US Invested Heavily In Hitler, Compensated Europe’s Jews With Arab Land — Part One (Revisited)


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(Originally posted on 09 June, 2011)

By Jay Janson


Israel is in bed with a US business elite that once heavily invested in Hitler, was itself anti-semitic in outlook, and coldly indifferent and even complicit during the Holocaust its investments made possible. A popular quip in Yiddish goes, “with such friends, who needs enemies?” Arabs saved Jews from Christian persecutions in 637, 1187, 1492. Now Christians are persecuting Arabs. Needed! Jewish-Arab Semitic solidarity. With the world evolving and changing, how long will Israel remain merely a U.S. outpost in the Middle East and servant of America’s business run foreign policy of world hegemony in disregard of its own safety and that of everyone else.

Germans herd Jewish victims to their immediate execution in the woods and pre-dug mass graves. A great desl of the German war machine was enabled by American billionaires and their corporations.


[dropcap]J[/dropcap]ust as American capital is presently invested in low-wage Asia while much of the U.S. work force is unemployed, during the Great Depression, the rich and powerful of America invested in low-wage, highly productive, and financially poor Nazi Germany.

While this writer's dad sold apples on the street corner, and with no money to buy milk, mom kept him breast fed past three years, workers in Nazi Germany were increasingly employed thanks to America's wealthy, who were fully aware of Hitler's intentions toward Jews and the Soviet Union.

U.S. and European financiers made possible prostrate Germany's rise to #1 military power while listening to Hitler's speeches trumpeting the historic expansionist call "Drang nach Osten' ("Push to the East') - that would bring about the smashing of the USSR so desired by investors frightened by Soviet successes, successes that were making the Russia revolution a model for the socialist activism arising everywhere.

For much of the 1930s, approximately 60% of total U.S. investment abroad was in Nazi Germany - another substantial amount had been going into Mussolini's fascist Italy, an earlier darling of the U.S. Manufacturing Association.

Massive U.S. financial and industrial collaboration continued during the terrifying persecution of Jews, and to some extent through the giant investors' subsidiaries overseas even when the war in Europe was already underway.

Meanwhile, America, from top to bottom, was experiencing virulent anti-Jewish sentiment and discrimination that was in generally hardly undiminished by abominable acts in Germany like Kristallnacht that were bringing unimaginable terror and suffering to Jews.

Already in the early 1920s, Henry Ford, publishing his International Jew titled hate booklets, had become a hero for fledgling fascist Adolph Hitler, who was receiving Ford's financial support. At the same time, Rockefeller was funding Eugenics research at an institution in Cold Spring, Harbor, Long Island that inspired and predated Eugenics research in Germany - which Rockefeller also funded. In 1926. Hitler wrote a fan letter to California eugenics leader Madison Grant calling his race-based eugenics book, The Passing of the Great Race his "bible."[1]

Over fifty of America's largest corporations or companies were operating inside Germany when it declared war on the United States - General Motors, General Electric, Ford, Du Pont, Rockefeller's Standard Oil and Chase Bank, I.T. & T, IBM, Kodak, Coca Cola, etc.[2]. Throughout the war, the U.S. auto companies continued to be concerned Nazi Germany would nationalize American-owned factories. More than a few American companies were involved (some unknowingly) in the use of slave labor.

After the war, General Motors, I.T.&T. and received compensation for the damage done to their fighter plane and other military products factories in Germany by Allied bombing.[3]

Edward VIII, the former Prince of Wales, with wife Wallis Simpson. He did not trouble to hide his pro-Nazi sympathies, shared by quite a few prominent members of the British aristocracy. His meeting with Hitler he regarded as an exciting high point in his life.

Pro-Hitler and outspokenly anti-Jewish Joseph Kennedy and financial collaborator with Nazi banks Prescott Bush, both punished by the Roosevelt administration, were planning the creation of their sons' presidential dynasties. While George Bush's maternal grandfather Walker had handled American investment, Prescott Bush had specialized in British investors in Nazi Germany. [4]

Britain was America's closest ally. During the year 1936, the King of England and British Empire was for certain a greater follower of Hitler than most Germans. During the occupation of France, he, then the Duke of Windsor,[5] asked the German forces to place guards at his Paris and Riviera homes - and they did. His pro-Hitler statements, while Governor of the Bahamas during the war had to be hushed up. Even as late as 1970 he spoke affectionately of Hitler.

With the majority of humanity sympathetic to the Palestinians, Israelis cling to the financial support from, and ideological association with, the Christian imperialism that persecuted Jews horribly over centuries culminating in the Holocaust. At the same time Israel sees much of its fellow Semitic Arab world as its enemy, though it was the Arabs that saved and protected Jews during three previous, infamous and dreadful mass persecutions by Christians.

America's rich and famous partnered with Nazi bankers and industrialists for personal profit, many seeing fascism as favorable to their security as rulers of society. While many sought to withdraw from financial relations with Nazi enterprises because of the persecution of the Jews, others carried on with business through subsidiary companies even after America was in the war. A callous, merciless hands off policy was backed even when the Holocaust was well under way in preparation. This was certainly complicity and cooperation for the tight-lipped silence in high places. Enough news coverage had made everyone aware of what was being done to the Jews during most of the 1930s.[6]

Examples of this standing aside were everywhere. February, 1939, The Wagner-Rogers bill died in Congress. Roosevelt refused to take a position on it. It would have admitted 20,000 additional Jewish refugee children under the age of 14 into the United States from Germany and Austria above the immigration quotas. On May 18, 1942 - The New York Times reported, but on an inside page [being Jewish-owned this is an example of how big money puts class interest above even duty to their own nationality or ethnic group.—Ed]  that Nazis had machine-gunned over 100,000 Jews in the Baltic states, 100,000 in Poland and twice as many in western Russia. By this date, millions had been gassed.

At the end of the war, when ghastly, spine-chilling photos of the internment and murder of Jews in concentration camps were revealed, the public was shocked into some self-awareness. The most violent persecution, brutal arrests and internment had been done openly in a world basically owned and run by the "democratically' elected legislatures of white industrialized nations, nations that had earlier used their edge in arms manufacture to conquer, colonize and exploit the whole non white population of the world.

When the difficult to behold newsreels and newspaper photos of the indescribably inhuman conditions inside the camps and of the cremation ovens, shame, guilt and agonized sympathy finally replaced a good deal of the long standing, pervasive, fierce antipathy and prejudice toward Jews.

This uncomfortable realization of the enormity of American and European society's complicity in the Holocaust formed a backdrop for more basic business considerations that U.S. politicians entertained in acceding to the plans of Zionist leaders among the wave of European Jewish immigrants pouring into the British governed "Protectorate' of predominately Arab populated Palestine - a Palestine, which three millennium earlier had been predominantly Jewish.

The colonial powers along with the Soviet Army had conquered Germany again. (Germany had ceased to be a colonial power after WW I) Only the U.S. emerged with its the industrial plant intact making it the single superpower. The American government with its European allies created and controlled the sixty member small United Nations that would deliberate the fate of inhabitants of the British Protectorate of Palestine.

U.S. business saw the possibility of making inroads into British control over most of the Middle East's oil fields through a client European Jewish state. Stalin, in a last minute switch left the Arabs in the lurch, seeking, as well, to diminish British power and hegemony, hoping to have influence in the Jewish state for the substantial in numbers socialist wing of Zionism. By the time of the UN vote, there was no significantly powerful nation to protect the rights of a long occupied Arab Palestinian majority population of three to one over the Jews that didn't want to be partitioned.

The media never tells the public that Einstein was opposed to the creation of a Jewish state based on zionism, nor that he was a lifelong socialist. Legitimating myths for the Western capitalist state are grounded in outright lies and huge truth omissions.

No one, that is, except eminent but powerless Jewish intellectuals. Albert Einstein, Martin Buber, Erich Fromm and a significant number of Orthodox rabbis, e.g. Rabbi Judah L. Magnes, first president of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, "A Jewish Home in Palestine built up on bayonets and oppression is not worth having" The American Council for Judaism, an organization founded in 1942 by a group of Reform rabbis, was also against partition.

The partition barely carried the necessary 2/3rd majority vote in a United Nations that had no representation for nearly half the people on earth. Twenty-three of the thirty-eight non-industrialized nations, were unwilling to vote for partition.

Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru spoke with anger and contempt for the way the UN vote had been lined up. He said the Zionists had tried to bribe India with millions and at the same time his sister, Vijayalalshmi Pandit, had received daily warnings that her life was in danger "unless she voted right". [7] Three countries -- Haiti, Liberia, the Philippines -- were persuaded to change their positions, which enabled the required 2/3rds majority to be reached. Liberia's Ambassador to the United States complained that the US delegation threatened aid cuts to several countries.[8].

The distributions of the patch quilt partition was pure insanity, not something unusual for the colonial powers to arrange for an occupied colony. Who did not expect terrible bloodshed. "It will thus be seen that the proposed Jewish State will contain a total population of 1,008,800, consisting of 509,780 Arabs and 499,020 Jews. In other words, at the outset, the Arabs will have a majority in the proposed Jewish State." How could it not have been a recipe for war? Arabs in Palestine could not agree to this, unless at the point of a gun.

The Arabs had not been consulted, nor their agreement sought. They were, in effect, British colonial subjects about to be divided up and half ruled by a new set of European colonizers. The Arab leadership, in and out of Palestine, opposed the partition plan.[8] The Arabs argued that ' it violated the rights of the majority of the people in Palestine, which at the time was 67% non-Jewish (1,237,000) and 33% Jewish (608,000).'[9]

"The Arab state was to receive about 43% of Mandatory Palestine consisting of all of the highlands, except for Jerusalem, plus one third of the coastline. The highlands contain the major aquifers of Palestine, which supplied water to the coastal cities of central Palestine, including Tel Aviv. The Jewish state was to receive 56% of Mandatory Palestine, a slightly larger area to accommodate the increasing numbers of Jews who would immigrate there." [10] The Arabs had pointed out that 56 percent of the land was to go to the Jews, who at that stage legally owned only 7 percent of it.

[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ostilities broke out almost immediately upon the announcement of the UN vote. From 1947 through 2011 - almost constant bloodshed!

Seems almost like the same nations complicit in the Holocaust, whose investors indeed made the Holocaust possible and whose governments had closed their doors while observing the destruction of European Jewry, had afterwards arranged, through their UN tool, a new trap for Jews, by throwing them into a yet another fire - putting them in a no win situation with certain great violence about to happen along perhaps with a necessity to cause other people the kind of intense suffering so many Jewish arrivals had themselves so recently escaped from.


[dropcap]S[/dropcap]ixty-three years of tragic loss of so many lives, the great majority of which Palestinian, but of no consolation for the families of Jewish victims of war. Jewish religious philosopher Martin Buber before he died in 1965, wrote what must be still even more valid today, "Only an internal revolution can have the power to heal our people of their murderous sickness of causeless hatred...It is bound to bring complete ruin upon us. Only then will the old and young in our land realize how great was our responsibility to those miserable Arab refugees in whose towns we have settled Jews who were brought here from afar; whose homes we have inherited, whose fields we now sow and harvest; the fruits of whose gardens, orchards and vineyards we gather; and in whose cities that we robbed we put up houses of education, charity, and prayer, while we babble and rave about being the "People of the Book" and the "light of the nations"

Israelis recently celebrated their 63rd independence day anniversary ("Yom Ha'atzmaut') a day after its 63rd observance of Memorial Day (Yom Hazikaron) and the lives lost. Arab Palestinians observing the day as "Nakba,' the Palestinian catastrophe or upheaval, violence and cataclysmic loss, the terror, which drove almost one million of them out of their homeland into perpetual suffering in exile, displaced, dispossessed, stateless, lost, forbidden to return and living under a multiplying injustice of collective persecution.

It coincided with what looks like the beginning of the Palestinian participation in what is being called "Arab Spring' with the usual result of unarmed protesters being shot dead as elsewhere.

Israel officially shrugs off the anger in the formerly European occupied third world for its treatment of Arab Palestinians, but even the nations of the first world do not vote against UN resolutions condemning Israeli policies. Over these sixty three years, the U.S. is more times than not the only nation voting with Israel.

Israel has been in bed with a U.S. business elite that had once backed and bankrolled the Jewish nemesis, Adolph Hitler, had itself been generally anti-Semitic in outlook, and was coldly indifferent, even complicit, during the Holocaust it helped make possible. There is a popular quip in Yiddish that would seem an appropriate comment, "With such friends, who needs enemies?" (The voice rises in pitch on the last word)

Greater Mankind is still in awe of America's power, wealth and technology, but no longer admires what Martin Luther King called "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world" that puts a commercial and cash value on life and living. Nevertheless, Israel, has long been, and probably was forced to be, in lock step with, and abetting, a homicidal foreign policy of a Christian U.S. superpower in Vietnam, Central America and Africa right on into to its ongoing wars in six Muslim countries.

With the majority of humanity sympathetic to the Palestinians, Israelis cling to the financial support from, and ideological association with, the Christian imperialism that persecuted Jews horribly over centuries culminating in the Holocaust. At the same time Israel sees much of its fellow Semitic Arab world as its enemy, though it was the Arabs that saved and protected Jews during three previous, infamous and dreadful mass persecutions by Christians.

Jews had been banned residence in Jerusalem for approximately 500 years by the Romans, and Byzantine Emperor Heraclius was forcing Jews to convert to Christianity when the Arabs took over in 637 and invited the Jews back into the Jerusalem to "worship freely in their holy city." Caliph Umar refused the Church request to continue the ban.

Upon the recapture of Jerusalem in 1187, (The Crusaders' had slaughtered the Jews and Muslims when they originally conquered Jerusalem), Saladin summoned the Jews and permitted them to resettle in the city - the residents of Ashkelon, a large Jewish settlement, were the first to responded to his request.

Disputes about Maimonides' books (which addressed the synthesis of Judaism and other cultures, published in Islam ruled Spain) provided a pretext for harassing Jews and, in 1242, the Inquisition condemned the Talmud, and burned thousands of volumes. In 1288, the first mass burning of Jews at the stake took place in France. In 1290, Jews were expelled from England, in 1307 from France, 1348 from Saxony, 1360 from Belgium, 1380, Slovakia, 1420, Austria, 1444 the Netherlands, etc. from other Christian nations. The most fortunate of those who suffered the great expulsion from Spain in 1492 succeeded in escaping to Islamic Turkey. Sultan Bajazet welcomed them warmly saying "they enrich our land" Most of the Sephardim found a home in North Africa and other Arab lands.

How many of Israel's citizens and Palestinian Arabs know their history regarding each other. How many of Israel's elderly citizens have not forgotten the disdainful Anti-Semitism, prejudice, discrimination and exclusions in the U.S. during the years when the moguls of society, financiers and industrialists, were making fortunes in Hitler's rearming of Germany, and afterward blocking escape from the Holocaust, while Jews were thriving within the fabric of society in fellow Semitic Muslim nations and elsewhere.

... to be continued in Parts 2 & 3: DISTORTION and IMAGINING (to be announced)

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See: The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics
By Edwin Black

"In 1904, the Carnegie Institution established a laboratory complex at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island that stockpiled millions of index cards on ordinary Americans, as researchers carefully plotted the removal of families, bloodlines and whole peoples. From Cold Spring Harbor, eugenics advocates agitated in the legislatures of America, as well as the nation's social service agencies and associations.
The Rockefeller Foundation helped funded the German eugenics program and even funded the program that Josef Mengele worked in before he went to Auschwitz.

Even the United States Supreme Court endorsed aspects of eugenics. In its infamous 1927 decision, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, "It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind". Three generations of imbeciles are enough." This decision opened the floodgates for thousands to be coercively sterilized or otherwise persecuted as subhuman. Years later, the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials quoted Holmes's words in their own defense.

Hitler proudly told his comrades just how closely he followed the progress of the American eugenics movement. "I have studied with great interest," he told a fellow Nazi, "the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock."

Hitler even wrote a fan letter to American eugenic leader Madison Grant calling his race-based eugenics book, The Passing of the Great Race his "bible."

[later on] Egenicists across America welcomed Hitler's plans as the logical fulfillment of their own decades of research and effort. California eugenicists republished Nazi propaganda for American consumption. They also arranged for Nazi scientific exhibits, such as an August 1934 display at the L.A. County Museum, for the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association.

In 1934, as Germany's sterilizations were accelerating beyond 5,000 per month, the California eugenics leader C. M. Goethe upon returning from Germany ebulliently bragged to a key colleague, "You will be interested to know, that your work has played a powerful part in shaping the opinions of the group of intellectuals who are behind Hitler in this epoch-making program. Everywhere I sensed that their opinions have been tremendously stimulated by American thought

By 1926, Rockefeller had donated some $410,000 -- almost $4 million in 21st-Century money -- to hundreds of German researchers. In May 1926, Rockefeller awarded $250,000 to the German Psychiatric Institute of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, later to become the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry. Among the leading psychiatrists at the German Psychiatric Institute was Ernst Rüdin, who became director and eventually an architect of Hitler's systematic medical repression.

Beginning in 1940, thousands of Germans taken from old age homes, mental institutions and other custodial facilities were systematically gassed. Between 50,000 and 100,000 were eventually killed.

How the Allied multinationals supplied Nazi Germany throughout World War II
Excerpts from "Trading With the Enemy: An Exposé of The Nazi-American Money-Plot 1933-1949" by Charles Higham; Hale , London, 1983.

Behind the patriotic propaganda that encouraged the working class to slaughter each other in the interests of competing national interests, international capital quietly kept the commodity circuits flowing and profits growing across all borders, trading with the enemy - war means business as usual for international capital.

Higham starts with an account of the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland - a Nazi-controlled bank presided over by an American, Thomas H. McKittrick, even in 1944. While Americans were dying in the war, McKittrick sat down with his German, Japanese, Italian, British and American executive staff to discuss the gold bars that had been sent to the Bank earlier that year by the Nazi government for use by its leaders after the war. This was gold that had been looted from the banks of Austria, Belgium, and Czechoslovakia or melted down from teeth fillings, eyeglass frames, and wedding rings of millions of murdered Jews.

But that is only one of the cases detailed in this book. We have Standard Oil shipping enemy fuel through Switzerland for the Nazi occupation forces in France; Ford trucks transporting German troops; I.T.T. helping supply the rocket bombs that marauded much of London ; and I.T.T. building the Focke-Wulfs that dropped those bombs. Long and shocking is the list of diplomats and businessmen alike who had their own ways of profiting from the war."

What would have happened if American and British people, struggling with coupons and lines at the gas stations, had learned that in 1942 Standard Oil of New Jersey managers shipped the enemy's fuel through neutral Switzerland and that the enemy was shipping Allied fuel? Suppose the public had discovered that the Chase Bank in Nazi-occupied Paris after Pearl Harbor was doing millions of dollars' worth of business with the enemy with the full knowledge of the head office in Manhattan? Or that Ford trucks were being built for the German occupation troops in France with authorization from Dearborn, Michigan? Or that Colonel before and after Pearl Harbor. A presidential edict, issued six days after December 7, 1941, actually set up the legislation whereby licensing arrangements for trading with the enemy could officially be granted.

Often during the years after Pearl Harbor the government permitted such trading. For example, ITT was allowed to continue its relations with the Axis and Japan until 1945, even though that conglomerate was regarded as an official instrument of United States Intelligence. No attempt was made to prevent Ford from retaining its interests for the Germans in Occupied France, nor were the Chase Bank or the Morgan Bank expressly forbidden to keep open their branches in Occupied Paris. It is indicated that the Reichsbank and Nazi

And it is important to consider the size of American investments in Nazi Germany at the time of Pearl Harbor. These amounted to an estimated total of $475 million. Standard Oil of New Jersey had $120 million invested there; General Motors had $35 million; ITT had $30 million; and Ford had $17.5 million.

At the same time, the Du Ponts developed the American Liberty League, a Nazi organization whipping up hatred of blacks and Jews, love of Hitler, and loathing of the Roosevelts. Financed by Lammot and Irenee to the tune of close to $500,000 the first year, the Liberty League had a lavish thirty-one-room office in New York, branches in twenty-six colleges, and fifteen subsidiary organizations nationwide that distributed fifty million copies of its Nazi pamphlets. In September 1936, while Hitler at Nuremberg expressed his grand design for the Four-Year Plan, the Du Ponts and the American Liberty League poured thousands into backing Republican Alf Landon against Roosevelt in the election. Other backers were the American Nazi party and the German-American Bund.

The attempt to launch Landon failed, which made the Du Ponts hate Roosevelt even more. In outright defiance of Roosevelt's desire to improve working conditions for the average man, Knudsen of General Motors along with the Du Ponts instituted the speedup systems created by another prominent figure of The Fraternity, Charles Bedaux. These forced men to work at terrifying speeds on the assembly lines. Many died of the heat and the pressure, increased by fear of losing their jobs at a time when there were very few available. Irenee personally paid almost $1 million from his own pocket for armed and gas-equipped storm troops modeled on the Gestapo to sweep through the plants and beat up anyone who proved rebellious. He hired the Pinkerton Agency to send its swarms of detectives through the whole chemicals, munitions, and automobile empire to spy on left-wingers or other malcontents.

By the mid-1930s, General Motors was committed to full-scale production of trucks, armored cars, and tanks in Nazi Germany. The GM board could be guaranteed to preserve political, personal, and commercial links to Hitler. Alfred P. Sloan, who rose from president of GM to chairman in 1937, paid for the National Council of Clergymen and Laymen at Asheville, North Carolina, on August 12, 1936, at which John Henry Kirby, millionaire fascist lumbemman of Texas, was prominent in the delivery of speeches in favor of Hitler. Others present, delivering equally Hitlerian addresses, were Govemor Eugene D. Talmadge of Georgia and the Nazi Reverend Gerald L. K. Smith. Sloan frequently visited Berlin, where he hobnobbed with Goring and Hitler.

Hitler's Carmaker: How General Motors helped jump-start the Third Reich's military machine , November, 2006

n 1960, GM received $33 million compensation in tax exemption on profits for damages caused to its aeroplane and motorized vehicle factories in Germany, Austria, Poland and China. ITT received $27 million damages, $5 million of which were for the Focke Wulff factory, American property bombed by allied planes. And Ford received just under $1 million for damage done to its military truck production lines in Cologne!

PRESCOTT BUSH & NAZIS , Boston Globe 4/23/2001

George Herbert 'Bert' Walker, a native of St. Louis, founded the banking and investment firm of G. H. Walker and Company in 1900. Later the company shifted from St. Louis to the prestigious address of 1 Wall Street .... "Walker was one of Hitler's most powerful financial supporters in the United States. The relationship went all the way back to 1924, when Fritz Thyssen, the German industrialist, was financing Hitler's infant Nazi party. As mentioned in earlier chapters, there were American contributors as well.
"In 1926 Bert Walker did a favor for his new son-in-law, Prescott Bush. It was the sort of favor families do to help their children make a start in life, but Prescott came to regret it bitterly. Walker made Prescott vice president of W. A. Harriman. The problem was that Walker's specialty was companies that traded with Germany. As Thyssen and the other German industrialists consolidated Hitler's political power in the 1930s, an American financial connection was needed. According to our sources, Union Banking became an out-and-out Nazi money-laundering machine... "In [1931], Harriman & Company merged with a British-American investment company to become Brown Brothers, Harriman. Prescott Bush became one of the senior partners of the new company, which relocated to 59 Broadway, while Union Banking remained at 39 Broadway. But in 1934 Walker arranged to put his son-in-law on the board of directors of Union Banking.
"Walker also set up a deal to take over the North American operations ofthe Hamburg-Amerika Line, a cover for I.G. Farben's Nazi espionage unit in the United States. ... the 1930s, the Dulles brothers and the other pirates of Wall Street were making their deals with the Nazis...

"At the beginning of the First World War the British Royal family went by the name of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Not only were the majority of the Royal Family of German descent but many of them preferred to speak German. Kaiser Wilhelm II was Queen Victoria's grandson and cousin of King Edward. (and yet Britain and Germany still go to war with each other...) In March 1917 as the people of Britain began to realize the German connection the Royal Family changed their name to Windsor - much more English sounding..."
[quoted in "Like All The Nations?", ed. Brinner & Rischin]

When the mass killings did start, these governments claimed that they couldn't be certain of what was happening. This was a lie. The code-breakers working for British intelligence had cracked the German police radio codes already by 1939 and this allowed them later to reveal large-scale massacres of Polish and Soviet Jews after the German Army had invaded Eastern Europe.
When the extermination camps in occupied Poland were in full steam from 1942, the code-breakers had already broken, two years earlier in December 1940, the more sophisticated Enigma codes used by the SS who were running the camps. Regular SS reports about hundreds of thousands of prisoners at camps like Auschwitz that showed the Holocaust to be in full swing were thus able to be decoded. By the same means they knew that German railway network was moving " special cargo" into the camps. [Information from eyewitnesses, refugees, the Polish underground and anti-Nazi Germans]

The United States' "closed gates" policy offered no hope to the potential victims of genocide. The story of the famous St Louis ship is known after a movie was made with the same name. In 1939, the St Louis ocean liner, carrying 1128 German-Jewish refugees, was turned back by US immigration officials because the immigration quota for Germany had been met. The mass graves and the gas chambers were not so discriminatory!

As late as 1943, while the Jews of Europe were being exterminated in their millions, the US Congress proposed to set up a commission to merely "study" the problem. Rabbi Stephen Wise, who was the principle American spokesperson for Zionism, came to Washington to testify against the rescue bill because it would divert attention from the colonization of Palestine.

This is the same Rabbi Wise who, in 1938, in his capacity as leader of the American Jewish Congress, wrote a letter in which he opposed any change in US immigration laws which would enable Jews to find refuge in the USA. He stated: "It may interest you to know that some weeks ago the representatives of all the leading Jewish organizations met in conference. (...) It was decided that no Jewish organization would, at this time, sponsor a bill which would in any way alter the immigration laws."[-Rabbi Solomon Schonfeld, Britain's chief Rabbi during World War II. Faris Yahya, Zionist Relations with Nazi Germany, (Beirut, Lebanon: Palestine Research Center, January 1978), p. 53.]

If anyone has any doubts about this it is sufficient to quote Ben Gurion when he informed a meeting of Labor Zionists in Great Britain in 1938: "If I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Israel, then I opt for the second alternative."[Lenni Brenner, Zionism, p., p. 149.]

Chaim Weizmann, the Zionist leader who had arranged the Balfour Declaration and was to become the first president of Israel, made this Zionist policy very explicit: "The hopes of Europe's six million Jews are centered on emigration. I was asked: 'Can you bring six million Jews to Palestine?' I replied, 'No.'... From the depths of the tragedy I want to save... young people [for Palestine]. The old ones will pass. They will bear their fate or they will not. They are dust, economic and moral dust in a cruel world... Only the branch of the young shall survive. They have to accept it."[Yitzhak Gruenbaum was chairperson of the Jewish Agency's Rescue Committee. Excerpted from a speech made in 1943. Ibid., p. 56.]
The cold-blooded stance of the Zionists in the face of the Holocaust by Yossi Schwarz

Heptulla, Najma, Indo-West Asian relations: the Nehru era, Allied Publishers . pp. 158, 1991

Quigley, John B. (1990). Palestine and Israel: a challenge to justice. Duke University Press . pp. 37.
The Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA)

Report of UNSCOP -- 1949

UN Partition Plan




 JAY JANSON, Resident Historian, Distinguished Collaborator •  Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India and in the US by Dissident Voice, Global Research; Information Clearing House; Counter Currents and others; now resides in NYC; First effort was a series of articles on deadly cultural pollution endangering seven areas of life emanating from Western corporate owned commercial media published in Hong Kong's Window Magazine 1993; Howard Zinn lent his name to various projects of his; Weekly column, South China Morning Post, 1986-87; reviews for Ta Kung Bao; article China Daily, 1989. Is coordinator of the Howard Zinn co-founded King Condemned US Wars International Awareness Campaign, and website historian of the Ramsey Clark co-founded Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now Campaign, which Dissident Voice supports with link at the end of each issue of its newsletter.

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While our media prostitutes, many Hollywood celebs, and politicians and opinion shapers make so much noise about the still to be demonstrated damage done by the Russkies to our nonexistent democracy, this is what the sanctimonious US government has done overseas just since the close of World War 2. And this is what we know about. Many other misdeeds are yet to be revealed or documented.

Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report

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America’s Enemies, Who’s On the List? Prospects and Perspectives


Who else but the disgusting American ruling class would have so many nations in its evil crosshairs? Without its enormous media shield, this country's plutocracy and its internatonal accomplices would be despised everywhere, including at home.

AmericaFor almost 2 decades, the US pursued a list of ‘enemy countries’ to confront, attack, weaken and overthrow. This imperial quest to overthrow ‘enemy countries’ operated at various levels of intensity, depending on two considerations: the level of priority and the degree of vulnerability for a ‘regime change’ operation. The criteria for determining an ‘enemy country’ and its place on the list of priority targets in the US quest for greater global dominance, as well as its vulnerability to a ‘successfully’ regime change will be the focus of this essay. We will conclude by discussing the realistic perspectives of future imperial options.

Prioritizing US Adversaries

Imperial strategists consider military, economic and political criteria in identifying high priority adversaries.

The following are high on the US ‘enemy list’:

1) Russia, because of its military power, is a nuclear counterweight to US global domination.  It has a huge, well-equipped armed force with a European, Asian and Middle East presence.  Its global oil and gas resources shield it from US economic blackmail and its growing geo-political alliances limit US expansion.

2) China, because of its global economic power and the growing scope of its trade, investment and technological networks.  China’s growing defensive military capability, particularly with regard to protecting its interests in the South China Sea serve to counter US domination in Asia.

3) North Korea, because of its nuclear and ballistic missile capability, its fierce independent foreign policies and its strategic geo-political location, is seen as a threat to the US military bases in Asia and Washington’s regional allies and proxies.

4) Venezuela, because of its oil resources and socio-political policies, challenge the US centered neo-liberal model in Latin America.

5) Iran, because of its oil resources, political independence and geo-political alliances in the Middle East, challenge US, Israeli and Saudi Arabia domination of the region and present an independent alternative.

6) Syria, because of its strategic position in the Middle East, its secular nationalist ruling party and its alliances with Iran, Palestine, Iraq and Russia, is a counterweight to US-Israeli plans to balkanize the Middle East into warring ethno-tribal states.

US  Middle-level Adversaries :

1)  Cuba, because of its independent foreign policies and its alternative socio-economic system stands in contrast to the US-centered neo-liberal regimes in the Caribbean, Central and South America.

2) Lebanon, because of its strategic location on the Mediterranean and the coalition government’s power sharing arrangement with the political party, Hezbollah, which is increasingly influential in Lebanese civil society in part because of its militia’s proven capacity to protect Lebanese national sovereignty by expelling the invading Israeli army and helping to defeat the ISIS/al Queda mercenaries in neighboring Syria.

3) Yemen, because of its independent, nationalist Houthi-led movement opposed to the Saudi-imposed puppet government as well as its relations with Iran.

Low Level Adversaries

1) Bolivia, because of its independent foreign policy, support for the Chavista government in Venezuela and advocacy of a mixed economy;  mining wealth and  defense of indigenous people’s territorial claims.

2) Nicaragua, because of its independent foreign policy and criticism of US aggression toward Cuba and Venezuela.

US hostility to high priority adversaries is expressed through economic sanctions military encirclement, provocations and intense propaganda wars toward North Korea, Russia, Venezuela, Iran and Syria.

Because of China’s powerful global market linkages, the US has applied few sanctions.  Instead, the US relies on military encirclement, separatist provocations and intense hostile propaganda when dealing with China.

Priority Adversaries, Low Vulnerability and Unreal Expectations

With the exception of Venezuela, Washington’s ‘high priority targets’ have limited strategic vulnerabilities. Venezuela is the most vulnerable because of its high dependence on oil revenues with its major refineries located in the US, and its high levels of indebtedness, verging on default.   In addition, there are the domestic opposition groups, all acting as US clients and Caracas’ growing isolation within Latin America due to orchestrated hostility by important US clients, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico.

Iran is far less vulnerable: It is a strong strategic regional military power linked to neighboring countries and similar religious-nationalist movements.  Despite its dependence on oil exports, Iran has developed alternative markets, like China, free from US blackmail and is relatively safe from US or EU initiated creditor attacks.

North Korea, despite the crippling economic sanctions imposed on its regime and civilian population, has ‘the bomb’ as a deterrent to a US military attack and has shown no reluctance to defend itself.  Unlike Venezuela, neither Iran nor North Korea face significant internal attacks from US-funded or armed domestic opposition.

Russia has full military capacity – nuclear weapons, ICBM and a huge, well-trained armed force – to deter any direct US military threat.  Moscow is politically vulnerable to US-backed propaganda, opposition political parties and Western-funded NGO’s.  Russian oligarch-billionaires, linked to London and Wall Street, exercise some pressure against independent economic initiatives.

To a limited degree, US sanctions exploited Russia’s earlier dependence on Western markets, but since the imposition of draconian sanctions by the Obama regime, Moscow has effectively counteredWashington’s offensive by diversifying its markets to Asia and strengthening domestic self-reliance in its agriculture, industry and high technology.

China has a world-class economy and is on course to become the world’s economic leader.  Feeble threats to ‘sanction’ China have merely exposed Washington’s weakness rather intimidating Beijing.  China has countered US military provocations and threats by expanding its economic market power, increasing its strategic military capacity and shedding dependence on the dollar.

Washington’s high priority targets are not vulnerable to frontal attack: They retain or are increasing their domestic cohesion and economic networks, while upgrading their military capacity to impose completely unacceptable costs on the US for any direct assault.

As a result, the US leaders are forced to rely on incremental, peripheral and proxy attacks with limited results against its high priority adversaries.

Washington will tighten sanctions on North Korea and Venezuela, with dubious prospects of success in the former and a possible pyrrhic victory in the case of Caracas. Iran and Russia can easily overcome proxy interventions.  US allies, like Saudi Arabia and Israel, can badger, propagandize and rail the Persians, but their fears that an out-and-out war against Iran, could quickly destroy Riyadh and Tel Aviv forces them to work in tandem to induce the corrupt US political establishment to push for war over the objections of a war-weary US military and population. Saudi and Israelis can bomb and starve the populations of Yemen and Gaza, which lack any capacity to reply in kind, but Teheran is another matter.

The politicians and propagandists in Washington can blather about Russia’s interference in the US’s corrupt electoral theater and scuttle moves to improve diplomatic ties, but they cannot counter Russia’s growing influence in the Middle East and its expanding trade with Asia, especially China.

In summary, at the global level, the US ‘priority’ targets are unattainable and invulnerable.  In the midst of the on-going inter-elite dogfight within the US, it may be too much to hope for the emergence of any rational policymakers in Washington who could rethink strategic priorities and calibrate policies of mutual accommodation to fit in with global realities.

Medium and Low Priorities, Vulnerabilities and Expectations

Washington can intervene and perhaps inflict severe damage on middle and low priority countries.  However, there are several drawbacks to a full-scale attack.

Yemen, Cuba, Lebanon, Bolivia and Syria are not nations capable of shaping global political and economic alignments.  The most the US can secure in these vulnerable countries are destructive regime changes with massive loss of life, infrastructure and millions of desperate refugees . . . but at great political cost, with prolonged instability and with severe economic losses.


The US can push for a total Saudi Royal victory over the starving, cholera-stricken people of Yemen.  But who benefits?  Saudi Arabia is in the midst of a palace upheaval and has no ability to exercise hegemony, despite hundreds of billions of  dollars of US/NATO arms, trainers and bases.  Colonial occupations are costly and yield few, if any, economic benefits, especially from a poor, geographically isolated devastated nation like Yemen.


Cuba has a powerful highly professional military backed by a million-member militia.  They are capable of prolonged resistance and can count on international support.  A US invasion of Cuba would require a prolonged occupation and heavy losses.  Decades of economic sanctions haven’t worked and their re-imposition by Trump have not affected the key tourist growth sectors.

President Trump’s ‘symbolic hostility’ does not cut any ice with the major US agro-business groups, which saw Cuba as a market. Over half of the so-called ‘overseas Cubans’ now oppose direct US intervention.

US-funded NGOs can provide some marginal propaganda points but they cannot reverse popular support for Cuba’s mixed ‘socialized’ economy, its excellent public education and health care and its independent foreign policy.


A joint US-Saudi economic blockade and Israeli bombs can destabilize Lebanon.  However, a full-scale prolonged Israeli invasion will cost Jewish lives and foment domestic unrest.  Hezbollah has missiles to counter Israeli bombs.  The Saudi economic blockade will radicalize Lebanese nationalists, especially among the Shia and the Christian populations.  The Washington’s ‘invasion’ of Libya, which did not lose a single US soldier, demonstrates that destructive invasions result in long-term, continent-wide chaos.

A US-Israeli-Saudi war would totally destroy Lebanon but it will destabilize the region and exacerbate conflicts in neighboring countries – Syria, Iran and possibly Iraq.  And Europe will be flooded with millions more desperate refugees.


The US-Saudi proxy war in Syria suffered serious defeats and the loss of political assets.  Russia gained influence, bases and allies.  Syria retained its sovereignty and forged a battle-hardened national armed force.  Washington can sanction Syria, grab some bases in a few phony ‘Kurdish enclaves’ but it will not advance beyond a stalemate and will be widely viewed as an occupying invader.

Syria is vulnerable and continues to be a middle-range target on the US enemy list but it offers few prospects of advancing US imperial power, beyond some limited ties with an unstable Kurd enclave, susceptible to internecine warfare, and risking major Turkish retaliation.

Bolivia and Nicaragua

Bolivia and Nicaragua are minor irritants on the US enemy list. US regional policymakers recognize that neither country exercises global or even regional power.  Moreover, both regimes rejected radical politics in practice and co-exist with powerful and influential local oligarchs and international MNC’s linked to the US.

Their foreign policy critiques, which are mostly for domestic consumption, are neutralized by the near total US influence in the OAS and the major neo-liberal regimes in Latin America.  It appears that the US will accommodate these marginalized rhetorical adversaries rather than risk provoking any revival of radical nationalist or socialist mass movements erupting in La Paz or Managua.


[dropcap]A[/dropcap] brief examination of Washington’s ‘list of enemies’ reveals that the limited chances of success even among vulnerable targets.  Clearly, in this evolving world power configuration, US money and markets will not alter the power equation.

US allies, like Saudi Arabia, spend enormous amounts of money attacking a devastated nation, but they destroy markets while losing wars.  Powerful adversaries, like China, Russia and Iran, are not vulnerable and offer the Pentagon few prospects of military conquest in the foreseeable future.

Sanctions, or economic wars have failed to subdue adversaries in North Korea, Russia, Cuba and Iran.  The ‘enemy list’  has cost the US prestige, money and markets – a very peculiar imperialist balance sheet.  Russia now exceeds the US in wheat production and exports.  Gone are the days when US agro-exports dominated world trade including trade with Moscow.

Enemy lists are easy to compose, but effective policies are difficult to implement against rivals with dynamic economies and powerful military preparedness.

The US would regain some of its credibility if it operated within the contexts of global realities and pursued a win-win agenda instead of remaining a consistent loser in a zero-sum game.

Rational leaders could negotiate reciprocal trade agreements with China, which would develop high tech, finance and agro-commercial ties with manufacturers and services.  Rational leaders could develop joint Middle East economic and peace agreements, recognizing the reality of a Russian-Iranian-Lebanese Hezbollah and Syrian alliance.

As it stands, Washington’s ‘enemy list’ continues to be composed and imposed by its own irrational leaders, pro-Israel maniacs and Russophobes in the Democratic Party – with no acknowledgement of current realities.

For Americans, the list of domestic enemies is long and well known, what we lack is a civilian political leadership to replace these serial mis-leaders.


  James Petras is a world-renowned public intellectual. He is a retired Bartle Professor of Sociology at Binghamton University in Binghamton, New York and adjunct professor at Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada who has published extensively on Latin American and Middle Eastern political issues.

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Trump’s Alliance with Body-Choppers, Death Squads and Child Killers: Saudi Arabia, Brazil and Israel


Trump meets with Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud in the Oval Office on March 14, 2017.


In recent weeks the White House has embraced the contemporary version of the world’s most murderous regimes.  President Trump has embraced the Saudi Arabian “Prince of Death” Mohammad bin Salman who has graduated from chopping hands and heads in public plazas to dismembering bodies in overseas consulates – the case of Jamal Khashoggi.

The White House warmly greeted the electoral success of Brazilian Presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro, ardent champion of torturers, military dictators, death squads and free marketers.

President Trump grovels, grunts and glories before Israel, as his spiritual guide Benjamin Netanyahu celebrates the Sabbath with the weekly murders and maiming of hundreds of unarmed Palestinians, especially youngsters.

These are President Trump’s ‘natural allies’.  They share his values and interests while each retains their particular method of disposing of the cadavers of adversaries and dissenters.

We will proceed to discuss the larger political-economic context in which the trio of monsters operate.  We will analyze the benefits and advantages which lead President Trump to ignore and even praise, actions which violate America’s [vaunted] democratic values and sensibilities.

In conclusion, we will examine the consequences and risks which result from Trump’s embrace of the trio.

The Context for Trump’s Tripler Alliance

President Trump’s intimate ties with the world’s most unsavory regimes flows from several strategic interests.  In the case of Saudi Arabia, it includes military bases; the financing of international mercenaries and terrorists; multi-billion-dollar arms sales; oil profits; and covert alliances with Israel against Iran, Syria and Yemen.

In order to secure these Saudi assets, the White House is more than willing to assume certain socio-political costs.

The US eagerly sells weapons and provides advisers to Saudi’s genocidal invasion, murder and starvation of millions of Yeminis.  The White House alliance against Yemen has few monetary rewards or political advantages as well as negative propaganda value.

However, with few other client states in the region, Washington makes do with Prince Salman ‘the salami slicer’.

The US ignores Saudi financing of Islamic terrorists against US allies in Asia (the Philippines) and Afghanistan as well as rival thugs in Syria and Libya.

KhashoggiAlas when a pro-US collaborator like Washington Post journalist and US resident Jamal Khashoggi was assassinated, President Trump was forced to adopt the pretense of an investigation  in order  to distance from the Riyadh mafia.He subsequently exonerated butcher boy bin Salman: he invented a flagrant lie-blaming ‘rogue  elements’in charge of the interrogation,—read torture.

President Trump celebrated the electoral victory of Brazilian neo-liberal fascist Jair Bolsonaro because he checks all the right boxes:  he promises to slash economic regulations and corporate taxes for multi-national corporations.  He is an ardent ally of Washington’s economic war against Venezuela and Cuba.  He promises to arm right-wing death squads and militarize the police.  He pledges to be a loyal follower of US war policies abroad.

However, Bolsonaro cannot support Trump’s trade war especially against China which is the market for almost forty percent of Brazil’s agro-exports. This is especially the case since agro-business bosses are Bolsonaro’s principal economic and congressional supporters.

Given Washington’s limited influence in the rest of Latin America, Brazil’s neo-liberal fascist regime acts as Trump’s principal ally.

Israel is the White House’s mentor and chief of operations in the Middle East, as well as a strategic military ally .

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel has seized and colonized most of the West Bank and militarily occupied the rest of Palestine; jailed and tortured tens of thousands of political dissidents; surrounded and starved over a million Gaza residents; imposed ethno-religious conditions for citizenship in Israel, denying basic rights for over 20% of the Arab residents of the self-styled ‘jewish state’.

Netanyahu has bombed hundreds of Syrian cities, towns, airports and bases in support of ISIS terrorists and Western mercenaries.  Israel intervenes in US elections, buys Congressional votes and secures White House recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the jewish state.

Zionists in North America and Great Britain act as a ‘fifth column’ securing unanimous favorable mass media coverage of its apartheid policies.

Prime Minister Netanyahu secures unconditional US financial and political support and the most advanced weaponry.

In exchange Washington considers itself  privileged to serve as foot solders for Israeli targeted wars in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen and Somalia . . . Israel collaborates with the US in defending Saudi Arabia , Egypt and Jordan.  Netanyahu and his Zionist allies in the White House succeeded in reversing the nuclear agreement with Iran and imposing new and harsher economic sanctions.

Israel has its own agenda :it defies President Trump’s sanctions policies against Russia and its trade war with China.

Israel eagerly engages in the sales of arms and high-tech innovations to Beijing.

Beyond the Criminal Trio

The Trump regime’s alliance with Saudi Arabia, Israel and Brazil is not despite but because of their criminal behavior.  The three states have a demonstrated record of full compliance and active engagement in every ongoing US war.

Bolsonaro, Netanyahu and bin Salman serve as role models for other national leaders allied with Washington’s quest for world domination.

The problem is that the trio is insufficient in bolstering Washington’s drive to “Make the Empire Strong”.  As pointed earlier, the trio are not completely in compliance with Trump’s trade wars; Saudi works with Russia in fixing oil prices.  Israel and Brazil cuts deals with Beijing.

Clearly Washington pursues other allies and clients.

In Asia, the White House targets China by promoting ethnic separatism.  It encourages Uighurs to split from China by encouraging Islamic terrorism and linguistic propaganda.  President Trump backs Taiwan via military sales and diplomatic agreements.  Washington intervenes in Hong Kong by promoting pro-separatist  politicians and media propaganda backing ‘independence’.

Washington has launched a strategy of military encirclement and a trade  war against China.  The White House rounded-up Japan, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines and South Korea to provide military bases which target China.  Nevertheless, up to the present the US has no allies in its trade war.  All of Trump’s so-called Asian  ‘allies’ defy his economic sanctions policies.

The countries depend on and pursue trade with and investments from China.  While all pay diplomatic lip service and provide military bases, all defer on the crucial issues of joining US military exercises off China’s coast and  boycotting Beijing.

US efforts to sanction Russia into submission is offset by ongoing oil and gas agreements between Russia , Germany and other EU countries.  US traditional bootlickers like Britain and Poland carry little political weight.

More important US sanctions  policy has led to a long-term, large-scale strategic economic and military alliance between Moscow and Beijing.

Moreover Trump’s  alliance with the ‘torture trio’ has provoked domestic divisions.  Saudi Arabia’s murder of a US resident-journalist has provoked business boycotts and Congressional calls for reprisal.  Brazil’s fascism has evoked liberal criticism of Trump’s eulogy of Brazilia’s death squad democracy.

President Trump’s domestic electoral opposition has successfully mobilized the mass media, which could facilitate a congressional majority and an effective mass opposition to his Pluto-populist (populist in rhetoric, plutocrat in practice) version of empire building.


The US empire building project is built on bluster, bombs and trade wars.  Moreover, its closest and most criminal allies and clients cannot always be relied upon.  Even the stock market fiesta is coming to a close.  Moreover, the time of successful sanctions is passing.  The wild-eyed UN rants are evoking laughter and embarrassment.

The economy is heading into crises and not only became of rising interest rates.  Tax cuts are one shot deals – profits are taken and pocketed.

President Trump in retreat will discover that there are no permanent allies only permanent interests.

Today the White House stands alone without allies who will share and defend his unipolar empire.  The mass of humanity requires a break with the policies of wars and sanctions.  To rebuild America will require the construction, from the ground-up, of a powerful popular movement not beholden to Wall Street or war industries.  A first step is to break with both parties at home and the triple alliance abroad.


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  James Petras is a world-renowned public intellectual. He is a retired Bartle Professor of Sociology at Binghamton University in Binghamton, New York and adjunct professor at Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada who has published extensively on Latin American and Middle Eastern political issues.

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People Worldwide Will Soon Demand Americans Stop Planning Nuclear War Endangering Us All!


By Jay Janson

“We are moving in the direction of a multipolar world,” UN Secretary-General. China is again the world’s greatest economic power as it was through most of human history. As USA loses its economic hegemony it will eventually lose the power to shut people up by threat of imposing crippling economic sanctions. A wave of voices across the world will tell USA to stand down from its threatening nuclear war and nuclear winter.

[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ow strange that no one has been demanding Americans explain why they are preparing & planning for war, nuclear war, with Russia and China, when the detonating of nuclear weapons would endanger everyone in the world, even possibly end all life on Earth.

Associated Press, July 27, 2017, “The US Pacific Fleet commander said on Thursday he would launch a nuclear strike against China next week if President Donald Trump ordered it, and warned against the military ever shifting its allegiance from its commander in chief.“ (Interestingly, China has never threatened the USA, but the Chinese never forget an American army sacked Beijing in 1900, killing a lot of Chinese and before 1949, US Military and financial aid to the Nationalists fighting against the Chinese Revolution caused a greater loss of life that would have happened otherwise.)
In the threatening parlance of arrogant USA exceptionalism, American military officials frequently warn on prime time telecasting by satellite with world wide reach, ‘All options are on the table!read ‘The lives of all of us are on the table.’ Life on Earth is at the discretion of pompous soulless American government officials acting as directed by a powerfully wealthy elite of speculative investors intent on maximum capital acquisition outside the boundaries of law, mercy and sanity.
Washington’s threats against Russia and China came into the open in January when it published a new National Security Strategy, dropping the pretense that it was waging a “war on terror” and naming Russia and China as targets. Presenting the document, US Defense Secretary James Mattis branded Russia and China as “revisionist powers” threatening a US-led world order and said “great power competition, not terrorism, is now the primary focus of US national security.” Amid NATO threats, Russia launches largest war games since World War II in World, by Alex Lantier, CounterCurrents, Kerala, India
Russia launches biggest war games since Cold War with more than 300,000 troops. Thousands of Chinese and Mongolian service personnel will also be involved in the Vostok 2018 drills, set to include “massive” mock airstrikes and the testing of cruise missile defense systems.
 September 11, 2018, The Independent, UK 
This new exercise goes beyond what may be useful for prestige purposes. It involves 30 percent of Russian active duty military & must be costly at a time when Russia’s defence budget is under strain. This only makes sense if large-scale war is viewed as a high probability contingency.”  —François Heisbourg, London International Institute for Strategic Studies

Given what we know about the expected deadly effect of nuclear war on the planet and all life on Earth, it would seem that a good amount of people everywhere would have come to realize the horrific danger to themselves, their loved ones, all fellow human beings, even animals and plants. There should be millions demanding that Americans respect the rest of us and our planetary home, and end all plans and preparations for nuclear war, and explain why a war with Russia and China is even contemplated. 


“Public ignorance and apathy is a concern for survival of the species”
‘Public ignorance and apathy is a concern for survival of the species," warns former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, in his foreword to nuclear physicist Micho Kaku’s To Win a Nuclear War: The Pentagon's Secret War Plans .[ Can be read on Internet at
The authors of this book, both university physicists, document how the nuclear policy of the U.S.A. has not been one of deterrence as publicly stated, but rather has been one of threatening the use of nuclear weapons. This policy has been widely documented elsewhere.
Attorney Clark, who has spent half a century defending nations and individuals attacked by the Western powers wrote that public ignorance and apathy is “as much a concern for survival of the species as the unthinkable power to destroy the world wielded by a few men in a mindless manner”.
“A single Trident II submarine can inflict more death than all prior wars in history. Twenty-four missiles, launched while submerged, each with seventeen independently targeted, maneuverable nuclear warheads five times more powerful than the atom bomb that destroyed Nagasaki, can travel 5,000 or more nautical miles to strike within 300 feet of 408 predetermined targets. Nuclear winter might follow even if no other weapons are used.”
No nation or individual can be allowed to have the power to destroy the world!” wrote Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark. Sounds logical, but Americans insist that they, being exceptional, are above all laws and courts (and logic), much the same as the Nazis claimed the Germanic peoples were a ‘master race,’ destined to rule ruthlessly over most other peoples, as do Americans today. The Nazis for a while had the strongest military force in the world (thanks to US corporate investment and joint venturing). Americans have had the greatest military in the history of the world since the Soviets, with American help, destroyed the Nazi military which invaded Russia (as Wall Street had desired, facilitated and expected). 
By 1991, the Soviet Union had more or less self-destructed trying to match the much wealthier USA in an arms race. It didn’t take more than a few years before superpower USA began to cite the new Russian Federation as its adversary, a nuclear weapons armed adversary. (Like the Chinese, Russians have never threatened the USA and never forgot that in 1918, the US had invaded Russia with two armies, killing its citizens trying to overthrow the newly proclaimed Soviet Russian government.
What does the world hear from the current US President and commander-in-chief of the heavily nuclear armed USA?
Trump Plans for Nuclear Arsenal Require $1.2 Trillion, Congressional Review States, New York Times, 10/31/2017
President Donald Trump has said he will expand and update the US nuclear arsenal in “far, far in excess of anybody else,"“We’re going to have the strongest military we’ve ever had by far,” Mr Trump told reporters. He added that he would increase the country's arsenals of “virtually every weapon,” including a “brand new nuclear force”. The Independent, UK, 2/12/2018
Your author, dumbfounded that no persistent widely notable voice has arisen from anywhere on the planet in demand that Americans back down from indirectly threatening the whole world with possible partial or complete annihilation, is pained to put forth the following supposition:

It would appear that basically no voices demanding sanity arise for the overwhelmingly deceptive propaganda power of CIA controlled Western satellite-reach-powered mainstream media inculcating quiet acceptance of the status quo ‘protection’ of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), a doctrineof US military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender. The acceptance of, and trust in, a frightening hair trigger status quo seems to be holding, recent wildly super insane talk of the possibility of a first strike victory, notwithstanding.


[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his is our present planetary predicament, but no situation, especially absurd situations, last forever. People asleep eventually wake up, of course not always in time, as in the cases of the First and Second World Wars, whose preparations went on in front of everyone’s noses and mesmerized silent acquiescence. 
As the insanity of preparing for nuclear war against Russia and China, just as before the USA threatened nuclear war against the Soviet Union and China, takes place before our eyes, the Americans and Europeans are losing their hegemonic control of world finances. While the great  majority of minds within the USA led colonial-neocolonial powered capitalist-imperialist hegemonic First World of nations of Caucasian population plus Japan, seem locked down in what social psychiatry terms ‘poverty of thought,’ minds within the economically and militarily plundered Third World and the Second World of nations practicing socialism like China, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Eritrea and maybe soon El Salvador and Uruguay (Socialist Libya was destroyed) will tend to be opened outward. “We are moving in the direction of a multipolar world,” announced Secretary-General António Guterres in his trilingual address to the UN General Assembly just a few days ago on 25 September 2018.
The economic rise of China and indeed the whole of what is condescendingly referred to as developing economies, which are growing at a faster rate than the economies of the developed nations of the First World, has been written about for more than a decade, e.g. The Economist Magazine in 2007[1];
e.g. When China Rules the World -The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order by Martin Jacques, 2009;
e.g. Nobel Prize in Economics, Joseph Stiglitz referring to our present century as "The Chinese Century; "2014 was the last year in which the United States could claim to be the world’s largest economic power. China enters 2015 in the top position, where it will likely remain for a very long time, if not forever. In doing so, it returns to the position it held through most of human history.” Vanity Fair Magazine, January 2015
e.g. China Rising - Capitalist Roads Socialist Destinations, by Jeff Brown, 2015. 
Unless America’s insane investors in nuclear weapons manage to loose a planet destroying nuclear war first, American loss of economic hegemony will be followed by loss of its military hegemony. Bigger money buys bigger guns so to speak. When the Wall Street owned US government is no longer able to shut everyone up by threat of crippling economic sanctions, this author believes a wave of voices across the world will tell the USA to stand down from its threatening nuclear war and nuclear winter.
And eventually, when the long stifled cry for justice becomes a topic of conversation throughout the economically plundered world, ultra massive lawsuits will be generated and adjudicated in the courts of a reconstituted United Nations for compensation for tens of millions of unlawful deaths and injuries, indemnities of trillions of dollars for mega massive destruction of property and reparations for colossal theft of natural resources.
Just wait and see.
(Or maybe begin talking about these things with family and friends in advance of the inevitable, just to hurry things along.) 
And to remind everyone of the danger of Americans again using nuclear weapons, let us remember that the motive for the first and second US use of atomic bombs is now generally accepted to have been to intimate the Soviet Union, even though most of Russia’s cities lay in ruins with 28 million of it citizens dead as a result of the Second World War that had just ended. What insidious minded cabal of powerfully wealthy Americans pressured President Truman to order these two genocidal war crimes without consulting top generals and other key Americans?
General Douglas MacArthur, Commander of United States Army Forces in the Far East, who was not consulted before the atom bombing and destroying of two Japanese cities, saw no military justification for the dropping of the bomb. “The war might have ended weeks earlier,” he said, “if the United States had agreed, as it later did anyway, to the retention of the institution of the emperor." Norman Cousins, The Pathology of Power, pg. 65, 70-71. 
“Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary,” wrote Supreme Allied Commander Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, Mandate For Change, pg. 380 "..the Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing." Newsweek, 11/11/63
"The use of the atomic bomb, with its indiscriminate killing of women and children, revolts my soul." previous US President Herbert Hoover. Army and Navy Journal , after the Hiroshima bombing and before the Nagasaki bombing.
Enough said.
End Notes
Emerging vs developed economies Power shift Aug 4th 2011, by The Economist online (charts, graphs) REAL GDP in most rich economies is still below its level at the end of 2007. In contrast, emerging economies' output has jumped by almost 20% over the same period. The rich world's woes have clearly hastened the shift in global economic power towards the emerging markets. But exactly how big are emerging economies compared with the old developed world? This chart looks at a wide range of indicators: " The combined output of the emerging world accounted for 38% of world GDP (at market exchange rates) in 2010, twice its share in 1990. If GDP is instead measured at purchasing-power parity, emerging economies overtook the developed world in 2008 and are likely to reach 54% of world GDP this year. They now account for over half of the global consumption of most commodities, world exports, and inflows of foreign direct investment. Emerging economies also account for 46% of world retail sales, 52% of all purchases of motor vehicles and 82% of mobile phone subscriptions. They still punch well below their weight in commerce and finance, but they are catching up fast. Almost a quarter of the Fortune Global 500 firms come from emerging markets; in 1995 it was only 4%. The chart below shows more detail of how the economic clout of emerging economies has risen over time: NOTE: Our definition of developed economies based on 1990 data: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States.


 JAY JANSON, Resident Historian, Distinguished Collaborator •  Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India and in the US by Dissident Voice, Global Research; Information Clearing House; Counter Currents and others; now resides in NYC; First effort was a series of articles on deadly cultural pollution endangering seven areas of life emanating from Western corporate owned commercial media published in Hong Kong's Window Magazine 1993; Howard Zinn lent his name to various projects of his; Weekly column, South China Morning Post, 1986-87; reviews for Ta Kung Bao; article China Daily, 1989. Is coordinator of the Howard Zinn co-founded King Condemned US Wars International Awareness Campaign, and website historian of the Ramsey Clark co-founded Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now Campaign, which Dissident Voice supports with link at the end of each issue of its newsletter.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Things to ponder

While our media prostitutes, many Hollywood celebs, and politicians and opinion shapers make so much noise about the still to be demonstrated damage done by the Russkies to our nonexistent democracy, this is what the sanctimonious US government has done overseas just since the close of World War 2. And this is what we know about. Many other misdeeds are yet to be revealed or documented.

Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report

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OpEds: Deal Will Blame Khashoggi Death on Botched Interrogation




[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he coverup of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, killed on behalf of the Saudi clown prince Mohammad bin Salman, proceeds apace. It is part of a deal between Turkey and Saudi Arabia under the aegis of the United States. The haggling over the details will take a while.(1)

The young MbS among family elders. He may have over-reached and lit too many matches in a room full of powder. Now the only quesiton is how to sort the mess, but things dont look too good for MBS, unless he agrees to sign over Saudi sovereignty entirely to the empire.

Several media report of the test ballon, floated to find out if an 'alternative' story will fly:

Saudi Arabia was preparing an alternative explanation of the fate of a dissident journalist on Monday, saying he died at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul two weeks ago in an interrogation gone wrong, according to a person familiar with the kingdom’s plans. In Washington, President Trump echoed the possibility that Jamal Khashoggi was the victim of “rogue killers.”
[O]n Monday, a person familiar with the Saudi government’s plans said that Mr. Khashoggi was mistakenly killed during an interrogation ordered by a Saudi intelligence official who was a friend of the crown prince. The person, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Prince Mohammed had approved interrogating or even forcing Mr. Khashoggi to return to Saudi Arabia under duress.But, the person said, the Saudi intelligence official went too far in eagerly seeking to prove himself in secretive operations, then sought to cover up the botched job.

One might expand on that fairytale: "The Saudi general who allegedly botched the interrogation of Jamal Khashoggi mysteriously died in a Saudi air force plane crash on the same day the coverup story was floated." But that would probably take it too far.

The floated story will of course not be believed. A forceful interrogation in a consulate going wrong is not plausible. One does not need to fly in 15 operators, including a specialist for autopsies, just to ask a few questions. The intent was either to kidnap the guy or to outright kill him.

The trial ballon seems to come from U.S. sources, not from the Saudis. Trump yesterday spoke of a 'rogue element' who may have caused the incident. U.S. intelligence services seem to believe that Khashoggi was indeed killed. The Wall Street Journal reports that Turkey provided its evidence:

The Turkish government has shared with U.S. officials what it describes as audio and video recordings purporting to show that Mr. Khashoggi was killed in the building, people familiar with the matter said.

The Trump administration will have to sell the story not only to the public, but also to the Turkish President Erdogan and to the Saudi King.

Both seem to prepare for a deal. After two weeks of denial that anything happened to Khashoggi the Saudis finally reacted:

King Salman ordered the Saudi public prosecutor to head a probe to determine responsibility for who was responsible for Mr. Khashoggi’s disappearance, people familiar with the matter said Monday. Probe results could be announced within days, andlead to some Saudi individuals being held accountable for Mr. Khashoggi’s death, one of the people said.

The Turkish side is also preparing to accept the coverup:

On Monday Turkish investigators – who had been willing to talk for much of the past nine days – were now more cautious. So too were Turkish journalists, one of whom said that his outlet had been instructed to focus less on the apparent crime and more on the political settlement.

The Turkish President Erdogan may soon agree to a 'political settlement' but the price the Saudis will have to pay for that will be very high. Erdogan aims at nothing less than neo-ottoman leadership in the Arab world:

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Monday said that Turkey was the only country that could lead the Muslim world.“Turkey, with its cultural wealth, accretion of history and geographical location, has hosted diverse faiths in peace for centuries, and is the only country that can lead the Muslim world,” he said in a meeting with religious officials.

The "Custodian of the two Holy Mosques" (in Mecca and Medina) is the official title of the Saudi king. It implies leadership within the Muslim word. Since Saladin the title was used by many Islamic rulers, including the Ottoman Sultans. Erdogan wants it back. His aspirations pose an open challenge to the Saudi rulers.

But when a deal has to be made, a deal will happen. Even it it takes some time.

Whatever the deal might be Jamal Khashoggi's children will protest against it. They demand"an independent and impartial international commission to inquire into the circumstances of his death". The Washington Post, where Khashoggi worked, and some Congress members will likely support them. But there is little chance that Trump or the Saudis will agree to any independent inquiry.

An open question is the future of clown prince Mohammad bin Salman. The 'deep state' wants him to leave. The uncontrollable guy - only a heartbeat away from becoming king - proved to be too dangerous to be allowed in such a position.

This detail is therefore intriguing:

The Saudi ambassador to the United States, Prince Khalid bin Salman, left Washington last week, returned to Riyadh and will not be returning, a current and a former American official said on Monday. It was not clear when he might be replaced, or by whom. Prince Khalid is the crown prince’s younger brother.

Did clown prince Mohammad bin Salman recall his brother because he feared that he plotted against him? Or did King Salman order him back to replace MbS as crown prince?

Mohammad bin Salman is already damaged goods. I find it unlikely that he will be allowed to stay in his position. Several high level U.S. congress people, including top Republicans,  want him to go. The CIA's darling, Prince Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz, will likely regain the crown prince position.

On Monday, while the cover up story was thought out, Turkish investigators were finally allowed to enter the Saudi consulate. Before they arrived a cleaning crew entered the building(vid) to prepare the presumed crime scene.

Trump sent Secretary of State Pompeo to facilitate negotiations between the Saudis and Turks. Ambassador James Jeffrey, the special representative for Syria engagement, is joining him in the endeavor. The Saudis finance the Kurdish proxy force the U.S. uses for its occupation of northeast Syria. One of Erdogan 's demands will be that any such support ends.

Trump is a businessman. The U.S. help for cleaning up the mess MbS caused will not come cheap. He will press the Saudis to sign more weapon deals. He will urge them to stick to random killing of Yemeni civilians.

In the view of the Washington establishment causing the famine of millions of dark skinned people is a lesser sin than touching a journalist and operative they perceive as one of their own.

Posted by b on October 16, 2018 at 06:28 AM | Permalink

(1) This confirms our assertion in a prior post that Pompeo's trip to Ryadh is essentially not to seek information, as claimed by the media, but a "coordination job", laying down the blueprint to follow as seen by the Washington elites.

Select Comments

If Recep Tayyip Erdogan really wants to head a new Caliphate - because that is what Turkey will be, if it becomes Custodian of Mecca and Medina - he had better be prepared to take on not only Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon, neither of which would welcome Turkish overlordship, but also Jordan and, er, Israel - the latter of the two also with its own plans for expansion in the Middle East. To be President / Sultan of the country occupying the Anatolian peninsula and also of a strip of territory along the Red Sea entails joining the two lands somehow, if they are to be adequately defended by Turkish forces.

And why would Erdogan necessarily stop at Mecca and Medina? Going all the way down to the Gulf of Aden, to capture the Red Sea shipping routes, would be the next step for a would-be neo-Ottoman conqueror.

Posted by: Jen | Oct 16, 2018 6:49:09 AM | 1

'In Washington, President Trump echoed the possibility that Jamal Khashoggi was the victim of “rogue killers.”'

Ah yes, those "few bad apples" again! Where would governments be without them?

"Probe results could be announced within days, and lead to some Saudi individuals being held accountable for Mr. Khashoggi’s death, one of the people said".

One of the nice things about being ruler of Saudi Arabia is that, when people are "held accountable", you can have their heads cut off in short order. Then there is no risk at all of their blabbing the truth subsequently... "Dead men tell no tales".

Posted by: Tom Welsh | Oct 16, 2018 7:30:21 AM | 2

Actually there are rumors saying that the Saudi report will include that the cause of Khashoggi's death is due to a heart attack while he was interrogated by the Saudi security officers.

Posted by: sappho | Oct 16, 2018 7:38:01 AM | 3

@3 -- assuming they kept the head intact it won't be hard to sew it back on a similar enough 'body of convenience' for a public display and 'royal' autopsy etc.

Posted by: imo | Oct 16, 2018 7:44:54 AM | 4

This is hilarious. Yemen experiencing the worst famine in a century due to Saudi/US actions. Palestinians experiencing the worst apartheid since South Africa, Erdogan has about 60 journalists imprisoned or worse, US Presidents proclaim they can kill American citizens with drones without due process, etc

Yet we get excited over a guy who is supposedly killed (no evidence) that likely had something to do with or at least knew about Saudis complicity over 9/11.

Now I dont know much about MBS. I do know he kind of took over from MBN because Trump and Kushner endorsed him. MBS plans to reform Saudis economy and become less dependent on oil surely were not favored by the Deep State. Kushner and Trunp supported him mainly because he was willing to make nice with Israel.

Lost in all this is what Turkey is getting for their role and returning Brunson. Perhaps sanctions relief. Perhaps an agreement to move away from Russia and support US/Israel in Syria. Lets not forget Khashoggi was agitating on behalf of Palestinians so Israel may have supported this operation.

There are so many variables to this given the parties involved I dont know anything for sure except I am pretty sure whatever narrative we get sold involving Coincidence, Incompetence, Accident and Stupidity (CIA’’S favorite theory) is false.

Posted by: Pft | Oct 16, 2018 7:51:40 AM | 5

About the Author
"b" —said to be a German national—is Moon of Alabama's editor in chief.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


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