Rob Kall: Farewell to the Lesser Evil

Smoke and mirrors, Sausage Factory, Lesser Evils and YOU Making a Difference

The Deceiver in Chief, flanked by high-ranking accomplices.

I’m finally coming to face the reality that voting only feeds into the illusion the system creates that different candidates really make a difference. The truth is, voting for the lesser of two evils only moves us towards the next election with two worse evils. There ARE things we can do though…”


Those are phrases used to describe politics. 
We must work, as part of the activist effort to awaken those who sleep comfortably within the illusion that they have freedom, that they have rights. 
We must not fall prey to the delusion that we can do the work of the oppressed for them. We can wake them up and help them, but they must do the work. 
We can embrace the hope that we do not need to wake up everyone. The eighty twenty law teaches us that if we wake up just a small percentage to become activists, that will be enough. Even one or two percent, if they get out in the streets, can make a big difference. 
It takes more than signing petitions or forwarding emails. 
Go to one of the emerging spring Occupy meetings or actions. 
Give to activist organizations and the media that support them.
Make it a regular practice, like exercise or meditation. 
There is hope, but it will not come from the usual and customary political sources. 
You can make a difference. Small Acts DO change the world. 

Rob Kall is executive editor, publisher and site architect of, Host of the Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show (WNJC 1360 AM), President of Futurehealth, Inc, inventor . He is also published regularly on the








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It’s really up to you. Do your part while you can. •••

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