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Countering Western Disinformation on Russia and Other Nations Opposing the American Empire




CBS does its job: offensive to demonize Ukraine’s government continues

Pelley: Happy to spout the official line.  Did the people who pass themselves for journalists at CBS ever heard of false flag ops? Did it ever enter their conformist skulls that the US government, along with other Western intel and military ...

Putin’s Sochi mistakes: from wrong location to wiping out strays?

Patrice Greanville —DISCLAIMER— The Greanville Post hardly wishes to add its voice to those who make it a profession to denigrate Russia and its leaders. In our view, "that side" of the story is already amply covered by the ubiquitous ...
Obama loses to Putin again. 52039.jpeg

The Ukraine disorders, as seen through Russian eyes

Obama loses to Putin again Lyuba Lulko, AP photo The presidents of Russia and the U.S. expressed their attitude to events in Ukraine on one and the same day. Obama said that the Ukrainians had the right to "speak ...
Costa Gavras' famous film, Z, outlined the anatomy of a rightwing coup using many agents provocateurs. Its depictions can be easily applied to the Ukraine today.

Ukraine and the Rebirth of Fascism

The Menace Across the European Continent by ERIC DRAITSER, Counterpunch Plus commentary by Stephen Lendman on the role of US media scoundrels in this ugly affair (see Appendix) The violence on the streets of Ukraine is far more than an expression ...
Many clashes are provocations staged by Western agents.

Ukraine and How the West Treats Comparable Events in Satellite and Non-Satellite Countries Differently

By Stephen Gowans, What's Left The uprising in Ukraine represents a struggle between the West and Russia to integrate Ukraine economically, and, ultimately, militarily, into their respective orbits. I take no side in the struggle. All the same, each side ...
Fomer heavyweight boxing champ Vitaly Klitschko is one of the leaders of the anti-government protesters. Many suspect he's being used.

Western Manipulated Violence in Ukraine

By Stephen Lendman Last November, protests erupted in Ukraine. Violence followed. Previous articles discussed it. Washington's dirty game was explained. Imperial lawlessness reflects it.  It has many forms. It includes trampling on fundamental rule of law principles. Toppling democratically elected ...
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