The USA is an oligarchy

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By Hermit

The true political nature of the American colonial rebellion against the British crown, often self-flateringly called a revolution, is still a matter of debate for many serious scholars. The "Founding Fathers" were all members of a rising mercantislistic elite that saw the British king as a capricious ruler limiting their freedom to make unlimited money.

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Jefferson's Monticello, near Charlottesville, VA. About 12,000 sq. ft.

Oligarchy “is a form of power structure in which power rests with a small number of people. These people may be distinguished by nobility, wealth, family ties, education or corporate, religious or political, military control. Such states are often controlled by families who typically pass their influence from one generation to the next, but inheritance is not a necessary condition for the application of this term. 

Throughout history, oligarchies have often been tyrannical, relying on public obedience or oppression to exist. Aristotle pioneered the use of the term as a synonym for rule by the rich, for which another term commonly used today is "plutocracy.” 1

The US may always have been an oligarchy, and I would argue that this is the case. Certainly Madison himself articulated this in The Federalist Papers X. 2

George Washngton's Mount Vernon (VA) property was fitting for probably one of the rchest men in the young republic. It comprised more than 11,000 sq. ft.

The Revolutionary war was an insurgency against the crown led by the wealthy merchant class 3 who owned warehouses full of the sweepings of the tea sorting floors bought at high prices (but without paying tea taxes) from Dutch smugglers. The merchant class were threatened with ruin when the taxes on tea were reduced and the English East India Company was allowed to sell their high quality teas directly to the public in the US, rather than to wholesalers at auctions in London. So the merchants, the oligarchs of their day, who controlled the press and the economy, ginned up a revolutionary war, using the poor and farmers to do the fighting, paying them in worthless script that nobody, including themselves, would accept. 4

Peacefield, The Adams clan abode, in Quincy, MA. With a floor plant exceeding 12,000 sq. ft, it sits on more than 40 acress of farmland and orchards. Built in 1731 by a sugar-planter from Jamaica, John Adams, his wife Abigail and later their sons expanded and refined the property to their accustomed standards.

When the war was over, and with France's help the Americans had won, the still wealthy merchants bought up the script held by the surviving soldiers for pennies on the dollar and then passed laws ensuring that they received the full value from the states.

This led, eventually, to the failed "Shay's Rebellion" and the constitutional convention which cemented federal power, parsing out limited protections by race sex and class, enforced only by judges appointed by the oligarchs, ensuring that the oligarchs started off with, and would maintain, total control of the country and people. 5

Modern realization that this was perhaps the case may have begun with Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page (2014). (Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens, Perspectives on Politics, Cambridge University Press, Volume 12, Issue 3 September 2014 , pp. 564-581.) 6

James Madison property in Montpelier (Virginia). Sitting on more than 2650 acres (10.7 km2), the main mansion is about 12,000 sq ft. Madison, like most of the original "Founding Fathers", was a slaveowner. (See our Note B for more interesting details about this story.)

The professors evaluated surveys dating between 1981 and 2002 which showed preferences for legislative outcomes by economic status and discovered that in 1,779 surveys, "policy change with low support among economically elite Americans (one-out-of-five in favor) is adopted only about 18% of the time, while a proposed change with high support (four-out-of-five in favor) is adopted about 45% of the time." concluding, "When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and/or with organized interests, they generally lose. Moreover, because of the strong status quo bias built into the US political system, even when fairly large majorities of Americans favor policy change, they generally do not get it." [Universal healthcare continues to be he iconic failure in this regard.)

The foundations of the young US republic were aristocratic, and its chief documents were riddled with contradictions. "Men" were declared to be equal, but neither women nor men without sufficient property could vote, and slaves of course were denied essential rights automatically accorded the white population.

President Carter has repeatedly confirmed this perspective, that the US is more "oligarchy than a democracy". 7  Piketty, T., & Goldhammer, A. (2014). Capital in the twenty-first century. Cambridge Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. argues that modern capitalism has put the world "on the road not just to a highly unequal society, but to a society of an oligarchy—a society of inherited wealth." (See note A)

Paul Krugman, agrees with Piketty - and thinks it is going to get worse. And this is the world we live in today, as the oligarchs scoop up more than 80% of all wealth created and raise the cost of winning an election to the point where anyone who can win one has to be funded by them, while beguiling the populace with hints at reform and promoting "independents" who cannot hope to change anything, 8 living in a representative constitutional republic, where only the oligarchs are interested, and the constitution only provides what people will fight to defend (which, when it is being "defended" by the most conservative pro-corporate judges the oligarchs can find, is not very much at all). To refer to a country where small private committees controlled by the oligarchs meet, to select acceptable candidates, who are then paraded before the public whose sole nominal contribution is to pick which of the preselected candidates they dislike least in heavily rigged elections as “democratic” is ludicrous. Particularly when is costs of hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars to buy political power at the city level, and billions are spent on presidential campaigns by the oligarchs who control the media, the idea that anyone who is not an oligarch can have a meaningful impact, is delusional at best.

To fix this, we have to stop supporting the oligarchy and its political appointees. See e.g. Vision Unbounded - 2020 and beyond

Appendix 1: The Rise of the Trading Class

The creation of the great landed estates was accompanied by the slow development of the small trader and merchant. Necessarily, they first established themselves in the seaports where business was concentrated. 

Many obstacles long held them down to a narrow sphere. The great chartered companies monopolized the profitable resources. The land magnates exacted tribute for the slightest privilege granted. Drastic laws forbade competition with the companies, and the power of law and the severities of class government were severely felt by the merchants. The chartered corporations and the land dignitaries were often one group with an identity of men and interests. Against their strength and capital the petty trader or merchant could not prevail. Daring and enterprising though he be, he was forced to a certain compressed routine of business. He could sell the goods which the companies sold to him but could not undertake to set up manufacturing. And after the companies had passed away, the landed aristocracy used its power to suppress all undue initiative on his part.” 

The Manorial Lords Monopolize Trade. 

This was especially so in New York, where all power was concentrated in the hands of a few landowners. "To say," says Sabine, "that the political institutions of New York formed a feudal aristocracy is to define them with tolerable accuracy. The soil was owned by a few. The masses were mere retainers or tenants as in the monarchies of Europe." The feudal lord was also the dominant manufacturer and trader. He forced his tenants to sign covenants that they should trade in nothing else than the produce of the manor; that they should trade nowhere else but at his store; that they should grind their flour at his mill, and buy bread at his bakery, lumber at his sawmills and liquor at his brewery. Thus he was not only able to squeeze the last penny from them by exorbitant prices, but it was in his power to keep them everlastingly in debt to him. He claimed, and held, a monopoly in his domain of whatever trade he could seize. These feudal tenures were established in law; woe to the tenant who presumed to infract them! 

He became a criminal and was punished as a felon. The petty merchant could not, and dared not, compete with the trading monopolies of the manorial lords within these feudal jurisdictions. In such a system the merchant's place for a century and a half was a minor one, although far above that of the drudging laborer. Merchants resorted to sharp and frequently dubious ways of getting money together. They bargained and sold shrewdly, kept their wits ever open, turned sycophant to the aristocracy and a fleecer of the laborer. 

It would appear that in New York, at least, the practice of the most audacious usury was an early and favorite means of acquiring the property of others. These others were invariably the mechanic or laborer; the merchant dared not attempt to overreach the aristocrat whose power he had good reason to fear. Money which was taken in by selling rum and by wheedling the unsophisticated Indians into yielding up valuable furs, was loaned at frightfully onerous rates. The loans unpaid, the lender swooped mercilessly upon the property of the unfortunate and gathered it in. 

Many features of the above should be familiar to you, as little has changed in the USA of today.

About Hermit

Murdered by Faecesbork, s/he now wanders its murky byways as Meshed Gears.

With much of Big Tech in the hands of Western elites, the prospects for authentic democracy and freedom from capitalism do not look more auspicious in the 21st century than in the 18th. 

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The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post

(1) Abstracted from Wikipedia (n.d.). Oligarchy. Retrieved 2018-12-10
(3)  See Appendix 1
(4)  Loewen J.W. (1995). Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong. The New Press. ISBN 978-1-56584-100-0
(5) Loewen (1995) supra and Wikipedia (n.d.) Shay’s Rebellion. Retrieved 2018-12-10
(6) Gilens M., Page B.I. (2014). Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens, Perspectives on Politics, Cambridge University Press, Volume 12, Issue 3 September 2014 , pp. 564-581 Retrieved  2018-12-10
(7) Kreps D. (2015-07-21). Jimmy Carter: U.S. Is an ‘Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery’: The 39th president said the ‘Citizens United’ ruling ‘violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system’. Rolling Stone. Retrieved 2018-12-10
(8) Queally J. (2014-04-18). Krugman: Worried About Oligarchy? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet: 'Even those of you who talk about the 1%, you don't really get what's going on. You're living in the past.' Common Dreams. Retrieved

Notes of possIble interest

(A) Piketty is in this regard like a coroner pronouncing rather anti-climactically, that a 100-year old corpse is actually dead. The US and similar "capitalist democracies" were always dynamically built as oligarchies. Marx and Engels knew —and proved—in the middle of the 19th century what Piketty supposedly discovered a few years back to great convulsion in bourgeois media circles. Contrary to its pervasive conceits, crystalised in the US exceptionalist myth, the grip of the ultra-rich has seldom loosened on this narcissistic and expertly deluded republic. 

(B) Slavery at Montpelier 

The work of Montpelier was done primarily by its about 100 enslaved African slaves during James Madison's tenure as owner. Slaves served in a variety of roles: field workers, domestic servants in charge of cleaning, cooking, and care of clothing; and as artisans for the mill, forge, wheelwright, and other carpentry and woodworking. During the time that the Madisons owned the estate, "five, six, and possibly seven generations of African Americans were born into slavery at Montpelier."

Jennings was by any measure a truly outstanding man.

The most well-known slave from Montpelier was Paul Jennings (1799-1874), Madison's body servant from 1817-1835. When Jennings went to the White House at age 10, he served at table and did other work. Senator Daniel Webster purchased Jennings from the widowed Dolley Madison in 1845, and gave him his freedom. Jennings continued to live in Washington, DC, where he worked as a laborer at the federal Pension Bureau and became a homeowner.

In 1848 Jennings helped plan the largest slave escape in United States history, as 77 slaves from the Washington, DC area took to The Pearl, a schooner, intending to sail up the Chesapeake Bay to a free state.  They were captured and most were sold to the Deep South. Jennings was noted for his reminiscences of Madison, A Colored Man’s Reminiscences of James Madison (1865), which is considered the first White House memoir.

Archaeological research and documentary analysis has revealed much about the life of Montpelier-born slave, Catherine Taylor (ca. 1820 – after 1889). Catherine married Ralph Taylor, a house slave, and had four children with him. When Dolley Madison moved to Washington, D.C. in the years after James Madison's death, Ralph was chosen to accompany her to serve her in the capital. Dolley kept Catherine at Montpelier for several months after she brought Ralph to D.C., and then brought Catherine to D.C. later

Dolley Madison transferred (or deeded), most of the enslaved people to her son, John Payne Todd. He stipulated in his will that upon his death, the slaves would be manumitted. However, due to legal and financial complications after Todd's death, the slaves were not manumitted. The Taylors petitioned James C. Maguire, the administrator of the estate, for their freedom. After being officially freed in 1853, they chose to live in Washington, which had a large free black community and opportunities for varied work.

The Montpelier staff continues to research the enslaved community by a variety of methods: studying historical documents such as court records and autobiographies, conducting archaeological excavations, contacting current descendants, and document the contributions and sacrifices of the enslaved community. (See the full Wikipedia page here.)

All image captions, pull quotes, appendices, etc. by the editors not the authors. 




Radicalized Michigan Anarchist Seeks Unity With The Left. Is unity possible between divergent wings of the working class?

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Jimmy Dore Show • Jan 24, 2021

Radicalized Michigan Anarchist Seeks Unity With The Left.

The real struggle is between the ultra rich and everyone else, except perhaps their well rewarded servants in the media, political class, academia, military and police.

A highly unusual and extremely promising dialog initiated by a "far right extremist" as the corporate media likes to paint them hoping to unite working people of all stripes in an alliance between the left and the right, as this is not so much a struggle between the right and left as it is, in Jimmy's words, between the top and the bottom, the ultrarich 0.001% supported by their retainers, flunkies and protectors in the upper 10%, and the remaining 90% of the population practically abandoned by this ruling class. 

But the preamble to the above took place on Jan. 21, 2021, when Jimmy and his crew took notice of the following:

Populist Right & Left Joining Forces Against Establishment.

Jan. 21, 2021

A young man is reading a declaration in Michigan, at the state capitol. He says he belongs to the Bugaloo Boys militia. He says, "We're not the problem." He adds, "BLM, Antifa, the rightwing militias...we're the antibodies...not the disease that is destroying our country." The corporate media shills, the Wiki, and many leftists in the synthetic left and the usual smug but politically myopic Trotskyists, hurry to describe these people as dangerous extremists, "maniacs". Something "the left" should never talk to. Their behaviour is par for the course for people who have made a career of carrying water for the oligarchic status quo.  These days such disgusting type of intellectual mercenary is usually found among overpaid media "libruls" and the professional political class. 
This is the video where Jimmy began to discuss—with real hope and enthusiasm—the possibility of a tactical union between right and left activists interested in real social change. It looks like a chimera right now, and the forces of the establishment are powerful, ruthless, possess immense resources and are full of dirty tricks, but miraculous things can and do happen—sometimes. As the old cynics put it, "The Left and the Right united will never be defeated." Who in (or outside) the Soviet Union could have foreseen the implosion of this extremey powerful state even two years before it happened? 

This post is part of our Orphaned Truths series with leading cultural and political analysts. People you can trust.

The Jimmy Dore Show • Fiorella Isabel — Craig Pasta Jardula (The Convo Couch) • Abby Martin (The Empire Files)
Lee Camp’s Redacted Tonight • Caleb Maupin

Max Blumenthal • Ben Norton • Aaron Maté (The Grayzone) • Caitlin Johnstone • Chris Hedges

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Trump’s true dismal record, for the record.

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Eric Arnow

WHEREIN our colleague and friend, Eric Arnow, provides a helpful aide memoire for those who—even technically in "left" ranks—still cling to the notion that the sociopathic narcissist and con man Donald Trump and his entourage of swamp creatures represented some sort of improvement on the usual disgraceful team of oligarchic bootlickers that passes for an American executive. Alarmingly incompetent at best, and even if he had had genuine good and "patriotic intentions" toward the American hoi polloi, which we doubt very much considering his betrayals of the working class at every turn, a posture which would have roughly aligned with the disorganized effort by the lesser bourgeoisie supporting Trump to preserve some of the attributes of an American labor aristocracy and semblance of an old fashioned middle class, Trump still represents a complete and utter failure as a president. You don't have to be a brainwashed or a cynical Democrat to think that Trump was a dangerous and profoundly undemocratic and destructive leader. In that, again, we repeat, he was no different —except in style—from his predecessors or the man who now follows him as the top figurehead in the global oligarchic system. 

Apparently, there are still some people who see some sort of silver lining in "Trump Time". Like , I guess, exposing the Deep State, and not starting any new wars. In response to one such commentator, I put together a list (incomplete?) of Trump's 'accomplishments'.

During his term, Trump
  1. Broke the JCPOA,illegally instituted sanctions against Iran, depriving Iran of desperately needed things like cancer treatments
  2. Broke the INF treaty
  3. Broke the Open Skies Treaty
  4. Wrecked Venezuela and promoted a fraud, Guaido and forced the stupid EU toadies to support that puppet (Biden's foreign policy mafia is endorsing that policy assuring further destruction and death in Venezuela).
  5. Sent his "Lie cheat and steal' Secretary of State around the world to stir up trouble
  6. Stole Syria's oil, and continued the illegal occupations of Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan
  7. Sent the USS John McCain to violate Russia's territorial water
  8. Sent B-52 Bombers on nuclear bombing rehearsals right off the coast or Russia
  9. Fired missiles from Romania into the Black Sea, a direct threat to Crimea and all of Russia in general
  10. Tested the Intermediate range missiles that violated the INF treaty right after he broke the treaty, proving that he was violating the treaty which prohibited developing and testing of such missiles
  11. Looked the other way when Saudi Arabia pulled a Jeffrey Dahmer (cutting into pieces the body) of a journalist
  12. Jailed Julian Assange and as a final insult to free speech, left him to rot in the UK while
  13. Pardoning murderous war criminals and other real criminals
  14. Brought out the worst impulses of white supremacy and fascist ideology with his supporters
  15. Broke the UN resolution regarding Jerusalem, moving the US Embassy there
  16. Attempted to shove the 'Peace Deal' with the Palestinians, that finalized Zionist treatment similar to what we have done to the Native Americans and continue to do
  17. Backtracked on the minimal thaw with Cuba
  18. Gave Billions of tax breaks to the already super rich
  19. Continued the ongoing despoiliation of the environment with his support of drilling in previously protected areas
  20. Allowed oil pipelines that leaked and ruined mostly Native American water supplies
  21. Elevated seriously right wing judges on to the supreme court, including Christian fanatics
  22. This does not count ongoing Republican gerrymandering and obstacles to primarily poor and African America and other minority neighborhoods, thus distorting vote counts even before the votes were cast
  23. Put far right people like Betsie Devos in charge of the Dept of Education and the biggest anti environmentalists since James (the world's gonna go in the rapture so we might as well ruin now) Watt in charge of environmental policy
  24. Forced foreign dignitaries to pay to use Trump owned facilities, thus enriching himself, a violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution
  25. Created another dangerous and expensive boondoggle, the Space Force, which violates the treaties against weapons in space, more billions down the drain that the American people need
  26. Failed to create a viable medical system which continues making the US healthcare system an utter disgrace, especially compared with Canada's and all the other major countries
  27. First dismissed the corona virus as a non issue, and then when it became a big problem, blamed it on China, which is one of a few countries to actually deal with it effectively
  28. Was the first President to fail to have greater than 50% approval in his entire term in office
  29. And then insisted that he won by a landslide
  30. Instigated the murder of two military leaders, of Iran and Iraq, who were negotiating peace with Saudi Arabia
  31. Aided the murder of an Iranian scientist, most likely by Israel
  32. Exercised the worst form of nepotism by making his utterly unqualified (and criminal) son in law an official in his administration (along with his daughter, who, rather than manufacturing her stupid vanity based consumer branded goods in the USA, had them made in China--and then criticized China for stealing US jobs!)
  33. Took the CFO of Huawei hostage, in a particularly medieval way of doing diplomacy
  34. Walked out of international climate accords
  35. Insinuated the use of violence to over turn the election results when even his own hand picked judges couldn't approve his challenges to the voting results.
  36. And after saying he would join his supporters at the Capitol, left them in the cowardice on his part
  37. Further dragging America's already dismal reputation into the gutter, according to world opinion.
I've probably left some things out, but the worst of all, is that he actually made Biden, the worst possible candidate the equally venal and corrupt Democrats could have chosen, look 'Electable'
Trump makes the 'Deep State' that he supposedly sought to take out look good. Like Wow!

Based on Biden's cabinet picks, and aside from a few decent things Biden has done such as rejoining the basically toothless Climate Accords, and stopping the Keystone Pipeline and possibly fixing the immigration problem, the rich will get richer, the people will get sicker and poorer, and world will drift ever closer to WWIII.

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The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post

Guillaume Rochat

To the rest of the world the US is a problem child, unschooled, wayward, and dangerous in its clumsy [way of] oppression. Because oppression it is, by way of baksheesh, economic blackmail, pay-offs for performed duties and simple blindness. Alain Joxe, the eminent French political strategist describes it best in his ‘Empire of disorder’ which makes it clear that the ruling country is an empire of devastated regions, not an owner of territories. The US is not in strictest analysis a traditional empire, but it demands [obedience] and bullies the world into compliance. That this is coming to an end causes the disorder to come home to roost and no country seems to be in the flux of contradictory streams like the US. The Biden effort to contain this divergence and ‘unite’ the country is from the start already displaced by his condemnation of the other side, the Trumpers, who as [Caleb] Maupin correctly calls it are the victims of Trump’s Maga promises, whereby they were lifted into relevance. Because they are the hoi polloi, severely indoctrinated and used by the ‘system’, these hordes, as Lenin said, unschooled and thus reactionary, asserted their presence by occupying the rare and forbidden territory of their own government. It shows the utter contradictions of American propaganda, that guarantees representation without power, equality without protection, while demanding a total belief in the spurious goodness of the US state. That they were cynically used in the Capitol riot by Trump and by his antagonists, results in that the country is slowly sinking into a full censorship [regime] and in an immediate return to the neo-liberal straitjacket. Exactly because its workers are no longer needed in a US economy that can use cheap labor elsewhere, these hordes as demonstrated in Trump’s rallies, show that he used their legitimate unrest as a cudgel against his bourgeois opponents (much what Mussolini did in Italy in the 1920/30’s). There is nothing [totally] new under the sun, populists are a common trend in the US political scene, and more of that kind will arise. 

Eric Arnow is an American expat and geopolitical commentator residing in Thailand. 

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Return to the Source: Democracy is Dead

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Help us break the corporate media monopoly before it kills us all. The ruling oligarchy depends on its disinformation machine to maintain its power. Please consider a donation today!

Editors, The Black Agenda Review

By what stretch of the imagination can the US be a democracy when ordinary citizens have virtually no influence over what their government does? 

“The disregard of popular will is obvious for all to see.”

“Return to the Source” is a series in The Black Agenda Review that reprints previously-published interventions by Black Agenda Reportcontributors. Our title is inspired by an address delivered by Amilcar Cabral  on October 15, 1972 at Lincoln University and reprinted in the collection Return to the Source: Selected Speech by Amilcar Cabral  (1973). Cabral’s address was titled "Identity and Dignity in the Context of the National Liberation Struggle.” In it, he argued that a “return to the source” was critical to revolutionary transformation—a return to the ideas, culture, and demands that served as the foundational impetus for the struggle for African liberation. Guided by Cabral’s analysis, we will return to some of the “classic” interventions by Black Agenda Report contributors, revisiting their tremendous insights into the contemporary conditions of the Black World. 

We are launching the series by reprinting BAR columnist and Prejudential  author Margaret Kimberley’s incisive commentary “Democracy is Dead.” Originally published on April 23, 2014, Kimberley describes the domination of the US democratic process by capital, the abandoning of the working classes by the state, and the perplexing tendency of most US citizens to “suspend disbelief” while holding tight to the myth of US exceptionalism. Her analysis is as relevant now as it was when originally written.

Democracy is Dead 

by Margaret Kimberley

“The notion that this country is a democracy has become openly farcical.”

Too many Americans love to boast that the United States is a democracy. That idea is accepted uncritically and celebrated as proof of this country’s superiority. Every public activity and event is an opportunity for the false narrative to be repeated and indulged. Events as disparate as elections, holiday celebrations, advertisements, school commencements and religious worship are all used to propagandize and create false belief about the degree of power the average citizen has vis a vis their government. Of course all evidence shows that this narrative is and always was a lie. Dictionaries define democracy as government representing the citizens through elected representatives, or as majority rule, or a society which provides equal rights to all. The history of this country has rarely lived up to any of those descriptions but in the recent past the notion that this country is a democracy has become openly farcical. We have nothing but meaningless trappings and any power exercised by the people is sadly in short supply.

This state of affairs has been obvious to anyone who has been paying close attention. Americans not only don’t get what they want from the political system, they actually get the opposite of what they want. The pace of the oligarchic state has quickened lately but the dynamic has been evident for quite some time.

“Americans get the opposite of what they want.”

Even elite academia is taking notice and has given official imprimatur to a conversation that had been ignored. Professors Martin Gilens of Princeton University and Benjamin Page of Northwestern University are the authors of the study  “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens.” While their work does not as news stories suggest use the word oligarchy, the authors are quite clear about their findings. Professor Gilens gave this brief summary  of their conclusions:

“I'd say that contrary to what decades of political science research might lead you to believe, ordinary citizens have virtually no influence over what their government does in the United States [italics mine]. And economic elites and interest groups, especially those representing business, have a substantial degree of influence. Government policy-making over the last few decades reflects the preferences of those groups – of economic elites and of organized interests.”

While this study has however briefly changed public discourse, it is important to note that the disregard of popular will is obvious for all to see. If this were not true, the minimum wage would be higher, there would be no cuts to entitlement programs, and Americans would have a single payer health care system. There would be no NAFTA or TPP free trade agreements which force a race to the bottom for workers, destroy entire eco-systems and violate national and popular sovereignty. If this country were truly democratic, the city of Detroit would not have filed for bankruptcy for the simple reason that voters in Detroit and in the state of Michigan voted to repeal the emergency manager law which brought bankruptcy into being.

“Disregard of popular will is obvious for all to see.”

Americans don’t want the increasingly frequent interventions abroad forced upon by them by president after president yet that is what they get. We want to address the problems created by human made climate change. We don’t want hydraulic fracturing, or the pollution or earthquakes that come with it, but that is what we have. We don’t want rich people to control the political process but the Supreme Court has said time and again that money equals speech and those decisions prove the point of the study. Simply put, money talks and those without money have no voice.

If that were not the case, American workers would not be poorer than their counterparts in the rest of the world. The so-called middle class  workers in this country had the distinction of being better off than their peers around the world. That is no longer the case with stagnating wages and job loss and a country that does not practice income distribution that would keep people out of poverty. In a democratic country, Walmart and its low wages would not be the largest employer. The manufacturing that once dominated the economic landscape would still employ the bulk of the work force with its higher wages and other benefits that provide economic security.

In a democracy, the financial services industry that created the worldwide economic meltdown would not have been bailed out. Workers would be bailed out. Corporations wouldn’t get tax breaks and other government subsidies. Workers would get them. And if the average person had any say in the matter, the big time banksters would now be behind bars.

“In a democratic country, Walmart and its low wages would not be the largest employer.”

The myth of American democracy is just one of many that are cherished out of ignorance and suspension of disbelief but that is not a reason to continue the confusion and self-delusion. The only time we get any taste of democracy is when we proclaim that we don’t have it but assert plainly and loudly that we intend to get it.

The phony narrative wears thin as the quality of life diminishes. The United States of America is not a democratic nation if the only right that citizens have is to go to a polling place every few years. It is time to stop fetishizing what clearly does not work for the majority of people and start talking about something new. After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. The only result we have to show is rule by the elites and if that is acceptable then the people have gone truly insane.

Margaret Kimberley is senior columnist for Black Agenda Report.


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The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post

Guillaume Rochat

To the rest of the world the US is a problem child, unschooled, wayward, and dangerous in its clumsy [way of] oppression. Because oppression it is, by way of baksheesh, economic blackmail, pay-offs for performed duties and simple blindness. Alain Joxe, the eminent French political strategist describes it best in his ‘Empire of disorder’ which makes it clear that the ruling country is an empire of devastated regions, not an owner of territories. The US is not in strictest analysis a traditional empire, but it demands [obedience] and bullies the world into compliance. That this is coming to an end causes the disorder to come home to roost and no country seems to be in the flux of contradictory streams like the US. The Biden effort to contain this divergence and ‘unite’ the country is from the start already displaced by his condemnation of the other side, the Trumpers, who as [Caleb] Maupin correctly calls it are the victims of Trump’s Maga promises, whereby they were lifted into relevance. Because they are the hoi polloi, severely indoctrinated and used by the ‘system’, these hordes, as Lenin said, unschooled and thus reactionary, asserted their presence by occupying the rare and forbidden territory of their own government. It shows the utter contradictions of American propaganda, that guarantees representation without power, equality without protection, while demanding a total belief in the spurious goodness of the US state. That they were cynically used in the Capitol riot by Trump and by his antagonists, results in that the country is slowly sinking into a full censorship [regime] and in an immediate return to the neo-liberal straitjacket. Exactly because its workers are no longer needed in a US economy that can use cheap labor elsewhere, these hordes as demonstrated in Trump’s rallies, show that he used their legitimate unrest as a cudgel against his bourgeois opponents (much what Mussolini did in Italy in the 1920/30’s). There is nothing [totally] new under the sun, populists are a common trend in the US political scene, and more of that kind will arise. 

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

All image captions, pull quotes, appendices, etc. by the editors not the authors.




Trump as Othello in a Corporate Theater

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Glen Ford


Trump as Othello in a Corporate Theater

Trump the straw man has finally been knocked down, giving the Democrats a victory that costs their corporate masters nothing.

“If you are desperate to flush the stink of four years of Trump out of your brain, remember who put it there.”

Donald Trump has slunk off the national stage for the time being, but we must remember who made him a contender for president in the first place: the Democrats and their corporate media. As Wikileaks revealed , the Clinton campaign encouraged friendly media to boost Trump’s Republican primary prospects, hoping to set up a straw man that could easily be knocked down in November, 2016. By Election Day, the corporate press had lavished $5 billion in free media on Trump – more than Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and all of Trump’s Republican presidential competitors, combined. If you are desperate to flush the stink of four years of Trump out of your brain, remember who put it there, through constant, daily repetition.

How long will the Orange Menace stay gone? Not long; soon either Trump will make a comeback or the corporate media will inflate another racist straw man to run against. The only way the corporate Democrats can mobilize their base to eek out slim national victories while keeping Joe Biden’s promise to the rich that “nothing would fundamentally change ,” is to position themselves as the sole defense against the racist hordes. That’s how Bill Clinton succeeded in completing Ronald Reagan’s quest to “end welfare as we know it,” while vastly expanding the structures of mass Black incarceration (Sen. Joe Biden proudly “wrote the bill”), gutting safeguards against bankers blowing up the economy, and facilitating the exodus of good jobs to sweatshops overseas. Newt Gingrich and his Contract with America confederacy stampeded Blacks and “progressives” into the corporate Democratic corral, where they were politically neutered. The Democratic Party remained a safe vehicle for corporate agendas for the next 20 years – until an Orange Demon was conjured to scare the Democratic base back into the party’s corporate bosom, in 2016. 

If you are desperate to flush the stink of four years of Trump out of your brain, remember who put it there.”

The corporate Democrat/racist Republican symbiosis is simple, obvious and naked – yet it works every time, as the Democratic Party’s base – with Blacks at the core -- allows its own aspirations to be sacrificed in the interest of turning back the threat from the White Man’s Party (GOP).

If I have repeated myself over the years in these pages, it is because the oligarchy keeps using the same formula to defeat every popular revolt against the corporate Race to the Bottom and endless imperial wars. The dictatorship of the rich grows deeper, even as last summer saw the greatest popular mobilization in the history of the United States, under the Black Lives Matter banner. What should have been a re-emergence of an independent, people’s mass street politics outside the corporate kill-zone of the Democratic Party, was once again devoured by the duopoly.

All such victories are pyrrhic, meaning “won at too great a cost to have been worthwhile for the victor.” When Blacks and progressives rallied behind Bill Clinton to defeat Gingrich, the corporate rulers were enabled to plunge the society into a great leap backward that wiped out the last vestiges of the New Deal, condemned another generation of Black youth to the Gulag, and set the stage for two economic catastrophes that rivaled the Great Depression, while the U.S. military vastly intensified its rampages around the world, the national security state penetrated every digital device on the planet, and huge corporations perfected the tools of public self-surveillance.

The dictatorship of the rich grows deeper, even as last summer saw the greatest popular mobilization in the history of the United States,”

Joe Biden’s call for “unity” is even emptier than Barack Obama’s “hope and change.” In response to the Trump-instigated racial hooliganism at the U.S. Capitol, we are expected to unify behind a 9/11-type expansion of the police state whose main mission has always been to repress non-whites and the left, while forgoing creation of a truly public health system and any respite from the accelerating Race to the Bottom – all because “Joe,” the Great Incarcerator, corporate stooge and warmonger, “saved” us from Trump. Too late for Hillary Clinton, but just in time for the equally loathsome Joe Biden, Trump the straw man has finally been knocked down, giving the Democrats a victory that costs their corporate masters nothing 

The ascent and subsequent dismantling of Trump, largely engineered at all stages by corporate Democrats and their media, created an alternative, artificial and mainly “fake” political landscape, in which “the Russians” teamed up with white nationalists to undermine “America” at home and abroad, only to be thwarted by an aroused electorate, with Black voters at the phalanx.  In reality, Black voters have saved the corporate duopoly that has nullified and coopted every popular movement of the past three generations. And it couldn’t have happened absent the ineffable vileness of Trump.

Like some weird, orange Othello, Donald Trump can truly say: “I have done the [corporate] state some service, and they know it.”

BAR executive editor Glen Ford can be contacted at .


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The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post

Guillaume Rochat

To the rest of the world the US is a problem child, unschooled, wayward, and dangerous in its clumsy [way of] oppression. Because oppression it is, by way of baksheesh, economic blackmail, pay-offs for performed duties and simple blindness. Alain Joxe, the eminent French political strategist describes it best in his ‘Empire of disorder’ which makes it clear that the ruling country is an empire of devastated regions, not an owner of territories. The US is not in strictest analysis a traditional empire, but it demands [obedience] and bullies the world into compliance. That this is coming to an end causes the disorder to come home to roost and no country seems to be in the flux of contradictory streams like the US. The Biden effort to contain this divergence and ‘unite’ the country is from the start already displaced by his condemnation of the other side, the Trumpers, who as [Caleb] Maupin correctly calls it are the victims of Trump’s Maga promises, whereby they were lifted into relevance. Because they are the hoi polloi, severely indoctrinated and used by the ‘system’, these hordes, as Lenin said, unschooled and thus reactionary, asserted their presence by occupying the rare and forbidden territory of their own government. It shows the utter contradictions of American propaganda, that guarantees representation without power, equality without protection, while demanding a total belief in the spurious goodness of the US state. That they were cynically used in the Capitol riot by Trump and by his antagonists, results in that the country is slowly sinking into a full censorship [regime] and in an immediate return to the neo-liberal straitjacket. Exactly because its workers are no longer needed in a US economy that can use cheap labor elsewhere, these hordes as demonstrated in Trump’s rallies, show that he used their legitimate unrest as a cudgel against his bourgeois opponents (much what Mussolini did in Italy in the 1920/30’s). There is nothing [totally] new under the sun, populists are a common trend in the US political scene, and more of that kind will arise. 

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

All image captions, pull quotes, appendices, etc. by the editors not the authors.


