Rochdale and the future of democracy

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Thomas Fazi

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Rochdale and the future of democracy

The panicked reaction of the establishment shows just how fearful elites are of the people

George Galloway

George Galloway, MP, hosting his immensely popular show, MOATS, dedicated to current affairs. His cogency, brillance, and courage make him a formidable enemy of a ruling class unaccustomed to such threats.

By-elections — elections held in a single constituency to replace an elected member of Parliament who has died or resigned — usually don’t make headlines, especially when they’re held in small constituencies. However, the recent by-election in Rochdale, a small town in Greater Manchester, one of the UK’s most deprived areas, was different. The landslide victory of a radical working-class outsider like George Galloway — former Labour MP, longtime anti-imperialist and pro-Palestinian advocate, and now leader of the Workers Party of Britain, an old-school anti-NATO and anti-EU socialist party — is causing a political earthquake.

Galloway placed the bipartisan support of the UK’s two main parties for Israel’s exterminationist campaign in Gaza at the centre of his grassroots campaign, with a particular emphasis on the complicity of Keir Starmer’s Labour. It paid off: Galloway won twice as many votes as Labour and Conservative combined. “Keir Starmer, this is for Gaza”, Galloway said in his victory speech. “You will pay a high price for the role that you have played in enabling, encouraging and covering for the catastrophe presently going on in occupied Gaza, in the Gaza Strip”.

support a ceasefire. So this isn’t about the ethnic or religious makeup of Rochdale; it’s about the UK government’s bipartisan support for Israel’s genocidal policies in Gaza — and the people’s growing opposition to it.

10-minute speech simply to address the results of the Rochdale by-election.

In the rather chilling speech, Sunak accused Galloway of being a terrorist sympathiser and, perhaps even more ominously, of being part of a broader extremist attack on democracy itself — against which the government would now be “taking action”. Sunak then went on to rehearse a script that we’ve become accustomed to in recent months: conflating the mass pro-Palestine and pro-ceasefire demonstrations with violence, antisemitism and pro-terrorist apology — despite the fact that these mass protests have been unequivocally peaceful, have been attended by people of all faiths, including thousands of Jewish people, and have been conspicuously devoid (with single-digit exceptions) of pro-Hamas imagery and slogans.

The intent is clear: to criminalise people’s right to protest — or even to vote for candidates who oppose the uniparty’s policies on key domestic and/or foreign policy issues. All in the name of the “fight against extremism” (Sunak mentioned the term 13 times throughout his speech). In this sense, Sunak’s speech heralds a dangerous turning point in the authoritarian and anti-democratic regression of British society — and Western societies more in general — which has been unfolding for various years now.

Indeed, there is something decidedly Orwellian, to put it mildly, about a billionaire oligarch who has never been legitimated in a national vote, and who is actively supporting a plausible genocide (according to the International Court of Justice), one of the most extreme policies imaginable, accusing a working-class politician who has just overwhelmingly won a popular vote, on a ceasefire platform shared by the majority of Britons, of being anti-democratic and an extremist — and promising to “take action” against the movement he represents.

This tells us a lot about the state of Western “democracy” — and our elites’ conception of the latter. It tells us that they’ve become so averse to democracy that they’re shocked at the idea that people might actually use the ballot box to elect someone who’s not part of the oligarchy. From their perspective, the electoral “democratic” process serves only one purpose: to whitewash the fact that we live under a de facto system of oligarchic rule, in which the rules of the game are rigged by, and in favour of, the ruling classes.

The more illegitimate a power is, the more it will perceive even the tiniest challenge to its rule as an existential threat — to a degree proportional to the power inequalities that characterise the regime in question.

legal persecution is there to dramatically testify.

We need to be honest about the implications of this: challenging the system through the electoral process has become close to impossible. Indeed, one can only shudder at the thought of the “dirty war” the establishment would wage on Galloway’s party if it were to start gaining traction at the national level. This, however, doesn’t mean that we should give up on democracy [as a goal] altogether. After all, the panicked reaction of the British establishment to Galloway’s victory is a testament to the impact that even a small, relatively uninfluential local election can have.

But why? After all, Galloway becoming an MP doesn’t shift the power balance within Parliament, let alone the government, by one iota. Moreover, we’ve just said that the the ruling classes wield almost unlimited power — and are effectively able to safely control the (outcome of the) “democratic” process, at least at the national level. So what are they so afraid of? Couldn’t they just have shrugged off Galloway’s victory and got on with it? Why mount a head-on attack on him?

About a century ago, during the Fascist era, an Italian historian and sociologist named Guglielmo Ferrero found himself pondering upon a similar question. He had been deeply shocked by the murder, in 1924, of the socialist politician Giacomo Matteotti at the hands of the Fascist regime — not only because it revealed the latter’s brutality, but because Ferrero failed to understand the logic behind it. Sure, Matteotti was an outspoken critic of Fascism and Benito Mussolini — but he was also virtually the only member of Parliament to openly criticise the regime. Mussolini could count on a completely subservient Parliament, including the formal opposition. He could whisk through whatever law he wanted, and did. So why was Mussolini, who projected an aura of absolute self-confidence in public, so afraid of Matteotti’s solitary opposition — to the point of murdering him? Ferrero couldn’t wrap his head around it.

The more he pondered on the issue, the more he realised that Mussolini’s apparently irrational behaviour had numerous historical precedents — most notably, Napoleon’s coup d’état of 1799, through which he outlawed all independent newspapers and established a military dictatorship under his absolute control. “Why did Napoleon, who was already an incredibly popular military commander, feel so threatened by the voices of a few critical journalists and lawmakers to the point of effectively outlawing any form of dissent?”, Ferrero asked himself.

Ferrero’s intellectual investigation resulted in the publication of one of his most important books, The Principles of Power. In it, Ferrero offers an explanation of the behaviour of these all-powerful-yet-apparently-fearful leaders in terms of the relationship between power and legitimacy. “Principles of legitimacy are justifications of power, that is, of the right to rule”, Ferrero wrote. “Of all human inequalities none is as important in its effects or has greater need of logical justification than that established by power”. Power, in other words, because it implies a deeply unequal relationship between the ruler and the ruled, requires legitimacy — or consent, we might say. The greater the power that is wielded, the more legitimacy, or consent, is required to sustain it.

No power, no matter how great, can be wielded indefinitely without legitimacy. Rulers understand this iron law of history very well, which is why, according to Ferrero, power that is gained or exercised illegitimately — especially following a coup — inevitably causes fear to insinuate itself into the minds of rulers, leading to increasingly paranoid, repressive and fearful regimes. The more illegitimate a power is, the more it will perceive even the tiniest challenge to its rule as an existential threat — to a degree proportional to the power inequalities that characterise the regime in question.

I believe Ferrero’s analytical prism goes a long way in explaining what is happening today in the West. Our ruling elites are hugely powerful, but their power is illegitimate — they rule, and are able to reproduce their rule, for no other reason other than the fact that they are powerful. It’s a purely autochthonous form of power, but one that lacks the legitimacy of previous forms of autochthonous power, such as monarchies. They have no no legitimating symbolic reservoir, or “secular theology,” to draw from. Alongside fear — their claim to be protecting us from evil forces out to get us, be it Russia, terrorists, viruses, etc. — the only legitimising force the oligarchs have left is “democracy”. The vote is ultimately the only thing that lends some legitimacy to their de facto absolute rule.

This is why they go to great lengths to control the democratic process — but can’t afford to do away with it altogether. Because, if they were to do so, all that would be left would be raw, naked elite rule, revealed in all its illegitimacy. But even this so-called democratic legitimacy is wearing increasingly thin — and elites know this. Hence their fear, which in turn leads to a constant tightening of the bolts of social control (greater censorship, repression, etc., as well as the constant search for foreign enemies) — and to hysterical reactions to even the slightest challenge to their rule.

In this context, even though we shouldn’t foster too many illusions about the possibility of using the democratic process, under the current conditions, to fundamentally alter the balance of power, we nonetheless can, and should, use the democratic process to expose the true, fundamentally rigged, nature of the system — and thus chip away at the last legitimising force elites have left. Only by exposing the absolute illegitimacy of their absolute power can we hope to challenge their rule — and create the conditions for building a true democracy. This is why, despite everything, elites still fear democracy. In this sense, the Rochdale by-election might truly prove to be “historic”.

Thanks for subscribing. Putting out high-quality journalism requires constant research, most of which goes unpaid, so if you appreciate my writing please consider upgrading to a paid subscription. Aside from a fuzzy feeling inside of you, you’ll get access to exclusive articles and commentary.

Thomas Fazi


Twitter: @battleforeurope 

Latest book: The Covid Consensus: The Global Assault on Democracy and the Poor—A Critique from the Left (co-authored with Toby Green)

MAR 02, 2024

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Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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Joe Lauria

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netanyahu - sunak 10 downing st

Above photo: U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak with Israel’s Prime Minister in London in March. Simon Walker, No 10 Downing Street.

London’s Mayor, 50 Labour MPs And Winston Churchill’s Grandson Have Joined Widening Calls To Defy Israel’s Impunity By Demanding The U.K. Stop Sending It Arms.

Even Winston Churchill’s grandson is calling for Britain to stop shipping arms to Israel.

Asked whether it was time for Britain to stop sending weapons to Israel after it killed seven international aid workers this week, the Conservative peer Lord Nicholas Soames said, “It’s probably time that that happened now, yes, I think if we’re determined to show that we are not prepared to countenance these ongoing disasters.”

The rebellion within British ruling circles against knee-jerk support for Israel is spreading after the killing of the aid workers and after leaked audio recordings on Saturday revealed the British government is ignoring the advice of its own lawyers not to continue supplying weapons to Israel for its Gaza operation without risking complicity in crimes against humanity. 

On Wednesday, more than 600 British lawyers, academics and retired senior judges — including three who sat on the country’s Supreme Court — wrote to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak imploring him to cut off military aid and even called for sanctions against the most senior Israeli leaders.

The rebellion is erupting in both major parties, as well as in the Liberal Democrats, which on Thursday wrote to No. 10’s ethics advisor to urge a probe into whether U.K. arms sales could be a breach of Britain’s ministerial code. The letter said “the UK must not be complicit in breaches of international humanitarian law,” The Guardian reported.

The Labour Party is in upheaval as the mayor of London and 50 Labour MPs on Thursday said Britain should no longer arm a state that is increasingly unable to hide its crimes. “In my view, the fact the government is not publishing the legal advice, one can only draw one conclusion,” Mayor Sadiq Khan told the Politics Joe website. “I think the government should be pausing all sales of weapons to Israel. I think we should be holding to account the Israeli government.”  He added: It’s got to stop.”

As he tries to unify a fractious party over the issue, Labour leader Keir Starmer has not gone beyond calling for the legal advice mentioned in the leaked audio to be made public.

Britain exported £42 million of weapons to Israel in 2023.  Figures since Oct. 7 last year have not yet been released.  A British break with Israel on Gaza would be politically more significant than the size of the arms transfers.

Torys Imploding Too

Rebellion is breaking out in the ruling Conservative Party as well. Churchill’s grandson has been joined by Lord Hugo Swire and three Tory MPs – Paul Bristow, Flick Drummond and David Jones – in demands that arms shipments be halted.

Sir Alan Duncan, a figure reviled by Julian Assange supporters for gleefully organizing his arrest from the Ecuador Embassy in April 2019, is being investigated by the Conservative Party for potentially “anti-semitic” remarks after he criticized pro-Israel Tory “extremists.”

“The time has come to flush out those extremists in our own parliamentary politics, and around it, some of whom are at the very top of government, or have been,” he told a radio interviewer on Thursday. “They have never been called to account by journalists to say: Do you agree with your own party’s policy? Do you condemn illegal settlements?’”

Duncan, a former minister in Conservative Theresa May’s government, added: “Conservative Friends of Israel has been doing the bidding of [Benjamin] Netanyahu, bypassing all proper processes of government, to exercise undue influence at the top of government.”

A worldwide movement to stop arms sales to Israel is growing:


David Cameron, the former prime minister, current foreign secretary and prospective Tory leader once again, is reportedly under pressure from these party “extremists” because he doesn’t share their fanatical devotion to Israel.  This is a man who as prime minister once called Gaza an “open-air prison.” He is far more restrained in his criticism now. But he’s feeling the heat in party backrooms.

The Guardian reports:

“For weeks there have been grumblings among pro-Israeli Conservative MPs, sometimes expressed in private meetings with the foreign secretary, David Cameron, that he should dial back his criticism of Israel and accept that, if it is in the UK’s strategic interest for Hamas to be defeated, lives may have to be lost due to the war.

It does not help that many of Israel’s strongest supporters in the Conservatives are on the party’s right and Lord Cameron is seen as a centrist in a party that laid modernisation to rest with his resignation in 2016.”

Cameron refused to answer any questions on Gaza Thursday morning when interviewed by the BBC.

The British establishment, in both parties, have begun to rip themselves apart over what Israel  is doing in Gaza and Britain’s role in it. It is a debate, frankly, that should have begun six days after Israel’s assault began, not six months later.

But it nonetheless augurs poorly for the continued staunch support of a state that can no longer easily hide its crimes behind the historic persecution of its people 80 years ago.

Some U.K. civil servants threaten to strike fearing liability for approving arms shipments:

Biden's Pantomime

Meanwhile in the United States, President Joe Biden “threatened” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a telephone call Thursday that he could condition future U.S. support for Israel’s military campaign on how Israel treats Palestinian civilians.

Reported The New York Times:

“During an evidently tense 30-minute call … Mr. Biden went further than ever before in pressing for change in the military operation that has inflamed many Americans and others around the world. But the White House stopped short of directly saying the president would halt arms supplies or impose conditions for their use, as fellow Democrats have urged him to do.”

Biden is clearly in danger of losing re-election in large part because of his unpopular Gaza policy, even among a majority of Democrats. He has been acting against every instinct deep within the fiber of a politician that tells him: do whatever you have to do to win.

At what point does Biden’s electoral theatrics cross the line into serious behavior?

When he tells Netanyahu: “No more money and no more guns.” But even “no more presidency” doesn’t seem to have yet convinced Biden to say that.

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Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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Terror Attack on Moscow & Why the US Stands as the Prime Suspect

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Brian Berletic

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  • We must act together to smash the VILE Western disinformation machine.
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  • YOU know what we are talking about.

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post. However, we do think they are important enough to be transmitted to a wider audience.

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How Israel indoctrinates its people w/Miko Peled

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Chris Hedges chats with Miko Peled
 A Brave Jewish Witness to the Racist Depravity of Zionist Israel

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How Israel indoctrinates its people w/Miko Peled | The Chris Hedges Report

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Since the overpaid media shills will never risk their careers to report the truth, the world must rely on citizen journalists to provide the facts that explain reality. Put this effort to use by becoming an influence multiplier. Repost this material everywhere you can. Send it to your friends and kin. Discuss it with your workmates. Liberation from this infernal and mendacious system is in your hands. We can win this. But you must act.
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Aearnur's Newsletter

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First posted March 31st 2022.

We have often said in these pages that, despite the multitude of depressing news and omens, we are indeed living in exciting, UNIQUE times, times when alert humanity can see—at long last— the birthing of a probably much better world.  This is especially welcome news for those who work for revolutionary change. Just think how much departed heroic revolutionaries, like Che, Fidel, Lenin, Marx, Engels, Ho, Mao, Stalin, Mandela, Lumumba, and so many others of similar caliber, would have loved to live in these times. The maximum ever imperialist monster is still here and making life miserable for billions, but now it's clear the monster is dying. The debt humanity owes Russia, and the rest of the anti-imperialist alliance, is incalculable. That's why we celebrate this particular piece by Aearnur, savoring every word as he describes the repugnant anatomy of the Western neoliberal malignancy, and why its downfall is now assured. —Editor

FT "Revisionist powers driving the world's crises"

As this FT editorial piece illustrates, the pitiful political and intellectual capacity of the West for introspection, along with its incorrigible criminal mendacity, continue to depict the world upside down. Implicit in the views of this media whore, who proclaims Russia and China are the reason for the world's crises (!), instead of the obvious Anglo Empire, the US world order is well-nigh perfect. The elites who eat this intellectual drivel will have an awful hard time adjusting to the emerging reality.

We are living through a time of momentous change.  The world as we have known it is transforming.

From now onward the east will rise and rise while the west will continually fall.

What has led to this is a series of both enormous errors and egregious crimes by the collective west by which I mean the USA, UK and their allies/proxies and puppet nations.

The desire to obtain hegemonic global rule and oversight by those above have brought them to venture over the brink of disaster and we find them now plunging helpless into the abyss, their own self-created abyss.

The hubris of the USA has been a continual feature of its totally arrogant and misplaced pride as it has proceeded to bully all those who presented a challenge to its demanded authority. A mix of fantastical self-promoting mythologies that denied its genocidal and racist past in its formative years, its myriad abuses of power which have seen millions die agonising deaths, its creation of some of the most evil weapons humanity has ever seen and its overweening willingness to interfere, attack, invade, undermine, subvert and destroy others is rightfully bringing it at long last the pariah status it has long deserved.

Two powers are now rising fast, as the USA and the noxious elites of its allies begin an unstoppable descent to ignominy and rejection. China and Russia together will now begin from the foundation of a world with an entirely different geopolitical underpinning in the wake of the fast descending collective west.

The spear point of the collective west (CW) now being totally blunted is NATO. Using this entity which had no place in the modern world at the end of the Cold War has proven the main instigator of the downfall now descending upon western elite manipulative control.

Russia called the collective bluff of the West via its intervention in Ukraine. Then, using the West’s sanctions against itself, it is now exercising the economic muscle it has to deliver the fatal blow.

Nothing can stop the western world going into free fall as the effects of this new situation hit home one after another. Inflation will soar. Employment will fall. Trade will stagnate. Factories will close. Homes will grow cold as bank accounts are emptied and bankruptcies rise. Gross Domestic Products across the USA and Europe will plummet as a dark spiral of negativity grips the entire West.

Meanwhile, both China and Russia will experience increasing economic success and their strength of influence will rise exponentially and unstoppably, first near at hand and in cooperation one with another but soon spreading out across Eurasia and later, naturally expanding into Eastern Europe and beyond.

A new geopolitical paradigm will gradually assert itself, one where agreement trumps aggression, diplomacy trumps division, friends are created, not foes and a determined and constant goal of peace, not war imbues international relations with an overarching atmosphere of tolerance and respect for national sovereignty.

Gone will be the mentality of exceptionalism and superiority aggressively demonstrated by the USA and UK. Europe will be first to see and embrace the new reality and eschew the old. Progressively and due to their inescapable quarantining in the new circumstances and reality both the USA and UK will inevitably do so also.

These vicious two, the USA and UK will have been hung on their own petard as the saying goes. Their determination to maintain and enlarge their manipulative control of the world through threats, violence and subversion will be finally acknowledged to have totally collapsed and they too will come to terms with the new ethos of cooperation rather than casino capitalism confrontation.

Those idealists among us who have long hoped to see peace across our planet will now have their day. The hawks, warmongers and “defence” contractors of the various military industrial complexes will find themselves seeking alternative employment.

It will soon be time to feel the heavy weight of these many years of war stretching back centuries but experienced in their most deadly form only decades ago, lifted from every last one of us (except the Lords of War). We will experience a sense of almost universe well being that cannot quite be imagined in this present moment. It will be quite unique.

John Lennon would certainly have loved to be here as this new reality dawns.


And his question will be answered.

“What if they held a war and nobody came?”

I wish so much you could be here to see it. Along with Bill Hicks and George Carlin and all others who longed to see peace break out across our, till now, benighted planet. For it is now almost within grasp…



First posted March 31st 2022.

capitalist media

The coverage of the Ukraine conflict across the western mainstream is totally one-sided, however, this is only one aspect of the way it has been responsible for getting more people killed than would be the case without this coverage.

By a completely partial rendering of events in Ukraine western mainstream media news creates a false picture that, if enough people believe it, will lead to the combat continuing far longer than it properly should.

One aspect of this deeply irresponsible behaviour is that it leads to a false sense of confidence that Kiev regime forces are winning against the Russian forces. This could lead outsiders to this conflict involving themselves directly and, due to their lack of training, getting themselves killed. The emotional impact, purposefully selected by television news channels seeks to generate such impulses along with others regarding fundraising for the regime.

The amount of bias involved is massive, along with misinformed speculation, assertion and demonisation of one side over the other. Wishful thinking and attitudes based on a lack of historical knowledge of this conflict stretching back over a decade leads to an entire series of mis-statements and constant misrepresentation.

Giving unhindered coverage to the leader of the Kiev regime, Volodymyr Zelensky, also creates the clear impression of full support and this along with the recruiting potential of the entire narrative encourages viewers to view the events in Ukraine from an entirely skewed viewpoint.

Television has for fifty years and more been the most powerful device for molding minds. With the inexorable move of elite media to the right in recent times, especially in the United States where public service broadcasting is in the extreme minority and corporations own the vast majority of news entities the output has become heavily biased in the interests of western states’ foreign policy objectives.

Ukraine has been the object of a western state desire to take as much of eastern Europe into the U.S., NATO and EU sphere of influence and western mass media has followed on in slavish fashion to promote this goal in respect of Ukraine and all other such states. The taking of Ukraine as a whole into the western sphere of influence in the coup of 2014 was a step too far for Russia and for the people of both Crimea and south-eastern Ukraine.

The people of the Donbass in SE Ukraine who look eastward toward Russia in terms of language, culture and shared history have no relation to the West or the EU and were threatened on numerous levels by the takeover by West-oriented politicians in 2014. Their case is NEVER made on western mainstream news channels. They were completely left to their fate when most cruelly bombarded by mortar shells day and night through 2014 and 2015. They were an inconvenient story to cover.

This repeated bias has delivered a constantly misleading message, one that encourages hate toward one side, love for the other and an uncaring level of total ignorance regarding a third.

Giving the false impression that there is hope and even increasing hope that the Kiev forces can defeat those of Russia risks extending the fighting in Ukraine. For Russia the issues involved form existential factors which mean it MUST take its campaign to a successful conclusion. The very existence of Russia is at stake as without secure borders and freedom from the fear of enemies at its door it cannot live as a sovereign nation should. Its people could never feel assured they were totally safe if such a situation continued.

Providing a platform for the forces that are constantly threatening Russia’s present and future security by supporting one side only in a completely subjective way with no attempt whatsoever to be objective is reprehensible in the extreme.

In all these diverse ways the ubiquitous television viewing which takes place across the entire western world acts through the media agenda linked as it is to the goals of western states acts as a weapon for western those western states… and that weapon has been in the past, and is now in the present, getting men, women and children killed in Ukraine.

Aearnur’s Newsletter


Vladimir Putin is discussed daily worldwide. He seems loathed & loved in equal measure. But is this ratio accurate? One important indicator reveals he is in fact loved by many more than he is hated.


All of the above also goes for the preponderance, almost 100% of anything said by western politicians. This has been true since 2007. Not between 2000 when he became the president of the Russian Federation and 2007 however. Putin became all these horrific things only seven years into his presidency. Between 2000 and 2007 he was wined and dined, glad-handed by the rich and famous, praised by George W. Bush and greeted with decorous respect by the British royal family. So what changed? To discover what transformed Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin from something of a hero to a horrific comic book villain you need only listen to his address to the high and mighty of the western political elite on February 10th 2007 at the 43rd Munich Security Conference.

Putin's historic Munich speech in 2007 

Having watched the video you may be somewhat confused. Doesn’t he say that Russia would cooperate with the western powers on areas of mutual interest such as nuclear proliferation and international terrorism? Why should the western elites take umbrage at that? But this offer of cooperation fell on deaf ears. Why? Because they were sitting there expecting to hear a different message entirely. What they wanted to hear was that Russia would subordinate itself to western dominance and submit to whatever advice (instructions/commands) it received from those who had won the Cold War. What Putin had pointed out was that the western powers, through their regime change wars had destabilised the world and created an atmosphere of extreme mistrust and anxiety concerning the idea that the West now had virtual carte blanche to do what it liked anywhere it liked and at any time it liked. Putin explained with utmost clarity that Russia would not be lending itself to the western project to dominate all others while acting responsibly to assist cooperatively where mutual interests were involved.

In short Russia would not toe the line, would not say “How high?” when the USA and its allies shouted “Jump!” Russia was going to stay an independent, sovereign nation and make her own decisions depending on the merits of each case as it emerged onto the world stage once again as a great power. All this went down like a lead balloon among the designer-suited assembly in Munich that day. Instead of being a sober Yeltsin and willing pawn to the West Putin had refused to consign Russia to that fate. This was anathema to those who, after 9/11, assumed the whole world would back them to the hilt, no questions asked. Thus, the tables were very much turned against Vladimir Putin and have remained so from that day to this.

So, this is why the political elites of the West loathe Putin and essentially this is why their mouthpieces within western mainstream/legacy media, the politicians’ Rottweilers got busy from 2007 on slandering the hell out of Putin to so constantly demonise him that the minds of just about everyone across the western sphere of influence was conditioned to believe in those highly negative characteristics listed at the head of this commentary.

The disconnect between the small coterie within the western political and legacy media classes along with those who bow to the needs of the liberal class within certain political parties and the average man and woman in the street is simply enormous when it comes to Vladimir Putin. It is quite something, to behold this enormous gap between those who believe they have an inherent right to rule and those they rule over. Of course these few will never bring up this subject and will ignore this discrepancy completely. Only at election times in the nations where the few hold an entirely different view of this kind to the majority of the electorate will we see how this all pans out. Until then Putin’s popularity will almost certainly remain the worst kept secret on the planet.


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