Some Guidance on the Russia Question

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by Danny Haiphong

Barack Obama, “has spent its last days in the White House laying the basis for World War, claiming that the Russian government had directly interfered in the 2016 elections.” The corporate media and the Democratic Party have joined in the hysteria, along with far too many so-called progressives. “If criticism of Russia at this time takes precedence over fighting US imperialism, then a reexamination of the movement’s priorities is in order.”

This article previously appeared in the American Herald Tribune [3].

“The Obama-Clinton camp of the ruling class views the current Russian state as a threat to US global hegemony.”

Donald Trump’s unforeseen victory in the 2016 elections has infected US politics with a heavy strand of anti-Russia hysteria. Yet it is not the President-elect who has been the source of the anti-Russia war campaign. Trump has expressed a willingness to develop a more peaceful set of relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin. This has thrown the imperialist system into a panic, especially the Democratic Party. The ruling class loyal to the Democrats has used Trump as an excuse to blame Russia for Hillary Clinton’s defeat and distract the public from the real enemy of humanity: US imperialism.

As if two terms of ceaseless war provocations against Russia was not enough, the Obama Administration has spent its last days in the White House laying the basis for World War. It started with the Hillary Clinton campaign’s baseless claim that Trump and WikiLeaks worked together with the Russian government to hack into DNC databases. The narrative evolved into a systematic smear campaign against independent media from right to left, orchestrated by President Obama himself. Obama’s characterization of all critical media as “fake news” was picked up by the Washington Post, which called for the use of the 1917 Espionage Act to prosecute “useful dupes” of the Russian government. After Trump made it through the Electoral College convening in mid-December, the Clinton-Obama camp of the ruling class stepped up its propaganda assault on Russia by claiming that the Russian government had directly interfered in the 2016 elections.

“The ruling class loyal to the Democrats has used Trump as an excuse to blame Russia for Hillary Clinton’s defeat and distract the public from the real enemy of humanity: US imperialism.”

At a moment’s notice, the CIA was reported to have “proof” of Russian hacking of Democratic National Committee databases. However, such “proof” has fallen short of verifiable fact, with only a CIA brief and a vague Department of Homeland Security report [4] available as evidence of the claim. Furthermore, the corporate media has virtually tripped over itself numerous times trying to prove that Russian interference indeed swayed the US elections. The Washington Post ran a completely made up story of an electrical plant in Vermont that was supposedly hacked by Russia [5]. CNN followed suit by using a screenshot of a famous computer game [6] to show viewers just how the Russians hack elections. 

Of course, these examples of corporate media deception should come as no surprise.  The corporate media is a machine programmed to lie in the service of America’s financial oligarchy whose current state has never been more desperate. And the destabilization of Russia has been on the agenda for quite some time. US-NATO operations along the Russian border have escalated dramatically in Obama’s second term [7]. The US-backed destabilization of Ukraine was planned in 2013 and carried out in 2014. Russia was labeled the aggressor by the State Department and the EU-US alliance placed sanctions on Russia’s economy that year in the aftermath of the coup. Yet the US fully backed Ukraine’s “Euromaidan Revolution.” The so-called revolution has been a disastrous project that placed fascist groups into power [8] and further indebted the nation to the likes of the IMF.

“The conflict between Obama and Trump is really a conflict between competing factions of the capitalist class.”

Every action on the part of Washington during Obama’s second term has indicated that the Ukraine-model is the Administration’s desired outcome for Russia. The Obama-Clinton camp of the ruling class views the current Russian state as a threat to US global hegemony. This explains why, even in the last days of its tenure, the Obama Administration has amplified the war narrative against Russia. The conflict between Obama and Trump is really a conflict between competing factions of the capitalist class. Trump believes that a peaceful relationship with Russia will benefit the profits of his capitalist partners, while Obama and his camp see a destabilized Russia as a boon for the banks [9] and military contractors [10] which have supported him so handsomely. 

The ruling class loyal to the Democrats has used Trump as an excuse to blame Russia for Hillary Clinton’s defeat and distract the public from the real enemy of humanity: US imperialism.

The danger here is that while Trump’s virulent racism and billionaire status makes him untrustworthy at best, the Obama-Clinton camp’s march to war with Russia is an immediate threat to humanity right now. A direct military confrontation between Russia and the US could turn nuclear, and fast. In fact, US intelligence contractors and consultants have been in discussion for years since the fall of the Soviet Union about the end of the so-called pact of “Mutually Assured Destruction” or MAD [11]. This idea has its roots in the first Cold War. Many military analysts of the so-called “free world” concluded that the US and Soviet Union’s possession of a strong, nuclear armed military prevented a direct confrontation due to the threat that the destruction of one country meant the destruction of both. Of course, this did not stop the US from using nuclear weapons on Japan in World War II as a show of force to the Soviet Union [12]. And it certainly didn’t stop the US from murdering millions in Korea, Vietnam, and the Dominican Republic in the name of containing communism.

“Vladimir Putin and the United Russia Party’s rise to power in the 21st century ultimately broke US domination over Russia.”

During the Cold War, people living in the US were spoon-fed the narrative that the Soviet Union’s communist model in particular was a direct threat to the existence of so-called US democracy. Yet as WEB Du Bois [13] and Paul Robeson [14] can attest from their visits, the Soviet Union had much to teach the US. The Soviet Union’s socialist economy guaranteed things like paid maternity leave and free childcare [15] in its constitution, a right that escapes historical record for families in the US to this day. When the Soviet Union was destroyed in 1991, the majority of Russia was thrown into deep poverty. Public assets were privatized and worker control over the economy was taken away by force. Life expectancy for Russian men dropped by almost five years from 1991-1994 [16] due to the sudden loss of vital services in healthcare, housing, and education. The majority of the Russian population [17] hopes for the restoration of many aspects of life of the Soviet period.

When the Soviet Union was broken up into pieces, the US and its allies declared an “end of history.” Global capitalism’s dominance was declared a permanent fixture of life by its agents in Washington and the West. Russia became a vassal state of the US under the dictates of Boris Yeltsin. However, US dominance over Russia ended up being a short lived phenomenon. Vladimir Putin and the United Russia Party’s rise to power in the 21st century ultimately broke US domination over Russia and should be seen as a direct backlash to the fall of the Soviet Union.

“Russia’s foreign policy under Putin has been conducted with respect to international law.”

However, the era of Putin could never be labeled socialist or communist in orientation. The Russian government remains a capitalist state. However, Putin has become wildly popular among the Russian population mainly because his party has used the state to reign in the vilest forces of the nation’s oligarchy. In 2000, Putin restored the Soviet national anthem and the red flag [18] as national symbols, but left out the communist references. Poverty has declined under Putin and life expectancy has risen by five years [19]. And Russia’s foreign policy under Putin has been conducted with respect to international law, giving ordinary Russians a reason to be proud of the country’s role in the world. [20]

Of course, all is not rosy in Russia. The Russian Federation remains friendly with billionaires and the vast corruption of the Yeltsin-period has not been fully eradicated. Putin is not looking to give working people state power or distribute property on a socialized basis. Time and time again, Putin has expressed willingness to work with the US on matters of terrorism and trade.  Activists and organizers in the US do not have to fall in love with Putin for these reasons. However, if criticism of Russia at this time takes precedence over fighting US imperialism, then a reexamination of the movement’s priorities is in order. It is the obligation of radical forces in the US to fight all wars whose roots lie in Washington D.C. The Russian people at this time have chosen Putin as their leader and the privileging of criticism of the Russian government over organized struggle against the US war machine only helps the latter continue its path of destruction.

“The massive silence that can be heard regarding US war crimes must be broken.”

When it comes to Russia, movement actors need to consider that Trump’s Presidency has already brought about a higher level of insurgency than the Obama period. Nearly three decades of capitalist crisis and two-party consensus has ravaged the material conditions of workers and oppressed people throughout the planet. Monopoly capital’s dominance in the US has also taken a toll on the consciousness of the movement. However, few activists and organizers within this insurgency have made the struggle against US imperialist war their own. The massive silence that can be heard regarding US war crimes must be broken. There exists a real danger that the movements of our time could be led down the anti-Russia path given the rabid way in which a section of the ruling class is currently promoting it. But Russia did not systematically rob the working class in the US, nor did it erect the largest police and prison state in the world. Russia is not waging endless warfare around the world at the expense of billions. All of this belongs on the shoulders of US imperialism and it is time we make this clear as the era of Trump nears.

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MAIN IMAGE: Mosaic of Western magazines showing the barrage of baseless demonization of President Putin, all of it fueled by false flags and other lies concocted by the Western propaganda machine, the intel agencies, and its political class.


Danny Haiphong is an Asian activist and political analyst in the Boston area. He can be reached at [21] 

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Obama’s Last Presidential Lies

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 A Black Agenda Radio commentary by executive editor Glen Ford


Obama: A complete and malignant liar. This darling of Hollywood celebrities and millions of confused people who cling to empty symbolism is one of the most dangerous agents for the plutocracy the world has ever seen.

“Obama spent his first term sabotaging every effort to create mandatory limits on emissions.”

Barack Obama has spoken to the nation as president for the last time. Hallelujah! The man I dubbed the “more effective evil” now gets a chance to make millions for himself, after spending eight years defending the wealth of the bankers and the rest of the One Percent.

Obama is going out like he came in: telling lies, with great style and skill. So many lies. He said he favored giving unions “the power to organize for better wages.” He said the same thing when he was campaigning for his first term, promising to support the “card check” bill that would have allowed workers to rebuild their union membership. But he betrayed organized labor and did nothing to push the bill in Congress.

The outgoing president pointed out that “the effects of slavery and Jim Crow didn’t just vanish in the Sixties” – that these effects continue to plague Black people. But 100 days after first taking the oath of office, Obama told reporters that he would not consider programs targeted at Black communities — that Blacks would have to depend on a rising tide to lift all boats, even though no such tide has ever risen for Black people in America.

Obama said the U.S. has “led the world…on the promise to save the planet.” That’s an outrageous lie. The U.S., China and a few other powerful countries have been the problem, not the solution to climate change. Obama spent his first term sabotaging every effort to create mandatory limits on emissions.

“On his watch, no federal charges were brought against any killer cops.”

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he First Black President acknowledged that many Americans are “convinced that their government only serves the interests of the powerful.” But, he didn’t take any of the blame, even though it was under his administration that Wall Street bankers were deemed “too big to jail,” or even to indict. In the same dishonest fashion, Obama declared on Tuesday that “We need to uphold laws against discrimination…and in our criminal justice system” — when, on his watch, no federal charges were brought against any killer cops, except one who had already been indicted by local authorities.

The Second Coming of Obama: Ambitious slimeball Cory Booker is hoping to capitalize on the liberal idiots in the Democratic party to make his bid for president in 2020 a win-win proposition. Beware of this man!

got downright cocky in defense of Obamacare, the rightwing Republican health program that Obama adopted as his own. The president said: “If anybody can put together a plan that is demonstrably better, I will support it.” But don’t bet any money on the letter and spirit of Obama’s promises on health care. Back in 2003, when Bruce Dixon and I asked him if he favored a single payer [3] health care system, Obama answered that he favored “universal health care for all Americans” and intended to introduce or sponsor legislation toward that end.” He kept saying that for the next five years, until he was elected president, and then proceeded to isolate and crush supporters of single payer, to the delight of the insurance and drug industries, which no longer had to fear single payer. Obama is sneaky, that way.

Finally, Obama bragged that the U.S. has “taken out thousands of terrorists, including bin Laden.” What he didn’t say was that his administration presided over the jihadist takeovers of Libya and much of Syria and Iraq. The truth is that tens of thousands of jihadists have been trained, armed, financed and protected by the United States and its allies – not under Bush, but under Obama, making him fully responsible for the deaths of half a million people in those three countries, alone. Not to mention Obama’s other wars. But, I’ve run out of time. The good thing is, so has Obama.

For Black Agenda Radio, I’m Glen Ford. On the web, go to


 BAR executive editor Glen Ford can be contacted at [4]. 

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Alexander Dugin


This essay was originally posted on 19.01.2016

On October 31st, 2015, Russian passenger jet Airbus A321, charter flight 7K9268, heading from the Egyptian resort Sharm el-Sheikh to Saint Petersburg, crashed in the Sinai Peninsula. All 224 people on board were killed. Almost all were Russian nationals. The plane was only airborne for about 20 minutes before it crashed. The “Islamic State” (IS) terrorist organization claimed responsibility for the crash immediately after the disaster. The “Soldiers of the Caliphate have managed to shoot down a Russian aircraft in the province of Sinai,” the IS group declared. More than 220 “Crusaders” aboard were killed. The attack was an act of revenge against the Russian military intervention in Syria. Russian foreign experts have ruled out that there was a “shooting”, but investigators believe that a bomb detonated aboard the aircraft and caused the crash.

Debris from Russian airliner destroyed by the ISIS terrorists.

The “Islamic State” terrorist organization already declared war on Russia last year. And, as a terrorist organization, the IS kills civilians and enjoys the death of civilians. Killing civilians is the essence of terrorism. Terrorists kill innocent victims in order to achieve a political objective. This also corresponds to the nature of the “Islamic State” that has nothing to do with Islam or a state. After all, the death of innocent civilians is unacceptable for a devout Muslim. However, the death of civilians is the price Russia will have to pay today and, likely, in the future for its military aid to Syria. The “Islamic State” terrorists view all Russians as enemies—not just this country’s military. On social networking sites, certain Western commentators also openly expressed glee over the plane crash.

But why does Russia provide military aid to Syria? First, this is a geopolitical conflict. The front between Atlanticists and Eurasians runs through Syria. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a political vacuum was created in the East and in the Middle East as well. There, the U.S. pursued a project focused on destroying nation-states—dubbed the “Greater Middle East Project.” It even destroyed states that had behaved more or less loyal to Washington. The U.S. creates chaos to project itself as a hegemonic power. In the 1990s, Russia was weak and did not react, but in the early 2000s, it began to recover slowly. Today, Vladimir Putin has decided to actively oppose the U.S. policy of chaos in the Middle East. Russia’s military help against terrorism in Syria can be seen as an act of Eurasian geopolitics. Syria is located at the center of the battle between the representatives of a unipolar (U.S.) and a multipolar (Russia) world order.

The “Islamic State” terrorist organization already declared war on Russia last year. And, as a terrorist organization, the IS kills civilians and enjoys the death of civilians. Killing civilians is the essence of terrorism. Terrorists kill innocent victims in order to achieve a political objective. This also corresponds to the nature of the “Islamic State” that has nothing to do with Islam or a state.

But beyond that, we need to perceive the “Islamic State” as a direct threat to the Russian Federation. This terrorist organization is a product of American politics created to spread chaos and to provide the United States—at any time—a template for its own military intervention, as you can see by the example of Syria. However, the “Islamic State” is not only present in Iraq and Syria, but also in Central Asia. Terrorist gangs—that have the same sponsors and the same ideology as the “Islamic State” in Syria and Iraq—are also active in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan close to Russian borders. These groups also operate in the North Caucasus within the Russian Federation itself. Vladimir Putin understands quite well that this is about creating chaotic conditions using the “Islamic State” and similar terrorist groups in Central Asia and the Caucasus.

The logic behind the Russian military intervention is therefore clear. If we do not contain the U.S.-created and supported terrorism in Syria, we will soon have to fight it on our own borders and even on our own land. Syria is our external line of defense. The next line exists on the territory of the Eurasian Union and even within the Russian Federation.

Furthermore, the Russian military intervention in Syria, in contrast to the U.S.-led so-called “anti-terrorist campaign,” is absolutely legitimate. Moscow cooperates closely with Damascus, whereby the Syrian government has officially requested Russian support. The Russian air force is working with the Syrian army, while the U.S.-led attacks take place against the will and despite the protests of the Syrian government. Dr. Bashar al-Assad is the legitimate and elected President of Syria, supported by more than 50 percent of the Syrian population. This means that in Syria we fight together with our Syrian allies against the expansion of the “Islamic State.”

We must bear in mind what the total collapse of Syria would entail. This would automatically trigger the collapse of all other Muslim states in the region; even North Africa would be completely thrown into chaos, as we have already seen in Libya. We can, therefore, speak of a chain reaction or a domino effect in the event of Syria’s collapse. This, in turn, would mean that millions of refugees and migrants would march toward Europe, because there would be no more future for these people in total chaos.

“Syria is our external line of defense. The next line exists on the territory of the Eurasian Union and even within the Russian Federation…”

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he American-created chaos is thus directed not only against the Middle East and Central Asia, but also against Europe. The more chaos and disorder in the Middle East and North Africa, the more migrants will come to Europe. This, in turn, will lead to the destabilization of social infrastructure and, therefore, to the political paralysis on the European continent. And here we should not forget that thousands of terrorists flow into Europe as part of the migration process. Should this trend continue, and with the future arrival of 10, 20, or even 30 million immigrants coming to Europe, this would actually mean the end of Europe. The European continent would not be “Islamized” per se, nor would a “Caliphate” be built, but instead Europe would sink into total chaos and be wiped out.

Today, Russia is fighting against this development, which is in Europe’s interest as well. Russia needs Europe, and Europe needs Russia. Europe’s collapse is bad for Russia, and the same notion applies the other way around, even if it is not accepted by many European governments today, which are even working against it. There also is some historic continuity: in the past, Russia saw Europe as a shield against Turkish Ottoman expansionism. Europe sinking into chaos automatically meant Russia being threatened at its western and southern borders. Hence, the protection of Europe is in the interests of the Russian Federation. In order to preserve Europe from falling into chaos, today’s Russia is the shield of the European continent.

Therefore, Russia is fighting in Syria on a number of levels: we are actively taking up the fight against global and hegemonic aspirations of the U.S.; we are protecting our own national and Eurasian security interests by fighting the enemy before it can come to us; we are preserving Europe ahead of its decline because such a development would be harmful to us as well.

—Prof. Alexander Dugin

This article was originally published in German language in ZUERST! news magazine.



 Prof. Alexander Dugin, a controversial political actor almost impossible to classify properly under standard Western parameters, can be described as a conservative Russian nationalist, Eurasianist, bolshevist, and opponent of the global neoliberal project and American hegemony.  

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The Repubs., the Religious Right, and the Criminalization of Religious Belief

Steven Jonas, MD, MPHpale blue horiz
Special to The Greanville Post | Commentary No. 73: “The Repubs., the Religious Right, and the Criminalization of Religious Belief

Dateline: January 12, 2017

With a great flourish, the Dominionist Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, (while also clearly announcing, to his base in the Religious Right at least, his candidacy for the 2020 Republican Presidential nomination) introduced his “First Amendment Defense Act” into the new Congress, the 115th.  His stated purpose is to protect the “freedom of religion” for persons who would like to prevent the Federal government (and presumably, eventually, State and local governments as well) from “retaliating against businesses or people who refuse service to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer individuals.”  

Put differently, the bill states that “… the Federal Government shall not take any discriminatory action against a person… with a religious belief or moral conviction that marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman…” That is, his bill, (and a similar one was supported by the incoming Vice-President Mike Pence when he was Governor of Indiana) would allow any person to discriminate against any other persons based on their sexual orientation, identity, or concept of what “marriage” is.  Sen. Cruz makes it clear that the protected, allowable discrimination is one that is specifically based on the religious belief of the discriminator.

Sen. Cruz and allies use a First Amendment argument in support of their proposed legislation.  Indeed, the first clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution says: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”. . .  Presumably, Cruz and his allies, like Senator Mike Lee of Utah, view having the unsanctionable ability to discriminate against persons based on who they are as people and/or certain of their actions and beliefs, that are neither criminal nor the subject of personal/civil intentional tort law, is a “right” that is indeed protected by the First Amendment.  I presume that they would argue not that the persons so protected would not be “establishing a religion” but would be simply “freely exercising” their own religious beliefs and, in many cases, those of the church to which they belong.

Well, let’s take a look at that argument (and I do not know if they would be making it or another related one, but if I agreed with them on this issue, it is surely the one I would be making).  First of all, what about the oft-quoted statement by Thomas Jefferson that the First Amendment establishes a “Wall of Separation between Church and State?”  Well actually, although that interpretation is highly common and has been often followed by the courts, when taken literally there is nothing in the clause that establishes that principle.  Indeed, the Religious Right often makes this argument.  (One contrast in Constitutional interpretation and history, implication vs. clear statement, is indeed the 2nd Amendment, which clearly begins with referring to a “well-regulated militia” as its subject.  But somehow, in Scalia-time, that first half of the sentence has been hived off and we are left with a “right” to totally unregulated gun ownership,  including, I suppose, tanks and artillery.  But that is a matter for another time.)  And so, in opposing such Cruzist legislation (as I obviously do), I don’t use the “Wall of Separation” argument. 

Rather I use the “establishing of religion” argument.  For in the Cruz-Pence-Dominionist approach to this issue they clearly advocate that government should use its power to protect the right of certain kinds of believers — to discriminate in the use of public facilities, when such discrimination by, for example, “race” or national origin would clearly be prohibited — as against the rights of other kinds of believers and indeed, like myself, atheists. 

It is not as if members of the LGBTQ community are ciphers when it comes to belief.  Many members of these groups are quite religious and certainly share a belief in God with the Cruz/Pence/Lee wing of Christianity.  Their view of God, and what God sanctions and doesn’t, is just a different one, one indeed, for example, expressed these days by Pope Francis

In my view, this is the ground on which the offensive against the very offensive views of Cruz, et al, should be undertaken: they want to use the power of the State to enforce one particular set of religious views against all others.  VERY dangerous for the body politic.  For if this kind of government-protected, religious-based, civil law discrimination against all believers who don’t happen to agree with the interpretation of “God” and “the Bible” held by Religious Rightist/Fundamentalists/Dominionists of the Cruz/Pence/Lee stripe, as well as of non-believers, makes its way into the law, what’s next?

However, in terms of abortion and contraceptive rights, the matter becomes even more serious.  Again, the position of those on the Religious Right who would ban abortion completely, or who would not use the “time-of-viability” standard that is generally accepted by the supporters of abortion rights/freedom-of-choice-in-the-outcome-of-pregnancy, or who would use the “fetal heartbeat” standard that is not regarded by medical science as an indication of any ability of a fetus to survive outside the womb, or who would legally sanction the religious view that “life begins at the moment of conception,” is that any violation of any of the legal rules that might be established under any of the above conceptions of “life,” would be enforced through the use of the criminal law, against either the women or their care providers, or both.  As their supporters will clearly tell you, all of the positions described above are sanctioned by them on the basis of their interpretation of Biblical Law, that is on the basis of a set of religious doctrines/dogmas to which they hold

Just like there are many in the LGBTQ community who are quite religious, so are many women who seek abortions and providers who provides them.  And of course, in this arena too there are many non-believers.  And so what the abortion-rights banners want to do is return to the time when the criminal law was used to enforce one particular set of religious beliefs against all of the others, both religious and non-religious.

It is to these grounds that I believe we must turn the battle.  Do I believe in the “woman’s right to choose?”  Of course, I do.  Do I believe in the rights of the LGBTQ community to live as equals, with equal protection of the law, as under the 14h Amendment?  Of course I do.  But what we have now shaping up under the Trumpite/Repub./Religious Right machine is actually a possible return to the European religious wars of the 16th and 17th centuries, in which people slaughtered each other in the tens of thousands over particular interpretations of Biblical text that were at odds with one another. 

I believe that facing a very determined Repub./Fundamentalist/Religious Right in power, that the abortion rights forces must move beyond the “woman’s right to choose” and the “Constitutional right to privacy” (which is only an implied one) arguments.  I believe that the LGBTQ community has to move beyond “fairness,” “justice,” and even the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment (of which argument I was a very early supporter, even before the development of the “Prop. 8” battle).  What the Religious Right wants to do is use the power of government, of the State, in the civil law in one case, the criminal law in the other, to impose their own religious doctrines and dogmas on everyone else, regardless of their own religious beliefs.  It is to this formation of religious bigotry, oppression, and authoritarianism that we must re-direct the struggle —- indeed for true religious liberty.

These are very dangerous times.


Postscript One:  As I have noted many times in my columns, the Bible from which the Religious Rightists draw their doctrines/dogmas is the “King James Version.”  What an irony we have here.  That Bible, used now in this country as the justification for religious repression on a massive scale, was an especially commissioned English translation, the first officially-sanctioned one in fact, by the Church of
England.  It was created in part to help the nation, now under a Scottish King-by-inheritance, who, while a Protestant himself, had a Catholic mother, Mary Queen of Scots, heal from the violent religious wars which had wracked it from time-to-time in the 16
th Century.  Yes, the Bloody Mary is not just a drink (one of my favorites, as it happens).  In mid-century, the real Queen Mary attempted to re-impose Catholicism upon the nation, which, under Henry VIII, had left Rome.  She failed, but in the process much English blood was spilled.

Postscript two:  As Dahlia Lithwick tells us: “Jeff Sessions’ confirmation hearing had one moment that revealed why so many are terrified of him. . . . For hours on end, Sessions rebuffed, usually extremely deftly, forceful questioning from Senate Democrats about controversial statements …. In the late afternoon [however]  Sessions had this terse exchange with Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.

“Whitehouse suggested that lists were already circulating suggesting there might be purges or demotions of certain career appointees in the Justice Department. Whitehouse wondered whether Sessions would have a problem with career lawyers ‘with secular beliefs,’ having in the past criticized department attorneys for being secular.  Sessions replied that he has used that language about secular attorneys to differentiate between people who recognize objective ‘truth’ and those who take positions ‘in which truth is not sufficiently respected.’ [In my view, that was bad enough.  But the exchange went on.]

“Whitehouse replied, with a leading, and perhaps slightly conclusory question: ‘And a secular person has just a good a claim to understanding the truth as a person who is religious, correct?’ At which point Sessions responded, ‘Well, I’m not sure. For a few seconds the Senate chamber seemed to go completely silent.”

SJ addendum: This is the man who has been picked by the Trumpites (remember, both Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon came to Trump from the Cruz campaign) to be the next Attorney General of the United States.  Are they very rapidly returning to the embrace of the from-Reagan-onwards Republican base in the Religious Right?  You can bet your bottom dollar they are. 

So.  You think that I am overstating the case here?  I suggest, respectfully, that you think again.

MAIN IMAGE: Illustration by DonkeyHotey



Senior Editor, Politics, Steven Jonas, MD, MPH is a Professor Emeritus of Preventive Medicine at StonyBrookMedicine (NY) and author/co-author/editor/co-editor of over 35 books.  In addition to his position on The Greanville Post, he is: a Contributor for American Politics to The Planetary Movement; a “Trusted Author” for Op-Ed; a contributor to the “Writing for Godot” section of Reader Supported News; and a contributor to From The G-Man. Furthermore, he is an occasional contributor to BuzzFlash Commentary Headlines and The Harder Stuff.  Dr. Jonas’ latest book is Ending the ‘Drug War’; Solving the Drug Problem: The Public Health Approach, Brewster, NY: Punto Press Publishing, (Brewster, NY, 2016, available on Kindle from Amazon, and also in hardcover from Amazon.

His most recent book on US politics is The 15% Solution: How the Republican Religious Right Took Control of the U.S., 1981-2022: A Futuristic Novel (Trepper & Katz Impact Books, Punto Press Publishing, 2013, Brewster, NY), and available on Amazon.



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STINKING MANURE DEPT.: Obama’s Farewell Address is One Last Round of Clichés and Lies

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By Niles Niemuth,

11 January 2017

President Barack Obama capped his eight years in office with a vacuous and hypocritical farewell address Tuesday night delivered at the McCormick Place convention center in downtown Chicago.

The first-ever presidential farewell address delivered outside of Washington, DC had the atmospherics of an overblown, cheap spectacle. Obama strode onto the stage like a rock star, flanked by oversized American flags, a massive illuminated presidential seal and an introductory soundtrack by the rock band U2.

As with every address Obama has delivered over the last eight years, his speech in Chicago was full of clichés, his rhetoric padded with empty phrases and delivered with a false gravitas, signaled by his trademark pursed lips and affected whisper.

The speech was rife with contradictions, the starkest being the juxtaposition of Obama’s boasting of the great social progress achieved by his administration and his warning of threats to American democracy arising from ever-growing social inequality and economic insecurity.

The president declared: “If I had told you eight years ago that America would reverse a great recession, reboot our auto industry, and unleash the longest stretch of job creation in our history… if I had told you that we would open up a new chapter with the Cuban people, shut down Iran’s nuclear weapons program without firing a shot, and take out the mastermind of 9/11… if I had told you that we would win marriage equality, and secure the right to health insurance for another 20 million of our fellow citizens—you might have said our sights were set a little too high.

“By almost every measure, America is a better, stronger place than it was when we started.”

He made no attempt to explain why, given this impressive record of social progress and foreign policy success, his party was routed in the elections and the billionaire demagogue Donald Trump was preparing to succeed him in the White House.

A basic component of the answer, of course, is the grotesquely false rendering of his record and the state of American society as he leaves office. Hardly a week goes by without a new report on signs of extreme social crisis or ever-more obscene levels of wealth among the financial elite. Just in the past month, studies have been published showing the first decline in US life expectancy in 23 years, plunging pay for young adults, a 72 percent surge in deaths from synthetic opioids, and home ownership rates at historic lows for young people.

Other surveys have documented a $237 billion increase in the wealth of the world’s richest 200 billionaires, driven largely by the US stock market boom under Obama, and an acceleration of the transfer of wealth from the bottom half of the US population to the top one percent.

In boasting of presiding over a record number of consecutive monthly job increases, Obama neglected to mention that 94 percent of the new jobs created in the last eight years have been either part-time or temporary.

Noticeably absent from Obama’s remarks was any mention of the social conditions in the city where he was speaking, which is ravaged by high levels of poverty and unemployment, an epidemic of police killings and violence, and a skyrocketing homicide rate.

He lamented in general terms the growth of social inequality and the dangers it poses to American democracy—that is, the threat of a social explosion in the United States.

“While the top one percent has amassed a bigger share of wealth and income, too many families, in inner cities and rural counties, have been left behind—the laid-off factory worker; the waitress and health care worker who struggle to pay the bills—convinced that the game is fixed against them, that their government only serves the interests of the powerful—a recipe for more cynicism and polarization in our politics.”

As always, he spoke as if none of these social ills had anything to do with the policies pursued by his administration, including severe cuts in social spending on the one side and the bailout of the banks and flooding of money into the stock market on the other.

Another piece of monumental hypocrisy was Obama’s pose of fighting to defend democracy when he has done more to destroy it than perhaps any other US president.

“Democracy can buckle when we give in to fear,” he declared. “So just as we, as citizens, must remain vigilant against external aggression, we must guard against a weakening of the values that make us who we are. That’s why, for the past eight years, I’ve worked to put the fight against terrorism on a firm legal footing. That’s why we’ve ended torture, worked to close Gitmo, and reform our laws governing surveillance to protect privacy and civil liberties.”

This is from a president who has personally authorized the assassination of American citizens and thousands of others around the world with drones-fired missiles, protected and promoted those in the CIA responsible for torture, kept the prison at Guantanamo Bay open, persecuted journalists and jailed whistleblowers, militarized the police, and expanded the illegal surveillance of electronic communications.

Obama also used his farewell address take parting shots at Russia and China, lumping the war against ISIS with efforts to counter both countries, and arguing that aggressive action against the world’s second- and third-largest nuclear-armed powers was the only way to avoid war.

“[T]he fight against extremism and intolerance and sectarianism are of a piece with the fight against authoritarianism and nationalist aggression,” he said. “If the scope of freedom and respect for the rule of law shrinks around the world, the likelihood of war within and between nations increases, and our own freedoms will eventually be threatened.”

Obama spent his eight years in office waging war abroad and war on the working class at home. With Tuesday’s speech, he passed the reins to Trump with a shrug.


MAIN IMAGE: Obama tears up speechifying about his family. Such emotions apparently never entered his mind when assassinating thousands of people around the world and destroying the lives of millions.  


The author is a social critic with, a socialist organization.  

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uza2-zombienationWhat will it take to bring America to live according to its own propaganda?



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