Sugar and Spice and Everything Vice: the Empire’s Sin City of London

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Cynthia Chung

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he over 1000 point plunge of the stock market on Feb 27th and broader ruptures of the financial system last week have been yet another wake up call for those who have been contented so far to “live in the moment” of fast money.

Since the 2008 financial crisis, which is considered the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s, many have not been able to go back to sleep after such a lucid nightmare. Some have chosen the path of stocking up on cans of beans, distilling their urine into water and binge watching survivalists such as Bear Grylls hoping to absorb his skills through television osmosis.

The 2008 crisis put in the spotlight the psychopathic level of greed, vice, apathy and short-sightedness from those who wanted to play into the City of London and Wall Street casino houses. Get rich quick and don’t care who you screw in the process, after all, at the end of the day you’re either a winner or a loser.

Since the general public tends to consist of decent people, there is a widespread difficulty in comprehending how entire economies of countries have been hijacked by these piranhas. That we have hit such a level of crime that even people’s hard earned pensions, education, health-care, housing etc. are all being gambled away… LEGALLY.

Looking upon investment bankers today, one is reminded of those sad addicts in the casino who are ruined and lose everything, except the difference is, they are given the option to sell their neighbour’s family into slavery to pay off their debt.

It is no secret that much of the “finance” that goes through the City of London and Wall Street is dirty and yet despite this recognition, there appears to be an inability to address it and that at this point we are told that if we tried to address it by breaking up and regulating the “Too Big to Fail” banks, then the whole economy would come tumbling down.

That is, the world is so evidently run by criminal activity that at this point we have become dependent on its dirty money to keep afloat the world economy.

Faced with the onrushing collapse of the financial system, the greatest Ivy League trained minds of the world have run into a dead end: the bailouts into the banking system that began this past September have prevented a chain reaction meltdown for a few months, but as the liquidity runs out so too will the ideas on where the money justifying bank bailouts will come from.

With these dead ends, we have seen the lightbulb go off in the minds of a large strata of economists who have been making the case in recent years that valuable revenue can yet be generated from one more untapped stream: the decriminalisation and legalisation of vice.

Hell, the major banks have already been doing this covertly as a matter of practice for generations… so why not just come out of the closet and make it official? This is where the money is at. This is where the job market is at. So let us not “bite the hand that feeds us”!

But is this truly the case? Is there really no qualitative difference how the money is generated and how it is spent as long as there is an adequate money flow?

Well it is never a good sign when beside the richest you can also find the poorest just a stone’s throw away. And right beside the largest financial center in the world, the City of London, there lies the poorest borough in all of London: Tower Hamlets with a 39% poverty rate and an average family income amounting to less than £ 13, 000/year.

A City within a City

Hell is a city much like London

– Percy Bysshe Shelley

Although Wall Street has contributed greatly to this sad situation, this banking hub of America is best understood as the spawn of the City of London.

The City of London is over 800 years old, it is arguably older than England herself, and for over 400 years it has been the financial center of the world.

During the medieval period the City of London, otherwise known as the Square Mile or simply the City, was divided into 25 ancient wards headed each by an alderman. This continues today. In addition, there existed the ominously titled City of London Corporation, or simply the Corporation, which is the municipal governing body of the City. This also still continues today.

Though the Corporation’s origins cannot be specifically dated, since there was never a “surviving” charter found establishing its “legal” basis, it has kept its functions to this day based on the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta is a charter of rights agreed to by King John in 1215, which states that “the City of London shall have/enjoy its ancient liberties”. In other words, the legal function of the Corporation has never been questioned, reviewed, re-evaluated EVER but rather it has been left to legally function as in accordance with their “ancient liberties”, which is a very grey description of function if you ask me. In other words, they are free to do as they deem fit.

And it gets worse. The Corporation is not actually under the jurisdiction of the British government. That is, the British government presently does not have the authority to undermine how the Corporation of the City chooses to govern the largest financial center in the world. The City has a separate voting system that allows for, well, corporations to vote in how their separate “government” should run. It also has its own private police force and system of private courts.

The Corporation is not just limited to functioning within the City. The City Remembrancer, which sounds more like a warped version of the ghost of Christmas past, has the role of acting as a channel of communication between the Corporation and the Sovereign (the Queen), the Royal Household and Parliament. The Remembrancer thus acts as a “reminder”, some would even say “enforcer”, of the will of the Corporation. This position has been held by Paul Double since 2003, it is not clear who bestows this non-elected position.

The City has left a heavy imprint on the cultural imagery of Britain. Alec Guinness has played stodgy British bankers on various occasions. Here he is in Kind Hearts & Coronets, with Dennis Price, with Guinness as the head of one of London's small private banks in the Victorian era.

Mr. Double has the right to act as an official lobbyist in the House of Commons, and sits to the right of the Speaker’s chair, with the purpose of scrutinising and influencing any legislation he deems affects the interests of the Corporation. He also appears to have the right to review any piece of legislation as it is being drafted and can even comment on it affecting its final outcome. He is the only non-elected person allowed into the House of Commons.

According to the official City of London website, the reason why the City has a separate voting system is because:

“The City is the only area in the country in which the number of workers significantly outnumbers the residents and therefore, to be truly representative of its population, offers a vote to City organisations so they can have their say on the way the City is run.”

However, the workers have absolutely no say. The City’s organisations they work for have a certain size vote based on the number of workers they employ, but they do not consult these workers, and many of them are not even aware that such elections take place.

If you feel like you have just walked through Alice’s Looking Glass, you’re not alone, but what appears to be an absurd level of madness is what has been running the largest financial center in the world since the 1600s, under the machinations of the British Empire.

Therefore the question is, if the City of London has kept its “ancient liberties” and has upheld its global financial power, is the British Empire truly gone?

Offshore Banking: Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand?

Contrary to popular naïve belief, the empire on which the sun never sets (some say “because God wouldn’t trust them in the dark”) never went away.

After WWII, colonisation was meant to be done away with, and many thought, so too with the British Empire. Countries were reclaiming their sovereignty, governments were being set up by the people, the system of looting and pillaging had come to an end.

It is a nice story, but could not be further from the truth.

In the 1950s, to “adapt” to the changing global financial climate, the City of London set up what are called “secrecy jurisdictions”. These were to operate within the last remnants of Britain’s small territories/colonies. Of Britain’s 14 oversea territories, 7 are bona fide tax havens or “secrecy jurisdictions”. A separate international financial market was also created to facilitate the flow of this offshore money, the Eurodollar market. Since this market has its banks outside of the UK and U.S., they are not under the jurisdiction of either country.

By 1997, nearly 90% of all international loans were made through this market.

What is often misunderstood is that the City of London’s offshore finances are not contained in a system of banking secrecy but rather of trusts. The difference being that a trust ultimately plays with the concept of ownership. The idea is that you hand over your assets to a trustee and at that point, legally those assets are no longer yours anymore and you are not responsible for accounting for them. Your connection to said assets is completely hidden.

In addition, within Britain’s offshore jurisdictions, there is no qualification required for who can become a trustee: anyone can set up a trust and anyone can become a trustee. There is also no registry of trusts in these territories. Thus, the only ones who know about this arrangement are the trustee and the settler.

John Christensen, an investigative economist, estimates that this capital that legally belongs to nobody could amount to as high as $50 trillion within these British territories. Not only is this not being taxed, but a significant portion of it has been stolen from sectors of the real economy.

So how does this affect “formerly” colonised countries?

There lies the rub for most developing nations. According to John Christensen, the combined external debts of Sub-Saharan African countries was $177 billion in 2008. However, the wealth that these countries’ elites moved offshore, between 1970-2008, is estimated at $944 billion, 5X their foreign debt. This is not only dirty money, this is also STOLEN money from the resources and productivity of these economies. Thus, as Christensen states, “Far from being a net debtor to the world, Sub-Saharan Africa is a net creditor” to offshore finance.

Put in this context, the so-called “backwardness” of Africa is not due to its incapability to produce, but rather that it has been experiencing uninterrupted looting since these regions were first colonised.

These African countries then need to borrow money, which is happily given to them at high interest rates, and accrues a level of debt that could never be repaid. These countries are thus looted twice over, leaving no money left to invest in their future, let alone to put food on the table.

Offshore havens are what make this sort of activity “legal” and rampant.

And it doesn’t stop there. Worldwide, it is estimated that developing countries lose $1 trillion every year in capital flight and tax evasion. Most of this wealth goes back into the UK and U.S. through these offshore havens, and allows their currencies to stay strong whilst developing nations’ currencies are kept weak.

However, developing nations are not the only ones to have suffered from this system of looting. The very economies of the UK and U.S. have also been gutted. In the 1960s and onward, the UK and U.S., to compensate for the increase in money flow out of their countries decided that it was a good idea to open their domestic markets to the trillions of dollars passing through its offshore havens.

However, such banks are not interested in putting their money into industry and manufacturing, they put their money into real estate speculation, financial speculation and foreign currency trade. And thus the financialization of British and American economies resulted, and the real jobs coming from the real economy decreased or disappeared.

Although many economists try to claim differently, the desperation has boiled over and movements like the yellow vests are reflections of the true consequences of these economic policies.

We have reached a point now where every western first world country is struggling with a much higher unemployment rate and a lower standard of living than 40 years ago. Along with increased poverty has followed increased drug use, increased suicide and increased crime.

A Stable Economy based on Freedom or Slavery?

According to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) report in 2017, the UK has by far the highest rate of drug overdose in all of Europe at 31% followed by Germany at 15%. That is, the UK consists of 1/3 drug overdoses that occur in all of Europe.

The average family income in the UK is presently £28, 400. The poverty rate within the UK is ~20%.

The average family income of what was once the epicentre of world industrialisation, Detroit, has an average family income of $26, 249. The poverty rate of Detroit is ~34.5%.

What is the solution?

Reverse Margaret Thatcher’s 1986 Big Bang deregulation of the banking system that destroyed the separation of commercial banking, investment banking, trusts and insurance for starters. A similar restoration of Glass-Steagall in the USA should follow suit, not only to break up the “Too Big to Fail” banking system but to restore the authority of nation states over private finance once more. IF these emergency measures were done before the markets collapse (and they will collapse), then the industrial-infrastructure revival throughout trans-Atlantic nations can still occur.

Let us end here by hearkening to the words of Clement Attlee, UK Prime Minister from 1945-1951:

Over and over again we have seen that there is another power than that which has its seat at Westminster. The City of London, a convenient term for a collection of financial interests, is able to assert itself against the government of the country. Those who control money can pursue a policy at home and abroad contrary to that which is being decided by the people.

Cynthia Chung is a lecturer, writer and co-founder and editor of the Rising Tide Foundation (Montreal, Canada).

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Behind Corporate Media Disinformation, Capitalism Is Responsible For The Deaths Of Millions Of People

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

By Solomon Comissiong
Black Agenda Report

Message to the US Corporate Media

Corporate media snake-oil salesmen/women are doing their best to convince the masses that socialism is the devil itself.

They are not real journalists, they are liars for hire.”

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he United States’ corporate media is a well-oiled machine, engineered to effectively distribute misinformation to masses of politically domesticated Americans. Like apex predators, they feast upon the minds of those who are gullible enough to believe anything their pundits spew from their duplicitous mouths. Many of the corporate media talking heads are highly skilled in the art of deception. They regularly champion convenient narratives given to them from various departments within the United States’ government. This is routine regardless of the cable network. If the greatest trick the devil ever played was to convince humankind that he didn’t exist, then the corporate media’s greatest trick may have been convincing Americans that there was a huge difference between the likes of Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, ABC News, and the like. These networks are similar to the two corporate political parties, Democrats and Republicans. They are more alike on significant issues, such as war/imperialism, than they are dissimilar. Perhaps this is why many antiwar activists refer to the Democrats and Republicans as the “War Party.”

Recently MSNBC’s blowhard talking heads lost their collective minds as Bernie Sanders won yet another Democratic primary, this time the state of Nevada. MSNBC’s senior charlatan, Chris Mathews, even compared the Bernie Sanders campaign’s success to the Nazi takeover of France. MSNBC is riddled with fraudulent political analysts who masquerade as objective journalists. However, the rise of Bernie Sanders, who unfortunately isn’t even a “classic” socialist, is scaring the crap out of the Democratic Party establishment, and their corporate media sycophants. The likes of Chris Mathews, Joy Reid, and Democratic Party apologist, James Carville, become incensed at the very thought that there might ever be a socialist-leaning president. Thus, the corporate media snake-oil salesmen/women are doing their best to convince the masses that socialism is the devil itself. However, that pale-faced lie could be nothing further from the truth.

Chris Mathews even compared the Bernie Sanders campaign’s success to the Nazi takeover of France.”

What the corporate media (and US corporate politicians) won’t tell the public is the truth that capitalism, not socialism, is responsible for the deaths of countless millions. Capitalism has been, by far, the most destructive economic system known to humankind. Capitalism was the driving force behind chattel slavery and colonization. Racism and white supremacy needed the engine of capitalism to drive their hatred of people of color towards massive profits from the plunder of land and enslavement of countless Africans and indigenous people. Capitalism is largely responsible for the continued environmental destruction of the planet, widespread poverty, and imperialist war-after-imperialist war. Capitalism and its addition to profits over the interest of people, has fueled the aforementioned social maladies. To the intellectually honest, these facts are hardly debatable. However, the fork-tongued corporate media pundits will never admit this. Their existence is dependent on capitalism. They are the willing mouthpieces for devilish actions carried out by their political and corporate masters. They will say what they are told. They are similar to life-like dummies controlled by puppeteers. They are not real journalists, they are liars for hire.

Chris Mathews and his cronies are petrified at the prospect of the United States moving towards socialism. They are scared, not because socialism is evil, but because they benefit from predatory capitalism. They understand that socialism actually will be a benefit to a great many poor and disenfranchised Americans. And they won’t tell their viewers/listeners the wretched truths about capitalism; instead they focus on telling lies about socialism. This is why there are people who would prosper under socialism, who are often afraid of the mere mention of the word. They have been indoctrinated and socially programmed to fear what they are oblivious to.  They have been socially engineered to fear whatever the government (and corporate media) tell them to fear.

Capitalism has been, by far, the most destructive economic system known to humankind.”

The more nefarious lies the corporate media spread about socialism, the less attention will be actually placed on the inherently evil nature of capitalism. MSNBC, like other corporate media outlets, is anti-democratic. This is why they seldom, if ever, allow honest and comprehensive dialogues on a range of critical issues such as the military-industrial complex, the prison industrial complex, the problems of a limited two-party political system, institutional racism, and yes, even socialism vs. capitalism. They use their corporate-bought platforms to limit the range of honest dialogue while promulgating lies about topics like socialism and war. The corporate media is the mouthpiece of the same destructive United States government that has been plundering the planet, engaging in imperialism, and championing structural oppression. They do not care about eviscerating social injustice. They do, however, care about upholding the same damn status quo that leaves tens of millions of people without access to healthcare, disproportionately incarcerates people of color, and renders countless people homeless and hungry.

The corporate media and its duplicitous pundits are not friends to the masses. Like capitalism, they primarily serve the interest of the elites. They are not to be trusted…ever! It is long past due that we support (and create) truly independent (and revolutionary oriented) media that exposes information and perspectives that are routinely suppressed by corporate America. Social justice, prosperity, and peace depend upon it. As Malcolm X once said,

If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”

A case in point:
CBS & rest of US media resume hypocritical propaganda campaign against forces battling terrorists

By Patrice Greanville
Note the grotesque distortions and evisceration of all context  you see here are neither new nor exceptional: CBS and its peers have been disinforming on Syria and world events literally for generations. This journalist malpractice is therefore the norm. It has become far more blatant in the last decade as challenges to the empire and its supporting narrative emerge from other nations pursuing a very different course, and from the Internet, via independent sites such as this.

1. The fact the US (and its accomplices in the region, Saudi Arabia, Israel, NATO, and Turkey) created this entire tragedy by promoting "regime change" using ISIS, al-Qaeda and a vast array of other brands of terrorists. 

2. The US colluded with Turkey, Jordan and Israel —among others—to keep the war going against Pres. Assad, who just happens to be Syria's legitimate president. Every day this war rages on, more inexcusable suffering takes place, while the conflict is an open powder keg that could easily explode involving the world's major nuclear powers. This is criminally reckless behaviour.

3. Regardng the battle of Idlib, the US media are again in effect crying crocodile tears for terrorists the US enables and protects while claiming to be fighting.  They tried the same trick when Damascus and its allies fought to retake and liberate Aleppo and other parts of Syria overrun by Washington's terrorists (aka :rebels", "moderates").

See, for example:

DISINFORMATION RADAR: The Idlib bombing story —it’s Aleppo redux
and the following-

The US is guilty of many more comparable or bigger crimes in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and throughout the Mid-East region and the world.  The US presence in Iraq (where it was asked to leave, but simply refuses) and other parts of the Mideast aggravates this type of situation.

So, with that in mind, examine this "report":

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About the Author
Solomon Comissiong is an activist, author, lecturer and film-maker. He maintains a column with Black Agenda Report, America's leading revolutionary Black voice.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

All image captions, pull quotes, appendices, etc. by the editors not the authors. 


The Russian Peace Threat examines Russophobia, American Exceptionalism and other urgent topics


France’s Fingerprints Are All Over Terrorist Groups in Idlib Syria

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Steven Sahiounie

France’s support for extremist groups in Syria, particularly near Idlib, dates back to the earliest days of the 2011 CIA-backed anti-government rebellion.

There are numerous French terrorists in Idlib today, fighting to establish an Islamic state out of a small piece of secular Syria.  Their dream is a Sunni utopia on the Turkish border, where they can enjoy the full support of the Turkish President Erdogan, who is the head of the AK party which is a Muslim Brotherhood party which has dominated Turkey for about 20 years.

Being on the Turkish border affords them the luxury of being fed and clothed by international aid agencies, such as the UN’s World Food Programme, and other humanitarian groups who distribute supplies to civilians, and their sons, brothers, husband, or father who are on the Al Qaeda payroll financed by Qatar, and some Arab Gulf monarchies.  The humanitarian groups, including the UN, work as enablers, prolonging the suffering of the innocents by continuing the supplies. If the daily needs of the terrorist’s families had been cut off, the terrorists would be forced to flee to Turkey, and eventually Europe, for more of the free benefits offered by “Mother Merkel”, referring to German Chancellor Angel Merkel.

The French terrorists were recruited in France, and not online.  The Sevran network, a terrorist recruitment network in Sevran, near Paris, operated from an informal prayer hall, as they targeted young men with a sophisticated mixture of psychological tactics, and according to some, tactics of hypnosis which were acquired by Al Qaeda during the decades in Afghanistan, which is well known for honed skills of hypnosis which existed before the CIA field agents; but, were used by the CIA in their jihad program to counter the Soviet presence there.

The French jihadist recruiter, Omar Omsen, faked his death in August 2015, only to reappear months later in a TV interview. It is unknown how many terrorists have faked their deaths to wipe their identity clean and re-invent themselves later in Europe, or the US.

An undated photo of French ISIS recruiter extraordinaire Omar Omsen.

The French government began their support of terrorists in Syria beginning in 2011 when the CIA began their first office in Adana, Turkey just over the border from Idlib. French Presidents from Sarkozy, to Hollande, and now Macron have all followed the US ordered ‘regime-change’ project in Syria.  In 2017 US President Trump shut-down the CIA program of support to Al Qaeda in Syria. However, Al Qaeda is fully functioning in Idlib and with very obvious support at the highest levels, such as weapons, ammunition, anti-aircraft missiles, drones, and paychecks.

Syria’s Moderate Rebels

In September 2015, Syrian President Assad blamed Europe’s refugee crisis on West’s support for terrorists.  Referring to the viral online photo of a Syrian child washed up on a Turkish beach, he said,

How can you feel sad at a child’s death in the sea and not feel for the thousands of children who have been killed by the terrorists in Syria? And, also for the elderly, for the woman and men? These European double standards are no longer acceptable.”

He added, “The West is supporting terrorists since the beginning of this crisis when it said it was ‘a peaceful uprising’ – as they called it. They said later, it is moderate opposition and now they say these (are) terrorists like al-Nusra and ISIS.”  Jibhat al-Nusra is the Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria and is in control of Idlib.

In June 2015 the trial in London of a Swedish man, Bherlin Gildo, accused of terrorism in Syria, collapsed after it became clear British intelligence had been arming the same groups the defendant was charged with supporting. The prosecution abandoned the case, apparently to avoid embarrassing the intelligence services. The French intelligence agents were working hand in glove with the US and UK in Syria.

A year into the Syrian rebellion, the US and its allies weren’t only supporting and arming an opposition they knew to be dominated by extreme sectarian groups; they were prepared to countenance the creation of some sort of “Islamic state”.  The western habit of playing with jihadi groups, which then come back to bite them, goes back at least to the 1980’s war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, which fostered the original Al Qaeda under CIA tutelage.

Turkey-backed fighters help a fellow fighter wounded by Syrian government forces and their allies in Idlib, Syria, March 1, 2020. None of this suffering would have been possble without the active backing of America and her vassal states and accomplices in the Gulf and Europe. (Photo | AP)

Sochi 2018

The agreement required Turkey to oust terrorists such as Jibhat al-Nusra, and allowed Turkey to set up 12 observation posts in Idlib to separate the terrorists from unarmed civilians.  However, almost two years after the deal was made, Turkey failed to fulfill its commitments and Moscow openly accused Turkey of aiding the terrorists.  This led to the Syrian Arab Army offensive in Idlib which began in December 2019 to liberate the civilians and clear out all terrorists. This military operation is ongoing and the Syrians, with help from Russian airpower, have made dramatic advancements.

France’s ghost trials

In January 2020 a Paris courtroom heard cases against French terrorists in Syria, however, the majority of the defendants were dead.  The French news media have dubbed it a “ghost trial”.

Antoine Ory, one of the defense lawyers, said: “In France, in 2020, we refuse to repatriate the living but we try the dead.”   France has a policy of not taking back its terrorists, even though they have thousands of them in Syria.

The staging ground at Hatay

The border between Syria and Turkey is a relatively straight line from east to west until it reaches the Orontes river, then it suddenly dips and heads southwards for about 80 miles.  This obvious missing chunk of Syrian land was given to Turkey by France in 1939 to assure Turkey would fight for France against Hitler’s Germany in WW2.

Liwa Iskanderoun to the Syrians is now called Hatay province, it contains the cities of Antakya and Iskenderun, which were previously known as Antioch and Alexandretta.  This area is on the Turkish side of Idlib.

The area in 1939 was a mixture of nationalities, with Turks, Turkmen, Sunni Arabs, Alawites, Armenians, and Greeks.  Their descendants today still speak Arabic, unlike the rest of Turkey which only speaks Turkish. Before 2011, Turkish President Erdogan and Syrian President Assad had a very close relationship and an agreement was signed to build a $28 million Syrian-Turkish Friendship Dam on the Orontes River. Hatay was transformed into a staging-ground for internationals terrorists, including the French, who flooded into Syria to participate in the US-NATO-EU attack on Syria for ‘regime change,’ and today the world watches as possible open warfare may be declared.

Feature photo | Anti-government rebels prepare to go to a frontline near the village of Neirab, in Idlib province, Syria, Feb. 24, 2020. Ghaith Alsayed | AP


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Acclaimed by critics, Ron Ridenour’s incisive history of the struggle between the US and Russia, extending from the Bolshevik revolution to our day, plus a wide-ranging and comprehensive analysis of many cultural America features which continue to  bolster the US drive for world domination, is now available in print at a discount price. It’s 564 pages packed with information, many critical but practically unknown facts, and an uncompromising revolutionary perspective on the colossal challenges confronting this generation. (Click here or on the image below to order.)


The big social media —Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter—are trying to silence us.


Why do the U.S. and its allies hide these facts from the public?

Another important dispatch from The Greanville Post. Be sure to share it widely.

This article is part of an ongoing series of dispatches by historian Eric Zuesse

Why have these exculpatory proofs of the falsehood of U.S.-and-allied anti-Russia accusations all been HIDDEN FROM THEIR RESPECTIVE PUBLICS by the U.S. and its allies?

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he latest are document-dumps and accompanying detailed explanations and translations of the revealed documents, and are from Bonanza Media. That’s a Finland-based website. Their “Bonanza Leaks” on 24 February 2020 shows photos of the official transcriptions of the witnesses’ testimony to the official Joint Investigative Team (JIT) which the U.S-allied Dutch Government operates in order to convict Russia for the shoot-down of the MH17 Malaysian airliner on 17 July 2014 above the civil-war zone in Ukraine. It includes an accompanying video presentation of these documents, from a day earlier, on February 23rd, titled “Bonanza Media LeaksTalk”. That video includes this: “Australian police confirm that these are authentic documents” (in response to Bonanza Media’s having supplied Australian police with the photos), and “these are original documents,” which their video shows. Then, they showed their documents to the JIT’s own office in Netherlands, which refused to comment. One document, from the Director of the Military Intelligence and Security Service of the Netherlands, to the public prosecutor of the National Prosecutor’s Office on Counter Terrorism, P.O. Box 395, 3000 AJ Rotterdam, dated 21 September 2016, opens (this being the official Dutch translation, but the original Dutch being also shown), “Herewith, I am informing, pursuant to Section 38 of the Intelligence and Security Services Act 2002, of data that is possibly of importance for the criminal investigation into the crashing of flight MH17.” After stating the evidence they had accumulated from witnesses and from allied-Government intelligence agencies, this document closes: “On this basis MIVD [Dutch military intelligence agency] draws the conclusion that from these two Russian ground based air systems near Rostov na Dona [the only two Russian bases that possibly would have been associated with the shoot-down of the MH17] no missile launch took place on 17 July 2014.” More information about the Bonanza Leaks disclosures can be found from the investigative journalist John Helmer in Moscow, headlining on February 25th, “NATO Military Intelligence Agencies Repeatedly Reported in Secret There Was No Evidence of a Russian Buk Missile in Eastern Ukraine or Firing on MH17”.

NYTimes front page: Selling us te Iraq War (Sept. 8, 2002). The Times and the rest of the media ran thousands of items like this,

As I have documented on many occasions, even the JIT’s own ‘case’ against Russia, regarding the MH17 shoot-down, is founded upon and cites ‘evidence’ which actually disproves Russia’s involvement, and proves that this downing was instead a Ukrainian Government operation. As I said at that link, “U.S. President Barack Obama had become desperate for something to happen that would persuade German Chancellor Angela Merkel to endorse added sanctions against Russia regarding Ukraine, but I had had no idea, until now, as to what direct involvement, if any, he had had in the actual setting-up of the MH17 shoot-down.” But he has hardly been alone in this effort. Not only Barack Obama but also now Donald Trump are implicated in it — Trump for his continuing Obama’s guilt in it and cover-ups about it. 
The U.S. is a bipartisan dictatorship. Is that opinion? It is all documented, in the links. This (like the U.S. Government’s having been behind Ukraine’s downing of the MH17) is therefore still news instead of history; but it remains news only because it still remains hidden in the U.S. and its allied regimes; it is NOT “opinion.” It will remain news as long as the U.S.-and-allied blackout of the evidence remains in effect. And the U.S. dictatorship has long been not only domestic but international as well, a dictatorship over what it calls its ‘allies’ and even over some countries which claim to to be ‘neutral’.
Another example of this international dictatorship is that the supposedly U.N.-authorized and not U.S.-controlled OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons), which is really controlled by the U.S. Government, routinely lies when it needs to in order to protect the U.S. Government from being publicly revealed to have perpetrated an international war-crime.
Another example is that the U.S. Government was complicit with the Saudi Government in producing and enabling the 9/11 attacks to happen, and in blaming those attacks, and Islamic terrorism generally, upon a nation which is on friendly terms with Russia’s Government: Iran. (Though Israel’s Government might have been informed in advance that the attacks were going to happen, no evidence exists that they were involved in funding and planning the operation, but Saudi Arabia was.)
Furthermore, the much-publicized British-alleged ‘Russian novichok’ 4 March 2018 Salisbury England poisoning of the Russian-British double-agent Sergei Skripal and of his visiting daughter Yulia was never conclusively sourced as having been at all a Russian operation; and both of the victims are being held against their wills in the UK though they seem to want to return to Russia, but are prohibited from being able to communicate to the public or to answer any questions out of the presence of their British and American holders (basically being imprisoned by UK without any trial and with not even an appearance in court). Julian Assange has been imprisoned in various places in England for around ten years before finally getting a show-trial hearing recently in order to enable him to be extradited for final intended destruction in the U.S., whereas the Skripals have been totally blocked from public access now for around two years. In both instances, the ‘news’ is not seriously credible. As John Helmer concludes at the very end of his comprehensive recently released book Skripal in Prison, “If Sergei and Yulia Skripal are not allowed by the British services to answer Putin’s question [‘What kind of information can he possess?’], the British are answering the question themselves. In the imprisonment of the Skripals to this day, there is the proof that it was not the Russians who attacked them two years ago.” Chapter 23 of Helmer’s book is a reprint of his 8 December 2019 online article, “The Skripals Under US Control at a USAF Nuclear Bomber Base in Fairford, Gloucestershire”, and it clearly proves the U.S. Government’s participation in their imprisonment. Such U.S. involvement does not fit, at all, with the propagandized ‘news’ reports about the Skripal case. Obviously, that smear against Russia’s Government is just another in a long list of such deceptions by the U.S. and its allied governments.
Another example is that the U.S. Government lied about WMD in Iraq, and it lied about Russiagate, but those were lies which were actually for the opposed two factions of America’s billionaires (Democratic Party billionaires versus Republican Party billionaires), and this factionalism by the billionaires, against each other, is behind the Government’s lying and counter-lying. It just confuses the American public, while doing nothing to stop the mass-deceptions that distract all of the public from the abuses against the non-billionaire public, by all of the billionaires, of both of the billionaires’ political Parties. On Iraq, invading and occupying it was supported almost 100% by congressional Republicans, voting to back a Republican President (while 56% of Democratic Senators did, but 44% did not). However, on the Russiagate impeachment-effort against President Trump, which after the Mueller Report became switched to Ukrainegate (which likewise was anti-Russia), nearly 100% of Democrats voted Yea, and nearly 100% of Republicans voted Nay. Similarly, back in 1998, almost 100% of Democrats voted against impeaching Bill Clnton, and almost 100% of Republicans voted for his impeachment. Truth in both cases was totally sacrificed, especially because neither of those Presidents was being charged with what was actually the given President’s most harmful actions; only minor and dubious grounds were being presented for the President’s removal in each of the two cases. For a long time now, U.S. politics is only a squabble between Republican billionaires and Democratic billionaires, while the country itself just decays, from policies that one or the other factions of America’s aristocracy end up imposing upon the entire Government.
This is not reportable in America’s mainstream media, though all of it is factual and is so deeply documented as to be almost beyond any reasonable dispute.
What constitutes “news” in such a country? Only what satisfies the needs of its dictators. And that’s the least-reportable fact of all. 

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About the author

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity. Besides TGP, his reports and historical analyses are published on many leading current events and political sites, including The Saker, Huffpost, Oped News, and others.


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DNC Elites Commit Elder Abuse On Guy They Know Will Lose To Trump

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Carrie Lavender

[dropcap]J[/dropcap]oe Biden is the DNC’s anointed candidate despite his clear signs of cognitive decline. He slurs his words and struggles to string coherent thoughts together. Saagar Enjeti, of The Hill’s Rising, frequently declares, “He literally can’t speak!” DNC insiders know this.

During his campaign, we’ve seen many instances of it. Examples include Biden forgetting where he is, flubbing a line of the Declaration of Independence, blanking on Obama’s name, mixing up decades and politiciansnames, confusing his wife and sister, thinking he was Vice President during the Parkland shooting, telling creepy and untrue stories, announcing he’s running for US Senate, saying vote for the other Biden,” stopping mid-sentence before his time is up in a debate, nearly losing his teeth on stage, and making racist remarks.

Center for American Progress President & Twitter Troll: Neera Tanden

These are not just mild gaffes nor a stutter like corporate Dems on Twitter would have you believe. In Caitlin Johnstone’s article, Stop Calling It A “Stutter”: Here Are Dozens Of Examples Of Biden’s Dementia Symptoms, she contrasts the Mayo Clinic’s descriptions of a stutter versus dementia, and then compares videos of a highly coherent Biden from earlier in his career — as recent as 2016 — with a compilation of forty-one recent videos that display clear signs of his mental incompetence. (A work in progress, as of this writing, her compilation has 41 videos. She credits Twitter user @KoenSwinkels for gathering many of them.) In some videos, Biden looks disoriented, confused or embarrassed.

Mayo Clinic’s page on dementia lists agitation and inappropriate behavior as psychological changes, and Biden shows concerning hostility at town halls, calling people “fat” and “lying dog-faced pony soldier”, retorting “vote for someone elseon several occasions, touching people inappropriately, and arguing with a veteran.

Medical professionals on Twitter opine that Biden shows clear signs of cognitive decline. While only Biden’s personal physicians can provide a definitive diagnosis, if you take the time to view all forty-one above-mentioned videos in their entirety, it becomes clear that the US presidential campaign is an unhealthy undertaking for a person in his mental condition. In fact, it seems fair to say that Biden’s handlers are committing elder abuse by pushing this seventy-seven year-old man on a grueling itinerary that’s clearly aggravating his symptoms.

“Democratic insiders know Biden has cognitive decline issues. They joke about it. They don’t care,” Matt Stoller tweeted Thursday. DNC insiders are complicit in this elder abuse, including Biden’s family, DNC Chair Tom Perez, DNC cronies, and every sell-out partisan who endorses Biden, like pre-Super Tuesday dropouts, Buttigieg and Klobuchar. One can only imagine what sleazy backroom deals were made to get them to drop out on cue to disingenuously endorse a guy who cannot possibly beat Trump and needs medical intervention.


In South Carolina debate, he stopped mid-sentence before his time was up, and said: “Why am I stopping? No one else stops!

Here is Wikipedia’s definition of Elder Abuse:

Elder abuse . . . is ‘a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person’. . . . It includes harms by people the older person knows, or has a relationship with, such as a spouse, partner, or family member; a friend or neighbor; or people that the older person relies on for services. . . .

[A type of elder abuse]: Neglect: e.g. depriving a person of proper medical treatment, . . . comfort, essential medication, or depriving a person of needed services to force certain kinds of actions, financial and otherwise. . . . The deprivation may be intentional (active neglect) or happen out of lack of knowledge or resources (passive neglect). . . .

[A sign of elder abuse]: Changes in mental status . . .

[Health consequences of elder abuse]:

· Declining functional abilities

· Increased dependency, sense of helplessness, and stress

· Worsening psychological decline

· Premature mortality and morbidity

· Depression and dementia . . .

· Death (The risk of death for elder abuse victims are three times higher than for non-victims.)

The last place Biden belongs is on the campaign trail. It’s clearly taking its toll by hastening the progression of his mental decline. His neural misfires are increasing day by day, while YouTube and Twitter users swiftly document his cognitive degeneration in real time. Biden should be at home in a calm, stable environment receiving medical treatment.

His family and colleagues should do the right thing and stop pushing him to continue exposing himself to ridicule and stress. It is highly disturbing to witness his rapid mental decline being broadcast nationally. The DNC has openly rigged the race to elevate him as front-runner. Unless the DNC has a highly convincing Biden body double on hand, the establishment won’t be able to continue pretending it’s not a thing — now that the race is down to two candidates (not counting Tulsi who’s been sidelined).

Here are the Mayo Clinic’s recommended non-drug approaches for treating “dementia symptoms and behavior problems” in the initial stages (boldface mine):

OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY. An occupational therapist can show you how to make your home safer and teach coping behaviors. The purpose is to prevent accidents, such as falls; manage behavior; and prepare you for the dementia progression.

MODIFYING THE ENVIRONMENT. Reducing clutter and noise can make it easier for someone with dementia to focus and function. You might need to hide objects that can threaten safety, such as knives and car keys. Monitoring systems can alert you if the person with dementia wanders.

SIMPLIFYING TASKS. Break tasks into easier steps and focus on success, not failure. Structure and routine also help reduce confusion in people with dementia.

Such interventions are not possible while he’s campaigning. In large venues, it’s not possible to “reduce clutter and noise” in order to help Biden “focus and function”. As discussed above, he lacks coping skills for responding to audience questions, even mild-mannered inquiries. The rigor of constant travel will eclipse any chance for the type of “structure and routine” that could reduce his confusion. There’s no way to simplify the tasks of running for the highest office in the land. The complex demands on him will ensure his repeated failure at public discourse. Proper care can only be provided back home.

Moderate Dems loudly demanded that Bernie release all of his medical records — after he had released all his medical records. Now that Joe’s the front-runner, it’s crickets from those same hypocrites regarding Biden’s medical records. The subject is treated as taboo by narrative managers, so don’t expect to hear such a request in upcoming debates.

Without publication of his updated medical records, there’s no way to know what medications he’s taking to grapple with his mental challenges during debates and campaign events. During the last debate, Johnstone tweeted: “Biden started strong but whatever they gave him to jog his neural connectivity is wearing off.” Adderall, for example, is not one of the Mayo Clinic’s recommended medications for dementia. A blood vessel in his eye exploded on camera during a CNN Town Hall, and one worries they may be pumping him with dangerous stimulants.

The DNC doesn’t care about Biden’s health. As for his wife and family, one can only wonder if they’re being blackmailed or cravenly driven by lust for even greater power and wealth. The DNC doesn’t care about defeating Trump either. They only care about beating Bernie. They prefer Trump over Bernie, as Krystal Ball of The Hill’s Rising explains,

They would rather lose with Joe than win with Bernie . . . because if you lose with Joe, and you’re in the opposition, and Trump gets another four years, you’ve still got your gig flow; you’ve still got your access; you still have your power channels preserved. If Bernie wins, he’s getting rid of all of you. Your day is over! So it’s existential, and they’re treating it like it.

Polls currently show a potential close contest between Biden and Trump, but in the general election, news of his mental struggles will spread like wildfire. Biden cannot possibly beat Trump short of continued massive election fraud or some unforeseen event. Trump’s already making fun of him, while Fox is broadcasting his signs of dementia as well as his links to Ukraine corruption.

Difficulties reasoning and problem-solving are symptoms of dementia, and Biden’s handlers are abusing his diminished judgment. In 1988, Joe dropped out of the presidential race after news spread that he’d plagiarized speeches and lied about his academic record. If he had his full mental faculties now, he’d certainly withdraw his candidacy. He wouldn’t allow them to parade him across the national stage, lest he become a laughingstock. It’s highly abusive to expose him to mockery.

His shameless handlers are precipitating his mental ruin. As his cognitive decline accelerates under the pressures and stress of the campaign, will this elder abuse continue, or will his condition force them to pull his candidacy?

During his campaign, Senator Cory Booker stated:

There are definitely moments where you listen to Joe Biden, and you just wonder. . . . I think that we are at a tough point right now because there are a lot people who are concerned about Joe Biden’s ability to carry the ball all the way across the end line without fumbling, and I think that [Julian] Castro has some really legitimate concerns about — can he be someone in a long, grueling campaign that can get the ball over the line, and [Castro] has every right to call that out.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. Biden is not mentally qualified for the job of President. One wonders what fiendish tricks the DNC has up its sleeve next. “Liberalmedia cannot hide his cognitive lapses for long. Will social media and YouTube crackdown on accounts that feature Biden’s dementia symptoms? Will the DNC replace him with a surprise villain nominee at the convention? Will Bernie challenge exit poll disparities to make a *comeback*? Will Berners revolt? Will people finally cancel their TV subscriptions? As the world turns, there’s only one thing for certain: things are going to keep getting weirder and crazier, as Caitlin Johnstone warned us. Fasten your seatbelts, my friends, or better yet, book your trip to Milwaukee.

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Carrie Lavender • Peace Activist, College Instructor, Intuitive Coach @ & Teaching Artist/Performer @


Caitoz & husband provide further observations on Joe Biden's deteriorating condition.

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