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Countering Western Disinformation on Russia and Other Nations Opposing the American Empire





Fred Reed THE SAKER   By Fred Reed for the Saker Blog Everybody and his goat are talking about the Ukraine. Why not me? You might ask, But Fred, what do you know about it? To which I would respond, ...
Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research Facilities," Worried Russia May Seize Them

Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has “Biological Research Facilities,” Worried Russia May Seize Them

• Glenn Greenwald ALL CAPTIONS ANNOTATIONS BY THE EDITOR!   Self-anointed "fact-checkers” in the U.S. corporate press have spent two weeks mocking as disinformation and a false conspiracy theory the claim that Ukraine has biological weapons labs, either alone or ...
Russia claims to have discovered Ukrainian Donbass attack plan

Russia claims to have discovered Ukrainian Donbass attack plan

AUTHOR     Secret Ukrainian documents allegedly captured by the Russian military seemingly prove that Kiev was planning a major offensive against the breakaway eastern Donbass regions, this month, which Moscow preempted with its own attack, Russia’s Ministry of Defense ...
U.S. Nailed to the Wall on Illicit Biological Weapons Labs in Ukraine

U.S. Nailed to the Wall on Illicit Biological Weapons Labs in Ukraine

Gilbert Doctorow A couple of days ago, when I presented a summary of the dramatic information and warnings conveyed in the latest televised briefing by the spokesman for the Russian military, Igor Konoshenkov, I received back from some readers the ...
Tucker: We are at war with Russia

Tucker: We are at war with Russia

Tucker Carlson   Tucker: We are at war with Russia Mar 7, 2022 Fox News   Fox News host reflects on the U.S. response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.' #FoxNews #Tucker Fox News' Tucker Carlson, ...
Putin Lays Out Demands To End War

Putin Lays Out Demands To End War

Putin Lays Out Demands To End War The Jimmy Dore Show Mar 8, 2022 There is very little question about what Vladimir Putin’s stated objectives are in invading Ukraine – he has made clear Russia’s demands in terms of Ukrainian ...
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