-company venture while still employed at the FBI, as is required, and after news of the business venture broke, the government removed Special Agent Chambers from the witness list.

Then another lead FBI agent, Special Agent Richard J. Trask, who had signed off on the criminal complaint and served as the Bureau’s public face of the case, was charged with beating his wife after they had attended a “swingers party” in Kalamazoo. He was suspended from the FBI. Local journalists uncovered unhinged anti-Trump Facebook posts Trask had made while he was on the Whitmer case, going off on “anti-vaxxers” and “Trump supporters.”

The third lead FBI handling agent, Special Agent Henrik Imploa, was accused of perjury by former Assistant Federal Prosecutor Brian Lennon, who sent a 10-page letter to Stuart Platt, the Assistant Director of the FBI, outlining the fact that Special Agent Impola committed perjury on two separate occasions, contrary to 18 U.S.C sec. 1621. To date no investigation into SA Imploa’s perjury, nor any charges, have been forthcoming.

After that, a State Prosecutor was removed from the case, because of prior corruption involving other cases. Assistant Attorney General Greg Townsend was “reassigned” after Prosecutor Karen MacDonald announced she found evidence of “prosecutorial misconduct” and breaches of “ethics” in prior cases Townsend worked that involved the use of Informants. Another Assistant US Attorney, Mark A. Totten, who previously worked for Governor Gretchen Whitmer, recused himself from the retrial of Adam Fox and Barry Croft. Defense lawyers for Mr. Croft filed an FOIA request to obtain the recusal memo, and there was no response. They were suing to obtain the Recusal memo, which, to date, has not been produced. The memo could shed more light on what Whitmer knew and when she knew it. The trial was basically tightly controlled, and the Judge granted all the government motions while denying almost all the defense motions. Judge Jonker wouldn’t allow the jury to hear about the FBI misconduct, or about the misconduct of the three lead handling agents. The defense was not allowed to call ANY witnesses, due to the government engaging in witness tampering and witness intimidation. The first trial resulted in zero convictions – two men were acquitted and found innocent, and the jury declared a mistrial on Adam and Barry. The retrial was even more corrupt, and Adam and Barry and both trying to appeal the convictions that came from the retrial.

ETN: I would like to talk about Adam Fox, whom the authorities labelled as the ringleader of the group. If I have been informed correctly, he was sentenced to 16 years in prison. How would you characterise Adam Fox? Does he have a criminal record? Does he suffer “special treatment” in prison?

Christina Urso: Adam Fox just turned 40 back on April 12th 2023, while sitting inside Florence Supermax in Colorado. The government saw Adam as sort of the perfect patsy, I think. Adam has zero history of violence, he has no prior criminal record, he had never been to jail prior to getting caught, up in the FBI’s entrapment scheme. Adam was never even a “member” of the Wolverine Watchmen militia. He was homeless at the time, in a very vulnerable position and didn’t have a lot of friends. FBI informant Dan Chapel was a father figure to Adam. He had taken an interest in him when his own father had not. Adam really wanted to impress Dan and he probably would have done anything Dan asked him to do. He was sentenced to 16 years in prison, and after he began conducting jailhouse interviews with me, he was promptly moved to Florence Supermax and his appeal lawyer has not been able to call him or visit him. His family is deeply concerned they are going to try to make him “disappear” in Supermax. They are very concerned for his safety. Right now, he is in 23-hours-a-day isolation. He is not allowed access to the commissary, he is incredibly depressed and he cannot communicate. He is allowed one fifteen-minute phone call per month. That is all.

ETN: Is this FBI plot a singularity or have you learned of more comparable framings of fake conspiracies by the FBI during your research? What is your opinion on the FBI in general?

Christina Urso: Prior to these men getting arrested in October of 2020, I had been investigating FBI corruption. Specifically, I had been looking into a little-known FBI operation called PATCON, which stands for “Patriot Conspiracy.” This was an operation the FBI ran back in the 1990s, trying to infiltrate and disrupt the right-wing militia movement. I believe that Ruby Ridge, WACO and OKC were all PATCON operations, orchestrated by the federal government. The FBI has been corrupted to its core. It should be abolished and all its internal files released to the public. I do not believe the FBI can be reformed. The entire agency is weaponized and out of control, waging a war on the American people.

Christina Urso: Thank you so much for asking! The documentary is entirely crowdfunded and crowdsourced. I spent several thousand Dollars of my own money to get the project started and off the group, to show people the kind of work we can do. We produced the trailer for the documentary already, which we are so proud of! There are ways to support the documentary. To make a donation online, you can do so anonymously, even if you like, at www.kandkfilm.com, which is our website. It is still under construction right now, so it redirects to our fundraising page on Give, Send, Go. You can also just go to https://givesendgo.com/radixverum to donate. You can help support us by subscribing to all our social media accounts and channels, which you will find linked on our Give, Send, Go fundraising page and helping to spread the word about the Whitmer Case and the documentary.

There have been a lot of attempts I think made to intimidate me and to try to shut the film down. I had my house “swatted” or raided two times within a three-day period, one time at 4:30 in the morning, while my daughter was sleeping. After I started conducting jailhouse interviews with Adam and Barry, they were moved to different Supermax prisons – mid-appeal, mind you – where I can no longer speak with them. They call this diesel therapy. It’s psychological torture, designed to wear the men down. Witnesses have been intimidated, and some outright threatened. But we refuse to be silenced or intimidated. That just confirms our suspicion that there is a lot more they are hiding. Eventually, it will all come to light.


Christina Urso is an independent journalist, currently directing and producing her first documentary film on the FBI's Gov. Whitmer "kidnap plot" called "Kidnap and Kill: an FBI Terror Plot." Visit: https://www.kandkfilm.com/

NONE of this horror would be happening without the decades-long unwavering support of the United States and its Western accomplices.

Another night of pain and death on the first day of the end of the Ramadan fast, Zionist warplanes bombed 2 Palestinian refugee camps last night, Nuseirat and Jabalia, in central Gaza.  By hiding it, the "press" has normalized the bombing of refugee camps and hospitals every day.

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Sympathy for the Devil, Part Two
The Amalek Effect


Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel

“You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.” - Benjamin Netanyahu

The Seed of Amalek

Please allow me to introduce myself…

January 29, 2024

The Israeli defense force (IDF) had for days been engaged in heavy combat with Hamas fighters throughout Gaza City. To help differentiate between combatants and non-combatants, the IDF ordered parts of Gaza City to evacuate. Bashar Hamada loaded his wife and three children, along with two cousins—15-year-old Layan Hamada and 6-year-old Hind Rajab—into his black Kia Picanto and began to drive south, to safety.

At around 1.30 pm, as he entered a roundabout in the suburb of Tel al-Hawa, the Kia Bashar was driving came under fire from Israeli tanks which had taken up positions around the roundabout. Bashar, his wife and three children were killed. In the backseat, Layan and Hind lay wounded, covered in blood.

Shortly after the shooting stopped, Layan found her uncle’s phone, and placed a call to an uncle in Gaza, informing him that Bashar and his immediate family were dead. The quality of the connection was poor, and the uncle hung up and called relatives in Germany, who contacted the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PCRS), notifying them of the incident, before reaching out directly to Layan.

Scott will discuss this article and answer audience questions on Ep. 149 of Ask the Inspector.

“Layan,” Mohammed Salem Hamada, the relative in Germany who placed the call later recounted, “told me that her father and my aunt—her mother is my aunt—were shot and they are all dead. She said the IDF [Israel Defense Forces] soldiers were shooting them and she also told me that the tanks are getting closer to them.

Layan explained that she had been shot in the leg, as had 6-year-old Hind. Layan told Mohammed that “she didn’t know how bad the injury or injuries were because she was covered—all of them were covered—in blood.”

Layan then handed the phone to Hind, who told Mohammed “Please help me. Please come and rescue us. Rescue me.”

Mohammed broke down. “I was literally crying because I was unable to do anything, and I think all of my family were in the same situation.”

His wife took the phone away from the sobbing man. “Sweetheart,” she told Hind, “don’t be scared, God loves you and he will take care of you.”

“Ok,” Hind replied, quietly.

At around 2:40 pm, a representative from the PRCS contacted Layan.

Layan answered the phone. “Hello?”

“Hello dear,” the operator responded.

“They are shooting at us,” Layan said. “The tank is next to me.”

“Are you hiding?” the operator asked.

“Yes,” Layan replied, “In the car. We are next to the tank.”

The conversation was interrupted by the sounds of gunfire, and the screams of 15-year-old Layan as she was shot to death by Israeli soldiers.

A few minutes later the PCRS operator called the number again.

Six-year-old Hind answered.

“I am so scared,” Hind said. “Please come. Call someone to come get me, please.”

“Shall we recite a verse from the Quran together?” the operator asked, trying to calm the little girl down. “We can recite some verses and say some prayers. What do you think?”

Hind responded by reciting a passage from the Quran.

“Good job,” the operator replied. “You have it memorized.”

“Please get me out of here,” Hind said, but the operator could not understand her.

“What was that you said, my dear?”

“Please get me out of here,” Hind repeated.

Hind Rajab

The PCRS was frantically trying to coordinate with the IDF to get permission to dispatch an ambulance to the scene to rescue Hind. Around 4.30 pm, permission was finally received, and after agreeing upon the route the rescuers would take (the Israelis provided the PCRS with a map showing the route), an ambulance and two paramedics—Yusuf Zeino and Ahmed al-Madhoun, departed, heading to the Tel al-Hawa roundabout.

To help calm Hind, the PCRS operator connected the young girl with her mother.

“I miss you, Mama,” Hind told her mother.

The mother tried to calm her, but as the medics closed in on the site, the PCRS operator took over the call, to guide the rescuers to her.

Hind’s last words to her mother were “Don’t leave me, mama. I’m hungry. I’m hurt.”

The operator asked about the status of the other passengers in the vehicle.

“I’m telling you they’re dead,” Hind replied.

Around 6 pm, Yusuf Zeino and Ahmed al-Madhoun arrived at the scene, inching there way forward, toward the black Kia, which was in sight. “I’m nearly there,” Zeino told the PCRS dispatcher.

“The tank is next to me,” Hind told the PCRS operator. The fear in her voice was palpable. “It’s coming towards me.”

Yusuf Zeino (left) and Ahmed al-Madhoun (right)

Zeino reported that the Israelis were targeting them with laser sights, the green dots dancing around their bodies and the ambulance.

“It’s very, very close,” Hind said, her voice a whisper. “Come and take me.”

At that moment, the sound of gunfire and explosion erupted from the phone held by the PRCS operator, before the line went dead.

Yusuf Zeino and Ahmed al-Madhoun were killed by a tank round which blew up the ambulance they were riding in.

Hind Rajab was killed by a final burst of machine gun fire.

Given the scope and scale of Israeli intelligence collection taking place in Gaza, there can be no doubt that the IDF was monitoring the phones used by Hind, the medics, and the PRCS.

They heard young Hind’s pleas for help.

They heard the rescuers arrive on the scene.

And they murdered them in cold blood.

a video that has been posted online by an Israeli journalist, Yinon Magal, showing Israeli soldiers dancing arm in arm, chanting, “I stick by one mitvah [note: a ‘good dead’ which has a practical benefit for the person who does them as well as for the entire world], to wipe off the seed of Amalek.” The soldiers then continue. “We know our slogan, ‘there are no uninvolved civilians in Gaza.’”

The “seed of Amalek” had to be destroyed.

And so young Hind Rajab was murdered, together with six members of the extended family, and two brave paramedics who were dispatched to save her.

Samuel, Israel’s last Judge

The False Prophet

“I watched in glee while your Kings and Queens fought for ten decades over the God’s they made…”

It was literally a deal with the devil.

Hannah, the first wife of Elkanah, was barren. Her inability to mother a child was a source of great emotional duress for her. During her family’s annual pilgrimage to Shiloh, the sight of the tent tabernacle of Moses, where the Ark of the Covenant was housed, Hannah prayed at the entrance to the sanctuary for God to bless her with a child.

Eli, the High Priest of Shiloh and the Judge, or spiritual leader, of the Jewish people, overheard Hannah’s prayers, and questioned her reasons for praying so. After hearing Hannah’s pleas, Eli told her, “Go in peace and may the God of Israel give you what you have asked him for.”

Hannah became pregnant, and gave birth to a son, whom she named Samuel. Hannah took Samuel to Shiloh, where she turned him over to Eli to be raised as a holy person.

The Book of Samuel, in the Old Testament, lays out the story of Samuel’s birth and how he found himself in the service of Eli in riveting detail. There is one problem, however—it is a false narrative.

Eli watching Hannah pray to God for a child at the Tabernacle in Shiloh

The Old Testament portrays Shiloh as a religious site of great sanctity and import, where the tabernacle of Moses had been in place for centuries. Those charged with overseeing the Tabernacle where the Ark was kept were exclusively drawn from the lineage of Moses, and in particular his son, Aaron.

The problem is that Shiloh was not the original site of the Tabernacle. And herein lies the source of controversy. According to the Jewish Torah, the original site of the Tabernacle was Mount Ebal, near modern day Nablus. And yet the Jewish Torah provides no understanding about how and why the Tabernacle was moved to Shiloh.

There is, however, a text known as the Samaritan Pentateuch, which Samaritans and historians believe pre-dates the Jewish Torah and, as such, should be considered the authority on certain matters, such as the location of the original Tabernacle, which the Samaritans hold to be Mount Gerizim, a height located adjacent to Mount Ebal. And, unlike the Jews, the Samaritans have a vivid story about how the Tabernacle was moved from its place of origin (Mount Gerizm) to Shiloh—Eli did it.

According to the Samaritans, Eli, at the time a relatively young man of 50, carried out a coup of sorts against the High Priest of the Tabernacle, Uzzi ben Bukki. After conducting sacrifices and burnt offerings in violation of religious law (such as burning the meat without salt), Eli was excommunicated. In a pique of anger, Eli—who at the time served as the temple treasurer and had in his possession the wealth of the Tabernacle—lured away a sizeable number of Jews, taking them and the Ark of the Covenant to Shiloh, where he established a new Tabernacle.

Eli allowed his two sons to desecrate the Tabernacle—they got drunk, stole offerings from the faithful, and had sex with the virgin women who served the Tabernacle. According to the Jewish Torah, God cursed Eli and his sons. The sons were defeated in battle with the Philistines, during which time they lost control of the Ark of the Covenant, which they had carried into battle to boost the morale of the Israelites. Upon learning of his son’s deaths, Eli too expired.

Samuel, the son of Hannah, took over as the High Priest of Shiloh.

But there was a problem—Samuel comes from the tribe of Ephraim, and as such is prohibited from serving as a High Priest, or Judge, of Israel.

The Jewish Torah attempts to overcome this issue by reconstructing an obviously false lineage for Samuel—part of the same biblical re-write that moves the Tabernacle from Gerizm to Ebal, and from Ebal to Shiloh, without adequate explanation.

How does this relate to Amalek?

In the Book of Samuel, it is Samuel who oversees the transfer of religious authority from the Judges to the Kings—at the insistence of the people, not the command of God. And it is to Saul, the first Hebrew King, that Samuel, claiming to be speaking on behalf of God, commands Saul to kill every person in Amalek, a rival nation to ancient Israel.

This is the biblical reference which Benjamin Netanyahu drew upon when he exhorted Israel to “remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible.”

And this is the passage that the dancing IDF soldiers base their mitvah on.

How so very religious of them all.

But when Samuel spoke to Saul, he was not speaking the words of God, but the words of an usurper, a false prophet who had inherited a corrupted Tabernacle from a fallen priest.

God did not order Saul to kill the Amalekites.

Samuel did.

And Samuel couldn’t speak on behalf of God.

Because he was not an anointed priest.

And what else does the Bible say about Samuel?

After Samuel’s passing, King Saul sought to draw upon his wisdom regarding a looming battle. Instead of praying to God, however, Saul sought out a witch in Endor. She summoned the ghost of Samuel, who then prophesized Saul’s death in battle.

The Witch of Endor summons the ghost of Samuel at the request of Saul

Tawûsî Melek works in mysterious ways…

For the sake of Ten

“I rode a tank, held a general’s rank when the Blitzkrieg raged, and the bodies stank…”

On November 3, 2023, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu penned a letter to Israeli officers and troops serving in Gaza. “The basis of the existence of the thousand-year-old nation of Israel is the constant struggle for our lives and freedom,” Netanyahu wrote. “The current fight against the ‘Hamas’ murderers is another chapter in the story,” he added, extoling the soldiers to ‘Remember what Amalek did to you,’” before concluding that “This is a war between the sons of light and the sons of darkness.”

Netanyahu’s words, which were clear instructions that were picked up and acted upon by the soldiers he addressed, introduced a sense of moral righteousness to the Israeli cause, appealing to religion and tradition to attack those who might otherwise question the legitimacy of their actions.

The Palestinian people were reduced to nothing more than the “seed of Amalek,” to quote Israeli soldiers inflamed by Netanyahu’s exhortations to violence. And Israeli retribution will be, literally, biblical in nature, a conflict of the bible, justified by the Bible, and as such righteous in the eyes of God.

Yoav Gallant, the Israeli Minister of Defense. Advocate of total war. "Treat Palestinians like human animals."

Shortly after the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, the Israeli Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant, has likened the modern-day “seed of Amalek” (the citizens of Gaza) to animals. “[Israel is] imposing a complete siege on Gaza,” Gallant said. “No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly.”

Gallant’s words were echoed by Maj. Gen. Ghassan Alian, the Israeli Army Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT). “Human animals,” he said, “are dealt with accordingly. Israel has imposed a total blockade on Gaza, no electricity, no water, just damage. You wanted hell, you will get hell.”

Starvation became another weapon to be wielded against the civilians of Gaza by the Israelis in their biblical quest to impose genocidal “justice” on those they deemed the “seed of Amalek.”

On February 28, 2024, Carl Skau, the deputy executive director of the World Food Program, informed the United Nations Security Council that more than 500,000 people were at risk of starvation in Gaza.

The next day, February 29, a food convoy that had been organized by Palestinian businessmen, and coordinated with COGAT, arrived in northern Gaza. As crowds of starving Gazans gathered around the trucks, the IDF opened fire on them, precipitating a stampede as desperate survivors tried to escape. At least 118 people were killed and 760 injured in what has become known as “the flour massacre.”

To help combat the scourge of starvation, celebrity chef Jose Andres dispatched members of his non-governmental organization, World Central Kitchen (WCK) to Gaza, where they established two main kitchens—one in the southern city of Rafah and another in the central town of Deir al-Balah, which served more than 170,000 hot meals daily to Palestinians. Up until April 1, 2024, WCK had provided over 43 million meals to the starving citizens of Gaza.

“Human animals,” however, cannot be allowed to eat.

Prior to April 1, the IDF had killed more than 200 aid workers in Gaza. Most of these workers, however, were Palestinian, and their deaths were soon forgotten, just another statistic in a conflict that had killed more than 33,000 Gazan civilians since it began.

On April 1, 2024, a three-vehicle WCK convoy departed the Gazan town of Deir al-Balah, having dropped off food supplies that had just arrived from Cyprus. Riding in the vehicles were an Australian, Zomi Frankcom, a Pole, Damian Soból, a dual US-Canadian, Jacob Flickenger, a Palestinian, Saif Issam Abu Taha, and three British citizens, John Chapman, James Henderson, and James Kirby. The convoy was driving along a route that had been cleared by the IDF.

But “human animals” cannot be allowed to eat.

Shortly after departing the Deir al-Balah warehouse, the convoy was tracked by an armed Israeli drone, which proceeded to fire a missile into the lead WCK vehicle. Survivors from that vehicle evacuated to a second WCK vehicle, which then, together with the third vehicle, fled the scene, only to be struck by a missile fired from the Israeli drone. Once again, survivors were loaded into the last WCK vehicle, which was in turn struck and destroyed by a third missile fired by the Israeli drone.

All seven WCK employees were killed.

One of the immediate consequences of the attack was that ships carrying aid to Gaza, including food, turned around, their respective organizations having concluded that the security situation in Gaza was too dangerous for continued operations.

The Israelis investigated the attack and concluded that the drone operators had not been told by their command about the WCK convoy due to “internal failures that led to critical information regarding the humanitarian’s operation to not go properly down through the chain of command.”

The Israelis contend that they had assessed that the convoy contained one or more armed Hamas operatives.  

As a result of the investigation, the Israelis fired a major and a colonel in reserve who were responsible for coordinating the drone strike. Three other IDF officials were formally reprimanded: the commanders of the brigade and division involved, and the commander of the Southern Command, who, according to the Israelis, bore “overall responsibility” for an operation which the Israelis claim was carried out in “serious violation of the commands and IDF Standard Operating Procedures.”

This is the same Israeli command which allowed Hind Rajab and her family to be murdered and used Hind as bait to lure in two Palestinian paramedics so they, too, could be killed.

Because the “seed of Amalek” must be destroyed.

The same Israeli command that has given Israeli snipers the green light to kill a mother who was trying to cross the street, hand in hand with her young son, waving a white flag.

Because the “seed of Amalek” must be destroyed.

The same Israeli command behind the genocidal policies which have left more than 33,000 Palestinian civilians dead, including more than 15,000 children.

Because the “seed of Amalek” must be destroyed.

The attack on the WCK convoy was no accident.

The IDF knew who they were, and what they were doing, when the order to fire the missiles was given to the Israeli drone crew.

“Human animals” cannot be allowed to eat.

Because the “seed of Amalek” must be destroyed.

Amalek, however, is not the word of God.

Amalek is the product of a man—and people—who walked away from the God of Abraham, people who followed the corrupted priest, Eli, to Shiloh, and in doing so destroyed the integrity of Moses’ Tabernacle.

Amalek is the byproduct of Eli’s deal with the devil, which spawned Samual, a false prophet, who encouraged Saul, a false king, to commit murder.

Amalek is the devil’s doing, the manifestation of evil.

Amalek is genocide.

Samuel slays King Agag

There is a postscript to the story of Amalek.

Saul, obedient to the instructions of Samuel, gathered the Israeli army and marched against the Amalekites. Saul, however, decides to defy Samuel, and the Amalekite king, Agag, some members of his family, and the choicest flocks and herds.

Upon learning of Saul’s betrayal, Samuel denounces him, and has Agag brought before him, where Samuel hacks him to death with a sword, exclaiming, “Just as your sword bereaved women, so shall your mother be bereaved among women.”

Saul’s incomplete genocide, however, allowed the “seed of Amalek” to survive, and later, during the Jewish period of Babylonian captivity, this seed, in the form of Haman, an “Agagite” who advised the King of Babylon, conspired to exterminate the Jewish people. Esther, a Jewish girl who had married the King of Babylon, outwitted Haman, turning the tables on him. Instead, Haman is hung, along with 500 followers and 10 of Haman’s sons. Throughout Persia, the Jewish people rise and kill 75,000 of Haman’s followers.

The “seed of Amalek” was destroyed, and Samuel’s directive to Saul fulfilled.

The murder of Haman and his followers—the “seed of Amalek”—is celebrated every year by the Jewish faithful as the holiday of Purim.

There is, however, no greater perversion of the notion of biblical justice than the promotion of the idea that God would forsake those whom he created in his image, that genocide and justice would—or indeed could—become synonymous in the eyes of God.

Abraham pleads for the people of Sodom and Gommorah

The Bible itself provides proof of this, in the book of Genesis. Abraham, the patriarch of God’s special relationship with the Jewish people, has been promised a son by God. Given Abraham’s status as the leader of his people, God, who has decided to punish the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah for forsaking him, asks, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?”

God informs Abraham, ‘The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know.’”

Upon learning of the horrible fate that was to befall Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham turns to God and beseeches him, “Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? What if there are fifty righteous people in the city? Will you really sweep it away and not spare[e] the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it? Far be it from you to do such a thing—to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?”

God responded, “If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake.”

Then Abraham spoke up again: “Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, though I am nothing but dust and ashes, what if the number of the righteous is five less than fifty? Will you destroy the whole city for lack of five people?”

“If I find forty-five there,” he said, “I will not destroy it.”

Once again, he spoke to him, “What if only forty are found there?”

He said, “For the sake of forty, I will not do it.”

Then he said: “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak. What if only thirty can be found there?”

He answered, “I will not do it if I find thirty there.”

Abraham said“Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, what if only twenty can be found there?”

He said, “For the sake of twenty, I will not destroy it.”

Then he said: “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?”

He answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.”

Israel has long ago lost its moral compass—if, indeed, it ever had one.

The Jewish faith has been poisoned by the celebrated genocide of the Amalekites, either through the incomplete slaughter of King Agag and his people, or the final murderous rampage carried out by Esther and the Jews of Babylon, which is celebrated during Purim.

Genocide is evil.

Evil is the work of Satan.

Righteous people, such as Abraham, would have implored those ordering the genocide of the Gazan civilians to forego this slaughter for the sake of “ten righteous persons.”

And yet Israel could not, in its collective heart, find ten such examples.

I can give you fourteen off the top of my head: Bashar Hamada, his wife, his three children, Layan Hamada, Hind Rajab, Yusuf Zeino, Ahmed al-Madhoun, Zomi Frankcom, Damian Soból, Jacob Flickenger, Saif Issam Abu Taha, John Chapman, James Henderson, and James Kirby.

Their stories have been recounted here.

There are 33,000 other righteous persons who have fallen victim to the evil of modern Israel.

And more than 1.6 million others whose lives are threatened daily by a government which exhorts its citizens to “never forget” Amalek.

“Let me please introduce myself

I'm a man of wealth and taste

And I laid traps for troubadours

Who get killed before they reach Bombay.”

The syncopation of The Rolling Stones’ “Sympathy for the Devil” stirs up visceral feelings to this day, feelings that were aroused back when I had my initial encounter with Tawûsî Melek, the Golden Peacock, on the top of the Sinjar Mountains of Iraq back in October 1993.

From that meeting I learned to recognize evil in all its manifestations.

And in looking at Israel today, I see nothing but evil. From the head (Netanyahu) to the toe (the Israeli soldiers chanting their mitvah regarding Amalek), Zionist Israel reeks of Satan’s labors, a nation so blinded by hatred that it could find in its darkened heart the ability to walk along the path of Abraham and find ten righteous persons so that the sword of vengeance and punishment could be stayed.

Instead, Israel has become a nation that embraces the genocidal ideology of Amalek, the desire to “put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys,” and to eradicate any “seed” which might survive.

Israel is a nation of hate.

Israel is evil.

And, unlike the protagonist in The Rolling Stones’ song, Israel deserves no sympathy.

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