Nation of Three Hundred Million Understands President Can Only Come From Two Families


NOVEMBER 12, 2014


WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Borowitz Report)—

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he United States of America, a nation with a population of approximately three hundred million people, totally accepts that the next President of the United States can only be selected from two families.

In interviews conducted across the country, Americans acknowledged that, while the United States boasts many exceptional people in the fields of technology, business, public policy, and government, none will be offered to voters as candidates because they do not come from one of the two families deemed eligible.

“No doubt about it, there are a lot of great people out there who could be President,” said Stoddard Vinton, of Toledo. “But I guess our system of choosing people from just two families has worked out pretty well.”

Leslie McEdwards, of San Jose agreed, that, while “it would be cool” to choose a President from more than two families, “on the plus side, we voters don’t have to learn a bunch of new names.”

“This country is facing unprecedented problems, and it’s going to take some fresh ideas to solve them,” said Doug Chessing, of Grand Rapids. “I’ve got my fingers crossed that someone from one of those two families can do it.”

The fact that the current President, Barack Obama, belonged to neither of the families “always felt kind of weird to me,” said Halynn Cross, of Knoxville. “He tried really hard and all, but, after eight years, it’ll be nice to get back to someone from the two families.”

In one of the strongest endorsements of America’s two-family system, Rick Keelins of Albany said that he is “sick and tired” of people complaining about it. “At least we have two families to choose from,” he said. “A lot of countries, like North Korea, just have one.”

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THOUGHTS ON THE EVE OF WAR (Part 2, revised)

This is Part 2 of a series on Western militarism. Part 1, on the creation of NATO, can be found here.


Blair and Gush—a cynical duo who richly belong in The Hague and the gallows for major war crimes against humanity, but still enjoy deferential treatment by the establishment media and the official punditocracy.

Blair and Bush—a cynical duo that richly belongs in The Hague and the gallows for major war crimes against humanity, but still enjoy deferential treatment by the establishment media and the official punditocracy.

[dropcap]A FEW WEEKS AGO[/dropcap] in late October, I was prompted to re-read my ‘Thoughts on the Eve of War’ reproduced below, which were written in March 2003 during the days leading up to the US-British invasion of Iraq. At the time I thought it important to record what was happening, as far as I was able to ascertain, in the corridors of power and in the British media. This was a time when every effort was made by the warmongers in charge of the government to persuade a deeply sceptical population that Britain was in danger of being attacked by Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, who, according to Prime Minister Blair, was able and prepared to launch weapons of mass destruction against this country; weapons which would hit British cities 45 minutes after being launched. Prior to writing “Thoughts on the Eve of War” I had participated in two anti-war marches in London, the second of which brought 2 million people onto the streets. It was the largest demonstration in British history.


David Cameron ridiculously almost swallowed by poppy field designed to officially commemorate Britain’s losses in the Great War.

Now, eleven years later, the Middle East and the world is reaping the whirlwind from that disastrous, illegal war. Iraq, where up to a million people have been killed directly or indirectly as a result of the 2003 invasion, is now descending into barbarism. Those who launched the invasion, primarily Bush and Blair, should have been indicted as war criminals. The fact that neither of them has been, or is likely to be, tells us much about the huge disparity in the dispensation of justice in the case of war crimes. Rich and powerful Western politicians like Kissinger, Bush and Blair have acted with impunity and have the deaths of many thousands, if not millions on their hands, while lesser criminals, usually from Third World countries, have been dispatched with alacrity for trial at the International Court of Justice.

The Queen, naturally, lends a hand with the Poppy campaign.

The Queen, naturally, lends a hand with the Poppy campaign.

The sight of Tony Blair, standing piously alongside his prime ministerial predecessor and successors, at the Cenotaph ceremony on Remembrance Sunday, 9. November, prompted me to include the observations below in this introduction to “Thoughts on the Eve of War”.

The poppy madness has taken hold with a vengeance as the UK's establishment tries to whip up a patriotic acceptance of "war sacrifices."

The poppy fields, like a sentimental fungus, have aken hold with a vengeance as the UK’s establishment tries to whip up a patriotic acceptance of “war sacrifices.” Image depicts the sea of poppies engulfing the Tower of London.

It was announced a year or so ago that the European War of 1914-1918, the “Great War”, would be commemorated in Britain not simply on the centenary of its outbreak in August of this year, but over the course of four years from 2014 to 2018.

For four years, we were told, the nation would have time to reflect on the meaning of the sacrifices made by British and Commonwealth servicemen who “gave their lives for their country”. To this end a long series of events, intended to foster a nation-wide mood of “reflection” and “remembrance”, would be offered for uncritical public consumption. This nostalgia-fest is now in full swing, and as was obvious from the start, very little of it has anything to do with serious reflection about the horrors and the meaning of the mass slaughter of the “Great War”. It is taken for granted that the public response (symbolized this week [9th – 15th November] by the ubiquitous poppies that are now de rigueur adornments in the lapels of every TV presenter as a sign of “remembrance” and respect) will echo the reverential, patriotic stance struck throughout the media leading up to the November 11th anniversary of the 1918 armistice.

If there were the slightest hint that the British political elite had learned from that carnage anything at all about the imperialist war into which the ruling classes of the “Great Powers” plunged Europe in the summer of 1914, one might be able to evince some sympathy for this centenary commemoration. But the government and its media echoes, ignoring or rejecting every serious historical and cultural evaluation of the war for the past one hundred years, have opted instead for a propaganda exercise dedicated to the proposition that for Britain this was a just war fought in the cause of freedom against tyranny. Those who were slaughtered in their millions, we are expected to believe, died in a noble cause, laying down their lives for ”King and Country”. Perish the thought that they died in vain!

—MK, (London, November 11th 2014).

Mike Faulkner

Sunday, 16th March 2003

[dropcap]Sixty four[/dropcap] years ago the outbreak of the second world war in Europe saw the first use of a new method of warfare. The Nazis called it blitzkrieg – lightning war. The term expressed a terrible reality. An overwhelmingly powerful concentration of armour, especially tanks, fighter planes and bombers, was directed against a perceived enemy, usually much weaker. The ‘enemy’ was pulverised in short measure. In 1939 and 1940 blitzkrieg was directed with devastating effect against Poland, Denmark, Holland, Belgium and, finally, France. Later, in 1941, blitzkrieg was unleashed against Greece and Yugoslavia – and finally, in the real war, which put an end to blitzkrieg – against the Soviet Union.

Blitzkrieg against Iraq

Today the armed forces of the United States, backed by those of the United Kingdom, stand poised to unleash blitzkrieg against Iraq. The US and the British governments assume, plausibly, that it will all be over very quickly and that within a few weeks at most, Iraq will be occupied and ‘liberated’ from the Ba’athist tyrant. Whatever the outcome may be, let us be clear that this will not be a war in any serious sense of the term. It will not involve two sides, both capable of inflicting serious damage on each other. It will be a turkey shoot. The most powerful military machine in the world is about to crush a weak, fifth rate state that poses no threat to the U.S. or Britain and, despite claims to the contrary, does not possess adequate means to defend itself. The military outcome is not in doubt.

The propaganda barrage

For several months, in the build up to this attack on Iraq, we have been subjected to what can only be described as a sustained propaganda barrage to justify the coming war. When it is over, those who have promoted it – primarily, the US and British governments, backed by much of the media – will hope that the anticipated ‘victory’ will drown, in a chorus of self congratulation, all the misinformation, lying and hypocrisy that have preceded the resort to force. Bush, Blair and their supporters must be hoping that memories are short and that the millions who have demonstrated globally against this war will disperse in embarrassment and disarray. Blair, in particular, now facing the most serious predicament of his premiership, will be hoping that ‘victory’ will cast into oblivion his defiance of the United Nations’ Security Council and dispel any current concerns about the war’s legality.

However it may turn out – and it would be rash to discount the dangers of serious political and social unrest in various countries once the war starts, to say nothing of the stimulus it may give to further acts of terrorism against states backing the war – it is important to challenge the propagandists and to expose their campaign of misinformation, hypocrisy and lying.


The US government initiated the war drive against Iraq. The determination to invade Iraq and depose Saddam Hussein pre-dates September 11th. The Republican cabal that helped to get Bush into office included this as one of their objectives as long ago as 1996. Their larger objective was to establish the unchallengeable political and military hegemony of the US on a global scale. When we consider Bush’s role we should never forget that his presidency lacks legitimacy. In Britain, all serious political commentators at the time of his inauguration (including the editors of The Observer, which now supports his war) stated quite unequivocally that he had ‘stolen’ the presidential election and that the true victor was Al Gore. Bush was not properly elected; he was ‘selected’ president by a three to two majority when the Republican dominated Supreme Court outrageously blocked the re-counting of ballot slips in Florida. It is as well to remember this. It is not a trivial or pettifogging point. Bush is not legitimately president of the United States. I shall therefore refer to him as ‘president’ Bush.



[learn_more caption=”The effort to whitewash George W Bush’s soiled image”]

George W. Bush on his new book



‘President’ Bush, on the basis of the evidence I have seen, is not competent to hold high office in any country, let alone to hold the office, which, we are told, makes him the most powerful man in the world. The Bush junta (Cheney, Perle, Rice, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, et al ) collectively constitute about the most right wing group of politicians at the centre of any government in American history. They are not a pretty bunch. Bush himself is a fundamentalist Christian with a seriously limited grasp of world affairs. One would have hoped that governments in Europe and elsewhere would have thought very carefully before lining up behind Bush and co. in an enterprise as dubious as their planned attack on Iraq. Many obviously have thought carefully and refused to be drawn in. Unfortunately the British government is amongst the minority that have not exercised such restraint.

September the 11th 2000 was a criminal atrocity perpetrated against thousands of innocent Americans and the reaction to it on the part of all reasonable people throughout the world was one of horror and abhorrence. The need to apprehend those responsible and to take appropriate measures to prevent such things happening again is perfectly understandable and justified.

However, to make September the 11th the casus belli for whatever action the Bush administration decides to take in the name of ‘war against terrorism’ is neither justified nor supportable. September the 11th is clearly being exploited in support of the war against Iraq. Neither the British nor the U.S. governments have produced any convincing evidence to link Iraq with Al Qaeda and it seems extremely unlikely that there is such a link.

What is the aim of the war against Iraq?

The main aim of the Bush junta is ‘regime change’. There are also other aims. Gaining US control of Iraq’s oil resources is not the only objective, but it is a pretty obvious one. To install a government in Baghdad that facilitates US access to the second largest oil reserves in the world, certainly plays a part in the Bush junta’s calculations. Their intention to oust Saddam Hussein has never been denied.

No-one is in any doubt about the brutal nature and murderous record of the Iraqi regime – least of all those of us who have not forgotten that Saddam was armed and supported by the U.S. when he used poison gas against the Iranians twenty years ago, or that the U.S. sold him anthrax agents and the British government built his chemical and munitions factories. Saddam Hussein was just as bloodthirsty a dictator then as he is now. The brutal nature of the Iraqi regime is not the reason for the U.S. determination to overthrow it. If ‘regime change’ by full-scale invasion is so urgent now, why not then? The answer seems obvious – except to those who appear to have wilfully blinded themselves to what is obvious. In the Bush administration’s imminent attack on Iraq we are witnessing the actions of an unrestrained hyperpower determined to impose its will by military might or political and economic pressure whenever and wherever it chooses. It is part of the bid for global hegemony – for the Pax Americana of the twenty first century.

For the past few months, the supposed primary aim of the planned war has been to secure the disarmament of Iraq – to get rid of Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction, chemical, biological and nuclear. It was taken for granted that he still possessed such weapons and that nothing short of invasion would rid him of them. Bush has frequently claimed that such weapons in Saddam Hussein’s hands constituted a threat to both his neighbours and to the United States itself. In this connection, it should be noted, that other states possessing weapons of mass destruction (Pakistan, India, Israel, North Korea – indeed Britain and the USA) might also be regarded as a danger to other states.


When the demand was made by Britain and the US that Iraq must agree to the re-admission of the UN weapons inspectors, it was confidently assumed that Saddam Hussein would not agree to this. His anticipated refusal would then be sufficient to secure a simple Security Council resolution to trigger war. When he did agree it was then assumed that very soon he would place obstacles in the way of the inspectors making their work impossible, thereby triggering war.

At this point it is necessary to look very carefully at the course of events since the passage of Resolution 1441. At the time of writing (16th of March), Blair, Aznar and Bush are ensconced in the Azores in a council of war. They are going to say that a second resolution at the UN is not necessary as 1441 warns Iraq of ‘serious consequences’ that will follow from his refusal to disarm. They will then abandon the U.N. and launch the invasion of Iraq within days.

But Resolution 1441 was worded very carefully to avoid specifically committing the Security Council to sanctioning the precipitate use of force. The majority of members, including permanent members France, Russia and China, would not have voted for a motion linked to a specific date and containing an ultimatum. That is clear beyond any possibility of misunderstanding.

For several weeks, on Blair’s prompting, it has been assumed that a second resolution declaring Iraq in breach of 1441 and sanctioning the use of force would be necessary and forthcoming. Let’s consider carefully why it is, after so much emphasis on the importance of a second resolution, that Blair, Bush and Aznar are now saying that they do not need it and intend to attack Iraq without breaching the U.N. Charter. Essentially, they have been forced into a position they never expected to be in. It has to do with the stand taken by Russia, China and, particularly, France. It has also to do with the position taken by the weapons inspectors. Jacques Chirac and Hans Blix have thrown the war plans awry.


The second report in early March made clear that progress was being made and crucially argued for more time to complete the process of disarmament. Some months were needed. The whole thrust of Blix’s report was that the inspections should continue. This clearly dismayed Powell and Straw but strengthened the French and Russian position, which supported the continuation of the inspections.

The French Case

Whatever its motivation, the French position has been clear, consistent and rational. Chirac has argued that: a) the inspections are producing results and that the objective of disarming Saddam Hussein can be achieved without the resort to war; b) that Resolution 1441 does not sanction the resort to war and was not intended to do so;

c) in view of (a) and (b) any attempt to introduce a second resolution containing an ultimatum and therefore triggering war before the inspections had taken their course, was completely unacceptable and would be opposed by France.

This is a completely logical position that in no way undermines the U.N. In fact, it can be argued that the French position is soundly based on the U.N. Charter.

The vilification of France in the U.S. and in much of the British press at present is nauseating. The Daily Express, for example, on the 14th of March carried a front page advertisement offering a £5 trip to France with the message ‘Let’s invade France! They’re lousy at war but the booze is good!’ The Sun, on the same day, on its front page, juxtaposed pictures of Saddam Hussein and Jacques Chirac with the caption ‘Spot the Difference’ – with the clear implication that there was none. The utterances of the foreign secretary on the same subject are only slightly less scurrilous.

In the United States it is even worse. Such is the level to which public treatment of these issues has sunk that, apparently, ‘French Fries’ have been renamed ‘Freedom Fries’!

Monday, 17th of March

Vilification of France

It is a measure of the bankruptcy of the Bush/Blair case that they have to stoop to the puerile level that characterises their utterances against the French. In Britain, France has been singled out for especially vituperative treatment. A few weeks ago pundits such as the normally sensible and well-informed John Simpson, were confidently asserting that the French would ‘definitely’ come round to support Britain and the U.S. When it came to it, the pundits said, France would not use the veto. It was all a matter of an exaggerated Gallic amour propre. This attitude betrayed a certain disdain for France, which is quite deep-rooted in English political culture.

Then, a week or so ago, when it started to look as though Chirac might mean what he said, the smug, contemptuous smiles began to disappear from the faces of the pundits.

Horror of horrors! The French actually meant what they said! Then began the talk about the ‘unreasonable’ exercise of the veto. If France were to veto a resolution in the Security Council sanctioning war, then, it was claimed, France would be wilfully destroying the authority of the U.N. Let’s look at this ‘argument’.

What is an ‘unreasonable’ veto?

Since the foundation of the U.N. Britain has used the veto 32 times – far more often than France. But the United States has used its veto much more often. To give two examples amongst many, in June 1982 the USA alone vetoed a Security Council resolution calling for the simultaneous withdrawal of Israeli and Palestinian armed forces from Beirut, on the grounds that this plan ‘was a transparent attempt to preserve the PLO as a viable political force.’ Was that veto not ‘unreasonable’?

In 1975 the US blocked U.N. action to stop the Indonesians from committing aggression against East Timor. Was that ‘reasonable’? Reasonably or not, the founders of the United Nations agreed in 1945 to give permanent members of the Security Council the power of veto. There is no provision for member states to decide which vetoes are ‘reasonable’ and which are ‘unreasonable’ and, on that basis, to ignore the veto. Fairly evidently, those states against whom the veto is used will regard its use as unreasonable. If, on the basis of such a calculation it is deemed permissible to ignore the Security Council and act unilaterally, it is such action and not the use of the veto that flouts the procedures of the U.N.

U.S. bullying in the Security Council

As has been evident for months now, the U.S. and British governments are determined to attack Iraq come what may. Bush has been less concerned about working through the U.N. than has Blair, whose position in his own party and in the country is less secure than Bush’s in the U.S. Therefore he has been very keen to ‘work through the U.N.’. What has this amounted to in practice?

The Bush administration has had support in the Security Council from Britain, Spain and Bulgaria. Of the permanent members of the council, France, Russia and China have demanded that the inspections should be allowed to continue and have opposed any second resolution that would trigger war. As it became clear that at least one of these might use its veto, Bush and Blair began to work feverishly to ‘persuade’ six of the apparently undecided non-permanent members to support a second resolution authorising war. If this bore fruit, it could be argued that, as a majority of the members of the council supported the U.S./British stand, any veto would be ‘unreasonable’.

Although there is nothing surprising in the methods employed by the U.S. in the attempt to bring these states ‘on side’, it is worth considering them briefly, if only because both the U.S. and British governments claim that they occupy the ‘moral high ground’ in defence of their stance. The U.S. has engaged in threats, bribery and bullying to achieve its ends. This is nothing new. At the time of the first Gulf War in 1991, two Security Council members, Cuba and Yemen, voted against the use of force. With regard to Cuba, which for thirty years had suffered from a punitive U.S. blockade, there was nothing that could be done. But, following the ‘no’ vote, the Yemeni representative was told that it was ‘the most expensive vote he would ever cast’. An economic aid package was immediately cancelled. Threats of the same kind have been made against those Third World member states over which the U.S. exercises economic leverage. But, astonishingly, this time it does not appear to have worked as well. It seems that the hardening of French determination to use the veto has persuaded the ‘swing’ states to resist U.S. bullying and persuaded them that it is not worth casting their vote for war, which would very likely only exacerbate social and political tensions in their own countries where popular opinion is firmly opposed to war.


Bill Clinton and the Democrats have been aggressive in their support of George W Bush’s public image rehabilitation. The love fest, which seems to extend to most living ex presidents, continues, to the detriment of the nation’s polity.

It is in the face of the real possibility – apparently now a certainty – that the U.S. and Britain could not achieve a majority in the Security Council, that the two powers have decided to abandon the U.N. entirely, resorting to the highly dubious and contested argument that a new resolution is not needed to trigger war against Iraq. It is now being claimed that 1441 is sufficient to justify going to war without breaching the U.N. Charter and international law. In this country the government apparently has the assurance of the attorney general that 1441 provides a legal basis for war. Most other international lawyers disagree, as does U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan.

Blair and Bush are now engaged in the most frantic verbal assaults on Chirac. Bush resorts to homespun references to Texan poker players. However well these may go down with Texans they simply confirm most British opinion in the view that ‘president’ Bush is hardly competent to lead anyone anywhere – let alone into war. Blair pointedly refuses to answer a direct question on whether a second resolution will be put to the Security Council.

This is the sorry state to which things have sunk as the U.S. and British governments prepare to take the irrevocable step into war against Iraq. Three isolated figures, Bush, Blair and Aznar, confer on an isolated island in the Atlantic. Do they really think that this will evoke memories of Curchill’s famous Atlantic meeting with Roosevelt in 1940? There has been some suggestion recently that Blair would like to appear Curchillian, and apparently Bush has been attempting to acquaint himself with Churchill’s history of the Second World War. I have a feeling that history will not look so favourably on their pretensions.

Blair’s Predicament

For weeks now the British news media have been occupied with the predicament of the prime minister. His plight has been evident for all to see. His old self-confidence has all but disappeared. He looks haggard and haunted. He has been keen to assure both supporters and critics that he is most definitely not ‘president’ Bush’s poodle. He constantly emphasises his ‘conviction’ that what he is doing is right. He firmly believes in the stand he has taken even though it is as firmly opposed by the majority of the people and has provoked the biggest public demonstration of opposition in this country’s history.

Those who support him claim that he has worked selflessly to persuade ‘president’ Bush to follow the U.N. route because, as a firm internationalist he is desperate to remain at the ‘centre of Europe’ and to prevent a breach between the E.U and the U.S.



Does Blair ever reflect on the millions of lives his venality helped destroy?

As his unwavering support for Bush has severely damaged his reputation in Britain and in the rest of Europe, it is not surprising that many people have wondered why he has acted as he has. Very serious damage has been done to his European policy and his attempt to shift the blame onto the French is not likely to work. Public opinion throughout Europe is overwhelmingly opposed to war and the biggest anti-war demonstrations have taken place in those countries whose governments are supporting the U.S. – Britain, Spain and Italy.

Why has Blair, the leader of a party hated by the right wing Republican cabal surrounding Bush, linked himself so closely to the most reactionary administration in recent U.S. history? Blair himself claims that he has taken this stand because he passionately believes it to be right. He has appeared ambivalent about his motives for supporting Bush’s war against Iraq, vacillating between the need for ‘regime change’ and the need to ‘disarm Saddam’. But he has always sought to impress his critics with the strength and sincerity of his commitment. He always lays claim to the moral high ground, often implying that those who disagree with him must be less nobly motivated. He has not infrequently accused his critics of being anti-American.

But the sincerity of Blair’s commitment to the disastrous course he has chosen is beside the point. The truth-value of any belief is not determined by the sincerity with which it is held. Hitler, no doubt, believed passionately in a ‘world Jewish conspiracy’. Surprisingly, there are still those who seem to think that strong beliefs are admirable per se, regardless of what is believed. It is simply the case that Blair is wrong.

Looked at in historical perspective, the course he has chosen in supporting Bush continues the Atlanticist foreign policy stance of British governments, Labour and Conservative, since the Second World War. Attlee’s government supported the U.S. in Korea in 1950 under the nominal umbrella of the U.N.; Wilson refused to commit British troops to Vietnam but supported the U.S. war in the 1960s. When push comes to shove, the pull of the ‘Atlantic alliance’ always seems to win out over any European commitment for British prime ministers. Perhaps it has to do with a post imperial identification with the English speaking superpower and lingering resentments against former continental competitors.

The war against Iraq, however, takes British support for the U.S. to an unprecedented extreme. Never, in the past, has a British government followed a U.S. administration into war against the overwhelming opposition of its own people. Never has a British government acted in defiance of such widespread opposition in the U.N. and throughout the world. Never has a British government supported so uncritically a U.S. president as despised as the present incumbent is in Britain and throughout Europe and the world.

Blair’s arrogant self-righteousness and his insensitivity to the opinions of those who disagree with him have brought him to his present impasse. He has got himself into a position with his own party not dissimilar to that of Ramsay MacDonald who, in the crisis of 1931, almost destroyed the parliamentary Labour Party and finished up leading a de facto Conservative government in the House of Commons. Blair may very well face an unprecedented back-bench rebellion within the next few days which will leave him dependent on Tory votes to gain parliamentary approval for an illegal war. In his attempt to minimise the revolt he will try to exculpate himself by blaming Jacques Chirac!

Whatever the outcome of the war which is now imminent, the damage that Blair has wreaked on his own party will turn out to be immense. There will be mass resignations from the Labour Party. There will be resignations from the cabinet. Robin Cook, leader of the House of Commons has already resigned (17th of March) and the resignation of Clare Short, minister for overseas development, is anticipated. Tomorrow there will be a debate in parliament and there are predictions that as many as 160-170 Labour MPs will vote against the government. This will be an unprecedented revolt. Cook, in his resignation speech, is likely to challenge the legality of the war in the absence of clear U.N. authorisation. His intervention could provoke an even greater rebellion amongst Labour back-benchers. We will know the outcome tomorrow.

Tuesday the 18th of March

The promised parliamentary debate is in progress. Cook resigned yesterday and made a strong anti-war speech, though he went out of his way to praise Blair’s supposed efforts to ‘rein in’ Bush. But his resignation has been offset by Clare Short’s U turn. She has withdrawn her unequivocal threat to resign made last week, in which she repeatedly accused Blair of ‘recklessness’. She has had a change of heart and intends to stay on in the cabinet to help, as minister for overseas development, to ‘mop up’ the mess left in Iraq after the war is over. She has damaged the Labour rebels in parliament and given a crumb of comfort to Blair. Her credibility as a person of principle is finished. She is a laughing stock. The debate in the House of Commons is over. At the division, 139 Labour MPs voted against the government, for the anti-war amendment – only seventeen more than last time. All the Liberal Democrats voted for the amendment, as did the nationalists and sixteen Tories. The total vote for the anti-war amendment was 217.

396 MPs voted for the government. Twenty Labour MPs abstained. There are 410 Labour MPs in the House of Commons. 271 of them voted for a war that has no U.N. support and is opposed by the majority of the people. Nevertheless, the size of the rebellion by Labour MPs is the largest ever. Had a majority of Labour MPs voted against war, it would have had a dramatic effect, and could have forced Blair’s resignation and prevented Britain going to war. Ironically, but predictably, it was precisely this possibility that persuaded many of the doubters to support the government. On the main motion endorsing Blair’s strategy, more Labour ‘rebels’ swung back to support the government. The government won by 412 votes to 149.

In parliamentary terms Blair can therefore claim a mandate for war.

How was this result achieved? The methods used by the Labour whips were similar to those employed by the U.S. and Britain in the Security Council – blackmail and bullying. Arms were twisted; threats by Blair to resign if the vote against him was ‘too big’. Even the prime minister’s wife, Cherie Blair, who is not a member of parliament, hit the telephone lines and came into the Palace of Westminster to coax and cajole women MPs into voting for her husband. No doubt those with ministerial ambitions were told to forget it if they voted the wrong way. Of course, none of this is remotely surprising. It is part of what parliamentary politics is about. Nevertheless, it casts interesting light on the political machinations at the heart of the ‘democratic process.’

Wednesday, the 19th of March

The ‘Patriot Game’

It is now as certain as can be that the war against Iraq will start today or tomorrow at the latest. Most newspapers and television news channels are busy attempting to manufacture consent to what is about to happen. Most of the familiar pundits are brought before the cameras to pontificate about a military onslaught that we shall all be able to watch in censored and sanitised form in colour on our television screens over the coming days and probably weeks.

The anti-war protesters are in Parliament Square and their numbers are growing. A ‘stop the war’ march is planned for next Saturday in London. Other activities are planned nationwide.

It is clear now what the main thrust of pro-war propaganda will be. The ‘patriotic’ card will be played for all it is worth. Charles Kennedy, leader of the Liberal Democrats, who has led his party in opposition to any war without a second Security Council resolution, has said that once the war starts, he will support the British army. This is also the view of the Daily Mirror, which has consistently opposed the war. The build up to war has been accompanied by an emotional appeal for support for ‘our boys’ in Kuwait. In other words, those who have consistently opposed this war are now expected to defend its prosecution, as not to do so would be an unpatriotic betrayal of ‘our’ fighting forces. The Guardian’s columnist, Jonathan Freedland takes a similar view, arguing that those who, like him, oppose the war, are obliged, once it starts, to support its prosecution to a speedy conclusion to minimise the loss of life. However understandable his sentiments, it amounts to supporting the war once it starts. It seems to me that it is illogical to have strenuously opposed the war before it starts only to support it once it has started. It is not easy to stand against a rising tide of chauvinistic flag-waving, but stand against it we must. This involves no animosity against British soldiers. The opponents of war have done their best to ensure that these soldiers were not sent into battle in the first place in an unjust war. The US opponents of the Vietnam War in the 1960s and 70s were against an unjust war and many young men refused to fight in it. They were also labelled ‘unpatriotic’. We don’t want British soldiers or Iraqi soldiers or civilians to get killed. The deaths of all of them will be on the heads of those who have launched this war. The war could not be supported before it started. No amount of specious argument can justify supporting it after it starts.

What now?

The immediate task is to do everything to sustain the momentum of the anti-war movement. There will be an understandable tendency to despondency, but it should be resisted. The protests and demonstrations must continue. The movement internationally must be strengthened. The present situation is extremely dangerous, not least because of the possible repercussions in the Arab and Muslim world. There is a serious risk of further acts of terrorism against targets in Britain and the US. Such acts, if they occur, quite apart from the terrible physical damage and loss of life they will cause, will further damage the anti-war movement. They will be used to charge opponents of war with complicity with terrorism. There is likely to be a further erosion of civil liberties. The tasks of the anti-war movement are likely to be very difficult, whether the war is short or long. But the groundswell of popular anger will not be quelled so easily. The mobilisation of millions throughout the world in the past few months should give us confidence that an international movement capable of facing the challenges of the future can and must be built.

Mike Faulkner



Mike Faulkner is a British citizen. He lives in London where for many years he taught history and political science at Barnet College, until his retirement in 2002. He has written a two-weekly column,  Letter from the UK,for TPJ Magazine since 2008. Over the years his articles have appeared in such publications as Marxism Today, Monthly Review and China Now. He is a regular visitor to the United States where he has friends and family in New York City. Contact Mike at


NATO  1949: The origin of an offensive, expansionist, imperialist military alliance.

This is a companion piece to THOUGHTS ON THE EVE OF WAR, part 1 of a series on Western militarism
By Michael Faulkner, Senior Contributing Editor

US troops in Lithuania, showing support for the Baltics against an imaginary Russian "aggression."

US troops in Lithuania, NATO’s way of showing support for the Baltics against an imaginary Russian “aggression.”

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, was launched sixty five years ago following the signature of the Atlantic Pact in 1949. The original member states that came together under US tutelage claimed that their alliance was dedicated to the preservation of peace and to the defence of Western Europe against the supposed threat of military aggression. It is noteworthy that the launch of NATO coincided with the intensification of the Cold War, the political division of Germany and the first tentative steps by the US and Britain to rearm the new West German state.


In his memoirs published in 1989, Andrei Gromyko, who was Soviet Foreign Minister from the mid-1950s when he succeeded Molotov, to 1985, recounts an episode from his long career that has received scant attention in the West. It concerns the Soviet response to the establishment of NATO. It is worth quoting in full:

“In 1955 a meeting of the heads of government of the USSR, USA, Britain and France took place in Geneva. Sharp exchanges occurred revealing serious differences between the former allies. Eisenhower, Eden and Edgar Faure fiercely argued that NATO was a force for peace, especially in Europe, whereas in fact their plan was aimed at swallowing up East Germany into West Germany, and whitewashing the remilitarisation of West Germany in peace-loving propaganda.



US paratroopers in Poland, again, showing resolve against a putative Russian desire to invade Western Europe.

US paratroopers in Poland, again, showing resolve against a putative Russian desire to invade Western Europe.

                                                               After the meeting, Dulles caught up with me in the corridor and asked, ‘Was the Soviet Union really being serious?’  I replied, ‘The Soviet Union does not make unserious proposals, especially at such an important forum as this.’

Dulles was about to add something, when Eisenhower came up. Now a smile did appear on his face, as he said: ‘We must tell you Mr. Gromyko, that the Soviet proposal will be carefully examined by us, as it is a very serious matter.’  At later meetings of the four powers, however, it was evident the Western delegations did not wish to discuss our proposal further and they simply steered clear of it, giving mysterious, oracular smiles whenever it was mentioned. The fact is NATO simply did not know how to deal with it and so they simply hushed it up. Often I have mentioned our proposal to US officials of later generations and very few of them have ever heard of it.”

 It reflects Moscow's increasingly tough posture amid tensions with the West over Ukraine.(AP Photo/Royal AIr Force)

Russian military long range bomber aircraft photographed by an intercepting RAF quick reaction Typhoon (QRA) as it flies in international airspace. Russia’s defense minister says the military will conduct regular long-range bomber patrols, ranging from the Arctic Ocean to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. Sergei Shoigu’s statement comes as NATO has reported a spike in Russian military flights over the Black, Baltic and North seas as well as the Atlantic Ocean. It reflects Moscow’s increasingly tough posture amid tensions triggered by the West over Ukraine. (AP Photo/Royal AIr Force)


[dropcap]A[/dropcap]lthough obvious to everyone at the time of its formation in 1949 that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was a military alliance directed against the Soviet Union, its raison d’etre as such was never explicitly stated by its founders. Instead it was presented in the Western Cold War generalities common at the time as an alliance dedicated to the defence of the “Free World”, more particularly Western Europe, which faced a supposed threat of aggression by an unnamed totalitarian power or powers. NATO was supposedly dedicated to the cause of peace and the defence of small nations. The North Atlantic Treaty (April 1949) included the following signatory states: Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, France, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Canada and the United States. Prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, NATO membership had expanded beyond the original signatories to include Greece and Turkey (1952), West Germany (1955) and Spain (1982). The first expansion into Eastern Europe occurred in 1990 with the inclusion of the former German Democratic Republic in a united Germany. Since then twelve more states, most of them former members of the Warsaw Pact nations, joined NATO.  From the outset the alliance was dominated by the United States. Its supposed commitment to the defence of democratic nations and its claim to be a North Atlantic alliance were belied by the inclusion amongst the early member states of a fascist regime in Portugal, military dictatorship in Greece, and Turkey which bordered the Soviet Union in the Caucasus. 

The idea that ordinary people could have legitimate grievances against their governments (ruling classes) on account of appalling corruption and super exploitation has traditionally been dismissed by US (and British) propaganda as the work of insidious “outside professional agitators.”  

The conventional wisdom accepted as unassailable truth by the proponents and devotees of Western Cold War propaganda, has it that the United States and its allies who came together to form NATO were reacting in the late 1940s to a grave and imminent Soviet military threat to the “free” nations of Western Europe. Had it not been for their fortitude and unity in the face of this threat, the Red Army would have rolled westwards from Berlin and enslaved the whole of Western Europe. This would have been the prelude to the triumph of Communism on a world scale. According to this account, in 1949 NATO was the shield that defended the “Free World” in the hour of danger grim.


As usual, Izzy Stone was absolutely correct about Korea and the Cold War—but alone in blowing the whistle. The gentlemen of the patriotic “Free Press’ were not interested in such heretical matters.

This scenario now seems ludicrously fanciful even to many of the liberals who a few decades ago accepted it at face value. At the time that the Atlantic Pact was signed in 1949 the independent radical journalist, I.F. Stone, exposed the truth behind the propaganda. In a piece titled From Butter to Guns July 31, 1949, (from The Truman Era, 1945 – 1952) he noted that in promoting the Atlantic Pact, Secretary of State Dean Acheson, who had earlier sold the Marshall Plan to Western Europe as a response to the urgent need for economic aid to alleviate hunger and discontent, now emphasised the importance of military assistance. The “two-fold objective” of the Atlantic Pact is “first to protect the free North Atlantic Pact countries against internal aggression inspired from abroad,” and secondly to “deter aggression.”  ‘It is significant,’ Stone comments, ‘that protection against “internal aggression” is put first. Thus the primary purpose is to muster sufficient military strength to cope with popular discontent.’

The precise mission of NATO was never clearly stated by its founders, preferring to simply assign it the role of “protecting the Free World” one of the great Orwellian terms circulated by American propaganda during the Cold War. The phrase is still used everywhere in the US/Western media without much questioning.

From the earliest post-war years the United States and its subservient allies treated popular discontent in Europe as evidence of Soviet agitation. Communist parties and movements, particularly where they were strong, in France, Greece and Italy were regarded solely as agents of the USSR; industrial unrest, mass popular movements and strikes were treated as “internal aggression” stirred up by Soviet agents. Fear was engendered of a “World Communist Conspiracy”, much in the manner of the Nazi “World Judeo-Bolshevik Conspiracy” nonsense that had preceded it several years earlier. This was the atmosphere in which NATO came into being. To understand it more fully it is necessary, however briefly, to consider the pivotal question of Germany. Here, a few simple facts, well established but almost always ignored in the western Cold War narrative, need repeating:

Between 1941 and 1944 the Soviet Union played by far the greatest part in the defeat of Nazi Germany, at a cost of between 20 and 25 million dead and about a third of its industrial base and  units of human habitation destroyed. At the Yalta conference in February 1945 the allies agreed a plan to partition post-war Germany temporarily into zones of occupation and to carry through a thoroughgoing process of de-Nazification. In recognition of the immense sacrifices the Soviet Union had suffered in winning the war for the allies, it was agreed in principle that she should receive 50% ($10 billion) of the $20 billion in reparations Germany would be required  to pay. Churchill objected,  but Roosevelt accepted it as a basis for negotiation. Stalin was determined to stand firm on this. It was agreed to return Western Russia and the Ukraine to the Soviet Union. 

At Potsdam in July/August 1945 it was agreed that the partition of Germany was not to be permanent and that the allies were to work together to achieve the de-Nazification of the country and the peaceful unification of the four occupation zones.  In the two years that followed Potsdam it became clear that the Western powers had no intention of allowing the Soviets to claim $10 billion in reparations in any form. In the Western zones the occupation powers interpreted  “de-Nazification” very differently from the Soviets. In the West many former members of the Nazi or pro-Nazi ruling elite were allowed to return to public life, often in key positions,  and had their property restored. Many who were imprisoned were released after having long sentences commuted. In the Soviet zone much of the industrial base was dismantled and despatched to the USSR as war reparations. Here de-Nazification resulted in the large-scale nationalisation of capitalist enterprises that had been owned by powerful Nazis. All members of the Nazi Party who had occupied influential positions in the Third Reich were dismissed and those guilty of crimes severely punished. These measures were denounced by the US and its allies as a Soviet attempt to “communize” East Germany as a first step to destabilising the Western zones as a prelude to taking over the whole of Germany and Western Europe.       

In the anti-communist propaganda onslaught of the late 1940s, the Soviets were accused of violating the terms of the Potsdam agreement concerning the division of Germany. The record shows that on the contrary, it was the Western powers that were in breach of Potsdam. The agreement stipulated that the wartime allies should work together to establish a unified, neutral, de-militarized and de-Nazified Germany. No one occupying power, or exclusive grouping of such powers was permitted to set up a separate state in any part of Germany. In fact by 1948 that is precisely what the Western powers were planning to do in the three Western zones. Plans for this were being made at the London conference convened in 1948, from which the Soviet Union was excluded. A new currency (the Deutschmark) was being planned for the new West German state. It would also be introduced, without Soviet agreement, into Berlin. The Soviets took the view, which was perfectly logical, that if the Western powers were to tear up the Potsdam agreement by establishing a separate state in the West, they were thereby abrogating their right to retain their occupation sectors in Berlin which lay 100 miles inside the Soviet zone of Germany, and to introduce the DM without their agreement . The Soviet Union was therefore entirely within its rights to close all land access from the Western zones into Berlin.

The Berlin Airlift was hailed throughout the world as a great triumph for “freedom.”  It served to demonstrate, once again, that the United States had huge and powerful shoulders. 

The blockade and airlift that lasted from June 1948 to May 1949 marked a critical intensification in the Cold War. Before the lifting of the blockade Britain and the other Atlantic Pact states had set up NATO. In October the Federal Republic of Germany had come into being with the full agreement and sponsorship of the US and NATO. This was followed almost immediately by the Soviet response – endorsement of a separate state in the East, the German Democratic Republic.

Thereafter NATO spearheaded US imperialist nuclear and military expansion on an ever-expanding scale. During the Eisenhower administration (1952-1960), under Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, this extended to the Middle East and South East Asia with the establishment of new military alliances CENTO and SEATO.

As is clear from Gromyko’s observations in 1955, the overriding Soviet concern for many years after the Second World War was with Germany. Stalin was desperate to prevent a German state, allied with a deeply hostile USA, once again becoming a strong military power. This preoccupation was crucial in his relations with his former wartime allies from 1945 until his death in 1953. One does not have to excuse his domestic record or his controversial treatment of his East European satellites to recognise the validity of this concern and to understand his determination to maintain a reliable buffer zone of states on his Western flank. He had no intention of invading Western Europe. There was real fear of a rearmed Germany, hardly surprising after the Soviet experience during the war.

In The Desert Fox (1951), the formidable James Mason portrayed Marshall Erwin Rommel as a principled military man quietly opposed to the brutalities of Nazism and Hitler, in particular.

In The Desert Fox (1951), the formidable James Mason portrayed Marshall Erwin Rommel as a principled military man quietly opposed to the brutalities of Nazism and Hitler, in particular. (click to expand)

But the US and the NATO states were determined to rearm Western Germany after 1949. In Britain, for example, what was almost certainly a deliberate propaganda campaign was launched from the early 1950s to whitewash the Wehrmacht by romanticising the role of Erwin Rommel in two feature films. Documentary films about the Nazi concentration camps were withdrawn and the full horror of the Nazi genocide of the Jews was played down. Attempts to keep these horrors in the public domain were denounced as communist propaganda. The term “Holocaust” was never used, and it was implied that reference to it stirred up “anti-German” sentiment. 

In March 1952, in another episode which has almost been written out of the history of the Cold War, Stalin offered the Western powers the possibility of German reunification on the basis of nation-wide democratic elections,  

Lionised by the West, Konrad Adenauer, "Der Alte," was yet another eager pawn in America's hypocritical game.

Lionised by the West, Konrad Adenauer, “Der Alte,” was yet another eager pawn in America’s hypocritical game.

Chancellor Adenauer rejected the proposal out of hand. The US government also rejected it, dismissing it as a devious ploy that Stalin did not mean seriously. But there is every reason to suppose that Stalin meant it very seriously. He was ready to sacrifice the government of the German Democratic Republic in favour of a unified Germany of a very different political character as long as it was neutral and demilitarised. One might refer to Gromyko’s riposte to Dulles (above) on the Soviet Union’s application to join NATO: “The Soviet Union does not make unserious proposals.” James Warburg, a member of the US Senate’s Committee on Foreign Relations testified on March 28. 1952 that while in his opinion the Soviet proposal might be a bluff, “that our government is afraid to call the bluff for fear that it may not be a bluff at all”, and that it might lead to a “free, neutral and demilitarised Germany.” 

But what could possibly have been a major turning point in European history was not to be. Within a few years a rearmed Germany was in NATO and by 1957 a former Wehrmacht officer, General Hans Speidel ( who had in 1944 saved his own life by betraying Rommel’s minimal role in the officer’s plot against Hitler) was appointed Commander in Chief of Allied NATO land forces in Europe. 

Senior contributing editor to The Greanville Post 
Mike Faulkner is a British citizen. He lives in London where for many years he taught history and political science at Barnet College, until his retirement in 2002. He has written a two-weekly column,  Letter from the UK,for TPJ Magazine since 2008. Over the years his articles have appeared in such publications as Marxism Today, Monthly Review and China Now. He is a regular visitor to the United Sates where he has friends and family in New York City. Contact Mike at


Kiev’s War Without Mercy


Novorossiya poster depicting Porochenko as a Fascist war criminal (which he is).

Stephen Lendman

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]ashington bears full responsibility for Ukrainian crisis conditions. Rogue EU states share it.  Supporting and encouraging Kiev’s war on its own people. Premeditated naked aggression. Without mercy. Committing high crimes against peace. Using banned terror weapons. Targeting civilian neighborhoods.

Donbas freedom fighters reported “irrefutable evidence” of a weapon used similar to white phosphorous. It burns flesh to the bone. Keeps burning until entirely consumed or deprived of oxygen.  The Hague and Geneva Conventions categorically prohibit chemical warfare. Including toxic agents. Evidence shows Kiev used unidentified poison gas, causing first-degree chemical-inflicted eye burns, alcoholic-like intoxication, bodily lacerations and fainting.

Kiev has mobilized its own fascist militias and mercenaries, many paid by the US and the native oligarchs. Here members of the notorious Azov Battalion.

Kiev has mobilized its own fascist militias and mercenaries to fight what it still calls “terrorists” and “separatists”, many paid by the US and the native oligarchs. Here members of the notorious Azov Battalion. These units, along with regular Ukrainian army elements, have already committed outrageous atrocities.

Media scoundrels say nothing. Ignore what demands headlines. Including banned cluster bombs munitions use.  In Donetsk and Lugansk civilian neighborhoods. Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported them, saying:

“Ukrainian government forces used cluster munitions in populated areas in Donetsk city in early October 2014…The use of cluster munitions in populated areas violates the laws of war due to the indiscriminate nature of the weapon and may amount to war crimes.”

Kiev's legions being paraded through Donetsk's main thoroughfares, bowed heads in humiliation.

Kiev’s legions being paraded through Donetsk’s main thoroughfares, bowed heads in humiliation. The POWS received humane treatment despite their participation in heinous crimes.


“During a week-long investigation in eastern Ukraine, Human Rights Watch documented widespread use of cluster munitions in fighting between government forces and pro-Russian rebels in more than a dozen urban and rural locations.”

“(E)vidence points to Ukrainian government forces’ responsibility for several cluster munition attacks on Donetsk.”  HRW found evidence of surface-fired 220mm Uragan (Hurricane) and 300mm Smerch (Tornado) cluster munition rockets.

Kiev ignored requests for information regarding their use. Cluster bombs use on civilians is prohibited. High crimes against peace.  Demanding accountability. Rogue states operate this way. Kiev putschists wage no-holds-barred war. After committing to peaceful conflict resolution. Russia’s human rights commissioner Konstantin Dolgov said cluster bombs use reveals the ‘real nature’ of Kiev’s military campaign in Donbas.


“This is one more alarming sign that deserves most serious attention,” he stressed. (F)urther evidence of the real nature of a punitive Kiev operation that has deliberately claimed many civilians’ lives.”

What’s ongoing raises “serious questions,” he added.

“We proceed from the unchanged position that we will be backed not only by inter-governmental organisations such as the United Nations, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Council of Europe, but also by human rights activists that thorough investigation of crimes against civilians and violations of supremacy of law principles is needed, with punishment for the guilty.”

NAF fighters work to restore T-34 for combat against Kiev.

NAF fighters work to restore T-34 for combat against Kiev.

Indiscriminate shelling continues. Donbas residents say it never stopped. Reuters reported “loud explosions from heavy artillery fire…(A)lmost daily around the strategically important Donetsk airport.”  Despite agreed on ceasefire terms, Kiev shelling intensified. At the same time, Ukraine wrongfully accused Russia of supplying soldiers and weapons to Donbas freedom fighters. No evidence whatever corroborates it. Similar past claims proved false. Big Lies persist.  Media scoundrels regurgitate them irresponsibly.

DPR former military commander Igor Strelkov.

DPR former military commander Igor Strelkov.

Chances for durable peace are virtually zero. Full-scale conflict could resume any time. With full US support and encouragement.

On November 11, HRW reported incendiary weapons used in Ukraine. Calling them “exceptionally cruel…”

“(H)ighlighting the urgent need to take steps to prevent the civilian suffering they cause.”

Urging the (a)dopt(ion) (of a) broader, effects-based definition of incendiary weapons that encompasses multipurpose munitions with incendiary effects, such as those containing white phosphorus.”

“Prohibiting the use of all incendiary weapons in civilian areas, regardless of whether they are air dropped or surface launched.”

“Incendiary weapons produce heat and fire through the chemical reaction of a flammable substance,” said HRW. Designed to burn people or material. Some penetrate plate metal. Others produce smokescreens or provide illumination. Causing “exceptionally painful thermal and respiratory burns, which can lead to complications such as shock, infection, and asphyxiation,” said HRW. “Victims who survive their wounds often suffer long-term physical and psychological damage.”

An example of incendiary bomb wounds.

An example of incendiary bomb wounds.

Incendiary weapons burn at very high temperatures. Victims feel excruciating pain on contact. Burns are hard to treat. Slow to heal. Recovery takes weeks or months. Many victims die. From noxious gas emissions. Survivors are permanently physically and emotionally scared.  Hot gas/combustion materials inhalation cause respiratory burns. Pulmonary complications. Pneumonia. Accumulation of fluid in lungs.

Some victims choke. Unable to breathe because of lung damage. Vulnerable to serious infections. From respiratory tract damage. Thick scarring causes loss of mobility. Drug treatment for pain results in dependency. Withdrawal symptoms.

Spanish supporter of Novorossiya's struggle against Kiev.  His desire is to fight Fascism and aid the Donbass people.

Spanish supporter of Novorossiya’s struggle against Kiev. His desire is to fight Fascism and aid the Donbass people. Other fighters from all over Europe have also come to defend the new republics.

HRW called new evidence of incendiary weapons use in Ukraine “especially troubling.”

Self-defense forces “clear(ed) unexploded ordnance…white phosphorus rounds in the course of its work cleaning up an area that had been a battlefield. An outright prohibition on the use of incendiary weapons would offer the strongest protection for civilians and soldiers alike.” Their harmful effects are horrific. Devastating. Demanding user countries be held fully accountable.
“(E)ssential to minimiz(e) the suffering from such indiscriminate and exceptionally cruel weapons,” said HRW.


The Donbass people have mounted a publicity campaign to alert the world to the Kiev/NATO organized atrocities. Help by distributing their materials.


On November 8, Sergey Lavrov commented on Ukraine. Following his meeting with John Kerry.

A female fighter in Novorossiya's people's army. The new republics are an example for all of humanity.

A female fighter in Novorossiya’s people’s army. The new republics are an example for all of humanity.

“Russia and the United States have different views on developments in Ukraine and their causes,” he said. “(F)or obvious reasons,” he added.

“(I)f Washington showed interest in promoting conciliation and creating conditions for dialogue between Kiev and the leaders of the Lugansk and Donetsk people’s republics, it would be a step in the right direction.”

“The main thing that should be avoided is condoning some ideas voiced in Kiev, in particular on building up military strength before resuming hostilities to resolve the crisis.”


“On the contrary, we should discourage the more extreme parties who entertain these ideas and instead convince the Kiev authorities to honour their obligations, in particular, on a political settlement of the crisis.”

“For its part, Russia will do its best in relations with the self-defence forces and Kiev to ensure that this comes about.”

US-led NATO’s 212-day proxy war in Ukraine continues. Deaths and injuries mount. Horrific human suffering persists.

German solidarity fighter serving in Donbass.

Antifascist German solidarity fighter serving in the Donbass.

September Minsk protocol ceasefire terms don’t matter. Kiev’s war without mercy continues. Tripling military spending is planned.

Oligarch/illegitimate president Petro Poroshenko announced National Security and Defense Council policy. Despite Ukraine’s bankrupt economy. War-making persists.

On November 10, Stop NATO reported “Article 5 ‘ High Intensity Combat’ Drills Throughout Europe.” Exercise “TRIDENT JUNCTURE.”

From November 8 through November 17. Testing “NATO’s ability to coordinate and execute a NATO-led Article 5 Collective Defence operation in a multinational environment.”  Certifying “the 15th rotation of the NATO Response Force (NRF) under high-intensity, war fighting conditions.” Provocatively targeting Russia. One of many examples of risked East/West confrontation.


A new European Leadership Network (ELN) think tank report documented at least 40 “near misses.” Potential military conflict between US-led NATO and Russian forces. In an environment of “mistrust, fear and shortened leadership decision times…” Characterized by “a volatile stand-off between” nuclear armed forces.

Perpetuating the “reality” of extremely “risky” conditions. “At worst (potentially) catastrophic.”  Because of US-led NATO’s reckless imperial policies. Miscommunications make the unthinkable possible.

Washington bears full responsibility. Rogue NATO partners share it. Anything goes is official policy. Risking the worst of all possible outcomes. US National Security Strategy (NSS) calls for using nuclear weapons preemptively. Including against non-nuclearized states. Joint Nuclear Operations doctrine remains unchanged. No distinction between defensive and offensive deterrents exists.

DPR-Serbian volunteer, part of informal international brigades defending Novorossiya.

Serbian volunteer, part of informal international brigades defending Novorossiya.


America’s land and sea-based strategic bombers, land-based missiles, and ballistic missile submarines target potential  threats. None exist. America’s only enemies are ones it invents. To advance its imperium. Risking the unthinkable.

Neocon extremists infest Washington. Lunatics. Supporting permanent wars. Official US policy. Obama is the latest in a long line of warrior presidents. A war criminal multiple times over. Escalating things dangerously. Challenging Russia and China irresponsibly. Risking confrontation.

Cold War 2.0 rages. Inventing enemies when none exist. Big Lies substitute for hard truths. Going all-out to avoid peaceful conflict resolution. Using NATO as a dagger at humanity’s heart. Waging one war after another. Provocatively risking others.

Business as usual persists. World peace hangs by a thread. America is humanity’s greatest threat.

Stopping its killing machine matters most. Survival depends on it.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at  His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at



(1) National Guard of Ukraine unit subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, based inDniepropetrovsk. The formation was established in the Spring of 2014 during the 2014 pro-Russian conflict in Ukraine.[2][3][4] The battalion was created by Semen Semenchenko,claimed to be an ethnic Russian native of Donetsk, who is a major in theNational Guard of Ukraine.[5]

oligarchs“.[5] The Ukrainian Interior Ministry adopted Donbas Battalion as a National Guard of Ukraine unit thus allowing them to operate legally.[5]


Donbas Battalion training group near Kiev (2014)

The Battalion recruits members from different regions of Ukraine, through various media including the Internet, a newspaper and phone line. New recruits are briefly trained in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, and may see combat days after joining.

According to Semenchenko, some of his men have entered Donetsk city. Donbass Battalion and the other territorial battalion fight on the ground with an artillery and logistic support from the Ukrainian army.[6]



Veterans Day: Denounce the World Order of Permanent War


[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, World War I officially ended. That day marked the end of a four-year massive slaughter that killed more than seven million French, German, British, Russian and Austro-Hungarian soldiers, and killed or wounded millions more civilians. The United States stayed on the sidelines of the conflict to enter it only in its last 19 months. Nevertheless, during World War I, 116,000 US soldiers were killed in action, making this a conflict twice as deadly as Vietnam for the US military.

World War I, at its inception, was rationalized by calling it “the war to end all wars.” Obviously, this did not work out as planned, and 21 years later Europe was engulfed in the psychotic killing mayhem of World War II. Since then, the world has had few periods of sanity where conflict resolution between nations entailed diplomacy rather than warfare. Almost 70 years after the end of World War II, we live in a world at war, as if no lessons were learned.


The insane logic of war seems always to have the upper hand over peaceful solutions between nations. For centuries politicians and generals have made arguments to justify warfare. One of the newer versions, still currently made by the defenders of military action in the US, is the convoluted and disingenuous distinction between “wars of choice” and “wars of necessity.” One could argue that the last “war of necessity” fought by the US was World War II. In effect, the US was attacked by Japan in Hawaii and German U-boats in the Atlantic, and had the right to defend itself. After this, the wars fought by the two new super-powers (the US and the USSR) were arguably “wars of choice,” or more accurately, wars either to maintain or expand their respective empires. This was the case for the Korean and Vietnam wars, both fought on the ideological ground of preventing the so-called domino-effect spread of communism.


Today, the nations that wage wars across the globe are the United States and its obedient NATO allies. In the cases of Iraq and Afghanistan, the never ending war in Iraq is almost unanimously identified as being a war of choice, while the conflict in Afghanistan  is too often called a war of necessity. Some have even pushed the barbaric logic of this definition by calling it “the good war.” For the US, war is not the solution of last resort anymore but has instead become a pathological way to assert dominance and conduct world affairs. It is also, and mainly, a crucial part of the United States’ economy.

Seven decades after the end of World War II, US troops remain in Germany and Japan. The US military still has a strong military base in South Korea. On November 10, 2010, the Obama administration made a move away from its commitment to start the withdrawal of  US troops from Afghanistan  in July 2011. Then, 2014 was supposed to be the target date to a complete withdrawal of  US troops from Afghanistan, but now this extremely elusive “target” has been conveniently switched to 2016, right at the end of president Obama’s second term in office. In 2009 the White House had insisted on the July 2011 deadline; the message to shift this deadline is effectively a victory for the military, which was saying that the July 2011 deadline was undermining its mission.


In a book titled “Washington Rules: America’s Path to Permanent War“, Andrew Bacevich, a retired US Army Colonel, offers one of the most drastic and insightful critique of America’s military and foreign policies since World War II.

“By the midpoint of the 20th century, the Pentagon had become Leviathan, its actions veiled in secrecy, its reach extending around the world. Yet, while the concentration of power in Wall Street had once evoked deep fear and suspicions, Americans by and large saw the concentration of power in the Pentagon as benign. Most found it reassuring,” wrote Bacevich in his book.

Since 2001, the logic of capitalism’s global war economy has dictated US foreign policy. There are no more wars of necessity or even choice. The wars are for profit, and they feed the infinite appetite of the military-industrial complex and its Wall Street stockholders. It does not matter that Libya, Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan have been turned into permanent killing fields. Unless the edifice that manufactures ruins, death and misery either collapses or is taken down, the permanent wars for profit of America Empire Inc. will indefinitely continue.



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