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The World Desk

he World Desk provides easy access to scores of articles focusing on issues of global importance. All our articles are chosen for their comprehensiveness and timeliness. They are all pieces of lasting interest. Keep in mind that new articles are posted continually, and that this selection may not  include all the materials our site carries on a given international topic. The reports and analyses are authored by our editors, and trusted correspondents, associate editors and contributing editors, as well as distinguished colleagues working to defeat the lethal disinformation gushing 24/7 from every corporate-controlled orifice.



Survivors recall their memories in 2000 of the mass killing of fellow villagers by U.S. soldiers during the Vietnam War, in My Lai, Vietnam. (Nick Ut/AP)

My Lai 45 Years Later—And the Unknown Atrocities of Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan

Remembering My Lai— By Nick Turse, Global Research, March 19, 2013 On the anniversary of the infamous My Lai massacre, Nick ...

My Lai (lest we forget)

BY MIKE INGLES A few weeks before Dr. King was assassinated, on March 16, 1968 about 500 Vietnamese citizens were ...

How Digital Technology Has Helped Unleash a Devastating New Era of Propaganda

The New Statesman / By John Pilger [1] What is modern propaganda? For many, it is the lies of a totalitarian state. In the ...
Obama: Far more worthy of a Nuremberg tribunal than a peace award.

The Growing Campaign to Revoke Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize

By Norman Solomon The Nobel Peace Prize that President Obama received 40 months ago has emerged as the most appalling ...

Government Waste: DHS Documents Reveal Widespread Surveillance of Occupy Movement

By Steven Hsieh [2] Federal documents reveal the Department of Homeland Security conducted daily monitoring of peaceful Occupy protests and encampments in ...
Merkel, Germany's enforcer for the European and international banking class. Who said that things wold be better with women in the front office?

So Much for the Sanctity of Bank Deposits

Now Anything is Possible by SERGE HALIMI, Counterpunch Paris. Everything was becoming impossible. It was impossible to increase taxes because ...
Boy standing in Iraq refugee camp

Iraq: The end of the occupation

By ASHLEY SMITH, Socialist Worker Ten years ago this week, George W. Bush launched the invasion of Iraq. Bush and ...
President George W. Bush addresses the nation from the Oval Office, March 19, 2003, to announce the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom. "The people of the United States and our friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder." The Senate committee found that many of the administration's pre-war statements about Iraqi WMD were not supported by the underlying intelligence.

The occupation and the resistance

By Ashley Smith, Socialist Worker Ten years ago this week, George W. Bush launched the invasion of Iraq. Bush and ...
Detainees were taken to Camp Nama, a secret US detention centre at Baghdad international airport. Photograph: Khalid Mohammed/AP

British military expose another secret US base in Baghdad

Camp Nama: British personnel reveal horrors of secret US base in Baghdad Detainees captured by SAS and SBS squads subjected ...

Tariq Aziz: Victim of US Imperialism

by Stephen Lendman He's ill, isolated and fading. His life hangs in the balance. Washington likely wants him dead. He ...
Too Much

TOO MUCH —Chronicles of Inequality (April 1, 2013)

April 1, 2013 THIS WEEK Two tales of jackpots and taxes. The first: A New Jersey grocery store employee has ...

Truth Is Offensive

By Paul Craig Roberts The world needs intelligence and leadership in order to avoid catastrophe, but america can provide neither ...
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