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A selection of videos on all topics —cultural, political, historical—comprising a must-watch collection for social activists, for people who wish to find inspiration, or simply as examples of superior entertainment.

ISIS in the crosshairs

ISIS and Global Terrorism

Countering Disinformation =By= Rowan Wolf Talk of terrorism seems to be everywhere you turn. However, even with all the "experts" ...
Tigers Revenge (VIDEO)

Tigers Revenge (VIDEO)

Always reflect on the burdens we have placed on fellow creatures, and how we can help them, not exploit them ...
Propaganda Reigns In The West (With full video of St. Petersburg interview and conference)

Propaganda Reigns In The West (With full video of St. Petersburg interview and conference)

Guest Column by Vladimir Putin, as presented by Paul Craig Roberts. Paul Craig Roberts Pres. Putin interviewed by media courtier Charlie ...
At the beginning: Ukraine/Russia soldiers confrontation

At the beginning: Ukraine/Russia soldiers confrontation

Russia Ukraine 2014: Ukrainian Military Clash with Russian Troops Published on Mar 5, 2014 NOTE: This is a rather tendentious ...
French Donbass fighters: We came to inform people of the reality of this war (w. Videos)

French Donbass fighters: We came to inform people of the reality of this war (w. Videos)

‘United Continent’: European volunteers fighting Kiev troops in Eastern Ukraine [I]n what may seem like a replay of the Spanish ...
France's shift to the far right

France’s shift to the far right

A long-announced development—happening also in other lands—where the false promises and betrayals of social democracy and corporatist liberalism leave the ...
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