The Movie Villain/The Actual Villain

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Caitlin Johnstone

Anyway, here are my contributions (click on images for best resolution):

                                 THE MOVIE VILLAIN.                                                                        THE ACTUAL VILLAIN


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This is a dispatch from our ongoing series by Caitlin Johnstone

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Caitlin Johnstone is a brave journalist, political junkie, relentless feminist, champion of the 99 percent. And a powerful counter-propaganda tactician. 

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Historian Eric Zuesse: “Am an American ashamed of my government.”


Another important dispatch from The Greanville Post. Be sure to share it widely.

This article is part of an ongoing series of dispatches by historian Eric Zuesse

America’s Government leads a “coalition” of gangsters...

Different from the smooth hypocrites that preceded it, the erratic Trump regime is often arrogantly clear about its imperialist-fascist DNA, the true face of the empire, and one of the reasons the old establishment wants to get rid of him and his gang.

I Am an American, And I Am Ashamed of My Government.
George Floyd’s Murder Is the Surface of Deeper Scandal.

a higher percentage of its population locked up in prison than any other nation on the planet. Some “Land of the Free!” Such hypocrisy! This Government is rot. And it is bipartisan rot — both of its political Parties. Both of them are controlled by America’s aristocracy. This is a one-dollar-one-vote Government, and it overwhelmingly locks up its poorest and least educated, not the actual big-time crooks, who own and run America’s international corporations and pollute and poison the entire world, while getting away scot-free as honored billionaires. America’s aristocracy must be brought down, but the public are duped by it into accepting it as a ‘democracy’ — despite its deep-seated contempt against the poor, and its racism, and America’s increasingly scandalous imperialism (an extension abroad of its supremacist attitude, which is routine for any aristocracy), trying now even to threaten the International Criminal Court into accepting the idea that America and its allies are immune from prosecution, or even from investigation, regarding possible international war crimes. This Government is the absolute pits, an imperialistic-fascist regime on steroids.

On June 12th, America’s Associated Press (AP) headlined “Syria Economic Meltdown Presents New Challenge For Assad”, and reported  that, 
In Syria nowadays, there is an impending fear that all doors are closing. After nearly a decade of war, the country is crumbling under the weight of years-long Western sanctions, government corruption and infighting, a pandemic and an economic downslide made worse by the financial crisis in Lebanon, Syria’s main link with the outside world.
Syria faces near complete isolation as the toughest U.S. sanctions yet start to come into effect next week. While Assad may have won the military war against his opponents with the help of allies Russia and Iran, he now faces an even bigger challenge of governing while more than 80% of his people live in poverty.
No mention is made there of the fact that the U.S. Government, which ever since 2009 had been planning to overthrow Syria’s Government and replace it with one that would be selected by the Saud family who own Saudi Arabia, refuses to pay any reparations for the resulting ‘civil war’ that has simply destroyed Syria and brought it, by now, into penury. The U.S. Congress, on 17 December 2019, passed into law a draconian new increase in economic sanctions to punish any entity or nation that trades with Syria — buys or sells to it. It’s an economic blockade. America’s pro-imperialist AP headlined “Congress takes aim at Syrian war crimes, Russian aggression” and reported that on that date, Congress “ratcheted up pressure on Syria, Russia and China while making it more difficult for the Trump administration to” do anything to reduce America’s efforts to conquer Russia and any of its allies, including Syria, China, and Iran. This legislation is called “SEC. 102. SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO FOREIGN PERSONS THAT ENGAGE IN CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS” and it stated that “On and after the date that is 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the President shall impose the sanctions described in subsection (b),” which dictates to America’s President that he will economically destroy Syria in order to bring down its Government. As that December 17th AP report stated, “The act seeks to deter Trump from walking away from the NATO alliance — something his critics fear is his intention — by barring the use of funds ‘to terminate, suspend, or file notice of withdrawal for the United States from NATO.’ And it will prohibit the Pentagon from reducing the number of U.S. troops in South Korea below 28,500 without a determination from the defense secretary that such a withdrawal is in the national security interest.” Trump’s longstanding refusal for the U.S. to pay any restitution to Syria for the estimated $250 billion-plus war-damage to the country which had been caused by America’s leadership isn’t enough, and Trump’s proud theft of Syria’s oil isn’t enough — there must (Congress demands) be also this increase in sanctions, so as to cause Syria’s Government to collapse. 
  Any Government — such as the U.S. regime’s foreign allies — that adheres to U.S.-imposed sanctions, is thereby participating in international war-crimes, because the imposition of what are called “secondary sanctions” constitutes in today’s world the very first stage of international aggression...
  Here was the final Senate vote on that (the bill was added, on December 17th, into the “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020,” which Trump signed three days later), and it passed there by the margin of 86 to 8. Instead of even merely one of the 5 Democratic Party U.S. Senators who were running for the Presidential nomination of their Party taking a public position against it, and thereby bringing prominently to the American public’s attention that this country, which had already destroyed Iraq and Libya, was now set upon doing much the same thing to Syria — and that this U.S. imperialism is outright evil and must now stop, and condemning all of the other contenders who were pushing for it — each one of those 5 Presidential contenders were “Not Voting”: Sanders, Warren, Klobuchar, Booker, Harris. What kind of a Presidential ‘choice’ is that, between Donald Trump versus any one of them — or Joe Biden, who was no longer in the Senate, but who was just as hawkish as Hillary Clinton? (And Biden won his Party's nomination by lying to Blacks about his record — and Sanders didn’t have the nerve to point it out and condemn him for it.) That’s supposed to be a ‘democracy’? That’s ‘leadership’? What kind of ‘leadership’?
The U.S. Government’s traitorism against its own people goes back a long way, at least back to Richard Nixon. Consider, for example, Nixon’s having dragged out the war in Vietnam for political advantage and then abandoned about 600 U.S. prisoners-of-war there and then become backed up by all subsequent U.S. Presidents and congresses in order to continue duping the American people into accepting continued U.S. imperialism, and the rule over this country by its own military-industrial complex, the owners of the corporations that sell mainly weapons to the U.S. Government, such as Lockheed Martin.

Schanberg became a hero to liberals with his reportage about Pol Pot's Cambodia, but his journalism was always partisan and mendacious, and perfectly within the margins of anti-communist imperialist propaganda.

Here is how Ron Unz summarized in 2010 the essence of Sydney Schanberg’s prolix numerous accounts of the matter regarding Vietnam (and America’s refusal to pay reparations was just as outrageous in that instance as it now is regarding Iraq, Lybia, and Syria):
Following the battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954, the Vietnamese refused to return their French POWs unless Paris agreed to pay financial compensation for the war. The French leaders paid the money and got their men back. Similarly, the Vietnamese refused to return their American POWs unless the U.S. government agreed to pay reparations. Nixon signed a document promising to do exactly that, but the Vietnamese, being cautious, kept many of the POWs back until the money was delivered. Then Congress refused to authorize the funds because “America doesn’t lose wars.” 
And here is how, in that same issue of Unz’s magazine in 2010, Schanberg himself finally gave his first and only decent summary account of it, in his article there that was headlined “Silent Treatment: My four-decade fight to report the truth” (and that article is being hidden, even now, by Google, if you try to find it by googling that title, but here you will be able to see both Schanberg’s full article and Unz’s introduction to it — and this was Schanberg’s summary, there:
I’m referring to the evidence that North Vietnam — after the peace treaty had been signed on Jan. 27, 1973 in Paris — held back hundreds of American prisoners, keeping them as bargaining chips to ensure getting Washington’s promised $3.25 billion in war reparations. The funds were never delivered, and the prisoners were never released. Both sides insisted to their people and the world that all POWs had been returned, challenging the voluminous body of facts to the contrary. But behind the scenes, where the press did not go then or now, President Nixon accused Hanoi of not returning a multitude of prisoners.
Then, on 21 July 2016, at Strategic Culture, I reported on the continuing U.S. press cover-up about this:
“American Samizdat — Publication Forbidden in U.S."
There were two reader-comments to that at reddit:
So that's what happened to the POW's forgotten there. Christ.
And that’s the reality. In a dictatorship. Getting to the truth, and getting it published, can be dangerous to one’s career, if one’s country is a dictatorship, such as in the U.S.
and this was the cover-up by Schanberg himself, in which he lied by calling Vietnam’s demands upon the U.S. Government ‘ransom’, instead of “reparations”:

So: even that reporter shamed himself by lying in order to protect the honor of the U.S. Government by his pretending that this incident was embarrassing to both Governments instead of primarily (or even only) to his own Government (to which the POW — prisoners of war — matter wasn’t merely embarrassing, but it was outright traitorous against its own people). Schanberg lied by calling this a ‘ransom’-demand. He was playing along with the Nixonian myth, even though he was a partisan Democrat who could instead have cited it as being yet another reason to condemn that Republican President. 
Schanberg even had the gall there to assert that “We are the democracy and they are not.” Even after all of his long-hidden-by-the-press attempts to get this history out, finally, to the American public, he still needed to continue the myth, the lie, that today’s America is a democracy, instead of a dictatorship. It’s just a multi-Party dictatorship by its own aristocracy, an aristocracy that, like most aristocracies, has more than one Party, and all of its Parties despise its public. Nowhere in Schanberg’s article was any suggestion made that the U.S. Government had anything to apologize for to Vietnam’s Government and people — only that the U.S. Government should “utter a formal apology to the American people, and in particular to the families of the men still unaccounted for.” After all, “We are the democracy and they are not.” Honesty couldn’t be expected, not even from himself. He’s apparently proud of how he handled this matter — as a Democratic-Party flak, against the Republican Party. He’s just a typical example of what the most-successful ‘journalists’ are in America. Play along to get along — with the people who own the press. That’s the ‘journalist’s game. (The alternative for them is failure, which happens to any reporter who won’t play the propagandists’ game. America’s journalistic profession is part of the PR profession. That’s an acronym for PRopaganda. In that profession, the term “objective” — as in the profession’s mantra to “be objective” — refers to purpose, as in “What is the objective of the client, or of my boss?” Always follow the objective. Read the boss’s mind, and do what it wants, not necessarily what it says. That’s what the ‘journalism’ game is, in America. Here, the adage applies: “He that pays the piper calls the tune.” ‘Journalism’ is merely another field of commerce, in America.)
This is a situation in which there are no heroes — certainly not in the Government, nor in its press (neither the Democratic, nor the Republican side of it).
The French Revolution needs to be done here (but better-controlled), in order to restore the American Revolution, and finally in order to enforce the U.S. Constitution against the traitors to it, who for decades have run this land as being their dictatorship, over its people (Black, White, Hispanic, male, female, hetero, and otherwise). Divide and rule is the way aristocrats for thousands of years have protected themselves from the public, by redirecting the public’s problems onto and against each other, instead of all against the aristocrats and their aristocracy — against the behind-the-scenes rulers, rule by the richest.
For thousands of years, the aristocracy has been in control, and it certainly now controls in America. To call this a ‘democracy’ is simply to lie. It’s unfortunately an extremely effective lie. On June 15th, Gallup reported its survey of Americans, finding “42% ‘extremely,’ and 21% ‘very,’ proud to be an American”, though these percentages were down from the all-time highs, during late 2002 and until our 2003 invasion of Iraq, of 69% “Extremely proud,” and 21% “Very proud,” to be an American. 
On 31 March 2020, Geopolitics Alert bannered “Saudis Air Drop Masks Contaminated with COVID-19 into Yemen”, and reported that “The United States plays a pivotal role in the Saudi war against Yemen. Washington provides troops, training, fighter jets, fuel for warplanes, and precision-guided smart missiles to Riyadh specifically for their war against Yemen. Furthermore, the United States also supplies logistical support for selecting airstrikes, intelligence, and troops for manning airstrike command centers.” Moreover, before the U.S. and its allies had coronavirus-19 to use as a weapon, Geopolitics Alert had headlined, back on 27 July 2018, “The US-backed Coalition in Yemen is Trying to Trigger Another Massive Cholera Epidemic”. Obviously, therefore, eliminating America’s aristocracy would benefit not only Americans, but the entire world. 
America’s Government leads a “coalition” or “alliance” of gangsters. Any Government — such as the U.S. regime’s foreign allies — that adheres to U.S.-imposed sanctions, is thereby participating in international war-crimes, because the imposition of what are called “secondary sanctions” constitutes in today’s world the very first stage of international aggression, just before the coup-attempt stage, which comes before the final invasion stage (if no coup succeeds), and all of these international aggressions are war-crimes because they are not in retaliation for having been aggressed-against by any of those targeted nations. They’re not, at all, authentically defensive in nature. They’re based all, or almost all, on lies. Iraq didn’t invade America, Libya didn’t invade America. Syria didn’t invade America, Venezuela didn’t invade America. Iran didn’t invade America. Yemen didn’t invade America. China and Russia are up next, and neither of them ever invaded America. All of those sanctions are purely aggressive; they’re all international war-crimes. Any government that participates in them should likewise be prosecuted by the International Criminal Court. Only a unified world can stand against the Nazi regime of today, which is the U.S. Government. U.S.-and-allied Governments should go to hell, because they already actually are there.
Imperialism needs to end, and it needs to end now. Slaves were brought to and sold in America only because that was part of imperialism — originally, British imperialism. Racism is part of the system. 
If the International Criminal Court won’t put its foot down now against the world’s worst imperialist, the U.S. Government, then it should just quit, terminate its ongoing charades; and the imperialistic fascist regime in Washington should publicly announce that it’s quitting the U.N., so that the public throughout the world might respond appropriately — by demanding international boycotts of all U.S. brands, and by demonstrating against any visiting U.S. official: total isolation of the world’s leading fascist nation. Why not?  Does no foreign nation possess the courage? The basic decency? And why can’t the governmental officials in U.S.-allied nations be voted out of office and replaced by politicians who publicly condemn them for whoring their nation to the barbaric U.S. aristocracy?


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Why Iran won’t be broken

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So what’s goin’ on in Iran? How did the Islamic Republic really respond to Covid-19? How is it coping with Washington’s relentless “maximum pressure”?

These questions were the subject of a long phone call I placed to Prof. Mohammad Marandi of the University of Tehran – one of Iran’s premier, globally recognized analysts.

As Marandi explains, “Iran after the revolution was all about social justice. It set up a very elaborate health care network, similar to Cuba’s, but with more funding. A large hospital network. When the coronavirus hit, the US was even preventing Iran to get test kits. Yet the system – not the private sector – managed. There was no full shutdown. Everything was under control. The numbers – even contested by the West – they do hold. Iran is now producing everything it needs, tests, face masks. None of the hospitals are full.”

Expanding Marandi’s observations, Tehran-based journalist Alireza Hashemi notes, “Iran’s wide primary healthcare system, comprising public clinics, health houses and health centers is available in thousands of cities and villages”, and that enabled the government to “easily offer basic services”.

As Hashemi details, “the Health Ministry established a Covid-19 call center and also distributed protective equipment supplied by relief providers. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei ordered the armed forces to help – with the government deploying 300,000 soldiers and volunteers to disinfect streets and public places, distribute sanitizers and masks and conduct tests.”

It was the Iranian military that established production lines for producing face masks and other equipment. According to Hashemi, “some NGOs partnered with Tehran’s chamber of commerce to create a campaign called Nafas (“breath”) to supply medical goods and provide clinical services. Iran’s Farabourse, an over-the-counter stock market in Tehran, established a crowd funding campaign to purchase medical devices and products to help health workers. Hundreds of volunteer groups – called “jihadi” – started producing personal protective equipment that had been in short supply in seminaries, mosques and hussainiyas and even natural fruit juices for health workers.”

This sense of social solidarity is extremely powerful in Shi’ite culture. Hashemi notes that “the government loosened health-related restrictions over a month ago and we have been experiencing a small slice of normality in recent weeks.” Yet the fight is not over. As in the West, there are fears of a covid-19 second wave.

Marandi stresses the economy, predictably, was hurt: “But because of the sanctions, most of the hurt had already happened. The economy is now running without oil revenue. In Tehran, you don’t even notice it. It’s nothing compared to Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey or the UAE. Workers from Pakistan and India are leaving the Persian Gulf in droves. Dubai is dead. So, in comparison, Iran did better in dealing with the virus. Moreover, harvests last year and this year have been positive. We are more self-reliant.”

Hashemi adds a very important factor: “The Covid-19 crisis was so massive that people themselves have pitched in with effort, revealing new levels of solidarity. Individuals, civil society groups and others have set up a range of initiatives seeking to help the government and health workers on the front line of countering the pandemic.”

What a relentless Western disinformation campaign always ignores is how Iran after the revolution is used to extremely critical situations, starting with the eight-year-long Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s. Marandi and Hashemi are adamant: for older Iranians, the current economic crisis pales in comparison with what they had to put up with throughout the 1980s.

Made in Iran soars

Marandi’s analysis ties up the economic data. In early June, Mohammad Bagher Nobakht – responsible for planning Iran’s state budgets – told the Majlis (Parliament) that the new normal was “to sideline oil in the economy and run the country’s programs without oil.”

Nobakht stuck to the numbers. Iran had earned just $8.9 billion from the sale of oil and related products in 2019-20, down from a peak of $119 billion less than a decade ago.

The whole Iranian economy is in transition. What’s particularly interesting is the boom in manufacturing – with companies focusing way beyond Iran’s large domestic market towards exports. They are turning the massive devaluation of the rial to their advantage.

In 2019-20, Iran’s non-oil exports reached $41.3 billion. That exceeded oil exports for the first time in Iran’s post-revolutionary history. And roughly half of these non-oil exports were manufactured goods. Team Trump’s “maximum pressure” via sanctions may have led to total non-oil exports going down – but only by 7%. The total remains near historic highs.

According to Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) data published by the Iran Chamber of Commerce, private sector manufacturers were seriously back in business already in the first month following the relaxation of the partial lockdown.

The fact is Iranian consumer goods and industrial products – everything from cookies to stainless steel – are exported by small and medium enterprises to the wider Middle East and also to Central Asia, China and Russia. The myth of Iranian “isolation” is, well, a myth.

Some new manufacturing clusters bode well for the future. Take titanium – essential for myriad applications in military, aerospace, marine industries and industrial processes. The Qara-Aghaj  mine in Urmia, the provincial capital of West Azarbaijan, which is part of Iran’s mineral belt, including the country’s largest gold reserves, has tremendous potential.

Iran features in the Top 15 of mineral-rich countries. In January, after getting the technology for deep-level mining, Tehran launched a pilot project for extraction of rare earth minerals.

Still, Washington pressure remains as relentless as the Terminator.

In January, the White House issued yet another executive order targeting the “construction, mining, manufacturing, or textiles sectors of the Iranian economy.” So Team Trump is targeting exactly the booming private sector – which means, in practice, countless Iranian blue-collar workers and their families. This has nothing to do with forcing the Rouhani administration to say, “I can’t breathe”.

The Venezuelan front

Apart from a few scuffles between the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and the Health Ministry about China’s response to Covid-19, the Iran-China “comprehensive strategic partnership” (CSP) remains on track.

The next big test is actually in September. That’s when Team Trump wants to extend the UN arms embargo on Iran. Add to it the threat to trigger the snapback mechanism inbuilt in UNSC resolution 2231 – if other Security Council members refuse to support Washington and let the embargo expire for good in October.

China’s mission at the UN has stressed the obvious. The Trump administration unilaterally abandoned the JCPOA. Then it reimposed unilateral sanctions. Thus it has no right to extend the arms embargo or go for the snapback mechanism against Iran.

China, Russia and Iran are the three key nodes of Eurasia integration. Politically and diplomatically, their key decisions tend to be taken in concert. So it’s no wonder that was reiterated last week in Moscow at the meeting of Foreign Ministers Sergey Lavrov and Javad Zarif – who get along famously.

Lavrov said, “We will be doing everything so that no one can destroy these agreements. Washington has no right to punish Iran.”

Zarif for his part described the whole juncture as “very dangerous”.

Additional conversations with Iranian analysts reveal how they interpret the regional geopolitical chessboard, calibrating the importance of the axis of resistance (Tehran, Baghdad, Damascus, Hezbollah) in comparison with two other fronts: the US and its “stooges” (the House of Saud, UAE, Egypt), the master – Israel – and also Turkey and Qatar, which, like Iran, but unlike the “stooges”, favor political Islam (but of the Sunni variety, that is, the Moslem Brotherhood).

One of these analysts, pen name Blake Archer Williams, significantly remarks, “the main reason Russia holds back from helping Iran (mutual trade is almost at zero) is that it fears Iran. If Trump does not have a Reagan moment and does not prevail on Iran, and the US is in any event driven out of the Middle East by the continuing process of Iran’s weapons parity and its ability to project power in its own pond, then all of the oil of the Middle East, from the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain, to Iraq, of course, and not least to the oilfields in Saudi Arabia’s Qatif region (where all the oil is and is 100% Shi’ite), will come under the umbrella of the axis of resistance.”

Still, Russia-China continue to back Iran on all fronts, for instance rebuking the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for giving in to US “bullying” – as the IAEA’s board last week passed a resolution submitted by France, Britain and Germany criticizing Iran for the first time since 2012.

Another key foreign policy front is Venezuela. Tehran’s soft power, in quite a spectacular manner keenly observed all across the Global South, de facto ridiculed Washington’s sanctions/blockade in its own Monroe Doctrine “backyard”, when five Iranian tankers loaded with gasoline successfully crossed the Atlantic and were received by a Venezuelan military escort of jets, helicopters, and naval patrols.

That was in fact a test run. The Oil Ministry in Tehran is already planning a round two of deliveries to Caracas, sending two or three cargos full of gasoline a month. That will also help Iran to offload its huge domestically produced fuel.

The historic initial shipment was characterized by both sides as part of a scientific and industrial cooperation, side by side with a “solidarity action”.

And then, this past week, I finally confirmed it. The order came directly from Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. In his own words: “The blockade must be broken”. The rest is – Global South – history in the making. 


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The gall: US now says “Assad can stay”, but crippling new sanctions imposed

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An dispatch
The empire is by no means abandoning its lethal grip on Syria

After more than a decade of fomenting conflict in Syria and calling for the removal of Syrian President Bashar Assad, the US envoy to the country has declared that Assad can be allowed to remain in power. The US has also imposed a new round of severe sanctions all but certain to cripple Syria's reconstruction efforts. Rick Sanchez discuses Washington's bombshell policy reversal before Investigative journalist Ben Swann joins with the details. Then former Pentagon official Michael Maloof and former UK MP George Galloway join Rick Sanchez to share their expertise. Several US states are breaking records for COVID-19 hospitalizations. RT America's Sayeh Tavangar reports the latest coronavirus numbers. Nearly 30 million people died defending the Soviet Union from German invaders during World War II. RT’s Murad Gazdiev and Saskia Taylor join from Moscow to report on the 75th anniversary celebration, parade and air show commemorating Victory Day. As nightlife returns to the UK, pubs are going to begin registering customers in order to track the spread of COVID-19. RT's Shadia Edwards-Dashti reports on the changes sweeping the UK as it struggles to reopen its economy.


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Do people get the government they deserve? 


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Militants Launch Massive Drone Attack On Russian Airbase In Syria

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US/Israel/Turkey-backed & Encouraged Militants Launch Massive Drone Attack On Russian Airbase In Syria 

A dispatch from South Front

Late on June 22, Russian air defense units repelled a massive drone attack on Russia’s Hmeimim air base in Syria. According to local sources, Russian Pantsir and Tor systems launched almost two dozen missiles at unmanned aerial vehicles launched by militants from the southern part of the Idlib de-escalation zone. Syria’s state-run news agency SANA reported that Syrian air defenses were also activated in the Jableh area of Latakia province, where the Russian airbase is located.

Firefights between the Syrian Army and Turkish-led forces broke out near the village of Abu Rasin in the province of al-Hasakah. According to pro-government sources, the fighting erupted when Turkish-backed militants tried to set on fire crops being grown in nearby fields.

Earlier, the Damascus government accused pro-Turkish forces of intentionally burning crops in the area of Turkey’s Operation Peace Spring and nearby areas in order to pressure farmers that do not want to pay bribes to pro-Turkish militants.

The Turkish Army and the Russian Military Police regularly conduct joint patrols along the contact line between Turkish-backed forces and the Syrian Army in northeastern Syria. This allows to prevent the sides from initiating large-scale offensive operations against each other. However, the situation on the ground remains tense.

On June 22, pro-government locals blocked a US military convoy near the village of Fares Kabir in the Syrian province of al-Hasakah. The protesters burned a US flag and forced the convoy to retreat from the area. Positions of the Syrian Army near Kafr Mus, Kawkabah and as-Safah in southern Idlib came under fire from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its allies early on June 23. Pro-militant sources claim that several army troops were either injured or killed.

On June 21, Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement released a new video threatening Israel with a retaliation strike on its strategic facilities in the event of a new escalation.

“Today, we can not only hit the city of Tel Aviv but also, if God wills it and with His help, we can hit very precise targets within Tel Aviv and anywhere in occupied Palestine,” Nasrallah can be heard as saying during the video.

Israel is pretty sensitive towards such threats and uses them to justify the continuing military campaign against Iranian-backed forces.

In its own turn, Hezbollah often intensifies its propaganda efforts against Israel as the situation in the region is once again heading to a military confrontation or its leadership expects possible Israeli hostile actions that would impact its interests. 


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