Goebbels Is Alive and Well…In Amerika! & To be a (Real) Jew


Dispatches from Phil Farruggio


Goebbels Is Alive and Well...In Amerika!

Goebbels, official portrait.

[dropcap]P[/dropcap]eter Longerich's 2015 biography Goebbels instructs well how history can and does repeat itself. Like many of the NeoCon ex ' Lefties' who loaded up the Bush Sr. and Jr. administrations, Goebbels was at first a true socialist, perhaps even a Marxist sympathizer. [He had also seriously considered the Catholic priesthood.] As a young novelist and later journalist, he had a real dislike for the Fat Cat capitalists who he and others from both the political left and right blamed for Germany's fall from grace. When he ' found ' Adolf Hitler, despite his many disappointments about Hitler from his diary entries ( including the fact that he fervently believed that Hitler was in love with Goebbels'  fiancé Magda ... and perhaps vice versa), Goebbels joined the new Fuehrer Cult. As with many others in economically  and culturally depressed  Germany, Goebbels  was enamored with the man he referred to as ' The boss'. The need for a  messianic leader , actually a dictator, was very prevalent among many in the NASDAP (1) (Nazi party). So much so that nothing else mattered as to actual policy vs. actual power.  As Long as Hitler hammered home pride in the ' Fatherland ', Volk family values and rejection of the Versailles Diktat, Goebbels  forgave Hitler's indecision on other issues. Of course, Goebbels's bitter hatred toward all things Jewish kept him on a course that Hitler himself had steered for so long. Matter of fact, in the biography we learn how even Hitler had to slow Goebbels down at times , and show more patience... and wait for the opportune moments to strike  hard against the Jews.

Joseph Goebbels was a master in the use of propaganda. He knew what Edward Bernays accomplished in our nation through his introduction of propaganda into commercial and then political advertising. (2) Without Bernays's skills, the United States may never have even entered into WW1. Goebbels could have gotten lots of his ideas right out of Bernays' 1928 book aptly entitled Propaganda. Jingoistically,  one cannot view any films showing the Nazi regime at work without noticing the abundance of flags and banners everywhere.  Additionally, Goebbels'  use of pomp and circumstance with the trumpets and horns and of course the drum beats combined with the marches and uniforms was very effective. Why? Well,  during troubled times all that is needed  to indoctrinate the populace are repetitive sound bites and slogans used over and over and over again. Did not Mr. Trump use such populist propaganda on  a great segment of the populace fed up with their economic plight and  the absence of good jobs? Of course all successful propaganda must have  scapegoats ready in the wings to blame most of this on...  with a savior standing by to lead them out of the abyss. Nazi Germany had the Jews and European banking system, and Trump's Amerika has the Muslims and illegal Latino aliens as they are referred to.

Another interesting fact mentioned in the biography is that the Nazis did not need to play the ' God card ' in order to get the masses to follow. Hitler and his cronies, Goebbels included, had a deep revulsion towards any form of Christianity. They despised it because their goal was to make the Fuehrer the new 'Christ' , or messiah, for Germany's resurrection as a European power once again. Christianity also was a faith (that at least formally) preached peace and forgiveness, seen as "weak" values by the militarist Nazis. This anomaly was not what we here in this Amerikan empire have ever experienced. The great and insightful American author Sinclair Lewis said it best  79 years ago with: " When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross."  Sadly, we are on our way to seeing it happen here soon.

The Neocon propaganda has worked so well for the ' The Right Wing'. They have hijacked our wonderful flag and made it into a symbol of their perversions.  They have hijacked the great avatar, Jesus of Nazareth, and made him the symbol of this ' born again empire', as if he would ever bless our illegal and immoral invasions and occupations... along with our merciless drone missiles. Their (so called) adversaries, the Democratic Party, which great propaganda has labeled as ' Left wing ' or ' Liberal ' or even ' Socialist/ Marxist ' , are just more ' kinder and gentler ' servants of that same empire. They too kneel at the altars of Big Business and the Pentagon. Yes, dear friends, fascism, with its corporate police state, has arrived and most of us do NOT even realize it! Of course, our newest ' Emperor with no clothes', Mr. Trump, overtly does the bidding of the Deep State that he claims is " Out to get me!" He, along with his predecessors, will assure the Super Rich that the rest of us, the 99+ % , will become the drones that they need to service their beehive. Goebbels, if he is looking UP from his lowest point in the cosmos, must be so proud of what his profession has accomplished here in Amerika.

—PA Farruggio


   To Be a ( REAL) Jew

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he new film "Killing Gaza" by Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen ( both proud Jewish men) has just been released. Every American Jew, especially our Jewish American politicians, should watch it. I would imagine that even Israelis would have to acknowledge that Gaza is a ghetto. Of course, most Israelis who support the settler movement etc will blame it on the victims, and not on Israeli policy. This kind of astonishingly twisted and inane justification of horrific treatment has always been used by the conqueror.  You shut off a man's water supply and then call him a ' dirty slob' when he cannot wash properly. The bottom line is what the truth reveals, and nothing more. Finally, one anecdote from this writer seems to sum it all up. In 1988 I was traveling from NYC to Arizona by plane one night. It was a long 5 hour flight, and we were on a jumbo jet. I was standing alongside this man, late 40s perhaps, who said he was an Israeli engineer. During our conversation, I asked him about his feelings on the Palestinian situation, and now remember that this was 1988. He began explaining things as he saw it, and then said the following, with no emotion at all: " You have to understand that we Israelis see the Palestinians as you in the USA see your blacks. Quite honestly, they breed like rabbits, and if this continues they will outnumber us with their excess population. As much as I hate to admit it, the only recourse we have is to push them into the sea before  they totally overwhelm us!"

This writer has been a student of both WW2 and the Jewish Holocaust for most of my adult life.  I believe it was 1988 or 89 and I was home watching the made for television movie ' Murderers Among Us- The Simon Wiesenthal Story'. A scene from the film caused me great consternation.  In the scene, Wiesenthal , played by Ben Kingsley, is searching for his mother by the railroad station. He had heard that she was going to be ' deported ' and he knew what that really meant. She was obviously in one of the crowded ' cattle cars' ready to depart the station. He was on the platform yelling out her name. There was a German guard off in the near distance. Wiesenthal was desperate. Who wouldn't be, knowing your mother, the woman who nurtured you and loved you unconditionally, was being sent to most likely her death. Suddenly, he heard a cry from one of the cattle cars: " Simon!" He looked in the direction of the car that the cry came from. The train began to pull away, and the guard was between Wiesenthal and his mother's cattle car. He fell to his knees and silently wept, so as not to startle the German soldier.

I quickly wiped my own eyes and grabbed a pen and notepad. This is what I wrote within a few minutes:

Never Again

To be a Jew

and outcast with nothing

neither the dignity of a cell

nor the honor of a soldier

hunted, tormented shamelessly



To be a Jew

homeless, loved by no one

godless, but in memory

of a Father so forgiving

yet turned away once more



To be a Jew

a creature of the day

for the night has eyes

eyes that can condemn

eyes that can haunt



To be a Jew

standing proud in cattle cars

marching silently towards death

for only God holds redemption

for those who are the chosen


My poem was laser engraved onto a plaque and sent to the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, where it remains today as part of the holocaust museum's archives. This is just how affected I was by my study of that horrific era in the history of the 20th Century.

Well, sadly I must state that many of my fellow Jewish brethren ( I just found out, through Ancestry.com, that I am 8% Jewish, and interestingly, 8% Middle Eastern) have failed to understand what the holocaust really meant. To forcefully remove perhaps as many as 750,000 Palestinians from THEIR HOMES in 1948 to finalize the Jewish state of Israel makes one recall similar such actions by the Germans in the 1930s. Is the ghetto that Gaza has become that much different than the  ghettos created in Warsaw and Krakow? The Germans allowed for their citizens to move into areas in Poland and other Eastern countries, after displacing the natives of those areas (many being Jewish) under the guise of Lebensraum or ' Living space imperative'. How is that any different from many of my Jewish fellow citizens from Borough Park Brooklyn and other places moving to Israel and forming settlements in former Palestinian areas? How in the hell does a Jewish person from another country have such living rights over a Palestinian whose family has lived there for countless generations?

—PA Farruggio

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NASDAP stands for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German: National Socialist German Workers' Party)
(2) Editor's Note: Ironically, propaganda has a much older lineage. From Athens on down to "modern times,  whenever any society had common knowledge and a sense of common interests, it made use of propaganda. And as early as the sixteenth century nations used methods that were somewhat like those of modern propaganda. In the days of the Spanish Armada (1588), both Philip II of Spain and Queen Elizabeth of England organized propaganda in a quite modern way.

The Spanish claims, though described in the language of Queen Elizabeth’s time, have a curiously modern ring. Make a few changes in them, here and there, and they sound like a 1944 bulletin from the Japanese propaganda office.

The term “propaganda” apparently first came into common use in Europe as a result of the missionary activities of the Catholic church. In 1622 Pope Gregory XV created in Rome the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith. This was a commission of cardinals charged with spreading the faith and regulating church affairs in heathen lands. A College of Propaganda was set up under Pope Urban VIII to train priests for the missions."
(For more, see The Story of Propaganda)


 Philip A Farruggio is a son and grandson of Brooklyn, New York, longshoremen. He has been a freelance columnist since 2001, with more than 300 of his essays posted, besides The Greanville Post, on sites like Consortium News, Information Clearing House,  Global Research, Nation of Change, World News Trust, Op-Ed News, Dissident Voice, Counterpunch, Activist Post, Sleuth Journal, Truthout and many others. His blog can be read in full on World News Trust., where he writes a great deal about the need to cut military spending drastically and send the savings back to save our cities. Philip has an internet interview show, "It's the Empire... Stupid" with producer Chuck Gregory, and can be reached at paf1222@bellsouth.net

The Russian Peace Threat examines Russophobia, American Exceptionalism and other urgent topics

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All image captions, pull quotes, appendices, etc. by the editors not the authors. 


Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report

MEDIA LENS: Venezuela Blitz – Part 1: Tyrants Don’t Have Free Elections


[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n our new book, we describe a 'Propaganda Blitz' as a fast-moving campaign to persuade the public of the need for 'action' or 'intervention' furthering elite interests. Affecting great moral outrage, corporate media line up to insist that a watershed moment has arrived – something must be done!

A classic propaganda blitz was triggered on January 23, when Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó declared himself 'interim President'. This was presented as dramatic new evidence that the people of Venezuela had finally had enough of Nicolas Maduro's 'regime'.

In reporting this news the following day, the BBC website featured a disturbing graphic of a captive with arms tied behind his back being tortured. The caption read:

'Inside Venezuela's secret torture centre'

The image linked to a complex interactive piece that allowed readers to explore the torture centre. There was also a long report on the same centre. The interactive report included this statement by a former prisoner, Rosmit Mantilla:

'In a country like Venezuela there's no difference between being in or out of prison. You are equally persecuted and mistreated, and you can die either way.'

Venezuela, then, is a giant gulag. The interactive piece had clearly taken a good deal of time and effort to produce – odd that it should appear on the same day that news of Guaidó's coup attempt was reported. The BBC followed this up with a piece on January 25 openly promoting 'regime' change:

'Venezuela's Maduro "could get Amnesty"

'Self-declared leader Guaidó also appeals to the powerful army, after receiving foreign backing.'

Still coasting on its manufactured image of respectable journalism, the BBC has long shown its true colors as a plutocratic engine of shameless disinformation, another major organ of the anglo-american ruling class.

In fact, Guaidó, also received foreign rejection from China, Russia, Turkey, Greece, Syria and Iran. On January 29, the BBC front page headline read:

'Venezuela, "living under dictatorship"

'The opposition leader tells the BBC President Maduro has abused power, and renews calls for polls.'

Echoing the BBC's 'amnesty' front page story, the Guardian's Simon Tisdall, also talked up the merits of the coup:

'It seems clear that Juan Guaidó, the opposition leader, has the backing of many if not most Venezuelans.'

A remarkable claim, given that George Ciccariello-Maher reported in The Nation that an opinion poll in Venezuela conducted between January 7-16 had found that 81 per cent of Venezuelans had never heard of Juan Guaidó. But then this is the same Simon Tisdall who wrote in 2011:

'The risky western intervention had worked. And Libya was liberated at last.'

The Guardian may currently be Guaidó's greatest UK cheerleader. After the opposition leader gave the paper an exclusive interview, former Guardian journalist Jonathan Cook tweeted:

'Extraordinary even by the Guardian's standards. Juan Guaido, the CIA's pick to lead a coup against Venezuela's govt, gives the paper one of his first interviews – and it simply acts as a conduit for his propaganda. It doesn't even pretend to be a watchdog'

On February 1, Cook added:

'Oh look! Juan Guaido, the figurehead for the CIA's illegal regime-change operation intended to grab Venezuela's oil (as John Bolton has publicly conceded), is again presented breathlessly by the Guardian as the country's saviour'

The BBC continues to administer a daily dose of propaganda. On January 31, the big morning news story was:

'Venezuela opposition "speaking to army"

'Opposition leader Juan Guaidó says his team has held talks with the army about regime change'

As we noted, if a US version of Guaidó made that admission in public, he would soon be paid a visit by Navy Seals, perhaps shot on the spot and dumped at sea, or bundled away to a life on death row for probable later execution.

On February 4, the front page of the BBC website featured a heroic picture of Guaido's mother kissing her son on the forehead at a protest rally. Sombre, stoic, the saviour's head appears bowed by the weight of the hopes and expectations of his people (people who, until recently, had no idea who he was and had never voted for him). This was a pure propaganda image. More will certainly follow. We discussed earlier BBC efforts here.

'Tyranny' As A Motive For Corporate Media Concern

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he BBC, of course, is not alone in promoting the view that Venezuela is a 'dictatorship'. The Times offered a typically compassionate 'view on Venezuelan protests against Maduro':

'paradise lost - A ruthless dictator has driven his people to the brink'.

The reference to 'paradise lost' recalled a famously foolish remark on Venezuela made by BBC journalist John Sweeney in the Literary Review in 2013:

'The country should be a Saudi Arabia by the sea; instead the oil money has been pissed away by foolish adventurism and unchecked corruption.'

Apart from any obvious issues of head-chopping tyranny, the fact is that Saudi Arabia is 'by the sea'.

The Economist focused on:

'How to hasten the demise of Venezuela's dictatorship

'Recognising an interim president instead of Nicolás Maduro is a start'.

The Mail on Sunday wrote of the 'despot of Venezuela'. In the Telegraph, Ross Clark discussed 'brutal dictatorships like Venezuela and Zimbabwe'. The editors of the Sun appeared to be holding a vigil for the suffering people of Venezuela:

'We hope too that Venezuelans finally topple Nicolas Maduro, the crooked hard-left tyrant Corbyn once congratulated, and rebuild their economy.'

The Sun's Westminster correspondent Kate Ferguson reported that John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, was backing 'the hard-left Venezuelan despot Nicolas Maduro'. The Express wrote of 'the corrupt regime in Venezuela'.

Writing in The Australian, Walter Russell Mead observed that 'dictator Nicolas Maduro clings to power'. (Walter Russell Mead, 'Moscow savours latest Latin American crisis to destabilise region,' The Australian, 31 January 2019)

Under the title, 'Venezuelan spring,' Mary Anastasia O'Grady (and old disgusting propaganda warhorse for the empire and unrdeemable reactionary) wrote in the Wall Street Journal:

'The latest Venezuelan effort to topple dictator Nicolas Maduro is a pivotal moment in Latin American history...'

The Guardian habitually uses the term 'regime' to signal the illegitimacy of the Maduro government.

An emotional Minister for Europe, Sir Alan Duncan - who once worked as a trader of oil and refined products, initially with Royal Dutch Shell, and who, in 1989, set up Harcourt Consultants, which advises on oil and gas matters - told Parliament:

'The UK and our partners cannot and will not stand by and allow the tyranny of Maduro's regime to continue. He has caused endless suffering and oppression to millions of his own people...

'The people of Venezuela do not need the weasel words of a letter to The Guardian, from assorted Stalinists, Trotskyists, antisemites and, apparently, dead people, and also from members of Labour's Front Bench. What they need is our solidarity with the legitimate, elected, social democratic president of the National Assembly: interim President of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó.'

Writing in the Independent, Patrick Cockburn commented in September 2016:

'Sir Alan does have a long record of befriending the Gulf monarchies, informing a journalist in July that Saudi Arabia "is not a dictatorship".'

Sir Alan tweeted:

'The dictatorial abuses of Nicolás Maduro in #Venezuela have led to the collapse of the rule of law and human misery and degradation.'

We replied:

'How much human misery and degradation did *you* cause by voting for war on oil-rich Iraq in 2003 and by supporting oil-rich Saudi tyrants attacking famine-stricken Yemen? Your compassion for the people of oil-rich Venezuela is completely and utterly fake.'

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also tweeted:

'We stand with the people of #Venezuela as they seek to build a better life. We cannot ignore the suffering or tyranny taking place in this proud nation. Neither should other countries who care about freedom and prosperity.'

Political analyst Charles Shoebridge commented:

'now speaking of "US standing with the people of #Venezuela against tyranny", when just days ago he was also speaking of the US standing with US allied repressive tyrannies such as UAE Saudi Arabia Bahrain'

Glenn Greenwald made the same point, adding:

'I'd have more respect for the foreign policy decrees of US officials if they'd just admit what everyone knows - "we want to change this country's government to make it better serve our interests" - rather than pretending they give the slightest shit about Freedom & Democracy.'

Writing on the Grayzone website, Dan Cohen and Max Blumenthal describe how:

'Juan Guaidó is the product of a decade-long project overseen by Washington's elite regime change trainers. While posing as a champion of democracy, he has spent years at the forefront of a violent campaign of destabilization.'

Almost entirely overlooked in 'mainstream' coverage, the New York Times reported last September:

'The Trump administration held secret meetings with rebellious military officers from Venezuela over the last year to discuss their plans to overthrow President Nicolás Maduro, according to American officials and a former Venezuelan military commander who participated in the talks.'

Associated Press reported last week:

'The coalition of Latin American governments that joined the U.S. in quickly recognizing Juan Guaido as Venezuela's interim president came together over weeks of secret diplomacy that included whispered messages to activists under constant surveillance and a high-risk foreign trip by the opposition leader challenging President Nicolas Maduro for power, those involved in the talks said.

'In mid-December, Guaido quietly traveled to Washington, Colombia and Brazil to brief officials on the opposition's strategy of mass demonstrations to coincide with Maduro's expected swearing-in for a second term on Jan. 10 in the face of widespread international condemnation, according to exiled former Caracas Mayor Antonio Ledezma, an ally.'

Labour MP, Chris Williamson, virtually a lone honest voice on this issue in the UK Parliament, commented:

'Donald Trump, who received nearly 3m fewer votes than Hillary Clinton, throws his weight behind a guy [Guaidó] who didn't even stand in last year's Venezuelan presidential election and UK foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt, gives Trump his servile support'

Williamson was impressively rational in this interview with Going Underground. Sir Alan remains unimpressed, commenting shamefully of Williamson in Parliament:

'I'm astonished he's even been prepared to show his face in this House today.'

Lack Of Free Elections As A Motive For Corporate Media Concern

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s we have seen, the corporate media's first great reason for opposing Maduro is that he is a ruthless 'dictator'. This label is credible only if he prevents free elections, which of course are intolerable to any self-respecting tyrant.

Again, corporate media are as one in their opinion. The Guardian's Latin America correspondent, Tom Phillips, writes that Maduro was 're-elected last May in a vote widely seen as fraudulent'. The 'impartiality' of Phillips' reporting on Venezuela is clear even from the tweet 'pinned' to his Twitter feed:

'It is 20 years since Hugo Chávez's election kicked off his ill-fated Bolivarian dream.'

A Guardian editorial noted that Maduro had won a 'dodgy presidential vote boycotted by the opposition'. The Economist went further: 'The election he won in May was an up-and-down fraud.' Ross Clark in the Telegraph:

'Opposition politicians have been jailed, while observers in last May's election reported inflated vote tallies.'

The Observer editors opined on January 27:

'Nicolás Maduro was re-elected Venezuela's president last May by fraudulent means, as regional governments and independent observers noted at the time, and his leadership lacks legitimate authority.'

Echoing its positions on earlier 'regime change' efforts that brought utter catastrophe to Iraq and Libya, the Observer added:

'Given this grim record, Venezuela would be well rid of him and the sooner the better. If Maduro truly has the people's best interests at heart, he should recognise that he has become an obstacle to national renewal – and step aside.'

Venezuela needs 'national renewal', or 'modernisation' in Blairspeak. Like the Guardian, the Observer then insisted that reasonable options 'emphatically do not include US intervention in Venezuela'. Nobody should be fooled by this apparent anti-war sentiment. US media analyst Adam Johnson of FAIR made the point:

'I love this thing where nominal leftists run the propaganda ball for bombing a country 99 yards then stop at the one yard and insist they don't support scoring goals, that they in fact oppose war.'

A further prime example of propaganda ball-running was supplied by The Intercept's Mehdi Hasan:

'I'm no expert on Venezuela but I'm pretty sure you can think Maduro is a horrible/bad/authoritarian president *and* also think it's bad for the US to back coups or regime change there.'

Beyond the 'mainstream', credible voices have argued that last May's elections were free and fair. Human rights lawyer Daniel Kovalik of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, writing for Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, commented:

'I just returned from observing my fourth election in Venezuela in less than a year. Jimmy Carter has called Venezuela's electoral system "the best in the world," and what I witnessed was an inspiring process that guarantees one person, one vote, and includes multiple auditing procedures to ensure a free and fair election.

'I then came home to the United States to see the inevitable "news" coverage referring to Venezuela as a "dictatorship" and as a country in need of saving. This coverage not only ignores the reality of Venezuela, it ignores the fact that the U.S. is the greatest impediment to democracy in Venezuela, just as the U.S. has been an impediment to democracy throughout Latin America since the end of the 19th century.'

More than 150 members of the international electoral accompaniment mission for the elections published four independent reports. Their members 'include politicians, electoral experts, academics, journalists, social movement leaders and others'. The mission's General Report concluded:

'We the international accompaniers consider that the technical and professional trustworthiness and independence of the National Electoral Council of Venezuela are uncontestable.'

The Council of Electoral Experts of Latin America, a grouping of electoral technicians from across the continent, many of whom have presided over electoral agencies, commented:

'The process was successfully carried out and that the will of the citizens, freely expressed in ballot boxes, was respected...the results communicated by the National Electoral Council reflect the will of the voters who decided to participate in the electoral process.'

The African Report:

'Our general evaluation is that this was a fair, free, and transparent expression of the human right to vote and participate in the electoral process by the Venezuelan people, and that the results announced on the night of May 20 are trustworthy due to the comprehensive guarantees, audits, the high tech nature of the electoral process, and due to the thirteen audits carried out previous to and on the day of elections which we witnessed.

'We can also conclude that the Venezuelan people who chose to participate in the electoral process of May 20 were not subject to any external pressures.'

And also the Caribbean Report:

'The mission was satisfied that the elections were conducted efficiently in a fair and transparent manner. All of the registered voters who wanted to exercise their right to vote participated in a peaceful and accommodating environment. Based on the process observed, the mission is satisfied that the results of the elections reflect the will of the majority of the voters in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.'

If all of this has been ignored in the current debate, it is because corporate media in fact do not care about free elections in Venezuela.

Consider the elections held in Iraq on January 30, 2005. On the BBC's main evening news that month, reporter David Willis talked of 'the first democratic election in fifty years' (Willis, BBC News at Ten, January 10, 2005). A Guardian leader referred to 'the country's first free election in decades'. The Times, the Financial Times, the Telegraph, the Sunday Telegraph, the Observer, the Independent, the Express, the Mirror, the Sun and numerous other media repeated the same claim hailing Iraq's great 'democratic election'.

But this was all nonsense. Iraq was not just under illegal, superpower occupation; invading armies were waging full-scale war against the Iraqi resistance. Just weeks before the election, Fallujah, a city of 300,000 people, was virtually razed to the ground by US-UK forces. Six weeks before the election, the UN reported of the city that, '70 per cent of the houses and shops were destroyed and those still standing are riddled with bullets.' A quarter of a million people had been displaced from this one city alone by the onslaught. One year later, The Lancet reported 655,000 excess Iraqi deaths as a result of the 2003 invasion.

There was obviously no question of a free election under these lawless, extremely violent conditions. The corporate press was not the least bit interested or concerned. Indeed, our search of the LexisNexis media database at the time of the elections showed that there had not been a single substantive analysis of the extent of press freedom in Iraq under occupation anywhere in the UK press over the previous six months. And yet the media were all but unanimous in describing the elections as free and fair.


David Edwards. (DE) is a founding co-editor of Media Lens, Britain's leading independent media monitor.

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The “new cold war,” censorship, and the future of the Internet


By Andre Damon, wsws.org

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n Tuesday, the New York Times published a major editorial statement warning about the “breakup of the web” amid the rise of internet censorship and international geopolitical conflicts. “If things continue along this path,” the newspaper warns, “the next decade may see the internet relegated to little more than just another front on the new cold war.”

The editorial begins by alluding to a warning by Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Google’s parent company Alphabet, that, in the Times’ words, “in the next 10 to 15 years, the internet would most likely be split in two—one internet led by China and one internet led by the United States.”

Schmidt, according to the Times, “did not seem to seriously entertain the possibility that the internet would remain global.” While agreeing with this appraisal, the newspaper adds, “if anything, the flaw in Mr. Schmidt’s thinking is that he too quickly dismisses the European internet that is coalescing around the European Union’s ever-heightening regulation of technology platforms. All signs point to a future with three internets.”

Censorship will become common to all of these “spheres,” not just that of China, the Times warns. “Internet censorship and surveillance were once hallmarks of oppressive governments—with Egypt, Iran and China being prime examples.” But it has become clear that this “isn’t just the domain of anti-democratic forces.”

The warning is ironic, given the fact that the Times has, for nearly two years, been at the forefront of justifying the efforts of US technology companies to censor the internet in alliance with leading figures in the Democratic Party, including Senator Mark Warren and Congressman Adam Schiff. For nearly two years, the Times has sought to promote and instigate censorship measures in the name of combating “Russian meddling” in American politics.

That campaign has resulted in a series of sweeping censorship measures, beginning with an initiative, known as “Project Owl,” announced by Google Engineering Vice President Ben Gomes in April 2017, that buried left-wing websites, including the World Socialist Web Site, in search results.

Facebook and Twitter have followed with similar actions, demoting oppositional pages in their users’ news feeds and, just last week, shutting down the accounts of left-wing news pages with millions of followers. The Times has cheered every step of this campaign, going so far as to label the political pages removed by Facebook as “spam” and “domestic disinformation.”

The Times and the American ruling class are now being hoisted with their own petard. Just as the American state and intelligence apparatus have sought to weaponize the internet, so too are other powers, as the internet becomes a battleground for economic and geopolitical conflicts.

What upsets the Times is that American companies, and Google in particular, are not tailoring all their actions according to the geopolitical interests of American imperialism.

The warning is ironic, given the fact that the Times has, for nearly two years, been at the forefront of justifying the efforts of US technology companies to censor the internet in alliance with leading figures in the Democratic Party, including Senator Mark Warren and Congressman Adam Schiff. For nearly two years, the Times has sought to promote and instigate censorship measures in the name of combating “Russian meddling” in American politics. That campaign has resulted in a series of sweeping censorship measures, beginning with an initiative, known as “Project Owl,” announced by Google Engineering Vice President Ben Gomes in April 2017, that buried left-wing websites, including the World Socialist Web Site, in search results.
“American corporations,” the Times writes, “do little to counteract Balkanization and instead do whatever is necessary to expand their operations. … If the future of the internet is a tripartite cold war, Silicon Valley wants to be making money in all three of those worlds.”

What instigated the Times’ ire at Google is the company’s insistence that it will operate in China, under rules imposed by the Chinese government, in defiance of protests by leading figures within the American government.

The Times pointed to a leaked speech by Gomes that made clear that the company’s plans to create a censored search engine for the Chinese market are in fact much further along than the company had publicly indicated. “Mr. Gomes’s leaked speech from inside Google sounded almost dystopian at times. ‘This is a world none of us have ever lived in before,’ Mr. Gomes told employees. ‘All I am saying, we have built a set of hacks, and we have kept them.’”

The seemingly anodyne Mr. Gomes

Readers of the World Socialist Web Site are familiar with the “dystopian” plans of Mr. Gomes, who has played a leading role in Google’s campaign to censor the internet in the United States and Europe. When he was working to crack down on political opposition within the US, the Times never mentioned his name and defended the censorship program over which he presided.

But now that Google is seeking to implement censorship in cooperation with the Chinese state, the Times is complaining about “[t]he power of a handful of platforms and services.”

In other words, the Times, speaking for the US intelligence apparatus, wants to have its cake and eat it too. It wants US technology companies to censor domestic political opposition in the name of preventing “foreign interference.” But it also wants those same companies to reject overtures by foreign governments to prevent “interference” by the Americans, including the US-backed campaign, which the Times alludes to, to promote separatist sentiments among Chinese Uighurs.

The Times, and the American ruling elite for which it speaks, wants to keep the internet “global” only insofar as its rules are written in the United States, insofar as the American ruling class can control the narrative. That other states and other ruling elites are moving to implement their own rules and restrictions, bound up with their own domestic and geopolitical interests, it considers intolerable.

Aside from the Times’ hypocrisy, the phenomenon it points to is very real—and dangerous. The internet emerged as a powerful mechanism for spreading information and sharing ideas, and for undermining national divisions and the control of the professional “gatekeepers”—the establishment media. With the proliferation of hand-held devices and social media platforms, vast troves of information are now available to workers and youth all over the world.

This development terrifies the capitalist ruling elites. The American ruling class, in particular, is fighting a two-front war. It wants to pressure the giant US-based social media and internet companies to suppress domestic opposition, while at the same time undercutting the efforts of its competitors and adversaries, whether in China or in Europe, to establish their own mechanisms of control.

The threat to an open and internationally integrated internet is one expression of the fundamental contradictions of the capitalist system—between a global economy and the division of the world into nation-states, and between socialized production and the subordination of economic life to the accumulation of private profit. Communication systems are global, but they are being manipulated by rival ruling classes. The spread of information is inherently liberating, but the infrastructure for its dissemination remains under the control of powerful corporations.

The social force capable of securing an open and global internet is the working class, the only genuinely international class, whose interests are bound up with opposition to the capitalist nation-state system. The struggle against censorship is the struggle to defend the social, cultural and technological achievements of mankind. It is inextricably connected to the fight against war, inequality and authoritarianism.

It is, in short, a revolutionary question. The international working class must respond to the two-front war of the capitalist ruling elites with a one-front war against the capitalist system itself. The internet must be established on secure foundations, through the establishment of a global, socialist society, based on equality and democratic control of production.

—Andre Damon


Ben Gomes: A colorless but objectively imperialist technocrat, casually suppessing free speech.

As a career corporado, Gomes does what he is expected to do within his mammoth company, without fully understanding the broader consequences. Below, Gomes in a soft-ball intervew wth a fawning Indian tv host. Ben Gomes is Vice President for Search Engineering, Google, the guy who figures how to twist the code to favor establishment views over dissidents.

Here, a slightly more interesting view, shwing us how Gomes, obviously prepped by Google's p.r. teams, answers a typical question about his role and Google's aims in manipulating results.

Andre Damon is a denior analyst with wsws.org, a Marxian publication.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License


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Things to ponder

While our media prostitutes, many Hollywood celebs, and politicians and opinion shapers make so much noise about the still to be demonstrated damage done by the Russkies to our nonexistent democracy, this is what the sanctimonious US government has done overseas just since the close of World War 2. And this is what we know about. Many other misdeeds are yet to be revealed or documented.

Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report

Soros color revolution in Syria?

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s the observers and analysts of events in the Middle East were busy looking at the aftermath of the downing of the IL-20 and the deployment of the S-300 in Syria, a great new danger is now looming.

President Assad issued a legislative decree (Decree No 16) and which is intended to reform the ministry of Awqaf (Religious Endowments). The “Awqaf” is a Sunni Muslim tradition that has been around for centuries, and its role is to manage the funds of family trusts. After the dismembering of the Ottoman Empire, the new states separated their own “Awqaf” and established their own religious bodies to manage these affairs and funds.

It’s clear Soros and his Western allies are deeply involved in recent events in Syria, symptomatic of a “color revolution” brewing in broad daylight.

Much has been said in the Arab World about Presidential Decree No. 16, but in reality, nothing has been said about its actual contents and context. When I began reading criticisms of it, they gave the impression that the Decree is handing over the executive authority of Syria to the Sunni Clergy. Videos made and posted by Syrian activists expressed grave concern about Syria following the footsteps of Saudi Arabia in imposing Shariah law on the streets of Syria. There are countless posts reiterating that they are against the imposition of Shariah dress on Syrian women and other similar concerns and linking this to the Decree. There was also confusion about the origin of the Decree and a great deal of criticism of the Minister of Awqaf as the man allegedly being behind it all.

This soon developed into a wave of paranoia and fury that dragged in many normally sombre and serious analysts and activists into supporting the outrage and expressing deep concern and even anger against the government.

I observed all these developments with great concern, not knowing if they were based on any reasonable foundations because I did not really see the actual wording of the Decree in question. The confusion relating to the origin of the Decree, among other things, made it difficult to Google, however I finally managed to find it.

To begin with, and contrary to the statements of many its critics, it is a Presidential Decree and not one originating from the Minister as these critics claimed. It is a 37 page document comprised of 7 sections and each section is divided into chapters. As I sat down to read it, I began to doubt if it was the actual document that the whole uproar was about. I therefore decided to write an Arabic extract of the main and relevant points it mentioned. The extract was quote-unquote based so that I do not use my own words. The emphasis was on matters of political power and religious power, whilst matters relating to financial management and the like were skimmed through very briefly. The link provided herein is for the Arabic post I made. https://intibahwakeup.blogspot.com/2018/10/3-october-2018.html I am not going to translate this to English and I apologize for that. Those who are interested in an English translation can use online translators and whilst these services have their limitations, they are nonetheless good enough to relay the main underlying context.

In brief, the Decree does not separate the State from the Sunni Muslim institution, this is true. However, it puts the religious institution under the hand and authority of the Civil Government. This, in my humble view, is a bold Presidential step towards full secularism. The Decree imposes regulations on religious activities, teaching, preaching and other related matters, to ensure that extremism namely Wahhabism and the Muslim Brotherhood are kept out and that Muslims are taught that they can be good Muslims and good Syrian citizens at the same time.

Sadly, experience has taught us that if Sunni religious institutions are left alone, they can be infiltrated by prejudiced fanatic zealots who can in the future, potentially reignite the fire. If anything, Decree no. 16 takes precautionary measures to ensure this doesn’t happen.

I did not see in the Decree any allusion to the imposition of Shariah code dress on women, and quite frankly, I did not see anything in it that justifies the outrage.

As I was in the beginning wondering if I was reading the actual document that had caused the outrage, I ended up wondering if the ones doing the outrage have read it at all or even bothered to try to Google it and find it.

The War on Syria has not finished and, over the years I have written many articles about directions that the enemies of Syria took it in order to morph the war and reshape it in their favour. What Syria now needs is rationality and education. It’s a good start to have faith and confidence in the leadership and Decrees of the President, but this trust can be further bolstered by actually looking at facts and discussing the Decree for what it says and not by attributing it to the words of some extremist clerics and making judgements made on totally irrelevant criteria.

However, the current voices of dissent in Syria are led by supporters of the Syrian Government in its war, they are led by alleged “reformers” and scholars, who are twisting facts and feeding the public with disinformation alleging that the said decree is a sell out to the Islamists. With the great help of Intibah (my wife) I have caught them out, and was able to demonstrate that they are either lying deliberately, or that they have issued statements about the decree without reading it.

Those stirrers are trying hard, and very hard, to give the educated secular youth the impression that the government is intent to allow their sacrifices to go in vain. The campaign is spearheaded by some scholars and a member of the Popular Assembly (Parliament) by the name of Nabil Saleh. Saleh is an independent MP who has placed himself against the war on Syria, but not in support of the politics of the Government. He identifies himself as a reformer, a fighter for justice and rationality. However, the campaign of disinformation he is leading does not seem to be based on any rationality at all, but rather on deliberate twists and misinterpretations of Decree No 16. All the while the Grand Mufti Hassoun seems to be keeping silent.

The campaign is splitting the victors of the war on a very basic issue. Even the grass-root constituencies that have supported the Assad legacy for decades are getting inflamed and angry. What is really dangerous here is that as this campaign is giving the false impression that fundamentalist Sunni Islam is winning the battle of government legislation, confused members of other religions are now asking what is in it for them and why did they make all those sacrifices?

My fear is that if this wave of disinformation grows, it will (God forbid) produce the real civil war that Syria did not have. In my Arabic writings, I have been urging readers to develop informed views and asking for calm, but my voice does not travel as far and as loud as the voices of the stirrers.

Now, Syrians have been “asked” to wear red at 4 pm on Tuesday (the 9th of October) in protest to the Decree. Sounds familiar?

Everything about this current hysteria, beginning with disinformation, fearmongering and ending with “Red Tuesday”, are all hallmarks of a Soros-sponsored colour revolution. Did the Western infiltrators who penetrated Syria’s security defences (and whom I and others have warned about repeatedly) establish sleeper cells that have been now activated? Incidentally, the colour red is considered by fundamentalist Muslims as lustful and provocative for women to wear. The choice of the colour perhaps underlies a subtle statement to this effect.

This is spiralling out of control, and the way I see it, President Assad has few options:

  1. Charge the provocateurs with maliciously spreading disinformation and causing civil strife. This option will however turn Saleh and others in living martyrs and may intensify the situation further.
  2. Ignore the public anger in the hope that it will recede and go away, but such an action may anger the protestors even more and push them to escalate their action.
  3. Or simply to withdraw Decree No 16 even though it is a very good piece of legislation. Such a withdrawal will hopefully absorb the current hysteria and provides the Government with time to deal with whom and what was behind it.

The S-300 may now be giving Syria security in the skies, but those who are stirring the mud are creating a new grave danger on the streets.

The writer is an expert on Middle East affairs.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License


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Briefing by the Russian Defence Ministry on newly discovered evidence pertaining to the crash of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17


Editor's Note: The power of Western mass media disinformation continues to hold world public opinion (at least where it counts, among the brainwashed "Western" publics) in its toxic stranglehold. While the downing of MH17 instantly made the prime time news around the world—all reports also instantly fingering the Ukrainian separatists and Moscow as the sordid malefactors—resulting in a huge and obsessive wave of media frenzy and near-universal condemnation of Russia, now, that the Russians after patiently disposing of a huge number of obstacles and complete lack of cooperation by the West (which essentially hijacked the remains of MH17 and refused to allow Russian or Malaysian experts to the forensic processes, with not a single protest from the "western journalists"), a handful of people seem to know about it. The numbers are telling. Idiocies reach millions on YouTube every day, and same goes for any mass media-launched storyline later reflected on social media. But this story, which has enormous importance for world peace, and can help to dismantle the edifice of lies used by the West to attack Russia and justify its own crimes, goes begging for an audience. One of the videos has about 11,000 visits. The other less than 3,000. Cry or rage if you like. It's justified. When are we going to see a non-Western controlled apparatus of powerful and influential media? —PG


The demonisation of Russia, and particularly Putin. It went on and on and on. It never really stopped. The hysterical accusations were coming in within 24 hours, without the benefit of any investigation. For sheer vileness, the Brits were even outdoing the Americans.

Live: Russian MoD reveals new findings in MH-17 investigation


Streamed live 18 hours ago

The Russian Ministry of Defence reveals new findings on the investigation into the MH-17 plane crash at a press briefing in Moscow on Monday, September 17. Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was en route to Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam when it was downed in the skies over eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014. All 298 people on board were killed.

Briefing on newly discovered evidence pertaining to the crash of the MH17 flight

Source: The Saker



THE SAKER  is the nom de guerre of a former Russian-born military and geopolitical analyst, working at one point for the West. He has described his former career as that of "the proverbial 'armchair strategist', with all the flaws which derive from that situation.  Explaining his transformation, he states: "Before the war in Bosnia I had heard the phrase "truth is the first casualty of war" but I had never imagined that this could be quite so literally true. Frankly, this war changed my entire life and resulted in a process of soul-searching which ended up pretty much changing my politics 180 degrees. This is a long and very painful story which I do not want to discuss here, but I just want to say that this difference between what I was reading in the press and in the UNPROFOR reports ended up making a huge difference in my entire life. Again, NOT A SINGLE ASPECT OF THE OFFICIAL NARRATIVE WAS TRUE, not one. You would get much closer to the truth if you basically did a 'negative' of the official narrative.”  Like The Greanville Post, with which it is now allied in his war against official disinformation, the Saker's site, VINEYARD OF THE SAKER, is the hub of an international network of sites devoted to fighting the "billion-dollar deception machinery" supporting the empire's wars against Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela and any other independent nation opposing or standing in the way of Washington's drive for global hegemony.  The Saker is published in more than half a dozen languages. A Saker is a very large falcon, native to Europe and Asia. 

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The Russian Peace Threat examines Russophobia, American Exceptionalism and other urgent topics