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The World Desk

he World Desk provides easy access to scores of articles focusing on issues of global importance. All our articles are chosen for their comprehensiveness and timeliness. They are all pieces of lasting interest. Keep in mind that new articles are posted continually, and that this selection may not  include all the materials our site carries on a given international topic. The reports and analyses are authored by our editors, and trusted correspondents, associate editors and contributing editors, as well as distinguished colleagues working to defeat the lethal disinformation gushing 24/7 from every corporate-controlled orifice.




The True Costs Of Empire

By David Vine “Are you monitoring the construction?” asked the middle-aged man on a bike accompanied by his dog ...
Massacres Under the Looking Glass

Massacres Under the Looking Glass

The ICC and Colombia: Massacres Under the Looking Glass by DANIEL KOVALIK The International Criminal Court (ICC) just published its ...
The Power Principle: Part One—EMPIRE

The Power Principle: Part One—EMPIRE

A new series by radical director Scott Noble. Exceptional. Highly recommended. Parts 2 and 3 to be posted soon. We ...
ANTICRITIC: Zero Dark Thirty—new torture-glorifying film wins raves

ANTICRITIC: Zero Dark Thirty—new torture-glorifying film wins raves

Editor's Note: I was in the process of preparing a review pretty much along the lines of Glenn Greenwald's excellent ...
Preemptive Strike on Syria Looms

Preemptive Strike on Syria Looms

By Stephen Lendman Washington planned war on Syria years ago. Only its timing and methodology remained to be decided. US ...
The “fiscal cliff” and the dismantling of Medicare

The “fiscal cliff” and the dismantling of Medicare

OpEds—Issues of Vital Importance Mauled by The Media Compare how the mainstream media and average citizens see this issue with ...
Two Years of Cablegate As Bradley Manning Testifies

Two Years of Cablegate As Bradley Manning Testifies

By Julian Assange Photo: Julian Assange Thursday, November 29th, Bradley Manning testified for the first time since his arrest two ...
Thousands of US troops arrive near Syrian shore on USS Eisenhower

Thousands of US troops arrive near Syrian shore on USS Eisenhower

Chemical weapons, anyone? American military might ready to pounce on Syria, only the final pretext is still missing (or is ...
Hollywood and the war machine

Hollywood and the war machine

 EMPIRE, as presented on Al Jazeera Empire examines the symbiotic relationship between the movie industry and the military-industrial complex ...
DISINFORMATION DEPT.—Obama and the complicit American media press for war on Syria

DISINFORMATION DEPT.—Obama and the complicit American media press for war on Syria

A new call against standing idly by? By Stephen Gowans, What's Left. Will the United States, or its proxies, directly intervene ...
With full media support Obama's regime threatens Syria

With full media support Obama’s regime threatens Syria

What's the ugliest part of this exercise in imperial arrogance? The jawdropping triple-deck hypocrisy? The revoltingly smug priggishness that Obama, ...
Zero Snuff Thirty

Zero Snuff Thirty

by Joe Giambrone, The Political Film Blog In a time when people dread the next pseudo-political bullshit-fest that Hollywood poops ...
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