Have it Out With Galloway: Episode 1 – Gaza Ceasefire Aftermath

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Have it Out With Galloway: Episode 1 - Gaza Ceasefire Aftermath


Have it Out with Galloway (Episode 2) Israel - Iran Tensions
News 2739
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  • We must act together to smash the VILE Western disinformation machine.
  • This is the Lying Machine that protects the greatest evil humanity has ever seen.
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Things to keep in mind...

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. Meanwhile, fascist ideology and blatant lies also permeate the consciousness of most people in the West. Those in the comfortable top 10%, the "PMCs" (Professional Managerial Class), are especially vulnerable. They support and disseminate such ideas. They are the executors of the actual ruling class' orders, those in the 0.001%, who remain largely invisible. The PMCs are the political class, the media whores, the top military brass, some people in academia, and the "national security/foreign policy" industry honchos. Push back against these unethical, contaminated people with the truth while you can.

AND...where the US Government is at:

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Since the overpaid media shills will never risk their careers to report the truth, the world must rely on citizen journalists to provide the facts that explain reality.

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Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Eric Zuesse

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Of humble beginnings, and a devout anticommunist, Missourian Harry Truman left his mark in history, for the worse, but, as usual, larger forces determined the nation's course.

Dr. Marco Soddu’s excellent 13 December 2012 study of “Truman Administration’s Containment Policy in Light of the French Return to Indochina” makes clear that (unlike FDR) President Truman’s historical understanding was poor and vulnerable to shaping by advisors who themselves had poor understanding, or perhaps ulterior motives.

President Roosevelt was far more of a strategic thinker than Truman was, and therefore was far less manipulable. In his 1 January 1945 Memorandum for the Secretary of State (Stenttinius, whom Truman viewed as being soft on communism and therefore Truman replaced him on 28 June 1945, even before deciding irrevocably to start a Cold War), FDR made clear that, “I still do not want to get mixed up in any Indochina decision. It is a matter for post-war.” And, “I made this very clear to Mr. Churchill. From both the military and civil point of view, action at this time is premature.” The aristocracies of both Britain and France were obsessed to continue their empires post-war. FDR held them off, but Truman was strongly inclined to yield to them whenever doing so would be “anti-communist.” He was simply manipulable. He never really understood what FDR’s vision was of the post-war world, nor cared. In fact, on 29 August 1945, in a conversation between Madam Chiang Kai-shek and Truman, “Madame Chiang recalled that President Roosevelt had spoken of a trusteeship for Indo China, whereupon the President stated that there had been no discussion of a trusteeship for Indo China as far as he was concerned.” This far, just a month, into the Cold War (supposedly against communism instead of for forming an all-inclusive global U.S. empire) that he now was committed to, he still had never even thought about what FDR’s vision for the post-WW2 world had been. To Truman, communists personified evil: to him, they were psychopaths and demons — end of story.

By contrast, here was the reason why FDR strongly favored for existing colonies to become taken over, after the War, by the U.N. (which FDR had, since August 1941, been planning to be quite different from what Truman made it), as trusteeships of the U.N., on the road quickly to independence (and Chiang knew at least something about this but Truman either didn’t, or else lied to say he didn’t):

Memorandum, President Roosevelt to the Secretary of State

FDR—Though a plutocrat by birth and acculturation, he was as decent and visionary as a bourgeois statesman can be.

January 24, 1944

I saw Halifax last week and told him quite frankly that it was perfectly true that I had, for over a year, expressed the opinion that Indo-China should not go back to France but that it should be administered by an international trusteeship. France has had the country — thirty million inhabitants — for nearly one hundred years, and the people are worse off than they were at the beginning. As a matter of interest, I am wholeheartedly supported in this view by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and by Marshal Stalin. I see no reason to play in with the British Foreign Office in this matter. The only reason they seem to oppose it is that they fear the effect it would have on their own possessions and those of the Dutch. They have never liked the idea of trusteeship because it is, in some instances, aimed at future independence. This is true in the case of Indo-China. Each case must, of course, stand on its own feet, but the case of Indo-China is perfectly clear. France has milked it for one hundred years. The people of Indo-China are entitled to something better than that.
F[ranklin] D. R[oosevelt]]

Another sign of bad faith on the part of the United States against the Soviet Union — besides the Marshall Plan and Operation Gladio (both instituted by Truman) — seems to have been America’s public refusal to accept as being anything other than ‘communist tricks’ the repeated efforts by the Soviets to restore the U.S.-U.S.S.R. joint national-security cooperation that had existed prior to 25 July 1945. America’s responses to each of those Soviet initiatives were insults, instead of welcoming the Soviet proposals and working behind the scenes with them to obtain progress toward the type of world order that FDR had intended — a world order policed by the United Nations, not by the united imperialistic fascists. For example, on 19 September 1959 at the U.N. General Assembly, the Soviet Representative headlined “Declaration of the Soviet Government on General and Complete Disarmament” and presented a series of proposals including:

“Declaration of the Soviet Government on General and Complete Disarmament”

September 19, 1959
P. 14:
The Soviet Government proposes that the programme of general and complete disarmament should be carried out within as short a time-limit as possible — within a period of four years.
The following measures are proposed for the first stage:
The reduction, under appropriate control, of the strength of the armed forces of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China to the level of 1.7 million men, and of the United Kingdom and France to the level of 650,000 men;
The reduction of the armed forces of other states to levels to be agreed upon at a special session of the United Nations General Assembly or at a world conference on general and complete disarmament;
The reduction of the armaments and military equipment at the disposal of the armed forces of States to the extent necessary to ensure that the remaining quantity of armaments corresponds to the level fixed for the armed forces.
The following is proposed for the second stage:
The completion of the disbandment of the armed forces retained by States;
The elimination of all military bases in the territories of foreign States; troops and military personnel shall be withdrawn from the territories of foreign States to within their own national frontiers and shall be disbanded.
The following is for the third stage:
The destruction of all types of nuclear weapons and missiles;
The destruction of air force equipment;
The entry into force of the prohibition on the production, possession and storage of means of chemical and biological weapons in the possession of States shall be removed and destroyed under international supervision;
Scientific research for military purposes and the development of weapons and military equipment shall be prohibited;
War ministries, general staffs and all military and paramilitary establishments and organizations shall be abolished;
All military courses and training shall be terminated. States shall prohibit by law the military education of young people.
In accordance with their respective constitutional procedures, States shall enact legislation abolishing military service in all of its forms — compulsory, voluntary, by recruitment, and so forth. …
(4) Conclusion of a non-aggression pact between the member States of NATO and the member States of the Warsaw Treaty

Editor's Note: Reflect for a moment on the above. Here is a bold proposal that could have significantly altered the course of human history, for the better, and it was being tendered by the much demonised Stalin and the communist Soviet Union. Such ideas never came from the sanctimonious and ever duplicitous West. 

The U.S. response came a few months later at the “Conference of the Ten Nation Committee on Disarmament”:
“Conference of the Ten Nation Committee on Disarmament”

22 March 1960
Final Verbatim Record of the Sixth Meeting
Held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva
P. 36:
Mr. Eaton (United States of America): I have no intention of entering into this discussion on foreign bases. I think the discussions that we have had here this morning have indicated that we shall run into political problems at the very earliest stage, problems on which earlier conferences have foundered. I would only say that the forces of my Government are only employed outside my own country and within my own country for the purpose of defending both ourselves and those of our allies who wish to be associated with us, who welcome our troops as a part of theirs and as a part of the allied defences, and for no other reason. Whenever the time comes when these troops need not be employed, for defensive purposes only, there need be no doubt in the mind of anyone here that those forces will be withdrawn.
“Conference of the Ten Nation Committee on Disarmament”
24 June 1960

Final Verbatim Record of the Forty-Sixth Meeting, Held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, p. 4:
Mr. Nosek (Czechoslovakia): What did Mr. Eaton propose? He proposed the introduction of control measures. … exclusively with measures of control, that is with the old and well-known requirement of the United States — the introduction of control over armaments. Apparently with a view to misleading world public opinion, which requires a concrete discussion of general and complete disarmament, the United States representatives are beginning to prefer — for tactical reasons — to call those measures not “partial measures” but “initial steps” on the road to general and complete disarmament under effective international control.

“The United Nations and Space Security: Conflicting Mandates” p. 17:

This [obfuscation and evasion by the U.S. (which on p. 16 was referred to as merely “proposals directed towards the establishment of control without disarmament”)] ultimately led [on 28 June 1960] to the USSR, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Romania not attending the 48th meeting of the Ten-Nation Committee, which signalled the end of these discussions in the Committee.

The U.S. Government refused to discuss the Soviet Union’s proposal for all war-weaponry to be placed under U.N. command, and decision-making only by the U.N., to enforce only U.N. laws — no longer under the command of individual nations (such as by the U.S. regime’s “international-rules-based [i.e., not international-law-based] order.”

Who benefited from America’s refusal even to discuss what had been U.S. President FDR’s aim for the post-WW-II world? The beneficiaries are what Eisenhower when leaving office called the “military industrial complex,” and are basically America’s hundred largest military contractors, especially the owners of the largest weapons-manufacturing firms such as Lockheed. Ike had served them well, and then three days before leaving office warned the public about them so as not to be blamed (along with Truman) by historians, for having created it.

Meanwhile, the German industrialists (such as this) who were likeliest to have been the individuals who had funded Hitler’s rise to power, were let off scot-free at the Nuremberg Tribunals after the war was over. Furthermore, as Bishnu Pathak documented in his 21 September 2020 “Nuremberg Tribunal: A Precedent for Victor’s Justice”, those Tribunals were, even at the time, widely condemned even by the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court and by the chief U.S. Prosecutor at the Tribunals, as being a “sanctimonious fraud,” a “high-grade lynching party” and nothing more than victors’ ‘justice’, instead of any respectable precedent-setter for the U.N., but Truman and the other leaders of the victor-powers simply did not care — and the U.N. became built upon that acceptance of victors’ ‘justice’: no improvement. One cannot say whether FDR would have caved to that if he had not died first, but certainly the U.S. that followed after him has been the type of tyranny that he had always been scheming to prevent both for the U.S. and for the world.

Nuremberg defendants—The trials seemed to mete out some harsh justice but in reality the Anglo-Americans and the French did their best to save and incorporate Nazis into the global anti-communist crusade, the first "Cold War". This pattern of high-handed hypocrisy continues to this day, with consequences that have put the world on the brink of a nuclear Armageddon.


Furthermore, the OECD or Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development was set up in 1948 nominally in order ‘to stimulate economic progress and world trade,’ but actually to administer the Marshall Plan. The OECD was just another anti-Soviet U.S. organization, but, since the cash that it was distributing was going to Europe, its initial membership was those countries and it was headquartered in Paris, so as not to seem to be an extension from the U.S. Government. The organization changed its name to OECD in 1961 so as to hide from historians that it had previously been called the OEEC, which was clearly traceable to the Cold War. The CIA-edited and written Wikipedia says that “In 1948, the OECD originated as the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC),[7] led by Robert Marjolin of France, to help administer the Marshall Plan (which was rejected by the Soviet Union and its satellite states).[8]” However, it wasn’t “rejected by” them, but instead rejected them — just like the Marshall Plan itself rejected them.

The 1989 masterpiece by Christopher Simpson, Blowback: The First Full Account of America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Disastrous Effect on The cold war, Our Domestic and Foreign Policy, documented the U.S. regime’s comprehensive employment of ‘ex’-Nazis in order to assist its goal of conquering ‘communism’ but really Russia. Then, on 7April 2024, I headlined a supplementary account, “How & Why the UK, U.S., and Canada, Governments imported Nazis into Canada”, which I closed by saying: “And this is how it came to be that the pro-Nazi Ukrainians in Canada have been organized and effectively represented while the others (the non-Nazi Ukrainians) were suppressed; and, above all, how it came to be the case that America’s armaments-manufacturers and their NATO have thrived while coup-after-coup and invasion-after-invasion have continued to expand the U.S. empire up till the present moment.” All of this was an extension from Truman’s private decision on 25 July 1945, and its extension by Bush’s secret decision on 24 February 1990 to continue it even after communism in Russia would be ended in 1991. Furthermore, my 23 March 2024 “How Germany Is Still Controlled by Nazis” documented yet further, that as regards the anti-Russian aspect of Hitler’s nazism, there was no real change in Germany when the U.S. regime took it over from Hitler (and the rest of it from Gorbachev), other than the necessary cosmetic changes in the new unified Germany, which, of course, required outlawing any public displays of anti-Semitism (as-if Hitler had hated only Jews — Jews were instead his main hatred, but he also hated — and aimed to enslave — all Russians, and, indeed, all Slavs).

I especially recommend reading Christopher Simpson’s masterpiece, because it’s the best book yet done on the then and continuing fraudulence of the U.S. regime’s allegations that the comprehensive denazification of Germany’s Government, which FDR had been intending, and which was central to his planning for the post-WW2 world — and which all three of the Allies, FDR, Stalin, and Churchill, had supported — was carried out, instead of effectively aborted, by Truman and by Eisenhower (with Churchill’s support of aborting it), and by all successive U.S. Presidents and European stooges since then. The inside-the-book excerpts at the Amazon site for Simpson’s masterpiece, give a fair indication of the book, including its “Series Introduction,” by Mark Crispin Miller, which says that, “For over half a century, America’s vast literary culture has been disparately policed, and imperceptibly contained, by state and corporate entities well placed and perfectly equipped to wipe out wayward writings,” including the history that this book documents.

The U.S. Government’s National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) had very reluctantly commissioned it, with an obligation to publish it, but then refused to publish the work because NARA’s top official refused to allow it. The team of investigators, headed by the work’s author, Simpson, finally found a publisher for the work, which was then, and since, suppressed. On 13 November 2010, Eric Lichtblau, whose chaotic anecdotal narrative book The Nazi Next Door was to be published in 2015, was the New York Times reporter headlining “Nazis Were Given ‘Safe Haven’ in U.S., Report Says”, and the newspaper introduced it by saying that, “An internal history of the United States government’s Nazi-hunting operation provides gripping new evidence about some of the most notorious Nazi cases of the last three decades. The Justice Department kept the 600-page report secret for the last four years, releasing a heavily redacted version last month to a private research group that sued to force its release. A complete version was obtained by The New York Times.” The 600-page complete unredacted secret report, titled “The Office of Special Investigations: Striving for Accountability in the Aftermath of the Holocaust”, by Judy Feigin from the U.S. Department of Justice, and dated December 2006, was linked-to in the online version of the article, and it stated, flat-out, on its page 33, that “Congress’ overriding concern at the time was in helping refugees escape communist rule.” In other words: the U.S. Government’s ‘anti-communist’ (actually pro-U.S.-empire) obsession, ever since Truman took over, included assisting Nazis and their supporters to become “refugees” in America and in its (after WW2) colonies (‘allies’). And this has continued, likewise secretly, ever since U.S. President GHW Bush on 24 February 1990 started telling America’s European stooges to secretly continue the ‘Cold War’.

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Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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What Is Fascism?

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Roger Boyd

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What Is Fascism?

How Fascism Serves Capitalism And How It Permeates The West Today

There have been many academics, journalists and others who have tried to define what Fascism is but the vast majority have made the intellectually fatal mistake of describing the surface phenomena produced by Fascism in cultural terms rather than starting with its underlying political-economic drivers. Fascism can be quite fluid with respect to its surface phenomena, creating a slippery creature that evades easy or even stable definition; its surfacing in such places as Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, Japan, Argentina and many other Latin American nations, as well as the deeply memory-holed US example under President Wilson during the period 1917-1920, produced quite heterogeneous examples.

When we move beyond the surface criteria so loved and thrashed nearly to death by the careerist and co-opted Western”critical” theorists and ruling class organic intellectuals, to eye the political economy of Fascism, its definition becomes much easier. As Gramsci noted, the capitalist ruling class much prefer to dominate society through a “democracy” under which they control the state and the consent of the people is manufactured through a cultural hegemony that both legitimizes their rule while obfuscating the nature of that rule. The tools of coercion (e.g. the need for people to work to support their families) and outright violence (e.g. incarceration) are always there to lend support to the cultural hegemony. Bourgeois democracy is an efficient way to manage a modern industrialized capitalist economy, given the required literacy and geographical mobility of the population.

To describe the main functions of the fascist state the following will use the 2023 twenty-second printing of the English version of Guerin’s book, as it provides one of the most direct and forthright descriptions of Fascism. As Guerin notes, “the state has always been the instrument by which one social class rules over the other social classes” (p. 25). When a crisis threatens profitability the state must be changed in character:

the bourgeoisie can only see one way to restore its profits: it empties the pockets of the people down to the last centime … brutal slashing of wages and social expenditures, raising of tariff duties at the expense of the consumer etc. The state, furthermore, rescues business enterprises on the brink of bankruptcy, forcing the masses to foot the bill. Such enterprises are kept alive with subsidies , tax exemptions, orders for public works and armaments. (pp. 27-28).

Does that sound a lot like the period from the mid-1970s to the present? Are we currently living under a form of Fascism which is skillfully hidden behind propaganda? Guerin identifies the importance of freedom of the press, universal suffrage, and an organized working class as restricting such actions under bourgeois “fake” democracy, but have those been nullified within the present? Are we living in an Inverted Totalitarianism as Wolin put it? I will return to that topic later.

Guerin notes that the capitalist ruling class is not homogeneous, and it is the capital investment intensive industries such as iron and steel and mining (also the large agricultural landowners), together with their bankers, which are most exposed to falling profitability. Guerin could not have imagined the peace-time scale of the US Military Industrial Complex, nor the rise of transnational corporations that rely upon the ability to manage global supply chains, having their much-expanded intellectual property rights respected abroad and the ability to ward off challengers. In addition to an incredibly concentrated and leveraged financial sector. Creating a much larger group supportive of foreign wars and a disciplining of the population both at home and abroad, while being resistant to tariffs that threaten their extensive global supply chains. Light industry, that relies much more on mass consumption is dependent upon the masses to consume their products and therefore too tough a level of austerity for the masses threatens their profitability. It is exactly this group that was central to the class compromise of the New Deal, but increasing foreign competition in the US domestic market, and the ability to offshore, from the 1970s onwards has altered the calculus for such light industry in the present.

With respect to the youth, Guerin makes a statement about the inter-war years that could have been written about the present:

the lot of the young bourgeois (or petty bourgeois) and young proletarian was almost identical: all young people, without distinction, were victimized by the crisis … As a result of the economic crisis, the position of the intellectual and student youth became more precarious. Their particular ‘aspirations’ were thereby intensified. (p. 78)

And sadly also:

But the socialist movement did not show itself revolutionary and ceased to be a pole of attraction. It was fascism, playing skillfully on the youth mystique, which won over not only the intellectual youth, but also - what was far more serious - many declassed unemployed youth. (p. 79)

Guerin also notes that “fascism recruits a certain number of outcasts from the working class … the lumpenproletariat”. With the destruction of the trade unions outside of the state in many Western nations, and the precarious individualized nature of so many jobs that lack any form of group solidarity, this breeding ground for Fascism is very significant in the present day. The middle class, the youth and the lumpenproletariat are prevalent within both the Brazilian right-wing parties and the Milei base.

To hold together such a diverse coalition of forces, Fascism relies on a vague mysticism to arouse faith rather than intelligence.

A party supported by the subsidies of the propertied classes, with the secret aim of defending the privileges of property owners, is not interested in appealing to the intelligence of its recruits; or rather, it considers it prudent not to appeal to their understanding until they have been thoroughly bewitched. The moment the faithful believe, nothing is easier than to play with truth and logic … Thus fascism presents itself, above all, and even before trying to define itself, as a religion. (p. 86)

This use of propaganda was nothing new, as the British and Americans greatly developed this during WW1 - with the power of images over words, feelings over thoughts.

The post-WW2 alignment of the US right wing with religious figures who were against the Social Gospel that supported the New Deal, to create a new Prosperity Gospelthat turned support for capitalism into a matter of faith comes to mind. Also, the manipulation of the Scofield Bible to increasingly support the state of Israel. In the present, the average citizen is surrounded by propaganda throughout the day at a level far above that of the inter-wars years as they are connected to media delivery devices continuously. With increasing attempts to shut down those individuals, and those platforms, that do not follow the required messaging.

Within this mysticism is The Man of Destiny, created by the propagandists funded with ruling class money. His image will never be allowed to be tarnished by the actual policies and real personal history. Does not the cult of Obama fit with the Man of Destiny? A man whose path in life was carefully groomed and lubricated, with a meteoric political rise, who perfectly served the ruling elite instead of the people throughout his two terms? The man who told the bankers that he was there to protect them against the avenging people, who ramped up covert operations and the surveillance state, who prosecuted whistleblowers but not war criminals and torturers, destroyed Libya and Syria, remained in Afghanistan and Iraq, and turned the hope of real healthcare reform into a new massive capitalist subsidy program? Of course Trump is attempting to also fill that role, but his Man of Destiny project is spoiled by the resistance of the Mainstream Media. In the same way that TikTok has undermined the Israeli Nation of Destiny project.

The fascist party must also exude a fake anti-capitalist message, so that it can claim to provide answers to their material interests. It is a “demagogic anti-capitalism … a utopian and harmless anti-capitalism” (pp. 105-106) that helps turn the population away from genuine socialism.

Fascism’s game is to call itself anti-capitalist without seriously attacking capitalism. It first endeavours to transmute anti-capitalism of the masses into nationalism … In all periods as we have seen, the hostility of the middle classes towards big capital is accompanied by tenacious attachment to the idea of the nation … Hence fascism has no difficulty in shielding its financial backers from popular anger by diverting the anti-capitalism of the masses to the “international plutocracy.” (p. 106)

Is this not exactly what Trump does with his spurious Make America Great Again which much more blames the Chinese for America’s ills than the actions of the US ruling class and its corporate underlings to outsource, offshore, and close down so much of America’s productive capabilities while crushing the unions? The very notion of being unAmerican reeks of such fascist ideology.

There may be much rhetoric about disciplining business, or even breaking up or nationalizing businesses, but once in power such promises are quickly forgotten as they would displease the backers of the fascists. After gaining power both Mussolini and Hitler went through a process of cleansing their parties of the most radical elements that threatened the ruling class interests as well as disarming party members by replacing their security functions with the police and the military. In Germany this included the Night of the Long Knives of 1934 where the leadership of the Nazi brownshirts (the SA) were executed. Instead of disciplining business, the fascists disciplined the workers and the state to serve the interests of their business backers as well as their own ends. Only when those ends become problematic for the business backers, as with military expansion far beyond that envisaged by business leaders, did the business backers understand that they had lost control of the state. The profits kept rolling in though, and the vast majority of those business leaders were allowed to keep their wealth in the post-WW2 years while not being prosecuted for their crimes.

In the past 2-3 years heavily under-reported levels of inflation have in fact allowed business profits to be substantially increased in North America at the expense of the living standards of the many, while public protest has been muted. In the European nations, where unions are much stronger but truly socialist parties have very much disappeared, pressure from the populace has been very much met by the power of the state. As with the heavily militarized reaction to protests within France, who needs brownshirts when you have a police force like the French one?

German AfD, with its core in East Germany, espouses an anti-capitalist nationalism and opposition to climate change policies and Muslim immigration, but does not possess a mass brownshirt style movement, as with the French RN. Both could be utilized by the capitalist elite if needed, perhaps in the very much tamed version of of the Italian Meloni and her Brothers of Italy, the organizational descendant of Mussolini’s fascist party. The European capitalist ruling classes may have worked out how to have all the benefits of Fascism without the need for a mass fascist party that takes control of the state from them.

With the continuing deindustrialization of Latin America in the past few decades, and the immiseration of its working classes, we may once again see classic Fascism in Latin America. Bolsonaro may have been replaced with Lula, but that is a Lula reminded of what happens if he strays from ruling class interests and who has to work with a predominantly right-wing legislative assembly. Any economic crisis in the West would be rapidly felt in Brazil and the other Latin American nations through falling commodity prices, pushing the capitalist elite toward a more fascist stance in order to further crush the welfare state and general living standards.

a popular uprising is most definitely a possibility.

We see very much the same across the other Western nations, as discussions of the banning of opposition parties are openly carried out (e.g. the AfD in Germany) and those opposing government policies are branded as traitors to the nation and its “shared values” (“Putin lovers”, “terrorist supporters”, “anti-semites”). These states may not fit the 1930s style Fascism, but they are very much, and increasingly, fascist in nature. As with the British Home Secretary calling pro-Palestinian marchers a “hate mob”.

She later had to resign, but the anti-democratic nature of the British government (and the Zionist Conservative leader of the opposition Labour Party), with online speech and political demonstrations being increasingly controlled and criminalized, has remained unchanged. A trend seen across the Western nations. In 2022 in the UK about 3,500 people were prosecuted for online speech, and many, many more visited by the police.

Then of course, we have the ongoing jailing and persecution of the journalist Julian Assange, together with the long prison terms doled out to anyone else attempting to expose state crimes. Together with the disappearing of old uncomfortable facts that parallels the fictional work of Winston Smith. Inverted Totalitarianism serves to depoliticize the masses in the face of attacks against their living standards and civil rights, quite the opposite Fascism. While this can be maintained, and insurrectionary forces shut down by the state and controlled media before they can blossom, a fascist party and its thugs are not necessary.

Recommend Geopolitics And Climate Change to the readers of Patrice’s Newsletter

Geopolitics And Climate Change: A Holistic And Joined Up View

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  • We must act together to smash the VILE Western disinformation machine.
  • This is the Lying Machine that protects the greatest evil humanity has ever seen.
  • YOU know what we are talking about.

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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Paul Edwards

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Well, that’s a relief.  The Empire’s PR people came out right after the massacre at Crocus to tell us that it had nothing to do with Ukraine, much less with them.  They said they warned Putin that an attack was likely at a music event or something.  Of course, they couldn’t tell him where, because they didn’t know, you see.

The thing that comes to mind hearing The Empire’s solemn, bald faced denials of responsibility for the Moscow mass murders is the story of the man caught by his wife in flagrante, and as she stares at him, naked and erect, he yells to her, “Hon, it’s not me!”

I have no sound information on the Crocus horror, and so can draw no firm conclusions about it.  Anything I offered would be baseless opinion which, although very much in vogue among The Empire’s mouthpieces nowadays, does not make it past my Superego as a usable mode of operation.

Stating as fact that which cannot be verified or which is patently untrue, as in the case of most of what we are informed is real information, as opposed to the “mis”, “dis”, or “mal” types that our government is so intent on eliminating, is not a practice I can subscribe to.  I prefer to defer judgement and confess ignorance rather than to make assertions that are untethered to the reality they address.  Of course, I’m not your government.

What seems to be certain is that a few men of Tajik nationality killed over 140 people.  They were caught on the way to the Ukrainian front and are imprisoned with a number of their fellows who are said to have had some role in it.  That’s it.  There is no information on their motive, and only rumors as to sponsoring or backing, including some in our media speculating that Putin did it himself, in order,  they say—as in the Nord Stream blowup—to injure himself and his national interest.  The reasoning in The Empire’s press strongly resembles Medieval Scholasticism, or the headlines once run in the Volkischer Beobachter, but there it is.

The aftermath of the massacre is being met in Moscow with a deafening silence which the simple take to mean that it is being gagged down as a bad break that will be forgotten, but that ain’t necessarily so.  One can’t be sure, but a betting man would conclude there is deep, thorough investigation going on that will lead to sound conclusions and, perhaps, spectacular behaviors.

In contrast to the Crocus case, there seems to be no doubt that Nazi Israel took out the Iranian Embassy annex in Damascus, killing a leader of the Quds Force.  Iran has vowed to revenge the act, but again, there is official silence as the matter is investigated.

According to the latest data, at least 144 people were killed and 551 people were injured as a result of that terrorist act. At the same time, 95 people are considered missing or unaccounted for.

The prudence evinced by both injured states in exercising such restraint is both fortunate for the world and wise, since retaliation, however justified, is likely to bring on regional or even world war.  The fact that each attack was so violent and carried out on home territories—an embassy is considered part of its home country—makes the patience shown in responding to them amazing.

The quietly charged atmosphere around these provocative hits has a distinct resemblance to the tense, foreboding days in Europe after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914.  Before the horrendous bloodletting of WWI, there were a couple of weeks during which those who realized what threatened was cataclysmic held their breath in hopes of a rationality that didn’t come.  This is no prediction.  These grim events may resolve themselves in some way that avoids an eruption.  The nations involved, however incensed and insulted, may find a means of avoiding an arbitrament of force, but the fact remains that massive power blocs are in open confrontation.

What is worse is that The Empire, desperate from a string of losses and humiliations that only benefitted the War Machine—admittedly, the driving power of this sick, delaminating relic of a hegemon—and unable to face its own demotion from world boss to a sort of lethal raging granny, will continue to tempt fate with its advanced case of national dementia.  It will not relent until it gets the real war it seeks in which it will be, for the first time in its short history, thrashed within an inch of its life.  My, that will be a hard surprise to the great majority of braindead Americans.

Rhetoric can be wounding, but superior weaponry annihilates.  And The Empire doesn’t have it.  None of it.  Russia, in contrast, does.  The Empire is still basking in the glory of the incineration of Dresden and the battle of the Coral Sea.  It is as prepared as it can possibly be… for World War II.  Or even Korea or Vietnam…  But its mighty arsenal of yesteryear will be as ineffectual against hypersonics as Polish cavalry was against the Panzer Korps.

The wild card in all this is Nazi Zionist Israel.  The last six months have been as perfect a demonstration of the behavior of a nation that has not only lost its moral compass and threadbare cloak of civilization, but has even laid its rotting, repugnant soul open for the world to see, and smell.  One has to conclude that the word “Israel” must mean “murder” in Hebrew.  This psychotic entity attacked Iran directly and sees no reason to even lie about it, and the vicious affront is an act of war that demands commensurate or greater response.  And it will come.

Then, if Israel chooses, the dogs of real war can be loosed, and the range of complications becomes imponderable.  Once again, as always with Israel, Aunt Sam’s Empire is caught on its back foot by Zionist hubris, and will be pulled into any hairy stuff Herr Netanyahu precipitates.  Not that our geriatric politburo wouldn’t be keen to break a lance for our nation’s Zionist Jewish owners.  After all, as Nancy, Mitch and the whole Crone and Geezer High Command have vowed, it is—to paraphrase that old monster, George Wallace—“Israel today, Israel tomorrow, Israel forever!”

The bughouse lunacy of The Empire in its senescence is so stark that it would be risible if our lives weren’t tied to it.  But they are.

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Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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Iraqi resistance wants to bring about a sea change in the Israeli genocide issue

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Don Hank

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The Iraqi resistance looks set to recruit and arm 12,000 Jordanian fighters to engage Israel. If they can stop the genocide, the world will owe them a debt of gratitude forever.


Iran promised to retaliate against Israel for its attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria that killed several military personnel.

The US shrieked hysterically that Iraq may attack at any moment.

I have not posted much on the Iraqi resistance, because their activities are not as conspicuous as the others, although yesterday I wrote about the different fronts of the Axis of Resistance.

I had said that there are essentially 5 Resistance fronts and that the most prominent ones in the news since Oct 7 have been Hamas (of course) and Houthis in Yemen, but there are also Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Popular Mobilization Units (al-Hashd al-Shaabi) in Iraq, and the various pro-Assad militias in Syria.

Working in coordination with each other, but with little or no inter-communication (because each one knows the common goal, namely the liberation of Palestine), they are each taking bites out of the Israeli economy and worrying the Satanic elites in Tel Aviv.

The Houthis are costing Israel money by seriously disrupting Israel foreign trade with attacks on Israel-related shipping in the Red Sea, the Strait of Mandeb, the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean.

Hezbollah is attacking northern Israel by firing rockets into illegal settlements and prompting their evacuation.

Syrian popular resistance units (not to be confused with the “resistance” to Assad) are escalating their attacks against the US-sponsored Kurdish separatist SDF terrorist group in the northern region, their latest operation included targeting two of the separatists’ posts in the eastern Deir Ezzor countryside, where the US is plundering oil resources belonging to the impoverished Syrian people.

The Popular Mobilization Units and their factions are launching attacks on US bases

in Iraq, where the US military continues to exist without the blessings of the Iraqi people and parliament. These units plainly state that they will not halt their attacks until Israel pulls out of Gaza.

I will mention Hamas only for the sake of completeness. We all know who they are.

These fronts are all acting like a swarm of hornets, attacking individually but yet in perfect harmony, creating major discomfort for the Combined West and especially Israel.

Hyperlink to alkhanadeq report on Iraqi resistance’s arming of Jordanians

Translation with my notes in bold and in [brackets]

April 5, 2024

Iraqi Resistance Front: Increasing qualitative escalation


Iraqi resistance operations

The operations of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq continue at a steady pace, within the framework of the front of support for the Palestinian resistance during the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood. But last week it was marked by escalation, in terms of the identity of Israeli targets.

In recent days, the Iraqi resistance launched its operations as follows:

_A vital Israeli target in the Galilee region, whose identity was not revealed (Sunday, March 31, 2024).

_ A drone was launched towards the naval military base in Eilat, and it exploded near the “Sa’ar 6” ship (Monday, April 1, 2024).

_Tel Nof Israeli Air Base (Tuesday, April 2, 2024).

_ Targeting Haifa Airport, which is used for civilian and military aircraft, and attacking a vital Israeli target in occupied Ashdod (Wednesday, April 3, 2024).

_Ramat David Air Base in northern occupied Palestine (Thursday, April 4, 2024).

This sample of operations confirms what the American camp of weakness has always tried to deny, that the capabilities of the Iraqi resistance will not be able to cross Jordan and its systems, which are devoted to defending the temporary entity, so that the Iraqis were able to target the entire geography of occupied Palestine from the sea to the river.

Al-Nujaba: Readiness to take any action against Israel

In a related context, the Islamic Resistance - Al-Nujaba Movement, confirmed last Tuesday that it is ready to take any action in response to Israel’s violations, following the Israeli Air Force’s targeting of the Iranian consulate in Damascus, and its assassination of a number of leaders of the Quds Force in Lebanon and Syria, affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. At the forefront of the martyrs is Major General Mohammad Reza Zahedi.

Various Iraqi resistance factions also warned the United States of America that they would increase the number of armed operations, in response to the Biden administration's continued provision of military assistance to the Israeli army, which is killing civilians in the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon.

Arming the Jordanian resistance

As for the unprecedented step, which if it happens will constitute a strong strategic blow to Israel, America, and the Arab rulers behind them (who sold out the Palestinian cause decades ago), it is due to what Kataib Hezbollah announced this week of its readiness to arm and equip 12,000 fighters in the Islamic Resistance in Jordan, with the recommendation of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad movements. This threatens to open a wide front against Israel that may be more dangerous than all the other fronts, due to its geographical advantages that threaten the various occupation settlements, and many of its very sensitive targets (the capital, Tel Aviv, the nuclear facilities, etc.).

Following the assassination of Commander Zahedi, the Hezbollah Brigades announced that it had prepared weapons, anti-armor launchers, and tactical missiles for 12 fighters in the Islamic Resistance in Jordan. The security official for the Brigades, Abu Ali Al-Askari, added, in a post on his channel on the Telegram application, that the Islamic Resistance in Iraq has prepared its equipment to equip the Islamic Resistance in Jordan to meet the needs of 12,000 fighters with light and medium weapons, anti-armor launchers, tactical missiles, millions of rounds of ammunition, and tons of explosives, so that we can be one hand to defend our Palestinian brothers. He expressed the readiness of the resistance in Iraq to begin preparations, and that it is sufficient for this to be recommended by the Hamas or Islamic Jihad movements, in order to then begin first by “cutting off the land road that reaches the Zionist entity.”

The resistance axis hand is the highest

All of these Iraqi developments indicate that the Palestinian resistance, and behind it the supporting and nurturing axis of resistance, have many options and power cards (which cannot be used all at once, but rather at an incremental pace), making its hand - i.e. the axis - the highest and capable of achieving certain victory and thwarting all... Israeli and American… plans, and all these sacrifices (particularly of the martyrs and wounded) only lead to an increase in determination and will until all ambitions are achieved

Writer: Editorial room


Now for news on another front: Ukraine

Here’s your daily air strike update for April 6, 2024

Translation with my notes in bold and in [brackets]


6 Apr, 2024

The Ministry of Defense reported on a group strike on Ukrainian military-industrial complex enterprises


The Ministry of Defense announced the destruction of two launchers of the French-Italian SAMP/T air defense system near Kharkov. During the day, air defense shot down more than 200 drones, a Hammer bomb and HIMARS shells

On the night of April 6, Russia attacked enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine, where armored and automotive equipment were produced and repaired, as well as military airfields and points of deployment of foreign military personnel, as reported by the Ministry of Defense.

During the attack, the military used long-range, sea- and air-launched precision weapons [that would be missiles] and drones, the ministry said, adding that the targets of the strike were were hit.

Aviation, missile forces and artillery destroyed two launchers of the SAMP/T anti-aircraft missile system made in France and Italy, in the Kharkov area, the department said. SAMP/T Mamba is the first European medium-range anti-missile system. It was developed by the Eurosam consortium, and its Aster missiles are capable of intercepting air targets at a distance of 600 km.

During the day, air defense systems shot down 205 Ukrainian drones, a Hammer guided bomb, six HIMARS missiles and a Hurricane.

The Ministry of Defense reported 39 strikes on military and energy facilities in Ukraine

The head of the Kharkov regional administration Oleg Sinegubov and the mayor of Kharkov Igor Terekhov previously reported a night attack in the city, which killed six people and injured 11 more. Terekhov reported a damaged gas station.

Explosions were heard in the Ukrainian-controlled city of Zaporozhye, said the head of the local military administration, Ivan Fedorov. According to him, industrial enterprises came under attack. In the Khmelnitsky region, Strana writes, the city of Starokonstantinov, where a military airfield is located, was attacked. [This airfield gets hit really often]

The Russian Ministry of Defense emphasizes that attacks are carried out only on military and energy facilities of Ukraine and related infrastructure.

Ukraine continues to pay a high price for doing the Devil's bidding. 


Strikes on Ukraine today: which important Ukrainian Armed Forces facilities were destroyed on April 6

April 6, 2024

Author: Ivan Smirnov

Last night, the Russian armed forces carried out a massive attack on military-industrial facilities in Ukraine, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported. Here's the latest news about this.

What the Russian Ministry of Defense said

According to the Russian military department, the Russian Armed Forces launched a strike with precision weapons and UAVs on various objects of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine.

“Tonight, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched a group strike with high-precision long-range sea- and air-based weapons, unmanned aerial vehicles on enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine that produced and repaired armored and automotive equipment, UAVs, military airfields and temporary deployment points of foreign mercenaries. The objectives of the strike have been achieved. All designated targets were hit,” the department’s press service noted.

The Ministry of Defense said that two French-Italian SAMP-T launchers were destroyed in the Kharkov area.

“Operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the area of ​​the city of Kharkov destroyed two launchers of the SAMP-T anti-aircraft missile system of French-Italian production, and also defeated the personnel and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 133 areas. Air defense systems shot down 205 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, a Hammer guided aerial bomb made in France, as well as six HIMARS and Uragan missiles,” the Russian Ministry of Defense said.

What military correspondents write about the night strike on Ukrainian Armed Forces targets

Military expert Boris Rozhin reported in his Telegram channel that last night the Russian Armed Forces attacked the Planeta Mall shopping center in Kharkov, where the Ukrainian Armed Forces stored missiles for MLRS.

“Destroyed Planeta Mall shopping center in Kharkov. It contained rockets for MLRS, which were used to fire at Belgorod. [The Russian city of Belgorod, not far from the border with Ukraine, has been plagued since the start of the war by terror attacks on civilians. The destruction of these MLRS missiles should provide some respite] Scattered rockets were found on the street after the detonation,” he wrote.

The Telegram channel “Two Majors” reported that attacks were also carried out on factories located in the Kiev-controlled part of Zaporozhye.

“The results of the morning strikes on enemy targets: the Progress plant, the Ivchenko-Progress design bureau, the Kommunar plant, also known as the Zaporozhye Automobile Plant,” said the authors of the channel.

According to the Rybar channel, as a result of a massive attack, explosions were heard in parts of the Kherson and Zaporozhye oblasts controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

“Explosions were heard in parts of the Kherson and Zaporozhye oblasts controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine - in the latter, industrial enterprises of the regional center were hit. In the Kiev oblast, one of the enterprises in Makarov was hit. Another target was the temporary deployment point of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Slavyansk. In Kharkov, the Shevchenko district came under fire: judging by the emerging footage with the sounds of secondary detonation, one of the ammunition depots was hit,” the publication says.

The Russian Ministry of Defense did not comment on this in any way.



Russian forces carried out precision strikes on military targets in different parts of Ukraine

The Russian army launched strikes on Ukrainian Armed Forces targets. Arrivals were reported in the area of the Starokonstantinov military airfield in the Khmelnitsky oblast.

The following footage appears in Telegram channels: they write that this is a district of Kharkov. Strong explosions. Presumably, an ammunition depot was hit. There is also a base where equipment was stored.

Russian troops are carrying out precision strikes on everything related to the Ukrainian military industry. This is a response to the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ attempts to damage Russian energy facilities.

And news from the special military op zone. Dnieper. Intelligence spotted a boat with saboteurs who were trying to get to the other side. Target destroyed. North Donetskregion of the front. Su-25 attack aircraft disrupted the rotation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Hit with unguided aircraft missiles.




Ivan Chuprov

Foreign mercenaries of the Ukrainian Armed Forces blown up.

The destroyed shopping center "Planeta Mall" in Kharkov, where missiles for MLRS were stored, which were used to fire at Belgorod. Reuters

Over the past week, the Russian Armed Forces launched a series of high-precision strikes on enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine and points of deployment of Ukrainian soldiers and foreign mercenaries. This was reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

“From March 31 to April 5, in response to the Kiev regime’s attempts to damage facilities in the oil and gas industry and the Russian energy sector, the Russian Armed Forces carried out 39 group strikes with high-precision ground- and air-based weapons, unmanned aerial vehicles, against Ukrainian energy industry facilities, as well as military-industrial enterprises. complex, air defense systems, arsenals, fuel bases, temporary deployment points for Ukrainian units and foreign mercenaries,” the department said.

The Ministry of Defense emphasized that the strikes reached their target. All targeted objects were hit.

Russian underground fighters helped destroy two Ukrainian Armed Forces warehouses

According to intelligence information from the “Russian Kherson” underground, the Russian military destroyed weapons depots of Ukrainian formations in Kherson and the village of Tokarevka on the right bank. Governor of the Kherson region Vladimir Saldo reported this in his Telegram channel.

“Also, our partisans identified two ardent accomplices of the Kiev Nazis in the village of Mirolyubovka: one of them finances Zelensky’s militants, and the second helps the TCC people to catch and send Ukrainian men to slaughter. The information has been taken into account, and after our return, and maybe earlier, both will suffer a well-deserved punishment,” added the head of the region.

Five Ukrainian Armed Forces boats sank to the bottom of the Dnieper

Last night, soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kherson oblast tried to cross the Dnieper in five boats. However, the enemy was detected and eliminated in time by the Russian military.

“Five enemy boats were hit by artillery and attack UAVs at the landing sites and when trying to approach the left bank,” Roman Kodryan, head of the Dnepr group’s press center, said in a statement.

Recreation centers for Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers were covered with artillery

In the city of Ochakov, Odessa oblast, the Russian military carried out precise strikes on recreation centers, which were the location of Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers. The coordinator of the Nikolaev underground, Sergei Lebedev, reported this in his Telegram channel.

“Today there was a very powerful explosion on the coast of Ochakov... at the recreation centers where the Armed Forces of Ukraine live. A lot of ambulances went to the coast,” Lebedev said.

The underground coordinator also stated that after the “arrival” in Ochakov, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) became more active. Its employees plan to check residents’ computers and smartphones in order to find the partisans who informed the Russian Armed Forces of the coordinates of the locations of the Ukrainian military.

Minus half a thousand Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers

According to the Russian Ministry of Armor, over the past 24 hours, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost 470 soldiers killed and wounded in the Donetsk direction. In addition, the Russian military destroyed here two armored combat vehicles, eight cars, a 155-mm M109 “Paladin” self-propelled artillery mount and a 155 mm M777 howitzer made in the USA, four 122-mm “Gvozdika” self-propelled artillery mounts, and a 100 mm “Rapira” anti-tank gun ", as well as a field ammunition depot.

Our fighters took more advantageous positions in the DPR and LPR. They also repelled two attacks by assault groups of the 10th mountain assault brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of the village of Razdolovka (DPR).

The Russian Armed Forces will liberate Terny and drown Ukrainian Armed Forces militants in the river

The situation in other directions

In the Kupyansk direction, enemy losses amounted to up to 35 people. Here, Russian soldiers knocked out a tank and two cars. In the Avdiivka direction, the Ukrainian army lost more than 280 troops during the day, having carried out 12 unsuccessful counterattacks.

In the Kherson direction, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 35 people. In the South Donetsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces disabled over 90 enemy soldiers, improving their position along the front line.


Flying coffins



Dmitry Nevzorov

"Coffins" fall from the sky. Russia's missile and bomb attack threw Ukraine into an inferno

It is unlikely that Ukrainian air defense expected such a massive repeated Russian strike. No sooner had they trumpeted the 100% destruction of all Russian missiles and drones than these flew across Ukraine again. The light disappeared in the Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kirovograd, Poltava, and Sumy oblasts. In Zaporozhye, the blow hit the workshops of the Motor Sich plant and the locations of units prepared to be sent to the front line. In Kharkov, newly restored transformer substations were again destroyed: several districts of the city were left without electricity. The substation that supplies the Malyshev Tank Plant with electricity is out of order again. Military facilities are burning and detonating in the Odessa and Kherson oblasts.

The sky is cracking at the seams. Russia's missile strike leaves Ukraine howling in horror

More details

Kharkov is on fire, but without light

According to Ukrainian media, after the latest Russian strikes in Kharkov and nearby areas, almost half a million subscribers lost power. The Kharkov administration is talking about a possible complete blackout in some areas of the city, given the emerging crisis situation. The operation of electric transport in the city has been stopped.

As Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal said in an interview with Estonian television, there are now practically no entire thermal power plants left in Ukraine.

“80% of Ukrainian thermal power plants were destroyed. Russia continues to attack our energy facilities, destroying transformers and generators,” said the Ukrainian minister.

A few hours ago, the mayor of Kharkov, Igor Terekhov, said that in addition to cruise missiles, objects in the city were attacked by “smart” high-explosive bombs. There is significant destruction of administrative buildings.

Darkness-darkness. Russia forces Kiev to capitulate or live by candlelight

According to information from Kharkov partisans, in addition to areas with equipment at the Kharkov Military Tank School, barracks and dormitories where personnel and instructors were housed were destroyed.

“Large FABs are not used against small targets,” said Air Force Major General, military expert Vladimir Popov. “If a FAB-500, or even more so a FAB-1500, arrived, then the military object was really important.”

Of particular note is the strike on the city of Merefa, located in close proximity to Kharkov. Several large industrial enterprises operate here, producing products for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. One of the strikes with FAB-1500 strikes with UMPC hit the reinforced concrete structures plant, which produces structures for defensive structures. According to eyewitness accounts published on social networks, the explosion of the bomb sent concrete “dragon teeth” flying around the enterprise like champagne corks.

By the way, Ukrainian soldiers call Russian high-explosive aerial bombs (FAB) “coffins.”

“Many people are going crazy waiting for the ‘coffins’ to arrive and explode,” the militants write in their Telegram channels. “There is simply no escape from them.”

“FABs are waiting for them.” NATO units that can enter Ukraine have been named

More details

Iskanders visited Zaporozhye in the evening

The head of the public movement “We are with Russia”, Vladimir Rogov, spoke about the arrival of Russian missiles in the workshops and sites of the Motor Sich plant.

“Arrivals of two Iskander-K OTRK missiles. At the very least, there was a hit at the Motor Sich industrial site,” he wrote in his Telegram channel.

The Zaporozhye plant currently assembles engines for military aircraft and repairs various military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine coming from the battle zone. A few days ago, Russian missiles were already flying through his workshops. Citizens heard four powerful explosions, two of which were followed by detonation.

Now the explosions in Ukraine have subsided. But no one promises that the night will be calm...

"Smart" aerial bomb FAB-1500


Israel faces possible embargo, war crime accusation threats, Biden, Iran



Australia to appoint envoy to probe aid worker strike, says Israel steps insufficient | The Times of Israel



Nebenzya: Sanctions must be imposed against those who obstruct aid to Gaza Strip - SabaNet



CNN wrote about the evacuation of Israeli settlers from the settlements, but the reporter, Tara John, did not mention the inconvenient fact that these settlements, including Kiryat Shmona, are illegal and violate the UN-established borders for Palestine.

My letter to Tara John at tara.john@cnn.com:

Dear Tara John,

Your report on the evacuation of Israelis from settlements disappointed me because you failed to mention that the Israelis displaced by Hezbollah rockets were from ILLEGAL settlements.

Kiryat Shmona is illegal and those settlers were there in violation of international law, which explains Hezbollah’s attacks.

If you admit these inconvenient facts to your readers, fewer Israelis will get hurt or lose their homes. When these settlers decided to build homes in the illegal settlements, none of the Western news sources – including yours – told them that they would be living there illegally and that the Resistance might frown on that.

Incomplete reporting is hurting Israel.

I might add that Israel is hurting Israel.

Don Hank


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  • This is the Lying Machine that protects the greatest evil humanity has ever seen.
  • YOU know what we are talking about.

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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