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ecological murder • endless wars • ingrained racism & social injustice • worker exploitation • incurable via reforms

The Armageddon Chronicles

The degeneracy of the Western ruling class, marinated in in the toxic juices of capitalism, and led by arrogant Anglo-American hubris (a curse that has spread around the globe), is driving the planet to a nuclear Armageddon. Meantime, the American people, drunk with cheap, ignorant jingoism, march like programmed zombies in proud parades…Americans, as Paul Craig Roberts has warned, "need to pay attention to the fact that 'their' government is a collection of crazed stupid fools likely to bring vaporization to the United States and all of Europe."

In the meantime, since the divinity for some perversely inscrutable reason, allowed these scoundrels to be in power in the first place, let this modest space serve as a rallying ground for those intent on sounding the alarm about the looming disaster.  Time for humanity to wake up.

GARLAND NIXON DISPATCHES: The End of Ukraine, with Scott Ritter, Andrei Martyanov
GARLAND NIXON DISPATCHES: The End of Ukraine, with Scott Ritter, Andrei Martyanov
GARLAND NIXON—An in-depth discussion of current conditions in Ukraine and the Middle East with analysts Ritter and Martyanov concluding that both conflicts will end with ...
The West is Learning the Wrong Lessons about Airpower in Ukraine
The West is Learning the Wrong Lessons about Airpower in Ukraine
BRIAN BERLETIC—The same blind pursuit of profits and power that compelled the collective West to expand NATO up to Russia’s border in the first place, ...
Recapturing White Rhetoric For Socialist Agitating
Recapturing White Rhetoric For Socialist Agitating
BRUCE LERRO—For the most part, the use of electronic media, especially television, had a debilitating impact on political rhetoric. The number of outdoor speeches declined ...
Politico Does Journalism: "We Volunteered at a Gaza Hospital. What We Saw Was Unspeakable."
Politico Does Journalism: “We Volunteered at a Gaza Hospital. What We Saw Was Unspeakable.”
EDITORS—The constant begging for money, the malnourished population, the open sewage — all of that was familiar to us as veteran war zone doctors. But ...
Tel Aviv
Bye bye, Tel Aviv? Yemen’s promised retaliation against Israel could sink the state | Ep. 35
EDITORS—The panel discusses how a Yemeni drone got through, considering that several neighboring countries, like Egypt and Jordan, not to mention US and EU assets, ...
China has achieved escape velocity: it is now unstoppable
China has achieved escape velocity: it is now unstoppable
PEPE ESCOBAR—The plenum proved once more that “socialism with Chinese characteristics” – or, for the recalcitrant, Chinese-modified capitalism – is “people-centric”. The supreme values are ...
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