A Useful Prep-Sheet on Syria for Media Propagandists

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State Department talking points on Syria for cable news anchors:

* Keep mentioning the barrel bombs. Do not mention how their use was pioneered by the Israeli Air Force in 1948, and how they were used by the U.S. Air Force in Vietnam in Operation Inferno in 1968. Keep repeating, “barrel bombs, barrel bombs” and stating with a straight face that the Syrian regime is using them “against its own people.” Against its own people. Against its own people. Against its own people.

* Keep mentioning “200,000.” (The UN estimates that 220,000 have been killed in the conflict since 2011.) Declare like you really believe it that this is the number of civilians the Syrian government of Bashar Assad has killed during the war. (Do not be concerned about any need to back the figure up. No one is ever going to call you on it publicly.)

Do NOT mention that around half of the war dead (estimates range from 84,000 to 133,000) are Syrian government forces waging war against an overwhelmingly Islamist opposition, and an additional 73,000 to 114,000 are anti-government combatants.

Do not discuss these figures because they would call into question the claim that the Syrian government is targeting and killing tens of thousands of civilians willy-nilly. (If feeling any qualms of conscience, recall Karl Rove’s immortal dictum that “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.”)

* Keep mentioning the “Arab Spring” and how in 2011 Syrians peacefully mobilized to challenge the regime were violently repressed. But don’t dwell on the Arab Spring too much. Realize that the State Department was actually shocked by it, particularly by its repercussions in Egypt, where democratization brought the Muslim Brotherhood to power before the U.S.-backed military drowned its opponents in blood.

And recall but do NOT mention how in Bahrain, peaceful demonstrations by the majority Shiites against the repressive Sunni monarchy were crushed by a Saudi-led invasion force tacitly supported by the U.S. And NEVER mention that the bulk of the peaceful protesters in the Syrian Arab Spring want nothing to do with the U.S.-supported armed opposition but are instead receptive to calls from Damascus, Moscow and Tehran for dialogue towards a power-sharing arrangement.

Do NOT explain that the pro-democracy student activists and their allies fear most is the radical Islamists who have burgeoned in large part due to foreign intervention since 2011.

* Keep mentioning the “Free Syrian Army” and the “moderate opposition” to give the impression that they actually exist in the real world.

Do NOT mention these things. They are so totally embarrassing that the State Department officials responsible just want to curl up into a ball and roll into a corner. Your mission is to put a bright face on this and continue to pretend there’s something in Syria, supported by the U.S., that falls between the terrorists and the Assad regime.

* Keep expressing consternation if not outrage that Russia is “interfering” in Syria. Scrunch up your face and act like you think it’s puzzling.

Do NOT mention that Syria is much closer to Russia than  to the U.S. and that Russia faces a much greater threat of Islamist terror than the U.S. (in places like Chechnya and Dagestan that your viewers can’t locate on a map).

Downplay the fact that Russia has had a military relationship with Syria since the 1950s no more nor less legitimate that the U.S. military relationship with Saudi Arabia. (And avoid any objective comparisons of the human rights records of Saudi Arabia and Syria since the former’s is manifestly so much worse than the latter’s!)

Do NOT imply any moral equivalence between Russia’s desire to prevent U.S.-backed regime change in Syria and the U.S.’s desire to inflict another Iraq or Libya-type regime change on that tragically war-torn country.

* Keep treating the Assad regime as an obvious pariah, whose leader has “lost legitimacy.” Say that with an air of authority, like you really believe that U.S. presidents—like Chinese emperors of the past or medieval popes— enjoy so much “legitimacy” that they can confer this on, or remove it from, anybody else.

Study CNN anchor Chris Cuomo’s facial expressions and body language when he announces—so matter-of-factly, as a self-evident fact, as a done deal—that (come on, everybody!) “Assad hast lost legitimacy.”


(Chris is your model. He’s the State Department’s pleasantly vapid headed scion-of-privilege poster boy, whose occasional dark flashes of indignation—especially those directed towards anyone questioning the official talking points on Russia—embody the attitude Foggy Bottom seeks to encourage in the corporate press.)

Do NOT remind viewers that the Syrian government is internationally recognized, holds a UN seat, retains cordial relations with most nations and is engaged in a life-and-death struggle against people who enslave, crucify, behead, bury alive and burn alive people and want to replace Syria’s modern secular government with a medieval religious one intolerant of any diversity.

* Keep insisting that the Assad regime somehow is responsible for, and even in league with, the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front and ISIL. Since this makes no logical sense, just have faith in the ignorance of the viewership and its disinclination to distinguish one Arab from another and to assume that they’re all linked in ways that aren’t worth even trying to sort out. Imply that by staying in power (and not complying with Obama’s demand that he step down) Assad has actually invited the presence of radical Islamists to his country, or provoked their emergence.

Do NOT mention that al-Qaeda offshoots have proliferated globally since the U.S. invaded and wrecked Iraq in 2003, in a war based entirely on lies, and that there was no al-Nusra Front or ISIL until the U.S. set out to effect regime change throughout the Middle East. Do NOT let on that State Department PR strategy is precisely to obfuscate the real causal relationship, and to impute to the beleaguered Assad phenomena actually generated by U.S. aggression in the region.

* Keep treating Russian President Vladimir Putin as America’s Enemy Number One, an ally of a Syrian government that U.S. has said must go, deploying force in Syria to bolster Assad rather than (as Moscow claims) to target ISIL.

Do NOT lend any credence to the Russian assertion that the Syrian Army is the force best placed to defeat ISIL. Do NOT point out the incongruity of the U.S. invading and attacking countries from Pakistan to Libya since 2001 while expressing alarm that Moscow is (after much hesitation) taking action against Islamist terrorists at Damascus’s invitation.

* Do not harp on the past, revisit history, or attempt to place the contemporary situation in Syria in perspective. Do NOT complicate the storyline by mentioning Damascus’s cooperation in the “War on Terror” and the U.S. use of Syrian torture chambers in its “special renditions” program after 2001. Do NOT mention Syria’s large Christian minority or its historical support for Assad’s Baath party, which was co-founded by a Syrian Christian.

Please keep everything simple, following the examples set by MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Scarborough and CNN’s Cuomo, and inculcate in the mind of the viewer that Assad is the main problem and most horrible actor in the Syrian situation. Tell them that Putin, while striving to revive the tsarist empire, is backing Assad as a loyal ally and using his military to prolong his rule that Washington condemns rather than (as he states) taking action against ISIL.

If you do all this, you will demonstrate your loyalty to the State Department, the bipartisan foreign policy consensus, the military-industrial complex, the One Percent, your advertisers, your producers and editors, and the unsung heroes behind the scenes who arrange your teleprompter scripts.

You too could be an Andrea Mitchell, or Christiane Amanpour, posturing as an “expert” while trotting out our talking points. And even after they’re exposed as bullshit, you won’t have to say you’re sorry. People will soon forget anyway.

Those unconscionable barrel bombs! 200,000 civilians killed by the illegitimate regime! U.S. support for the moderate opposition! Russia up to no good, supporting Assad and not really targeting ISI!. Russian moves “worrisome” (whereas U.S. moves are not.)

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Peter Lavelle’s on the Western media lies on virtually everything


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Obama Goes Potty at UN

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Obama walked into the UN thinking it was 2011, the year America opened its coffers and bought itself a civil war in Syria, paying off military leaders, booking al Qaeda terrorists and manufacturing an axis of evil that spread from Ukraine to Northern Nigeria and the maniacs of Boko Haram.

Obama hit a low note attacking Syria’s President Assad using the tired and ultra-fictional branded lie, the “barrel bomb.”  Were it not for Obama being burned back in 2013 when he planned to carpet bomb Damascus over phony claims of Sarin gas use, a repeat of the Bush era lies that pushed America into two losing wars that killed nearly 3 million so far, he would have tried to push that fairy tale to the UN also.

Putin to Obama:  “Do you realize what you have done?”

Mind you, Cameron and Merkel have abandoned Obama’s position on Syria and joined Putin as have so many other nations, the count is difficult to keep straight.

Putin to Netanyahu:  “We are deeply concerned about Israeli airstrikes against Syria”

Obama’s mistake is that he has lived with fantasy for so long, surrounded himself with weak people, has allowed intelligence agencies still controlled by Bush holdovers to lie to him daily.  Obama has been flying totally blind since taking office, with no understanding of intelligence, of the corruption he inherited and too gutless to clean out the 16 agencies that helped manufacture the War on Terror, turning America into the global advocate of kidnapping, torture and assassination.

UN's US delegation: an assembly of lying criminals.

UN’s US delegation: an assembly of cynical, self-righteous criminals. Imperial hubris defines them.

“…the US has given al Qaeda dozens of newer Stinger missiles capable of ranges above 15,000 feet, capable of downing airliners under the right circumstances.”

Let’s get a few points out early on.  Obama came to New York with dirty hands.  It isn’t just the resignation of General Allen and the $500 million dollar farce that has, thus far, turned American trainees into al Qaeda cadres with first line American weapons being publicly turned over to terrorists at war with the United States.  Though this was done on television, Obama and Kerry have chosen to ignore their failure and are, of course, doomed to continue arming terrorists who will eventually use the weapons the US gave them against American targets including commercial airliners.

Yes, the US has given al Qaeda dozens of newer Stinger missiles capable of ranges above 15,000 feet, capable of downing airliners under the right circumstances.

Obama had been warned by everyone that there was no moderate opposition and that attempting to recruit Syrian fighters to be trained in Turkey in bases shared by al Nusra/al Qaeda cadres was going to blow up in his face.  Obama’s bluster about the “tyrant” Assad just isn’t going to gain anything.

This again is Obama advisors who read Huffington Post and Bloomberg and think they are dealing with high level analysis done by failed chatroom bloggers.

Last month, VT caught the Pentagon peddling a number of absolute hoaxes through its “Earlybird” news service.  Totally false articles were planted by unfriendly foreign intelligence services specifically to be channeled into Pentagon information circles by highly paid contracting firms that use taxpayer dollars to misinform and propagandize America’s military.

The Greanville Post editors find the allegations of the use of tactical nuclear weapons expressed in the latter part of this Veterans Today article very problematic.  These claims should be met with an appropriate (high) level of caution, doubt and skepticism.  One of several tip-offs is the claim that "These new weapons, 4th and 5th generation nukes, use up nearly all their fuel unlike the earlier weapons which used as little as 5%.  These weapons leave no residual radiation."

Nuclear FISSION results in the release of a large amount of energy and the generation of numerous highly radioactive fission products.  More efficient fission weapons do not reduce the production of the radioactive fission products --- they simple reduce the amount of fissionable material that one must start with in a nuclear weapon to produce a given explosive force.  Thus, in the bombs dropped on Japan, only a small fraction of the fissionable material was converted to explosive energy.

In more efficient bombs, the same explosive energy could be obtained by starting with substantially less fissionable material, WITH PRODUCTION OF ABOUT THE SAME AMOUNT OF RADIOACTIVE FISSION PRODUCTS --- about the same amount of radioactive fallout.  The radioactive fission products from even a fission bomb approaching 100% efficiency of conversion would still be readily apparent and easily detectable.  The only (theoretical) nuclear bomb that does not generate highly radioactive isotopes is a pure FUSION bomb.  However, the necessary trigger for all fusion bombs is a fission device, and the fission device of course generates highly radioactive fission products. In fusion bombs, the fission device generates the very high temperatures and pressures necessary to fuse the light elements in the second stage of the device.

Readers probably recall all of the effort to develop "cold fusion" as a source of energy --- creating the very high temperatures and pressures necessary to fuse light elements in a contained environment, in a controlled fashion, without using a nuclear fission explosion.  Recall the photographs of the large, heavy machinery used by researchers to achieve this in the laboratory --- using powerful lasers, for example.  Yet, "cold fusion" with a net energy yield has remained elusive.  Note in the following Wikipedia article that "It has been claimed that it is possible to conceive of a crude, deliverable, pure fusion weapon, using only current day, unclassified technology. The weapon design weighs approximately 3 tonnes, and might have a total yield of approximately 3 tonnes of TNT. The proposed design uses a large explosively pumped flux compression generator to produce the high power density required to ignite the fusion fuel. From the point of view of explosive damage, such a weapon would have no clear advantages over a conventional explosive, but the massive neutron flux could deliver a lethal dose of radiation to humans within a 500 meter radius (most of those fatalities would occur over a period of months, rather than immediately)." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pure_fusion_weapon).

The operative language here is:  no clear advantage over a conventional explosive. The Greanville Post is highly motivated to publish only reliable information, or in cases of uncertainty, to clearly indicate an appropriate level of certainty/uncertainty.  We do this out of respect for readers and intellectual integrity.  Inaccurate information, even when well intentioned, leads to loss of confidence in readers and is destructive to the ultimate goal:  resisting imperialism in the infowar sphere.

Editorial annotation prepared by Senior Contributing Editor Daniel Wirt, MD.


Another point is the “ratline” of advanced weapons going to ISIS and al Nusra, sworn enemies of the US.  The most dangerous weapons are the TOW and Stinger missiles that are being used against the Syrian army and the Kurdish allies of the United States.  Additionally, these same American weapons are used in Iraq, in particular against the Iraqi army in the fall of Ramadi earlier this year.The missiles going to ISIS and al Nusra are airlifted from the United States to the American airbase in Constanta, Romania. The missiles, both TOW and Stinger, are part of a CIA program to arm the Kiev junta against a possible Russian confrontation.  Congress had blocked the use of these weapons by Ukraine but the CIA had “dark funded” and “greenlighted” the program.  Problem is, the weapons were sold to ISIS and company by Ukraine and openly transshipped by American aircraft to Tbilisi, Georgia from which they were trucked into Turkey and later to terrorists in Syria.VT personnel on the ground tracked the entire transaction, observing the loaded trucks, owned by British Petroleum and Bechtel Corporation, driven inside Georgia by Turkish intelligence personnel.  We saw the trucks, talked to the drivers and observed the crated cargos heading into Turkey.
This is quite different than “accidentally” spending hundreds of millions for the public humiliations dealt America through the defections of its “moderate rebel” trainees.This is the US sending advanced weapons to ISIS and company to attack the Kurds, the Iraqi Army and Syria.Let’s find another huge Obama gaff.  Back in May 2015, America supposedly sent the Delta Force into Syria, to Der Ezzor, to capture the ISIS oil baron.  First of all, anyone who wanted to stop ISIS oil revenue only needs to look to Spring, Texas where Exxon Corporation is located.  Exxon and British Petroleum have purchased over 80% of the stolen oil from Syria with the rest going to small refineries inside Turkey.The May 2015 attack was supposed to signal a new American program of “lightning strikes” inside Syria, mean to cripple ISIS capabilities.  Problem is this was the only attack, there were no more attacks, there was no program of “lighting strikes.”  Our intelligence, based on documents seized by Syrian Spetznaz indicated that the US sent in the Delta Force when America found out that a retired US Army General, commanding ISIS forces in both Iraq and Syria, had been located and was facing capture by Damascus led forces.Let’s take a second here to look at one of the biggest stories in the Middle East today, one totally boycotted and censored by the western press.  This isn’t just a “blogger/conspiracy theorist” issue.  It starts with documents recovered by the Syrians when the Delta Force blocked their attempt to capture the American commanding ISIS operations from Palmyra to Baghdad.

The documents recovered included emails from an Israeli command center asking ISIS forces in Palmyra to look for the “2nd Temple of Solomon” and to blow it up.  That temple, supposedly built by superhumans, perhaps aliens or even angels, is said to be tied to the first temple in Jerusalem.  The stories filling the press in the Middle East and even discussed by national leaders, stories verified in these captured documents, says that once the temple in Tadmoor or “Palmyra” is destroyed, Israel will mount an offensive on the al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.

Veterans Today published this in May and, as the world well knows, several temples in Palmyra have been destroyed and Israel has begun the attacks on the al Aqsa mosque.  The hypothesis is the American general, a religious extremist tied to Fox News, agreed to serve on the ground inside Syria directing ISIS operations, in order to accomplish the destruction of Palmyra.  This is well beyond conjecture.

There is one more Obama failure, one of nightmarish proportions and one quite unforgivable.  Veterans Today nuclear specialists including top level weapons design personnel and IAEA NNP (International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Non-Proliferation) specialists are preparing a White Paper outlining advances in nuclear weapons design from the late 1950s onward.  These new weapons, 4th and 5th generation nukes, use up nearly all their fuel unlike the earlier weapons which used as little as 5%.  These weapons leave no residual radiation.

Under directives from the Nixon era, directives directly from Henry Kissinger, America has empowered field commanders with the authority to freely use tactical nuclear weapons.  Conventional weapons have no flash, no mushroom cloud, no ball lightning.  Veterans Today has discovered inexorable evidence that the US has used tactical nuclear weapons against Serbia, Iraq and Afghanistan and that Israeli and Saudi nuclear weapons have been used against Syria and Yemen.  Further, we have access to classified US investigation findings that show that terror organizations directly under the control of national intelligence agencies have full and open access to nuclear weapons.

Here is the criteria, simply put, for knowing you are nuked:

  • Any explosion with a “flash” that is said to have hit a fertilizer or chemical plant, an arms depot or “missile storage center” is really a tactical nuclear weapon.
  • Any explosion of more than 4000 lbs of TNT in a combat environment where no plane can carry larger munitions is a nuclear weapon.
  • Any explosion that leaves a hard surface crater larger than 6 feet across “may” be assumed to be a nuclear weapon.

Undeniable proof exists that Syria was nuked by Israel on May 4, 2013.  Veterans Today, in meetings in Damascus that included representatives of Washington’s legal community, confirmed this attack.  The question to examine is why Syria and Russia remained silent.

The other issue is why and how President Obama has the nerve to pretend he has a bully pulpit with Iran or others when it can be safely assumed that Israel would not have used nuclear weapons without approval of President Obama.

This makes every word said by Obama since then a bare faced lie.  Top Syrian officials admitted to me that they were the victim of nuclear terrorism.  The United States is capable of detecting even the smallest nuclear event through its VELA satellite system.  On September 22, 1979, on Prince Edward Island south of Capetown, South Africa, America detected an Israeli nuclear test and remained silent, claiming a sensor error.

It is no minor thing allowing nuclear terrorism and still pushing the finger of blame in the world’s face as though America weren’t totally complicit in real nuclear terrorism on a massive scale.

No one doubts America’s nuclear attack on the Baghdad airport in 2003.  It was “allowed” as retribution for 9/11, a terror act where Iraq was, perhaps, the least complicit of any actor in the world.

Let me reiterate, America has been using tactical nuclear weapons for decades, dozens, perhaps more all the while pretending to take the moral high ground.  To American commanders, the tactical nuke is the “go to” solution where large airstrikes might be simply “inconvenient.”  We stand ready to prove all of this using open source documentation.  It is that easy and we continue to wonder why no one else has bothered?  We all know the answer to that one, don’t we.

Watching Obama talk about “tyrants” and “barrel bombs” turns my stomach.  America runs ISIS, let’s all admit it.  America planted the brutal dictatorship in Kiev and has been warmongering against Russia since.

America knows its thugs downed MH17 and America has been totally responsible for the coverup and quite likely for the act itself.

America and Turkey have staged the refugee disaster that is crippling Europe today, part of a global strategy planned at the Rand Corporation by failed academics and “hangers on.”

There are very few opportunities like today where President Obama could have risen out of the filth and ignorance of his predecessors and spoken truth.  What was he thinking?


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Marine Vietnam veteran Gordon Duff  (disabled) serves as a senior editor with Veterans Today. Duff  has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. His extensive resume comprises many areas of geopolitics and institutional conflict. 

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License to Kill

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Samantha Power, US Ambassador to the UN. Like her predecessors, a tool for imperial machinations.

Samantha Power, US Ambassador to the UN. Like her predecessors, a sanctimonious tool for imperial machinations and criminal mayhem across the globe.

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Let’s face it: the United States feels entitled to a license to kill.

On 23 September, Samantha Power, US Ambassador to the United Nations, insisted that the Russian veto power in the Security Council was endangering its legitimacy. Russia had vetoed four Security Council resolutions on Syria. Understandably, the US rabid dogs of war are straining at the chain to which international law constrains them. How dare Russia oppose US plans for regime change in Syria and impede a further blood bath to achieve it?

An indefatigable humanitarian warmonger, Power resents Russia’s opposition to a resolution to bomb the hell out of “atrocities” in Syria, without specifying that the main “atrocity” in her government’s eyes is President Assad.

No, no—it’s her humanitarian concern over the 250,000 Syrian already dead [she means to add more by bombing in their names]; it’s the refugees’ flight she means to stem [by blocking their path with bombs].

Nest of vipers in the White House: Obama, Power, and fierce neocon imperialist Susan Rice (leaning on desk).

Nest of miscreants in the White House: Obama, Power, and unrepentant neocon Susan Rice (leaning on desk). “What does this lot of inept, ignorant, amoral, public-relations careerist frauds care about the Constitution—or about truth and justice and a harmonious world…?”


Russia is preventing all this humanitarianism: “It’s a Darwinian universe here,” she tells The Guardian. “If a particular body reveals itself to be dysfunctional, then people are going to go elsewhere, and if that happened for more than Syria and Ukraine and you started to see across the board paralysis … it would certainly jeopardise the security council’s status and credibility and its function as a go-to international security arbiter. It would definitely jeopardise that over time.”

She’s right to say, “It’s a Darwinian universe,” but it’s one for which the US is solely responsible, set on insuring the survival of its species along a path of death, destruction, and chaos, shredding international law as it goes. Soberly (how alien feels the voice of reason compared to the screeching tantrums of American functionaries), Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s UN Ambassador, responded to Power’s allegations by pointing out the obvious:

Some countries were trying to involve the Security Council in regime change operations in Syria and we were telling them that it’s not the business of the Security Council to go into regime change mode. This is a fundamental difference and it’s not the fault of the Security Council that this difference is there.

Power addresses the 2015 American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference in Washington, Monday, March 2, 2015. Why should a supposedly national and public official attend the proceedings of a foreign lobby? (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)

Power addresses the 2015 American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference in Washington, Monday, March 2, 2015. Why should a supposedly national public official attend the proceedings of a foreign lobby? (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)

It certainly isn’t. The task of the United Nations, as per its Charter, is “to prevent the scourge of war”; the task of the Security Council is to resolve disputes, authorizing war only after all other options for peace fail. This awesome responsibility is subject to veto. The veto is a restraining mechanism for members too fond of wars. Besides, nowhere in the Charter does it say that a single member should take it upon itself to go on humanitarian crusades for unilaterally perceived and selectively declared atrocities or genocides, but this option is what the US is beginning to argue for—an option that would permit the removal of the veto in cases of Right to Protect (R2P), the US policy which materialized out of the NATO assault on Yugoslavia. You kill a nation in order to protect it. And Russia is crazy enough to oppose this humanitarian medicine. Legalistic perverts.

Stalin was prescient at Yalta. He accepted to participate in the United Nations only if each of the five permanent members of the Security Council would be allowed veto power. His great concern was prevention of war, which, he argued, could only be achieved through unity and unanimity among the Big Three. Samantha Power’s teleprompters work her up in a lather, conveniently forgetting to tell her that the UN Charter is a treaty signed by the US in the name of the people of the United States and is, therefore, the law of the land, as per the US Constitution. Arbitrarily removing Russia from its veto rights in the Security Council violates the UN Charter and, thus, it’s unconstitutional.

“Nowhere in the [UN] Charter does it say that a single member should take it upon itself to go on humanitarian crusades for unilaterally perceived and selectively declared atrocities or genocides…”

But what does this lot of inept, ignorant, amoral, public-relations careerist frauds care about the Constitution—or about truth and justice and a harmonious world? They are drunk with the wine of desolation. Lies and injustice are for them signs of superior intelligence—a joke on the credulous mob. Injustice is a source of strength and happiness, and the privilege of the strong. As the Empire crumbles, only might makes right.

Power trying to dragoon the UN Russian delegate, V. Churkin on a vote on Ukraine.

Power trying to intimidate the UN Russian delegate, V. Churkin on a vote on Ukraine.

In Plato’s Republic, this was the view of Thrasymachus, who voiced the cynicism of a morally and politically deteriorating Athenian state and empire. Socrates counter posed the idea of justice as the bedrock of a harmonious social order, monitored by reason to keep the appetites in check. But the Empire is insatiable—it knows only appetite: more oil, more forests, water, and gas, more copper, iron, gold. As the appetite grows, reason wanes, and the result is a war against humanity and the planet, waged by moral midgets the likes of Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama and the minions who descend like locusts to serve them. “The sleep of reason breeds monsters,” said Goya. These’RThem—our “public” servants outsourced to Appetite, Inc., the devouring breed.

How refreshing to think of a sensual, passionate quotation by D.H. Lawrence, embracing truth and justice, in contrast to the appetitive society’s lust for pleasure in power, a cold and death-embracing passion—a “waste of shame”:

The profoundest of all sensualities is the sense of truth and the next deepest sensual experience is the sense of justice.


Special Contributing Editor Luciana Bohne is co-founder of Film Criticism, a journal of cinema studies, and teaches at Edinboro University in Pennsylvania. She can be reached at: lbohne@edinboro.edu

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Brace Yourself, New York! The Annual Anti-Iran Terrorist Freak Show Is Back in Town!

By Caleb T. MaupinScreen Shot 2015-09-26 at 3.21.44 PM

MEK supporters outside UNO HQ in NYC.

MEK supporters outside UNO HQ in NYC.

You would think that individuals claiming to be “Islamic Marxists”, former members of an illegal Zionist terrorist organization, and Republican elected officials would generally not associate with each other. However, once a year for the last decade or so, they all gather together in front of the United Nations during its General Assembly to display their insanity to the world by calling for greater hostility between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Already on September 21, some of the early arrivals were out in front of the United Nations. With sandwich boards and like carnival barkers, a few blocks down from where the Lyndon LaRouche movement was set up, a group of elderly, agitated Persians tried to pass themselves off as “Human Rights Activists.”

All it takes is a little bit of research to discover that the psychologically disturbed protesters in bright yellow shirts with “No to Rouhani” on them are members of the Mujahideen-e-Khalq (People’s Holy Warriors). This is a violent cult whose members claim to be “Islamic Marxists” while they openly collaborate with Israel’s Mossad and the US Central Intelligence Agency. (http://www.cnn.com/2011/OPINION/09/12/abdi.dont.delist.mek/)

Mass Murderers as “Human Rights Activists”

Led by Massoud and Maryam Rajavi, this group of fanatics has killed at least tens of thousands of innocent people since the Iranian revolution of 1979. When the group discovered that it would not win out in the aftermath of the Islamic Revolution, it went on a killing spree, bombing meetings of the Iranian parliament and assassinating elected officials throughout the country.

During the Iraq-Iran, war the Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK) befriended Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Hussein’s forces air-dropped bands of MEK fighters into Iran where, as the self-named “Iranian National Liberation Army,” they slaughtered entire villages. After the Iraq-Iran war, the MEK set up shop in Iraq where Saddam Hussein utilized them as his personal goon squad, sending them out to slaughter Kurdish villages.

MEK Carnival Barkers at UN 2

MEK Carnival Barkers at UN.

In the 1990s the group officially ordered all of its members to divorce their spouses, as marriage was considered to be a distraction from the goal of overthrowing the Iranian government. The group has long departed from the foundations of the Islamic faith (or Marxism, for that matter.—Eds.). MEK cadre now consider its founder Massoud Rajavi to be a prophet — at once existing on the same spiritual level as Mohammed and Christ while offering more revolutionary brilliance than Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. (US extremist Reverend Jim Jones of the People’s Temple, whose followers committed mass suicide in Guyana, had a similar claim, describing himself as the combined reincarnation of Jesus and Lenin.)

Masoud Rajavi hasn’t been heard from since the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, but his spouse, Maryam Rajavi, is now the public face of the organization. From exile in France, Rajavi declares herself the president of Iran, even though virtually everyone in Iran considers her a traitor and mass murderer for her atrocities during the Iraq-Iran war.

Though it doesn’t make any real political sense, the Rajavi cult has fallen into favor among the Likud Party of Netanyahu and the Republican Party of Jeb Bush. MEK and the Mossad carried out joint operations assassinating nuclear scientists in Iran. As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton officially legalized the Mujahadeen-e-Khalq in 2013, despite its record of killing Americans and routinely torturing and arbitrarily executing people inside its camps. (http://www.hrw.org/legacy/backgrounder/mena/iran0505/ )

The group now openly operates in the United States, paying figures like former New York City Mayor Rudolph Guiliani and former Governor of Pennsylvania Tom Ridge tens of thousands of dollars to act as their paid representatives.

Racist Street Thugs Who Support Israel

Another regular of the annual anti-Iran song-and-dance extravaganza outside the United Nations is New York State Assembly member Dov Hikind. Hikind openly brags that he was once a member of the Jewish Defense League. (http://www.thenation.com/article/former-terror-suspect-leading-attack-brooklyn-college-bds-panel/)

Though the JDL frequently invoked the holocaust to justify its terrorism, in the 1980s the group decided to focus its attacks on the country which defeated Nazi Germany and liberated most of the concentration camps: Russia. 

The Jewish Defense League originated as a group of anti-Black racists who wanted to prevent African-Americans from moving into heavily Jewish neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens. When there was widespread criticism of Israel during the 1967 war, the group suddenly developed an interest in international politics and began attacking Israel’s opponents. Throughout the 1970s and 80s, the JDL carried out a string of bombings and assassinations. The Black Panther Party, Jews who criticized Israel and the organized political left were among its primary targets.

Though the JDL frequently invoked the holocaust to justify its terrorism, in the 1980s the group decided to focus its attacks on the country which defeated Nazi Germany and liberated most of the concentration camps. When the Soviet orchestra performed in New York City, JDL bombed the theaters. Soviet diplomats at the United Nations frequently found themselves dodging JDL attacks as they tried to negotiate and prevent nuclear war.

Hikind (left) with political associates, while assemblyman in NY state.

Hikind (left) with political associates, while assemblyman in NY state.

Dov Hikind, now a kingmaker among Orthodox Jews in the Democratic Party, admits he was one of the rank-and-file who bowed at the feet of Rabbi Meir Kahane and carried out his orders as a member of what is widely recognized to have been a terrorist organization.

In more recent times, Hikind has focused more on trying to ban books from Brooklyn’s public libraries (http://brooklyn.news12.com/news/eyebrows-raised-over-access-to-erotic-books-at-brooklyn-public-library-1.5662870) and dressing in racist blackface costumes for Purim celebrations (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/26/nyregion/hikind-defends-wearing-blackface-to-purim-party.html?_r=0) than on bombing or shooting people with whom he politically disagrees. He still proclaims he has “no regrets” about joining a violent organization that even the Israeli government has outlawed.

Hikind recently got intentionally arrested outside the office of Chuck Schumer in a demonstration against the P5+1 Nuclear conclusion. The video shows Hikind, clearly inexperienced when it comes to street protests that don’t involve lead pipes or Molotov cocktails, trying to get a reluctant group of supporters to chant “Chuck, Chuck the Deal” as he positions himself for a planned symbolic arrest. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL0ODfbr4nY)

Desperate Rage Against Prospects for Peace

The admitted terrorists Dov Hikind and the Mujahideen-E Khalq will only be sideshows at the upcoming display of insanity outside the UN headquarters. The mainstream of the crowd will be rank-and-file New York Republicans, Donald Trump supporters, and members of the World Zionist Organization. These forces have already made a point of countering the peaceful rallies supporting the nuclear deal at congressional offices in New York.

While having less of a violent history, the small crowds of elderly right-wing New Yorkers protesting the nuclear deal are equally delusional. In response to moveon.org protesters supporting the deal on the Upper East side of Manhattan, elderly Republicans shouted bizarre statements like “Iran is responsible for 9/11,” “Iran is part of ISIS,” and “Osama Bin Laden was an Iranian.”

The knowledge of global politics, history, or even basic geography among this angry, hateful crowd is extremely limited. Their analysis of the Middle East consists of “The Arabs are bad, and they are all in it together, so let’s kill them all.” Many of them do not even realize that Iranians are Persians, not Arabs.

Though their lack of knowledge of anything to do with Islam is very apparent, these FOX news junkies strut around pretending to be experts, beginning each and every hate-filled rant with “I’ve read the Koran.” Almost every New York City workplace has one of these socially awkward, hate-filled Islamophobes. Office managers across the city love the token office Republican; he keeps people hard at work in their cubicles, because when he gets up for a drink no one wants to be anywhere near the watercooler.

George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq in 2004 depended on such ignorance. Educated people throughout the world would never be convinced that the Iraqi Baath Arab Socialist Party and Al-Qaeda had tag-teamed to bring down the World Trade Center, but the racism and ignorance of certain sectors of the US public can never be underestimated.

The tragic part of this annual hatefest against the Islamic Republic is the double standard. As the UN General Assembly rolls around once again, we can expect the mainstream US press to treat the anti-Iran, pro-war hate circus as a gathering of “responsible Americans” who are “deeply concerned about terrorism.” One or more of the Republican presidential candidates is expected to attend to join the extremist mob outside the United Nations. The double standard is rather blatant. One can only imagine what would be said if President Obama or Bernie Sanders were to address a crowd of unapologetic terrorists and individuals who claim to be “Islamic Marxists.”

As Rouhani continues his call for a “World Against Violence and Extremism” from inside the UN General Assembly hall, the group of violent extremists will be outside screaming louder than ever. However, US public opinion and the sentiments of people all over the world are against them. The tone of this year’s rally is likely to be far more desperate.

Caleb Maupin is a radical journalist and political analyst who resides in New York City. Originally from Ohio, he studied political science at Baldwin-Wallace College. In addition to his journalism, analysis, and commentary, he has engaged in political activism. He is a member of Workers World Party and Fight Imperialism – Stand Together (FIST).  He is a youth organizer for the International Action Center and was involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement from its planning stages in August of 2011. He has worked against police brutality, mass incarceration, and imperialist war. He works to promote revolutionary ideology, and to support all who fight against the global system of monopoly capitalist imperialism.



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Ivan the Terrible —Eisenstein’s classic, vibrant and controversial to this day.



Published on YouTube by IcoNauta on Nov 21, 2013. We are grateful to IcoNauta for his love of classic cinema and generosity.


Ivan the Terrible (Russian: Иван Грозный, Ivan Grozniy) is a two-part historical epic film about Ivan IV of Russia commissioned by Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin, who admired and identified himself with Ivan, to be written and directed by the filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein. Part I was released in 1944 but Part II was not released until 1958, as it was banned on the order of Stalin, who became incensed over the depiction of Ivan therein...Stalin's decision has been rarely seriously explained, and Western propagandists, as usual, have had a field day with it, as "further proof of Stalin's tyranny and paranoia." Below, a summary history of the film by Wikipedia.



Stalin Prize).

Mosfilm in 1946. However, it offended Stalin because it depicted state terrorism at the hands of a mad Ivan. The unshown film received heavy criticism from various state authorities who had seen it, along with Stalin, at a special showing. It was only during the Khrushchev thaw that followed the death of Stalin in 1953 and the denunciation of Stalin therein, that the film was finally released in 1958, 10 years after Eisenstein’s death.


The score for the films was composed by Sergei Prokofiev.

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Ravaged by time or by the Times?

MOVIE REVIEW | The New York Times

Ivan the Terrible Part 2 (1946)

Screen: ‘Ivan the Terrible, Part II’; Eisenstein’s 1947 Film Opens at Murray Hill Cherkassov Heads Cast of Soviet Production

Published: November 25, 1959

WHOEVER it was in Soviet Russia that compelled withholding for twelve years the release of Part II of the late Sergei Eisenstein’s “Ivan the Terrible” was every bit as good a movie critic as he was a stern Russian chauvinist. He might have ordered the film put away forever and have done a service to Eisenstein.

For this second part of what the great director originally intended to be an Ivan trilogy (which he was prevented from completing by a series of heart attacks and then death in 1948) is a murkily monolithic and monotonous series of scenes with little or no dramatic continuity and only fitful dynamic quality.

The first part of “Ivan the Terrible” proved a monumental sort of film, conveying the dark magnificence of Russian medievalism, when it was shown here twelve years ago. This second part, which went on last evening at the Murray Hill Theatre, is but a pale extension of that great tableau, appearing to have been made from pieces of it picked up from the cutting-room floor.

Evidently the spark of inspiration and vigorous concept along pictorial lines that fired Eisenstein when he was making his first study of the reign of Ivan IV had burned out when he got around to this look-in on the phase of the sixteenth-century czar’s career that embraced his return to Moscow from foreign adventures and his suppression of intriguers in the land.

None of the fine panoramic sweep of medieval spectacle that was in the coronation sequence in the earlier film is anywhere matched in this. Nor is there anything here to compare with the sense of supreme ferocity and almost barbaric aggressiveness that ran through the earlier film.

All there really is in this picture is a series of slowly paced scenes, most of them done with facial close-ups, intended to represent Ivan’s bitter dispatch of treacherous boyars (feudal aristocrats) and his ponderously planned trap to catch a plotter who would assassinate him. The political explanations are long and tedious, becoming much confused in the hurried flashing of English subtitles to convey the Russian dialogue. Who is chasing whom and who gets butchered are matters of some doubt and less dramatic concern.

Nikolai Cherkassov’s performance—or rather, his appearance—in the Ivan role is mainly a matter of his posing in grotesque get-ups and attitudes. The indication is that he is supposed to represent a lonely and angry man. He appears to be more of a mad one, with a peculiarly pointed head. The rumor that the reason this picture was suppressed for so long was because it made Ivan look maniacal may well be true and reasonable. In this film he seems akin to Rasputin, the latter-day Mad Monk.

As the gullible boy who would kill him, Piotr Kadochnikov is stupid in looks and generally static in behavior, and as the intriguing mother of this lad, Serafima Birman resembles a Halloween witch. Andrei Abrikosov is a heavily cowled villain in the role of the treacherous religious leader of Moscow, and swarms of extras play boyars with beards.

The musical score of Sergei Prokofieff fails to put much more than sound behind the scenes.

The place for this last of Eisenstein’s pictures is in a hospitable museum.

Also on the bill at the Murray Hill is “The World of Rubens,” a twenty-minute film that tells the story of the great Flemish painter’s life through reflection on his works.
The Cast
Ivan IV . . . . . Nikolai Cherkassov
The Boyarina . . . . . Serafima Birman
Vladimir Andreyevich . . . . . Plotr Kadochnikov
Malyuta Skuratov . . . . . Mikhail Zharov
Philip . . . . . Andrei Abrikosov
Pimen . . . . . Alexander Mgebrov
Prince Andrel Kurbsky . . . . . Nikolai Nazvanov
Alexei Basamanov . . . . . Alexei Buchma
Fyodor . . . . . Mikhail Kuznetsov
Plotr Volynets . . . . . Vladimir Balashov
King Sigismund Aueustus . . . . . Pavel Massalskv





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