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Countering Western Disinformation on Russia and Other Nations Opposing the American Empire



Ukraine: A Clash of Capitalisms

Ukraine: A Clash of Capitalisms

STEVEN JONAS, MD, MPH Special for The Greanville Post ANNOTATED [W]orld War I has been interpreted in a variety of ways, from the “Accidental War” to a continuation of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71.  But at its base it was a ...
The new US-Russia Cold War

The new US-Russia Cold War

Pepe Escobar REPOSTED by reader request After Sochi, Vlad the Hammer will be back in business with a vengeance. Nuland and co, watch your back.   Meet the new (cold) war, same as the old (cold) war. Same same, but ...
• NATO, Spearhead of Western Fascism

• NATO, Spearhead of Western Fascism

NORMAN POLLACK Resumption of Cold War in Earnest [T]he NATO summit in Wales is over. It marked the convergence of fundamental trends long in the making, the Ukraine crisis merely a way to flesh out the details and provide cover ...
The NOVOROSSIYA front: About the "truce"

The NOVOROSSIYA front: About the “truce”

The current situation as seen by Col. Cassad, a Russian observer. Note this is a translation, and some constructions may seem odd to English speakers.  [I]n general, of course, it is not clear why there is so much surprise at ...
In-Place Cease-Fire Reached between Government and Rebel Forces in Ukraine

In-Place Cease-Fire Reached between Government and Rebel Forces in Ukraine

Dave Lindorff, This Can't Be Happening! What Russian invasion? [T]he separatist rebels of eastern Ukraine and the government in Kiev that controls the Ukrainian army have reached a cease-fire in place that leaves the separatists largely in control of the ...
Did Putin Just Bring Peace to Ukraine?

Did Putin Just Bring Peace to Ukraine?

MIKE WHITNEY, Counterpunch Obama Begs for More War The fact that the Washington war machine has been stopped in its imperial tracks, is significant. “In the implementing of their policies, our western partners– the United States first and foremost – ...
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