The ruling establishment won’t quit: Latest Fake News designed to put further pressure on Trump to cave in

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The latest news being disseminated, again, hysterically by the mainstream media is that the Russians “have dirt” on Trump, and that this could compromise his independence as president. This is Fake News by definition and from the get-go. For one thing, everyone who has not been living under a rock, and who is not completely blinded by the political fog enveloping the American system, knows that Trump, as a businessman who has openly admitted he did not file taxes on various occasions, is good at being a “mechanic”, good at working the system. As well, his appreciation for the opposite sex is well documented, in fact, scandalously well documented, thanks to the mainstream media guardians du jour. But more than 60 million Americans were probably quite aware of this and still voted for him, proof that their pain under the current ruling establishment, and rage at its Olympian disregard for their class interests aggravated by overwhelming hypocrisy had reached a point of  no return.

But there’s more to this filthy story. Getting dirt on key politicians is what ALL major spy agencies do, the Western ones—the American CIA and its allies—the British, French and Israeli—leading the pack. It’s an old technique used to blackmail people into submission, also used to recruit or “neutralise” otherwise uncooperative players. J Edgar Hoover—a consummate blackmail artist— used the technique for decades to insure immunity from removal by successive presidents. His post soon became a sinecure, he was the real “Untouchable”.

Obviously the Western Intel mafia and their loyal coterie of media prostitutes (which shamefully but to be expected includes most of the major shills for the liberal and “left” establishment, from Daily Kos to Mother Jones) think that no one ever heard of this. Perhaps the majority of the benighted masses never did (and hence the playing of this card in the open). In any case, despite the public show of alarm and hair-pulling, nothing about this latest “appendix” to the DNI’s Russian Hacking report fiasco is any more credible than the main report itself. The stench of fabrication, of this being yet another ruse in an ongoing psyop to block Trump and antagonize Russia is overwhelming.


(1) The report appears precisely when the “Russian hacking” claim is losing momentum due to its very lack of substantiation;
(2) The accusation against the Russians’ “unique” perfidy surfaces precisely when Rex Tillerson, Exxon’s chief and current nominee for Secretary of State is about to face questions on Russian ties at his confirmation hearing. (This “coincidence” is also calculated to force Trump to nominate someone less likely to normalize ties with Russia, but grilling Tillerson, representative of a major and usually commanding sector of the global bourgeoisie, the oil industry, also shows the deep fissures within the ruling class, with Trump & Co. representing the old America first approach while the Clintonites and the CIA stand for the MIC’s globalism and unipolar hegemonism at any cost.).

(3) Putting more obstacles in Trump’s assumption to the imperial throne, and/or laying the groundwork to control him more effectively.
(4) They are trying to put a wedge between Trump and the Russians and facilitate his “cease & desist” from any detente with Russia to continue the criminally dangerous Neocon policies favored by Obama, the Bushes, and the Clintons of encircling, defaming and baiting Russia, China, Iran, and everyone else on this planet opposed to the idea of American global hegemony.
(5) They are providing Trump with a “face-saving” excuse should he finally cave in under pressure and renege on his promise of better relations with Russia.


As the great George Carlin might have said, (1)  this is a transparent case of Fake News, “Grade A, Prime cut, pure American bullshit.” The country’s unequalled product and export. Nothing comes close. Accept no imitations.

FAKE NEWS by definition, carried out as a psyop by the ruling system, and as credible as the entire report—so called—they floated to confirm the non-existent Russian hack (which, incidentally we know from reliable sources was an internal leak by a DNC staffer).  It’s clear the deep state is up to its eyeballs trying to corner Trump into following their orders or else. They will try anything, and the prostitutes in the media will blare it from the rooftops without challenging anything.  Disgraceful. But what else can we expect from a system so rotten and criminal that all we have now is one layer of deception upon another?  Below I have the pleasure of reposting analysis and opinion by fine and honest observers of the current reality. We all seem to be on the same page. The commentary is preceded by some random examples of mainstream media fake news on this topic.



Thankfully Trump appears to be firm in his denials of this nonsense:

“Reported” CBS: Published on Jan 11, 2017

Congress is focusing on what the Russians may know about President-elect Donald Trump. The issue was raised at the confirmation hearing for Sen. Jeff Sessions, attorney general nominee, and it may come up when secretary of state nominee, Rex Tillerson, testifies at his confirmation hearing on Wednesday. Nancy Cordes reports.

And to compound the dose of stinking manure they inflict on the American mind every morning, here’s CBS, again, featuring Samantha Power, a sociopathic promoter of the imperial wars in the Middle East, being offered a precious media platform to further pollute the understanding of this critical topic. Notice how one of the regular idiots on the show, Norah O’Donnell, is utterly friendly and deferential to Power. Strong stomach required.

Published on Jan 11, 2017

U.N. ambassador Power on Russia, Israeli settlements, what’s next

Ambassador Samantha Power has been the U.S Permanent Representative to the United Nations since 2013, where she has denounced atrocities committed by the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and criticized Russia for its repeated vetoes of U.N. resolutions on the conflict. Power, who will leave office with the rest of the Obama administration on January 20, joins “CBS This Morning” to discuss foreign policy and what she plans to do next.


BY PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS  Dateline: January 10, 2017 

Don’t Count On Trump Being Inaugurated — Paul Craig Roberts

The Ruling Establishment Does Not Intend For Trump To Become President.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he latest “explosive” fake news is that “multiple US officials with direct knowledge” told CNN that they have “classified documents” that Russia has compromising documents on Trump that would allow them to blackmail the US President. The documents consist of memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative “whose past work US intelligence officials consider credible.”

According to “the dossier claimed several figures in the Trump campaign were in league with the Russian government during the campaign, and that Russia had been conspiring with them to groom Trump as an ally for ‘at least five years.’ It also claims exchanges of information between Trump and the Kremlin for ‘at least eight years,’ . . . The dossier names former Trump adviser Carter Page, his personal lawyer Michael Cohen, as well as incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn as having personally and repeatedly met with Kremlin officials on anti-Clinton leaks.”

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn is the former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. If such a high level US intelligence official is repeatedly meeting with Kremlim officials and the CIA has to learn about it from memos written by an unidentified former British intelligent agent, the CIA is totally incompetent.

The dossier claims that in Russian hands are videos of “wild sex parties” staged by Trump on his numerous trips to Moscow. And it gets wilder.

The New York Times also ran with the story but did state that there was at the present time no confirmation for the story.

Consider these three questions:

How would a former British intelligence operative get such extraordinary documents from Russian intelligence?

If he had such documents, why would he hand them over instead of selling them to Trump for a major fortune?

Why would such a crazy story be on CNN and in the New York Times unless the ruling establishment intends to use it to block Trump from the presidency?

What this elevation in wild charges tells me is that the CIA’s effort to sell Trump on the Russian hacking did not succeed, and the CIA has escalated its attack on the president-elect.

Here are the URLs to the CNN, NYTimes, and reports:

BY STEPHEN LENDMAN Dateline January 11, 2017

Fake News Report Alleging Compromising Russian Material on Trump

[dropcap]V[/dropcap]ilification of an incoming president reached extremes of viciousness, unprecedented in US history. Demonizing Russia exceeds the excesses of Cold War years.  Where this may be heading should terrify everyone – possible US initiated confrontation between the world’s dominant nuclear powers and perhaps full-blown homeland tyranny if that’s what US dark forces have in mind. 
We’re doomed if madness this extreme is coming, with or without Trump’s consent. Only a deranged leader would approve. He’s unlikely to willingly go along with an agenda risking the destruction of what he spent a working lifetime creating, perhaps himself and his family along with it.
On January 10, an online BuzzFeed News report said “(a) dossier making explosive – but unverified – allegations that the Russian government has been “cultivating, supporting and assisting” President-elect Donald Trump for years and gained compromising information about him has been circulating among elected officials, intelligence agents, and journalists for weeks.” 
Unverified translates to utter rubbish, continuing a relentless campaign to delegitimize Trump, bash Russia and prevent improved bilateral relations. The fake news report is headlined “US Presidential Election: Republican Candidate Donald Trump’s Activities in Russia and Compromising Relationship with the Kremlin.”
The militantly anti-Trump, anti-Russia New York Times featured the fake news claim – provocatively headlining “Trump Received Unsubstantiated Report That Russia Had Damaging Information About Him.”  A neocon, CIA house organ Washington Post article was similar. So were numerous other fake news media scoundrel reports, in lockstep publishing misinformation and Big Lies. The Wall Street Journal went another way, headlining “Russia Says it Has No Compromising Material on Trump.” More on this below. 
A same-day article included Trump’s response, tweeting “BuzzFeed Runs Unverifiable Trump-Russia Claims’ #FakeNews”
“The online news site BuzzFeed on Tuesday published a letter containing salacious allegations – which even the website acknowledged were unverifi…”



Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the allegation about Russia having compromising information on Trump a “total bluff, an absolute fabrication, complete nonsense.”  Allegations don’t “correspond to reality and (represent) absolute fiction.” Russia has no compromising information on either Trump or Hillary, Peskov stressed, calling the fake news report “pulp fiction.” “This is an obvious attempt to harm our bilateral relations,” he explained.
WikiLeaks tweeted it “has a 100% record of accurate authentication. We do not endorse Buzzfeed’s publication of a document which is clearly bogus.”  Escalating anti-Trump, anti-Russia viciousness portends a potentially very bad ending ahead if a way isn’t found to challenge it effectively. Be scared. Be very scared.


The Great George Carlin (where are you George now that we need you so badly!?) on American Bullshit



Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West, How America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at  His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III." 

Visit his blog site at

Media and political analyst Patrice Greanville is The Greanville Post's editor in chief.  Among other things he published the fist American radical media review, Cyrano's Journal, in 1982.


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uza2-zombienationWhat will it take to bring America to live according to its own propaganda?



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Neocon John McCain, Intel Honchos, and Big Media Accuse Russia of an Act of War

black-horizontalDispatches from
with blitz commentary by Patrice Greanville

John McCain disgraces the office he holds. He’s part of Washington’s lunatic fringe. He’s not one of Capitol Hill’s brightest, graduating near dead last in his 1958 Naval Academy class (894th out of 899 midshipmen). His public disservice shows it, hawkishly favoring wars of aggression against nonexistent enemies, denigrating Russia irresponsibly, perhaps pushing for direct confrontation – madness if it ever happens.

He chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee. At yearend, he called nonexistent Russian US election hacking an “act of war.” He said newly imposed US sanctions and expulsion of Russian diplomats are inadequate. “(W)e have to make sure that there is a price to pay so that we can perhaps persuade Russians to stop this kind of attacks on our very fundamentals of democracy,” he ranted.
On Capitol Hill Thursday, he repeated the Big Lie, telling reporters Russia attacked America. “If you try to destroy the fundamentals of democracy, then you have destroyed a nation,” said McCain. “I’m not saying it’s an atomic attack. I’m just saying that when you attack a nation’s fundamental structure, which they are doing, then it’s an act of war.” Throughout months of bluster by Obama, US intelligence officials and congressional members, no credible evidence was offered to corroborate claims made.
Without it, they’re groundless. McCain represents a clear danger to world peace and stability. Chairing the Armed Services Committee gives him influence for ill, not good. On January 5, his committee will begin holding public hearings on the phony Russian hacking issue. Expect an array of Russophobes giving testimony, truth-tellers excluded, the way things usually work in Washington. Bipartisan congressional hardliners want tougher action on Russia, including more sanctions imposed – dangerous McCarthyite hysteria vital to oppose.
McCain recklessly claims America must “stand up to Putin.” He and likeminded neocons—including “the Senator from Israel”— Chuck Schumer (D-NY) reject normalizing ties with Russia.
Ranking House Intelligence Committed Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff vowed to work with other congressional hardliners to prevent Trump from reversing Obama’s adversarial policies. He blasted Trump’s rejection of irresponsible hacking charges, saying “(i)f he’s going to have any credibility as president, he needs to stop talking this way.” “He needs to stop denigrating the intelligence community…He’s going to have to rely on them.” Its mandate is lying when it comes to Russia and other nations Washington considers adversaries.

In two weeks, Trump will be sworn in as America’s 45th president. It appears he’s heading for a rough-and-tumble start, perhaps continuing throughout his tenure.

Part Two
Media Scoundrels Cheerlead Big Lies About Nonexistent Russian Hacking

by Stephen Lendman
As expected, The NYT disgracefully accepted the deceptive testimonies of top US intelligence officials before Senate Armed Services Committee members, claiming Russia “hack(ed)” America’s election, “rebuffing…Trump calling it “ridiculous.” Saying “our assessment now is even more resolute,” Clapper lied like earlier, accusing Russia of hacking America’s election – presenting no proof backing his claim. Why not? Because there is none. No Russian hacking occurred. Claiming otherwise is a Big Lie.
The Times: Intelligence officials will tell Trump on Friday that “he won with an assist from President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.” 
Fact: Blatantly false! The Times was caught in a bald-faced lie, more evidence of its worthlessness as a self-styled newspaper of record.  A same day article explained Clapper was clear and unequivocal, saying alleged Russian hacking (sic) didn’t “change any vote tallies or anything of that sort. We have no way of gauging any impact it had on the choices the electorate made.”
On January 20, former Senator Dan Coats will replace him as DNI head. Separately, neocon former CIA head James Woolsey announced he’s no longer part of Trump’s transition team. It’s unclear if he was forced out or left voluntarily. He never should have been appointed in the first place, a war criminal, supporting endless aggression against sovereign independent states and other high crimes.
Separately, Times editors blasted Trump’s questioning of US intelligence credibility – his duty when evidence suggests it’s fabricated. Echoes of Saddam’s nonexistent WMDs, yellowcake uranium, aluminum tubes and more Big Lies are well remembered by anyone paying attention. Fake news roared for months ahead of America’s 2003 war of aggression on Iraq, an unending conflict nearly 14 years later, the cradle of civilization destroyed, millions of its people dead from war, related violence, untreated diseases and overall deprivation, one of history’s great crimes.
The Times cheerled the run-up to war and its near-term aftermath, publishing daily virtual Pentagon front page press release feature stories – all based on Big Lies. Trump is right to debunk what lacks credibility. The Times and other media scoundrels disgrace themselves by supporting utter rubbish. The neocon/CIA house organ Washington Post reported what their agency handlers ordered them to say about Senate Armed Services Committee proceedings on nonexistent Russian US election hacking – no further explanation needed.
The Wall Street Journal published the same Big Lies, claiming “a multifaceted Russian campaign that went well beyond leaking hacked emails…to include classic propaganda, disinformation and fake news.”  Where’s the beef? Clapper lied, saying “we’ve never encountered a more aggressive or direct campaign to interfere in our election process” – while providing no evidence backing his assertion, accentuated by explaining nothing suggests anything changed the election results.
Let’s see if I’ve got this straight. Russia engineered the most “aggressive” ever meddling in a US election, according to Clapper. Yet no evidence suggests it. None was presented. None exists, and Clapper admitted nothing changed the election results.  In the post-WW II era, America interfered in scores of foreign elections, virtually always affecting the results for ill, not good. Yet the most “aggressive” ever alleged electoral meddling by Russia laid an egg, according to Clapper, failing to change how things turned out.
Draw your own conclusions!

The Insidiousness of the Establishment Media
Blitz commentary by Patrice Greanville

The conformist, status-quo supporting pack mentality of the US media is historically well documented. The US public have long confronted a huge irony in the way they acquire their “news” about the world.  Simply stated, they are media rich but information poor, in fact deprived.  On any given day, the US media offer a much narrower spectrum of news and opinion about current events than Chile or Bolivia, let alone larger nations with a still truly diverse press, such as Italy, Spain, Britain and even Russia. This shameful lack of diversity is not just the result of the inexorable dynamics of monopoly under capitalism, but also a class question. The capitalist class—now a puny minority amounting to perhaps 0.00002% of the population, the “billionaires”—literally owns the media (“public” too, as the infiltration of PBS by corporate money has shown repeatedly), and naturally uses it to promote and defend its interests. Thus, despite their enormous numbers, the American media appear tediously uniform in topicality and viewpoint. Under such conditions, the people often confuse “numerosity” with “diversity”.

This feature is common and well illustrated below by CBS, for example, whose behaviour toward the “Russian [nonexistent] hack” is practically identical to the posture exhibited by its sister broadcast networks, cable news channels, and leading print media, all aligned with and taking their cues from the reigning political establishment (in this case Obama and the Democrats).  In all such instances where this story is “reported” the mode of expression is affirmative and conclusive from the headline on, “the Russians did it”, and the same accusation is voiced by myriad, supposedly different independent sources, thereby contributing to the idea that what is in effect a huge lie is actually irrefutable fact.

The “pack” phenomenon has been studied by radical social scientists and (in their more honorable days) decried by left liberals, like Mother Jones’ Adam Hochschild. Such observers have accurately pointed out the anti-democratic effect of such practice, inevitable under conditions of capitalist ownership of public media. In his pathbreaking essay The Packaged Consciousness, an essay that absolutely every American should read, Herbert Schiller (also an early colleague and supporter in my own media struggles and contributor to Cyrano’s Journal), a man widely regarded by his peers as one of the leading political analysts of mass communications in the 20th century (Vide The Mind Managers), denounced the myth of media diversity as an important and inherently devious prop for meaningless elections:

Though it cannot be verified, the odds are that the illusion of informational choice is more pervasive in the United States than anywhere else in the world. The illusion is sustained by a willingness, deliberately maintained by information controllers, to mistake abundance of media for diversity of content. It is easy to believe that a nation that has more than 6.700 commercial radio stations [1975], in excess of 700 commercial TV stations, 1,500 daily newspapers, hundreds of periodicals, a film industry that produces a couple of hundred new features a year, and a billion-dollar private book-publishing industry provides a rich variety of information and entertainment to its people.

The fact of the matter is that, except for a rather small and highly selective segment of the population who know what they are looking for and can therefore take advantage of the massive communications flow, most Americans are basically, though unconsciously, trapped in what amounts to a no-choice informational bind. True variety of opinion, as opposed to superficial differences, on foreign and domestic news or, for that matter, local community business, hardly exists in the media. This results essentially from the inherent identity of interests, material and, ideological, of property-holders (in this case, the private owners of the communications media), and from the monopolistic character of the communications industry in general. (H. Schiller, The Packaged Consciousness)

We should keep in mind that Schiller wrote the above long before the nation and the world had entered the current explosion of media and the proliferation of various platforms for “news channeling” and social commentary, chiefly due to the Internet revolution and the multiplication of multimodal information platforms, from iPhones to iPads, portable laptops and other devices.

PRESENTED AS FACT: “CIA: Russia tried to help Trump win election with hackings”

 PRESENTED AS FACT: Schumer, McCain call for probe of Russian influence (the “influence” is taken as already established.)




Insidiousness writ large

On Jan. 6, the Los Angeles Times editors, apparently believing the choir of denunciations was not deafening enough, added yet more fuel to the phony Russian hack story, by allowing the royally misguided David Horsey to file a piece which openly paints Donald Trump as some sort of a stooge under Putin’s “ominous” influence.  How could this influence –no matter how benign or even non-existent—be anything but bad? After several years of nonstop demonization of Russia and Putin, in which new depths of mendacity have been plowed, even the suggestion of a connection with Putin is enough to taint the target, and that is precisely what this pack of jackals are aiming for. The object is to prepare the grounds for the impeachment of Donald Trump, his real sin threatening to upset the highly profitable warmongering applecart, while also reviving the Cold War with a big bang. From their cynical viewpoint, it’s a win-win situation.  Should they fail in their impeachment gambit, they can always withdraw from the field with the equally important trophy of having poisoned the well of Russia-American relations for the duration of Trump’s administration and beyond, putting this tortured planet that much closer to universal radioactivity. The final curtain. Well done, boys and girls.

Curious that these same abject media flacks remain totally silent when it comes to the longstanding and highly corrosive influence of Israel or Saudi Arabia on US policy, to mention just two foreign players who openly influence US elections, always for the worse.—PG

Will John McCain protect America from Trump’s strange affinity for Putin?

The image is eloquent and malicious enough, but the cartoonist adds injury to insult by waxing poetic about McCain, one of the foulest creatures in world politics today, attributing to this obsessive warmonger the characteristics of a national champion:

Will John McCain protect America from Trump’s strange affinity for Putin? (LA Times, 1/6/17)

David Horsey

I would love to know what John McCain is thinking right now as he ponders the coming presidency of a man who appears to admire a Russian tyrant far more than he does the intelligence agents of his own country. Does a word like treason run through his mind?

The Republican senator from Arizona is a conspicuously honorable man in a profession filled with people who sell their honor rather cheaply. There is nothing more important than honor to a third generation military man like McCain. He proved that through five years of confinement and torture as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam. While many, if not most, of his Republican colleagues in the Senate and House are putting themselves through ideological contortions to get aligned with the erratic narcissist who is now their leader, McCain is resisting. He is a hero and he is a patriot and it is not hard to imagine that, right now, McCain’s righteous anger is rising to a boil as he sees the president-elect of the United States discounting hard evidence of Russian espionage aimed at undermining American democracy.

Although presented on a platform we no longer trust—Amy Goodman’s show DemocracyNow!—we still think Greenwald is a truth-teller, a brave and invaluable voice in the midst of the current campaign of generalized deceit.

Glenn Greenwald: Mainstream U.S. Media is Culpable for Disseminating Fake & Deceitful News on Russia

Published on Jan 5, 2017 – We are joined by Glenn Greenwald, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and one of the founding editors of The Intercept. His latest article is headlined “WashPost Is Richly Rewarded for False News About Russia Threat While Public Is Deceived.” In it, he writes, “Any story that bolsters the prevailing D.C. orthodoxy on the Russia Threat, no matter how dubious, is spread far and wide. And then, as has happened so often, when the story turns out to be false or misleading, little or nothing is done to correct the deceitful effects.”

Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs weekdays on nearly 1,400 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream 8-9AM ET:




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STEPHEN LENDMAN lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."  ( ) Visit his blog site at

Patrice Greanville is The Greanville Post's editor in chief. 



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Russia Hysteria Infects WashPost Again: False Story About Hacking U.S. Electric Grid

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Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept

Dateline: December 31 2016

(updated below)

THE WASHINGTON POST on Friday reported a genuinely alarming event: Russian hackers have penetrated the U.S. power system through an electrical grid in Vermont. The Post headline conveyed the seriousness of the threat:

The first sentence of the article directly linked this cyberattack to alleged Russian hacking of the email accounts of the DNC and John Podesta — what is now routinely referred to as “Russian hacking of our election” — by referencing the code name revealed on Wednesday by the Obama administration when it announced sanctions on Russian officials: “A code associated with the Russian hacking operation dubbed Grizzly Steppe by the Obama administration has been detected within the system of a Vermont utility, according to U.S. officials.”

The Post article contained grave statements from Vermont officials of the type politicians love to issue after a terrorist attack to show they are tough and in control. The state’s Democratic governor, Peter Shumlin, said:

Vermonters and all Americans should be both alarmed and outraged that one of the world’s leading thugs, Vladimir Putin, has been attempting to hack our electric grid, which we rely upon to support our quality of life, economy, health, and safety. This episode should highlight the urgent need for our federal government to vigorously pursue and put an end to this sort of Russian meddling.

Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy [a typical liberal, and reputed “progressive”] issued a statement warning: “This is beyond hackers having electronic joy rides — this is now about trying to access utilities to potentially manipulate the grid and shut it down in the middle of winter. That is a direct threat to Vermont and we do not take it lightly.”

The article went on and on in that vein, with all the standard tactics used by the U.S. media for such stories: quoting anonymous national security officials, reviewing past acts of Russian treachery, and drawing the scariest possible conclusions (“‘The question remains: Are they in other systems and what was the intent?’ a U.S. official said”). 

The media reactions, as Alex Pfeiffer documents, were exactly what one would expect: hysterical, alarmist proclamations of Putin’s menacing evil:

The Post’s story also predictably and very rapidly infected other large media outlets. Reuters thus told its readers around the world: “A malware code associated with Russian hackers has reportedly been detected within the system of a Vermont electric utility.”

WHAT’S THE PROBLEM here? It did not happen.

There was no “penetration of the U.S. electricity grid.” The truth was undramatic and banal. Burlington Electric, after receiving a Homeland Security notice sent to all U.S. utility companies about the malware code found in the DNC system, searched all its computers and found the code in a single laptop that was not connected to the electric grid. 

U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy (VT) a “solid liberal” from a “solid progressive state” (Vermont), is clearly quite capable and eager to join the lynching mob when it comes to irresponsible warmongering. What are these guys good for? We’ll bet there will be no retraction or at best a piddling walkback from this guy, if any at all. Trust the liberals at your own peril.

Apparently, the Post did not even bother to contact the company before running its wildly sensationalistic claims, so Burlington Electric had to issue its own statement to the Burlington Free Press, which debunked the Post’s central claim (emphasis in original): “We detected the malware in a single Burlington Electric Department laptop NOT connected to our organization’s grid systems.”

So the key scary claim of the Post story — that Russian hackers had penetrated the U.S. electric grid — was false. All the alarmist tough-guy statements issued by political officials who believed the Post’s claim were based on fiction.

Even worse, there is zero evidence that Russian hackers were even responsible for the implanting of this malware on this single laptop. The fact that malware is “Russian-made” does not mean that only Russians can use it; indeed, like a lot of malware, it can be purchased (as Jeffrey Carr has pointed out in the DNC hacking context, assuming that Russian-made malware must have been used by Russians is as irrational as finding a Russian-made Kalishnikov AKM rifle at a crime scene and assuming the killer must be Russian).

As the actual truth emerged once the utility company issued its statement, the Post rushed to fix its embarrassment, beginning by dramatically changing its headline:

The headline is still absurd: They have no idea that this malware was placed by a “Russian operation” (though they would likely justify that by pointing out that they are just stenographically passing along what “officials say”). Moreover, nobody knows when this malware was put on this laptop, how, or by whom. But whatever else is true, the key claim — “Russian hackers penetrated U.S. electricity grid” — has now been replaced by the claim that this all shows “risk to U.S. electrical grid.”

As journalists realized what did — and did not — actually happen here, the reaction was swift:


THIS MATTERS NOT ONLY because one of the nation’s major newspapers once again published a wildly misleading, fearmongering story about Russia. It matters even more because it reflects the deeply irrational and ever-spiraling fever that is being cultivated in U.S. political discourse and culture about the threat posed by Moscow.

The Post has many excellent reporters and smart editors. They have produced many great stories this year. But this kind of blatantly irresponsible and sensationalist tabloid behavior — which tracks what they did when promoting that grotesque PropOrNot blacklist of U.S. news outlets accused of being Kremlin tools — is a byproduct of the Anything Goes mentality that now shapes mainstream discussion of Russia, Putin, and the Grave Threat to All Things Decent in America that they pose.

The level of groupthink, fearmongering, coercive peer pressure, and über-nationalism has not been seen since the halcyon days of 2002 and 2003. Indeed, the very same people who back then smeared anyone questioning official claims as Saddam sympathizers or stooges and left-wing un-American loons are back for their sequel, accusing anyone who expresses any skepticism toward claims about Russia of being Putin sympathizers and Kremlin operatives and stooges.

But it’s all severely exacerbated by social media in ways that we don’t yet fully understand. A large percentage of journalists sit on Twitter all day. It’s their primary window into the world. Because of how intense and raw the emotions still are from Trump’s defeat of Clinton, the social media benefits from tweeting and publishing unhinged claims about Trump and Putin are immense and immediate: thousands upon thousands of re-tweets, a rapidly building follower count, and huge amounts of traffic.

Indeed, the more unhinged it is, the greater the benefits are (see some of the most extreme examples here). That’s how otherwise rational people keep getting tricked into posting and re-tweeting and sharing extremely dubious stories that turn out to be false.

And that’s to say nothing of the non-utilitarian social pressures. It’s not news that coastal elites — particularly media and political figures — were and are virtually unified in their unbridled contempt for Trump. And we have seen over and over that any time there is a new Prime Foreign Villain consecrated — now Putin — U.S. media figures lead the campaign. As a result, any denunciation or accusation toward Trump or Russia, no matter how divorced from reason or devoid of facts, generates instant praise, while any questioning of it prompts instant peer-group denunciation, or worse.

Few things are more dangerous to the journalistic function than groupthink, and few instruments have been invented that foster and reinforce groupthink like social media, particularly Twitter, the platform most used by journalists. That’s a phenomenon that merits far more study, but examples like this one highlight the dynamic.

In this case, the effect is a constant ratcheting up of tensions between two nuclear-armed powers whose nuclear systems are still on hair-trigger alert and capable of catastrophic responses based on misunderstanding and misperception. Democrats and their media allies are rightly alarmed about the potential dangers of Trump’s bellicose posture toward China, but remarkably and recklessly indifferent to the dangers of what they themselves are doing here.

* * * * *

Those interested in a sober and rational discussion of the Russia hacking issue should read the following:

(1) Three posts by cybersecurity expert Jeffrey Carr: first, on the difficulty of proving attribution for any hacks; second, on the irrational claims on which the “Russia hacked the DNC” case is predicated; and third, on the woefully inadequate, evidence-free report issued by the Department of Homeland Security and FBI this week to justify sanctions against Russia.

(2) Yesterday’s Rolling Stone article by Matt Taibbi, who lived and worked for more than a decade in Russia, titled: “Something About This Russia Story Stinks.”

(3) An Atlantic article by David A. Graham on the politics and strategies of the sanctions imposed this week on Russia by Obama; I disagree with several of his claims, but the article is a rarity: a calm, sober, rational assessment of this debate.

Since it is so often distorted, permit me once again to underscore my own view on the broader Russia issue: Of course it is possible that Russia is responsible for these hacks, as this is perfectly consistent with (and far more mild than) what both Russia and the U.S. have done repeatedly for decades.

But given the stakes involved, along with the incentives for error and/or deceit, no rational person should be willing to embrace these accusations as Truth unless and until convincing evidence has been publicly presented for review, which most certainly has not yet happened. As the above articles demonstrate, this week’s proffered “evidence” — the U.S. government’s evidence-free report — should raise rather than dilute suspicions. It’s hard to understand how this desire for convincing evidence before acceptance of official claims could even be controversial, particularly among journalists.

UPDATE: Just as The Guardian had to do just two days ago regarding its claim about WikiLeaks and Putin, the Washington Post has now added an editor’s note to its story acknowledging that its key claim was false:

Is it not very clear that journalistic standards are being casually dispensed with when the subject is Russia?


Glenn Greenwaldglenn.greenwald@​


 Glenn Greenwald is a world renowned investigative journalist, noted for his courage in standing by Ed Snowden and for helping to distribute his NSA disclosures, as well as providing truthful supporting information in defense of Chelsea Manning.

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The Trump “Revolution”?

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As usual, the media takes on the new American president one bite at a time, without seeing the big picture. Oh my, he appointed all those generals! Gee whiz, he put all those millionaires in charge of the departments!  My God, his kids are sitting in on high-level meetings! No, wait, his kids are organizing donations to ‘charities’ in return for access, just like the Clintons!

Actually, these events spell continuity: the people will be fed, while the elite runs the world, with no pretense of ‘democracy’.  Trump believes businessmen and women can run the world better than politicians with degrees in law and government.  More worryingly, he also supports white nationalism, as seen by his nomination of Steve Bannon as Chief White House Strategist, among others.

The reason for this goes beyond a universal desire to live among one’s own kind: at 16% of the world’s population, Caucasians are an ever-diminishing minority. At the same time, the modernity that white people created has left most of the world’s other peoples without work. On the very day that the perpetrator of a truck attack on a Christmas market in Berlin was killed, RT aired a documentary centered on the Tunisian town of Sidi Bouzid where in 2010, a street vendor set himself on fire because the police were harassing him, igniting the Arab Spring. Since then, rather than idling away their lives, many young people have undertaken the perilous journey to Europe, seen as an El Dorado. Once there, however, they discover that they are not welcome, and that its attractions are beyond their reach. The twenty-four year-old Berlin terrorist had been one of those.

Neither the US Alt right nor Europe’s New Right have shown how eliminating multiculturalism (the attempt by white nations to integrate refugees from non-white nations) will solve the problem of their global minority status. Their capitalist culture does not include the preference for peace over war that is a fundamental (true) socialist meme. Very differently, the Russian President’s plan, reflecting the socialist tradition he grew up in, is for each nation be alone in its home, while entertaining peaceful, cooperative relations with all others.

Donald Trump believes that good relations with Russia are a better way to secure access to its mineral wealth than war, as shown in the appointment for Secretary of State Exxon Mobil’s CEO, who has pioneered that access. However, he does not yet realize that Vladimir Putin’s plan to protect Caucasians includes building long term relationships with the other major world races, starting with China. Trump is ready to take on the Middle Kingdom (as well as Iran, based on race and religion rather than on the nuclear deal) as if their ties to Russia were irrelevant.

Vladimir Putin will invite him to accept a multi-polar world in which American hegemony is replaced by regional power centers currently defined around the left-leaning but still quite precarious BRICS: Russia, China, India, South Africa and Brazil, and a Muslim nation, probably left-leaning Iran—in objective terms—rather than ultraright-leaning, utterly corrupt Saudi Arabia, because the former wants to resolve the Sunni-Shia divide while the latter exacerbates it.

In the lead-up to the inauguration, Donald Trump is not the only one who has a lot to learn about the world: most Americans voters do too, starting with the real nature of the Sunni-Shia divide, to be spelled out in another article.



Born in Phila, I spent most of my adolescent and adult years in Europe, resulting over time in several unique books, my latest being 

CUBA: Diary of a Revolution, Inside the Cuban Revolution with Fidel, Raul, Che, and Celia Sanchez

ALSO: Lunch with Fellini, Dinner with Fidel: An Illustrated Personal Journey from the Cold War to the Arab Spring

America Revealed to a Honey-Colored World

A Taoist Politics: The Case For Sacredness

I began my journalistic career at the French News Agency in Rome, spent two years in Cuba finding out whether the Barbados were Communists before they made the revolution (‘Cuba 1964: When the Revolution was Young’). After spending half a decade in Eastern Europe, and a decade in the U.S., studying Global Survival and writing speeches in the Carter State Department, I wrote the only book that foresaw the fall of the Berlin Wall AND the dissolution of the Soviet Union (“Une autre Europe, un autre Monde’). My memoir, ‘Lunch with Fellini, Dinner with Fidel’, tells it all. ‘A Taoist Politics: The Case for Sacredness’, which examines the similarities between ancient wisdom and modern science and what this implies for political activism; and ‘America Revealed to a Honey-Colored World” is a pamphlet about how the U.S. came down from the City on a Hill’.  

Buy now at Amazon

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Columnist Thought Syria Conflict Worth Murdering Over–but Not Worth Writing About




 Daily News columnist Gersh Kuntzman is doubling-down on his celebratory-but-not-celebratory-but-obviously-celebratory take (12/20/16) on the December 19 murder of Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov by an off-duty Turkish police officer. His follow-up column, “Vladimir Putin Is Demanding an Apology From Me!” (12/21/16), came a day after Kutzman openly justified the killing of Karlov in the United States’ sixth-largest newspaper.

Predictably, calling for the assassination of Russian diplomats in such a large forum upset the Russian government, and President Vladimir Putin has since asked for an apology from the paper’s editor. But Kuntzman, polishing his Bold Truth-Teller bona fides, used the opportunity to posture and further troll the world’s largest nuclear power. This exercise in pseudo-courage came complete with front-page tabloid-taunting (“Yeah Right, Vlad”) Thursday morning, and a hastily made “wanted poster” by some poor Daily News graphics intern: 


Kuntzman—who last gained slight internet fame after he insisted that firing off a few rounds from an AR-15 gave him “a temporary form of PTSD”—appears to be enjoying his 15 minutes. “Apologize, Russia?” Kuntzman mugged. “Only if you go first and apologize for Putin’s thuggery.” Such bravery. Or at least we could pretend it was, if he didn’t go on immediately afterwards to backpedal:  

Make no mistake: I condemn violence in all forms. My article only sought to explain the assassination and put it in the current context.

But wait—aside from support for the assassin being the logical implication of comparing Putin to Hitler and the Russian bombing campaign to the Holocausthe expressly defended the killing on TwitterOn Monday, he tweeted out his initial hot take with the words, “Wherein I make a case for political assassinations … when the victim works for Putin or Hitler, that is.” The case for political assassinations: Kuntzman is unequivocally arguing in favor of what the assassin did.

In defending himself on social media, Kuntzman time and again shows he’s far more concerned with grandstanding than engaging, even clumsily referring to the gunman as Syrian (he is, of course, Turkish) in one of his responses.

The reality is, Kuntzman has a superficial understanding of the conflict in Syria, has a separate bone to pick with Russia, and cheaply used the former to demagogue the latter. In scores of pieces written over his four years at the Daily News, Kuntzman has, until Monday, never once written about the Syrian conflict. (The one mention of the word “Syria” in his writings came when he quoted his Trump-supporting father blaming Democrats for “allowing the Russians into Syria”—8/2/16.)

Kuntzman: a sleazy hatchet man for the empire, and shockingly ignorant about the whole incident, erroneously calling the murderer “a Syrian”.

That’s correct—what he now insists is a genocide unfolding before our eyes, so morally urgent it justifies gunning down diplomats, isn’t something he once felt the need to highlight to his paper’s hundreds of thousands of readers. Like the New York Times’ Nicholas Kristof, who spent weeks advocating the bombing of Libya in 2011 only to never write about Libya again, Kuntzman’s bleeding heart stops and starts at the whims of the US national security state.

This speaks to what I sometimes refer to as “The North Korea Law of Journalism,” which states that editorial standards are inversely proportional to a country’s standing with the US State Department. Because relations with Russia are so frayed right now, US journalists and pundits can basically report or say anything they want. Despite the abhorrent human rights records of US allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia—to say nothing of the United States itself—one would never read a columnist advocating the murder of their diplomats in the pages of a major American paper.

Kuntzman, without ever explaining himself, goes full Godwin, asserting Putin as the moral equivalent of Hitler without ever laying out how this moral calculus was arrived at. After equating Karlov’s Turkish killer with Herschel Grynszpan, a Jewish student who assassinated Nazi diplomat Ernst vom Rath in France in 1938, Kuntzman insisted Russia’s undefined Nazi status made all Russia public servants fair game:

Karlov’s job in Turkey was to ease tensions over Russia’s atrocities in Syria and its incursions inside Turkey itself — meaning his job was to enable and normalize Vladimir Putin. Given that role, he wasn’t a diplomat, but a soldier, and his death is the same whether it came on a battlefield outside Aleppo or in an art gallery in Ankara.

The logical follow up to this is: Does this apply to all countries who commit war crimes? To US diplomats? If so, doesn’t it also render virtually all modern diplomacy impossible? Such glaring holes in his argument are never addressed.

They’re not addressed because, like many Western pundits, he is not serious about having a discussion on Syria—or how to mitigate its horrors—he’s only interested it in using it as a proxy for other geopolitical grievances. He has never written about it before Monday, and will likely never write about after this spat is over. Syria, and its countless victims, are simply a moral bludgeon to be wielded when scoring points against US enemies and, as with others before, he will likely drop the subject once these aims are achieved.

Mortimer Zuckerman: The elitist tycoon that enables Kuntzmann and his disgusting posturing.

Mort  Zuckerman has the smarts and elite credentials (as evidenced by his Harvard pedigree, etc.), but lacks the elementary morality to do something decent in this world with all that accumulated power, like opposing barbaric wars instead of fostering them. 

Mortimer Benjamin “Mort” Zuckerman (born June 4, 1937)[2] is a Canadian-born American media proprietor, magazine editor, and investor. He is the co-founder, executive chairman and former CEO of Boston Properties, one of the largest real estate investment trustsin the United States. Zuckerman is also the owner and publisher of the New York Daily News and of U.S. News & World Report, where he serves as editor-in-chief. He formerly owned The Atlantic and Fast Company. His personal net worth is estimated at $2.7 billion.[3]

Zuckerman was born in MontrealQuebec, Canada, the son of Esther and Abraham Zuckerman, who owned a tobacco and candy store.[4][5] His family was Jewish, and his grandfather was an Orthodox rabbi.[6] Zuckerman entered McGill University at the age of 16.[7]He graduated from McGill with a BA in 1957 and a BCL in 1961, although he never took the bar exam.[8] That same year, Zuckerman entered the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he earned an MBA degree with a distinction of honor. In 1962, he received an LLM degree from Harvard Law School. After graduating, Zuckerman remained at Harvard Business School as an associate professor for nine years. He also taught at Yale University. Zuckerman spent seven years at the real estate firm Cabot, Cabot & Forbes, where he rose to the position of senior vice president and chief financial officer.[9]




Adam Johnson is a contributing analyst for You can find him on Twitter at @AdamJohnsonNYC.

You can send messages to the Daily News at (or via Twitter@NYDailyNews). Please remember that respectful communication is the most effective.

Read the original post here.

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