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Danny Haiphong

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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Why Russia Will Defeat NATO in Ukraine

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Mike Whitney

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Why Russia Will Defeat NATO in Ukraine
By Mike Whitney.  Global Research, July 17, 2024

NATO's Stoltenberg (center) and Biden—clueless, supremely arrogant and stupid. Led by criminals and idiots, rowing against history, the West is an empire adrift.

NATO’s three-day summit in Washington DC achieved the objective for which it was designed, to create a public forum in which all 32 members of the Alliance could express their unanimous support for upcoming attacks on the Russian Federation. That was the real purpose of the confab. The managers of the event, sought a dramatic display of unity to justify future hostilities with Moscow and to reduce the possibility that any one person would be held responsible for starting World War 3.

The summit was followed by the release of a formal Declaration which strongly suggests that the decision to go war has already been made. As many people know, NATO has green-lighted a policy that allows the firing of missiles at targets inside Russian territory. This policy will also apply to the numerous NATO F-16s that will be deployed to Ukraine sometime in the near future. (F-16s can carry nuclear missiles) Despite overwhelming support for these policies among the members, we must not forget that these are blatant acts of aggression that are forbidden under international law. No amount of public relations hoopla can conceal the fact that NATO is on-track to commit the “supreme crime”.

It’s worth noting, that NATO intends to take a more active role in the conduct of the war. According to National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, the Alliance plans to formally establish a NATO office inside Ukraine that will be used to oversee military operations. In short, the managers of the conflict no longer have any interest in concealing their involvement. This is now a NATO operation. Here’s an excerpt from an article at the World Socialist Web Site:

This NATO office will accompany the creation of a NATO command to oversee the war in Ukraine, transitioning the provision of weapons and logistical oversight from an ad hoc group led by the United States to the NATO alliance itself.

Sullivan’s remarks outlined the main agenda items of the three-day summit in Washington, which is expected to signal a major escalation of the conflict with Russia in Ukraine and plans to significantly increase NATO’s capabilities to fight a full-scale war throughout Europe….

He said the summit will also announce “a new NATO military command in Germany led by a three-star general that will launch a training, equipping, and force development program for Ukrainian troops….”

The creation of a NATO office in Kiev and the reorganization of weapons provision, training and military logistics under a direct NATO command marks the end of any pretense that the conflict in Ukraine is not a war between NATO and Russia. It marks a dangerous new phase in the war, raising the prospect of a major escalation. Washington summit will announce plans to set up NATO office inside Ukraine, WSWS

Add all of this to the fact that the Summit Declaration posits that Ukraine is now on an “irreversible” path to NATO membership, and it becomes clear that every effort is being made to provoke Moscow.

Not surprisingly, Russia was thoroughly demonized in the Declaration which follows the familiar pattern we have seen with other enemies of Washington including Saddam, Qaddafi and Assad. Here’s a brief summary of “evil” Russia directly from the text:

  • Russia remains the most significant and direct threat to Allies’ security…
  • Russia bears sole responsibility for its war of aggression against Ukraine, a blatant violation of international law, including the UN Charter.
  • There can be no impunity for Russian forces’ and officials’ abuses and violations of human rights, war crimes, and other violations of international law.
  • Russia is responsible for the deaths of thousands of civilians and has caused extensive damage to civilian infrastructure.
  • We condemn in the strongest possible terms Russia’s horrific attacks on the Ukrainian people, including on hospitals, on 8 July…
  • We are determined to constrain and contest Russia’s aggressive actions and to counter its ability to conduct destabilizing activities towards NATO and Allies… Washington Summit Declaration, NATO

Washington’s ferocious repudiation of Russia leaves no doubt as to where all this is heading. It’s headed for war.

The authors of this declaration were reiterating the views of the billionaire elites who are determined to roll-back Russia’s battlefield gains, topple the political leaders in Moscow, and splinter the country into smaller, more-manageable statlets. Russia represents the most formidable obstacle to Washington’s overall geopolitical strategy of projecting power into Asia, encircling China, and establishing itself as the preeminent power in the world’s most prosperous region. These strategic objectives are invariably omitted in the media’s coverage, but they are the underlying factors that shape events. Here’s Biden:

And we know Putin won’t stop at Ukraine. But make no mistake, Ukraine can and will stop Putin — (applause) — especially with our full, collective support. And they have our full support. “Ukraine can and will stop Putin.” The White House

The truth is that the war was triggered by NATO enlargement, an inconvenient fact that NATO chairman Jens Stoltenberg has admitted on numerous occasions. Some readers might also recall that—during the peace negotiations between Kiev and Moscow in April 2022—Russia’s primary demand was that Ukraine reject NATO membership and declare permanent neutrality. Zelensky agreed to those terms which, in effect, prove that Putin’s action was linked to NATO expansion. There is virtually no proof that Putin wants to conquer Europe. None. Putin simply wants Ukraine to honor its treaty obligations regarding neutrality. Check out this excerpt by Ted Snider at

Ukraine.. promised to stay out of NATO. Its non-alignment was enshrined in the foundational documents of the independent state of Ukraine.

Article IX of the 1990 Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine states that Ukraine “solemnly declares its intention of becoming a permanently neutral state that does not participate in military blocs.” That promise was repeated in Ukraine’s 1996 Constitution, which committed Ukraine to neutrality and prohibited it from joining any military alliance. But in 2019, President Petro Poroshenko amended the Ukrainian Constitution, committing Ukraine to the “strategic course” of NATO and EU membership.

NATO’s 75th Anniversary: The Broken Promises That Led to War,

The issue, of course, could have been resolved long ago if Washington had acted in good faith, but Washington has not acted in good faith. In fact, Washington is still determined to inflict a “strategic defeat” on Russia in order to implement its “pivot to Asia” strategy to ensure its future as the world’s only unchallenged superpower. These goals cannot be achieved without escalation, confrontation and a full-blown war. The NATO summit is merely a prelude to a broader and more violent conflict between the nuclear superpowers.

The question we should be asking ourselves is whether NATO can actually win a war with Russia. Can it?

The answer is “No”, it cannot.


Here’s how military analyst Will Schryver answers that question:

I have done my research — for years, dating back long before 2022…. I repeatedly warned that it (Ukraine) was a war the US/NATO could never win….There is a VAST difference between the “on paper” strength of NATO (including the US) and their actual war-fighting capability. The US could not assemble, equip, field, and sustain even 250k combat effectives in eastern Europe, and any attempt to do so would necessitate the evacuation of every major US base on the planet. The US/NATO not only could not win a war against Russia, but they would be eviscerated in the attempt.

Alerted by the US/NATO destruction of Yugoslavia, Iraq, and Libya, the Russians have spent the past 25 years — and particularly the past two years — engaged in a massive and exceedingly impressive military build up and modernization in preparation for an eventual war against the US/NATO. In the past 2+ years, t hey have methodically destroyed Ukraine’s three successive proxy armies with one arm tied behind their back. Their force generation, combat training, and military industrial production far exceed the entire NATO bloc combined. I appreciate the degree to which military analytical tourists like yourself have been thoroughly propagandized by Hollywood fantasies and the western state-controlled media, but wars are not fought and won by imaginary narratives and flashy superheroes. They are won by raw firepower — a metric by which the tripartite alliance of Russia, China, and Iran now possess supremacy over their hubris-drunken enemies in the rapidly eroding American Empire. There is only one sane option at this point: relinquish empire and make peace with the resurgent civilizational powers of the earth. Otherwise much of modern human civilization itself is at risk of being destroyed, and it will take centuries to recover. Ukraine Can’t Win, Will Schryver, Twitter

There’s also the niggling issue of “magazine depth” which refers to the stockpiles of weaponry and munitions required to outlast and eventually defeat the enemy. Here’s Schryver again:

There is no doubt Israel (just like its great benefactor, the United States) is, in the context of a “big war”, capable of executing several damaging strikes against a potential peer or near-peer adversary. But, throughout the imperial domain, there are fatal weaknesses that exist right now, and which cannot be turned into strengths at any point in the near- or medium-term. The first is what military types call “magazine depth”: munitions stockpiles sufficient to offensively overwhelm, defensively defeat, and strategically outlast the enemy. Neither the United States, nor any of its largely impotent client nations, possess “magazine depth” sufficient to prosecute anything more than a relatively brief campaign against their potential peer adversaries: Russia, China, Iran — and all or any of their lesser-power partners. Magazine Depth, Will Schryver, Twitter

What Schryver is saying is as profound as it is alarming. The United States and NATO will not prevail in a war with Russia because they do not have the industrial capacity, the force generation, the combat training, the magazine depth or the overall firepower of Russia. By every metric, they are the inferior fighting force. Additionally, Russia has already killed or captured hundreds of thousands of the “the best-trained and best-equipped soldiers in the Ukrainian army”. That army has already been effectively annihilated. The troops in the trenches today are poorly trained, unskilled, low-morale rookies who are being slaughtered by the thousands. Does anyone seriously believe that NATO involvement can turn this train around and secure a victory? Here’s more from Schryver:

The Russians have demonstrated that they can routinely shoot down ANY species of strike missile the US/NATO can field against them — not all of them all of the time, but most of them most of the time. And they get better and better at it as time goes on.

Indeed, over the past few months it is increasingly becoming “all of them most of the time”…. As Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported earlier this week:

“We are using air defence systems in a comprehensive manner during the special military operation. This significantly improved their responsiveness and strike range. Over the last six months, we have shot down 1,062 of NATO’s HIMARS rockets, short-range and cruise missiles, and guided bombs.”

No other military on the planet has previously attested this level of capability. The US does not have it, and is at least a decade away from developing it….

The current front-line inventory of US tactical ballistic missiles and sea- and air-launched cruise missiles would present no greater technical challenge for Russian air defenses than what they have already seen and defeated in the Ukraine War. The significance of this battlefield development defies exaggeration. It alters the war-fighting calculus that has been assumed for many decades. Empty Quiver, Will Schryver, Twitter

Some readers may find it hard to believe that NATO would rush into a war without thoroughly researching its prospects for success. But that is precisely what’s happening here. Blustery Uncle Sam foolishly believes that he will win as soon as he “throws its hat in the ring. He can’t accept that the scales are tipped in Russia’s favor and that his entry into the war will be met with a thunderous response. But that is the reality he faces. Here’s Schryver one last time:

NATO would face enormous problems of coordination, doctrine and force generation, even if it could agree an objective. Its troops are not trained for this kind of war and have never operated together…..

(they) would be hard-pressed to field a force more powerful than the reported nine Brigades trained and equipped by the West for the Great Offensive of 2023, which just bounced off the Russian forces without achieving anything of note….

The US has no ground combat units in Europe remotely suited to high-intensity land warfare…. Given enough time, money, political will and organization, most things are possible. But there is no chance… of NATO assembling a force which would constitute anything more than a nuisance to the Russians, while putting many lives in danger…… NATO’s Phantom Armies, Will Schryver, Substack

I am convinced that there is a delusional element within the foreign policy establishment that have convinced themselves that NATO will defeat Russia if they face each other on a battlefield in Ukraine. Schryver’s analysis helps to show why that’s not going to happen.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Featured image is from TUR • Copyright © Mike Whitney, Global Research, 2024

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  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Biden’s “Big Boy” NATO Summit

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Billy Bob's Blowback Roundtable

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UKRAINE POUNDED - We have an answer to the Odessa beach strike. So now Ukraine needs submarines too.
ORBÁN PEACE MISSION - He can either get some dialogue - he won’t - or he can say he tried. Global South is with him. 
NATO #75 SUMMIT - Overshadowed by turmoil at home, economic woes, military unpreparedness, and Russian strikes.
BIDEN UNDER SIEGE? - Looks like the Dem establishment really wants him out, debate terrified them perhaps?FRANCE UNGOVERNABLE - ‘mosaic’ strategy that failed in Hungary worked. Who will lead any coalition now?
Another day another hug :
Visiting horse stables :
Riding the golf cart :
US booted out of Niger :
Orbán Russia :
Paris chaos :

And much more!

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Billy Bob is a dedicated anti-imperialist activist and blogger. He hosts the Blowback roundatable.  You can reach him at his Facebook page HERE.

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Putin’s Cabinet Shakeup Stumps Western Intelligentsia

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Putin's Cabinet Shakeup Stumps Western Intelligentsia

As many had been suspecting for days, Putin initiated a major shakeup in his cabinet. The most notable was the removal of longtime defense minister Shoigu, to be replaced with a man many have not heard of: Andrey Belousov, an economist by trade and training.

Some considered this to be a deliberate misdirection by Putin, whom many expected to replace Shoigu with rising star Dyumin.

There are plenty of angles from which to cover this, but let’s take a few of the most important.

Firstly, was this a demotion or promotion for Shoigu? RYBAR, for one, calls it a promotion, given that his new position as Secretary of the Security Council is a quite prestigious one that silovik Patrushev—one of the Kremlin’s most powerful men—has held himself for nearly two decades:

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has been promoted - to the Security Council of the Russian Federation. It is not yet known where exactly Nikolai Patrushev will go. Perhaps, just as for Medvedev in his time, an additional position and a separate area that he will deal with will be invented for him. Or perhaps, Nikolai Platonovich has simply received a long-awaited retirement. What Shoigu's arrival will mean for the Security Council - an update and reshuffling (loyal Shoigu cadres will need to be brought in). At this stage, a certain almost caste system has developed in the structure of the Security Council, without the possibility of upward growth for individual employees. Perhaps, in the current conditions, this will mean a restructuring of the Security Council's work mechanism into a slightly different plane. Perhaps.

Others naturally believe this was a long-running coup against Shoigu and “his cadre”. Timur Ivanov’s recent arrest has been in the works for 5 years, as Russian prosecutors told us. They could have arrested him at any time, but chose to do so very symbolically not only before Putin’s re-election, but even literally on the same day he sat next to Shoigu on the defense council. While I don’t necessarily buy into any conspiracy theories prima facie, I do note that there is no such thing as coincidences in the great game of power politics.

For Timur Ivanov to have been linked as a close ally of Shoigu—who was the one that appointed him—was significant. There were even rumors that the ‘embezzling’ charge was a cover for much more serious espionage. Some even go as far as to hypothesize that the entire operation is one grand, long-running take down of the Shoigu clan, as this analyst writes:

Timur Ivanov is one of the people Prigozhin wanted Putin to get rid of. One of the resources close to the ''Wagner'' group just posted this:

''On behalf of PMC "Wagner" we would like to express our deep gratitude to the Chairman Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation to Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin for the arrest of a state-level corrupt official, Deputy Minister of Defense Russian Federation Timur Ivanov. Thanks to the department you lead, the leakage of huge material resources from the state treasury, which are so necessary now to maintain the economic stability of the country at a time when there is enormous pressure from countries unfriendly to us, has been stopped. Over the many years of his corrupt activities, this official has caused colossal damage not only to our army, but also to the ordinary Russian people. We believe in the justice of the law and hope that this and other corrupt scoundrels will receive a well-deserved severe punishment to the fullest extent of the Criminal Law of the Russian Federation.''

Another theory along the conspiracy slant:

"Perhaps this is not a final arrangement. While the battle at the top continues. This is the first stage of the victory of the Kovalchuk clan. A brilliant operation was carried out to eliminate Shoigu. Obviously, he will fly further down. People from his entourage will be grabbed. He no longer has real power.

Shoigu represented the largest clan. Next in line, logically, are smaller fish, like the Rotenbergs. They either have to bend under the Kovalchuks or they will be devoured. And for one thing, people from their circle, such as Kolokoltsev. I think he won’t stay put for long and there will be changes at the Ministry of Internal Affairs for six months. With the FSB, I also think there may be a replacement within six months, this is also connected with the stages of internal struggle.”

Lastly, and most plausibly: “Tsargrad political commentator Andrey Perla is sure that by putting Belousov at the head of the Defense Ministry, Vladimir Putin wants to solve two tasks”:

The first is to nip in the bud all the arguments about the very possibility of corruption in the defense department.

The second is to divide the leadership of troops during combat operations and the organizational and economic support of the army and navy.

Perla wondered how much the agency would change Belousov, because, presumably, now a significant part of the staff is Shoigu's people.

But whatever the true reasons, one thing I personally do believe is that Russia—like many world countries—suffers from a creeping illness of gerontocracy, as the Soviet Union itself once did in its terminal stage. It’s likely not as bad as the U.S., but there are many old figures, Sovoks and the like, which should have been put out to pasture and retired long ago. Not necessarily due to any corruption, per se, but simply due to the lack of passion and vitality in improving the country.

I for one do subscribe to the importance of physiognomy, and one look at many of the eldest carryovers and perennial officials shows an at times aging, depleted-looking, uninspired lot. Shoigu is not that old himself, but lately has admittedly been looking the worse-for-wear, haggard and worn out. Belousov, at a spiffy 65, is virtually a spring chicken by global gerontocratic standards.

Looks and physiognomy can certainly be deceiving, but at first glance he looks sharp, apt, and clear-eyed. A demonstrative video making the rounds is meant to showcase his keen understanding and direct forthrightness in regard to Russian drone production and its inherent limitations:


Furthermore, it’s said he’s a severe technologist and drone tech enthusiast who will focus the Russian defense production on the needed directions. In the recent round table session with frontline commanders, you’ll recall that Putin specifically conveyed Russia’s intentions to concentrate on UGV ground bot development.


It’s no coincidence that the ‘drone guy’ is then suddenly hired for the job. Look for this appointment to be very bullish for Russian drone advancement.

Peskov further elaborated on the appointment with an extremely significant clarification:


Read the bolded portion of the summary below:

Dmitry Peskov’s full commentary on the reasons for the appointment of Andrei Belousov as Minister of Defense

❗️The budget of the Ministry of Defense and the security bloc was recently still around 3%, but recently it has grown to 6.7%. This is not a critical figure yet, but due to well-known geopolitical circumstances, we are gradually approaching the situation in the mid-80s, when the share of expenses for the security bloc in the economy was at the level of 7.4%.

❗️ It is very important to integrate the economy of the power bloc into the country’s economy. Write it down to fit the current moment. Today, the winner on the battlefield is the one who is open to innovation, more open to the most rapid implementation. Therefore, it is natural that at the current stage the president has decided that the Ministry of Defense should be headed by a civilian.

❗️ And this is not just a civilian, but a person who very successfully headed the Ministry of Economic Development, who for a long time was the assistant to the president on economic issues. And in the previous cabinet of ministers he was First Deputy Prime Minister.

❗️ The Ministry of Defense must be absolutely open to innovation, to introduce all advanced ideas.

As you can see, the appointment of Belousov is meant to streamline the economic integration of the defense industries and country’s general economy. An entire essay can be written on just what this one item alone means, precisely. Some have even interpreted it to mean some type of neo-liberal coup, as Belousov is said, by some, to be a “liberal” who was once assistant to German Gref of Sber bank, and will therefore “plunder” Russia’s economy by yoking the recently state-seized defense concerns back into the ‘private sector’—in essence, handing the keys to Russia’s future back to fat-cat weapons oligarchs.

We’ll have to wait and see, but I don’t think that’s what it means. This development can only be received positively as it shows Putin’s seriousness in tackling the issues of defense-economic integration and alleviation. I believe this will revolve around scaling of manufacturing processes and creating a more agile, flexible, and innovative defense sector by allowing private companies to integrate better with the developments currently being made by the ‘state owned’ industrial powerhouses. This is how it works in the U.S., and there are major advantages to fast developmental pipelines for new innovative designs.

While Russia has done very well in some sectors since the start of the SMO, in several others it has lagged very badly. For instance, the scaling and commercialization of personnel-based EW systems leaves much to be desired. Most of the systems on the ground are cheap Chinese knockoffs and requisitioned ad hoc, a process that is extremely stale and ineffective, causing the mass deaths of Russian servicemen to enemy drones. Something in this pipeline is in grave need of streamlining, which includes the “localization” that Belousov himself emphasized in the video above.

Some final thoughts on the appointment from another analyst:

Belousov's appointment promises a total audit of all financial flows of the Ministry of Defense. He is a fairly tough and effective manager known for his practical approach to business. He often had an unpopular point of view on the work of accountable structures, which is probably what the Ministry of Defense needs now.

And there’s always this, for the believers:

The new Russian minister of defense, Andrey Belousov, is a practicing Orthodox Christian. He has personally donated to & built a monastery in the Vladimir Oblast: “Russia must become the guardian of the traditions of Christian civilisation. The era of globalism is over.”

Acquaintances of Andrei Belousov told The Bell (foreign agent) that he periodically serves as an altar boy in one of the churches, presumably in the Vladimir region.

In general, I view it cautiously as a very positive development. I have been outspoken in the past about the fact that much of Russia’s military structure at the onset of the SMO was a rusty, sometimes decrepit and even corrupt, carryover from the past. Years of low intensity operation or no hostilities generally results in the buildup of laziness, useless generals who stuff their pockets or sit on positions they view as sinecures rather than meritoriously earning their keep.

All this gets cleaned out by virtue of necessity—and an existential conflict brings necessity like no other. Since the beginning, Putin has been slowly clearing out the calcified structures, upwardly promoting and mobilizing deserving men to replace the hangers-on from the dusty ages of long time past. This is a continual and unending process, but it has bore fruit and today we see its ongoing progression. The spring renewal of change and adaptation is a good thing.


As a last quick mention of the ongoing Kharkov offensive, we’ve now seen the official introduction of the northern group’s operative tactical symbol:

A comparison of current operation to the 2022 attempt of taking over Kharkhov region

2022: Russian troops advanced primarily along roads and had reached the borders of Kharkhov city in a few days. Main troops entered

2024: Russian troops are avoiding stretching lines and are moving through forests and fields in the border, still a DRG led operation

2022: The symbols V, O, Z (which coincidentally are Initials of Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy) started appearing a few days before the main attack started

2024: The new tactical symbol was only unveiled after the attack had started

2022: Russians due to advancing too quickly also became prey to ambushes, suffering losses higher than Ukrainians who were hiding

2024: Russians have deployed more drones and means to destroy incoming Ukrainian reinforcements, the losses can be equal or even higher for Ukrainians for now

At the same time, with weapons like FPV drones, and FABs, the fighting style is also different

While not as grand as 2022 attempt in terms of land grab, this is more sustainable for the RU army, and creates strategic dilemmas for Ukrainian command

In addition to the above, it’s now said that Russia is demining entire fields by setting them on fire and burning all the mines off:

And things continue moving apace, with Russian forces seizing more villages and now having entered the actual city of Volchansk, the largest stronghold of the northern region:

Many Ukrainian military-linked channels are in panic or disorder, now openly accusing Ukrainian leadership of not having built any defenses in the north. It’s clear that what began as a coping attempt to downplay the northern advance is now turning into an open debacle:

Ukrainian volunteers complain that the Nazi formations of the GUR ("Kraken", "Sonechko", "Brotherhood", etc.)* blocked the evacuation of the local population from Volchansk and are using city residents as human shields

Local residents made an agreement with the volunteers, but did not let anyone in or let anyone out of the city.

Judging by the news reports, fighting for the city has already begun. Take care of yourself, dear ones! — calls for Dill Fresh

The AFU is now scrambling to plug the holes by routing its most elite units to the north, with GUR spetsnaz and Kraken reportedly coming to the rescue. Unfortunately for them, several Kraken groups have already been captured by Russian forces. Their interviews below:

Captured militant of the "Brotherhood" battalion of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Kyiv regime. This formation was created by the bastard Korczynski, who went to kill Russians back in Chechnya, as a member of UNA-UNSO he fought on the side of Duday's terrorists.

2nd Video:

A militant of the battalion ‘Brotherhood’, which is part of the GUR. One of these organisations similar to the RDK (the guy is from Krasnodar).


Starshe Edda fills in some details:

The second day after the start of the offensive of the North group of troops. The number of captured AFU has already exceeded 50, there is even one prisoner from the Kraken. It’s too early to estimate the enemy’s losses; there are probably 100 people lying on the strongholds, these are those whom the fleeing Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers could not drag away. How many of the enemy were destroyed as a result of incessant artillery and air strikes is unclear at the moment, but it is obvious that there is a lot.

Strelechye, Gatishchi, Pylnaya, Borisovka, Pletenevka, Krasnoye, Ogurtsovo, as well as the adjacent forest regiments and enemy fortifications, are under our control; battles are taking place in the Glubokoe area, as well as on the outskirts of Volchansk. It is very important to note that our losses are minimal, Storm of the North acts very competently, Lancets, FPV crews, artillerymen, tankers pave the way for them, sweeping away the enemy’s fortifications and his armored vehicles.

AFU cannot show their ohlos anything (meaning show successes on the battlefield), so they record videos with representatives of the cock volunteer corps, in which they talk about our great losses. I hope that the fighters of the cock corps will stop pissing on the fences in Kharkov and will already come to the aid of the Ukrainians, where we will drive them away. The enemy takes out all his failures on the civilians of Belgorod, shelling residential areas. It is this problem that the steel Northerners are now solving, unwinding the enemy.

He makes an important note I’ve seen underscored by others: for once, this offensive has been marked by a specific emphasis on the fact that Russian forces are utilizing effective combined arms tactics, with several frontline reports making pains to note that artillery and drone utilization is good, communications are notably coordinated and running fluidly, etc. This is contrary to many other fronts like Kherson where complaints about coordination between those mentioned aspects abound. It seems whoever is running the ‘Northern Wind’, as some are calling it, is doing a very competent job thus far.

And of course, the credit should also go to the units themselves, for which the picture is becoming gradually clearer. I mentioned some of the units suspected to be involved last time, but now there are a few more notables being put forth:

Then there’s reportedly the 18th Guards Motor Rifle Division, as part of the 11th Army Corps from the Baltic Fleet troops I already mentioned last time, with the 79th Motor Rifle Regiment operating as part of the 18th division.

One of the only prevailing commonalities is most of the utilized units appear to be from the newly-formed ‘Leningrad Military District’.

This panicked screed by a Ukrainian 57th Brigade account even lists the now legendary ‘Storm-Z’ penal troops as participating, while also naming the Ukrainian 125th territorial defense troops as abandoning their positions in Volchansk to flee:

More panicked cris de coeur from Ukrainian troops on Volchansk front:

It was likewise already confirmed by other Ukrainian military accounts that the AFU was forced to withdraw much-needed units from the Avdeevka and Chasov Yar fronts to reinforce the worsening Kharkov direction:

The first consequences of the breakthrough of Russian troops into the Kharkov region. Military chronicles report that the Ukrainian Armed Forces withdrew part of the units of the 42nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade from the front near Chasov Yar and hastily transferred Troops to Volchansk, fearing further expansion of the bridgehead and the introduction of larger Forces of the Russian Armed Forces.

As well as Forbes:

The dilemma, for Ukrainian leaders, is that a feint can turn into an offensive with little notice—as long as the Russians can spare the forces from their operations in the east. “It is a shrewd approach, considering Ukraine's manpower constraints,” Finnish analyst Joni Askola wrote.

The Ukrainian military isn’t taking chances. Elements of several brigades, including the 59th Motorized Brigade and the 92nd Assault Brigade, are already in Vovchansk—or on the way. Notably, the 92nd Assault Brigade is bringing its best CV90 infantry fighting vehicles.

Ukrainian commander in chief Oleksandr Syrskyi insisted his troops would deploy and redeploy to match the Russians’ moves. “We are aware of the enemy's plans and can respond flexibly to all of his actions,” Syrskyi said.

Meanwhile, AFU sources themselves report that Russia only started off utilizing 7% of its regional forces, subsequently increasing it to 15%—which should give an idea of what’s yet to come:

Ukraine post: There is a lot of pressure on the boys. Deep is very difficult, Vovchansk is under control, but there are attempts to break through. The occupier is pulling more and more forces. If yesterday 7-8% of the total number of forces deployed in the operational area were involved, today it is up to 15%. A lot of enemy equipment was burned. But they will not stop until they are completely destroyed.

Here’s a visualization of the fights from one of the AFU units in the forests near Volchansk as they get shelled by Russian artillery:


Spokesman for Ukraine’s battlegroup Khortitsa, Nazar Voloshin, states Russia launched 22+ guided bombs on Volchansk today:


ISW also confirmed Russian advances and the AFU’s complaints:

There continue to be many other Russian advances on other fronts as well, but we can cover those next time.

Simplicius's Garden of Knowledge Simplicius is an international affairs analyst of Slavonic descent focusing on war strategies, geopolitical analysis, SitReps, and discussions of related topics.

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Things to keep in mind...

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. Meanwhile, fascist ideology and blatant lies also permeate the consciousness of most people in the West. Those in the comfortable top 10%, the "PMCs" (Professional Managerial Class), are especially vulnerable. They support and disseminate such ideas. They are the executors of the actual ruling class' orders, those in the 0.001%, who remain largely invisible. The PMCs are the political class, the media whores, the top military brass, some people in academia, and the "national security/foreign policy" industry honchos. Push back against these unethical, contaminated people with the truth while you can.

AND...where the US Government is at: LYING 24/7

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The Ukrainians are itching for a Russian victory!

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Don Hank

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The Ukrainians are itching for a Russian victory!

The west is wasting its money on more [weapons]; Ukraine needs power grid equipment. The Ukrainians are sick to death of war and are collaborating with the Russians to shorten the war and save lives.

Here is your daily air strike update for April 12, 2024

Translation with my notes in bold and in [brackets]
Use the following oblast map to locate the oblasts.

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The latest missiles at the Kiev Thermal Power Plant: Elimination of air defense in Odessa. Fire at the airfield - Nebenzya took the floor


A video of the moment one of the drones hit the critical infrastructure of a thermal power plant is being circulated online. At the same time, it became known that in addition to drones, the “newest X-69 missiles” were used, which are said to be “more terrible than the Kinzhals.” Some targets of the strikes in Odessa became known. An air raid alert was declared in many regions of Ukraine - a military airfield was hit, where previously it was possible to eliminate NATO military personnel. [The X-69 is described as a stealth ground attack cruise missile. It is subsonic but can sneak past air defenses]

Strikes in Odessa

During a series of powerful attacks on a number of regions of Ukraine, kamikaze drones and guided bombs rained down on the enemy’s military and critical infrastructure. A powerful attack on the Odessa oblast destroyed one of the main logistics railway lines, which led to the southern part of the port of Chernomorsk - along this line the enemy equipped part of the military groups with reserves. There were also attacks on the substation in Mirny [Zaporozhye oblast], which cut off power to some of the oblast’s settlements.

However, it became known later that the Russian soldiers had other goals. According to Boris Rozhin, an expert at the Center for Military-Political Journalism, the Russian Aerospace Forces launched a successful strike on the enemy’s air defense position area southwest of the city of Ilyichevsk in the Odessa oblast.

As a result of the strike, one S-300 [air defense] launcher was destroyed, and its ammunition detonated. Another launcher, as well as a 30N6 illumination and guidance radar, were cut by shrapnel and disabled, the expert said.

Kiev TPP

Earlier it the destruction of the “most powerful” power plant in the Kiev oblast, Tripilska Thermal Power Plant, was reported. According to preliminary information, Russian military personnel used Kinzhals and Geran-2 kamikaze drones. A video is even being circulated online, according to the authors, of the first drone hit on a critical infrastructure facility.

However, it became known later that instead of the Kinzhals, Russia could have used a completely different missile, superior to that one in speed, range and power. Information about this was published by the Ukrainian publication Defense Express.

There is no official confirmation from the Ministry of Defense at the moment.

The publication reports that conclusions about the model of the missiles used were made on the basis of debris found at the site of the impact, said Ruslan Ostashko.

Airfield for F-16

On April 12, targeted strikes against enemy military and critical infrastructure facilities continued. After 03:00, an air raid alert was announced in Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolaev, Kirovograd, Vinnitsa, Khmelnytsky and Chernivtsioblasts.

According to TV presenter Ruslan Ostashko, explosions were heard in the area of the military airfield in Starokonstantinov.

Explosions were heard in the area of the military airfield of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Starokonstantinov. The object has long become a common target for Russian Gerans. The work of air defenses in the Odessa oblast is also reported, the journalist said.

According to unconfirmed reports, a fire started in the area after the strike.

This is not the first attack on this military facility. [That is an understatement if there ever was one. Just go back over the old issues of donhank.substack for several months and you will see that this airfield is the most frequently attacked by far.]After the previous attack, information began to spread online about the liquidation of NATO troops, as well as Polish engineers servicing European cruise missiles.

It was quite a coincidence that at the time of the last strike at the airfield, the German journalist Röpke said that there were no safe places for F-16 fighters in Ukraine.

It is noteworthy here that it was the Starokonstantinov airfield in the Khmelnitsky oblast that was supposed to receive NATO F-16 aircraft. They turned out to be a nightmare.

[The main problem for the Ukronazis is that the average Ukrainian citizen hates their government, which it realizes is a puppet of Washington and wants to send all the men to the meatgrinder of the front lines. The women in particular are solicitous of the safety of their husbands, boyfriends, brothers and sons. Therefore, not only the traditionally pro-Russian areas but also most others, are full of informants who are eager to have the Russian forces strike the military and allied areas. Westerners are told the opposite – that the Ukrainians are willing to fight to the last man for the sake of “democracy” and “freedom.” It is a CROCK to say the least! Ukrainian citizens line up to send state secrets to the Russian Ministry of Defense. That is why the missile forces know the exact coordinates of large gatherings of military men and equipment, railroad junctions and airfields where the Western-supplied F-16s will be landing.]

Strikes to the energy sector

As Permanent Representative Vasily Nebenzya stated at a recent UN meeting, Russia’s strikes on Ukrainian energy facilities are a response to Kiev’s attempts to damage facilities in the oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation:

On April 11 alone, the list of damaged energy facilities in Ukraine was at least 10.

The list and extent of destruction of generating infrastructure facilities is impressive:

Tripolye (Kiev oblast). Trypilska Thermal Power Plant.

Kharkov, CHPP-3.

Kharkov, plant named after. Malysheva, workshop No. 510 and building No. 400.

Chuguev (Kharkov oblast). Central warehouse of engineering ammunition of military unit A-2467.

Kharkov, "Turboatom" plant. Foundry shop and KEMZ building.

Stryi (Lviv oblast), gas collection point No. 2.

Susk (Rivne oblast). 1448th Central Artillery Weapons Base.

Chervonograd (Lviv oblast). 72nd separate mechanization battalion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Chervonograd (Lviv oblast), substation "Chervonograd-2" 110/35/6 kV.

Odessa, substation 330/110/10 kV "Usatovo".

At the same time, the American publication The Wall Street Journal believes that “with attacks on the Ukrainian energy sector and, in particular, thermal power plants, Russia is laying the foundation for a new offensive.”

In particular, we are talking about depleting stocks of air defense missiles and drawing the attention of the Ukrainian Armed Forces away from the front line. The successful destruction of power plants in Kharkov, Kiev and Sumy only confirms that the Kiev regime no longer has air defenses, writes TV presenter Ostashko.


Israel is losing and flailing about like a landed fish

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The Secret Zionist Plan to Destroy the Muslim World

Daniel Haqiqatjou

November 8, 2023

The Yinon Plan was first laid out in a 1982 article featured in the Hebrew journal Kivunim

(published by the World Zionist Organization’s department of Information in Jerusalem).

The article was authored by Oded Yinon – a former advisor to Ariel Sharon (an Israeli general who later became prime minister).

The Yinon Plan has played a key role in Zionist foreign policy since the 1980s. The powerful Israel lobby has also successfully pushed the US government into adopting the same plan.

The US government began to implement this plan partially in the 1990s. However, full implementation began in the early 2000s under George W. Bush. The plan still guides American policy to this day.

The basic aim of the Yinon Plan is to fatally weaken Muslim-majority states, especially in the Middle East. This involves promoting religious, sectarian, and ethnic divisions and conflict. Such is to be done within Muslim majority-states (e.g., Lebanon, Iraq, Syria). It is also to be done between these states (e.g., Gulf states versus Iraq, Saudi versus Iran).

It is assumed that Muslim-majority states will become weaker if there is conflict within them and between them. It is expected that these conflicts will cause complete economic ruin, millions of deaths, and tens of millions of refugees.


US support for ISIS in Syria [US support for ISIS is part of the Yinon Plan described above]

Does the us support isis?




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WASHINGTON D.C. (GPA) – Everyone knows U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East has more to do with destabilization than diplomacy. Whether arming terror states like Israel and Saudi Arabia or flattening entire countries like Libya and Iraq, American intervention is pretty much always a humanitarian disaster. At times, this policy has even included arming ISIS — the very terror group Washington claims to oppose.

The reason for this help is that ISIS assists U.S. foreign policy goals. It is no secret that the U.S. has tried to overthrow the democratically elected Syrian government for years. To further their goals, the U.S. regime has more or less aligned with just about every terrorist group short of ISIS publicly, including Jahbat al-Nusra.

Yet at times this alliance has extended past terror groups fighting under the Free Syrian Army banner. In many situations, the U.S. has seemingly supported ISIS. Whether these instances are mere coincidence or represent a pattern of support is up to you to decide. Below are five strongest instances of the U.S. helping ISIS and other terrorist groups.


There are several instances of the United States providing air support to terrorist groups like ISIS but none quite as obvious — and dire — as Deir Ez Zor in 2016.

In September 2016, the humanitarian situation in the Syrian city of Deir Ez Zor was dire: the largest city in eastern Syria was completely besieged by ISIS fighters. Syrian civilians and soldiers alike were completely dependent upon airlifted supplies to survive. Then, on September 17, U.S. warplanes led British, Danish, and Australian jets on a series of airstrikes against the city’s defenders, the Syrian Arab Army. The air raids lasted about an hour and decimated crucial Syrian Army positions on the mountains that overlook Deir Ez Zor airport. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said the airstrikes killed at least sixty-two Syrian soldiers and injured over 100 more.

Immediately following the airstrikes, ISIS fighters attacked the weakened Syrian troops defending the critical mountains. ISIS ultimately overran positions on the mountains threatening both the airbase and the cities roughly 200,000 residents. These particular airstrikes occurred during a ceasefire between “rebel” and Syrian Arab Army forces. After the strikes, the ceasefire quickly fell apart.

While the U.S. claims the airstrikes were intended to strike ISIS fighters, Russia and Syria see the situation differently. Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s U.N. ambassador said “It is highly suspicious that the US chose to conduct this particular air strike at this time,” adding that the strikes killing Syrian soldiers did not look like a mistake. Syrian President Bashar Assad went so far as to say that the U.S. airstrikes intentionally targeted the Syrian Army.


Speaking of ISIS’s siege of Deir Ez-Zor, ISIS fighters were again bolstered there by the now infamous “Raqqa Deal:” a secret agreement between the U.S.-backed Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and ISIS.

Encircled ISIS fighters were transported via trucks through SDF territory to other parts of the country — including Deir Ez-Zor. ISIS fighters left the area with their weapons and “families” including captured sex slaves and children.

While the U.S. and Kurds intended to keep the deal secret for obvious reasons, news quickly broke when disgruntled truck drivers talked to the press. Since they were hired under false pretenses, the truck drivers were quite surprised to discover that their cargo included heavily armed terrorists laden with suicide belts.

According to the U.S. coalition, the SDF granted safe passage out of Raqqa to only 250 ISIS terrorists but this number is more likely than not a boldface lie. Talal Silo, a former commander in the Syrian Democratic Forces, says roughly 4,000 ISIS fighters were bussed out of the city with their families and weapons. Silo also claims that U.S. officials made the decision in consultation with the SDF — contradicting the U.S. narrative that local SDF commanders forced it upon the U.S.


Of all the weapons in ISIS’s arsenal, perhaps none are more devastating than U.S.-made TOW launchers. These laser-guided anti-tank missiles make it extremely difficult to secure terrorist-controlled areas because they partially negate the big advantage that tanks and armored vehicles provide forces fighting underequipped terrorists. In 2015, an ISIS propaganda video even featured one such TOW launcher destroying a modern Russian Tank.

According to a 2014 Washington Post article, the U.S. provided many of these launchers to the self-described “moderate” rebel groups like Harakat Hazm (or Movement of Steadfastness) which later joined hardline extremist Levant Front. In the case of Harakat Hazm, the group joined the extremist Levant Front just a year after receiving the U.S. TOW launchers. The Levant Front is a broad coalition consisting not of ISIS fighters per se, but still containing fighters under the banner of numerous terrorist organizations within its ranks.


One of the most devastating weapons available to ISIS and ISIS adjacent forces are MANPADS: shoulder fired anti-aircraft rocket launchers.

Ample video evidence displays fighters of every rebel group from ISIS to al-Qaeda in Syria using such weapons to devastating effect. One video even shows ISIS fighters with U.S.-made Javelin rocket launchers. While it is possible these weapons were simply captured, some evidence points to the weapons being supplied by the U.S.

Many foreign policy experts suggest that the U.S. and its allies have quietly supplied these devastating anti-aircraft weapons to Syrian “rebels.” Such an operation would be relatively easy to cover up as the U.S. has a large amount of Soviet made MANPADS looted from Iraq and Libya.

Fueling suspicions even more, in 2016, the U.S. Congress granted the president legal authority to supply these devastating weapons to “moderate” Syrian rebels. Seeing as how “moderate” rebels has previously included groups such as al-Nusra and al- Qaeda, this new legal authority represents a major escalation.

Since the bill passed, there has been two high profile cases of jihadist forces using MANPADS to shoot down fighter jets.  RT and other non-western news sources have suggested that the

-MANPADS used in the attacks originated from the U.S. although it’s impossible to determine the weapons’ origins from mere terrorist propaganda videos. Very convenient plausible deniability.


Perhaps the largest and most obscure way that the U.S. helps ISIS and other terror groups is through middlemen like Turkey and Saudi Arabia. The U.S. gives extensive military, intelligence and financial aid to these regimes that then funnel those resources towered ISIS.

During the early days of the ISIS’s rise, Turkey’s open border policy was instrumental to foreign terrorists flooding into Iraq and Syria. In fact, Turkey’s involvement with ISIS runs so deep that in 2016 David Phillips, an ex-State Department and Columbia University researcher, published a comprehensive study on Turkey’s support for ISIS.

The study found evidence of Turkey providing military equipment, transport and logistical assistance, training, medical care to ISIS fighters. But that’s not all. The study determined that Turkey supports ISIS financially through purchasing oil and assisting ISIS recruitment. The report also said Turkish forces fight alongside ISIS fighters (specifically referring to the Battle for Kobani). Phillips attributes all this to the idea that Turkey and ISIS share a common worldview.

Saudi Arabia — another U.S. ally — covertly supports ISIS while publicly opposing the terror group. According to a report by the British government, Saudi Arabia supplied ISIS with major financing. London attempted to bury the report because of the embarrassment it could cause the U.K. government.

Even the neoconservative Brookings Institute admits that “Saudi Arabia’s contribution to Islamist extremism has far outstripped Iran’s.” Hillary Clinton, one of Saudi Arabia’s staunchest supporters in the U.S., has privately admitted that Riyadh supports ISIS.

In a 2014 email published by WikiLeaks, Clinton wrote that “While this military/para-military operation is moving forward [in Syria], we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL [Isis] and other radical Sunni groups in the oblast.”

Clinton of course, was an outspoken advocate of arming “moderate” Syrian rebels.


Whether the Gulf of Tonkin, Iraq’s WMD’s, or simple coups, secret operations that destroy entire countries for U.S. interests are as American as apple pie.

Trying to piece together the definitive actions of a government so apt at lying and deception is difficult. But what we do know doesn’t paint a good picture of the U.S. in Syria. No matter how you spin it, the U.S. and its allies are relentlessly employing terrorists to serve America’s own selfish interests

Top Photo | ISIS Toyota Trucks @7our/Twitter

Geopolitcs Alert is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.


Translation with my notes in bold and in [brackets]

تكريساً للتقسيم.. قسد تحتل البيوت في الرقة والطبقة ومنبج (

Wednesday 03 April 2024 01:01

In order to consolidate the division, SDF occupies homes in Raqqa, Tabqa, and Manbij

SDF members storm Syrian homes

In 2015, the Syrian Democratic Forces [SDF] entered more than 350 villages in Raqqa Governorate, after the Western coalition indiscriminately bombed cities and villages in northeastern Syria, leading to the erasure of entire neighborhoods of Raqqa, before the SDF entered the city and took control of it. Whoever reads the studies that the SDF is trying to publish and pass, as part of an attempt to rewrite the history of the region, such as the attempts of Pierre Robari on the Kurdistan website, who has been trying since 2022 to invent a new history for Raqqa, the Arab city that is located on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, making it one of the important cities of the area, ie, Syria, which is located within the historically known Arabian Peninsula, which extends between the Euphrates and the Nile.

It is not new for our region to be subjected to more historical deception in order to impose control over it, and the “revolutions” that swept the Arab region were nothing but attempts to re-divide it into sectarian and ethnic cantons in order to facilitate this, according to the proposal and plan of Bernard Lewis since 1954. We are reminded of history. And with the Zionist-American plan, every time we talk about the eastern region of the Syrian Jazira, let us know that the plan continues as long as the American occupation there continues, and that the SDF Kurds, most of whom came from the Qandil Mountains, are an integral part of this plan. They do not share the Kurds of the Arab region’s affiliation with the countries in which they lived in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Egypt.

This information is not only known to the people of the region, and it was published by a study by the Washington Institute on December 5 of last year, entitled “The Rebellion Crisis Facing the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).” Vladimir van Wilgenburg wrote that the SDF entered into an alliance with the United States and was able to enter the country on that day. Raqqa with the support of these forces. It is trying to connect a group of villages in which Kurds are present, and then the SDF reluctantly entered the eastern part of the city of Deir ez-Zor. The writer attributes the reason for sparking the rebellion between the clans last year to “local grievances,” which pose a major challenge to the United States as well as to the SDF in the region. Therefore, what we have been witnessing from an American attack in Deir ez-Zor for about a week, and according to what the situation is described by Beljanbara, is the presence of resistance forces under the name “Lions of the East,” and they stood by the tribes in the recent “rebellion” against the SDF after they arrested Abu Khawla, one of them. Leaders of the Hafil tribe, who supported the SDF forces over the past years, and Washington refuses to deal with him directly at the expense of the SDF, while it deals and talks with his brother who is in Qatar.

What does this mean? Dealing with his brother in Qatar! This means that Washington does not want to deal with or recognize the people and owners of the region who have lived there for thousands, not hundreds, of years. Washington and the SDF accuse the groups that are fighting them of being either supported by Iran or supported by Assad’s forces, just as they do with the Palestinians in Gaza, and with Hamas’s classifications, sometimes of being terrorists and sometimes of being supported by Iran, as part of a dirty policy that seeks to settle strangers and abnormal prospects for the benefit of “Israel’s” security. . Here, we do not want to repeat the role played by the SDF, which is linked to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party and whose leaders came from the Qandil Mountains, according to a Carnegie research published in 2019 written by Elizabeth Tsurkov and Essam Al-Hassan. It seems that the Kurdish leadership was trying to achieve the impossible to hold on to its stronghold in northeastern Syria, because there is a major conflict between Kurdish and Arab interests in the region. After the virtual elimination of ISIS, there is no longer anything that unites the two parties, especially since the SDF, with its Kurdish leadership, wants to control everything, including of course the Syrian oil fields and wheat fields.

The matter does not stop there, as American interests converge with Kurdish interests, and the latter practice a racist policy in which they call an Arab a Bedouin, and treat him as if he were a second-class citizen, marginalizing the Arab majority who are subject, and unfortunately submissive, to the rule of the SDF, and they have a feeling of resentment because they are considered by According to Carnegie, the SDF is not concerned with managing their regions. This is not accurate, as the SDF always tries to deal with the tribes, which it considers ignorant and disorganized, lacking in doctrinal understanding, and dominated by tribal and clan values. The SDF also avoids working with educated people and intellectuals while dealing with them. It practices a kind of disdain and abhorrent racism. Qandil Kurds are mainly villagers and Bedouins organized into the Kurdistan Workers' Party, which is also considered a totalitarian party that does not accept others. According to the Carnegie study, the SDF doubts the ability of the Arabs and Kurds in northeastern Syria, and what the SDF certainly doubts is the Arabs’ desire to secede and form an autonomous administration far from the centralization of the capital. What the SDF wants are allies to support it in preventing the Syrian state from seizing control of the oil and wheat fields, which provide self-financing that has reached the point of greed.

Qandil SDF knows that it is a stranger in Syria. It also cannot deal with educated people and intellectuals because they know that the SDF is part of a settlement occupation in the east of the Syrian Peninsula, while they see themselves as part of the Syrian state that must manage the country, and the military support that the SDF receives from the Americans is not easy in terms of armament and training. It gives it military superiority in the region, especially with open American support, and the Americans do not care about the amount of weapons that the SDF buys as long as it pays for it with Syrian oil revenues. With this weapon, it considers itself the local force that gives itself the right to raid homes and impose conscription on young men in its ranks, which led to the flight of Arab youth from the city of Raqqa and its environs. The SDF then seized the homes of many of them and occupied them, and did as ISIS did during the years 2014-2015. It considers the empty houses to be its property, and it houses those coming from the Qandil Mountains, just as ISIS did, and as Zionism did in Palestine, especially in the territories occupied in 1948.

During a conversation with a journalist in Syria, who requested that his name not be mentioned, at a time when the speaker was astonished by the theft of his house, its evacuation, and the squatting of some members of the Kurdish Autonomous Administration in it, he said, “After the Turkish bombing of Qamishli, there were no safe places left for them, so they headed to Raqqa.” And to the city of Tabqa on the banks of the Euphrates, and from time to time the tribal sheikhs intervene in order to return the houses to their original owners. Among the houses that the SDF occupied without caring about the results of its actions, and whose occupation constitutes a real attack on Syrian sovereignty, is the house of the former Minister of Tourism, Hala Al-Tamer, and the house of the branch director. The former party in Raqqa, Abdul Razzaq Al-Jassem, and Al-Jassem’s house, according to the press source, is empty today.”

At the beginning of the Syrian war, many Syrians in the Damascus countryside, in Dummar and its environs, and in Eastern Ghouta were astonished when militants from ISIS and Al-Nusra or what was called the Free Army entered their homes, especially those that were owned by individuals from different sects, or who were called the Shabiha and the regime’s men from various sects occupied their homes, tampered with them, and stole their property. This is what SDF is doing today in the homes of Arab residents. Is there any difference between the strangers of ISIS and Al-Nusra who came from Dagestan, Pakistan, Turkey, Turkestan, and... and some Arab countries to tamper with the security of Syria and so on? Between the SDF and its leaders who came from Turkey and the Qandil Mountains, some of whom were refugees in Europe due to Kurdish and Iraqi persecution, according to their claim.

After the start of the Iraqi resistance’s strikes on the American occupation sites in Syria, operations that affected both American and Kurdish sites, Abdi Mazloum went to visit Washington on February 9 of this year, 2024. He complained about his forces being exposed to resistance strikes, and we said that the Kurds were scratching their heads. Mazloum also reassured us in a press conference, broadcast from the SDC office in Washington, that America told him that there would be no withdrawal from Syria, neither now nor in the near future. He confirmed that the Turks are targeting the SDF forces with F-16 planes that the Americans recently released. It is an American attempt to win Türkiye more to its side. This falls within the scope of preparation for something, which may be a larger military campaign in northern Syria, and confrontations with the Syrian army and its allies.

It appears from Mazloum’s speech that both the SDF and the Americans are proceeding with all the plans that have been drawn up, and that today the SDF forces are roaming the Syrian desert with the commando forces, formerly ISIS, to actually form what is called the Free Syrian Army, “Al-Sahja”, and to begin missions to take over power. Within this plan was the Syrian army’s bombing of Deir ez-Zor, in which 36 members of the Syrian Arab Army were martyred a few days ago. What America is doing today is that it is dragging the Autonomous Administration south, 30 km away from the Turkish border, and allowing SDF to expand in the western countryside of Deir ez-Zor liberated by the Syrian Arab Army. Confirmed news has spread of the spread of SDF in the Syrian desert, and it seems that the American plan is proceeding apace and not disturbing it. Except for resistance strikes from time to time.

Writer: Abeer Bassam


Jeff Brown’s site:

Pepe Escobar comes to Normandy and eats like a Chinese emperor!


APR 12

Pepe Escobar came for a visit in Cherbourg, France. Great company, great food, great conversation. He gave me this amazing gift from Donbas, Russia: a military banner of all the Russian battalions that have adopted a saint (Mark, Luke, James, etc.). Jesus Christ in the center is the image on one of Russia's first flags 1,000 years ago, when the Orthodox church was founded in Crimea, Russia.

We were treated to an incredible meal prepared by our dear friend Evelyne, hands down the best home cooking chef in Normandy! Bon Appétit!


Just let me say a word about “freedom of religion.” This concept gave us the criminal enterprise we call “Israel” and the current genocide in Gaza.

Religion in China

By Dr. Kwan Lee


The West is finally leaking out the truth about Russian power in Ukraine

Because Ukraine is screaming for more air defenses and the best propaganda is the truth. The problem is, NO known air defense can intercept hypersonic missiles, so more Patriots won’t save Ukraine. Imbecile Zelensky doesn’t know this basic sci-tech fact.

Negotiations is the only answer, but Zelensky wants to go down with the ship and take as many of his fellow Ukrainians with him.

The reporting is still not honest, of course. This journo calls the Russian strikes “heinous,” but no msm report would EVER call the genocidal Israeli attacks on Gaza heinous. Why not?

In fact NO Western reports even mentioned the genocidal attacks by the Ukro-Nazis on Donbass starting in 2014 when the Obama regime took over the reins in Kiev and filled all the power positions with Neo-Nazis. And God forbid any journo would have called the attacks on Donbass “heinous.”


European Union, Josep Borrell: Israel has turned Gaza into the largest open cemetery in the world

Borrell also added that Gaza before the war was an open prison, and today it has become the largest open cemetery for tens of thousands of people, and it is also a cemetery for many of the most important principles of humanitarian law.

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  • This is the Lying Machine that protects the greatest evil humanity has ever seen.
  • YOU know what we are talking about.

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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