Drones, Sanctions and the Prison Industrial Complex

=By= Brian Terrell


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Editor's Note
This is a political prisoner's look inside a minimum security prison. I believe that Terrell offers enough caveats of his own and I need add no more. I think that we would all do well to ask what has happened to our freedom of speech, including our rights as citizens to both gather in large numbers as well as speak as we wish without ending up behind bars. If we effectively outlaw dissident speech, then we are no democracy at all. Hence all of the push back on Colin Kaepertnick and the threat by the police to boycott their duties of protection at 49er's games, certainly rings a sour note. True a different situation, but tied at heart to the same rights to free speech - particularly political speech. With Terrell's situation, we also have the bizarre situation where someone protesting murder is locked up while those committing murder are draped in the flag and given a hero's welcome. It would do "the public" well to ask some reflective questions.

In the final weeks of a six month prison sentence for protesting remote control murder by drones, specifically from Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, I can only reflect on my time of captivity in light of the crimes that brought me here. In these ominous times, it is America’s officials and judges and not the anarchists who exhibit the most flagrant contempt for the rule of law and it is due to the malfeasance of these that I owe the distinction of this sabbatical.

As I share in the perspectives gained from residing in the federal prison camp in Yankton, South Dakota, it is important to disclose that as a political prisoner sent up on trumped misdemeanor charges for a few months, my situation is not the same as my fellow inmates! All nonviolent “offenders”, most by far are prisoners of the war on drugs and most are serving sentences of many years. I also try to avoid the temptation to exaggerate the hardships and privations I’ve suffered here. Certainly, doing time in a minimum security camp is easier time than in most other kinds of jails. If basic necessities are barely met, they are met. I am in good company and time is passing with little drama and without fear. For me, these months have been more a test of patience than of courage.

Still, this is a hard place to be in many ways and it would be wrong to minimize what people suffer here. Among these are the basic humiliation of being numbered and then counted at intervals through the day, frequent shakedowns, random frisks (stranger’s fingers fumbling with a lacerated heart, Solzhenitsyn remembered) and strip searches, separation from family and friends, severely limited visits, intercepted mail and interrupted phone calls, incessant noise and overcrowding, petty rules arbitrarily enforced.

The regime here is one of omnipresent and unrelieved bureaucracy. What I am experiencing over a few months as inconvenience and minor irritation, cumulative over years can amount to a crushing and ruinous burden.

“A concentration camp is the complete obliteration of privacy,” wrote Czech novelist Milan Kundera. It is “a world in which people live crammed together constantly, night and day. Brutality and violence are secondary, and not the least indispensible characteristics.”

At Yankton and in camps and prisons like it, the federal government has achieved the complete obliteration of privacy as the drug war has increased America’s already bloated prison population sevenfold over the last twenty years. No country locks up more of its citizens for so long sentences as the United States and it can be said, too, that the government is taking strides to extend the obliteration of privacy to the general population.

What the government has not been able to accomplish by locking up suspected drug users and dealers by the thousands is any reduction in addiction or in the sale and use of illegal drugs. There is little doubt that jailing drug related “criminals” causes more and not less drug use and crime and yet the so-called criminal justice system is expending an increasingly greater fortune in human and material resources on prisons, contrary to the ends of public safety or rehabilitation.

Before he retired, President Eisenhower warned of the emergence of a self-perpetuating “military industrial complex” producing weapons and provoking conflict for the sake of ensuring a market for more weapons. Likewise, America is increasingly in the grip of what some call a “prison industrial complex,” building and filling prisons for the purpose of ensuring fodder for more prisons.

The United States government does not run its foreign policy on any more enlightened or humane premise than it does its prisons.

The refrain “we are creating enemies faster than we are killing (or capturing) them” is a bit of truth that gets leaked to the media occasionally in recent years. Sometimes the sentiment is voiced by even the most senior military commanders and applied variously to any of several strategies, including night raids in Afghanistan, check points in Iraq, the prison at Guantánamo, and drone attacks in Yemen and Pakistan.

As with prisons, United States military and diplomatic policies run contrary to their stated objectives of peace and public safety and yet they persist with little question. Prisons and the military, America’s dominant institutions, exist not to bring healing to domestic ills or relief for foreign threats but to exacerbate and manipulate them for the profit of the wealthiest few, at great cost and peril for the rest of us.

One of many discouraging moments of the presidential campaign that ended just before I surrendered to authorities here in November, was in a debate where Mr. Obama stated that Americans need to “decide for themselves” whose sanctions against Iran would be “more crippling,” his or Mr. Romney’s. This was an obscene and unacceptable choice.

Sanctions are portrayed as a diplomatic alternative to war but in their application can be as lethal, warfare by another name. Sanctions that extend beyond trade in armaments to include embargoes on food, medicine, educational materials, and other necessities of life can constitute weapons of mass destruction in themselves.

It is often said that such comprehensive and indiscriminant sanctions make prisons of the countries targeted with them. While the regime of sanctions against inmates here at Yankton is less severe than the brutal conditions I witnessed in Iraq in 1998 or that the United States imposes on the people of Iran or Gaza (by proxy), the comparison is apt. Sanctions and prisons are both about imposing economic and social isolation and both can raise levels of tension and fear when applied without conscience.

Meaningful employment, decent housing, support of loved ones, education and self-respect would be helpful responses to the scourge of addiction and the crimes that ensue from it. Providing these for people at risk would be a priority for a responsible society but all these are robbed from inmates in federal prisons. Threats of war and terrorism are provoked by sanctions and invasions and can be countered only by addressing root causes.

“What father,” Jesus asked, “would give a stone to a child who asks for bread?” We know the answer and it is to our shame.

“The choice is no longer between violence and non-violence,” said Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As resources dwindle, the climate warms and nuclear arms proliferate, even more clearly now than in King’s time, “the choice is between non-violence and non-existence.”

The quality of life and the very existence of all of us depends on the security and well being of each person, especially of those we label criminal or enemy. The admonition from the Hebrew book of Proverbs to give food to our enemies when they are hungry and drink to them when they are thirsty, echoed in the Sermon on the Mount and the universal Golden Rule to treat others as we would be treated is no romantic, unobtainable dream. “Love is the only solution” to the human predicament, said Dorothy Day. Love in our time has become a hard, pragmatic, gritty requisite for survival.

Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 2.38.28 PMBrian Terrell, a Catholic Worker and Co-Coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence will be released from prison on May 24, 2013. After that he can be reached at brian@vcnv.org.

Source: Z-Commentary.


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Denmark: Return of the Vikings

Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 2.38.28 PMRon Ridenour
Author, Activist, Journalist


Diorama with Vikings at Archaeological Museum in Stavanger, Norway

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Editor's Note
We come to the end of an insightful journey; a case study of the sweep of history from democratic socialism to conservative US vassal state and now (hopefully) a push back to sanity as people realize the damage of the treads of monopolistic capitalism. This series may be eye opening to the passing U.S. reader coming from a nation which eschews history, and travels in a perpetual present that is defined and redefined by propagandists of the highest order. Here, Ridenour has integrated the roots of a people into the present struggles to maintain a free society.

Scandinavia on the Skids: The Failure of Social Democracy

(Part 7 of a 7 part series on Scandinavia “Socialism”)

Illegally I stepped upon the Royal Family’s castle grass in central Copenhagen during the flagday ceremony (September 5, 2013) honoring Danish voluntary soldiers’ return from their war in Afghanistan. My sign read and my voice shouted: Stop the War! War Criminal Mercenaries!

An angry civilian rushed up behind me and placed an iron grip over my mouth. The large man was quickly accompanied by a soldier and police who dragged me away. I refused to agree to not demonstrate again and was jailed for six hours so that Social Democrat Prime Minister Helle Thorning Schmidt could honor her warriors unbothered. I was later fined several hundred dollars for “disorderly conduct” and “refusal to obey orders”.

The daily “lunch” newspaper BT ran a photograph of the civilian man’s hands “iron grip”, and a short article. Its reporter, Oliver Otte Okstroem interviewed me after jail.

“The media tells us that Danes are the happiest people in the world at the same time they murder people in other countries without provocation. That is deplorable, sad and immoral,” reporter Okstroem cited me.

Why Viking Warriors are revered

Shortly after arriving in Denmark, in the summer of 1980, Grethe took me to see an outdoor Viking theater, complete with poetry and sword fighting. I learned that their North Germanic language, Old Norse, became the mother-tongue of present-day Scandinavian languages and is still practiced mainly in its original form in Iceland. The Danish, Norwegian and Swedish Vikings ruled Scandinavia for three centuries, 8th-11th. In the 8th century, Scandinavians began to build long warships and sail on raiding expeditions thus initiating the Viking Age.

Danes invade England

Danes about to invade England. From “Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund” from the 12th century.

Vikings are revered for their skills as sea voyagers, explorer-conquerors, traders, craftsmen and farmers. Vikings were also poets, artists and lawmakers. Their general assembly was called the Ting, which laid the basis for the modern parliament “Folketing”.

Viking culture embodied three classes: the economic power elite; farmers and craftsmen, who were also armed warriors; and slaves without rights—many were conquered people, many Christians.

Women were freer than in most cultures of the times. They ran the farms while their men went off to plunder first in the British Isles, then further on to Scotland, Ireland, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland (the first Europeans to land in North America), France, Spain, Sicily, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. They mostly traded in the Middle East rather than conquering. They sailed further on to the Ukraine, the Baltics and Russia. In fact, the term Russia comes from the Swedish “Rus”, meaning Viking.

Vikings killed English Monks in their abbeys, drown them in the sea or enslaved them. Descendants of the Viking chieftain Rollo conquered England during the 1066 Norman Conquest. In 911, Vikings from Denmark-Norway came to northern France, Normandy (meaning “men of the north” in Scandinavian). Rollo made an alliance with the French King Charles the Simple. He became the duke of Normandy in return for converting to Christianity and defending north France against other Viking warriors. Among his descendants was the Duke of Normandy (1030), later known as William the Conqueror or William the Bastard. He led troops from Normandy and Breton to England, in 1066, and became the new king of a more united England.

Although the chronicles of medieval England portrayed them as rapacious “wolves among sheep”, the Vikings became the ruling aristocracy of Anglo-Saxon England, and the rulers of the British Empire. Today, Vikings are well viewed in the eyes of average Brits and Scandinavians. Their contemporary rulers have inherited the Viking thirst for warring, and the working people have incorporated their productive and artistic skills.

Viking Village ReenactmentDenmark has a Viking museum, university studies, several Viking camps, theaters, reconstruction documentaries, souvenirs and clothing. Viking summer camps and entertainment events also exist in the US, euphoric for the “fierce and ruthless pirates”. http://www.ingebretsens.com/culture/history/the-vikings-and-the-viking-era

The Russians are Coming

In the spring of 2016, the Danish government and parliament were preparing to buy 27 F-35 jet bombers; send more troops to Afghanistan for “Operation Enduring Freedom”; send 460 army personnel, including special fighting units, along with seven F-16s to Syria and Iraq; send hundreds of troops and jets to Poland and Baltic countries on a rotating basis; and participate in the largest NATO war exercise there since the end of the Cold War. Its 31,000 troops played at “what if” Russia attacked these NATO countries, which would be an asinine fiasco with no foreseeable military or political advantage. (See my piece, “Denmark: SOS Save Our Sovereignty”)

Since the new war jets were to cost more than an entire annual military budget, raising fears of even more social welfare cutbacks, Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen promised the people that no more taxes would be appropriated for the military. The aircraft would be paid for over some years from the regular “defense” budget.

Opinion polls showed that between 53 and 59% of Danes opposed using their taxes for new war planes. So politicians had to find a good reason. All but one of the nine parties in parliament, aided and abetted by most of the mass media, howled: “The Russians are coming”. They claimed that the Russians were so audacious that they were watching from northern skies and waters what the Scandinavian military might be doing that could threaten them. As usual, the Swedes were seeing Russian submarine ghosts in their waters, albeit they were ephemeral.

Within the month of May, Danish opinion fell from a high of 59% against buying the new jet-bombers to only 37% against.

Then came the July 8-9 NATO meeting. Denmark’s leaders reversed their promise and pledged “solidarity” with the easily frightened Baltic peoples and Poles, and agreed to increase Denmark’s military budget by an unspecified amount, plus sending 200 additional troops to Estonia.

As PM Lars Løekke told those assembled, “We line up when called upon!”

The “Weekendavisen” weekend newspaper wrote (July 15): “NATO countries agreed to send an important political message to Russia”, which is characterized as “more dangerous” today than during the Cold War. So, four battalions (2000-3000 troops) will “protect” NATO countries Poland and the Baltic Three on a permanent basis.

NATO will do more to support and train its allies in Afghanistan after 15 years of meaningless war, and commit greater efforts to fight IS, albeit without cooperating with Russia. Though Russia is doing most of the fighting against terrorist groups in Syria, the West is unhappy since some of the terrorists are their own comrade “democratic” fighters against the Assad regime.

Denmark will be especially used to strengthen defense of the Artic area against “Russian aggression”. Once delivered, the atom-bomb-capacity F-35s will patrol the Artic as well as Poland, the Baltic countries, Afghanistan, the Middle East, and Ukraine.

There was some criticism about Denmark only allotting 1.2% of its GDP to its military when the goal for all NATO countries is two percent. Donald Trump and other leading figures in the US are opposed to financing NATO with 70% of its budget. Trump wants Europe “to do more”. But Danish leaders point out that with its 460 troops fighting the Islamic State it is among the top five of the 66-nation coalition providing military might pre capita, and also among the top five in military expenditures per capita. Its steady military presence in Afghanistan is unprecedented for a small state and unique among all of Scandinavia. And it now has 73 weapons firms whereas before 9/11 it only had five.

Additional areas of cooperation between Denmark and other NATO countries will include more military might in much of Africa, more cyber war intelligence, and support for transnational corporation agreements: TTIP, CETA, TISA—all linked with the US’s Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The key to these deals is that corporations can overrule national government rules and laws that curtail profits regardless of how much this could harm the environment or workers rights.

Furthermore, in the past two years Denmark has nearly ceased all support for peace research projects, cut way back on its contributions to underdeveloped countries diverting them to funding refugee shelters, cut back 50% of its funding to climate change reduction projects, and sliced 30% to UN social projects.

When Danish political and military chieftains returned to their country from the Warsaw NATO summit, the Viking summer games were in full swing.

Transparency Be Damned

Frank Grevil

Frank Grevil

Major Frank Grevil, an analyst in the defense ministry’s secret service (FE), had a democratic consciousness. On February 22, 2004, the major leaked FE documents showing that the ministry had found no evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (WMD), in contrast to what the then PM Anders Fogh Rasmussen (Fogh) assured the public. Claiming that Saddam Hussein possessed WMD, and would presumably use them, was a major excuse to declare war.

Upon becoming a whistle-blower, Grevil resigned from the military. The government charged him with unpatriotically leaking secret documents. A year later during Grevil’s trial, Socialist People’s Party (SF) leader Villy Soevndal sat in court as a supporter. He even signed a petition calling upon others to commit similar acts of civil disobedience. Soevndal was pleased to keep company with US whistle-blower and peace activist Daniel Ellsberg, who had come to Denmark to offer his support. Despite the exposure of lies the nation’s leaders were peddling, which caused the deaths of untold numbers of Iraqis and eight Danish soldiers, it was Grevil who went to prison for four months.

Villy Soevndal

Villy Soevndal (2007). Photo: Christian Johannesen

Ironically, peace supporter Soevndal worked his way into the Social Democrat-led war government just six years after the court case. He became secretary of state. One of his main jobs was to enthusiastically support the US-UK-Denmark wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan. By then, Fogh had been promoted to NATO’s top warring post as secretary-general. Today, he is foreign affairs consultant to Ukraine’s president and Goldman Sachs consultant in Denmark.

One of the few decent things the S.D.-Soevndal government did was to launch a commission to investigate what occurred during the war against Iraq, what were motives for it and did the Danish military conduct or ignore torture of captured persons. By the time the Liberal party took state power, in the summer of 2015, the commission had gathered 70,000 documents, some of which dealt with these controversial matters.

The new government immediately locked down the commission. Using the Freedom of Information Act (FIA) enacted by S.D., it refused to release any information gathered either to the public or most parliamentarians.

In June 2016, Norway released a government commission report about its involvement in the Afghanistan war. It concluded that Norway’s 13-year engagement had not led to any significant improvements, but it did please the US government and thereby assured a fruitful alliance with the US and NATO. The cost was “only” the loss of ten soldiers and $3 billion.

A month later, the British Chilcot commission was finally forthcoming after seven years. The conservative TV network CNN reported that it was “a devastating indictment of Britain’s decision to invade Iraq”, finding that the war was based on “flawed intelligence and had been launched before diplomatic options were exhausted.” http://edition.cnn.com/2016/07/06/europe/uk-iraq-inquiry-chilcot-report/

The 2.6 million-word Iraq Inquiry was released with a statement by probe chairman John Chilcot. The former civil servant said that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein posed “no imminent threat” when the U.S-led invasion was launched in March 2003. The “strategy of containment” could have continued for some time.

“Chilcot said former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was warned of the risks of regional instability and the rise of terrorism before the invasion of Iraq, but pressed on regardless”, CNN reported. Chilcot added: “The people of Iraq have suffered greatly.”

This inquiry came to the same conclusion as did the Norway investigation concerning its government’s war in Afghanistan: desire to “protect the UK’s relationship with the United States”.

The Danish government did not want the same procedure to happen so it stopped the Danish inquiry. However, under mounting pressure for some sort of account, a year later it announced that an appointed committee would “describe” events during the wars in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. There would be no digging into motives for the wars, or alleged torture by or complicity with torture on the part of Danish military. Information concerning Fogh’s presumed agreement to back a future war in Iraq when he visited US leaders in Washington a full year before the outbreak of the war was also forbidden.

But whistle-blowing is catching on and some of the 70,000 documents got leaked. “Politiken” obtained some. It wrote, on July 2, that Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen had met with then Vice-Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz at the Pentagon, on March 27, 2002. Fogh was asked what Denmark would do if the US decided to invade Iraq for some reason or another. He replied: Denmark will “indubitably offer its support.”

Opposition politicians clamored for release of the documents. The parliament has an ombudsman, who took the matter up. He announced, July 13, that the documents will not be released due to protecting relations with foreign governments (US), and cited a clause in the FIA that permits parliament to keep public records “inaccessible to parties with no part in the cases in question.”

That means that the entire public, and almost all members of Parliament, have “no part” in knowing what its government does or why it does it. Denmark has learned from Big Daddy “over there”.

Defense Academy Professor Peter Viggo Jacobsen explained: “Denmark and Norway feel good maintaining their friendship with the Americans; not so well, however, with combating terror…and creating stability and democracy in the [countries in question],” as “Politiken” wrote, June 7, 2016.

Jacobsen had earlier stated that the war didn’t have to do with Afghanistan rather that “We want them to continue to pick up the telephone in Washington…When one says that the Danish efforts have been a success it is because they love us in Washington today.”

From lovers of peace to Viking warriors again

It has become quite a “natural part of our everyday that once again we are on the way to war,” explained Vibeke Schou Tjalve, senior researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies, to “Politiken”, October 1, 2014.

The transition to war-lovers started after two centuries of peace-seeking when the Conservative Prime Minister Poul Schlüter took power from Social Democrat Anker Joergensen. Schlüter called a special election in May 1988, shortly after assuming state power, because parliament had passed a resolution requiring the government to inform visiting warship captains that Denmark’s three-decade anti-atomic weapons policy bans nuclear weapons on its land and waters. Instead, the right-wing government insisted on uncritical support for the US and NATO and opposed the law, which the Social Democrats had backed.

Sven Auken was Anker Joergensen’s replacement as S.D chair. Auken asked Schlüter to send a letter to a US ship captain docked at Copenhagen’s harbor, simply to inform him that the law prohibited nuclear weapons. There was no request to board or inspect the ship. A reply would suffice. President Ronald Reagan informed Denmark, in no uncertain terms, that no such letter would be accepted. The US, along with Britain, temporarily suspended warship visits to Denmark.

The special election was closely watched by foreign governments. Former US military officers, turned critical of nuclear weapons, also played a role. Retired Admiral Eugene Carroll said during a visit to Copenhagen that 80% of US warships carry nuclear weapons, and refused to remove them when sailing into Danish waters.

Nevertheless, the government made surprising gains in the election, and the law was not enforced. From then on, the 8 year-old Danish “footnote policy” opposing nuclear missiles in Europe was effectively ended. An “activist foreign policy” was adopted. US’s Gulf War was Denmark’s first military engagement. On August 2, 1990 Denmark sent its Olfert Fischer corvette to blockade Iraq to relieve US and UK warships.

Denmark’s richest man, A.P. Moeller-Maersk (APMM) is also the world’s biggest ship owner. He was disappointed that his government offered so little to US’s war that he demanded he deal directly with the US military to aid it. Both governments immediately gave him the green light.

Arnold Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller

Arnold Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller

APMM sent dozens of ships to transport half-a-million US troops and armaments free of charge. This bought him future war contracts in the many billions.

Maersk Alabama

The Maersk Alabama flying US colors (Nuestr Mar)

The one-man navy has his own shipping line, Maersk Line Limited (MLL) in Norfolk, Virginia. His 56 ships there fly the US stars and stripes. Twenty-two of them are used directly by the US for military operations. MLL employs 4000 people who proudly serve US national security interests.

When Lockheed Martin decided to build 1,763 F-35 super jets following the 9/11 attacks, A.P. Moeller-Maersk was right there. He offered the project, Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), his ships and expertise, and this brought the Danish government into the picture, one of eight countries to get a piece of JSF action. Danish weapons firms got contracts to build gun-pods and other parts. Danish taxpayers coughed up at least a half-billion dollars of taxes for JSF. The defense ministry sent Colonel Per Lyse Rasmussen to Washington as a go-between US and Danish weapons firms. APMM Sealands ships were contracted to sail parts from around the world to Lockheed Martin’s factory in Forth Worth, Texas. So, the decision to buy that aircraft instead of any other allegedly in the running had already been made in the early 2000s. (1)

Since the Gulf War, the defense ministry maintains that its mission is no longer one of just defense but to carry out international tasks for “peace, democracy and human rights”. Its next mission was to assist Germany in breaking up Yugoslavia, which succeeded by dividing the socialistic-led state into five separate capitalist states, in the 1990s.

November 8, 1992, 170 soldiers and observers set up headquarters in Bosnia. Denmark was under UN peace-keeping missions and under NATO fighting missions until March 1995.At the end of the 90s, Denmark participated in Kosovo conflicts on the side of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). It was a drug-smuggling band and had recently been on US and European terrorist lists. But when KLA attacked socialist-led Serbian forces, it became an ally. The US Committee for Refugees reported that KLA aimed at “cleansing the ethnic Serbian population”.

It is hard to know how many Danes were wounded or killed, but at least five deaths have been confirmed. Twenty thousand to 27,000 Danes fought in the Balkans. (These figures include return tours). Hundreds of them experienced PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), and some committed suicide. In all the wars since 11/9 that Denmark has participated in, 47 veterans have committed suicide, at least 61 were killed (eight in Iraq), and hundreds wounded.

Former soldiers and their families have protested that the government did little to care for their emotional breakdowns. Between 7 and 9 July, 2016, a tragic result of that neglect took place when a 42 year-old Balkan war veteran murdered his parents. He beat them with his fists, hammered and cut them with a hatchet, then drove their bodies around in the back of his car for three days.

“Danes look over the whole globe now,” wrote the Defense Ministry in 2015. “The army contributes in Kosovo, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan,” and since then in Syria and Mali. Denmark sent pilots and six F-16s to Libya. They flew more war missions (600) than most of the 14 Western countries involved, dropping over 1000 bombs and did not meet any resistance. Queen Margrethe II received total media coverage for her remark: “One relies on us and one can”, referring to US of A wars naturally. I considered this cowardly behavior and was so quoted in the BT daily.

Denmark even sent a few soldiers to South Korea for military maneuvers last year alongside 200,000 South Korean troops, 30,000 US soldiers and thousand more from the UK, Australia, Canada, and France—thereby agitating North Koreans.

Since Danish soldiers must volunteer to go abroad to fight wars, and not all of the 20,000 soldiers do so, the military now enlists the Home Guard for foreign adventures. Until recently, the Home Guard existed only for defense.

When it came to George Bush’s war in Iraq, Fogh’s government went overboard by actually declaring war. This was the first time Denmark was officially at war since 1864 when it declared war against Prussia and Austria. Denmark had foolishly hoped to take two duchies at the German border, Holstein and Slesvig. This was a total disaster. The invasion of Iraq is a much greater disaster, a true tragedy for the entire population of 23 million people. The unprovoked war ruined the cradle of civilization.

Although Denmark claimed to withdraw its troops in 2007, it has continued to have a military presence there—“coalition of the willing” instructors for Iraqi allies, and now, once again, it has Special Forces there ready to kill.

Finally comes a question mark to all these war

Peace activism has been tepid for most of the years since 9/11 and the beginning of the “war on terror”. There have been exceptions, notably on February 15, 2003 when millions rallied in 600 cities in 60 countries, the largest protest event in human history. The purpose was to prevent the myopic Bush regime from invading Iraq following the takeover of Afghanistan.

Copenhagen peace

Copenhagen Peace Demonstration (emo-ware)

I was among 30-40,000 people in Copenhagen rallying before the seat of power. We were around 50,000 in all of Denmark, the largest demo since the Vietnam War. Some of the largest protests took place in Europe. The action in Rome of around three million was the largest in history, as so listed in the Guinness Book of World Records.

peace flags

Copenhagen peace flagd

Sources vary in their estimations of the number of participants involved. According to BBC News between six and eleven million people took part in protests over the weekend of February 15 and 16; other estimates range from eight million to thirty million.

But George Bush turned a deaf ear. He only cared about US oil, construction and weapons industry profit interests. A month after the world’s greatest outcry, he invaded the innocent nation. I think that after that we lost a lot of our energy. People just couldn’t comprehend how so many of us showing our desire for peace could be so ignored.

We have had a few less large demos since but, at least, in Denmark we haven’t had the indignation, determination and persistence that we had in Vietnam War days. No significant civil disobedience, no sabotage, no long marches—just rallies and short walks with a few signs, talks and music. The one exception is the score of dedicated Peace Guards who have passively stood before the Parliament and government building everyday since the invasion of Afghanistan. Sometimes the media covers their anniversaries now numbering 15; otherwise the media boycotts the tiny peace movement. I must conclude that we have had no effect on government policy all these 15 years.

Nevertheless some skepticism about these wars has begun in Denmark in the past few months. Some editors and a few politicians, mostly retired, are questioning their governments ceaseless catering to the interests of Washington, and Danish TV has run two critical documentaries.
Danish documentary filmmaker Mads Ellsoee produced “Children Soldiers’ New Job”, which public TV viewed in April. It opens with President Barack Obama saying: “We will maintain the best military fighting force the world has ever known”.

After Obama’s bravado we see how the US and the UK are using more mercenaries to fight their wars, mainly in Afghanistan. Some were children as young as 11 when forced to fight earlier in their countries.

We hear Uganda President Yowerei Museveni saying during a civil war in 1986: “In Africa, you learn to fight at four.” Museveni is still president, having suppressed numerous rebellions, civil wars and coup attempts. He is currently warring against the Congo. The West has feted him as “part of the new generation of African leaders.”

In the early years of the war against Iraq the US used professional adult mercenaries from such ill-reputed companies as “Blackwater”, which became more legitimate after changing its name to “Academy”. (Former Brazilian President Lula even used some of them). The British-run Aegis is a key mercenary company shown in the film, also Dyncorp, Beowulf, Garda and others. The numbers of paramilitary “firms” increased until it became too expensive to employ them. So, the war-makers began recruiting cheap labor from the third world.

Mercenary fans of former Chilean Dictator Pinochet cost $1000 a month, about the same as right-wingers from Peru and Colombia. Uganda mercenaries go for $600, but the cheapest are found in Sierra Leone for $250. After African mercenaries had been forced to fight as children during internecine wars, UK and US paramilitary firms came to recruit them for their government wars. By then, they were young men.

In the film, we hear several of them speak about why it was “necessary” to fight for money because they knew nothing else and there was no other work. Many of them hated it, some even cried about it. But life is cheap in Africa under neo-colonialization.

The film had such an impact on army captain Mads Silberg that he has been interviewed in newspapers, and he wrote a chronicle in “Politiken” (April 22). He strongly condemns states for using mercenaries and especially children or former children forced into armed struggle. Silberg’s arguments are professional and patriotic. He says that regular soldiers go to war to win, and do so with “pride of country”. Mercenaries go to war for money and not to win. If one wins then the war is over and so is the money.

Danish public television DR 1 made its own documentary in Afghanistan, “Skoler i Skudlinjen (Schools in the Firing Line), shown June 20. It exposes as false or exaggerated what Danish politicians claim as a key “success” in Afghanistan: more and better schools for more children and especially for girls.

Politicians say they have built or supported 270 schools at a cost of about $200 million. They say that under the government they support, upwards to 10 million children—out of a 30 million population—attend school and three million are girls. The film shows otherwise.

Many of the “Danish” schools are destroyed, others are uninhabitable, some were not built but the money went elsewhere, and others are under Taliban control with their teachers. Danish-supported schools that are in use have 50-60 students per teacher and 10-15 books. Money for books, for blackboards and general supplies are routinely stolen or never delivered.

The country is classified by the United Nations as the most corrupt in the world. It also grows most of the world’s heroin—something that did not exist when the Taliban was in power. The Taliban also allows some girls in schools but they teach their extreme version of Muslim culture and religion, rejecting Western teaching.

Denmark’s current Secretary of State Kristian Jensen admits that some Danish money ends in the wrong hands—that can mean government officials, local war lords, or Taliban hands. The Danish embassy does not control the flow of money nor do personnel inspect the schools, because “it is too dangerous” to go out there. Nevertheless, a Danish TV crew managed to visit schools. The journalists also interviewed a Danish general, who says that corruption is so rampant that he estimates only 5% of Danish “development funds” are used as designed.

Afghanistan government officials routinely falsify the numbers of schools and students, in order to receive foreign aid, estimated at between 65 and 90% of its entire expenditures.

Afghanistan is Denmark’s greatest recipient of development funding, “Politiken” wrote, December 30, 2014. Besides funding schools, Denmark has spent over $3 billion in 2002-14, and more since then. Most of it funding pays for military ventures, including: about 1000 war jet missions, tanks, machineguns, grenades, canons, surveillance drones (bought from Israel and the US), plus over 10,000 soldier tours of combat, home guards and police. Denmark has helped kill about 30,000 Afghans and rendered two-thirds of the population mentally sick, according to Afghanistan’s health ministry. Forty-three Danish soldiers have been killed and 200 wounded.

According to DR film sources, Taliban is stronger today than when it was overthrown in 2001-2.

In the July 22 issue of the “Weekendavisen” four former secretaries of state commented on the state of the world given the hot summer of: brexit, a failed coup in Turkey, terror come to several European cities, the massive influx of refugees fleeing the West’s wars followed by fanatic Islamists’ terror and European-Trump right-wing populism.

Former Secretaries of State Uffe Ellemann Jensen (liberal 1982-93), Niels Helveg Petersen (radical liberal 1993-2000), Mogens Lykketoft (social democrat 2000-01), and Holger K. Nielsen (people’s socialist 2013-14) all agreed that the war against Iraq was a failure, some said it was “a catastrophe”. They also agreed that much of Danish foreign affair problems are self-applied, and that foreign policy ought not be so “activist”.

This echoes what the Liberal government’s “foreign and security policy examiner” Peter Taksoee-Jensen concluded in his May 2016 report. He was commissioned to examine what policy ought to be applied given that Russia has taken back the Crimea, and terrorism is spreading. He emphasized that Denmark’s policies should first of all serve Danish interests, implying that it should not first and foremost be what the United States asks of it.

That is a dramatic new twist since Poul Schluter’s governments (1982-93) when Uffe Elleman Jensen was secretary of state. Elleman Jensen told “Weekendavisen” that Denmark has used too much “war rhetoric”, and the war in Libyan was “hopeless”.

The conservative “Weekendavisen” and the more liberal “Politiken” apparently agree that the war against Iraq was an error, not that it was immoral. “Weekendavisen’s” editorial of July 8 concerning the war against Iraq pointed out that the Chilcot report shows that Brits had all too little to say whenever the US decided they should go to war. It also admitted that the terrorist Islamic State is led by former officers of the regular Iraqi army under Hussein’s government, a direct result of the West’s aggressive failed war.

Furthermore, the editorial lamented that Iraq had then been a “well ordered” state, albeit “odious,” and that Iraq had been a “well ordered state” for many thousands of generations. But since Hussein’s fall, “the mafia has taken over”. It seems that the editors miss Saddam Hussein, although I’m sure they would protest my conclusion.

“Politiken’s”, international editor Michael Jarlner, whom I have known to be a keen fan of the United States, wrote (May 14): “Denmark has become a warring nation”, and with its “activist foreign policy” it automatically sees only a “military solution” to great problems.

Given this critique of Western wars, it seems to me that United States drone-President Barack Obama would not be as popular as he apparently is in Denmark. According to a YouGov inquiry last year, the greatest numbers of Danes chose him as the most admired man in the world, above their own Crown Prince Frederik.

“Metro” newspaper interviewed lifestyle expert Mads Christensen about this. He was taken aback by the results. “I view Obama as a fiasco.” “I think [the poll] shows a basic lack of critical sense and comprehension about what actually goes on beyond one’s own nose,” Christensen concluded.

Let Us Recognize Our Past To Change Our Present To Liberate Our Future

Let us return to my second piece in this series, “Roots to Social Democracy/Capitalism, Socialism” to find my conclusion. I hope it has become apparent that social democracy has failed to “reform” capitalism. Yes, it did give capitalism such a humane façade, and under pressure it did accept some work place and social improvements for most workers, at least in the Western world. But it did not change the greedy needs of the profiteering monster!

Social democracy did not prevent capitalism’s wars for unending expansion (that is, imperialism). It did not end hunger and starvation, or unnecessary diseases given modern medicines. It did not end slavery. It did not prevent the conditions that lead to millions fleeing their land of birth. It did not bring us equality and brother/sisterhood. It did not free us from alienation. It did not bring us love.


“Culture of Capitalism” (Puchner

Capitalists have decided they no longer need to “afford” the few benefits they had allowed “their” workers. They are taking them away from us so that they get to keep unlimited, untaxed profits without fussing with national state powers.

We must, therewith, create “a humane economic system based on cooperation and sharing,” to cite myself. Capitalism must be eliminated and replaced with a fully participatory struggle to build socialism where no one is rich as we know them today, and no one is poor, where no one’s voice is worthier than another.

I conclude with words from the final doomsday scene of “Melancholia”, a 2011 film directed by the world-famous Danish film-maker Lars Von Trier. I understand these words spoken by the character Justine as prophetic for what the very rich and powerful, and the indifferent, are doing to humanity and the Planet:

“Life is only on Earth; and not for Long. The earth is evil. We don’t need to grieve for it…Life on earth is evil.”

On the other hand, as our friend Leonard Cohen sings: “There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”

1. A.P. Moeller-Maersk died in 2012 but his daughter keeps his warring flagships intact.
Sources for this information and what follows comes from my 2015 booklet, “Danmark er i Krig: Goer Oproer” (Denmark is at war: rebel). http://www.tidtilfred.nu/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Danmark-er-i-krig-final-sh-v5.pdf . It was written for the peace group, “Tid til Fred: aktiv mod krig” (Time for Peace: active against war). Other sources are Defense Ministry reports and home pages from 2014-5, Defense Academy, government statements, Center for Suicide Research, and various newspapers. Everything is in Danish.

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Ron Ridenour
Ron Ridenouris the author of six books on Cuba including: “Backfire: The CIA’s Biggest Burn”, Cuba Beyond the Crossroads with Theodore MacDonald, and Cuba at Sea, plus other books such as "Yankee Sandinistas", “Sounds of Venezuela”, and “Tamil Nation in Sri Lanka”. He has lived and worked in Latin America including in Cuba 1988-96 (Cuba's Editorial José Martí and Prensa Latina), Denmark, Iceland, Japan, India. www.ronridenour.com; email: ronrorama@gmail.com


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War to ‘stop’ war: Libya’s ‘Operation Odyssey Lightning: The Obama Doctrine is Ravaging the Middle East

Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 2.38.28 PMRamzy Baroud, PhD
Politics for the People

Airstrokes won't defeat ISIS

Why US Airstrikes Won’t Defeat ISIS – TRNN

Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 2.38.28 PMEveryone seems to have a theory on how to obliterate ISIS, or ‘Daesh’. However, two points are rarely raised: one, concerning the origins of the group and the second, on whether there are genuine intentions to defeat it, in the first place.

We must boldly address the first to unravel the enigma behind the rise and growth of ‘Daesh’ – otherwise, how else can the group be dismantled.

We must contend with the second point before engaging in superfluous discussions about the most appropriate war strategy – that if war is, at all, the answer.

The questions are quite urgent yet, somehow, they are frequently overlooked, glossed over through some disingenuous logic or the blame is always placed somewhere else.

Now that the Americans have launched yet another aerial war against Libya, purportedly to target ‘Daesh’ positions there, the discussion is being carefully geared towards how far the US must go to defeat the militant group?

In fact, “can airstrikes alone win a war without ‘boots on the ground’?” has morphed, somehow, to become the crux of the matter, which has engaged a large number of intellectuals on both sides of the debate.

US media gurus, split between two equally war-mongering parties, love to jump at such opportunities to discredit one another, as if waging wars in other countries is an exclusively local American affair.

Days are long gone when the US labored to establish coalitions to wage war, as it did in Kuwait and Iraq in 1990-91 and, to a lesser extent, again, in Iraq in 2003. Now, wars are carried out as a matter of course. Many Americans seen to be unware, or oblivious to the fact, that their country is actually fighting wars on several fronts, and is circuitously involved in others.

With multiple war fronts and conflicts fermenting all around, many are becoming desensitized. Americans particularly have, sadly, swallowed the serum of perpetual war, to the extent that they rarely mobilize in any serious way against it.

In other words, a state of war has become the status quo.

Although the US Administration of President Barack Obama has killed thousands, the majority of whom were civilians, there is no uproar nor mass protests. Aside from the fact that the Obama brand was fashioned to appear as the peaceable contrast to warmongering George W. Bush, there has been no serious change in US foreign policies in the Middle East in any way that could suggest that one president is ‘better’ than the other.

Obama has simply continued the legacy of his predecessor, unhindered. The primary change that has occurred is tactical: instead of resorting to massive troops’ buildup on the ground with an assignment to topple governments, Obama has used airstrikes to target whoever is perceived to be the enemy, while investing in whoever he deemed ‘moderate’ enough to finish the job.

Like Bush’s preemptive ‘war on terror’, Obama’s doctrine has been equally disastrous.

Obama’s wars were designed to produce little or no American casualties, since they were almost entirely conducted from the air and via unmanned drones operated by remote control, sometimes thousands of miles way. That approach proved less taxing, politically. However, it worsened the situation on the ground, and instead of ending war, it expanded it.

While Bush’s invasion of Iraq revived al-Qaeda and brought it to the heart of the region, Obama’s aerial wars forced al-Qaeda to regroup, employing a different strategy. It rebranded itself, from militant cells to a ‘state’, sought swift territorial expansion, used guerrilla warfare when facing an organized army or is bombed from the sky, and carried out suicide bombings throughout the world to break the morale of its enemies and to serve its propaganda efforts aimed at keeping the recruits coming.

Considering that enemies of ‘Daesh’ are themselves enemies of one another, the group is assured that its existence, at least for the foreseeable future, is tenable.

The truth is that ‘Daesh’ thrives on military intervention because it was born from previous military interventions. It is expanding because its enemies are not in unison, as each is serving agendas that are rarely concerned with ending war, but rather seeing war as an opportunity to realize political gains.

With this logic in mind, one cannot expect the US ‘Operation Odyssey Lightning’, which officially began on August 1 in Libya, to achieve any results that could end up in stabilizing the country.

How could such ‘stability’ be projected, if it were not the US and other NATO members’ war on Libya in 2011 that has largely dismembered a once rich and relatively stable Arab country? Indeed, it was the vacuum left by subsequent conflicts that invited ‘Daesh’ to Sirte and other areas. Now, the US – and other western powers, led by the French – are applying unwinnable war tactics to stave off a messy crisis they had created themselves when they waged an earlier war.

Even if ‘Daesh’ is driven out of Sirte, it will find some other unstable environment elsewhere where it will spawn and wreak havoc. Sirte, in turn, will, likely, fall back into a state of bedlam where various militias, many of whom were armed by NATO in the first place, turn their guns against each other.

Without a whole new approach to the problem, the conflicts will certainly keep multiplying.

According to airwars.org, which keeps track of the war on ‘Daesh’, 14,405 coalition airstrikes against the group have been carried out in Iraq and Syria through 735 days of a relentless campaign. An estimated 52,300 bombs and missiles were dropped, although the number must be much higher, since there are numerous strikes that are never claimed by any party, thus are not officially recorded, as such.

This, of course, does not take into account Russia’s own aerial bombardment, or any party that is not officially part of the Western coalition.

But what good did this do, aside from killing many civilians, destroying massive infrastructure and spreading ‘Daesh’ further into the abyss of other vulnerable Middle East and North African spots?

There are few voices in the US media and government that seem serious about changing the perspective completely on the Bush-Obama war on terror. Sensible calls by the likes of Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate for President, that the root causes of terror must be addressed to end terrorism, rarely register in the halls of US government and Congress.

In January, the cost of the war on ‘Daesh’, as estimated by US Defense Department data has jumped by $2 million dollars a day to a total of $11 million. “The air war has cost the US about $5.5 billion total since it began in August 2014,” Business Insider reported. The escalation in Libya is likely to produce new, more staggering numbers soon.

Expectedly, this is a great time for business for those who benefit from war. Concurrently, the cycle of war and violence is feeding on itself with no end in sight.

“Hope in aerial bombardment as the prophylactic for peace is absurd,” Vijay Prashad, Professor of International Studies at Trinity College in Hartford, wrote recently about the futility of airstrike wars.

“It has given us instability and chaos. Other roads have to be opened. Other paths ceded.”

I couldn’t agree more.

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Ramzy Baroud, PhD
Dr. Ramzy BaroudHas been writing about the Middle East for over 20 years. He is an internationally-syndicated columnist, a media consultant, an author of several books and the founder of PalestineChronicle.com. His books include ‘Searching Jenin’, ‘The Second Palestinian Intifada’ and his latest ‘My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story’. His website is: www.ramzybaroud.net.


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Taking notes 63 : Differences between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 2.38.28 PMHenry A. Giroux
Cultural Critic and Public Intellectual

Trump Clinton

Donald Clinton (Posted at Not My Tribe)

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Editor's Note
The U.S. is clearly facing two terrible choices for President ... or are we? Giroux lambasts both these offerings from the duopoly, but please remember that there are other choices, but it is up to us to create them. We are at a momentous point in history where I feel that a third party candidate could have a real chance. In fact, Trumps ascension to the "Republican" candidate is an example of that. It is his presentation as being anti-Washington establishment that has brought him this far in the race - and that's with most folks finding him extremely distasteful. Please consider getting behind the Greens and Jill Stein.


What cannot be ignored is that Hilary Clinton has supported a war machine that has resulted in the death of millions, while also supporting a neoliberal economy that has produced massive amounts of suffering and created a mass incarceration state. Yet, all of that is forgotten as the mainstream press focuses on stories about Clinton’s emails and the details of her electoral run for the presidency. It is crucial to note that Clinton hides her crimes in the discourse of freedom and appeals to democracy while Trump overtly disdains such a discourse. In the end, state and domestic violence saturate American society and the only time this fact gets noticed is when the beatings and murders of Black men are caught on camera and spread through social media.

Where are the mainstream public outcries for the millions of Black and Brown people incarcerated in America’s carceral state? When the mainstream media can write and air allegedly objective stories about a fascist candidate who delights white nationalists and neo-Nazis, without highlighting that he advocates policies that are racist and constitute war crimes, it makes visible how America has forgotten what it should be ashamed of: the fact that we’ve built a society in which collective morality and the ethical imagination no longer matter. Comparisons to the 1930s matter but what counts even more is that they have been forgotten or are held in disdain. Much of the American public appears to have forgotten that totalitarian and white supremacist societies are too often legitimated by a supplicant mainstream media, cowardly politicians, right-wing and liberal pundits, academics and other cultural workers who either overlook or support the hateful bigotry of demagogues, such as Trump. What is also forgotten by many is the racist legacy of policies implemented by the Democratic Party that have resulted in a punitive culture of criminalization, incarceration and shooting of untold numbers of Black people.

Rather than engage in the masochistic practice of supporting Trump’s nativism, ignorance and bigotry, and his warlike fantasies of what it will take to make America great again, white workers who have been driven to despair by the ravaging policies of the financial elite and their shameless political and corporate allies should be in the streets protesting — not only against what is called establishment politics, but also the rise of an unvarnished neo-Nazi demagogue.

trumpConfederateEvidence of such complicity comes in many forms, some of which are wrapped in the discourse of a supine liberalism that bows down in the face of an authoritarianism largely driven by the ethos of white supremacy. One example can be found in an article by Sam Tanenhaus in The New York Times: “How Trump can save the G.O.P.” This stuff is hard to make up. In the article, Tanenhaus compares Trump to former presidents Eisenhower and Lyndon Johnson and praises him for the pragmatism of some of his economic policies — as if the spirit behind Trump’s policies had any relationship to the spirit that animated Eisenhower’s resistance to the military-industrial complex or to Johnson’s deep concern for eliminating poverty and dismantling racism in American society. Does it matter to Tanenhous that Trump is a bigot who wants to expel 11 million Mexicans, hates Muslims and speaks glowingly about instituting torture as president of the United States? Does it matter that Trump supports violence with a wink of the eye and is unapologetic about his huge following of neo-Nazis who are enthusiastic about waging a war against Black and Brown people? How is it possible to forget that, overall, Trump is a demagogue, misogynist, racist and bigot who is unequivocally dangerous to the promises and ideals of a democracy? Apparently, it is possible. Yes, the fascists and Nazis were also efficient, particularly in the end when it came to building a war machine and committing acts of genocide. So much for pragmatism without a conscience.

Trump is a real danger to the species, the country and the world in general. His views on war and climate change — along with the promise of violence against his enemies and his unapologetic racism, bigotry and hatred of constitutional rights — pose some of the greatest dangers to democracy and freedom the US has ever faced.

As Adam Gopnik says in an excellent article in The New Yorker, democracies do not simply commit suicide, they are killed by murderers, by people like Trump. Most expressions of support for Trump vastly underestimate the immediate danger Trump poses to the world and minorities of class, race and ethnicity. In contrast, while Hillary Clinton is a warmonger, a cheerleader for neoliberalism and a high-ranking member of the Democratic Party establishment, she is not threatening to take an immediate set of actions that would throw people of color, immigrants and working-class people under the bus. Instead, if she wins the election, she should be viewed as part of a corrupt financial and political system that should be overthrown. While posing danger on a number of economic, political and foreign fronts, Clinton would also expose by her actions and policies the mythological nature of the idea that democracy and capitalism are the same thing. Hopefully, all those young people who followed the dead-end of a Bernie Sanders movement — and the false suggestion that a political revolution can be achieved by reforming the Democratic Party — would seize on this contradiction. Sanders revitalized the discourse about inequality, injustice and the need to break down the financial monopolies, but he failed in choosing a political avenue in which such real and systemic change can come about.

Fighting for a Democratic Future

We live in a time in which people are diverted into a politics that celebrates saviors, denigrates democratic relations of power and policy, and provides a mode of escape in which heartfelt trauma and pain are used to mobilize people not into democratic movements but into venting their anger by blaming others who are equally oppressed. This signals a politics that kills both empathy and the imagination, a politics that uses pain to inflict further pain on others. Atomization on a global scale is a new form of invisible violence because it shackles people to their own experiences, cutting them off from a shared awareness of the larger systemic forces that shape their lives. Anger, indignation and misery need to take a detour through the ethical, political and social models of analysis that connect individual issues to larger social problems. Only then can we resist the transformation of grievances into a Trump-like version of American fascism.

Americans need to continue to develop broad-based movements that reject the established political parties and rethink the social formations necessary to bring about a radical democracy. We see this in the Black Lives Matter movement as well as in a range of other movements that are resisting corporate money in politics, the widespread destruction of the environment, nuclear war and the mass incarceration state. With hope, these important social movements will continue to break new ground in experimenting with new ways to come together and form broad-based coalitions between fragmented subgroups.

In the end, it’s vital to foster anti-fascist, pro-radical democracy movements that understand short-term and long-term strategies. Short-term strategies include participating in an electoral process to make sure a fascist or religious fundamentalist does not control a school board or gain leadership roles regarding public governance. Such practices do not represent a sellout but a strategic effort to make immediate progressive gains on the way to tearing down the entire system. Strategies built on the divide of being in or out of the system are too simplistic. Progressives must forge polices that do both as part of a larger movement for creating a radical democracy. Such actions are not the same as giving into a capitalist world view, especially when the long-term plan is to overthrow such a system. There seems to be a certain kind of theoretical infantilism that dominates some segments of the left on this issue, a form of political purity stuck in an either/or mind set. Such ideological fundamentalism (which might assert, for example, that those who vote are “giving in” or “selling out”) is not helpful for successful short-term planning or for long-term strategies for developing the institutions, cultural apparatuses and social movements necessary for radical change in the US and elsewhere.

hilly1If we are to fight for a democratic future that matters, progressives and the left need to ask how we would go forward if the looming authoritarian nightmare succeeds in descending upon the United States. What can we learn about the costs of allowing our society to become lawless in its modes of governance and to lose its historical understanding of the legacy of slavery, lynching and bigotry that have given rise to mass incarceration and the punishing state? What does it mean when money rules and corrupt politics disavows economic actions from social costs, and wages war against public trust, values and goods? These are just some of the questions that need to be addressed in order to break free from a neoliberal system that spells the death-knell for democracy. All societies contain new beginnings — we need desperately to find one on the side of justice and democracy.

The US is in a new historical moment in which the old is dying and the new is waiting to emerge. Such periods are as hopeful as they are dangerous. At the same time, there are young people and others intent on turning despair into hope, struggling to reclaim the radical imagination, and working to build a broad-based collective struggle for real symbolic and structural change in the pursuit of political and economic justice. We need to accelerate such movements before it is too late.

[Note: This is an excerpt from “White Supremacy and Sanctioned Violence in the Age of Donald Trump” which first appeared on Truthout.org.]

black-horizontalSource: Philosophers for Change. Republished at request of Henry A. Giroux.


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Henry A. Giroux, Contributing Editor
henry-girouxCurrently holds the Global TV Network Chair Professorship at McMaster University in the English and Cultural Studies Department and a Distinguished Visiting Professorship at Ryerson University. His books include: Zombie Politics and Culture in the Age of Casino Capitalism (Peter Land 2011), On Critical Pedagogy (Continuum, 2011), Twilight of the Social: Resurgent Publics in the Age of Disposability (Paradigm 2012), Disposable Youth: Racialized Memories and the Culture of Cruelty (Routledge 2012), Youth in Revolt: Reclaiming a Democratic Future (Paradigm 2013). Giroux’s most recent books are America’s Education Deficit and the War on Youth (Monthly Review Press, 2013), are Neoliberalism’s War on Higher Education, America’s Disimagination Machine (City Lights) and Higher Education After Neoliberalism (Haymarket) will be published in 2014). He is also a Contributing Editor of Cyrano’s Journal Today / The Greanville Post, and member of Truthout’s Board of Directors and has his own page The Public Intellectual. His web site is www.henryagiroux.com.


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Six Killed Pediatricians Sign Letter To Obama

Ali Orneck


“Assad Crimes = Refugees” (Credit: Freedom House*)

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Editor's Note
It is frightening how carefully crafted and comprehensive propaganda has become. The ability to create an alternate reality, and believably present it, leaves everyone who care about what is true constantly looking behind the curtains. Half truths and whole lies jade even the most open minded of investigators. Where is the "Department of Truth" that is churning out this alternate reality? That is what we need to locate and expose.

We are used to quite a lot of warmongering propaganda against Syria. The “last hospital in Aleppo gets destroyed” – week after week after week, reports by Physicians For Human Rights on Syria turn out to be scams, videos and pictures of “children rescued” by the U.S./UK paid media group “White Helmets” are staged.

But the yesterday released and very well propagandized Open Letter of Aleppo Doctors takes the crown of warmongering anti-Syrian fakes:

We are 15 of the last doctors serving the remaining 300,000 citizens of eastern Aleppo. Regime troops have sought to surround and blockade the entire east of the city.

Look who signed that open letter:

Stenographing the letter’s propaganda the Guardian cleverly notes:

It has not been possible to verify the names of all the doctors listed in the letter.

May be because these names are those of famous Jihadis? But if only the fake names were the problem …

Notice that there is no general practitioner among those fifteen doctors. This while general practitioners are usually the largest share of physicians in any country. Even more astonishingly, six of the fifteen (no. 1, 2, 4, 12, 13, 14) are identified as “pediatricians”.

Hmm – ain’t those supposed to be dead? All of them? Wasn’t the last pediatricians in east-Aleppo killed on April 28?

Our “western” and Gulf governments pay a lot of our taxpayer money for such anti-Syrian warmongering. The “White Helmets” alone receive $60 million. We should at least demand better fakes and more plausible lies for such large expenditures of our money.

Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 2.38.28 PMSource: Moon of Alabama.
* The Orwellian named Freedom House is an old institution created expressly to serve as a propaganda organ for capitalist and anti-Soviet/Russian policies abroad.


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