Invade The Hague! Bolton vs. the ICC



There are some vile people in this world, but this guy is off the charts. (Photo by US State Department | CC BY 2.0)

Picture this on a movie poster: “The International Criminal Court Wants to Put America on Trial.  They Didn’t Count on John Bolton.”

The Ramboesque Bolton, hawk to end all hawks, has declared war on the International Criminal Court (ICC).  The reason:  ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensudahas requested authority for an investigation into alleged war crimes in Afghanistan encompassing all of the parties to the conflict.  Bolton hates the ICC because it threatens the unrestrained exercise of US military power. Speaking on Monday before the uber–conservative Federalist Society (the same wonderful folks who gave us Brett Kavanaugh), Trump’s national security adviser announcedthat the US would pursue “any means necessary,” including economic sanctions and barring ICC prosecutors and judges from the US, to stop an investigation into purported US abuse of detainees in Afghanistan.

The million-dollar question is: can the ICC exercise jurisdiction over a national of a state, like the US, which has not ratified the Rome Statute, the treaty which established the ICC?[1]  Bolton says no:  the US is not bound by a treaty it has not consented to.  The ICC says yes—ifthe alleged crimes were committed within the territory of a state, like Afghanistan, which hasratified the Rome Statute. Since Afghanistan, like any state, can prosecute crimes committed on its own soil, it can share its jurisdiction with the ICC.  Which position is correct?  Right now, there’s no answer.

The answer may not matter. On Monday, Bolton boasted of helping the Bush Administration to negotiate “about 100 binding, bilateral agreements to prevent other countries from delivering US personnel to the ICC.” One of these bilateral agreements, a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), is with Afghanistan.

Ms. Bensuda made her request to open an investigation to a three-judge panel in November.  Shortly afterwards, Bolton, who in March would be named as Trump’s new national security adviser, published an op-edin the Wall Street Journal, “The Hague Aims for U.S. Soldiers.”  Bolton made many of the same points in his speech on Monday.  Bolton aired several objections to the ICC.  I will discuss only what I consider to be the major ones.

Bolton worries that the ICC will erode American sovereignty.  I will let Vice President Mike Pence answer that one.  The vice president was in Latin America in June.  One purpose of Pence’s trip was to try to stem the flow of Central American refugees to the US (throwing all those kids into cages is exhausting).  On June 28, Pence held a joint press conference in Guatemala City with the presidents of Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras.  Exhibiting an unexpected talent for standup comedy, Pence told the audience:  “[J]ust as we respect your borders and your sovereignty, we insist that you respect ours.”

Then there is Bolton’s interesting take on aggression.  He’s for it. Bolton was an enthusiastic—even orgasmic—proponent of the US invasion of Iraq.  (Bolton still thinks the invasion was a good idea.)  Throughout his long career, the 69-year old Bolton has called for regime change in Iran, Syria, Libya, Cuba, and for a preemptive attack on North Korea. Small wonder that the prospect of aggressors being prosecuted makes Bolton nervous.

“Had the ICC existed during the Second World War,” Bolton said on Monday, “America’s enemies would no doubt be eager to find the United States and its allies culpable for war crimes for the bombing campaigns over Germany and Japan.”  True, but so what?  Bolton isn’t the first to make this point.  Even at the time, many people, including conservative Republican senator Robert Taft, thought the Nuremberg Tribunal and the Tokyo Tribunal looked a lot like victor’s justice.  But the remedy for victor’s justice is not no justice.  It’s applying the same rules to the powerful and the powerless alike. The ICC’s mandate is to do just that.

Bolton claims that the ICC is “superfluous” because the US already prosecutes Americans who commit war crimes:  “When violations of law do occur, the United States takes appropriate and swift action to hold perpetrators accountable.” If that’s true, then Bolton should have no quarrel with the ICC which only steps in when nations are unable or unwilling to conduct their own prosecutions.

The truth, however, is that the US all too often does not punish its own war criminals.  There have been no prosecutions under the federal War Crimes Act which criminalizes “grave breaches” of the Geneva Conventions; no, not even of Bush and Cheney and the other architects of the invasion of Iraq. President Barack Obama said at the beginning of his presidency that he would not seek prosecutions of figures from the previous administration.

Bolton accuses the ICC of unaccountability.  Funny, those of us on the left think it’s the White House and the Pentagon that are unaccountable.  The ICC is one way to change that.

Interestingly, there are two objections to the ICC which conservatives make which Bolton left out of his Federalist Society address.  The first is: if Americans are exposed to prosecution by the ICC, the US will be reluctant to send combat troops to other countries.  (This is a bad thing?)  The second is the argument that sometimes justice must be sacrificed in order to get tyrants to step down.  This argument may be a valid one.  There are Latin American democrats who argue that Chile’s Pinochet and the Argentine junta leaders would never have relinquished power if a prison cell had been waiting for them.

A few of Bolton’s criticisms ring true.  Bolton says that the ICC has spent a staggering amount of money and accomplished little. That’s true.  According to Forbes: “In its 15-year history, the Court has spent well over $1 billion and has only four criminal convictions to show for its work.”  (Bolton says eight convictions.)  The ICC is mocked as the “African Criminal Court” because it has yet to indict anyone from outside of Africa, leading to some African countries exiting from the Court. Bolton, who probably does not fall asleep each night reading Frantz Fanon, referred on Monday to accusations that the Court is a racist “European neocolonial enterprise.”  Forbessuggests that the ICC may be pursuing the Afghan case precisely in order to prove it doesn’t have it in for Africans.

In the end, it is unlikely that any American will stand in the dock.  The US will refuse to turn over any American the ICC indicts, and the ICC, which has no enforcement arm, will have to accept that.  That prospect may be sufficiently humiliating to deter ICC prosecutor from indicting Americans.  Nor will the US cooperate with the ICC.  Bolton made that painfully clear on Monday.  Without US cooperation, the ICC will find it well-nigh impossible to gather the evidence needed for convictions.

If all else fails, the US can always use force to keep Americans out of the ICC’s grip.  In his address to the Federalist Society, Bolton alluded to the American Service-Members’ Protection Act of 2002 (ASPA).  Bolton even used the Act’s jocular nickname, the “Hague Invasion Act.”  ASPA got that nickname because it empowers the president to use “all means necessary and appropriate,” including military force, to liberate Americans held by the ICC. Bolton would welcome the opportunity.


[1]  In one of his last acts in office, President Bill Clinton signed the Rome Statute on December 31, 2000, but did not send the treaty to the Senate for ratification.  Less than two years later, President George W. Bush famously “unsigned” (i.e., notified the UN that the US did not intend to ratify) the Rome Statute. It didn’t matter.  The Rome Statute never stood a chance of being ratified, then or at any time afterwards.



Charles Pierson is a lawyer and a member of the Pittsburgh Anti-Drone Warfare Coalition. E-mail him at

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Things to ponder

While our media prostitutes, many Hollywood celebs, and politicians and opinion shapers make so much noise about the still to be demonstrated damage done by the Russkies to our nonexistent democracy, this is what the sanctimonious US government has done overseas just since the close of World War 2. And this is what we know about. Many other misdeeds are yet to be revealed or documented.

Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report

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The US: The Century of Lost Wars



Despite having the bigest military budget in the world, five times larger than the next six countries, the largest number of military bases—over 800— in the world and the most expensive military industrial complex, the US has failed to win a single war in the 21st century. In this paper we will enumerate the wars and proceed to analyze why, despite the powerful material basis for wars, it has led to failures.

The Lost Wars
The US has been engaged in multiple wars and coups since the beginning of the 21st century. These include Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Palestine, Venezuela and the Ukraine. Besides Washington’s secret intelligence agencies have financed five surrogate terrorist groups in Pakistan, China, Russia, Serbia and Nicaragua. The US has invaded countries, declared victories and subsequently faced resistance and prolonged warfare which required a large US military presence to merely protect garrison outposts.

The US has suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties—dead, maimed and deranged soldiers. The more the Pentagon spends, the greater the losses and subsequent retreats. The more numerous the vassal regimes, the greater the corruption and incompetence flourishes. Every regime subject to US tutelage has failed to accomplish the objectives designed by its US military advisers. The more spent on recruiting mercenary armies the greater the rate of defection and the transfer of arms to US adversaries.

Success in Starting Wars and Failures in Finishing Them
The US invaded Afghanistan, captured the capital (Kabul) defeated the standing army …and then spent the next two decades engaged in losing irregular warfare. The initial victories laid the groundwork for future defeats. Bombings, drove millions of peasants and farmers ,shopkeepers and artisans into the local militia. The invaders were defeated by the forces of nationalism and religion linked to families and communities. The indigenous insurgents overcame arms and dollars in many of the villages, towns and provinces. Similar outcomes were repeated in Iraq and Libya. The US invaded, defeated the standing armies, occupied the capital and imposed its clients--- which set the terrain for long-term, large-scale warfare by local insurgent armies.

The more frequent the western bombings, the greater the opposition forcing the retreat of the proxy army. Somalia has been bombed frequently. Special Forces have recruited, trained, and armed the local puppet soldiers, sustained by mercenary African armies but they have remained holed up in the capital city, Mogadishu, surrounded and attacked by poorly armed but highly motivated and disciplined Islamic insurgents. Syria is targeted by a US financed and armed mercenary army. In the beginning they advanced, uprooted millions, destroyed cities and homes and seized territory. All of which impressed their US – EU warlords. Once the Syrian army united the populace, with their Russian, Lebanese (Hezbollah) and Iranian allies, Damascus routed the mercenaries. After the better part of a decade the separatist Kurds, alongside the Islamic terrorists and other western surrogates retreated, and made a last stand along the northern borders--the remaining bastions of Western surrogates.

The Ukraine coup of 2014 was financed and directed by the US and EU.  They seized the capital (Kiev) but failed to conquer the Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. Corruption among the US ruling kleptocrats devastated the country – over three million fled abroad to Poland, Russia and elsewhere in search of a livelihood.. The war continues, the corrupt US clients are discredited and will suffer electoral defeat unless they rig the vote .

Surrogate uprisings in Venezuela and Nicaragua were bankrolled by the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED). They ruined economies but lost the street wars.


Wars are not won by arms alone. In fact, heavy bombing and extended military occupations ensure prolonged popular resistence, ultimate retreats and defeats. The US major and minor wars of the 21st century have failed to incorporate targeted countries into the empire. Imperial occupations are not military victories. They merely change the nature of the war, the protagonists of resistance, the scope and depth of the national struggle. The US has been successful in defeating standing armies as was the case in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, and the Ukraine. However, the conquest was limited in time and space. New armed resistance movements led by former officers, religious activists and grass roots activists took charge… The imperial wars slaughtered millions, savaged traditional family, workplace and neighborhood relations and set in motion a new constellation of anti-imperialist leaders and militia fighters. The imperial forces beheaded established leaders and decimated their followers. They raided and pillaged ancient treasures. The resistance followed by recruiting thousands of uprooted volunteers who served as human bombs, challenging missiles and drones.

The US imperial forces lack the ties to the occupied land and people. They are ‘aliens’ serving time; they seek to survive, secure promotions and exit with a bonus and an honorable discharge. In contrast, the resistance fighters are there for the duration. As they advance, they target and demolish the imperial surrogates and mercenaries. They expose the corrupt client rulers who deny the subject people the elementary conditions of existence – employment, potable water, electricity etc. The imperial vassals are not present at weddings, sacred holidays or funerals, unlike the resistance fighters. The presence of the latter signals a pledge of loyalty unto death. The resistance circulates freely in cities, towns and villages with the protection of the local people; and by night they rule enemy terrain, under cover of their own people, who share intelligence and logistics. Inspiration, solidarity and light arms are more than a match for the drones, missiles and helicopter gunships. Even the mercenary soldiers, trained by the Special Forces, defect from and betray their imperial masters.

Temporary imperial advances serve only to allow the resistance forces to regroup and counter-attack. They view surrender as a betrayal of their traditional way of life, submission to the boot of western occupation forces and their corrupt officials. Afghanistan is a prime example of an imperial ‘lost war’. After two decades of warfare and one trillion dollars in military spending, tens of thousands of casualties, the Taliban controls most of the countryside and towns; enters and takes over provincial capitals and bombs Kabul. They will take full control the day after the US departs.

The US military defeats are products of a fatal flaw: imperial planners cannot successfully replace indigenous people with colonial rulers and their local look-alikes. Wars are not won by high tech weapons directed by absentee officials divorced from the people: they do not share their sense of peace and justice. Exploited people informed by a spirit of communal resistance and self-sacrifice have demonstrated greater cohesion than rotating soldiers eager to return home and mercenary soldiers with dollar signs in their eyes. The lessons of lost wars have not been learned by those who preach the power of the military-industrial complex-- which makes, sells and profits from weapons but lack the mass of humanity with lesser arms but with great conviction who have demonstrated their capacity to defeat imperial armies. The Stars and Stripes fly in Washington but remain folded in Embassy offices in Kabul, Tripoli, Damascus and in other lost battlegrounds.

  James Petras is a world-renowned public intellectual. He is a retired Bartle Professor of Sociology at Binghamton University in Binghamton, New York and adjunct professor at Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada who has published extensively on Latin American and Middle Eastern political issues.

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Neil deGrasse Tyson: A Celebrity Salesman for the Military-Industrial-Complex


Dr. T. J. Coles is director of the Plymouth Institute for Peace Research and the author of several books, including Voices for Peace (with Noam Chomsky and others) and the forthcoming Fire and Fury: How the US Isolates North Korea, Encircles China and Risks Nuclear War in Asia (both Clairview Books).

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

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Things to ponder

While our media prostitutes, many Hollywood celebs, and politicians and opinion shapers make so much noise about the still to be demonstrated damage done by the Russkies to our nonexistent democracy, this is what the sanctimonious US government has done overseas just since the close of World War 2. And this is what we know about. Many other misdeeds are yet to be revealed or documented.

Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report

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U.S. Protects Al Qaeda in Syria, Proven


Erdogan: Ostensible "winner", but probably ultimate loser.

There’s plenty of proof that the U.S. Government protects Al Qaeda in Syria. Right now, America is protecting Al Qaeda’s main center throughout the world, which is the province of Idlib in Syria. This protection is part of a bigger picture, no merely isolated phenomenon.

For example: the key point of difference between the Obama Administration in America and the Putin Administration in Russia, regarding the establishment of a cease-fire in the Syrian war, was that Obama refused to allow Al Qaeda in Syria to be bombed during the proposed ceasefire, but Putin insisted that both Al Qaeda in Syria and ISIS in Syria must continue to be bombed during the ceasefire. Obama was protecting Al Qaeda in Syria, but Putin insisted upon bombing Al Qaeda and not only ISIS during any ceasefire there. (See the proof at that link, and you will also understand why Obama was protecting Al Qaeda in Syria.)

Right now, the U.S. Government and some of its allies are threatening to go to war against Russia if Russia will bomb the world’s highest concentration of Al Qaeda terrorists. Those terrorists are located in the only province of Syria that has always preferred Al Qaeda and ISIS to the Government of Syria’s secular President, Bashar al-Assad. That’s Idlib province, which now is Al Qaeda central, like Afghanistan used to be before 9/11 (and for which the U.S. bombed Afghanistan right after 9/11).

A 30 July 2017 speech makes this clear. The speech wasn’t given by an opponent or critic of the U.S. Government, but by a high official of the U.S. Government who speaks for the President of the United States on Syria and who has been doing this not only under Trump, but under Obama. This official is the neoconservative and rabidly anti-Assad and anti-Iranian and pro-Saudi and pro-Israeli Brett McGurk, who is U.S. President Trump’s Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, at the U.S. Department of State. He publicly acknowledged that “Idlib province is the largest Al Qaeda safe haven since 9/11, tied directly to Ayman al-Zawahiri. … Leaders of Al Qaeda who make their way to Idlib province often do not make their way out of there.” He acknowledges there that Idlib is like the pre-9/11 Afghanistan was. McGurk, who consistently supports Sunni Saudi Arabia against Shiite Iran, blames Shiite Iran for Al Qaeda, and for everything that Al Qaeda does. He gives as his reason for blaming Iran, Iran’s having been insufficiently hostile toward Al Qaeda members. (One can say the same about any Muslim-majority nation, but especially regarding Saudi Arabia and the other Sunni-Muslim ones, particularly because Al Qaeda is itself an intensely Sunni organization, not at all Shiite.)

[dropcap]L[/dropcap]ikewise, the neoconservative scholar Kyle Orton wrote on 21 July 2017 (just days before that U.S. official, McGurk, spoke) saying that Al Qaeda threatens to apply terrorism against Iran if Iran goes too hard against Al Qaeda, and yet Orton also said that Iran is to blame for what Al Qaeda does.

In other words: Iran is in fear of Al Qaeda, and yet (according to Orton and the U.S. Government, including McGurk) Iran is responsible for Al Qaeda — that’s actually the official U.S. viewpoint, crazy though it sounds (and it can be understood only by understanding the broader picture).

The fact that Al Qaeda is totally a Sunni operation, and the fact that Al Qaeda believes that all Shia should be killed, are simply being ignored by U.S. officials. 9/11 is instead blamed on Shiites, though its perpetrators (other than Bush, Cheney and their friends) were almost entirely fundamentalist-Sunni Saudis, and none at all were Shiites, from anywhere.

Orton cites the Obama-Trump Administrations’ McGurk as providing support for his view that Iran needs to be conquered, and that, as the Trump Administration says and the Obama Administration had said, “Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world today.” Not Saudi Arabia, but Iran (which the Saud family have sworn to destroy). The U.S. Government blames Iran, regardless of the evidence, and blames it for everything bad in and from the Middle East. The U.S. Government know better, but lies.

Putin, Erdogan, and Rouhani, met in Tehran on September 7th to discuss the threat by Trump (from condemnation backed not only by Trump’s allies but by the ‘humanitarian’ agencies of the U.N.), the Trump Administration’s threat to go to war against Russia for ‘humanitarian’ reasons if Russia assists Assad’s effort to exterminate the jihadists in Idlib. Russia didn’t want World War III, and so this meeting in Tehran occurred. TIME magazine headlined on September 7th, “Presidents of Russia, Turkey and Iran Meet to Plot Future of Syria Ahead of Battle for Last Rebel Stronghold” and reported that “Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for a cease-fire and an end to airstrikes in the northwestern province of Idlib, something that wasn’t immediately accepted by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.”

No public announcement was made of what had been agreed-to at the conference. On September 9th, the Wall Street Journal reported that, “President Bashar al-Assad of Syria has approved the use of chlorine gas in an offensive against the country’s last major rebel stronghold, U.S. officials said.” So, the Trump Administration was continuing its planned false-flag operation to have its terrorists in Idlib unleash an Idlib chemical-weapons attack that’s been set up to be blamed against Assad as an excuse for the U.S. and its allies to launch WW III against Syria, Iran, and Russia in order ‘to protect civilians’ in Idlib.

On September 10th, I headlined “Prelude to World War III” and argued why, “Unless Syria will simply hand its most heavily pro-jihadist province, Idlib, to adjoining Turkey, which claims to have 30,000 troops there and is planning to add 20,000 more, World War III will probably happen soon.” I argued there that:

The way for the plan to avert that outcome to be carried out would be:

Assad and Putin both will announce that due to the complaints from the U.S. Government and from the United Nations and from the Turkish Government, Syria will give up Idlib province, and will construct on the border between it and the adjoining areas of Syria, a DMZ or De-Militarized Zone, so that not only will the residents in Idlib be safe from any attack by Syria and its allies (such as America and its allies have been demanding), but Syrians — in all the others of Syria’s provinces — will likewise be safe against any continued attacks by the jihadists that have concentrated themselves in Idlib.

This way, Turkey’s President Erdogan can safely keep his 50,000 troops in Idlib if he wishes; America’s President Trump can claim victory in Syria and finally fulfill his long-promised intention to end the U.S. occupation of (most of the jihadist-controlled) parts of Syria (which they’ve occupied), and maybe WW III can be avoided, or, at least, postponed, maybe even so that people living today won’t be dying-off from WW III and its after-effects.

Also on September 10th, Erdogan headlined a WSJ op-ed, “The World Must Stop Assad: If the Syrian regime attacks Idlib, the result will be a humanitarian and geopolitical disaster.” He argued from Trump’s standpoint. Erdogan now had 50,000 Turkish troops in Idlib. And yet, Russia had already begun a very limited bombing campaign in Idlib. But Turkey’s troops weren’t being hit. Nor were the jihadists being hit that were in place awaiting their camp to be bombed and that had set up the chemical weapons to go off there and so to serve as Trump’s excuse for WW III to begin in Syria.

It was now several days after the September 7th meeting, and yet Trump’s plan for WW III still couldn’t yet be exercised; the excuse for it was still not present. For some reason, a limited cease-fire appears to have been occurring in Idlib.

Evidently, Erdogan had persuaded Putin (if he even really needed persuading — given Trump’s threat, Putin himself might have come up with this plan) that Turkey was going to assume responsibility for Idlib. Russia’s minor bombings in Idlib were just for show, so as not publicly to reveal that Erdogan’s proposal (if it originated with him, instead of with Putin) had won out at the September 7th meeting. If that plan had been publicly first espoused by Putin, then the U.S. side would far more likely have condemned it; but, coming from NATO member Turkey, the U.S. side would be able to present implementation of “Turkey’s position” as being ‘a win for The West’.

But what was the September 7th agreement that was reached in Tehran, really? What was the plan that Putin, Rouhani, and Erdogan, agreed-to?

Clearly, Assad was opposed to it — at least in public. My argument that it would help him and Syria was not publicly shared by him, at all. Whatever the Tehran plan was, with 50,000 Turkish troops now in Idlib, Syria might now, indeed, ultimately have to cede Idlib (the world’s highest-intensity jihadist center) to Turkey.

On September 11th, Peter Korzun at the Strategic Culture Foundation (which favors Russia and its allies, including Syria), argued

Syria needs Idlib — the last stronghold of the jihadists and the shortest route from Latakia to Aleppo. The M5 international highway crosses Idlib, linking Turkey and Jordan through Aleppo and Damascus. Control of the province would greatly facilitate the negotiations with the Kurds and strengthen Syria’s position at the UN-brokered Geneva talks. If the negotiation process succeeds, the only territories left to liberate would be the zone controlled by the US, such as the al-Tanf military base and the surrounding area, the northern parts of the country under Turkish control, and small chunks of land still held by ISIS.

On that same day, (another pro-Syrian site) poured forth venomously against Erdogan for his statements. Linking to this, that commentator said:

objecting to a major operation there because it would likely cause a major exodus of refugees across the border, with extremists potentially sneaking in with refugees.”

Double whammy to have you keeled over with laughter…or should that be tears.

Concerns for refugees??!! Erdogan steals their organs. Refugee camps in Turkey became harvesting centers for it. 

The U.S. alliance is, indeed, now referring to not only Al Qaeda in Idlib but also ISIS in Idlib as being ‘rebels’ and ‘refugees’; and Erdogan does, too. That’s the U.S. side’s propaganda. That SyriaNews commentator was correct to be appalled at it. Erdogan and the U.S. side are accurately represented there. But this does not necessarily mean that Russia and its allies (especially Syria) cannot win with this strategy that’s being condemned by Assad, and by Strategic Culture Foundation, and by Syria News. If that strategy turns out to be the one that I proposed on September 10th, I think that they will win with it. Certainly, for Syria to retain Idlib would be horrible both for Syria and for Assad (who has always been loathed by the residents there, who see him as being either a Shiite or an atheist).

And Erdogan is in both camps — America’s and Russia’s — and playing each side against the other, for what he wants. But he could turn out to be the biggest loser from ‘his’ success here.

If he exterminates Idlib’s jihadists, then the U.S. side will condemn him for it. But if he instead frees those jihadists to return to their home-countries, then both sides will condemn him for having done so.

The biggest apparent ‘winner’ from all this, Erdogan, could thus turn out to be the biggest real loser from it. And the biggest apparent ‘loser’ from it, Assad, could turn out to be the biggest real winner from it.

NEWS UPDATE: On Friday, September 14th, Turkey’s Yeni Safak newspaper bannered “Idlib locals flee to Turkish-controlled areas for safety”, and reported that, “The locals of Syria's Idlib have started to flee as fears of a looming offensive by the Assad regime and his allies grip the province.” They also headlined “Turkey deploys more armored vehicles to Syrian border”, and reported that, “More military reinforcements including tanks, according to reports from the ground arrived at the Syrian border in Turkey's southern Hatay province.” These reports are consistent with the plan’s being for Turkey to segregate-out the active jihadists in Idlib so as for Russia and Syria to slaughter those. Another headline there was from Reuters, “Turkey's Erdoğan, Russia's Putin to meet in Sochi on Monday”, and this suggests that there is extremely close coordination between Putin and Erdogan on the plan as it proceeds forward. Russian intelligence knows where the al Qaeda and U.S. chemical weapons are located. Presumably, the goal is to kill all the other jihadists first, and then to leave till the end the killing of the ones who are operating the Al Qaeda and U.S. false-flag event. Idlib will remain in Syria. Erdogan doesn’t want it.

About the author

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity. Besides TGP, his reports and historical analyses are published on many leading current events and political sites, including The Saker, Huffpost, Oped News, and others.


horiz-long grey
What will it take to bring America to live according to its own self image?

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Dead `Yemeni Kids? Murdering Children By the Millions For Money and Power Is An American Way of Life


Iraq: More than a million children's lives taken as their beloved country was utterly destroyed, but even before the 2003 US led deadly invasion:
As many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.

60 Minutes CBS (5/12/1996): Interviewer Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: "We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?"

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright:
"I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it."
Madeleine Albright, a former Head of the New York Stock Exchange, must think that she knows the value of half a million dead Iraqi children.

The 3rd World must demand justice for her kids!  Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s, cry “God bless America? No, no, God damn America for her crimes against humanity!” And American film maker Michael Moore’s sick and twisted violent people that we’ve been for hundreds of years, it’s something that’s just in our craw, just in our DNA. Americans kill people, because that’s what we do. We invade countries. We send drones in to kill civilians.”

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he elite of Wall Street’s speculative investment banking must see profit and power for capital accumulation in reestablishing its former control over Yemen, perhaps the poorest nation in the world. Yemen is a nation with a strong cultural heritage and proud Islamic integrity. Perhaps if it was less so, many thousands of lives of children of Yemen would not have been taken and continue to be taken by USA through the bombing of its lackey Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The resiliency of the Yemeni under attack is fierce.

The USA has been fueling, arming and target selecting for the Saudi airstrikes for three years. In November 2017, Save the Children reported that 130 children were dying every day, with 50,000 children already believed to have died in 2017. The U.N. officials said more than 20 million people, including 11 million children, are in need of urgent assistance, with 7 million totally dependent on food assistance. The U.N. has called it the “worst humanitarian crisis in the world.” 


(- As yours truly reports this story of yet another bloody US ‘foreign policy,’ a 2008 TV video clip of Rev. Jeremiah Wright auto interjects here, “God bless America? No, no, God damn America for her crimes against humanity!”) - crimes then, and not ‘foreign policy.’


In November of 2017, the United Nations urged the Saudi-led coalition to allow the U.N. humanitarian flights to Aden and Sanaa to resume, and to reopen the blockaded ports of Hodeida and Salif for food and medical deliveries. UN officials said,

“Even with a partial lifting of the blockade, the World Food Program estimates that an additional 3.2 million people will be pushed into hunger. If left untreated, 150,000 malnourished children could die within the coming months,”
Cholera came with the US backed Saudi bombing. Cholera is a bacterial infection, it causes severe diarrhea which leads to dehydration and often death. Cholera is a virulent infection; it can kill within hours of onset. Saudi aerial bombardment of the national electrical grid in April 2015 left the Sana’a wastewater plant without power. Untreated wastewater began to leak out into irrigation canals and drinking water supplies. By the end of 2017, one million cases of cholera had been reported. 
The above ghastly report is of ten months ago. By now, the situation is beyond imagination.

A recent air strike that targeted a school bus and killed forty children finally brought some solemn criminal mainstream media coverage, but no one familiar with US history would expect mercy or justice from Americans, because murdering children by the millions for money and power is a recognized  American way of life. 


A “sick and twisted violent people” 
[dropcap]L[/dropcap]ast February, in a video made just a few hours after the news of the Newtown school massacre broke, film maker Michael Moore, in a video, addressed Americans as the sort of “sick and twisted violent people that we’ve been for hundreds of years, that it’s something that’s just in our craw, just in our DNA…. Americans kill people,” because that’s what we do. We invade countries. We send drones in to kill civilians. We’ve got five wars going on right now where our soldiers are killing people–I mean, five that we know of”
6 days ago - The bomb used in a devastating attack on a school bus in Yemen was ... (227 kilogram) laser-guided MK 82 bomb made by Lockheed Martin, (#3 Butterfield Boulevard, El Paso, Texas) “The schoolboys on a field trip in Yemen were chatting and laughing. Then came the airstrike”
Working with local Yemeni journalists and munitions experts, CNN has established that the weapon that left dozens of children dead on August 9 was a 500-pound laser-guided MK 82 bomb made by Lockheed Martin, one of the top US defense contractors.

The bomb is very similar to the one that wreaked devastation in an attack on a funeral hall in Yemen in October 2016 in which 155 people were killed and hundreds more wounded. In March of that year, a strike on a Yemeni market -- this time reportedly by a US-supplied precision-guided MK 84 bomb -- killed 97 people.”


Destiny Had Yemeni Kids’ Names On the Bomb Made in Texas

To bad the Texans working for Lockheed Martin could not have known where this bomb was destined to explode. If they had known, they might have been able to personalize the bomb by writing on the side of the bomb, next to where the manufacturer’s brand name, Lockheed Martin, is stamped, the names of the kids that would be vaporized or blown to pieces, e.g. ‘to Ali and Mohammad and Mehmet and Aabidah (means 'worshipper' in Arabic) and Azhar (flower) and Dannia (beautiful)’ and the names of the other thirty-four darling little Yemeni children.


The Texans Had to Know Their Bombs Would Kill
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Texans who manufactured the big beautiful shiny 500 pound guided laser bomb must have only known that the bomb they were fashioning was most probably going to kill some people somewhere. It did not concern the Texans making the bomb who dies and where. The Texans leave who dies where and when up to someone else to decide. This seems to corroborate what Michael Moore says about killing having been in the craw or DNA of Americans for a couple hundred years. 
In this case the bomb was made to sell along with tons of other WMD to Saudi Arabia in a ten billion dollar sale, which President Trump spoke very proudly of as giving employment to so many Americans. This writer asked himself, ‘How many people do I know around the world, in Asia, Africa and Latin America, who would be willing to be employed making weapons of mass destruction that would probably kill children?’ The reader, wherever he or she might be, might ask him or herself the same question. My answer was, “Nobody I know anywhere.” 
This bomb was made in Texas by Texans who, might well be feeling some shock about it, but as Michael Moore in his film Bowling At Columbine showed graphically, all America is involved in the WMD killing industry. Though it is no secret that these weapons are taking millions of lives, even millions of children lives, a vast and critical amount of Americans remain pleased with US military action around the globe, always preposterously described as 'protecting American freedoms.’
In the coming multi-polar world the absurdities, illogic and insanity that justifies US NATO UN genocide will no longer be successfully propagated. These outrageous fabrications just won't wash when exposed to the light of day by new major sources of information emanating from Asia, Africa and Latin America that will appear as economic power shifts Eastward and Southward led by China, whose population is greater than that of Europe and the US combined. 
In the meantime, people of majority humanity in Africa, Asia and Latin America should be aware of their continuing to be incessantly targeted for economic control, political subjugation, financial plunder and when necessary, genocidal military action for regime change by the colonial-neocolonial capitalist imperialism of First World nations of Caucasian population. 

USA! USA! The American Way!


The killing of millions of children  must all be urgently talked about everywhere. When it becomes a topic of conversation inside and outside the home all over the world, something will be done, not before.  First put a stop to it. Afterward justice.




An archival research peoples historian activist would like to end his  call for the world to speak out, with a review of American genocidal crimes against humanity’s children, but first a odd question.
How Many Americans Does It Take to Slaughter a Third World Child? by Jay Janson  Dissident Voice, April 9th, 2010
How much effort, by how many Americans, has gone into producing each child’s violent death during undeclared wars in Third World nations? Some innocent child made poor and disadvantaged for its country’s history of brutal colonial occupation and plunder by industrial powers that continue to exploit through neocolonialist financial oppression, killed by foreign invaders of American nationality.

The question might equally be asked regarding each dead Korean child or each Laotian, Vietnamese, Cambodian child, of each child who was killed in its own various Latin American or African country, and since 9/11, each Pakistani, Afghani, Iraqi, Somali, Libyan, South Sudanese, and Yemeni, child, all so precious and lovely while they were alive during the time allotted to them by destiny and the military necessities of Americans.


Below are seven multiple answers to the question — how many Americans does it take to collaterally slaughter1 a child during an undeclared American war on some of each child’s countrymen?


1. Takes only one American finger to press a button on an American weapon of mass destruction to end a child’s life. 

2. It takes two Americans — one on the ground to call in the coordinates for a strike, the other in the air, or half a world away sitting in a facility somewhere in the U.S. Mid-Wests, to fix the cross hairs on the area where the child is. 
3. It takes hundreds of collaborating American servicemen and officers involved in a military presence or maneuver at some particular place and time that sets the stage for the calling in of a missile strike. 
4. It takes hundreds of thousands of Americans at home engaged in the manufacture, transport and maintenance of weapons, some realizing their part in making the killing of children possible, but others shutting this out of mind, grateful for the money earned.
5. It takes a minimum of tens of millions of Americans openly supporting the killing in which each child’s slaughter is a part,
6. It take generations of Americans frightened into silently accepting the dispatching of each child by command of mentally disadvantaged political leaders and the all-wars-promoting conglomerates of the information media cartel under the ownership of, and controlled by, the criminally insane power elite of the Financial-Military-Industrial-Complex. 
7. It has taken, and continues to take, a rather limited number of Americans in the entertainment and information industry working hard over half a century as network anchors, commentators, station managers, talk-show hosts, editors and reporters to bring about the activity of Americans described in each of the foregoing six answers to the query — how many Americans does it take to collaterally slaughter a child in a third world country? 

Syria! Through America’s elite speculative investors’ CIA control, not only over the US government, but through critical power and influence, so many other nations’ governments, over the last eight years tens of thousands of terrorist recruits of the Saudi Arabia based Wahhabi sect Islamic State have entered Syria through Turkey and Jordan, continually armed to the teeth and provided with brand new Toyota trucks indirectly or directly by the US. At the same time CIA fed criminal Western media successfully sees to its viewers listeners and readers preposterously believing that the US military was fighting this terrorist army (while seeing to it being armed with anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons to better fight the Syria Army). A quarter of a million Syrian children have lost their lives in this US created ‘civil war.’ No mercy possible from racist capitalist colonial neocolonial capitalist USA imperialism.

The same Islamic State and sundry other terrorist armies were created to conquer Shiites in Iraq and elsewhere because powerful Shiite Iran, with all its oil and independence, is a designated enemy of Israel and must be destroyed as Iraq and Libya were. Seven years ago your author had published Syria: CIA, M16, French, Mossad, Saudi Involvement Unreported In Imperialist Media Countercurrents, 6/27/2011 


And in 2018, questioned, Where Was the 3rd World While Americans Armed & Supplied Terrorists To Destroy Syria? OpEdNews, 5/6/2018 The title question is directed to people in nations that have been invaded and bombed by Americans or Europeans in uniform. Article points to an inevitable thunderous awakening of voices from this overwhelming majority of Humanity.
Libya! Where was any Third World outcry and solidarity when the colonial powers bombed Africa like never before, openly destroying Africa's most prosperous nation after a Western media scam about a fictitious popular uprising? 
Of course, sadly, Gaddafi in his old age seems to have let his guard down, interacting with his revolution's powerful enemies, apparently half-trusting them as he tried to keep Libya's huge oil income intact for his huge altruistic projects, allowing the internationally powerful criminal media of the West to pin a senseless bombing of a passenger plane filled with women and children on Africa's revolutionary hero. One day history books will tell the truth about the destruction of beautiful Arab socialist Libya and the retribution that followed many years afterward. 
An in depth study and day by day chronicle of events unreported from the beginning : 
Capitalism's Warplanes: CIA & al Qaeda Destroy Socialist Libya's 53rd Highest Living Standard OpEdNews, 4/21/2011
Iraq! more than million children's lives taken as their beloved country was utterly destroyed, but even before the 2003 US led deadly invasion.

As many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.


60 Minutes CBS (5/12/1996): Interviewer Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: "We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?"
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it.

Madeleine Albright, a former Head of the New York Stock Exchange, must think that she knows the value of half a million dead Iraqi children.


Afghanistan! An in depth study and day by day chronicle of events unreported from the beginning of and earlier CIA-fed Western media coverup:  Carter Had CIA Armed Fundamentalist Terrorists War Against Afghan Women's Liberation & Education OpEdNews, 12/22/2010. A CIA covert cruel attack on the people of Afghanistan as a pawn in the Cold War gave birth to US backed civil war, 8 yrs of Soviet military intervention, 11 yrs of terrorist war lord devastation; 5 yrs of Taliban restoration of peace, 10 yrs of US invasion/occupation war. Who can stop the gunning down of Taliban as if they, and not David Rockefeller's wealthy America, had 9/11 guilt for creating al-Qaida? Jimmy Carter could!

Somalia! The nearly twenty years of US NATO UN war against what was a popular conservative Islamic Courts government that has surly taken more than a million children’s lives from military action and starvation are chronicled in Merciless US NATO UN Genocide in Somalia Brought Nairobi Shopping Mall Blowback!Opednews, 10/14/2013

South Sudan! Since 2014 the CIA is assumed to be funding a rebellion that has taken tens of thousands of lives of children. See: April 5, 2017, Thomas Mountain, CounterPunch, South Sudan “Rebels” and the CIA: Show Me the Money!

The reader will surly remember the greatest Holocaust in proportion amount taking of children’s lives in Korea, Congo, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Central America and then the Middle East, all excused and forgotten in CIA-fed Western media.

The US began this horrendous journey in Korea. At least a million beloved Korean babies and children were killed when Koreans put their country back together again after the United States had cut it in half and installed a murderous dictator, whose secret police and special forces massacred 100,000 Korean communists, socialists unionists, members of the Korean government the US Army overthrew and anyone who fought against the division of Korea. Before the northern Korean government's military forces easily liberated the south in one month with little opposition and some good deal of welcoming. In response, to the North Korean invasion (of what had been the southern part of their own country), " bombed and napalmed cities, towns and villages across the North. The bombing was long, leisurely and merciless, even by the assessment of America's own leaders. "Over a period of three years or so, we killed off -- what -- 20 percent of the population," said Air Force Gen. Curtis LeMay, bombed everything that moved in North Korea, every brick standing on top of another." After running low on urban targets, U.S. bombers destroyed hydroelectric and irrigation dams in the later stages of the war, flooding farmland and destroying crops. Although the ferocity of the bombing was criticized as racist and unjustified elsewhere in the world, it was never a big story back home.

All the US invasions and bombings to bring about regime change since 1945, when the UN adopted the Nuremberg Principles of International Law into the UN Charter, were illegal, and some day, after the UN is reorganized under democratic principles, the USA and its partners will face mega massive lawsuits over the taking of many millions of children’s lives, the maiming of other millions and destroying the childhood of even more millions orphaned.

Humanity must not to look for mercy or justice from within the USA or Europe. It is money that has long come to take up all space in the hearts of those espousing Western civilization. And here below is an example of Western ‘democratic’ values currently still ongoing:


After the airstrike which the Afghan government claimed killed well over a hundred ordinary country folk, came the report that the families of those killed, and subsequent Afghani dead falling in harms way of the US military, can apply to receive up to $2,000 compensation. This is the price the great United States of American puts on an Afghan or Pakistan human being, while awarding $100,000 to families of Americans who die while fighting and killing wherever.


Letting Americans Get Away With Murder! Mass Murder Of Children!
[dropcap]Y[/dropcap]ours truly, with both Korean and Vietnamese family, has written this lengthly tract about crimes Americans keep committing against other peoples children by the millions, with the intention of provoking in the world at large some intense discussion sooner than otherwise.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s furious outcry during a Sunday sermon in Church to an African America congregation, “God bless America? No, no, God damn America for her crimes against humanity!” was seen and heard overseas by a lot of people, yet no echo of that anguished cry was heard from anywhere, not even from fellow clergy to this writer’s knowledge, which is nothing remarkable since Rev. Martin Luther King’s own African American Baptist Church would not back King’s condemning the American genocide in Vietnam and elsewhere, nor back King’s calling his government “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world.”
This video sound bite minute of Rev. Wright damning America was telecasted throughout many days as a joke. The TV anchors and commentators were seen to smile or chuckle afterward. Rev. Wright’s passionate angry shout, his finger pointed up in the air was sound bit over and over again obviously as a ridiculous and terrible thing to say about the exceptionally wonderful American nation, and was meant to affect negatively the presidential campaign of a candidate, who quickly disassociated himself from Rev. Wright, who had been his family’s pastor. Did the charisma TV news commentators enjoy, intimidate viewers all around the world, who might have otherwise strongly felt in agreement with damning America for crimes against humanity?

Does not the entire population of the world accept Western domination to the point of allowing the mass murder of children by Americans and American led coalitions without calling for implementation of international law? Why does no one speak up? All delegates to the UN General Assembly Debate of 2015, heralded the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations, but no delegate even mentioned that 2015 was the same 60th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Principles of International Law being adopted into the UN Charter.


Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark states that by Article Six of the US Constitution, The Nuremberg Principles of International Law are part of the law of the land, yet even nations under various forms of attack from the United States government never quote the Nuremberg Principles or the Convention on Genocide.


At UN Syria Failed to Call for Nuremberg Justice re US Funded Terrorist Invasions OpEdNews, 10/18/2015 Years from now when the East resumes world leadership after five centuries of savage European racist domination and the UN is free of colonial powers control, people will look back in astonishment to UN debates in which nations bombed and invaded by the US and NATO were unable call for justice under the Nuremberg Principles of international law. Syria allowing the US to get away with genocide in 2015 is one example.
In UN of Appearances Latin Americans Don't Call for Nuremberg Prosecution - In 2009 Gaddafi DidOpEdNews, 10/9/2015  Though Argentina Bolivia Cuba Ecuador Venezuela and Nicaragua condemned US wars and murderous exploitation during this year's UN Gen. Debate, they as other delegates, lamented the current deplorable condition of today's world of death and destruction, of poverty and starvation calling for everyone to work to rectify the situation. No delegate even once called for justice through prosecution. Gadaffi did! His UN speech quoted.
At UN General Debate Iran Fails to Call for Nuremberg Justice OpEdNews, 10/4/2015 Article is in regard to the address of President Hassan Rouhani of Iran before the UN General Assembly during its 2015 General Debate, the general atmosphere of appeasement during the debate, and an unwillingness, even by delegates of nations bombed and invaded by US or NATO, to uphold the UN Charter that contains the Nuremberg Principles of international law. Part of a series of articles on the UN General Debate.
It seems obvious that even the governments of nations not within the CIA net of control or major influence are wont to antagonize the US, Britain and France for their solidarity in power for deadly violence and sanctions. For this diplomatic kow-towing to the still powerful USA yours truly looks to the ordinary wonderful human beings of majority humanity to spontaneously initiate talk of justice for those who suffered or are suffering deadly plundering and the taking of their children’s lives. In this age of technology racing forward in ever faster personal cell phone world-wide communication and finger-tip computer access to all information in print it must be just a matter of time before justice becomes a demand everywhere in the beleaguered so called Third World. 
Where there is injustice over a long period of time, before there is a correction and justice served, people will have first begun to talk about the injustice, complain about it and desire justice, and when it becomes a topic of conversation at home within the family, among friends, in the cafes, in the market place, in the street, in the work place, in places of worship, in schools and institutions of higher learning throughout the world, a demand for justice will arise and a way will be found.
“Silence is Treason!” cried Rev. Martin Luther King after describing the death and degradation of the children of Vietnam by Americans in his New York City sermon ‘Beyond Vietnam a Time to Break Silence,’ given one year before King was shot in the head,
“So far we may have killed a million of them, mostly children. They wander into the towns … thousands of the children, homeless, without clothes, running in packs on the streets like animals…children degraded by our soldiers as they beg for food… children selling their sisters to our soldiers, soliciting for their mothers.” 
But Americans remained treasonously silent, tens of millions even supporting the killing in Vietnam and the bombings and invasions of other small countries that followed.
Some of us work to somehow make this killing millions of children come to be topic of conversation in the Third World, even just a few minutes earlier than otherwise, for the children’s lives that will be saved. 
Why wait for the eventual arrival of the non-confrontational, kind and loving sanity of Chinese civilization and socialism to end our children’s suffering violent death and maiming for Western capital accumulation?

Jay Janson is an archival research peoples' historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents. Articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India and the US; now resides in NYC. First effort was a series of articles on deadly cultural pollution endangering seven areas of life emanating from Western corporate owned commercial media published in Hong Kong's Window Magazine 1993; Howard Zinn lent his name to various projects of his; The Greanville Post; Global Research; Information Clearing House; Countercurrents, Kerala, India; Minority Perspective, UK; Dissident Voice, Uruknet; Voice of Detroit; Ethiopian Review; Palestine Chronicle; India Times; Mathaba; Ta Kung Bao; China Daily; South China Morning Post; Come Home America; OpEdNews; HistoryNews Network; Vermont Citizen News have published his articles; Weekly column, South China Morning Post, 1986-87; reviews for Ta Kung Bao; article China Daily, 1989. Is coordinator of the King Condemned US Wars International Awareness Campaign: (King Condemned US Wars) and website historian of Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now Campaign. featuring a country by country history of US crimes and laws pertaining. Studied history at CCNY, Columbia U., U. Puerto Rico, Dolmetscher Institut Munchen, Germany.

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Things to ponder

While our media prostitutes, many Hollywood celebs, and politicians and opinion shapers make so much noise about the still to be demonstrated damage done by the Russkies to our nonexistent democracy, this is what the sanctimonious US government has done overseas just since the close of World War 2. And this is what we know about. Many other misdeeds are yet to be revealed or documented.

Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report