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Countering Western Disinformation on Russia and Other Nations Opposing the American Empire
The Jeffrey Sachs-Tucker Carlson interview: the most important interview ever?
Thomas Fazi CAPTIONS BY THE EDITORS, NOT THE AUTHOR The Jeffrey Sachs-Tucker Carlson interview: the most important interview ever? I don’t know how many of you out there suffer from my same “condition”, but I can only really digest information ...
Garland Nixon UKRAINE - NEOCONS CAUGHT IN THEIR OWN TRAP Garland Nixon Garland chronicles the disintegration of the Washington created and supported Neonazi regime in Kiev after an Obama-approved coup in 2014, how the US Neocons have seen their dreams ...
US “Green Lights” Strikes on Russia, Reality Behind Kerch Port Attack, Czech Ammo Bid Falls Short
Brian Berletic THE NEW ATLAS [wpavefrszresizer] US "Green Lights" Strikes on Russia, Reality Behind Kerch Port Attack, Czech Ammo Bid Falls Short The New Atlas Jun 1, 2024 Update on the conflict in Ukraine for Sunday, June 2, 2024… US ...
Should Vladimir Putin Call His Shot on a NATO Brushback Pitch? by Ron Unz
Ron Unz THE UNZ REVIEW Should Vladimir Putin Call His Shot on a NATO Brushback Pitch? • 24m <<EPub Format Whether or not it actually happened, the story of Babe Ruth’s famous “called shot” in Game 3 of the 1932 World Series ...
Danny Haiphong Discusses Ukraine, the ICC & Zionism on Nick@Night
Nick Cruse REVOLUTIONARY BLACKOUT with Danny Haiphong Danny Haiphong Discusses Ukraine, the ICC & Zionism on Nick@Night Revolutionary Blackout Network Premiered 8 hours ago Join this channel to get access to perks: / @revolutionaryblackout7315 Danny Haiphong Discusses Ukraine, the ICC & ...
Scott Ritter has had enough, and we can’t blame him.
Scott Ritter Billy Bob (and Blowback Roundtable) • AniaK • Carl Zha "The West's double standard is outrageous!" Scott Ritter is a voice of sanity still largely ignored in the national debate, which is a disgrace, product of a deliberate ...
1 comment
If Vladimir Putin is described as a war criminal, thug, dictator, and modern-day Hitler, it is appropriate and indeed necessary to ask about American presidents. For brevity’s sake consider only those American presidents who served since 2001. U.S. invasions and interventions in western Asia, North Africa, Central Asia, and the Horn of Africa have displaced more than 37 million people since the “war on terror” began. Why shouldn’t George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden be called war criminals too? Silence in the face of their criminality gives license and approval to U.S. aggression.