Morgan Freeman Trashes His Legacy for a US Liberal Establishment in Meltdown


First iteration on SPUTNIK (9.20.2017)

Uncle Tom for the 21st Century: Freeman on the privileged circuit. His est. $200 million net worth puts him on an insulated-from-reality platform where selling out is natural, and where simple stupidity carries no penalty, especially when at the service of the corrupt system that has rewarded him so well.

Hollywood actor Morgan Freeman has enjoyed a lucrative career playing American presidents [and even God] in a variety of big budget, blockbuster movies. However his latest role as narrator of a crude anti-Russian propaganda video, produced by a group of disaffected Washington and Hollywood liberals, suggests that he has now lost the plot.

At the height of the McCarthy anti-communist witch hunts in the United States in the 1950s, Hollywood threw up its share of courageous men and women who refused to kowtow to the crude propaganda that was a ubiquitous feature of the nation's cultural values during this period — propaganda designed to demonize Russia, its people and government, as America's mortal enemy, bent on its destruction and global domination.

The witch hunts (Red Scare) also exposed its share of charlatans and snitches, people who fell into line with the fabricated anti-Russian hysteria that had been whipped up, pointing the finger at alleged traitors and miscreants in their ranks and earning themselves a cold place in history as a consequence.The world renowned playwright Arthur Miller, who refused to cooperate with the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) hearing when he appeared in front of it in 1957, based one of his most famous and critically acclaimed plays — The Crucible — on this low point in US history, using the actual witch hunts that took place in the town of Salem, Massachusetts in the 17th century as an allegory.

As Miller said of the period, "The Red hunt, led by the House Committee on Un-American Activities and by McCarthy, was becoming the dominating fixation of the American psyche," unleashing a "veritable holy terror among actors, directors, and others."

In 2017 McCarthyism is back bigger, bolder and uglier than ever — evidenced in this crude propaganda video in which Morgan Freeman makes the astonishing assertion that "we [the US] are at war with Russia," throwing up the baseless allegation, tirelessly repeated by a liberal establishment that remains in denial over the failure of Hillary Clinton to be coronated (elected) President of the United States in 2016, of Moscow's interference in the election as evidence of the fact.

Morgan Freeman was just one of the countless Hollywood celebrities that went to bat for Clinton during her campaign, narrating a campaign video that was so saccharine in its unfailing praise of her attributes and legacy in public office, that watching it, even today, brings with it the risk of contracting diabetes. On the back of Clinton's new book — What Happened — a poorly written work of self pity and self justification in which she blames everyone and everything apart from herself for her election defeat, this video and the organization behind it, the self-styled Committee to Investigate Russia, leaves no doubt that liberal America is in meltdown.

The only thing that liberal America is at war with today is the truth — the truth of its mendacity, sense of exceptionalism and entitlement. For people such as Morgan Freeman liberal values are universal values, the only ones deserving of respect and support.

They continue to torture themselves with that fact that Hillary Clinton's divine right to rule was denied by not just any political candidate, but this candidate — a man, in Donald Trump, who appeared so unqualified and unsuited to the lofty office of US president that the very idea of him getting elected would have been laughed out of the room by Hollywood executives if it had been pitched as the basis for a new reality TV show.

That Trump is a moral monster is, by this point, hard to argue with; his reckless disregard for international law and diplomacy is concerning to say the least. But let us not make the mistake of believing that Clinton and her ilk bring anything better to the table. On the contrary, Hillary Clinton's record is a monument to mendacity, proof of her attachment to the virtues of the mass incarceration of young black men at home and the virtues of cruise missile diplomacy abroad.

The Committee to Investigate Russia is the latter day equivalent of the House un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). It represents all that is egregious about a political culture that speaks the language of democracy and freedom while engaging in hysterical scaremongering in order to detract from the many and manifold problems that afflict American society.

It was these problems and accompanying revulsion of the liberal class that were responsible for Trump's election last year, nothing else. They are the kind of problems that rich celebrities such as Mr. Freeman are fortunate enough not to have to grapple with in their lives, or at least certainly not now — problems of crippling inequality, low pay, lack of healthcare, and job insecurity to which a darling of Wall Street such as Hillary Clinton has nothing to offer apart from the a series of oft-repeated cliches and platitudes.

Russia-Putin/Putin-Russia: the very words strike fear and dread into the hearts of every "freedom-loving" liberal and celebrity in the land of the free. The truth is they owe both Russia and Putin a huge debt of gratitude; for without them who and what else could they possibly blame for their own inadequacies? Indeed, without a convenient bogeyman to point their very rich fingers at, their lives would be devoid of meaning.

With this astonishingly crude video and its attempt to frighten the kids with big bad Russia, Morgan Freeman calls to mind Gore Vidal's scathing critique of US politics. To wit:

"We are permanently the United States of Amnesia. We learn nothing because we remember nothing."

Says Sputnik: The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Sputnik.
BUT we say: The views expressed by the author FULLY reflect those of The Greanville Post. 

Check out John's Sputnik radio show, Hard Facts.

Please join the debate on our Facebook group (or place a comment in the window below). 
Keep in mind that all captions, images, pull quotes and appendices, etc., are by the editors and
not the author, who should be held blameless. 


Watch below Tucker Carlson—an old-fashioned conservative—dismantle Rob Reiner's insidious propaganda promoting war with Russia.


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 John Wight has written for newspapers and websites across the world, including the Independent, Morning Star, Huffington Post, Counterpunch, London Progressive Journal, and Foreign Policy Journal. He is also a regular commentator on RT and BBC Radio. John is currently working on a book exploring the role of the West in the Arab Spring. You can follow him on Twitter @JohnWight1


“Blood Is on Your Hands”: Nikki Haley Heckled During University Speech (VIDEOS)


Criminal imperial shill and accomplice Nikki Haley deservedly heckled by students In Houston. Haley literally tests the limits of vileness. (Sputnik)

A dispatch from Sputnik—

When US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley went to speak at the University of Houston Tuesday, she got a bit more than she bargained for. Student activists confronted her about her positions on the violence in Gaza and toward the Palestinian people.

Haley spoke Tuesday afternoon in the Student Center South Theater about an array of topics, from leadership to global challenges to recent events in Texas. She spoke of the disaster that befell the city of Houston last August, when Hurricane Harvey dropped an unprecedented amount of rain on the Lone Star State, leaving most of the city under feet of floodwater.

"We saw neighbors helping neighbors, people watching out for each other. Houston gave us all a master class in how to be good citizens and how to be good human beings," Haley said, according to Click2Houston. "I know you've been through a lot and you're dealing with the aftermath, but you should all be very proud of how your community has come through all of this."

She also spoke of the 10 shooting victims from Santa Fe High School earlier this week, a town to the southeast of Houston.

So far, pretty typical for a politician's university speech. But soon, things got interesting.

"I'm here following a very busy few weeks in American foreign policy," Haley began to say.


​​That's when a protester stood up and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Nikki Haley, the blood is on your hands! You continue to sign off on the genocide of a native people! You are an accomplice to terrorists and colonizers!"


​After this monologue, dozens of protesters stood up and erupted in a call-and-answer chant across the auditorium, holding up Palestinian flags. They chanted "Nikki Nikki can't you see? You are on a killing spree!" and "Nikki Haley you can't hide, you signed off on genocide!"

Security personnel more or less immediately responded and attempted to escort the protesters out of the auditorium.

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at UH, an anti-Zionist, pro-Palestine student advocacy group with branches at colleges and universities across the US and several other countries, issued a statement Monday in anticipation of Haley's speech. However, it is unclear if they or another group was behind the Tuesday protest.

SJP UH slammed Haley for her "spiteful actions before and during her time as ambassador to the United Nations demonstrate her blatant discrimination against Palestinians and blind eye to injustices around the world," noting that she has "worked relentlessly to block the UN Humans Rights investigation into Israel's murderous crimes in Gaza" and that she has a long history and commitment to "silencing the voices of those who have spoken out against Israel's atrocious acts against Palestinians." SJP noted that during her time as governor of South Carolina, Haley spearheaded a law that made South Carolina the second US state to explicitly bar businesses from boycotting Israel under the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) campaign.

"Nikki Haley embodies the racism inherent in the US' anti-Palestinian position," the statement goes on to say. "Her decisions, actions and dehumanization of Palestinian lives show her complicity in the genocide of a native people fighting for liberation. In inviting Nikki Haley to its campus, the University of Houston demonstrates how little it cares about the safety and concerns of its students, including the large community of Palestinians that attend and contribute to UH's diversity."

"We, the undersigned student organizations and faculty, declare unequivocally that hatred in all its forms is not welcome at our university and that no matter when injustice rears its ugly head, those of us on the correct side of history will confront it. We call on the university to signal to its students and the broader community that it is committed to its principles of diversity and inclusion by condemning the presence of Nikki Haley on our campus in light of her recent actions. No matter how blurred the values of our country become, the university must stay true to its values and speak out against all forms of injustice, hatred, and bigotry."

​In line with the Trump administration's hostility toward the Palestinian cause, Haley's conduct in the United Nations on the United States' behalf has been similarly bellicose, declaring on December 20, 2017, during a vote in the UN General Assembly on a resolution criticizing US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel earlier that month, that the US "will be taking names" and that Trump had asked her to report back "who voted against us," the BBC reported at the time.The issue of ownership of Jerusalem is highly contentious in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as Palestinians insist that Jerusalem must be the capital of any future Palestinian state.

The war of words continued into 2018, with Haley deriding Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas by declaring his administration "lacks what is needed to achieve peace" in February, the Jerusalem Post reported. Later that month, after a speech before the UN Security Council in which Abbas said the US was "closing the door on a two-state solution" and he called upon UN member states that have not yet recognized Palestine as a state to do so, Abbas notably snubbed the next two speakers, Israel's UN ambassador, Danny Danon, and Haley, the US ambassador, walking out of the council chamber after his remarks were finished.

Haley took the opportunity to return the favor in May: after blaming and condemning Hamas for the violence along the Gaza fence in which thousands of Palestinians were wounded and dozens killed by Israeli gunfire, Haley walked out on Palestinian ambassador to the UN Riyad H Mansour's speech after he turned the tables and pinned the responsibility on Israel, Townhall reported.


Haley can huff and puff and make any histrionic gestures she likes, but she'll never be able to equate the moral standing of the victim—the Palestinians and Syrians— with that of the cowardly and sociopathic victimiser: the anglozionist empire. 


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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report

Brian Cloughley: Reflections on the strange phenomenon of American “school massacres”

n Friday, May 18th, the U.S. was witness to its 22nd school shooting of the year. This one took place at the Santa Fe High School at which 10 people (8 students and two adults) were killed and 13 wounded. Santa Fe is 36 miles southeast of Houston.

The alleged perpetrator is Dimitrios [Dimitri] Pagourtzis, 17-year-old and son of Greek immigrants. He was a junior and an honor-roll student who had brought to school his father’s shotgun, a .38-caliber revolver and two nonfunctional “improvised explosive devices” (IEDs). Fellow students considered him to be a quiet, shy kid who reportedly wore a black trench coat almost every day, even when temperatures hit over 100. He played on the school’s junior varsity football team and was a member of a dance squad at a local Greek Orthodox church. According to some media reports, “he did not shoot students he did like, so he could have his story told.”

The Daily Beast reports that Pagourtzis posted photos of neo-Nazi iconography online. He also posted photos of a T-shirt with the words “Born to Kill” on it as well as a jacket “emblazoned with a variety of symbols including the Iron Cross, a German military award last given by the Nazis, and other pins. He said he equated the Iron Cross with “bravery.” It claims that “Pagourtzis said a hammer and sickle meant ‘rebellion,’ a rising sun meant ‘kamikaze tactics,’ and a Baphomet meant ‘evil.’” [Baphomet is a Knights Templar occult deity.] In addition, the Associated Press reports he apparently studied previous mass shootings and used aspects of those [attacks] in his own shooting.” Some media reports claim he wore a T-shirt with “Born to Kill” on it under his trench coat.

Perhaps the saddest aspect of this sad story involves Pagourtzis’ apparent first victim, Shana Fisher. According to Fisher’s mother, Sadie Rodriguez, the girl “had 4 months of problems from this boy… He kept making advances on her and she repeatedly told him no.” Rodriguez says that Pagourtzis continued to get more aggressive and her daughter finally stood up to him, embarrassing him in class. “A week later he opens fire on everyone he didn’t like.” She claims, “Shana being the first one.”

CNN’s list of the 22 school shootings so far in 2018 is revealing. First, “school” is used in the broadest sense, covering middle and high school as well as colleges/universities. Not surprisingly, most of this year’s school shootings have taken place at a high school (12), then a college (7) and finally a middle school (3). Looking at the 22 incidents in terms of the resulting violence, the following is revealed: killings (5), woundings (15), accidental discharges (2) and in only two incidents was the shooter either killed or committed suicide. (Some incidents had multiple outcomes.)

Of the 22 shootings, only three can be considered a “mass shooting,” involving more than 10 victims. In addition to Santa Fe, many remember the shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL, in February, where 17 were killed (14 students and 3 staff) and 17 wounded; often overlooked is the shooting at the Marshall County High School in Benton, KY, in January, where a 15-year-old student killed two and wounded 14 others.

One of the shadows hovering over the Santa Fe shootings is whether Pagourtzis should be considered part of the so-called online world of “incels,” involuntary celibates. Male incels are part of a peripheral online community known as pick-up artists (PUA), sexually frustrated men who blame women for their misery–and virginity–and often advocate for violence against them. According to Vice, PUA is “a manipulative craft largely developed by Neil Strauss’s The Game, a book that provides its readers with techniques like ‘negging,’ which teach men to insult women in order to charm them into bed.”

Incels are distinguished by a particular rage against women, often expressed in targeted killings of women. Marc Lépine, 25, is considered by some to be the first incel killer. In 1989, he stormed Montréal’s École Polytechnique, where he had been denied admission, and singled out women for killing – murdering 14 women and wounding 14 others (10 women and four men). He was apparently enraged by the rejection, often ranting that women were taking jobs traditionally occupied by men. Before he opened fire, Lépine shouted: “You’re all a bunch of feminists, and I hate feminists!” One student, Nathalie Provost, protested: “I’m not feminist, I have never fought against men.” Lépine shot her anyway.

In 2009, George Sodini, 48, walked into a Colliar, Pennsylvania, gym and killed three women and wounded nine others before shooting himself.

Rodger: immature, testosterone filled, and profoundly frustrated by a society that titillates constantly but fails to deliver for most.

However, the most well-known incel character is Elliot Rodger. In May 2014, he was a lonely, troubled 22-year-old who killed six people (including his three roommates) and wounded 14 others near the campus of UC Santa Barbara, in Isla Vista, CA. He then killed himself. He saw himself as a “supreme gentleman” who couldn’t get a date, let alone end his virginity. He went online to rage about attractive women who, according to The Cut, “he believed had unfairly rejected him and about men who were more successful at dating.”

In late April, Alek Minassian, a 25-year-old man, was accused of plowing a van into a crowded Toronto sidewalk that left 10 dead and 13 seriously injured. On his Facebook post, he proclaimed: “The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!” Rodger’s supporters proclaim on 4chan and Reddit that May 23rd is “Saint Elliot Day,” a day of celebration, the anniversary of his shooting spree.

Pagourtzis may well have had incel “tendencies,” a fear (if not terror) of females, that contributed to the people he killed. Of the 10 people he killed, 7 were female (5 students, 2 teachers) and three were male students. Most disturbing was that white nationalist paraphernalia he displayed on line – a “Born to Kill” T-shirt, a Nazi Iron Cross, a Communist hammer-and-sickle, a kamikaze rising sun and Knights Templaridol. What this confusing assortment of symbols means to the Sante Fe shooter is anyone’s guess. Sadly, 10 people paid with their lives as Pagourtzis lived out its incoherent meaning.

 Brian Cloughley writes about foreign policy and military affairs. He lives in Voutenay sur Cure, France.

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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report

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NFL Ban on Anthem Kneeling Violates Free Expression


San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick on August 8, 2013. His gesture is now almost 5 years old. And he' still unemployed, a signal by the status quo that dissenters will be punished.

America’s First Amendment prohibits Congress from passing laws suppressing speech, press and religious freedoms – along with the right to peacefully assemble and petition government for redress of grievances. The same goes for NFL owners. Their announced policy on national anthem kneeling or sitting flagrantly violates First Amendment guaranteed free expression.

Near-unanimously banning these practices, excluding the ruling from collective bargaining, San Francisco 49ers owner abstaining, subjects teams to fines if players or other personnel fail to show respect for what deserves none. Along with its flag, the national anthem represents an imperial state, waging permanent war on humanity at home and abroad, responsible for countless millions of casualties post-9/11 alone.

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. Last September, Trump disgraced himself by irresponsibly blasting NFL players – kneeling, not standing, during the national anthem, their legitimate right of dissent, and why not. There’s plenty to dissent about America’s rogue state policies at home and abroad.

NFL players and everyone else have a constitutional right to protest peacefully against racial discrimination, police brutality, wars of aggression, social injustice or anything else.

Not according to Trump, roaring at the time “(w)ouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now. Out! He’s fired. He’s fired!’ ”

Editor says: The new rule, initiated by the NFL owners—all multimillionaires—reflects their ruling class instinctive conformity with the status quo. Obviously this comfortable bunch sees nothing wrong with America, and their decades long contracts with the Pentagon to allow idolatry of the flag and the military is another aspect nobody mentions. The practice of militarising professional sports events is almost uniquely American.—PG

During US 1899 – 1902 aggression on the Philippines, Mark Twain criticized America’s flag, saying:

“I am an anti-imperialist. I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land,” harshly blasting ruthless US mass slaughter and destruction. 

It’s far worse today than then, including dismissiveness toward the nation’s most vulnerable, and repression of targeted dissidents, opposing Washington’s debauched system, its anti-democratic agenda, its contempt for rule of law principles, its governance of, by and for the nation’s privileged class exclusively.

Former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick began what followed, dozens of players kneeling during the national anthem, protesting against racial discrimination and cops killing unarmed, nonthreatening Black youths and men, nearly always accountability.

Along with its flag, the national anthem represents an imperial state, waging permanent war on humanity at home and abroad, responsible for countless millions of casualties post-9/11 alone. Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.

The newly adopted NFL rule illegally bans the right to legitimately protest injustice by refusing to stand on-field during the national anthem – players, coaches and other staff wishing to protest given the option to remain off-field while it’s played.

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said “(w)e want people to be respectful of the national anthem,” adding:

“We want people to stand. That’s all personnel, and make sure they treat this moment in a respectful fashion. That’s something we think we owe. But we were also very sensitive to give players choices.”

Their choice is to protest publicly as the Constitution allows, not privately in locker rooms or elsewhere out of sight and mind.

Roger Goodell, NFL commissioner. Establishmentarian by longstanding tradition (his father was a Republican senator), Goodell, like his peers in the NFL, is first and above all a businessman unlikely to shake the boat.

An NFL Players Association statement said it’ll review the new rule, “challeng(ing) any aspect” inconsistent with its collective bargaining agreement.

Cleveland Browns quarterback Tyrod Taylor issued a statement, saying “(t)o make a decision that strong, you would hope that the players have input on it. But obviously not. So we have to deal with it as players, for good or a bad thing.”

In response to the ruling, Players Association director DeMaurice Smith tweeted: “History has taught us that both patriotism and protest are like water; if the force is strong enough it cannot be suppressed. Today, the CEOs of the NFL created a rule that people who hate autocracies should reject.”

A second tweet said: “Management has chosen to quash the same freedom of speech that protects someone who wants to salute the flag in an effort to prevent someone who does not wish to do so.” 

DeMaurice Smith: Representing the players, he's closer to the side of "labor" in the kerfuffle, and thereby also closer to rights of all Americans, not just a tiny privileged elite.

“The sad irony of this rule is that anyone who wants to express their patriotism is subject to the whim of a person who calls himself an ‘Owner.’ I know that not all of the NFL CEOs are for this, and I know that true American patriots are not cheering today.”

A Final Comment

In Palko v. Connecticut (1937), the Supreme Court called “(f)reedom of thought the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every other form of freedom.”

In Texas v. Johnson (1989), Justice William Brennan, writing for the majority, said “if there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea offensive or disagreeable.”

According to the High Court ruling, the right to peaceful protests includes public flag-burning – a far stronger action than kneeling or sitting during the national anthem. Thomas Jefferson once said (f)ree speech and other fundamental rights “cannot be limited without being lost.”  Former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall stressed “(a)bove all else, the First Amendment means that government has no power to restrict expression (regardless of its) ideas…subject matter (or) content.”

“Our people are guaranteed the right to express any thought, free from government censorship,” along with having all other constitutional protections – eroding toward disappearing altogether.

The NFL Players Association should contest the new rule, suing for the right of constitutionally protected free expression – no matter how politically or otherwise offensive.

Loss of this most fundamental of all rights jeopardizes all others!

 Screen Shot 2016-02-19 at 10.13.00 AMSTEPHEN LENDMAN was born in 1934 in Boston, MA. In 1956, he received a BA from Harvard University. Two years of US Army service followed, then an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1960. After working seven years as a marketing research analyst, he joined the Lendman Group family business in 1967. He remained there until retiring at year end 1999. Writing on major world and national issues began in summer 2005. In early 2007, radio hosting followed. Lendman now hosts the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network three times weekly. Distinguished guests are featured. Listen live or archived. Major world and national issues are discussed. Lendman is a 2008 Project Censored winner and 2011 Mexican Journalists Club international journalism award recipient. His new site is at

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The US Outspends Russia 10X On Military, But They Are Equals. Why?



Another brilliant essay from Orlov in which he addresses the incredible bumbling incompetence of the US in contrast to Russia's intelligent competence - Orlov is spot on.

(Club Orlov) Wed, May 23, 2018

Orlov is one of our favorite essayists on Russia and all sorts of other things. He moved to the US as a child, and lives in the Boston area.

He is one of the better-known thinkers The New Yorker has dubbed 'The Dystopians' in an excellent 2009 profile, along with James Howard Kunstler, another regular contributor to RI (archive). These theorists believe that modern society is headed for a jarring and painful crack-up.

He is best known for his 2011 book comparing Soviet and American collapse (he thinks America's will be worse). He is a prolific author on a wide array of subjects, and you can see his work by searching him on Amazon.

He has a large following on the web, and on Patreon, and we urge you to support him there, as Russia Insider does.

His current project is organizing the production of affordable house boats for living on. He lives on a boat himself.

If you haven't discovered his work yet, please take a look at his archive of articles on RI. They are a real treasure, full of invaluable insight into both the US and Russia and how they are related.

“Russia is ready to respond to any provocation, but the last thing the Russians want is another war. And that, if you like good news, is the best news you are going to hear.”

 A whiff of World War III hangs in the air. In the US, Cold War 2.0 is on, and the anti-Russian rhetoric emanating from the Clinton campaign, echoed by the mass media, hearkens back to McCarthyism and the red scare. In response, many people are starting to think that Armageddon might be nigh—an all-out nuclear exchange, followed by nuclear winter and human extinction. It seems that many people in the US like to think that way. Goodness gracious!

The curtain is falling on a country in serious trouble

But, you know, this is hardly unreasonable of them. The US is spiraling down into financial, economic and political collapse, losing its standing in the world and turning into a continent-sized ghetto full of drug abuse, violence and decaying infrastructure, its population vice-ridden, poisoned with genetically modified food, morbidly obese, exploited by predatory police departments and city halls, plus a wide assortment of rackets, from medicine to education to real estate… That we know.We also know how painful it is to realize that the US is damaged beyond repair, or to acquiesce to the fact that most of the damage is self-inflicted: the endless, useless wars, the limitless corruption of money politics, the toxic culture and gender wars, and the imperial hubris and willful ignorance that underlies it all… This level of disconnect between the expected and the observed certainly hurts, but the pain can be avoided, for a time, through mass delusion.

This sort of downward spiral does not automatically spell “Apocalypse,” but the specifics of the state cult of the US—an old-time religiosity overlaid with the secular religion of progress—are such that there can be no other options: either we are on our way up to build colonies on Mars, or we perish in a ball of flame. Since the humiliation of having to ask the Russians for permission to fly the Soyuz to the International Space Station makes the prospect of American space colonies seem dubious, it’s Plan B: balls of flame here we come!

And so, most of the recent American warmongering toward Russia can be explained by the desire to find anyone but oneself to blame for one’s unfolding demise. This is a well-understood psychological move—projecting the shadow—where one takes everything one hates but can’t admit to about oneself and projects it onto another. On a subconscious level (and, in the case of some very stupid people, even a conscious one) the Americans would like to nuke Russia until it glows, but can’t do so because Russia would nuke them right back. But the Americans can project that same desire onto Russia, and since they have to believe that they are good while Russia is evil, this makes the Armageddon scenario appear much more likely.

But this way of thinking involves a break with reality. There is exactly one nation in the world that nukes other countries, and that would be the United States. It gratuitously nuked Japan, which was ready to surrender anyway, just because it could. It prepared to nuke Russia at the start of the Cold War, but was prevented from doing so by a lack of a sufficiently large number of nuclear bombs at the time. And it attempted to render Russia defenseless against nuclear attack, abandoning the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in 2002, but has been prevented from doing so by Russia’s new weapons. These include, among others, long-range supersonic cruise missiles (Kalibr), and suborbital intercontinental missiles carrying multiple nuclear payloads capable of evasive maneuvers as they approach their targets (Sarmat). All of these new weapons are impossible to intercept using any conceivable defensive technology. At the same time, Russia has also developed its own defensive capabilities, and its latest S-500 system will effectively seal off Russia’s airspace, being able to intercept targets both close to the ground and in low Earth orbit.

In the meantime, the US has squandered a fantastic sum of money fattening up its notoriously corrupt defense establishment with various versions of “Star Wars,” but none of that money has been particularly well spent. The two installations in Europe of Aegis Ashore (completed in Romania, planned in Poland) won’t help against Kalibr missiles launched from submarines or small ships in the Pacific or the Atlantic, close to US shores, or against intercontinental missiles that can fly around them. The THAAD installation currently going into South Korea (which the locals are currently protesting by shaving their heads) won’t change the picture either.

There is exactly one nuclear aggressor nation on the planet, and it isn’t Russia. But this shouldn’t matter. In spite of American efforts to undermine it, the logic of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) remains in effect. The probability of a nuclear exchange is determined not by anyone’s policy but by the likelihood of it happening by accident. Since there is no winning strategy in a nuclear war, nobody has any reason to try to start one. Under no circumstances is the US ever going to be able to dictate its terms to Russia by threatening it with nuclear annihilation.

If a nuclear war is not in the cards, how about a conventional one? The US has been sabre-rattling by stationing troops and holding drills in the Baltics, right on Russia's western border, installing ABM systems in Romania, Poland and South Korea, supporting anti-Russian Ukrainian Nazis, etc. All of this seems quite provocative; can it result in a war? And what would that war look like?

Here, we have to look at how Russia has responded to previous provocations. These are all the facts that we know, and can use to predict what will happen, as opposed to purely fictional, conjectural statements unrelated to known facts.

When the US or its proxies attack an enclave of Russian citizens outside of Russia's borders, here are the types of responses that we have been able to observe so far:

1. The example of Georgia. During the Summer Olympics in Beijing (a traditional time of peace), the Georgian military, armed and trained by the US and Israel, invaded South Ossetia. This region was part of Georgia in name only, being mostly inhabited by Russian speakers and passport-holders. Georgian troops started shelling its capital, Tskhinval, killing some Russian peacekeeping troops stationed in the region and causing civilian casualties. In response, Russian troops rolled into Georgia, within hours completely eliminating Georgia’s war-making capability. They announced that South Ossetia was de facto no longer part of Georgia, throwing in Abkhazia (another disputed Russian enclave) for good measure, and withdrew. Georgia’s warmongering president Saakashvili was pronounced a “political corpse” and left to molder in place. Eventually he was forced to flee Georgia, where he has been declared a fugitive from justice. The US State Department recently gave him a new job, as Governor of Odessa in the Ukraine. Recently, Russian-Georgian relations have been on the mend.

2. The example of Crimea. During the Winter Olympics in Sochi, in Russia (a traditional time of peace) there occurred an illegal, violent overthrow of the elected, constitutional government of the Ukraine, followed by the installation of a US-picked puppet administration. In response, the overwhelmingly Russian population of the autonomous region of Crimea held a referendum. Some 95% of them voted to secede from the Ukraine and to once again become part of Russia, which they had been for centuries and until very recently. The Russians then used their troops already stationed in the region under an international agreement to make sure that the results of the referendum were duly enacted. Not a single shot was fired during this perfectly peaceful exercise in direct democracy.

3. The example of Crimea again. During the Summer Olympics in Rio (a traditional time of peace) a number of Ukrainian operatives stormed the Crimean border and were swiftly apprehended by Russia's Federal Security Service, together with a cache of weapons and explosives. A number of them were killed in the process, along with two Russians. The survivors immediately confessed to planning to organize terrorist attacks at the ferry terminal that links Crimea with the Russian mainland and a railway station. The ringleader of the group confessed to being promised the princely sum of $140 for carrying out these attacks. All of them are very much looking forward to a warm, dry bunk and three square meals of day, care of the Russian government, which must seem like a slice of heaven compared to the violence, chaos, destitution and desolation that characterizes life in present-day Ukraine. In response, the government in Kiev protested against “Russian provocation,” and put its troops on alert to prepare against “Russian invasion.” Perhaps the next shipment of US aid to the Ukraine should include a supply of chlorpromazine or some other high-potency antipsychotic medication.

Note the constant refrain of “during the Olympics.” This is not a coincidence but is indicative of a certain American modus operandi. Yes, waging war during a traditional time of peace is both cynical and stupid. But the American motto seems to be “If we try something repeatedly and it still doesn't work, then we just aren’t trying hard enough.” In the minds of those who plan these events, the reason they never work right can’t possibly have anything to do with it being stupid. This is known as “Level III Stupid”: stupidity so profound that it is unable to comprehend its own stupidity.

4. The example of Donbass. After the events described in point 2 above, this populous, industrialized region, which was part of Russia until well into the 20th century and is linguistically and culturally Russian, went into political turmoil, because most of the locals wanted nothing to do with the government that had been installed in Kiev, which they saw as illegitimate. The Kiev government proceeded to make things worse, first by enacting laws infringing on the rights of Russian-speakers, then by actually attacking the region with the army, which they continue to do to this day, with three unsuccessful invasions and continuous shelling of both residential and industrial areas, in the course of which over ten thousand civilians have been murdered and many more wounded. In response, Russia assisted with establishing a local resistance movement supported by a capable military contingent formed of local volunteers. This was done by Russian volunteers, acting in an unofficial capacity, and by Russian private citizens donating money to the cause. In spite of Western hysteria over “Russian invasion” and “Russian aggression,” no evidence of it exists. Instead, the Russian government has done just three things: it refused to interfere with the work of its citizens coming to the aid of Donbass; it pursued a diplomatic strategy for resolving the conflict; and it has provided numerous convoys of humanitarian aid to the residents of Donbass. Russia’s diplomatic initiative resulted in two international agreements—Minsk I and Minsk II—which compelled both Kiev and Donbass to pursue a strategy of political resolution of the conflict through cessation of hostilities and the granting to Donbass of full autonomy. Kiev has steadfastly refused to fulfill its obligations under these agreements. The conflict is now frozen, but continuing to bleed because of Ukrainian shelling, waiting for the Ukrainian puppet government to collapse.

To complete the picture, let us include Russia’s recent military action in Syria, where it came to the defense of the embattled Syrian government and quickly demolished a large part of ISIS/ISIL/Daesh/Islamic Caliphate, along with various other terrorist organizations active in the region. The rationale for this action is that Russia saw a foreign-funded terrorist nest in Syria as a direct threat to Russia’s security. Two other notable facts here are that Russia acted in accordance with international law, having been invited by Syria’s legitimate, internationally recognized government and that the military action was scaled back as soon as it seemed possible for all of the legitimate (non-terrorist) parties to the conflict to return to the negotiating table. These three elements—using military force as a reactive security measure, scrupulous adherence to international law, and seeing military action as being in the service of diplomacy—are very important to understanding Russia’s methods and ambitions.

Turning now to US military/diplomatic adventures, we see a situation that is quite different. US military spending is responsible for over half of all federal discretionary spending, dwarfing most other vitally important sectors, such as infrastructure, public medicine and public education. It serves several objectives. Most importantly, it is a public jobs program: a way of employing people who are not employable in any actually productive capacity due to lack of intelligence, education and training. Second, it is a way for politicians and defense contractors to synergistically enrich themselves and each other at the public’s expense. Third, it is an advertising program for weapons sales, the US being the top purveyor of lethal technology in the world. Last of all, it is a way of projecting force around the world, bombing into submission any country that dares oppose Washington’s global hegemonic ambitions, often in total disregard of international law. Nowhere on this list is the actual goal of defending the US.

None of these justifications works vis-à-vis Russia. In dollar terms, the US outspends Russia on defense hands down. However, viewed in terms of purchasing parity, Russia manages to buy as much as ten times more defensive capability per unit national wealth than the US, largely negating this advantage. Also, what the US gets for its money is inferior: the Russian military gets the weapons it wants; the US military gets what the corrupt political establishment and their accomplices in the military-industrial complex want in order to enrich themselves. In terms of being an advertising campaign for weapons sales, watching Russian weaponry in action in Syria, effectively wiping out terrorists in short order through a relentless bombing campaign using scant resources, then seeing US weaponry used by the Saudis in Yemen, with much support and advice from the US, being continuously defeated by lightly armed insurgents, is unlikely to generate too many additional sales leads. Lastly, the project of maintaining US global hegemony seems to be on the rocks as well. Russia and China are now in a de facto military union. Russia’s superior weaponry, coupled with China’s almost infinitely huge infantry, make it an undefeatable combination. Russia now has a permanent air base in Syria, has made a deal with Iran to use Iranian military bases, and is in the process of prying Turkey away from NATO. As the US military, with its numerous useless bases around the world and piles of useless gadgets, turns into an international embarrassment, it remains, for the time being, a public jobs program for employing incompetents, and a rich source of graft.

In all, it is important to understand how actually circumscribed American military capabilities are. The US is very good at attacking vastly inferior adversaries. The action against Nazi Germany only succeeded because it was by then effectively defeated by the Red Army—all except for the final mop-up, which is when the US came out of its timid isolation and joined the fray. Even North Korea and Vietnam proved too tough for it, and even there its poor performance would have been much poorer were it not for the draft, which had the effect of adding non-incompetents to the ranks, but produced the unpleasant side-effect of enlisted men shooting their incompetent officers—a much underreported chapter of American military history.

And now, with the addition of LGBTQ people to the ranks, the US military is on its way to becoming an international laughing stock. Previously, terms like “faggot” and “pussy” were in widespread use in the US military’s basic training. Drill sergeants used such terminology to exhort the “numb-nuts” placed in their charge to start acting like men.

  I wonder what words drill sergeants use now that they’ve been tasked with training those they previously referred to as “faggots” and “pussies”? The comedic potential of this nuance isn’t lost on Russia’s military men. This comedy can continue as long as the US military continues to shy away from attacking any serious adversary, because if it did, comedy would turn to tragedy rather quickly.

  • If, for instance, US forces tried to attack Russian territory by lobbing missiles across the border, they would be neutralized in instantaneous retaliation by Russia’s vastly superior artillery.
  • If Americans or their proxies provoked Russians living outside of Russia (and there are millions of them) to the point of open rebellion, Russian volunteers, acting in an unofficial capacity and using private funds, would quickly train, outfit and arm them, creating a popular insurgency that would continue for years, if necessary, until Americans and their proxies capitulate.
  • If the Americans do the ultimately foolish thing and invade Russian territory, they would be kettled and annihilated, as repeatedly happened to the Ukrainian forces in Donbass.
  • Any attempt to attack Russia using the US aircraft carrier fleet would result in its instantaneous sinking using any of several weapons: ballistic anti-ship missiles, supercavitating torpedos or supersonic cruise missiles.
  • Strategic bombers, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles would be eliminated by Russia’s advanced new air defense systems.

So much for attack; but what about defense? Well it turns out that there is an entire separate dimension to engaging Russia militarily. You see, Russia lost a huge number of civilian lives while fighting off Nazi Germany. Many people, including old people, women and children, died of starvation and disease, or from German shelling, or from the abuse they suffered at the hands of German soldiers. On the other hand, Soviet military casualties were on par with those of the Germans. This incredible calamity befell Russia because it had been invaded, and it has conditioned Russian military thinking ever since. The next large-scale war, if there ever is one, will be fought on enemy territory. Thus, if the US attacks Russia, Russia will counterattack the US mainland. Keeping in mind that the US hasn’t fought a war on its own territory in over 150 years, this would come as quite a shock.

Of course, this would be done in ways that are consistent with Russian military thinking. Most importantly, the attack must be such that the possibility of triggering a nuclear exchange remains minimized. Second, the use of force would be kept to the minimum required to secure a cessation of hostilities and a return to the negotiating table on terms favorable to Russia. Third, every effort would be made to make good use of internal popular revolts to create long-lasting insurgencies, letting volunteers provide the necessary arms and training. Lastly, winning the peace is just as important as winning the war, and every effort would be made to inform the American public that what they are experiencing is just retribution for certain illegal acts. From a diplomatic perspective, it would be much more tidy to treat the problem of war criminals running the US as an internal, American political problem, to be solved by Americans themselves, with an absolute minimum of outside help. This would best be accomplished through a bit of friendly, neighborly intelligence-sharing, letting all interested parties within the US know who exactly should be held responsible for these war crimes, what they and their family members look like, and where they live.

The question then is, What is the absolute minimum of military action—what I am calling “a thousand balls of fire,” named after George Bush Senior’s “a thousand points of light”—to restore peace on terms favorable to Russia? It seems to me that 1000 “balls of fire” is just about the right number. These would be smallish explosions—enough to demolish a building or an industrial installation, with almost no casualties. This last point is extremely important, because the goal is to destroy the system without actually directly hurting any of the people. It wouldn’t be anyone else’s fault if people in the US suffer because they refuse to do as their own FEMA asks them to do: stockpile a month’s worth of food and water and put together an emergency evacuation plan. In addition, given the direction in which the US is heading, getting a second passport, expatriating your savings, and getting some firearms training just in case you end up sticking around are all good ideas.

The reason it is very important for this military action to not kill anyone is this: there are some three million Russians currently residing in the US, and killing any of them is definitely not on strategy. There is an even larger number of people from populous countries friendly to Russia, such as China and India, who should also remain unharmed. Thus, a strategy that would result in massive loss of life would simply not be acceptable. A much better scenario would involve producing a crisis that would quickly convince the Russians living in the US (along with all the other foreign nationals and first-generation immigrants, and quite a few of the second-generation immigrants too) that the US is no longer a good place to live. Then all of these people could be repatriated—a process that would no doubt take a few years. Currently, Russia is the number three destination worldwide for people looking for a better place to live, after the US and Germany. Germany is now on the verge of open revolt against Angela Merkel’s insane pro-immigration policies. The US is not far behind, and won’t remain an attractive destination for much longer. And that leaves Russia as the number one go-to place on the whole planet. That’s a lot of pressure, even for a country that is 11 time zones wide and has plenty of everything except tropical fruit and people.

We must also keep in mind that Israel—which is, let’s face it, a US protectorate temporarily parked on Palestinian land—wouldn’t last long without massive US support. Fully a third of Israeli population happens to be Russian. The moment Project Israel starts looking defunct, most of these Russian Jews, clever people that they are, will no doubt decide to stage an exodus and go right back to Russia, as is their right. This will create quite a headache for Russia’s Federal Migration Service, because it will have to sift through them all, letting in all the normal Russian Jews while keeping out the Zionist zealots, the war criminals and the ultra-religious nutcases. This will also take considerable time.

But actions that risk major loss of life also turn out to be entirely unnecessary, because an effective alternative strategy is available: destroy key pieces of government and corporate infrastructure, then fold your arms and wait for the other side to crawl back to the negotiating table waving a white rag. You see, there are just a few magic ingredients that allow the US to continue to exist as a stable, developed country capable of projecting military force overseas. They are: the electric grid; the financial system; the interstate highway system; rail and ocean freight; the airlines; and oil and gas pipelines. Disable all of the above, and it’s pretty much game over. How many “balls of flame” would that take? Probably well under a thousand.

Disabling the electric grid is almost ridiculously easy, because the system is very highly integrated and interdependent, consisting of just three sub-grids, called “interconnects”: western, eastern and Texas. The most vulnerable parts of the system are the Large Power Transformers (LPTs) which step up voltages to millions of volts for transmission, and step them down again for distribution. These units are big as houses, custom-built, cost millions of dollars and a few years to replace, and are mostly manufactured outside the US. Also, along with the rest of the infrastructure in the US, most of them are quite old and prone to failure. There are several thousand of these key pieces of equipment, but because the electric grid in the US is working at close to capacity, with several critical choke points, it would be completely disabled if even a handful of the particularly strategic LPTs were destroyed. In the US, any extended power outage in any of the larger urban centers automatically triggers large-scale looting and mayhem. Some estimate that just a two week long outage would push the situation to a point of no return, where the damage would become too extensive to ever be repaired.

Disabling the financial system is likewise relatively trivial. There are just a few choke points, including the Federal Reserve, a few major banks, debit and credit card company data centers, etc. They can be disabled using a variety of methods, such as a cruise missile strike, a cyberattack, electric supply disruption or even civil unrest. It bears noting that the financial system in the US is rigged to blow even without foreign intervention. The combination of runaway debt, a gigantic bond bubble, the Federal Reserve trapped into ever-lower interest rates, underfunded pensions and other obligations, hugely overpriced real estate and a ridiculously frothy stock market will eventually detonate it from the inside.

A few more surgical strikes can take out the oil and gas pipelines, import terminals, highway bridges and tunnels, railroads and airlines. A few months without access to money and financial services, electricity, gasoline, diesel, natural gas, air transport or imported spare parts needed to repair the damage should be enough to force the US to capitulate. If it makes any efforts to restore any of these services, an additional strike or two would quickly negate them.

The number of “balls of flame” can be optimized by taking advantage of destructive synergies: a GPS jammer deployed near the site of an attack can prevent responders from navigating to it; taking out a supply depot together with the facility it serves, coupled with transportation system disruptions, can delay repairs by many months; a simple bomb threat can immobilize a transportation hub, making it a sitting duck instead of a large number of moving targets; etc.

You may think that executing such a fine-tuned attack would require a great deal of intelligence, which would be difficult to gather, but this is not the case. First, a great deal of tactically useful information is constantly being leaked by insiders, who often consider themselves “patriots.” Second, what hasn’t been leaked can be hacked, because of the pitiable state of cybersecurity in the US. Remember, Russia is where anti-virus software is made—and a few of the viruses too. The National Security Agency was recently hacked, and its crown jewels stolen; if it can be hacked, what about all those whose security it supposedly protects?

You might also think that the US, if attacked in this manner, could effectively retaliate in kind, but this scenario is rather difficult to imagine. Many Russians don’t find English too difficult, are generally familiar with the US through exposure to US media, and the specialists among them, especially those who have studied or taught at universities in the US, can navigate their field of expertise in the US almost as easily as in Russia. Most Americans, on the other hand, can barely find Russia on a map, can’t get past the Cyrillic alphabet and find Russian utterly incomprehensible.

Also consider that Russia’s defense establishment is mainly focused on... defense. Offending people in foreign lands is not generally seen as strategically important. “A hundred friends is better than a hundred rubles” is a popular saying. And so Russia manages to be friends with India and Pakistan at the same time, and with China and Vietnam. In the Middle East, it maintains cordial relations with Turkey, Syria, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt and Iran, also all at the same time. Russian diplomats are required to keep channels of communication open with friends and adversaries alike, at all times. Yes, being inexplicably adversarial toward Russia can be excruciatingly painful, but you can make it stop any time! All it takes is a phone call.

Add to this the fact that the vicissitudes of Russian history have conditioned Russia’s population to expect the worst, and simply deal with it. “They can’t kill us all!” is another favorite saying. If Americans manage to make them suffer, the Russian people would no doubt find great solace in the fact they are making the Americans suffer even worse, and many among them would think that this achievement, in itself, is already a victory. Nor will they remain without help; it is no accident that Russia’s Minister of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, previously ran the Emergencies Ministry, and his performance at his job there won him much adulation and praise. In short, if attacked, the Russians will simply take their lumps—as they always have—and then go on to conquer and win, as they always have.

It doesn’t help matters that most of what little Americans have been told about Russia by their political leaders and mass media is almost entirely wrong. They keep hearing about Putin and the “Russian bear,” and so they are probably imagining Russia to be a vast wasteland where Vladimir Putin keeps company with a chess-playing, internet server-hacking, nuclear physicist, rocket scientist, Ebola vaccine-inventing, polyglot, polymath bear. Bears are wonderful, Russians love bears, but let’s not overstate things. Yes, Russian bears can ride bicycles and are sometimes even good with children, but they are still just wild animals and/or pets (many Russians can’t draw that distinction). And so when the Americans growl about the “Russian bear,” the Russians wonder, Which one?

In short, Russia is to most Americans a mystery wrapped in an enigma, and there simply isn’t a large enough pool of intelligent Americans with good knowledge of Russia to draw upon, whereas to many Russians the US is an open book. As far as the actual American “intelligence” and “security” services, they are all bloated bureaucratic boondoggles mired in political opportunism and groupthink that excel at just two things: unquestioningly following idiotic procedures, and creatively fitting the facts to the politics du jour. “Proving” that Iraq has “weapons of mass destruction”—no problem! Telling Islamist terrorists apart from elderly midwestern grandmothers at an airport security checkpoint—no can do!

Russia will not resort to military measures against the US unless sorely provoked. Time and patience are on Russia’s side. With each passing year, the US grows weaker and loses friends and allies, while Russia grows stronger and gains friends and allies. The US, with its political dysfunction, runaway debt, decaying infrastructure and spreading civil unrest, is a dead nation walking. It will take time for each of the United States to neatly demolish themselves into their own footprints, like those three New York skyscrapers did on 9/11 (WTC #1, #2 and #7) but Russia is very patient. Russia is ready to respond to any provocation, but the last thing the Russians want is another war. And that, if you like good news, is the best news you are going to hear. But if you still think that there is going to be a war with Russia, don’t think “Armageddon”; think “a thousand balls of flame,” and then—crickets!

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 DmitrI Orlov (Russian: Дми́трий Орло́в; born 1962) is a Russian-American engineer and a writer on subjects related to "potential economic, ecological and political decline and collapse in the United States," something he has called “permanent crisis”.[1] Orlov believes collapse will be the result of huge military budgets, government deficits, an unresponsive political system and declining oil production. Orlov was born in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg) and moved to the United States at the age of 12. He has a BS in Computer Engineering and an MA in Applied Linguistics. He was an eyewitness to the collapse of the Soviet Union over several extended visits to his Russian homeland between the late 1980s and mid-1990s.

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