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Countering Western Disinformation on Russia and Other Nations Opposing the American Empire



The scumbags at Google (YouTube) censored Oliver Stone's Ukraine documentary, so watch it here via Rumble

The scumbags at Google (YouTube) censored Oliver Stone’s Ukraine documentary, so watch it here via Rumble

Oliver Stone has done memorable work with his documentaries and history-themed movies (JFK, Platoon, etc.), his aim always to educate and correct the record for the benefit of a badly disinformed public.  These two documentaries count among the best on ...
Do Publicly Owned, Planned Economies Work?

Do Publicly Owned, Planned Economies Work?

Stephen Gowans WHAT'S LEFT [premium_newsticker id="337867"] THIS IS A REPOST. Originally published on december 21, 2012 To judge the Soviet Union ahistorically is to do the work of anti-communists. The Soviet Union was a concrete example of what a publicly ...
Colonel Douglas Macgregor speaks (truth) about the War in Ukraine

Colonel Douglas Macgregor speaks (truth) about the War in Ukraine

Col. Douglas Macgregor Mar 1, 2022 The war party (Democrat/CIA controlled) TV channels would not open their platforms to voices like Col. Macgregor, so it's fortunate that, of all places, it is the usually justly vilified Fox News that does ...
Ukraine and Biowarfare Conspiracy Theories

Ukraine and Biowarfare Conspiracy Theories

Ron Unz UNZ REVIEW Several days ago a mainstream policy analyst dropped me a note mentioning that the Russians were claiming to have discovered the existence of a network of biowarfare labs in Ukraine, funded by the American Pentagon and allegedly ...
Talking Russia-Ukraine with Ben Norton of Multipolarista

Talking Russia-Ukraine with Ben Norton of Multipolarista

Talking Russia-Ukraine with Ben Norton of Multipolarista Mar 9, 2022   The New Atlas Ben Norton of Multipolarista joins us to discuss Russian military operations in Ukraine including the role Nazism plays in Ukraine’s current regime, how it was cultivated ...
The GRU has exposed dangerous Ukrainian plans

The GRU has exposed dangerous Ukrainian plans

by Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog   During his daily briefing early on March 9, the Russian Defense Ministry spokesman, General Igor Konashenkov, said that Russian troops had seized documents confirming Kiev’s plans to attack the self-proclaimed Donetsk and ...
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