WE SINCERELY THANK EVERY ONE OF YOU WHO HAS MADE A DONATION TO KEEP THIS SITE ALIVE. NOTE: We publish many types of anti-imperialist analysis, including a substantive amount of materials originating with Marxian sources. This is only logical, considering we operate as independent leftists with a strong Marxist foundation ourselves. We do not however endorse any faction or tendency, including Trotskyism. [/su_panel] The Voice of Nature Network's mission is defined as follows: The Voice of Nature Network, Inc. (VNN) is devoted to the furtherance of social justice, world peace, ethical education, scholarship, authentic democracy, and the protection of and elimination of wanton exploitation and destruction of planetary ecosystems and non-human animal species. In keeping with this mission, VNN publishes websites and videos dedicated to coverage and discussion of issues related to politics, war and peace, wealth and poverty, cultural and media criticism, social and political analysis, history, and science. VNN also develops PSAs and videos on ecoanimal issues, as well as educational campaigns on various issues of ecoanimal urgency, and advanced websites to support animal defense work, social justice, and world peace. For a complete roster of our editors and contributing writers, please see our main AUTHORS page. ••• AFFILIATED WRITERS •••• Margo Stiles, Business Manager The Greanville Post is published by The Voice of Nature Network, Inc. (VNN), in association with Greanville Publishing LLC. Opinions expressed in these pages do not necessarily reflect the position of The Greanville Post, its editors, VNN, or Greanville Publishing, LLC.A unique site and organization with an important mission.
Shorty Williams, Society, Culture
William Hathaway, Culture, Politics, History, Military
Angela Swann, Design Consultant
Please send all correspondence to the editors in the care of Margo Stiles, who will forward the message(s) to the corresponding editor(s):