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The World Desk

he World Desk provides easy access to scores of articles focusing on issues of global importance. All our articles are chosen for their comprehensiveness and timeliness. They are all pieces of lasting interest. Keep in mind that new articles are posted continually, and that this selection may not  include all the materials our site carries on a given international topic. The reports and analyses are authored by our editors, and trusted correspondents, associate editors and contributing editors, as well as distinguished colleagues working to defeat the lethal disinformation gushing 24/7 from every corporate-controlled orifice.



The Battle for Ukraine's Soul

The Battle for Ukraine’s Soul

Stephen Lendman [M]any previous articles explained the geopolitical importance of crisis conditions in Ukraine.  The book "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How ...
The Occupation is Forever

The Occupation is Forever

The Enclosure of the Palestinians by EVAN JONES, Counterpunch [T]he ‘two-state solution’ is perennially misunderstood. The solution envisaged has nothing ...
Predictions: Ukraine May Stop Russian Gas Transit to EU

Predictions: Ukraine May Stop Russian Gas Transit to EU

DISPATCH FROM FUTURIST TRENDCAST Posted by Lada Ray [T]his just in: Ukraine may stop Russian gas transit to EU. Kiev is considering ...
This World Reeks of War

This World Reeks of War

Another Hiroshima Remembered by LUCIANA BOHNE, Counterpunch [T]he authentic quotation—“this house reeks of blood”– comes from Aeschylus’ “Agamemnon.” Cassandra speaks ...
Middle East in Turmoil

Middle East in Turmoil

Israel's only enemies are ones it invents. The same is true for America. Stephen Lendman [A]gain my great thanks to ...
Roger Cohen on resurgent anti-Semitism—the semi-explanations

Roger Cohen on resurgent anti-Semitism—the semi-explanations

MEDIA CRITIQUES Patrice Greanville [T]he New York Times Sunday Review (Aug. 3, 2014) just ran a typically smooth opinion piece by ...
Ukraine: Slovyansk Falls To Fascists, House to House Extrajudicial Executions Reported, Concentration Camps Planned

Ukraine: Slovyansk Falls To Fascists, House to House Extrajudicial Executions Reported, Concentration Camps Planned

By Steven Argue, Revolutionary Tendency  [H]atred is deeply entrenched in the Ukraine's Nazis against Ukraine's Russian speaking minority who are ...
Smoke and fire from the explosion of an Israeli strike rise over Gaza City, Tuesday, July 22.

Beautiful dream of Israel has become a nightmare

Opinion / Commentary Everyone ought to be sad at what the beautiful old dream of Jewish redemption has come to. Everyone ought ...
USrael: The Democracidal Minotaur in the Cesspool of Imagination

USrael: The Democracidal Minotaur in the Cesspool of Imagination

By Gary Corseri “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength,” Orwell told us in “1984.” All oxymoronically true ...
Eyeless in Gaza

Eyeless in Gaza

Israel's Deceptions Israel is occupying and besieging Gaza, conferring on its inhabitants a right under international law to fight for ...
The Moral Agonies of Asymmetrical Diplomacy

The Moral Agonies of Asymmetrical Diplomacy

The Assault on Gaza War is the abandonment of morality to expediency. And whether or not Americans know it, they ...
Leaving Brennan as CIA Director Means the Triumph of Secret Government

Leaving Brennan as CIA Director Means the Triumph of Secret Government

Democracy...going, going gone Dave Lindorff. This Can't Be Happening! [S]en. Diane Feinstein (D-CA), head of the Senate Select Committee on ...
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